NEP being used to gain political points – UWP

Linton said the UWP will provide sustainable, not temporary, jobs
Linton said the UWP will provide sustainable, not temporary, jobs

United Workers Party (UWP) Team Dominica has accused the ruling Dominica Labour Party government of using the National Employment Programme (NEP) to gain political points.

The NEP was launched in December, 2013 and was meant to target 400 people, however Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit said recently that over 1,000 people are now engaged.

UWP Leader, Lennox Linton made the accusation at a press conference on Monday morning outlining the party’s vision on “the best place to live, the best place to work and the best place to enjoy life.”

He said unemployed Dominicans are being targeted as pawns in a political game through the NEP.

“Right now our Dominicans in the unemployed category are being targeted as pawns in a political game through a National Employment Program,” he said “A program that seems targeted either at individuals who support the ruling party or individuals in constituencies where the ruling party wants to secure a political advantage.”

He added, “Notice well that it is not a program which is based on merit or need because it ignore many young persons around Dominica who deserve the opportunity of employment under the National Employment Program. But the program itself is not being administered at a level where it is open and fair to all. It is being administered strictly along political lines.”

According to him, the UWP intends to provide employment differently and to provide permanent employment in sustainable jobs for young people, rather than temporary jobs.

“Sustainable jobs will be created when we revitalize and fix the growth engines of the economy,” he said. “And we talk there of agriculture, of tourism, manufacturing, construction. We have laid out all the plans, visionary plans, effective plans for ensuring that the economy grows through better treatment, better management, better leadership for the growth engines of the economy.”

He added, “More people working means more people being able to take care of themselves, more people being able to take care of their families. That is why we stress, best place to work being energized by a growing economy.”

Linton stated that under a UWP government Dominicans will be more progressive

“They will be more successful, individuals will be more capable of taking care of themselves and their families,” he noted.

Linton noted if the present pattern continues, “We are building a situation where more and more Dominicans, in time, will become dependent on the state and the state will not have the cash to care for them.”

But, he said, the UWP wants to “build the cash resources of the state so they will be able to take care of more people”

“But at the same time we are reducing, through employment and other initiatives, the number of people who will be reliable on the state. When we do that, we will be well on the way to creating the best place to live, the best place to work and the best place to enjoy life,” he stated.

Linton also called for a revolution of social welfare services in Dominica and to move it out of the realm of politics.

“We need a revolution of our social welfare services in Dominica. These services have become too politicized and are becoming more and more politicized, instead of focusing on the real needs and the evolving needs of our citizens in Dominica,” he said. “We have for example an aging population and none of us are sure in this country on whether our system of health care is being rearranged or refocused to meet the needs of the aging population.”

He said the UWP intends to partner with non-governmental organizations, like the church community, “To ensure that we empower our citizens, our organizations, around Dominica to create and develop these facilities that will take care of our people in old age…”

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  1. October 14, 2014

    The National Employment Program is the brain-child of the Great and Inspirational Supreme Leader and King of Dominica! It employs approximately 1,200 young men and women who would otherwise be on the road side smoking nasty marijuana and crack-cocaine, looking to sell their bodies or rob someone’s purse! The divine compassion and love of our God-Like Leader to provide employment for these young people should in no way be criticized or questioned by the dreamers on the OTHER side! How could they expect to gain the respect and affection of the masses by wishing for the down-fall of such a wonderful and inspiring Job Program!

    • Anonymous
      October 15, 2014

      The point is what?
      You plan to shame a person into
      Voting one way or the other.

  2. west bank crew
    October 14, 2014

    People the best welfare program is a sustainable job n this NEP is not u all knows it ..
    ..again labour has no vision they can’t see pass their big toe muchless their red shoe..that’s y they must perish

    October 14, 2014

    How can you be against people getting jobs? Most jobs whether political or not are gotten through people you know or family or whatever and sometimes education and skills. How can you be against people getting jobs? If Lennox is opposed to NEP then he should setup a similar program or make recommendations to NEP for those who need employment… not complain because people have jobs, that is a bad political move. Also doesn’t UWP stand for united WORKERS party? so where are the jobs that UWP is providing/creating for Dominicans? Oh i forget, they have to get in power first to start their UWP version of NEP to create their 5000 instant jobs. alludohreadyet!

    • The Facts
      October 14, 2014

      Some of them appear to be blind and deaf. I have informed them of those days but they are not paying attention. Dominica is much better off today than in those days.
      People are free to migrate. Throughout the years many D/cans migrated to others countries. Therefore, what they state is an exaggeration. They support a Party and they want that Party to get in. It is as simple as that. Therefore, they will renounce all the good that has occurred since the PM was elected. Some people do not know what is good for them.

  4. joe
    October 14, 2014

    Lennox the NEP is an INTERNSHIP Program meant to give Graduates at least one year EXPERIENCE, it was never ever designed as a permanent employment program, however if an intern impresses their employer they may well become a PERMANENT employee in the organization.

    If they are not kept, then they can beef up their CV (I heard u ask Mat what is a CV the other day i hope you now know what it is :lol: ) which will make you more marketable….

    LENNOX FYI EMPLOYERS DO NOT TAKE IN NOVICES!!!! you of all people should know that………. :lol:

    • Lang Mama
      October 15, 2014

      Who are the employers that may want to keep an intern? The man with two can of carnation, one bucket of gel couchon.. ,2 corn beef on his shelf.Or the lady on middle street in Portmouth that hardly sell a t shirt for the day.
      Then there is Parry who has two girls that he calls whenever to bring him a piece of paper that he deliberately left in his office.

  5. Earlson
    October 14, 2014

    The only change uwp going to get is the Melvin hall airport ok

  6. Earlson
    October 14, 2014

    The only change uwp going to get is the Melvin hall airport ok

    October 14, 2014

    During the reign of the Dominica Freedom Party and UWP, many Dominicans including myself returned to Dominica because we felt Dominica back then was on the verge of becoming the best place to live, the best place to work and the best place to enjoy life.”. That is not the case today under Roosevelt Skerrit and the DLP. No one wants to return including friends of the party that were leaving abroad and Skerrit brought them back to DA and gave them top paying positions with expenses paid. The future of Dominica is so damn discouraging under Skerrit, that both he and taken have taken steps to secure a future in the USA, while other top advisors and friends have secured US scholarship for their children and warned them not to return until they get US citizenship. Who wants to be fooled by Skerrit let them continue to be fooled.

      October 14, 2014

      U must be joking… DA was always a mess. The roads were a disgrace, the agriculture based economy was harsh, there were no high schools anywhere else but Roseau, children had to walk to school from far… we barely had internet!! The country was in major debt, we had no money, you must be joking to make that statement… if you’re going to lie to yourself is one thing but doh think you fooling anybody else with those lies!!!

      • NOT ME ALONE
        October 14, 2014

        @U DOHREADY, You have just confirmed two things here: 1. You must be one of those that migrated50 years ago and only returned in 2009 to vote 2. You are on a journey to lie and mislead others. I will not waste time on your senseless blog but just to remind you that during the 4.5 years UWD was in power they built TWO High Schools; one in Castle Bruce and the other in Grandbay. Can you point out one high school skerrit built in 14.5 yrs?

  8. just me
    October 14, 2014

    The jobs you claim you intend to create are for who, since you have already targeted DLP supporters who will not have a job when you get into office? As far as i’m concerned you are trying to gain political points by targeting programs which you think gives Skerritt and the DLP political advantage but the only difference is that Skerritt does certain things from his heart. He is a naturally caring person. Can we say the same about you Mr. Linton?

      October 14, 2014

      exactly… the same things he is accusing DLP of doing is what he intends to do… the funny part is he thinks that smart people cannot see it even in his own words its obvious. He basically wants to get rid of 5000 employed people that he thinks are their because of political affiliation and hire 5000 people that are politically affiliated to him. UWP leadership at this time maybe not in the future but now would be a step backwards for DA. The need to change not DLP!!!

  9. just me
    October 14, 2014

    And you making promises you cannot or have no intention of keeping to gain political points

  10. *
    October 14, 2014

    Wrong again Mr. Linton. The government is creating jobs and that is still not good enough for you? I think doing good for the country and its citizens should by all means earn you their votes. Thats what the government of the day is all about.

  11. solution2dispolute
    October 14, 2014

    some people just pure wicked and evil..they try to twist the truth at all cost..but the truth will always remain the truth..we all know that this N.EP is a vote catching program designed to win votes and we all know that…only time will tell and it wont be long….

  12. real possie
    October 14, 2014

    Here is where I will come in, you all and Linton don’t even understand what the NEP program was directed to. The people who ended up in the program are people who would go to these companies for a job but would be told you don’t have the experience and they are not willing to pay you to train you. Am sure if you ask these young people if that was not their plight, now the government paid these people to give them the experience the needed now it’s a political gimmick. I keep telling you all the PM don’t have to do anything more to be re-elected, Lord, when will you send us educated opposition?

    • joe
      October 14, 2014

      Thank you real possie, it is an INTERNSHIP program.

    • I amwhatiam
      October 15, 2014

      You must educate yourself about the NEP. You want to tell me that the people cutting grass and making a mess on the road side without supervision, is this in any way shape or form prepare one for positive employment?these people are given jobs for vote. According to one of the rasta I just doing that to buy my weed but I know who I voting for.

  13. Too Hard Too Long
    October 14, 2014

    Many of us would love to comment but this is a political topic and in this forum it really doesn’t matter what you say. It only matters what side you are on.

  14. RED vs BLUE
    October 14, 2014


    I remember in 2009 that was the DLP cry…..”UWP did not have any plans for the country”……..BUT NOW UWP DOES, and have revamped everything about the party and dishing out plans left, right and center….the DLP has take to bashing the leader instead of TELLING US WHAT ARE THEIR PLANS FOR THE COUNTRY IF THEY ARE TO BE RE-ELECTED!!!!!


  15. NYC
    October 14, 2014

    Five years years ! Labour I say Lennox boy you can’t go in state car go and will again boy!

  16. Pondera
    October 14, 2014

    Don’t be fooled guys. Those who are employed in the NEP are fully aware that this programme is a pawn scheme for votes in the soon to be called general election. They have embraced the opportunity, however, they will do what is best on election day. VOTE LABOR OUT!!!!

  17. Just Observing
    October 14, 2014

    Sounds excellent. Cannot fault the gentleman on his ability to speak intelligently bout the issues he choses to speak about. The truth is the talk really is empty. Where are the details Sir? How do you propose to revitalize Agriculture and Tourism? You said you plan to create an employment program that will provide 5000 jobs in 36 months even when the world’s economic forecast is not encouraging. Are we living in a cocoon? How do you plan to tackle WTO realities to make that difference in our agricultural fortunes. Some details Sir? The Dominican public needs something to munch on other than your flowery language.

  18. fabric
    October 14, 2014

    Thanks Lennox. Help us get out of this mess!
    Vielle Case, Penville and Thibaud with you.

  19. IluvmyPm
    October 14, 2014

    Linton shaking Dominica

  20. HotBoy
    October 13, 2014

    Dat man doe lying eh… Skerrit have d unemployed youths dependent on d State & d State aself doe have money cuz people still dun get paid on time…
    not to mention more dan half of dat 1000 people dey say dey employ dre is pull string…

  21. true dat
    October 13, 2014

    while dlp there forming the A — with the countries money st kitts is looking at attracting a million tourists to its shores

  22. A Doubting Thomas
    October 13, 2014

    Temporary Part Time; Part Time; Occasional; Full Time and Contract Employment, Regular Employment and Commission Work. I did this all because I wanted to work.

    If you are interested in employment all those adjectives might be one of what an employer may offer you. If you need a job, you would jolly well think fast before you let it slip through your fingers.

    I would say to anyone seeking employment, the key is not what the adjective is but getting your foot in that door and doing the best job you can for the employer.

    Many an employee is hired on a temporary basis, and many others have a period of probation to prove to their employer why he or she would suit their organization.

    I would say it is the UWP who should stop playing politics and encourage the people to work hard so that they could keep the jobs the NEP offers and stop using the people for their bad politics.

    I wonder what is preventing the opposition from creating jobs or finding employment while in opposition, if they say that unemployment is so high. Show us how you can ease the employment burden. Bring the jobs in now. We see what the government is doing and we like what we see. What are you doing if not playing politics?

  23. The Facts
    October 13, 2014

    My, My! Someone is envious that the PM is assisting the poor and placing it on gaining votes. This is not generous of you Linton. You are looking at it from a different angle only because DLP is the government and you are vying for the PM’s position.
    Assisting the unemployed and poor should not be questioned or criticized. Every sensible and knowledgeable person in this era should know that the government is responsible for providing financial benefits to the unemployed and the poor. Thank God D/ca’s government has the means, unlike in those days.
    Granted, a different strategy could be used in administering it. I have an idea how this could be administered. D/ca’s election is around the corner, so-to-speak. I will wait to see if DLP wins the election. I hope so. Only then will I divulge it and directly if DLP wins.
    Talking about permanent jobs Even progressive countries do not have, in this day and age, permanent jobs. They are all part-time, temporary and contracts with no benefits. Those governments are no exception. Sadly so, gone are the days of full-time, permanent jobs.
    Since the advent of computer technology, jobs have dwindled. Therefore, I do think Linton is living in a fantasy world that he plans to create 5,000 permanent jobs in D/ca. It is worth a laugh. He is not realistic.

  24. The Facts
    October 13, 2014

    The situation is so bad that those who hold part-time jobs, the government has mandated that employers deduct pension funds contribution from their income which is sent to the government. In addition the employers also contribute a certain percentage. This was only possible when there was full-time work. It is a sort of saving and benefit for them when they quit or retire. This is what the Ontario, no doubt Federal governments have done for the future benefit of those employees.
    They can claim this on their income tax return. There contributions are not taxable for now anyway until they receive it.
    Referring to the church to assist in social programs, this should be out of the question. The church should help and can only help to a certain extent on a voluntary basis, from the goodness of their heart as a church. The government should not approach the church to help for it is the government’s obligation to assist its poor and needy.
    Linton, if you plan to give the church money to assist, then D/cans should accept that but not that they use the little funds to sustain them and for maintenance of the church to assist in social programs.
    You know, Linton, you need to have your head examined. Think of something better for the D/can people, the youths, the unemployed and the poor.

  25. Wassup
    October 13, 2014

    Only change workers is going to get…is changing of the Melville Hall airport :mrgreen:

  26. Anonymous
    October 13, 2014

    The only change u wp going to get is melvinhall airport remember that jokers

  27. Same shit
    October 13, 2014

    Lol if team Dominica wins, aren’t they going to look for cash somewhere else to build Dominica? So it’s practically the same, skerrit giving them a start to help themselves. So if you get into power then they will start to work

  28. Sane
    October 13, 2014

    Where are the specifics Linton?
    When will you put out something that people with more than 2 GCE subjects can evaluate?
    Thought u said election is weeks away ? You have to come better than that man at this 11th hour

  29. new voter
    October 13, 2014

    Yes skerrit is buying vote now he is taggeting young voters the prime minister is a married man and just purchase a brand new car for ayong girl he is loving and this girl was not supporting the labour party but shame on our young girls for temporary sex and temporary materials stuff Melisa will remain ms skerrit

  30. Bashie
    October 13, 2014

    Why labourite a sound ing so foolish that is why I stop flower all you

  31. west bank crew
    October 13, 2014

    Linton is right…n u guys knows it..the best welfare program is a real job..not one before election n after election u back to where u were before….again Labour has no vision that y they must perish..they can’t see pass their big toe muchless their red shoe

  32. west bank crew
    October 13, 2014

    Linton is right…n u guys knows it..the best welfare program is a real job..not one before election n after election u back to where u were before….again Labour has no vision that y they must perish..

  33. Doc. Love
    October 13, 2014

    Mr. Lennox Linton, doesn’t have to convince any five year old child, the NEP was designed to compete with the promise of 5000 jobs in three years. The Skeritt administration has been in office for approximately fourteen years, their has never been any emphasis on jobs. Remember Skeritt had promised an employment agency, it has been asleep. Anyone who attempts to apply for a loan, the first thing you are asked is whether you have a permanent job. According to the Trinidadian Calypsonian Mighty Shadow, “if you don’t have a job how do you expect to have a woman and if you do find one, without a job, someone go horn you.”

  34. October 13, 2014

    Mr. Lennox Linton the Spirit of The Lord is upon you the people have cried unto God for a deliverer and he has sent you the spirit of the Lord has departed from the leader who is full of Guile and is cunning it is evident that he has no devine guidiance all he have are the false pastors from Endor and the false prophet balaam. Hon. Lennox LInton God has chosenyou and you will prevail for GOD has chosen for such a time like this. Let them rage , for you are chosen you are the one.

  35. October 13, 2014

    Mr. Lennox Linton the Spirit of The Lord is upon you the people have cried unto God for a deliverer and he has sent you the spirit of the Lord has departed from the leader who is full of Guile and is cunning it is evident that he has no devine guidiance all he have are the false pastors from Endor and the false prophet balaam. Hon. Lennox LInton God has chosen and you will prevail for GOD has chosen for such a time like this. Let them rage , for you are cosen you are the one.

  36. October 13, 2014


    N E P for Labour Party means NEVER ENDING PROMISES

  37. October 13, 2014

    N E P Stands for Never Ending Promises

  38. Anonymous
    October 13, 2014

    Well linton will Join with the church to help the elderly so that means they might be alone when he gets in office because church services are volunteer work.

  39. truth is truth
    October 13, 2014

    lets just say.. the present government continues with their plan 100 percent genuine and lets say the opposition comes in with their plan 100 percent genuine..all plans are successful for both parties. which one is more likely to give you a better life to live work and enjoy life in Dominica? thumbs up is uwp, thumbs down is labour..

  40. karma
    October 13, 2014

    I cannot wait for the elections so i can put a good X for Labour! So lennox can go back Morne Daniel and spend quality time with his family. I fed up of Mister nonesense just trying to ruin the damn country.

  41. Poison
    October 13, 2014

    Good thing about not being in office you see everything that is wrong…politics and religion is soo nasty…No political party in D.A right now speak the truth.

  42. chance lady
    October 13, 2014

    NEP is just talk put into action instead of all the bla bla bla you that mad Lennox bla bla about. So put a suck in it LABOUR is working

    October 13, 2014

    During the reign of the Dominica Freedom Party and UWP, many Dominicans including myself returned to Dominica because we felt Dominica back then was on the verge of becoming the best place to live, the best place to work and the best place to enjoy life.”. That is not the case today under Roosevelt Skerrit and the DLP. No one wants to return including friends of the party that were leaving abroad and Skerrit brought them back to DA and gave them top paying positions with expenses paid. The future of Dominica is so damn discouraging under Skerrit, that both he and Astaphan have taken steps to secure a future in the USA, while other top advisors and friends have secured US scholarship for their children and warned them not to return until they get US citizenship. Who wants to be fooled by Skerrit let them continue to be fooled.

  44. bravo coco
    October 13, 2014

    Mr. Linton, just last week your elder Mr. Prevost said all you will keep the NEP and everything as is. so why are you criticizing it?

    You cannot convince me because you cant create one for your self. You are a consultant , open your own office.

  45. Wild Dog
    October 13, 2014

    Folks whether we support UWP or not we all know the NEP and all the handout programs we have are geared towards buying votes and if Dominicans are crazy enough to give Skerrit another 5 years, we might as well do like Tony and kiss Dominica goodbye. On the question of makin Dominica the best place to live, the best place to work and the best place to enjoy life, recent decisions by Skerrit and key members of the DLP are enough to tell me that they don’t believe that’s the case now. How can this administration and their advisors encourage me plan a future in Dominica when they are planning a future outside of Dominica? Am I that stupid and naïve? It is a fact that on April 8, 2003 he applied for French citizenship while still a minister of government. He reversed that decision on Feb. 5, 2010. Ok, say he was not the PM at that time, but he was clever enough to marry a Dominican, May 11, 2013 who has dual citizenship? Oh oh! Say that was not well calculated enough, on Nov 27, 2013 he made sure the first family child was flown to the USA for birth. Wow! By his decisions it is clear that he is not planning a future in Dominica. I that was still too cool, Tony, his chief advisor, bought a house in Florida and is now a permanent resident of the USA. So if all you want them to destroy all you future in Dominica, please understand that they are not planning on taking the hells with you. :

    • Osanna Mowanga
      October 13, 2014

      I know when Skerrit finish the country he leaving.
      see who he marry. see where his child was born. He is heading out when he finish the country. My people, please put politics aside for a while. Put on your thinking cap and think of the future of the country,.
      Be reasonable. where in the world you know government putting people to work in the private sector and paying them. That is so unscrupulous.
      Skerrit is wicked and will pay.

    • TONY
      October 13, 2014

      Boss I leting the wild-dog talk! :mrgreen:

    • .
      October 14, 2014

      Five more years of progress.

  46. October 13, 2014

    Alas pa pa Lennox stop clutching at straws nuh. Leave Dominica alone you to ignoramus (ignorant) no way will you be a peoples person gooo way fram me according to Dominicans

    • d/a
      October 13, 2014

      Let me ask you where in Dominica do you call UK you all think is just one set that gos to school you have you self up on DNO as DOM-IN-CAN in UK get out of the whole your in and say what you have to say

    • mmmm
      October 13, 2014

      your name must mean UNDER Knowledged!!

    • October 13, 2014

      whatever you say about lennox , that’s o.k. it is people such as you who comes to vote every five years the returning to where you came on the very same day and leaving us to face our troubles.

    • October 13, 2014

      Sounds more like a Marigot/ahfouahwee expression not D/can expression 90% of DA don’t know this here phrase D/can in Londontown or elsewhere in England/UK

    • commando
      October 14, 2014

      if you doh have nothing to contribute shut up.

  47. Shameless
    October 13, 2014

    Very well said Hon. Prime Minister in waiting. God bless you and Team Dominica (UWP) for putting forward a plan and plotting a visionary course of development for the future. Keep up the good work and may god bless you and the team. I am confident that Change Is A Must!

    Assertive, NOT Agressive!

    • .
      October 14, 2014

      Yes! And you will he waiting a long time.

  48. Anonymous
    October 13, 2014

    Lennox, I agree with you 100% but the people who are benefiting from this program will not leave a free dollar on the table today for longer term prosperity. People of that type prefer instant gratification than to invest in themselves for a better future.

    Skerrit know that very well.

  49. grand bay
    October 13, 2014

    tru vybz nuff respect linton

  50. IG
    October 13, 2014

    Linton is correct…. My opinion is, It’s best the Government work genuinely and naturally and by doing so people will see that they are working rather than spending State and other cash to score cheap political points. The NEP is in-sustainable in it’s true nature.

  51. Anonymous
    October 13, 2014

    When will LL shut up and sit down you are against skill training for our young people it is of political intent way papa when will it stop. The Government have the mandate to train…………. every young woman and man…. to develop themselves, family and country.

    • October 13, 2014

      linton will not shut up, because he has a right to speak the same as you and skerrit.

    • truth
      October 13, 2014

      why now anonymous,why now ,
      lennox is right ,

    • Chinaman
      October 14, 2014

      Train and then what? Leave the country to find a job?

  52. enough..
    October 13, 2014

    Time to change for the betterment of all not just a few.

  53. opinion
    October 13, 2014

    I concur wit Mr. Linton

  54. October 13, 2014

    To little and too late.

  55. yes I
    October 13, 2014

    That’s what I’m talking about. That’s why change is a must and not an option.

  56. Is this reallyChange
    October 13, 2014

    “Sustainable jobs will be created when we revitalize and fix the growth engines of the economy,” he said. “And we talk there of agriculture, of tourism, manufacturing, construction.

    Let us assume that the economy is as bad as you all are claiming and taking into consideration what is going on around the world, I guess we will still have to wait for another five years to get these jobs. Just another politician with promises.

    • fabric
      October 14, 2014

      You obviously don’t understand what is being put on the table. Please love your country and look forward. Once you have done that you will see clearly what is being said. (As it is said…’one should not cast pearls to swine’)

  57. Make up your mind?
    October 13, 2014

    NEP was meant to target 400 people now over a 1000 is involved. According to you, that should not be, instead you are going to provide permanent employment in sustainable jobs. Yet you went on to say the UWP wants to “build the cash resources of the state so they will be able to take care of more people” So which is it. More jobs or more people on unemployment

    • Sane
      October 13, 2014

      My thoughts exactly !

    • fabric
      October 14, 2014

      Wait a while…do you even read??? Oh my God!!!
      Stop making Labour party people look and sound so ignorant! Wow! I thought i had seen and heard it all. smh

    • anonymous
      October 14, 2014

      all i can say about the nep program is that its a good initiative for the unemployed to make some money while seeking permanent employment .i hope that they work hard to show the gov’t that thy can produce and contribute to d.a s economy. who knows these so called temporary jobs could become could serve as a means of boosting your cv and resume i.e job should be for all irrespective of political democratic choice…..i only hope that all this money is invested towards good jobs not like d one in la plaine where only one person benefits and our tax payers dollars are given for free to onlyyy one person…its a good program just plz do it right and corrupt free nuh

  58. Really?
    October 13, 2014

    So they only give UWP supporters in areas where there seems to be a toss up. Lol. You guys are so funny. So your supporters are so gullible that a temporary job will cause them to leave your party. That’s how low you think of your people and by extension Dominicans? When will you politicians stop. Change for you guys seems to be a change in bodies but no real difference in action.

    • Bee
      October 13, 2014

      Gullible: easily persuaded to believe something;
      synonyms: credulous, LABOUR RIGHTS, naive, overtrusting, overtrustful, easily deceived, easily taken in, exploitable, dupable, impressionable, unsuspecting, unsuspicious, unwary, ingenuous,

  59. Blog
    October 13, 2014

    If one is not careful before election you will find that 5000 young persons will be employed under this NEP aka EEP programme. The unemployment figures according to UWP are staggering. The short term good is that those employed are getting a quick change in their pockets but the bigger picture is that following the election they will most certainly be out of a job and most of them will be back to square one. Don’t be fooled people, vote for sustainable jobs. This government does not know how to create the enabling environment for its people to be self sufficient. They rather the once proud people of Dominica become beggars and their greedy party hacks continue to enrich themselves. They are experts in the art of cunning and trickery to get votes and for that they need to be criticised. It’s good that there is an intelligent opposition to highlight these flaws in the government on behalf of even those who are in denial. The rising swell of those who are suffering will surely prevail this coming election.

    • anonymous
      October 14, 2014

      show me a country where the govt can employ the whole country or the whole country is employed cause i need to move there…

    • joe
      October 14, 2014

      I guess you are not aware of the fact that this is an internship program meant to give those graduating from college and university experience.

      It is well known that all potential employers requires at least one year working experience from potential employees.

      Guess you won’t know that cause it’s all POLITICS FOR YOU!!!!

  60. 2Cute
    October 13, 2014

    Well Sir , I am happy i have a job unlike you.

    • Osanna Mowanga
      October 13, 2014

      yes. all you like free money. That is why the woman on st thomas getting more money than a hard working school principal for doing nothing. well, now she travelling around getting people to come home to vote. all you will pay for all you wickedness.
      men seem to have lost their reason.
      by the sweat of thy brow thou shall eat bread.not by sitting down on facebook all day.

    • anonymous
      October 14, 2014

      true i just found out that he’s unemployed so hes tryn to create 4999 jobs in one year ….yea 4999 the last one is for him…watch if they win he goin full his pockets make it fat build his house move out of his moms house and ditch politics… all for oppossing sides after all we are a democratic country plz tell me how and where these jobs are to be created dont just throw figures out there what is the plan stop making politics about the pm because u think he has had enough ……aye but politics is dirty its in its nature cuz if i was giving house and money id take my share of house and money also iddkk its not for everbody ….. and if its one thing i kno hungry ppl shouldnt be in politics if i have my own house and money if im in power i wouldnt look for myself cuz i have already

    • Free
      October 14, 2014

      And your point IS? So u have a job so do I..I work for a private company..mine is permanent urs is for a few months. Lennox only has to do one speaking engagement over seas and the salary from just this one gig is more than u earn in a year if ur terms or employment is that long…let me make it simple for u…wud u prefer one meal every week or a meal everyday?

  61. the bastard
    October 13, 2014

    I think i head a political candidate when ask what he thinks is politics, stated that politics is the best way to make people vote for you, if that is so the goose fights the gander

  62. Realist
    October 13, 2014

    I will give Mr. Lennox Linton credit for saying all the right things the people wish to hear and that’s IT. The guy is incompetent and lazy.
    He fail to be proactive, rather you choose criticize everything the ruling party was elected which is to provide employment, develop infrastructure, create business environment, etc.
    Mr. Linton and members of the United Workers Party, you CANNOT win elections this way. You have to show the people how you intend to better their lives, their communities, their country. You have FAILED thus far to do so. You have FAILED show how/where you are going to get the funds for you grandiose ideas? Las Vegas?

    Where are the evidence that the people in the National Employment(Empowerment) Program are targeted to individuals who support the ruling party or in constituencies where the ruling party wants to secure a political advantage? Those are CITIZENS of the Commonwealth Mr. Linton, not members of any political party. No one is holding their hand on election day Mr. Linton.
    Providing employment is one of the major responsibility of any ruling political party, and any failure of such responsibility the people have the right to vote such government out, like the catastrophic UWP in 1995- 2000.

    As I have said here before, the more this man speaks the less he is taken seriously. Dominican can do better, Dominica MUST do better.

    • Bee
      October 13, 2014

      Realist if you are going to criticize Lennox, or anyone for that matter, at least show a little intelligence and be original. You just swallowed everything you heard your PM say and typed it here. Can’t you do any better?

    • Change is a must
      October 13, 2014

      Mr. Linton and members of the United Workers Party, you CANNOT win elections this way. You have to show the people how you intend to better their lives, their communities, their country. You have FAILED thus far to do so. You have FAILED show how/where you are going to get the funds for you grandiose ideas? Las Vegas?

      Tell me how did skerrit achieve this before he got into government. At that time he could not even buy a decent car on his salary….Skerrit and the labour came into power through a transparent and democratic system…they have now corrupted this system aided and abetted by people like you…BUT EVERY LONG ROPE HAS AN END …AND SOME HAVE A NOOSE AT THE END TOO….

  63. NY/DA
    October 13, 2014

    They are hiring more temp. then full time employees at my work place so temp is not such a bad idea and laterthey become fulltime.

  64. krazy
    October 13, 2014

    I agree, the churches used to be a major part of donating to the elders and senior citizens, now they have pull back,where all the monies that is being pick up in church twice on Saturdays and Sundays going to.

    • The Facts
      October 13, 2014

      You should ask the church how much money it gets on Saturdays and Sundays. Realize that times are hard all over the world. People cannot afford to give as much as they did previously. In fact, how much money did parishioners give to the church in bygone years? Conduct a research on this.

  65. Anonymous
    October 13, 2014

    Linton want to padner with the church to do all the social programs when he was the one that was so angry when the Giverment help the church. Where is the church going to get the money to do what Linton wants.

    • The Facts
      October 13, 2014

      Which church is he talking about? Using the church, eh? What is Linton up to? Something is wrong with him.
      The church does not have enough money to support itself. Furthermore, politicians, a government should never think of stating that it will turn to the church and expects the church to assist. It is the government’s obligation to assist its people; not the church.
      Maybe Linton should put on his yoke of generosity and use some of his money to assist those people. He must be making enough and much more than priests of all. Consider his annual salary.

  66. TRUTH
    October 13, 2014

    Thanks Lennox for the insight. I would really like to know if Lennox can vote in Marigot or cast a vote for himself. If this is the case it is rather unfortunate. :lol: :mrgreen:

    • truth
      October 13, 2014

      skeritt have you all as fools ,people all over the world are reading you all statements and lkaughing at dominicans
      Where was nep aor the past 14 years? all of a sudden ,nep arive,before elections ,and it is told to you all that it is for 6 months ,which will bring it just after elections,and thats it then things will go back as normal ,everybody jobless again,
      people ,,,open your eyes what linton is saying is truth ,dont let skeritt fool you AGAIN,
      He fooled you once ,he was a fool,
      But if he fool you twice ,then YOU are a fool
      TAKE WARNING ,this will be your last supper

    • TONY
      October 13, 2014

      :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    • NO
      October 14, 2014

      The answer is NO! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  67. Dominican
    October 13, 2014

    Lennox you are just talking nonsense. Your talk has no substance. All in your party have different policies. You don’t know what you are talking about. Never see a so called politican who Is so dumb.

    • October 13, 2014

      you know deep down within your heart that lennox is telling the truth . the problem with you , you are in denial.

    • Osanna Mowanga
      October 13, 2014

      there are just too many stupid people in Dominica.if that government win that election,i am leaving.

    • fabric
      October 14, 2014

      Listen to your line of conversation, oh smart one. How do you think you sound? Did you get promoted to grade three? Or wait, have you been in Dominica over the past 14 years? Wicked LABOURITE!

  68. JBaptiste
    October 13, 2014

    Mr.Linton, even the dead knows exactly what that NEP (National Embarrassment Plot) is about.
    Don’t let Skerrit make you waste time. Concentrate more on your plans to remove him there.

  69. Seminole Ave
    October 13, 2014

    UWP surely has the better bigger and wiser outlook, but you have to remember the culture in Dominica that’s key.

    Those who can vote wisely based on issues and morals are in the minority.

    UWP needs to focus on Eleven (11) Seats and more to win the Election, so they must understand what it takes, as all those Brilliant ideas can fall by the wayside because of not taking care of a special mindset of people who are Dominicans…

    Whether the fall prey for $5.00 per vote we will have to see.
    But the key is the overall win.

    If key stake holders and persons who are looked up too decide to run with the change ideology UWP will win, IF they remain silent it can’t be trusted meaning they will be bought over…this election is important…

    It will also re-confirmed Dominicans have gotten to rise above the ignorance loop or if they have embrace it evn further….

    only time will tell…but UWP has to me more forceful and rugged in the ground….radio talk won’t crunch it all!!

  70. Anonymous
    October 13, 2014

    to bad that you have no idea of getting things done so you can at least attract young people so that you will gain votes at the general election

  71. Anonymous
    October 13, 2014

    the prime minister have you trembling lennox you know that will be a thousand votes for sure you will not get at the general election which is very soon

    • Free
      October 14, 2014

      I think u have that in reverse…after 15 years in office ur record should be able to get u elected… But this pm is running scared and is pulling out all the the ways it’s almost 6 months since the pm went to China for the international airport..we were told it was in the final stages for work to start….has work on the international airport started? Now u see ground breaking for projects around the island on a weekly basis …signs of desperation…I feel sorry for u labourites cuz u are the ones that will suffer…at the end of the month I can pay my mortgage, utility bills, buy groceries,save and still have money for entertainment so it dosnt me if skerrit wins again….

  72. stop the politics
    October 13, 2014

    To little to late team Dominica you do not even know what to say again. you all just running you all mouth doo not only say whatr you will be doing but how you intend to get it done. labour is a working government and we sentence them to five more years back in government

  73. Anonymous
    October 13, 2014

    why is lennox linton and his team so foolish the government. of the day is doing things to keep people of the street and giving them a chance to earn some cash to feed themselves and there family you are complaining well thats a thousand vote or more you all will not get at the general election which will be very soon.

    • vermi
      October 14, 2014

      your idiot not everyone who benefits from the n.e.p is goimg to vote for d.l.p. i sure not foing to vote for skerite. i am employed under the n.e.p . but i want better for domimica!

  74. Anonymous
    October 13, 2014

    The pharse “Old”again.

    • fabric
      October 14, 2014

      you mean word…Adult education is available

  75. Novice
    October 13, 2014

    I hope you did not copy this from someone’s speech because it sounding farfetched. Those words are really not sounding like realistic plans.

    Do you really know what you are talking about? Enjoy your leadership role in the UWP because that is as far as you will get to being a leader.

    Sorry Linton.

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