Marigot being punished because of politics – Edison James

 James believes the Marigot Hospital is not being treated with urgency
James believes the Marigot Hospital is not being treated with urgency

Former Prime Minister and MP for Marigot, Edison James, is of the opinion that the people of Marigot are being punished for political reasons.

He pointed to several areas which he said have been neglected by the government, chief among them: the Marigot Hospital which has been closed due to a severe termite infection.

“I can tell you that the community of Marigot is disappointed and to some extent very angry with respect to the state of the hospital at Marigot,” he said. “As I speak to you there is absolutely nothing going on down there. I was down at the hospital last night and there is nothing happening.”

He pointed to the North East Comprehensive School (NECS), which he said is still incomplete and not yet officially opened. He said the roads in the area are in a deplorable condition.

James is not impressed with the news that a temporary Accident and Emergency Unit (A&E) will be set up at the Marigot Hospital while it is being refurbished.

“No it is not good news at all,” he noted. “In the first place the hospital should not have been allowed to reach the stage that is has reached, and the other thing is that they are dragging their feet.”

He believes the matter is not being treated with the urgency it deserves.

James thinks that all of this has to do with politics.

“I think it is vindictive intention of the government to punish the people of the Marigot for not voting for them,” he said. “And they have an attitude of doing everything and blaming everybody except the government…”

He said the people of the area “can only take so much.”

“This government is pushing the people of the north east to a direction that is undesirable. When man takes so much man will do something about it,” James said.

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  1. Francisco Telemaque
    June 23, 2014

    N J June 23, 2014
    “matter of fact when uwp,came into power they met the money to construct the Castle bruce secondar school and the Grandbay secondary school ok,”

    I suppose you intended to say to say when the UWP came into power, they met the money left by the last Government; meaning the Dominica Freedom Party. With this revelation, you have shown the difference in mentality, of people who were better qualified to run the country, than what we have at this moment running the affairs of our country.

    The UWP under the leadership of Edison James did the correct thing: they did exactly what governments internationally does when they come into power. What that is; if they found a significant program in progress, their business is to continue that program which the former government left unfinished. One must give Edison the credit for not dismantling anything the former government left in place.

    Unlike the idiots of the Labor party, when they siege power, their first order of business was shutting down an International Airport that was in it first stages of development, the cost of construction was less than four ($400,000,000.00 hundred million dollars. What this government has done is; they spent the money the UWP left, plus more, hence they spent one half of a billion dollars, that is five hundred million dollars on Melville Hall Airport, they say to accommodate night landing, which has yet to attract midnight, and later landings. When I was a kid I sat at Melville Hall Airport with the first air traffic controller, and saw aircrafts land at 8:00 P. M. without landing lights, so what is the difference then an now?

    If only the Labor Party had followed the example of Edison James, Dominica would have an International Airport in operation, more than twenty years ago!

    Now they are running to China to look for money they say to build international airport: I am here to predict they are not going to get a single Dominica one cent from China to waste; because the Peoples Republic of China had already given the UWP money to invest in the construction of the International Airport this same Labor Party shut down! When people allow politics to take precedence over the good of the country, the result is always exactly what we have in Dominica at the moment.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  2. N J
    June 23, 2014

    matter of fact when uwp,came into power they met the money to construct the Castle bruce secondar school and the Grandbay secondary school ok, .The late dame mary .e.charles had the money to build theses schools but she got voted out ok so stop using thatb as a campaign tool

  3. Browne,C (Rastafari)
    June 23, 2014

    This is/was a State-run hospital, the villagers are NOT responsible for its maintenance, repair, operations or its security, the state is. 8-O. Same measure that the Gov is NOT responsible for the up-keeping of Ma Joe’s shop, get it? Poor people!

  4. Patriotic Dominican
    June 23, 2014

    Let’s all look at the bigger picture here, a hospital is closed which means the welfare and most importantly human life is at risk. Regardless if it’s skerro or eddo in power this dilemma should be addressed immediately. Let’s not play political games with human life.

  5. SIGH
    June 23, 2014

    but what MR ever did for his people that supported him for countless years… now its time for him to take a back seat and read his newspapers and drink black coffee he want to be significant and cry on behalf of the marigot people??? Edison James GO REST YOURSELF!!!

    • Francisco Telemaque
      June 23, 2014

      You are such an idiot!

      You are getting on James case, Edison James is a very educated man academically, what he will take with him in his head when he die, you will never learn. Anybody who commenced a sentence with lower case letters is an idiot, to crown it all you complete the crap you wrote with all capital letters.

      You have proven to be an ignorant idiot, so how can you talk about someone who is much better off than you are intelligently!

      Why don’t you just shut up!

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  6. still waterz
    June 23, 2014

    some people really stupid … blaming edison .. the airport is right there edison should not have to tell the government that they should fix the hospital…. if something was to happen @ that airport i hope allu know roseau hospital is an hr drive away and is only two ambulances that on hand.>>>FIX DE HOSPITAL!!!

  7. mujahardin
    June 22, 2014

    UWP has been out of office for over 14 years now. For years the DLP government neglected the maintenence of the Marigot hospital allowing it to be taken over by termites and other rodents. Dr. Christmas failed in his responsibility as director of primary health care, since the
    up keep and the general maintenance of the hospital was his direct responsibility. DLP supporters should be ashame to come here trying to blame Edison James for the incompetence of the DLP. Edison does not have to ask government to fix the hospital.

    • Anonymous.
      June 23, 2014

      For what ?
      So go beg.
      Paro nation.

  8. Sout Man
    June 22, 2014

    Hold up buddy; not so fast! Recently, Portsmouth and Grand Bay folks were ridiculed for supporting DLP for so long and getting nothing in return. La Plaine was scorned for having an incomplete playing field and nothing else to show. Kelver was accused of doing nothing for St. Joseph and Soufriere folks are furious. I could keep going but the point has been made.

    Marigot deserves a fully functional and modern hospital, both for its people and the flying public who use Melville Hall Airport. It’s easy for small minds to criticize everything as being vindictive and personal. But I see a government with limited resources, having a lot to do and cannot afford it. Marigot is fortunate to have good roads via the central forest reserve, via Portsmouth and yet another via the Kalinago Territory. The upgraded airport is in the Marigot constituency.

    Why is Hon. N. Prevost having so much done in his constituency? Hon. J. Timothy and Hon. A. George are not so lucky. Anyway, the Marigot Hospital deteriorated under Hon. Edison James’ watch and he never raised an issue. Was he too busy boycotting parliament or too ashamed to talk to the Minister for Health, his buddy, Hon. Julius Timothy, former Deputy Political Leader of the Divided Workers Party?

    • Gabriel St Jean
      June 22, 2014

      You have to be the dumbest individual on planet earth to post such a comment on DNO. So please if your address is Planet of the Apes then i do understand. “He who know’s not and knows not that he knows not”; must have gone to school in August nah!

      June 23, 2014


      June 23, 2014

      This is not true. Mr. James has always raised the issue. You must stop the hypocrisy.

    • Anonymous
      June 23, 2014

      Rediculous i really dont see y edison james has to go and talk to timothy to fix a state owned facility like a hospital are you kidding me!!! should he talk to timothy about princess margaret as well schmmm typical dominicanss

    • Francisco Telemaque
      June 23, 2014

      “But I see a government with limited resources, having a lot to do and cannot afford it. Marigot is fortunate to have good roads via the central forest reserve, via Portsmouth and yet another via the Kalinago Territory. The upgraded airport is in the Marigot constituency.” (Stout Man).

      I do not believe you are in Dominica, if you were; your sentiments as quoted above would be much different. You may be correct to suggest that government resources are limited, however; our government does not operate as a government with limited resources okay!

      Any government which spends half a billion dollars on what you term the upgrading of the Melville Hall Airport has proved the individual ministers in that government are totally incompetent; hence, we have a failed government.

      Anybody with commonsense would have used half of a billion dollars to build an new international airport; rather than spending it in such a wasteful manner on the advise of a foreigner who told this present Labor Party government that Dominica does not need an International Airport; nevertheless, the same advisor, in the person of Ralph Gonzales, after advising, Dominica Government, and made a total fool of the people we have in our government, went home to his island of St. Vincent, and build an International Airport for his nation.

      I do not get your concept, it is almost impossible to understand what you conveyed, but I will reiterate that the problem is not only the Roads in the village of Marigot. By now I am sure that you have heard that the hospital is closed, nevertheless, the Prime Minister of Dominica, prefers to give away five ($500,000.00) hundred thousand dollars to the richest religious organization in the world the Roman Catholic Church. One would imagine that the health of the people who that hospital was built to serve more than a hundred years ago would have taken precedence over political pandering.

      Not only that the Secondary School in Wesley built by the UWP more than fourteen years ago is incomplete, it was part of the International Airport project. No need to remind you that the International Airport was in the first phase of development when the Labor Party government shut it down, so to claim that they improve the airport, certainly should be out of the equation!

      A government must have priorities, and giving money to a so called bishop, in order to get him to promote a political party, and influence people to vote for that political party should not be one of the government priorities! I do not know what your intentions are; however, I can tell you the actions of our government is simply; and has always been conspicuous.

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  9. Pashtunwali
    June 22, 2014

    This politics thing is ruining DA. You know what the sad part is? When Skerrit and his gang leaves then it’s upon the new administration to undo the wrongs!

    Places that benefit public welfare SHOULD NOT be a part of this ” dirty politics” in DA. Another example is the stretch of road passing through Marigot leading to the airport…

  10. skerro
    June 22, 2014

    boss wait your turn, I have to fix posse, penville and vielle case first then morne a Louis and picard…. SO WAIT YOUR TURN.

    people doing a if is Edison that will suffer, boy Dominicans stupid

  11. June 22, 2014

    What did he donfor Msrigot or Dominica on the whole
    I would crawlin a hole if I was him. As the rep how comes he failrd to see the state of the hospita l the stop blaiming others you were crap as a leader that is why you was voted out. Sonpa la

    • Anonymous
      June 23, 2014

      hmmm who ever you are if you dont have any knowledge of the country please hush and refrain from this discussion are u sick or something how u mean what has he done the 4 and half years they stayed there they did what they could schools were build,roads were build,complexes were built u want more skerrit have been there for almost 3 damm terms and he gave what stadium,state palace and princess margaret falling apart when al u not there just hush cause al u diaspora people there dont have a damm clue what we going through under roosvelt skeritt administration al u dominicans to damm byass and al u must wake up and realise what the hell is going on around al u and al u country

  12. Face the Facts
    June 22, 2014

    Some politicians and some others are something else. These act as if they are unhappy people who lack peace. I do think you are. Everything for them is politics as they stir up trouble. They cannot comment without bringing politics into it or making connotations to that effect. Poor you. You breathe, eat, sleep, talk, stand up, sit down, walk and lie down politics, in it.
    Everything the PM does, they put politics in it. Whatever they accuse him of, they put politics in it. Oh my! You are really on his back and for what. Envy? It appears that “politics” is the only word they know.
    When you hate someone, you really hate that person. Nothing good the person does is enough and good enough for you. There are those who hate others because they do not support the Party they support. If they disagree with them, they even insult them . This is not acting in godliness. You are giving D/ca, yourselves and other nationals a bad name and reputation.
    Those who especially call themselves Christians and are practicing ones, the Lord is taking note. I feel sorry for such people who act in that manner and on this Website.
    Some people do not like to hear and read the facts, the truth of the matter but it must be told. Hopefully they will change their attitude for their benefit, that of their country and nationals.

  13. Anonymous
    June 21, 2014

    Are they not paying people to do mentainance at the hospital?
    does the primeminister has to leave his office to go check on
    marigot hospital?
    Marigot people neglected thair hospital they should have seen
    the signs and take action long ago had the infestation been reported before it escalated
    werent the roads the same when eddie was pm

    • really!!!!!!!
      June 23, 2014

      “Marigot people neglected thair hospital they should have seen
      the signs and take action long ago had the infestation been reported before it escalated werent the roads the same when eddie was pm”

      Are you for real? First of all if you understood how government opperates in this small island your statement would not have been made. Then again, some people have no sense of objectivity. The people of Marigot pay taxes, which pay the salaries of public officers and politicians to do the work of the constituency and the country as a whole. However, we know that this goverment lead by the Labour Party has marginalized even the areas which they consider their safe areas let alone Marigot.

      So no matter how much Eddison begs or pleads nothing would have been done.

      Now how about my cousin Martin Christmas who has been paid as director of Primary Health Care to oversea our Primary Health Care system which includes, yes the Marigot Hospital? Does he have any blame to bear here for his failure or incompetence? Or was it deliberate?? Hmmmmm….

  14. charlo
    June 21, 2014

    people of the north of dominica u have power in your hands marigot is not only the north part people skerit cannot jail all of the northen villages /stop leting politics a crab treat the villages in such a way if the airport is important;bring a stop to all that which is to go out or in by air put your selves together and bring the change to the whole country it must start somewhere before election comes enough is enough.take the bull by the horn thats the way out all of the i havent made any comment since sorry;.please give me a break to make my point it doesnt matter how many times i have said byus people.

    • Preacher
      June 23, 2014

      I wonder who is the pal rep for marigot these are the sort of things he should have been bringing to the attention of the government .
      The man is busy planting ginger and boycotting palament he have no time to speak up for marigot
      Stop blaming the gov’t and do what a pal rep suppose to do

  15. Janice
    June 21, 2014

    Who is the Parl Rep? One would have thought that was the reason why these people are elected! To articulate the needs of their constituents. If they cannot represent their community they need to clear the way for those who can. Stop politicizing community’s needs. If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem!

    • Anonymous
      June 23, 2014

      We’ll said!

    • really!!!!!!!
      June 24, 2014

      Well, please tell me how much can Eddison or any opposition MP get done when the PM holds the purse. (He decides what is prioroty) There have been numerous calls for attention to be given to that hospital by mr James and others from the village for years…what has happened?

      Remember the Small Business Incubator that Mr Prevost has been advocating for for Roseau… Tell me what happened to that?

      Remember that Mr Hector John and the Salisbury farmers have been calling for the repairs to the roads in that constituency… after foureen years tell me what has happened?

      So you see it all comes back to Mr Skerrit and the Labour Government. They control the spending of our tax dollars. They decide what is priority. (apparently the hospital in Marigot is not)

  16. Notdootish
    June 21, 2014

    I don’t care, just fix the hospital already. I am not from Marigot, but I love people. It is one island, one people. I am Dominica, are you?

    June 21, 2014

    Assuming the regulations were that the airlines would only land if the authorities have an approved medical facility in close proximity to the airport, then our Marigot Hospital would be up to standard. And of course flights with overseas voters would be no problem.

  18. mm
    June 21, 2014

    It is time for the people of Marigot to take a stand they started the hospital without help, ask Ma Boger, its time for all Marigotians to contribute and do it again, this government with its politics will not do it, all nationals at home and abroad should try to contribute, we did it for May fest reunion repairs was done it was painted. Let us show them what we can do when we are you united. May god guide and protect us in Marigot , have his light shine on us always.

    • listener
      June 23, 2014

      @ MM did I hear you ask for contribution from home and abroad? well alyou have gotts , their contribution is welcome but their vote is illegal, in other words you are saying to the ppl in the diaspora give all you can give , do all you can do but on election day don’t around , shame on you.

    • sasha
      June 23, 2014

      well i am a from marigot who lives in the us, and i fully agree with you on that comment we are the people we are the voice, and we can do it if we put our minds and money together,my mom and two sisters use to work at that same hospital, i have been treated there when i was a child, and i do agree that we need to come together as one and donate and forget about politics and fix it and any other things needed to be done to our village.

  19. mm
    June 21, 2014

    True say but god is good, Marigot people will rise and prosper.

  20. Anonymous
    June 21, 2014

    UWP was too nice when they were in power .you should have done more work in the constituencies you won in and do little where you lost.. Now look at what Labour is doing . Then again UWP wasn’t for some they were for all. As I always say time will tell.

  21. bel
    June 21, 2014

    Well when things go wrong we point fingers on others. I disagree with Mr. James because he is the Pal rep. he should pay more attention to his constituency. The termites was there for awhile to do such damage to the hosiptal so don’t put politics in this matter.

  22. HELP
    June 21, 2014

    Mr. James, the only thing I have to say, is that just as Ms. Charles asked Predsident Regan to intervene in Grenada, you all must ask them for help with what is going on in Dominca. Last week they were looking at people in St. Kitts who had band accounts and other assests that did not match their salaries, I am sure that there are a lot of those in Dominica. Ask for help.

  23. young Dominican girl
    June 21, 2014

    WhEn U Had THe Chance U Did Nothing And U Were The Pm SO Why U Talking Now Edison James

  24. June 21, 2014

    Roosevelt is not doing much for Vieille Case either. The Post Office building is just sitting in DISGUST, and the post office is in a room at the HEALTH CENTER. For crying out loud, a Health Center should be a Health Center and a Post Office should be just that too.

    My point is, if he is not doing anything for his Village do you think he will care much about yours?

    Furthermore, if it is all political, let us just say your votes are secure in your Village and his votes are secure in his Village; therefore, WHO CARES.

  25. Androcles
    June 21, 2014

    In 2011 Mr Skerritt came to Marigot and promise to fix the Fine Grass and Overgutter Road. Within that same period he gave checks of hundreds of thousands of dollars to other village councils. To date neither road was fixed and everywhere Skerritt spent his hundred thousands dollars the poverty has increased. Marigot people leave Skerritt and his bread of sorrow money alone. It will impoverish the village as others. Keep voting your conscience and your beliefs. All those Marigot people posting their negativity about Mr James are the same labourites of the village who say Mr James was not supposed to do work in labour constituencies.

  26. # Dominican.#
    June 21, 2014

    L. M.A. O. The kettle telling the pot it B.S. black. Some of us are so wicked we cannot see or reason in a balance manner. When will we learn that a country divided amongst it self will never prosper win , loose, or ,draw, Dominica is our to develop. But its a waste of time reminding some. Cause you cannot fix stupid”. Who the cap fit wear it!

  27. VEX
    June 21, 2014

    What we fail to understand Eddison is a member of Government as a representative for the Marigot constituency. He should be a shame to allow the hospital in his community to deteriorate to that level, and then come a few years later and blame the Government. He is the Government don’t let him fool you all. The opposition is part of the Government only now shame on you.

  28. DA WOMAN
    June 21, 2014

    Look who is talking Eddison have been representing Marigot for 19 years……………. and only this year an election year he is seeing all the problems his community. He was PM for 4 and 1/2 years………….. and what did he do for his people nothing. All these years he is sitting out of parliament what contribution have he made but do some nonsense demonstrations Marigot needs better representation. This time around I hope my people wake up.

  29. @ Dom-In A-Can
    June 21, 2014

    Dom-in-a-can in the US should rephrase :While I am neither Blue, Green nor red since moving to the USA am red,white and blue.

  30. disgusting
    June 21, 2014

    what is Caribbean integration?i is Dominica thousand miles from the other island that the political classes are not aware of the reality ON THE GROUND IN DOMINICA? i do not have to spell it out.
    ROOSEVELT SKERRIT is becoming chairman of O E C S are the other members willing to RUN their country in the condition our is being run? what is going to be his advice to the other priministers look at me become like me oppress your people? try to stay in office as long as possible,?appoint a present,a man that is responsible for the closing down of brezze mart, so many faults to blog about

  31. Peeping Tom
    June 21, 2014

    Eddison James: “This government is pushing the people of the north east to a direction that is undesirable. When man takes so much man will do something about it”.

    Nothing new here. This is more of the same divisive, confrontational, and irresponsible rhetoric coming from the UWPwee. The UWPwee was born out of confrontation and hate and cannot divorce itself from confrontation and hate. Luckily for Dominica, only a loud minority is listening to such garbage.

  32. playboy
    June 21, 2014

    To me, dem is FIGHTING words, Mr. former Prime Minister.

  33. girl
    June 21, 2014

    @dorival john. It did not just start to decade, it has been in this condition before thd DLP came in power fool so shut your ass. Is not me that have you barking like my pitbull. Ask you all self a question now james seeing those issues give me a break.

  34. IFF I WUZ
    June 21, 2014

    Parry, I would tell the Prime Minister to put politics in the garbage bin and for the sake of the Marigot people and Dominicans by extension, please repair the Marigot Hospital immediately. No aircraft will land at Melville Hall airport if the ambulance and fire services are not readily available, therefore, it should be the same if their is no operational hospital in that area.

  35. June 21, 2014

    As an ex-Prime Minister, it sounds foolish and childish, of a grown man like Mr. James, to speak that garbage above. But reading from him in the past, since I came on here, 4 years ago–I am not surprised at this one.

    First of all, that man has been a member of parliament for the opposing government up the late 2013; he had the privilege to pressure the ruling government on behalf of development in his own ridding–but all I kept reading was that he and his counterparts–the three–had boycotted, this, that, and the other assembly in parliament.

    To think that this man is saying: “I was down at the hospital last night and there is nothing happening.” and you people are justifying that kind of statement–it is appalling! What took him so long?

    If Mr. James and his men and women ruled Dominica for 5 years, his riding was “Marigot” within that time, as the Primary leader, he could have given his people the best of whatever was needed. Marigot and her people would have very little or nothing to complain about–up to this day; much more for the fact that he was elected and still represented them up to 2013.

    The man still had the privilege to speak for his people and his village, for all of those years–but nothing was done. How can he be speaking about “vindictive intention” now, when he did nothing when he had all the power and authority to do so?

    The problem is that you people continue to be as blind as political bats–your minds are closed to wisdom and understanding. You have no capability of thinking for yourself, but you all continue to think wise in your own eyes –you do not know that all you do is to imitate someone else’s futile thoughts in attitude and conducts.

    That is the “change” that needs to happen in Dominica–it the cleansing and reforming of the minds of Dominicans–if you people will not acknowledge that truth and to allow its process to come forth in you, you will remain in your calamity of existence, there is no human savior that will be able to rescue you–for that calamity is in your minds; not in the physical existence and even the works of our Nation and its authority. For God is with Dominica and God cannot fail, neither will Dominica and His people there, who maintain reverend fear in Him.

    Let those who have ears hear what the Spirit is saying.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      June 25, 2014

      lizavier4jesus June 21, 2014
      “As an ex-Prime Minister, it sounds foolish and childish,”

      Elizabeth Xavier, if you ever attack Edison James again you will hear from me. Just in case you do not know; let it be known as of now, you are attacking my cousin, and indeed he is a biological cousin. If you say anything nasty about him, I will be on your doorstep ringing your door bell, and I will make you pay dearly for your attack.

      And mind you after I make you pay, I will drink your beer, and eat your food, and then take off to Los Angeles. I know by the time you read this, I am going to get all kinds of E-mail from you calling me all kinds of nasty names, but I will not respond to a single one of them.

      And by the way, you don’t know when I will show up, cause you do not know whether or not I am in Canada right this moment. So, you can start peeping out the same window right now oui!


      Mind your manners where it pertains to any of my relatives; whenever you cross the line, you have to deal with me.

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  36. fill
    June 20, 2014

    Well every worker at the hospital should take the blame for what happened. Where was maintainance to see every thing was ok. The government knows only when a report has been made then they respond. This termite was there for a very long time to cause the shutting down of the hospital. The workers the director of the hospital and the parliament representative should take full responsible for what happened.

  37. Gabriel St Jean
    June 20, 2014

    When the Hon. Pierre Charles said that “some of us wear our ignorance like a badge of honor” that statement could not have been further from the truth. The comments of some of our readers clearly displays why the world is so up-sided down; an probably it was meant to be and indicative of the expression of the beginning of the end. Alas we are so clouded and blind that we can’t see beyond our nose tips. Are we saying that a PM who spends millions improving the surroundings of his own constituency is a better PM than one who seeks to improve the lively hood of every constituency? Little wonder we are whom we are; the laughing stock of the entire Caribbean, if not the world by extension. Enough is enough Heavenly Father; liberate us from Mental Slavery imposed upon us by a few arrogant; ignorant so called educated few.

  38. in the system
    June 20, 2014

    the condition of the marigot hospital began deteriorating 4 years ago,times before tht the hospital was at its pick,there was a state of the art X-ray machine, ECG machine and labour i said the condition began going downhill 4 years ago,letters upon letters have been written to the minister of health and to the ps of health ever since the first termite was seen, the hospital was fumigated several times upon insistence by the staff,this is not a time to play politics although when a meeting was held with health officials recently staff was treated with blatant disrespect by the PS herself claiming she was not informed of the situation,when many many letters were sent to her informing her office of the situation,everyone is trying to remove themselves. as far now that the A&E dept is in wesley everything is not all good as they make us believe, lights were gone the other day n nurses were seeing patients with flashlights, one tiny room for all types of emergencies, no delivery room for pregnant mothers,transfer to roseau they say but what if they dont make it to town? 2 weeks ago a baby was delivered in belles. talk about real development not political biasness.

  39. sick
    June 20, 2014

    Me. James should be going to parliament to bring up these issues not the peoples parliament

  40. AS - IS
    June 20, 2014

    Don’t try that sir, I from Marigot. Don’t put us in your nonsense you failed us. We not going down that route with you sorry.

  41. Free
    June 20, 2014

    Labour items grow up. This government has failed miserably and that’s a fact….Edison is not in power stop blaming him. If u wanted to blame him then u should have made him pmmagain..15 years this Labour Party has been in government and the don’t seem to know their head from their toes. It’s gimme the go and let ppl who have Dominicans interest at heart govern.

  42. The Truth
    June 20, 2014

    To you critics…Mr James is a statesman compared to Skerrit…First of all he only HAD ONE TERM (41/2 YEARS) in office AS OPPOSED TO 14 1/2 FOR LABOUR.
    Castle Bruce Secondary School
    GRAND BAY Secondary
    North East Comprehensive
    Major extensions to Portsmouth Secondary
    La Plaine Secondary was next but it never happened


    Delices/Petite Savanne
    Warner Road

    World Creole Festival the biggest income generating event in Dominica Today.

    All lands were acquired and some money was already identified.
    Edison James was the Prime Minister of DOMINICA
    Unlike The PM whose MOTTO is “ALL SHALL IF YOU ARE LABOUR”

    Edison James has every right to talk anytime because he did more in his time and had more long term economic impact than Skerrit did in 14 years.
    NO ONE CAN CHALLENGE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. jah
    June 20, 2014

    The UWP is a party that has no vision and a concrete plan to deliver to the Dominican electorate. I read all their statement and post both on DNO and on Facebook. Dominica maybe need change, all you guys not yet ready. The UWP political platform is Blame game, propaganda after propaganda. Inspiration speeches with no creditable and adequate numbers and money to deliver those promises. MR JAMES was elected to represent the people od Marigot. He was hired to do a Job and has failed to delivered on his promises. It doesn’t matter who is in power, as a representative of a constituency your job is to sit at the table with the PM and his cabinet and make deals to bring development to your people and your constituency. Mr James you have sat their for 14 years , got paid and you have failed to advocate on the behave of the people of Marigot. The PM duty is to help all of Dominica and put in place opportunities for Dominicans to better help themselves. However as an elected member of parliament and a representative of the people of Marigot the blame on the lack of development and opportunities for the Marigot people falls on you Sir. DOREEN Paul was a parliament representative of the UWP under your leadership and she didn’t do anything for the St Joseph constituency. I didn’t blame you , I blame Mrs Paul because she should have gotten the right funds for hwr constituency and allocated in an organic way. On the other hand Earl Williams was the parliament representative for” S” and in my opinion he did a terrific job for the people of his constituency and got employment for a lot people of his constituency. So Mr James start doing the job that you are paid to do and stop the blaming game. Dominican electorate tired with all you pointing fingers at the other party and wants team Dominica to show them some actions or campaign on all you own resume and successes instead of that amateur politics all you have going on. By the way I think lenox is a joke on that team. So many serious men and well educated man on team Dominica is Lennox all you find to put to lead team Dominica. UWP need political advisement, because all of all you political agenda so far is a disaster.

  44. Cops @Robbers
    June 20, 2014

    And some people in the North East have the gal to support LAY BORE. Even Roseau hospital that have wood ants walking on sick people. Ask the X commissioner from mahaut. What a shame.

  45. Anonymous
    June 20, 2014

    Labour power sorry marigot ask Lenox

  46. Native
    June 20, 2014

    U spend ur time as opposition leader boycotting parliament u should be in there asking for things for marigot. U choose boycotting live with that.

  47. June 20, 2014

    That is the type of politic practice in dominica for years.protest action set a date let us get on the move now.

  48. real possie
    June 20, 2014

    But hold on who is the pal rep for Marigot again? Edo what you just said there should have been directed to you not the government, what about the land issue they had up there? to this day you never open your mouth on that, Marigot only have themselves to blame for tat cause for to long they had no representation even when you were in power you did nothing for them but I hope the change you all calling for starts in Marigot and end up in Spraggs feet.

  49. fools
    June 20, 2014

    DNO, why do you never see the need to moderat comment. but thats what you do best for so long i post

    • Justice and Truth
      June 22, 2014

      Those who comment about the truth are not appreciated. Especially if they support DLP and speak in favour of the PM, their comments are also held back and for a few days.
      Talk about preferential treatment. Those who write a lot of crap and insult others are the ones whose comments get precedence. Their comments are posted before others, especially if the latter support DLP and speak in favour of the PM.
      I love to repeat these words of wisdom which my mother loved saying, as I recall as a child, “God is good. Tomorrow is not yours. Patience and time you will see a lot happen” I will add, “You will hear.” Indeed He is. What a consolation!

  50. June 20, 2014

    Mr James this is so true, they gave half a million dollars to the catholic church, the richest denomination in the world, and neglected the closest hospital to the airport, this is really political, it does not take a rocket scientist to she that, what they need to realize the longest rope has an end, just a matter of time

    The very same way they are treating the children applying to go and study outside DA whose parents are not supporting their government

    • Face the Facts
      June 20, 2014

      Be careful of your words and generalizing. Which Catholic Church in D/ca is rich? How much it receives in alms giving and donation on Sundays and other days? Every parish takes care of itself. You seem to forget that it has internal, various expenses. One day those who speak evil ad criticize it against the Catholic Church will pay for it.

      June 21, 2014

      @Jones, I bet you would have done the same with the children that apply to go and study.

    June 20, 2014

    Mr. James I feel the disappointment of every resident of Marigot and its’ environs. This is unbelievable and if Skreet intended to score cheap political favour from this. He has something coming his way. He has convinced himself that he will win by flying in Dominicans from the diaspora to vote but I hope that every single flight will be cancelled and not one will be able to travel. They will arrive if only that Dominican paid his or her flight in. I hope the Bishop tells him to be careful. He must be very careful. Judgement day is coming.

    • Face the Facts
      June 20, 2014

      Everyone will be judged according to their sins. God knows the sins of everyone and what type of sins they commit. It will be God and God alone who will judge them according to their deeds. It is not for you to judge. You see and interpret these things only on earthly terms. Who knows how you will be judged? God is impartial. May everyone think of their sins and judgment and not of others. Ensure you will not be left behind and miss the boat of salvation,
      Blessed are the compassionate and merciful for they shall see the Lord. God loves a cheerful giver. Woe to those who object to generosity.

  52. girl
    June 20, 2014

    Mr james and I quote the hosspital should not have reach the way it reach! Your words. So why did you not fix it whilst you were in power you were the PM and the government in power, not the oppostion. So shut . You want the PM to do what u should have done. Oh please. DLP is in power, DLP will remain in power and DLP right now have to look for the ppl who put them there, what marigot ppl.

    • Dorival John
      June 20, 2014

      Are you an idiot? Mr. James was PM almost two decades ago. At that time the Marigot Hospital was never in that shape it is.

      Even if he had fixed it so long ago, the current government would still have let it run into disrepair as we can now see.

      • A Doubting Thomas
        June 20, 2014

        So how come Mr. James didn’t know the hospital had wood ants?

        Who is the Parliamentary Representative for Marigot? Did he visit the patients in his constituency?

        I believe he should be one of the first people to know the condition of the hospital and report back to parliament.

        Is he telling us the PM should have seen the first sign of the wood ants?

        Is Mr. James going to be the UWP Candidate for Marigot and is changing his mind about retirement? Sounds so to me, because this is the first comment I have heard from him since the hospital was forced to close it doors.

        Mr. James should have called the exterminators before it came to that. I would expect nothing less from a Parl Rep.

      • girl
        June 21, 2014

        @dorival john. It did not just start to decade, it has been in this condition before thd DLP came in power fool so shut your ass. Is not me that have you barking like my pitbull

      • Peeping Tom
        June 21, 2014

        How would Dorival John, and all the aliases that goes along with this handle, know in what state the Marigot hospital was “almost two decades ago?”

      • Anonymous
        June 21, 2014

        Mr James is in opposition for almost two decades now, why only now – why didn’t he attend Parliament meetings where he is supposed to have been addressing these issues.

      • Anonymous
        June 21, 2014

        Uwp operative that are in key positions have a way of trying to sabotage everything the government try to do just to make them look bad but it is only the country that they are hurting but their supporters like it like that. But it is not the leaders of the party that will suffer most but the ordinary followers.

      • Justice and Truth
        June 21, 2014

        Dorival John, you must cease calling your fellow people or anyone else for that matter, idiot. Whom do you think you are? Why are you calling those whom you disagree with idiot? They do not deserve your insult. How would you like those who disagree with you to call you idiot? I bet you would not appreciate it. The Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you have them do unto you.”
        Those whom you disagree with, you think “girl” is more of an idiot than you are? Well, in this case, if you think she is one, it takes one as you to know one. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted:
        She commented and obviously knows about what she stated. Are you from Marigot and familiar with the Marigot hospital from those years she mentioned to today?
        You have more confidence in James of ten years ago than you have with the current PM. James Party was not voted in after those years of his tenure as PM. which means he was not elected as PM.
        All D/can residents and those who reside abroad know about his unsatisfactory performance as PM, putting it mildly. This is why it is said that he, of all people should not criticize the PM. He is another one doing his utmost to debase him. God is good and patient!
        How do you know that the current government would still let the hospital run into disrepair from ten years ago? I can tell you, you are the idiot. You do not put on your thinking cap before commenting.
        Be amicable to those who comment on this Website. Have respect for them and accord them their due rights and dignity. You must learn these godly and humane traits which it appears you lack, in order to communicate also intelligently with your fellow people wherever they reside..

    • AAA
      June 20, 2014

      Girl … Must I remind you that Mr James has been out of power for the past 14 years. Girl must I remind you that the people of Grandbay did not vote for the UWP and he built the school so the children of that area would not have to travel to Roseau. We the people of Dominica must learn to put the citizen first. The present government has done nothing for the people of Marigot. The government is for all the people not for some people that voted for the DLP. How can some one hold the UWP for what has been done to the Marigot hospital ? This is what happens when we the people refused to hold our leaders accountable . Look at the condition of the lion road. That’s the only road that the emergency crew can used in case of an emergency at the Melville Hall Airport. The visited that area in 2008 and made a promise to Mr James that the road would have been repaired we are in 2014 and yet nothing has been done. Dominicans all I have to say Marigot people are not the only one that utilize the airport and the hospital. Wait until another plane goes down in the mountains like cardinals airlines did a few years ago. We all know not a single passenger on that plane was from Marigot and we all know that the rescue crew had major problems getting to the crash site due to the condition of the lion road. I guess the government of Dominica will rely on the farmers of that area to used their 4 wheel drive pick up trucks to transport the injured and the dead to the Wesley health center.

      • sasha
        June 23, 2014

        i firmly agree with you, that incident of the cardinal airline was suppose to be a wake up call, i can never forget that horrible day, we the villagers could not even drive up that road to the mountain to help out, and they still had not done anything about that road? smh.

    • *******************
      June 20, 2014

      @girl It’s only one under the influence of drugs that can write so much crap. A hospital has to be priority to any sitting government. Are you losing your mind? You must indeed be a PARO!
      Mr James is dead on the button.

    • Anonymous
      June 21, 2014

      Hey idiot, you can’t neglect the people because they didn’t vote for you. What about the other villages that did vote for them. I’m sure marigot is not 100% UWP.

    • June 21, 2014

      I thought he was the PM for the ENTIRE Island. Apparently, according to you, he ONLY represent PARTS of the Island and not ALL. God be with you, all.

    • Notdootish
      June 21, 2014

      Not divided but united. One people right?

    • FORKIT
      June 22, 2014


  53. Dominican for sure
    June 20, 2014

    Mr. James am from the North-east and as the Pal rep for Marigot I am holding you accountable for the state the hospital. If you were on the ground and liasing with the people and services in your Constituency you would know the condition the hospital was in. It took the Government to make this public with their announcement that the hospital is closing due to termite infestation. Where were you? Its time you take responsible for a lack of representation too. It would have looked much better for you, if you were the one to have brought this to the front. Secondly, why because of Politics you thing the Government would want to punish Marigot. I think this is a petty and vindictive statement from a senior politician and form PM. You are well aware as a former PM, that you can always do everything, everywhere in every sector; and even if you do everything, everywhere and in every sector, some will still cry and say nothing is being done. As a senior(retired Politican) should not get so petty and childish.. we need to rise above that level of politics and be more responsible as a nation. Instead talk about the effects on the life of the People of the north-east and chance we taking; having night-land, etc at Melville hall without a proper functioning hospital. The tempory A&E maybe a short-term measure, but it should be in operation since yesterday(so, its long overdue).

    • June 20, 2014

      I endorse this message well said now he want to blame governmenment poor representation on his part

    • BEB
      June 20, 2014

      I agree with u 100%. Mr. James was the Parl. Rep. for Marigot
      why should he allow this to reach that far, he should be the first to know about that situation. How can he expect the ministers sitting in their offices in Roseau to know about it. There are juanitors or hospital coordinators , they should have reported the matter to Mr. James and then, he in turn should report it to the minister responsible, then a team of ministers with the P.M would visit the site to do an on the ground investigation but he was shirking his responsibilities and going all the country doing people’s parliament . He should take care of his business.

    • Free
      June 20, 2014

      How u expected him to do anything about it when this incompetent government and biased speaker don’t allow them to properly represent the peoples interest in oaliarment

    • dominicanass
      June 20, 2014

      @ dominican for sure your an idiot edison was PM almost 20yrs ago

      • sasha
        June 23, 2014

        lmao>>>>>>>>>>why is very one on this site calling each other idiot,lol, take a look, a real long look, i have been reading these comments, and every one is calling each others name but no of you are trying to help contribute to nothing going on in your villages or country to help the situation everyone on here is blaming someone else, but what are you, each individual are doing to help out to make your country a better place to live, lets not be like other countries like the u.s who focus on politics and government and end up divided and mislead because of the lack of knowledge. dominicans are a people, the government do not make us we make the government, so please please let us come together and unit instead of fighting and calling our fellow country brothers and sisters names, and use this site to come up with helpful ways to improve our country, raise funds, maybe rally on the behalf of things not being done, write the PM letter, something instead of this, lets be constructive instead of being destructive of each other, build each other instead of breaking down our selves, because when you rott on one dominican you rott on all. so if you are a domincan you are basically rotting on your

    • >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
      June 20, 2014

      @dominican for sure This is ‘Animal Show’ politics. Such garbage is not tolertated here. Go bring this balderdash to the Animal Show. Honourable Janmes is right, and i support him fully.

    • icepop
      June 20, 2014

      Dominican you cannot be for sure! WHAT A SHAME! So rather BLAME Mr. James for that . ah maguesay- well lets start to blame – what about the doctors, and the nurses, and the other workers and the village council and the ordinary citizen? so is James along that could see and to talk about it? boy I tell you but I not surprise because the PMH not plenty better of nuh; ceiling in maternity ward falling apart; general condition around most of the wards are deplorable – so lets blame Danny Lugay and lets blame everybody else but the people responsible -. people get up from your slumber – the PM dish out 500,000 to give to the church just so – no parliamentary approval -no budgetary allocation; while the records show that the Marigot Hospital repairs is awaiting parliamentary and budgetary allocation and that has been pending for years; but blame that on Mr. James too – You have a whole Minister of Health and a whole Minister of Finance but blame on Eddison James; or if not according to the song blame it on the rain or better yet blame it on climate change just make sure we do not blame it on the PM and the Government. Pathetic isn’t it!

    • i love cow meat too!
      June 20, 2014

      I agree with you is not hide and seek he and spaggs and all the others playing for the past 10 years. He just don’t want to tell the marigot people that he fail them by boycotting the House when hundreds of millions were being spent in his constituency. at the expansion of the airport and the rehabilitation of the road he should have been in there pushing for his mordern state of the art hospital but just letting him know skerro will do it and the International airport will still be in the north east and marigot will go places under Dr. Christmas a man with a plan a vision and knows what he wants for his children in the future. By the way Mr. James you and athie are such good boys tell him its high time he start creating jobs with the bottling plant instead of sitting around the successful geothermal plant and cut onion near his eyes so it can get teary

    • Peeping Tom
      June 21, 2014

      Mr. James cannot help himself but to be “petty”. It is in his DNA. Don’t take my word for it, ask anyone who sat in a class with Eddison James. They will tell you that he was intelligent but petty and hyper sensitive, always thinking that someone is out for him.

      This DNA imprint has been infused into the UWPwee’s psyche and strategies. If you look at the politics of the UWPwee since its creation, it is all about pettiness and personalisation of every issue. Look at the types of issues that they take on. Look at how most of the party’s leaders are always telling a certain type of public (poor, women, kalinago, rasta, etc) that Skerrit hates them, that i spunish Serrit wants to punish them, etc. These staregies are not new for the UWPwee. So, Eddison and the UWPwee cannot help but be petty, divisive, and paranoid.

      Well, do we still wonder at Eddison’s pick of the current UWPwee leader? One of Dominica’s leading conspiracy theorists is Linton himself. Are we surprised by this choice? This “TEam Dominica” is more of the same….a waste of time.

      June 21, 2014

      This comment you made is unfortunate and lack reasoning. Lord help us.

    • June 21, 2014

      You have a point. When Eddison was PM the Hospital was not in that capacity because it was newly renovated; however, as a representative of that Village, he, Eddison, should NOT have allowed the Hospital to deteriorate to the point of closure.

      I say, SHAME on BOTH COUNTS.

    • mujahardin
      June 22, 2014

      The extent to which you are deceived is astounding. It’s heat rending to read your line of reasoning. You clearly live in the deceptive world of Philsbert Aaron and Tony Astaphan. Please read 2Thes. 2:10-17. Trust me it will save your life and free you from chains of lies and deception used by Aaron and Astaphan to tie up your mind. Are you aware that Aaron and Tony are agents of Satan? Never forget their belief that truth has no place in politics. The bible tell us that Satan is the father of lies, so all practicing liars are children of Satan.

  54. alphonsia davis
    June 20, 2014

    Well said Mr James. We the people of marigot are ready for action. Dominica belongs to us too. Not only Skerritt and his gang.

  55. Oh Yes
    June 20, 2014

    I cannot agree more. Lack of respect for the people of Marigot. No one has been held accountable foe the closure of the primary health institution in the north east of the island. The Health Minister should account for this lack of basic maintenance. Can you image a government which has the fiduciary responsibility for taking care of ALL it’s people being so negligent? It’s people’s health for crying out loud!

  56. yamilka davis
    June 20, 2014

    how come you did not see these things to be done at the hospital when you were in power? were you blind? did you do any changes or upgrade for the hospital when you were there? no, you did not. why now you’re angry that the government is doing their best to upgrade it and not fast enough for you? give me a break.

    • FORKIT
      June 22, 2014

      I bet after 14 years after you built your house you did a lot of repairs to it…. idiot de man was de prime minister over 14 years ago….

  57. Michelle
    June 20, 2014

    In my opinion, I have to agree to the above comment made by Mr James. No matter what politics always plays a role in a country. If you for a party, that party paves brand new ways for it’s supporters and where they live, if you against then crapo smoke your pipe. Govt elected is Govt for all and all land in the country.

  58. fools
    June 20, 2014

    Mr james you are just playing politics because you see DLP has a good chance on wining Marigot, it’s time to stop you games the people of Marigot wants change and you will do all you can to stop it!

    grow up !

    • Free
      June 20, 2014

      What stone did u crawl out from under?

    • Anonymous
      June 20, 2014


  59. fools
    June 20, 2014

    you did northing for your people mr james, so stop all that talk!

      June 21, 2014

      You are the same person commenting all the time. You keep changing your profile to make it look like a different person. Try to reason. This is not a blame game. Make a more sensible appeal. I wonder what is your level of education. You make me sick.

  60. Anonymous
    June 20, 2014

    Mr. James you had all the opportunity to represent the people in Parliament but opted not to do so. This was the ideal opportunity to show your constituents that you are working on their behalf. Don’t come and use this situation as political mileage now.

  61. wooty
    June 20, 2014

    But but ,,mister is a sick man..he stay in power 5 yrs wat he do for marigot?not a ting,,wen for him to go parlaiment an ask for tings he boycotting ,,wat has he ask for for marigot ,,he make his own parlaiment still he dho gve marigot noting,,let marigot an salsbury pple stay there workers an see if day wouldent finish last,,village without pal rep in office cant get noting..all wat labour giving let dem listen to lenox an dem dat dho hav noting to offer dem,,,

      June 21, 2014

      This is unfortnunate.

    • June 21, 2014

      So what is your explanation for Skerrit and DLP Govt in office for 14 years and no maintenance was done and do you know that Portsmouth hospital is also lacking maintenance so why don’t you deal with that.

  62. CRY CRY
    June 20, 2014

    SHAME, shame shame , you have failed your constituency like a exam! Why are you crying? When was the last time you sat in the Parliament? Why did the people of Marigot elected you? You are the one who is solely to blame for the conditions that exists in your constituency . The people elected you as their Pal Rep to work on their behalf! You have a job to do, instead you choose another path, now you have the odes city to pass the buck! If an employee doesn’t show up for work he/she is FIRED. Can you at least stop the cry baby stuff and own up to your responsibility

      June 21, 2014

      You are disgusting. Sick

    • Justice and Truth
      June 21, 2014

      Yes! As the saying, give him Hell for he is unfair to the PM. As one who represents the people of Marigot, he should be ashamed of himself to make such comments against the PM.
      Well, Election Day is drawing near. It figures. He is trying to put the blame on the PM and not on himself, to make the PM look, to the Marigot people that he deserted them and the hospital. What will an enemy not say and do?

  63. crying dominican.
    June 20, 2014

    is your fault..instead of unnecessarily breaking down the good hospital,then build this stupid building in portsmouth you should have built a brand new hospital in marigot..take what you get. the same way marigot people cannot be swayed to vote any other part.,the same goes to portsmouth people,you could not bribe them with that old structure you build in portsmouth,and still have to go to roseau even for a mosquito bite.

  64. DA Man In the USA
    June 20, 2014

    While I am neither Blue, Green nor red, if what the former PM is saying is true then something is definitely wrong the minister responsible for the well being of the residents of the north east. Isn’t there someone sitting on the DLP gov’t responsible for the health of the residents of Dominica? What about the palrep for the northeast? This place is so close to the airport..God forbid that anyone of the planes landing at MA goes down. Will the injured patients have to wait for help from Roseau or Portsmouth? The minister for health should be ashamed to allow the Hospital to get to such a deplorable condition. These are things that he/she should take care of whether the residents of the northeast voted for or against them. In closing if the minister for health mentions that in his cabinet meeting and the PM refuses to deal with the situation then he really needs to go,,because I don’t he would like it if his wife or son gets sick or even in an accident while visiting the area and they cannot be treated. So you labourites who are reading this do not wast time putting thumbs down, talk to your PM and ask him to do better to the residents of the northeast.

    • listener
      June 20, 2014

      @ Da man in the us, Please take note that the former pm is not very familiar with telling the truth , he as palrep for this constuency has a responcibility to work on behath of his people but instead he neglected his ppl took his party and form their own parliament sometimes under breadfiuit tree ,in ppls basement and all over the place while serious business are being discussed in parliament, all other palreps have to look after their the intrest of their ppl while Mr james and his gang all over the place wasting time and getting their salary at month end now he crying and trying to get ppl to do violence as he always do.

    • Anonymous
      June 20, 2014

      @DA man in the USA. The Parl Rep for the Northeast IS Edison James. He is the one who is responsible.

      June 21, 2014

      Be reasonable the parl rep has no control over this. No control. Absolutely no control.

  65. anonymous
    June 20, 2014

    I agree!!! They not doing anything good for Castle Bruce either. LABOUR MUST GO!!!

    • Peeping Tom
      June 21, 2014

      You either do not even know where Castle Bruce is, you have been asleep for the past years, or you are simply freeing up your fingers at the computer key pad.

  66. Keeping Them Honest
    June 20, 2014

    There’s is no question about this observation. And what’s more crippling is the seeming acceptance of the supporters of such hideous and backward approach to address the electorates who are opposed to DLP’s points of views. It is so different from Edison’ s approach to his non-supporters, like the Grandbay constituents where he built this major educational institution.
    P.M.Skerrit is so lacking in his wisdom that the importance of a major hospital in reasonable distance to night landing cannot override his simple minded dislike for Edison James. It’s a pity how wisdom and vision tend to evade some those who should be far more responsible.

  67. Serene
    June 20, 2014

    I agree with you Mr James. Even when applying for jobs using Marigot as your address is automatic victimisation. I am speaking from experience

    • Peeping Tom
      June 21, 2014

      Lol! Eddison has taught you well. Instead of using his time as a leader, in or out of office, to elevate his people, the man’s only contribution to his people is to make them believe that someone (a.k.a Skerrit) is out to punish them and to offer them inaudible cries of “boots on the ground”!

      What a waste.

    • charlo
      June 21, 2014

      people of the north of dominica u have power in your hands marigot is not only the north part people skerit cannot jail all of the northen villages /stop leting politics a crab treat the villages in such a way if the airport is important;bring a stop to all that which is to go out or in by air put your selves together and bring the change to the whole country it must start somewhere before election comes enough is enough.take the bull by the horn thats the way out all of the i havent made any comment since sorry;.please give me a break to make my point it doesnt matter how many times i have said byus people.

    • Justice and Truth
      June 21, 2014

      You are also generalizing. Does this also include the private business sector? Some of you can exaggerate and cast untrue remarks. Trying to make all D/cans believe that you are correct? Try again.

  68. Dr.Birdie
    June 20, 2014

    Edison you should be ashamed of your self can you hear you. You started representing Marigot in 1990, show us one straw you moved, you playing blame game to cover your fault, you failed the people of Marigot not Labour (1) what did you do from 1990-1995 answer if you can,(2) As Prime minister from 1995-2000 what did you do.(3) As opposition from 2000-2914 What have you done. You are a total failure and is your poor representation that have Marigot in that state so don’t blame any body else blame your self boss. now you push Lenox Linton down the Marigotians throat. But it is the Labour Party that gave Marighot that wonderful piece of road from Canefield, you remember is tarish and concrete you placed around the some of the corners, thanks to Labour you taking less than an hour to go home to North End, Night landing and expansion of the Airport thanks to Labour, if you had any shame you would keep your mouth shut sir When Dr. Christmas comes the Representative soon you will see the change. All the UWP wants is power all you cant operate in opposition so no seats for UWP Trim Dominica.

    • >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
      June 20, 2014

      @Dr Birdie You seem to be desperate, empty, preposterous, and even cloven footed. Why should the truth offend you so much? Mr or rather Honourable James is correct. Any government which can allow a hospital to reach that stage is UNWORTHY TO GOVERN. Now you seem to be one of the GREEDIES, picking crumbs, FROM UNDER SKERRITS TABLE, but it is shameful that you are not blaming the ruling government for letting a hospital next to an airport to get to that stage. SHAME ON YOU!
      GO BURY YOUR RED and empty head in the sand. YOUR darn SOT!

    • icepop
      June 20, 2014

      haha the airpport all you did not want to see would have been completed and most Marigot and Wesley people would have been employed either directly or indirectly as a result of the international airport; for sure development would have taken off around the airport including a modern hospital , overnighters etc etc; for sure he would have completed it- but where the Six Senses hotel the dollar minister prommise while in labour remember the promise to the Northern belt that a five star hotel was to be built in Woodfordhill are – Pupagod I hear is there they want to pu airport now! and where the 50 room hotel taht was air marked for Melville Hall ? overnight it was transplanted to Portsmouth and up to now it cannot finish nuh. how many years now wee!! garcon Labour doh tired fool all you.

    • June 21, 2014

      2914? :oops:

      June 21, 2014

      Mr. Skreet, has no respect. If he had any decency he would view Mr. James as his elder and treat him with respect regardless of critisim. There were times when I defended the PM because he is a younger man like myself but I will never do that again. I am disgusted at him. He will be sorry for himself when God rains down judgment. There must be someone in Skreet Cabinet who can speak some sense to him.

    • Justice and Truth
      June 21, 2014

      What did he initiate to assist the Marigot people? If he knew the hospital was in disrepair a long time ago, did he speak/write to the PM and inform him accordingly? Since he is now criticizing the PM, he should inform D/cans what he did to rectify the state of the hospital.

    • edison
      June 22, 2014

      well I sent you and study in cuba, that’s the first straw

  69. June 20, 2014

    “In the first place the hospital should not have been allowed to reach the stage that is has reached, and the other thing is that they are dragging their feet.”

    I agree with Eddison, there is NO REASON for a Hospital, Marigot or elsewhere, to become to the stage of closure, except for POLITICAL REASONS.


  70. Doc. Love
    June 20, 2014

    The Honorable Mr. Edison James does not have to remind us. All Dominicans, the world by extension, the Chinese, the Cubans, the Venezuelans, even President Obama is fully aware of that punishment..

      June 21, 2014

      It really hurts to the core. Very painful.

    • Justice and Truth
      June 21, 2014

      Keep imagining about what you wrote, that it is true.

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