New president by next week

PM Skerrit

Dominica could have a new president as early as next week.

Speaking on Kairi’s Heng Program on Tuesday morning Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit said everything should be in place by next week for the election of a new head of state.

“Possible by the 17th of September we should have everything in place and elect a new president,” he said.

Skerrit’s statement came against the background of the Opposition United Workers Party’s (UWP) vow not to participate in the process to elect the new president on the grounds that it is constitutionally flawed. “We will not take part in that wrong process,” Political Leader of the UWP, Edison James, said at a public meeting on Monday evening.

PM Skerrit has accused James of being the one complicating the process for a new president. “If you remove Edison James from all of this, everything will be alright,” he said. “Edison James is a representative of controversy.”

According to the Prime Minister consultation on a new president between himself and Opposition Leader Hector John was progressing fine until James stepped in. “Mister John came … we sat in my office, we discussed and so forth, afterwards he said it was the best consultation he had … he is happy … he has his candidate and he looks forward to going to the parliament to elect a new president,” he said. “All of a sudden Edison James called him and told him,’ look let me talk about this matter from henceforth and anything you are going to say on this matter, I have to write for you because what you saying there doesn’t make sense. You cannot be saying that you had good consultation with Skerrit’.”

Word surfaced recently that the country’s current President, Dr. Nicholas Liverpool, was to demit office early reportedly due to ill health. A special sitting of parliament was convened when a common nominee could not be agreed upon during consultation between John and Skerrit. Deadline for nominees from both the government and the opposition was Friday, September 7 but the UWP did not respond after declaring the entire process “null and void.”

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  1. Tri-State Beauty
    September 13, 2012

    After all the debates and arguments at the end of the day Skerrit was being maliciously, recklesslessly and knowingly deceitful to the Dominican people. No matter what strategy is employed going forward this is a uncessary mess.The PM clearly admitted on DBS this morning that he DID NOT HAVE any letter of resignation from the sitting president, but he will have one on Monday. I don’t care if Skerrit and his followers blow helter skelter, this nonesense of dissing the constitution is wrong. Now he going to ammend it, because the next move is President for life so he can live in his palace.

  2. Anonymous
    September 13, 2012

    I humbly submit that the Government/Prime Minister should publish the President’s resignation letter in the weekend issues of the local newspapers: Transparency in Government.

  3. Notice
    September 13, 2012

    COMMENTS ON THIS ARTICLE??:::: ohh please, each party is going to choose some one they can puppet. unless i can see some honesty from these people, they can put whatever president they want. my say it not gonna have a say any way!!! :-|

  4. Notice
    September 13, 2012

    I have noticed a few things about politics in this country:

    – each man stands for his party no matter what. (FAIL)

    – party’s followers never see the others point of view. No reasoning. (FAIL)

    – Basic facts that are in plain sight to see are disregarded and citizens stay quite and grumble underneath. (FAIL)

    – the government does basic things a government should do and the followers shout “Horay” whilst the economy crumbles with no reason. yes we have a global financial crisis but the country if full of benefits which are unused. (FAIL)

    – scholarships are given to those who can already afford it. the real people with the natural skills and talents who need the papers to say “yes” i qualified are left behind. (FAIL)

    – the people may see a flaw in the excuses the government gives for simple things however they stay quite or ignorantly defend it. (FLAW)

    – the opposition needs a new angle of attack or we need a new political party in dominica. the opposition has been clowned on may occasions. they need new ideas. (FAIL)

    – SOME of the government workers need an adjustment in attitude. it reflects in their work style. maybe they are not paid enough, maybe they need some ettiquette trainning but they need to love thier work and not just work for working sake. (FAIL)

    – the government all over the world pick-pocket money all the time. one suggestion, pay owrkers, create more jobs and then pick pocket the surplus if you need to. what you dong is hurting and a complete FAIL!!!!!!


    • GM
      September 13, 2012

      Where else is it different? It’s the people making the decisions to vote them in that’s the problem..So everyone have to take what they get!!

      • Notice
        September 13, 2012

        Yes it not very much different anywhere but my gosh… we are a special set of people!!! and we need to accept that. We must stop comparing ourselves with others and be an example. other countries need to WONDER how we making it in a global financial crisis. we rather build a state palace to show people a good time. like as if them people havnt been to nicer more luxurious palaces, homes and hotels! ohh please. some of us will find an excuse for almost anything!!!!!! :-x

  5. Alice
    September 13, 2012

    If I were Mr James I would not take advice from any lawyer. Remember your choice of lawyers in the recent past. You lose your cases quite frequently, choose carefully or shut up.

  6. MeT Yo
    September 13, 2012

    According to Coipel: weh weh weh weh weh weh weh

    After allu run allu mouth all week, in support of Skerrit’s actions, we now learning this morning that the president never submitted a letter of resignation and will do so on Monday, according to Skerrit.

    So all of this “consultation” and special seating of the house was just a big big big sham and fraud. Once again, the man has ignored the constitution and is doing what he want, how he want.

    And you have people still having the guys to come on DNO and talk all that garbage about 18-3..and if they want 19-3?

    The longest rope have an end. Is all I saying.

  7. Nature Gal
    September 13, 2012

    Did any of the angry folks read the constitution re the presidency for themselves, or are they just popping veins in the head over what someone told them? Best advice is to take a 5, go to the govt website and read the sections on the presidency. That should ease the pressure a whole lot.

  8. Rastar-Marn
    September 13, 2012

    When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

  9. En Ba La
    September 12, 2012

    I had blast reading some of the comments but the Skwritt gang they are the ones who love controversy.

    When you continue to disregard the supreme law of the land who love controversy? Remember no law no constitution

    We have never heard any leader speaking your language remember none of their d**** business where you get your money from. Who love controversy

    Remember the constitution said consult on appointing a chief of police. Who love controversy

    Remember the duty free luxury vehicle – who love controversy

    Let us not even talk about the bins and the passports yours included. See tell us who love controversy

    September 12, 2012

    Forecasting the DNO BREAKING NEWS news of 17 September 2012:

    President of Dominica Mr. Liverpool has submitted his official letter of resignation to the Speaker of the House of Assembly in accordance with Section 119 of the Constitution of Dominica.

    The letter of resignation of the President is dated Monday, 17 September 2012. According to Mr. Liverpool he has taken the decision to demit office due to his ill health.

    In light of the fact, that the letter of the resignation of the president is dated 17 September 2012, this confirms the claim of the UWP that the alleged consultation held between the Prime Minister and the Leader of Opposition was illegal and unconstitutional as at the time the said consultation was allegedly held, the president had not yet submitted his resignation to the Speaker of the House.

    Parliament is expected to meet today (Monday) to elect a new president. The government has nominated Mr. E. Williams for election as the next president but the opposition UWP has not nominated a candidate and considered the entire process as illegal and unconstitutional.

    Meanwhile, it has been reported that a massive crowd is gathering outside of the parliament building in a peaceful protest of what is expected to take place in parliament. The gathering is being addressed by Mr. Edison James and Mr. Hector John

    An update will be provided on the situation.

  11. Annonymous
    September 12, 2012

    Big mistake! The president should be neutral. Both sides will be better served if the president is neutral.

    What are they trying 18-3 not enuff they want 19-3, so who is dominica going to avert a crisis? eh? Idiots.

    • Annonymous
      September 12, 2012

      Typo…I meant- ‘how’ is dominica going to avert a crisis?

  12. big
    September 12, 2012

    more rubish rubish rubish man u just have to go u makeing they country more had

  13. big
    September 12, 2012

    man go to hell u that pm :twisted: :twisted:

  14. Jude Nicholas
    September 12, 2012

    The UWP is really a confused Pressure Group. This is no longer a Political Party.

    I would expect that any respectable and serious Political Party would first obtain at least two Legal Opinions on the Matter from some reputable Attorney and make such opinion to the Public at their meeting on Monday night. This was not done.

    To rely on Lennox Linton who is not an Attorney to provide ledgal opinion is really an Oximoron.

    I am sure that the Government would have obtained a series of legal opinions on the matter and found that the process is the best in the current circumstances.

    I am certain that Mr. Eliud Williams himself would have obtained his own independent Legal Opinion on the Matter. His Sister in Law is a top legal Luminary with a Doctorate in Constitutional and Administrative Law. His Son is also a Lawyer. He also have many Friends who are Lawyers.

    Knowing Mr Williams if there was any evidence or trace of unconstitutionality in the process he would seek to stop the Process. UWP is just seeking to stall every process. But they just cant. The process of electing a new President SHALL move forward.

    • 100 % Dominican
      September 12, 2012

      To Jude Nicholas………my friend, you sound convinced as to which side you are on without having received any advice yourself. So instead of just supporting blindly, why don’t you use you own brains and read and interpret your constitution my brother? Alternatively, find some friends who may or may not be lawyers and ask for their opinions after they have read through the constitution. Do not make judgements based on what people tell you or say in support of their side…….check yourself boss!!!!!!!!!

      September 12, 2012

      Jude, guys like you PEEPING TOM and Prof Wikileaks ( now deceased) are doing a disservice to yourselves, your children, your political party, your Prime Minister and your country.

      Roseau Valley, the UWP and its supporters are not paranoid or confused- we are disillusioned, frustrated and disappointed in the gross display of ignorance, arrogance and stupidity in Dominica.
      We are frightened that guys like you are either blinded by the reality or are greedy, selfish and wicked simply because you benefit personally from the fruits of the corrupt labour of the administration. Here it is we are faced with a constitutional crisis and you are stuck in a petty, partisan political mode in defense of your government.

      Any respectable, intelligent and politically astute leader would have assessed the consequences of his actions and utterance on such fundamental matters before annoying and antagonizing an entire population. If not he would invite the opinion and feedback from the people before taking such an illegal, politically weak and dangerous unconstitutional climb.

      If you are so sure that the Government has obtained a series of legal opinions on the matter, as I am sure it has from crooks like Astaphan, Lawrence and even the president himself, why haven’t they presented it?

      The Labour party should be forewarned that politics is not always about what is legal right. Even though the government is legal right on this matter-which it certainly is not- I can assure you the political consequences will be devastating if the process of electing a new President moves forward under the present circumstances. I can already see the Labour Party swallowing the pill of political suicide on this one. In fact, the damage that it has already caused is irreversible and unforgiveable.

    • Papa Dom
      September 13, 2012

      Here you go again. How do you know what the UWP did or didn’t do, were you there? Any reputable laywer and even the great senior clownsel, knows that what skerrit did and is attempting to do is wrong. Why do you think the doctrine of necessity has been evoked even when there is no national emergency? “that which is otherwise not lawful is made lawful by necessity”
      The fact that you are on here commenting suggest to me that you have access to the internet. Why then don’t you educate yourself and look up the doctrine of necessity to see how and when it is used? I am sure you will realise that skerritt has no power to evoke this doctrine but rather parliament can. So since there is no national emergency everything which skerritt is doing is wrong and nothing you say can make it right.

    • .......
      September 13, 2012

      “To rely on Lennox Linton who is not an Attorney to provide ledgal opinion is really an Oximoron”..

      Really that is the meaning of OXIMORON?

      ..”I am certain that Mr. Eliud Williams himself would have obtained his own independent Legal Opinion on the Matter. His Sister in Law is a top legal Luminary with a Doctorate in Constitutional and Administrative Law. His Son is also a Lawyer. He also have many Friends who are Lawyers..”

      How can you be CERTAIN of what MR Williams will and should be doing? Are you in his head? Are you sitting around a table with him and the people you listed? Are you part of the conversation or just a wannabe lackey who continues to PRETEND to be informed? Eluid Williams is quite capable of defending himself and you are not helping. You need to get a command of English before you show your ass like a monkey climbing higher and higher, falling harder ever. You have been dismissed!

      • Jude Nicholas
        September 13, 2012

        This is typical UWP angry, hateful, envious rage. Attack anyone who do not share their view. Are you trying to take away my Constitutional Right to free speech? I respect and will defend you right to free speech.

    • Anonymous
      September 13, 2012

      When it comes to politics there is no reason other than political expediency, no matter how many law degrees you have or how many legal luminaries you are associated with.

    • Tut-Tut
      September 13, 2012

      I’m trying my best to ignore your comments Jude Nicholas, however I noticed you came with a high handed approach and made statements as if you were an authority on the matter, and as soon as someone else had the audacity to call your bluff you suddendly feel your freedom of speech is being threatened. Freedom of speech is not a carte blanche Mam/Mr to run your fingers and gums with no point of retreat or surrender. When you make comments with so much power expect that there are still Dominicans who are articulate and can pull you down a few notches with truth. If you can’t stand the backlash, then inform yourself before you allow political colour to make you pass like weezibe in public, especially when it appears you are using your real name.

  15. September 12, 2012

    These guys should be actors on “Days of our Lives”,. the fact this soap opera material made it to the headlines shows the complete lack of maturity and professionalism at the top level of this nation..

    September 12, 2012

    Once again, once again, once again…”freedom of speech” is running wild on DNO and according to El Presidente, alot of people saying whatever they want, simply because they can. What El Presidente did not tell us is that, this behavior is being demonstrating by persons who support the same political party as him.

    ANYWAYS, I said it else where and I will repeat it here:

    FACT: According to Chapter II, Section 19 (1) of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Dominica;
    “Whenever the office of the President is vacant or the term of office of the President is due to expire within not more than ninety days, the Prime Minister shall consult with the Leader of the Opposition as to their joint nomination of a suitable candidate for election as President.”

    FACT: There is much more than 90 days left in this term of the President.

    FACT: There has been NO RESIGNATION LETTER from the President. All we have heard Skerrit say is, the president told him, word of mouth.

    So therefore, if none of the conditions stipulated in the constitution have been met, what is wrong in the UWP asking for this error to be corrected before proceeding???

    What is your problem with following the laws of the land??

    Didn’t you bafoons listen to you all God Skerrit on Kairi when he himself indirectly admitted that the process was flawed and that they are going to look into amending the constitution?? Didn’t you hear???

    But while the constitution has not been amended, WHAT IS WRONG in correcting the clear disregard for what the LAW states?

    And if the LAW is not being followed, WHAT IS WRONG in saying I will NOT be part of the LAWLESS process???

    Why is following law and order such a big problem for Peeping Tom, El Presidente and the rest of the clowns?

    There is much more to this president story and it will unfold shortly.

      September 12, 2012

      You know, sometimes I think Eggleston (Not Egliston) and Girudel should be party of the Roseau Valley if Cockrane is. But in any event,ROSEAU VALLEY appreciates your contribution. Please take care care of Ambrose once and for all.

  17. laura
    September 12, 2012

    Why always detest what someone says. You should be more interested in having an opinion of your own El Presidente and the likes. That’s why this country is not moving forward. There are too many like yourself.

  18. Mamizoo
    September 12, 2012

    I offered a “Tell It All” book deal to Sean Douglas and Ex Commissioner Carrette. Now I am offering a book deal to the president plus unlimited classic wine;

  19. non
    September 12, 2012

    8) what a sad and sorry country. skerr if you want a passport to sell. mine is for sale eh….is more yours than mine

      September 12, 2012

      Please keep your passport as we have no guarantee that the money will make it to the national treasury.

      In any event, we need patriots like you and less politicians like Skerrit. It is Skerrit who should consider reapplying for his French Citizenship and consider selling his Dominican passport so that he will not self-incriminate. Let’s await the results of the matter before the Court of Appeal on 13 November 2012.

      • 1979
        September 12, 2012

        this man has broken the peoples hope, pride and aspirations…

  20. cutie
    September 12, 2012

    We don’t need a president really. The Presidents acts on behalf of the Prime Minister so why the need for the president. Tell Eluid go and shake his bag where he sell his coals. :mrgreen:

    • me
      September 12, 2012

      this my people is just a smoke screen to divert your thoughts from the reality of the cicumstances that has us brokes i have never seen roseau so dread buissiness suffering people dread this is the reality,,,please dont let them politicians make you belive that the president issue is the most important issue,our daily survival and guya is what matters,,tell our elceted officials to do something to put money in our pockets and to stop distracting us with there bull politicts,,,i brokes and i fed up lets talk about that

      September 12, 2012

      Perhaps you are right but whether we need a president of not is a matter for future consideration. The immediate issue at hand is the election of a president pursuant to the existing constitutional provisions.

      I think Mr. William is a respectable man of good social standing, character, tremendous experience and well qualified to serve as president. However, this is beside the point at this juncture.

      My advise to Mr. William is simply an echo of the passionate and reasonable appeal of Mr. Edison James i.e., to carefully analyze the situation and have an honest talk with the Prime Minister and ask that the procedure for the election of a President as stipulated in the Constitution of Dominica be strictly adhered to or else he will not accept the nomination.

      If Mr. Williams does not get the message before Monday, I woudl hope that people like Dr. Henry, who I know to be a frank, bold, outspoken, honest and smart lady, will help sensitize Mr. Williams of the situation.

  21. yeah
    September 12, 2012

    Thank God for eddo yes you think we would sit there and let you do what you want with us, well if hector is making himself a fool to go along with you nonesence mr james will not do it, so we thank mr james for being there for the people of dominica, and you will tied be seen like a lieing man to the public gooooooo Eddi, and we will be in Rosea on Monday

      September 12, 2012

      Mr. Skerrit and his gang could call Mr. James all the names that they wish but his performance as political leader of the UWP, particularly on this issue has been nothing less than stellar and exemplary. Mr. Skerrit is well aware of that so he has turned up the volume of his criticisms on Mr. James. He knows that unlike Hector, he cannot twist and spin Mr. James in the same manner- but will continue to stand with Mr. James, truth, justice.

      We shall continue to preach the doctrine of “Constitutionality” and reject the false, inappropriate black.-English man Peter’s doctrine of “Necessity.”

  22. Mamizoo
    September 12, 2012

    What we are dealing with here is the boomerang of foolish politics. We have two individuals ( Skerrit & Hector) who are certainly not qualified to be in the positions of leadership. We are dealing with the Labor party desperate act /mistake of dumping a reckless young man as leader of the party. Edison and his party on the other hand pushed Hector into the position of leader of the opposition when clearly Hector was not and still is not ready for this level of responsibility. Unlike Skerrit Hector has a more humbling personality and so it would have been better for all if Hector had not been placed in that position of leadership but allowed to grow and learn while just being a member of opposition parliament. How can you just take a young man without experience and make him leader of the opposition? What is obvious is the fact that Hector’s strings are attached to the back of Edison’s pick up truck. It is a farce on the part of the UWP to have Hector upfront as leader of the opposition while it is Edison calling the shots on matters of parliament.
    Nevertheless I believe that Hector by reason of his humility and genuine love for his country will become a more efficient politicians. In fact I have seen some good progress in him.

    Skerrit on the other hand is a mistake and continues to be a thorn and embarrassment around the neck of Dominicans. Skerrit never was and will never be a good leader. What were these guys thinking when they decided to impose a young man who never lead or manage any thing and put him as Prime Minister of a country? Some of us know the answer to the question. Those who did are now quiet, some just sitting back enjoying ambassadorial positions some have multiple portfolio, some providing billings to the treasury for millions of dollars in attorney fees, some exporting passports like we importing chicken.

    So while people are using the two puppets to serve their agenda the country is totally upside down and ready to detonate on a fail state platform.

    Mamizoo is no friend of politician – I just call it as I see it.

    • September 12, 2012

      well written

    • 1979
      September 12, 2012

      “Mamizoo is no friend of politician – I just call it as I see it”.

      let me help you there a bit mamz you don’t have to go through life seeking other peoples validation. your opinion is always valid to at least one person “You”. whether you like it or not, there will always be people who disagree with your opinion, evidence is there as the 5 people so far who thumb down your comment (i am not one of them) as I too share your opinion. here is some wisdom from someone who has been posting on DNO from its inception, whether you claim to be non partisan or non aligned people will have their opinions of you. so you don’t have to keep apologizing for having an opinion.

      • Mamizoo
        September 13, 2012

        Thanks 1979- we are friends again (lol). The last time you called me zoomami and I’m still laughing. That was funny. You further told me to give you a EF ing break – that too made me laugh.
        Anyway I am sure we both love our country and would like to see better for Dominbica.After what we have been through from 1979 we certainly don’t deserve the characters that hijack our country.

      • Mamizoo
        September 13, 2012

        1979 – that is just my signature line. Just like the guy who close his comment with the Phrase ” Assertive Not Aggressive”

        I am use to getting whooped from both sides of the political divide. Note I respect your consistency and your reasoning- you are solid

  23. I'mWondering
    September 12, 2012

    Question of the day: Did the current president resign; is the seat of the presidency vacant?

    • Rastar-Marn
      September 12, 2012

      Well Show up at d next House of Assembly nuh and ask dem people live and direct cause i ask already and i doh hear noffing yeh,,,

      September 12, 2012

      Answer: No, the president has not yet resigned. BUT stay tuned to DNO.

      The President has not yet sent any letter to the Speaker. The formal letter of resignation of Mr. Liverpool shall be presented to the Speaker of the House on Monday, 17 September 2012 or on the same date of the next sitting of parliament whenever that is.

      The resignation of the president will coincide with the election of the new president as according to Ma Knight we cannot exist for one minute without a president.

  24. Kay
    September 12, 2012

    Eluid needs to get lost. I don’t support this man sitting in the president’s chair. And really I don’t see the position of President necessary in this country. What does the President really do. Not a damn thing… just making money for doing nothing. Let Eluid stay home and take care of his health and wife

    • El Presidente
      September 12, 2012

      Kay sounds just like my little child…ramblings about not having her have her sweets.

      Sugar is not good for you…cavities.

    • Joe
      September 12, 2012

      What does the Governor General of Antigua does?

      Yet kay you have no problem with their system

      • Nac Vibes
        September 12, 2012

        Antigua’s business.

  25. Rule
    September 12, 2012

    Fly your kite skerro. Your RED CLINIC beneficiaries makes you believe you are God and above the law. Keep disregarding the laws of this Country, it will lead to your own peril and don’t forget the longest rope has an end.

  26. Anonymous
    September 12, 2012

    Someone please explain to me what the purpose of the President is if you have a Prime Minister. I don’t quite understand that system. Just based on what I am reading this person is just a figure head. If so, please get real! Times are hard! Do you really need this person driving around DA in his BMW just because. I don’t live in Dominica but I love the place. You guys still hung up on those old master, master mentality. I say a Prime Minister and his cabinet is enough.

    • 100 % Dominican
      September 12, 2012

      Maybe if we had a leader who was humble and honest with the business of the country and it’s economy, it could be considered. But thank God we have a Presidential position because he actually has a responsibility to oversee the running of the countries affairs. Were it not for the position of President, the PM would have done even more than he has done to this point and would have done it with impunity! Read your constitution and you will see what the responsibilities of the President are and you will understand why the position is so important for the security of our democratic way of life and principles of freedom. READ YOUR CONSTITUTION!!!!!!!!1

      • Anonymous
        September 13, 2012

        Constitution or no constitution, if you need someone to oversee the works of the one you elected, then my friend you have the wrong man in the job. So then with that said, we need someone to oversee the President as well. Can you afford to pay people just to oversee and where will it stop. Again, Get real! These are serious times.

      • crony
        September 13, 2012

        What position of what president? The records show that this is probably the most useless and b..less president we have ever had. How can a man with such an intellect subject himself to such blatant abuse by the p.m? For a fistful of dollars.

  27. mouth of the south
    September 12, 2012

    i always say eh… u have to give it up to the man called skerro…. i may not like his policies and ways of ‘doing business’… but a smart person can tell when another is smart… or surrounds himself with people smarter than him….. classic divide and conquer… everything has a psychological effect with skerro

  28. genesis
    September 12, 2012

    “Edison James is a representative of controversy.” I love that.

    • El Presidente
      September 12, 2012

      Best line ever. Edison is a bacannalist

      • Anonymous
        September 12, 2012

        We need more “baccanalists” in Dominica, when you are too well behaved people take advantage of you.

  29. Homeboy
    September 12, 2012

    It seems the majority of Dominicans have come to the conclusion that a ‘ceremonial figure head’ that needs to be maintained by the tax payers is a financial drain on the citizens of this Commonwealth.

    A monthly salary and allowances and a state house! I would have to agree! Let’s be the leaders in the Caribbean and the World and abolish this ritualistic none sense!

    My 3 cents!!!

  30. Very concerned
    September 12, 2012

    Is Eluid Williams going to accept the presidency in these circumstances?
    Let me see!

  31. On the Fence
    September 12, 2012

    I really don’t see the need for a President. After all Skerrit acts as both. That money can be put to better use.But Eddison James is a representative of Controversy

    • September 12, 2012

      What I no is that every Commonwealth cnoutry have a representative representing the Queen, so this is why Dominica have a President

      • Papa Dom
        September 12, 2012

        don’t go parading your ignorance as a badge of honor. Dominica is a republic so the president doesn’t represent the queen.

  32. September 12, 2012



    September 12, 2012

    DNO- I like your reporting, It shows that you are listening to your readers and becoming a very mature and credible news outlet when you stated, “Word surfaced recently that the country’s current President, Dr. Nicholas Liverpool, was to demit office early reportedly due to ill health.” The absence of the definite language in your report is well noted.

    As you know, I have voiced concerned about the manner in which media houses on Island report the news on this issue. I have been critical of DNO, DBS and Kairi news in the past and I am glad that my unsolicited advice has been taken onboard.

    For instance, In the 31 August 2012 edition of the New Chronicle, there was a story entitled, “Nominations for President to be submitted,” in which the paper used confident, bold and definite language, without the benefit of any documentary evidence in support of its assertions.

    The new Chronicle stated, “The President, Dr Nicholas Liverpool wrote a letter to Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit stating that he is unable to complete his term for health reason”

    I wonder how the Chronicle was so sure of the above statement. The New Chronicle cannot confirm the above statement. It has no poof that the President had or has actually written to the Prime Minister, considering that the Prime Minister himself has stated that he did not have a letter from the President advising of his intention to resign.

    Secondly, the Chronicle stated that the Speaker read to members of the House, a letter she “reportedly” received from the PM advising of the President’s intention to vacate his position. No reason was advanced in the said letter for the president’s intent to demit office. It was only in a statement from the PM that we learnt why the president allegedly expressed his intention to resign.

    The story also states that following the Speaker’s statement a debate ensued between government and Opposition members, who demanded a copy of the letter, “which was sent to the Prime Minister by the President.” Once again, how does the Chronicle know that, without saying that is was reported or alleged?

    Without a doubt, the New Chronicle made several assumptions in this story and these things should not escape our attention. I am reminded by the statement of the former President of the United States, Ronald Ragan, “one must trust but always seek to verify.”

    • El Presidente
      September 12, 2012

      Get an Oxygen tank

      • mornepros
        September 12, 2012

        After you get one to blow yourself up. We are proud of Roseau Valley. Whoever that person is, it is time he comes forward. We need better and more intelligent representation

      • Nac Vibes
        September 12, 2012

        You clearly don’t have the mental capacity to debate, so you resort to the only thing you know, cursing.Skerrit relies on people like you to keep him sweet.

  34. Tut-Tut
    September 12, 2012

    Clearly Edison James is a thorn in your side Skerrit. Go DEBATE him on an intellectual and substantial topic and stop making up senseless stories. How the hell you would know verbatim what Edison said to Hector? It’s not enough for NJIC to be tapping people’s phone now you proudly embelishing stories for political prostitution. There’s a time for politics lawee and a time for nation building, you have missed the mark both on both. The people who claim to love and support you need to reel you in fast because like it or not you will unravel your own yarn of twine in the middle of Roseau one of these days when you think it’s a just a thread you pulling!

    • Geico
      September 12, 2012

      A lil louder!

  35. Roof top
    September 12, 2012

    Good to see all this from you all but there is one i love the most ( The UWP stay’s out of all things after we put them there to keep the Gov’t at base and is that they want to make a BIG SHOW ABOUT let Edison and Hector fight between them. I know it is not Hector that is causing the problem it is that MAN FROM UO MONKEY HILL in mariget Edison.You know what get work to do Edison) No the other hand you need to start trying to put things inplace to improve Dominica and come in the house and say it for a better Dominica.

    • Tri-State Beauty
      September 12, 2012

      Wow Intellectually charged, on point and what a great piece. You are one hell of a supercharged cell of information! JACKASS!!!!

    • September 12, 2012

      Thank god the man from Marigot is well educated so no one can pull the wool over him like Skerrit is doing to some of the people in D’ica and that’s so said I heard one man said he got a copy of the CONSTITUTION since this matter came up and he have been reading it every day and more and more he is getting to understand what it says I suggest that others get a copy and read up on it it’s for your own benifit.
      My question is Skerrit where is the letter from the President to the speaker and I have never heard any one fron the UWP said they dont want Mr. WEilliams in the position all they are saying is doing the process correctly.

    • Nac Vibes
      September 12, 2012

      What kind of gibberish is that?

  36. Bubbles' pistol
    September 12, 2012

    …the “red” line is about to be crossed…look out people :( ….and welcome to the next level… :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  37. miss aka
    September 12, 2012

    Boi mista looking like MR. BEAN ….. LMAO :lol:

    September 12, 2012

    The editorial of the New Chronicle of 31 August 2012 was entitled, ‘the importance of doing the right thing.” It was on point, timely and informative but missing some important elements. Doing the right thing also requires doing it at the right time, in the right way, at the right place, in the right order and sequence, by the right person and/or body with the authority to do so and in accordance with the relevant rules and laws.

    In the examples identified by the editorial of the New Chronicle, whereas the Prime Minister may have been well intent, according some, the manner in which and the procedure adopted were wrong. PERIOD

    As the editorial so astutely observed, good intentions are not enough when it comes to handling sensitive matters affecting national affairs. The right thing must not only be done but it must be seen to be done. For matters of national affairs, the right thing can only be done at the right time, by the right person and in the right order as prescribed by law.

    The advice of Dr. Honeychurch is timeless and absolutely correct that we must protect our constitution because if we don’t politicians will abuse it and take our rights away from us.

  39. WAY PAPA
    September 12, 2012

    eben ley eddos moure dominique kay en plas wayyyyy papa
    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: mi bab

    September 12, 2012

    PM, go ahead and put the new President in place. UWP is against everything that is good for Dominica. Their plan to incite violence will also fail. Can you imargine that the next General Election will be called and the UWP will still be fighting the 18 to 3 result of the 2009 General Elections, instead of building their Party. What a waist of five years.

  41. valor
    September 12, 2012

    Skerrit is trying to used his physcological tool to show the public all is well between him and the opposition leader and not that of Edison James. I must say Hector John is a fool of himself swinging in btween Edison James and the PM. Hector came out saying that the consultation between hiim and the pm was good. This is all confusion right now as my Beloved country Dominica is in a CONSITUTIONAL MESS!! AS FOR THE ALEX BOYD KNIGHT!!

    September 12, 2012

    This is no ordinary joke Skerrit.
    The evil that men do live with them.

  43. Doc.Love
    September 12, 2012

    While Skerrit is criticising Mr. John, I wish Skerrit had a person with such wisdom as Mr. Edison James. If he had a person like Mr. James as his advisor I dont believe he would be in all that commess when it comes to the governance of this country.In the space of approximately one year, Skerrit has made several diasterous decisions. For instance,the paying back the bin booball money to the treasury.The pay back to the treasury of approximately $54 thousand to the treasury on a land deal.The illegal appointments of Mr. Carrette,Mr. Carbon and the soon to be illegal appointment of Mr. Williams to name a few, also the many irresponsible statements he has made. Go ahead Mr. John, seek as much advise from Mr. Edison James ,let him be your advisor. Embrace the fatherly love of Mr. James it might save you many embarrassments that are being experienced by Skerrit.

    • El Presidente
      September 12, 2012

      Edison is a baccanalist

  44. conscious
    September 11, 2012

    My fellow Dominicans. How could you allow so few to control the lives of so many? Skerritt is again testing the waters. Is from one wrong doing to the next. If people do not stop his unconstitutional, illegal move re. selection of a President, then he would go on to the next unconstitutional, illegal action and the next and the next.

    Dictatorship would have taken a foothold, opposition to his dictatorial rule would be seriously stifled if not stopped altogether. That scenario is not a far-fetched idea. History has taught us all over the world that dictators go all the way in disregarding Law and Order. They feel too big, too arrogant, too rich, too powerful to listen to anyone.

    They believe in the lies they make up and spew. Once such human beings with their dictatorship leanings are allowed to entrench themselves, it becomes more difficult to exercise any of your HUMAN RIGHTS.

    Boots on the Ground. Stop Dictatorship Now. No letter of resignation from the President to the Speaker? No vacancy. No selection of new President. Skerritt and his inefficient Govt. must be told so in no uncertain terms. To do nothing now would be detrimental to our sweet Dominica amd its people. Our children and those to come would feel more pain and suffer.

    Who does Skerritt thnk he is? Why is he trying to bring so much turmoil to the country? Why does he want chaos and enmity among citizens? Why is he doing that? Why should we the people allow him to continue to use our CONSTITUTION like his doormat? Do people love and believe in Lawlessness? are we not learning any lessons from what is going on all over?

    The people who love Dominica, cherish our constitution, believe in righteousness, will never stand there and allow Dictatorship to control our lives. Never again Slavery.

  45. Real Dominican
    September 11, 2012

    Get real UWP. Why do you all stress over everything that the Government is doing in the BEST INTEREST OF AND FOR DOMINICA? What did Rosie Douglas say when you all gave him less than 24 hours during the time when President Shaw was being thought of for President? Can you recall Mr. James, please Mr. James, let Mr. John know the truth from you as his POLITICAL LEADER, before you have him saying things as Leader of the Opposition, and compromising the whole Presidency thing. You have the man talking out of line.

  46. wosshhhh
    September 11, 2012

    A a boi dat pm have jokes…lol…mr does just say tings wii….i guess he must have an extra strong hearing sense to hear the convo on hector phone…or he tap their phones… boi look comess

  47. Desmond
    September 11, 2012

    I am convinced in my heart that Edison James is at best a Banana Farmer and at worst a Banana Farmer, thats where he belong, maybe he has had to deal with too much reject Bananas in his lifetime, now he makes his political life the same REJECT,he uses Earl Williams Ron Green and now poor Hector John as political footballs and Dominica as the playing field and sadly some Domincans as closed minded brain washed supporters. When last can anyone recall that Edison James supported anything that was good and benificial for or in the interest of Dominica and its people? I dont know of a bigger bluffer or false prophet that has come from Dominica. Hey Mr James the cap fit you perfectly wear it proudly my boy, yes my politcal boy.

    • Reader
      September 12, 2012

      I second that whole heartedly!

    • Nac Vibes
      September 12, 2012

      Typical, when you cannot stand intellectually with Mr James what to do?, Curse him, show your ignorance, that will do.

    • Nac Vibes
      September 12, 2012

      Your ramblings only serve to proove the fact that up against Mr James, you are intellectually challenged.

    September 11, 2012

    DNO, Please forgive me, but this is how I read your story.

    Skerrit and Alix Boyd Knight will have their new president as early as next week. Everything, other than the established, stipulated procedure in the constitution of Dominica and the desire of the people has been put in place for the unlawful removal of the sitting president and the installing of the new joker of the government by 17th of September 2012.

    Skerrit’s statement comes against the background of the disgust of all civic-minded and patriotic Dominicans, who have supported the position of the official parliamentary opposition (UWP) that it should not participate in this unconstitutional, unlawful and flawed process.

    PM Skerrit has been annoyed with the effectiveness and brilliance of Mr. James, the Leader of the UWP along with people like Mr. Lennox Linton and Angelo Allen for opening the eyes of Dominicans and complicating the attempts of his government to once again violate our constitution and fool the people of Dominica.

    Mr. Skerrit is convinced that “If you remove Edison James from all of this, everything would have be alright as far as the government is concerned and once again, the unsuspecting, people of Dominica would have been fooled.

    Edison James has too many lives. He is once again proving to Dominicans that he is the best man for the job as leader of this country. Although I have defeated him or rather stolen the elections from him in the last two consecutive general elections, he always seems to be behind the scenes preventing us from repeatedly outsmarting Hector John, the Leader of Opposition. This man is a true patriot and a representative of the mature and sensible people of Dominica.

    According to the Prime Minister, the illegal consultation on a new president between himself and the inexperienced Opposition Leader Hector John appeared to be progressing fine until Mr. James stepped in with his grown-up and professional advice and told Hector, Let’s listen to our constituents. Let’s review our strategy and ensure that we adhere strictly to the provision of the Constitution.

    Word surfaced recently that the country’s current President, Dr. Nicholas Liverpool, was expected to demit office early reportedly due to ill health pursuant to which an unconstitutional special sitting of parliament was convened as there was no agreement on a joint nominee from the illegal consultation process.

    The deadline for submission of nominations was Friday, September 7 but the UWP, in its wisdom, love for country and out of reverence for the constitution could not and did not partake in this mockery of our constitution after declaring the entire process “null and void.”


    • Real Roseau Valley
      September 12, 2012


      Did you do a proper analysis of this situation from start to present and explored all the facts of the matter?

      If so, you would be making a more informed and sensible contribution, rather than sounding like a UWP wanna-be-candidate.

      • mornepros
        September 12, 2012

        Please do not touch the original Roseau Valley. I would vote for him anytime over what we have now.

        September 12, 2012

        First of all, a hearty welcome to my fellow constituent. Glad to know that you are tuned in, albeit very late as this is the first time that I am seeing a comment from you on DNO or any other blog.

        It is amazing that whenever people wish to be critical of messengers of truth on this website, the critics always seem comfortable in clothing themselves in “Real” Dominicans or “Real” patriots or in this case “Real” Roseau Valley. Hey! you cannot be a more real Dominican, patriot and Roseau Valleyian than the original Roseau Valley.

        But I wish to thank you for addressing the Original Roseau Valley in such a respectable manner, “Sir”. I note your confidence in addressing me as a member of the male gender, without knowing who I am. But I accept that with much humility, although I do not deserve it. I also want to thank you for recognizing that I would be a good candidate for the UWP in the Roseau Valley constituency. However, you can rest assured that I have no interest in this proposition. But who knows- time will tell.. you just never know. I hope you will change your mind by then and join me on the campaign.

        If you have been following my contributions on this website and particularly on, you would acknowledge that I have not only been following the issues but I sometimes set the tone, augment, kill and/or embellish the stories. I have been part of this DNO virtual parliament for a long time- just in case you are not aware of that.

        If you think I am making a fool of myself- that’s okay too- I respect your opinion. It is only your biasness/ignorance that will disallow you from agreeing with my contributions and disabusing your mind of the lies you are being fed. Shamefully you do not know who is informed and who is making ridiculous remarks. If you are truly and really from the Valley you will have a good sense of our struggles and you would be more honest in your future post on DNO.

    • Joe
      September 12, 2012

      Boss tell us how you interprete section 18 of the same constitution….

      The country cannot stay one minute never mind a day without a President, so on Monday the President will submit his resignation to the Speaker who will read it out in Parliament, Mr. Williams will then be elected and will commence his duties as President on Tuesday the 18th of September 2012, this will be for the next 5 years ending 2017…

      Be honest and objective for once, and let the world know that this was the best solution considering the situation!!!

      Again Hector missed out on an opportunity to present something of national interest to the Parliament and that is his choice for President… Sad real sad..

      Hector must realize old men like you 9Roseau Valley) have no respect for youngmen like him and Skerrit, he must do the right thing and leave all you old people party for all you.

      • jah guide
        September 12, 2012

        Joe your level of discuss exhibits the level of ignorance within you. You know for a fact that Skeritt cannot stand man to man with the old man you talking about. If Hector had to be associating with this forty old man who for all you is still a young man, he would be a total failure.

      • Nac Vibes
        September 12, 2012

        If your only concern is age and not wisdom, you are dead before you get to their age.

  49. ah ah nagwaysa
    September 11, 2012

    Skerrit, the longest road has a bend and the longest rope its end…….God is NOT ASLEEP

  50. Looking in
    September 11, 2012

    Wow. And all what Skerro say Eddo say,,,them blind bats that in Dominica will believe him.
    It’a just sad the way our “leader” has become.Dictatorship raising it’s dirty little head.
    Dominica for sale.

  51. Stoney
    September 11, 2012

    All i can say Boy O Boy Dominica is INTERESTING PLACE…WOW

  52. Anonymous
    September 11, 2012

    Anyway Skerit your day will come, do all your do

  53. jojo
    September 11, 2012

    Eddo,boy Eddo,stop making a fool of yourself.

  54. Proud Dominican
    September 11, 2012

    Quotation marks represents the exact words of the speaker. Based on what I know of Mr. James, whenever he speaks non-standard English it is his Marigot dialect! People review the sentences in quotation marks and decide if Mr. james really spoke these words to Mr. John.

    • Reader
      September 12, 2012

      Idiot! The quotes represents words spoken by PM on the radio program. Does someone really have to explain that to you? smh

  55. September 11, 2012

    I cant understand how skerrit ssyin we need to help the government do not bye ”BB” if u cant afford it i would like to ask him can we afford a $7,000. for a presidend who sits there doin nothing.

    • rolling eyes
      September 12, 2012

      unless the constitution is changed then otherwise can be done…yntil then…we have to have a President and thats just the way it is

    • langsal
      September 12, 2012

      not seven thousand its more like 11000

    • me1
      September 12, 2012

      I think it’s more like $9000.00 than $7000.00. Honestly I still do not get the sense of the presidents jobs, since he hardly ever intervins in matters which affects the country and the people.

    • Agree
      September 12, 2012

      We don’t need a president! Tax payers money being wasted.

    • Joe
      September 12, 2012

      So now it is okay to breach the constitution? Are you alright boss?

      Only $7,000 the President gets? that is chicken feed for the highest office of the land!

      Now which country in the world is without a head of state? Thionk boss thinkn and be more practical in your approach to life in general.

  56. Anonymous
    September 11, 2012

    I am amazed what is the “doctrine of necessity” according to the Attorney General. What is the urgency about replacing the present President. I am perplexed, confused and all the other similar adjectives.

    • Papa Dom
      September 12, 2012

      “that which is otherwise not lawful is made lawful by necessity” So ther you have it, skerritt and his advisors know that what he did is wrong but being the “BIG MAN” that he is he will not admit. So from now on look out for the term because it will be the cover for all the illegal things which he will do. As they say, every jorney begins with the first step and we have just allowed skerritt to take the first step into dictatorship or had he already taken that step when he said NO LAW NO CONSTITUTION and the people did not hold him to account.

    • Dominican in antigua
      September 12, 2012

      Don’t be confused my friend i tould dom-in-cans befor is just time. thats just the PM its all about what he wants when he and the rest boys says thay are going to do something no one can stop them lol but on the next hand thats what d/a people love is so it is lol. this people know dom -in-cans just love to talk lol thay know just why thay have to move fast to give him the JOB lol lol

    • Joe
      September 12, 2012

      The President is sick boss, isn’t that an urgent enough reason?

      You guys need to be more practical…

      • Pres
        September 12, 2012

        Ok and we brining another sick one in office to make easy money and do nothing. Not to mention the president pention has doubled!

  57. firstlady
    September 11, 2012

    if the opposition is forever causing a problem an not representing the people who elect them to provide representation for the district, the P.M with the leadership of his electoral he should go ahead an choose the person seek fit to be the job as president of the country. they are wasting time and misrepresentation of the people who voted them for representation the opposition has failed to do there job of the people.

    • >>>>>>>>>>>>>
      September 11, 2012

      You are too da- stupid. There is a process to be followed in doing all this, and i fully agree with the opposition if they have decided that they should take no further part in the process, since it is constitutionally flawed.

    • cohenval
      September 11, 2012

      It is in simple circumstances like this we can see who are the real patriots of our island Dominica. The PM has a right to chose his president, but do it by the constitution. We have to respect our constitution if we say we love Dominica.

    • me
      September 12, 2012

      have you ever heard about PROOFREADING?

  58. MKG
    September 11, 2012

    Boy Skerrit does upset my insidddde weeeeeeee booy

    How the SPOOON he know what Edison cal Hector and tell him?

    “All of a sudden Edison James called him and told him,’ look let me talk about this matter from henceforth and anything you are going to say on this matter, I have to write for you because what you saying there doesn’t make sense. You cannot be saying that you had good consultation with Skerrit’.”

    WHAT THE SPOON i reading there nuh?


    • Way Papa
      September 11, 2012

      @ MKG so you not seeing is something like that that take place. Hector was on the news sayin how he and the PM had a fruitful consultation only thing he didn’t agree with the Government choice and had one of his own. Don’t you people listen to the hatred which comes from Edison’s mouth. If i was Hector after that controversy dies out I would tender my resignation and leave Edison party for him. Hector doesn’t deserve that kind of treatment. Earl had warned him but he didn’t listen.

    • Not a herd follower
      September 11, 2012

      Skerrit’s aim is to create certain unflattering impression of Edison James, who is his most formidable political opponent. So,he fabricates a conversation between Hector John and Edison James where the latter shows his disappointment with the former. Everything was going fine, according to Skerrit, until Edison interfered. Edison is a spoiler. Skerrit would do anything to have his way. Such a man simply cannot be trusted.

      • natureboy2012
        September 14, 2012

        not a herd follower, you need help and I have volunteered to assist you and I hope that you read this comment. There is NO directive existing in our Constititution to address this situation so what the PM is doing CANNOT be termed unconstitutional if the Constitution is ambiguous on this issue. Hector John came from the consultation praising the discussions with PM as progressive and respectful and stated that progress was made and there was NO tension when he spoke to the press about the consultation with the PM. all of a sudden, WHAM! MIGHTY EDDO got his poison into Hector John and VOILA!!! Hector john making demands that I can assume he NEVER made during the consultation. This guy is failing the people of Salisbury and disrespecting one of Salisbury;’s own in Eluid Williams. That is what his family gets after all that support for Hector John and UWP in Salisbury. I can hardly wait for the next General Elections! I wonder what he is saying to the family of Eluid Williams in Salisbury , let me try this;” WELL GUYS ALL WAS GOING WELL AND THEN I MET WITH EDDO AND HE INSTRUCTED ME TO USE THAT OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE SOME NOISE TO PUT PRESSSURE ON SKERITT AS WE DID NOT HAVE ANY REASON TO MAKE NOISE IN THE RECENT PAST, SO I WANTED TO KEEP THE POSITION OF OPPOSITITON LEADER IN PARLIAMENT SO I HAD TO DO WHAT EDDO SAY CAUSE HE RUN TINGS IS HIS PARTY. I SUPPORT ELUID BUT I HAVE TO OBEY THE UWP BOSS, SORRY. I HOPE YOU GUYS STILL SUPOORT ME NEXT ELECTION.” Hector John I really thought you had intelligence to know when to and when not to be blue but we were all wrong about you spaggs, you are not ready yet bro!!!

    • Peeping Tom
      September 11, 2012

      :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    • September 11, 2012

      the guy got links he know somebody that know somebody

    • huh?
      September 11, 2012

      he tapping phones it seems, or maybe they were on a conference call smh lol

    • flower
      September 12, 2012

      you are just like a baby donkey. John told him. Wait bet the next election John going on Skerrit side. Mr friend Eddo tired push him around.

    • Observer
      September 12, 2012

      Why are,you so confused? Did you hear Spaggs after he came from the consultation with the PM. Spaggs had a new lease on life. he commended the Pm for a healthy consultation, progress had been made etc etc. he even told the media that he would not tell them who the PM had in mind for President. Out of respect for the Pm he will allow the Pm to telll the nation. That was Spaggs John in th days immediately following the consultation. Obviously Spaggs had to debrief his colleagues about what transpired between him and the PM. All of a sudden, spaggs was a different person, spewing the sasme destructive language as the owner of the party. Will not co-operate, want a letter, President liverpool is this andPresident Liverpool is that etc. So MKg what would you conclude knowing thae kind of influence that Eddy have on his party. Whether you believe it or not Spaggs John is his position as Opposition Leader is a serious liability to the UWP. He has not even begin to consider the wisdom in supporting somebody for such a high office in the land even when the family of that same person gave him overwhelming support for becoming MP.

    • rolling eyes
      September 12, 2012

      its something called “sarcasm”…

    • langsal
      September 12, 2012

      you forget them man listening to people conversation in their NJIC

    • hmmm
      September 12, 2012

      according to the story that was sent out, its called assumption. sac way toneh man…. commonsense

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