Opposition ‘Red Clinic’ concerns

People lined up at the so-called 'Red Clinic' at the Financial Center
People lined up at the so-called ‘Red Clinic’ at the Financial Center

Opposition leader, Hector John, has raised concerns over the administration of the government’s Public Support Programme, dubbed by critics as the ‘Red Clinic.’

In his rebuttal speech to the 2013-2014 national budget last Friday, John said issues of accountability have surfaced among the Dominican public with regard to the programme.

He described the ‘Red Clinic’ as “using state resources to help finance Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit’s “personal election campaign.”

According to the opposition leader, the 2012-2013 national budget made available $200,000 for the programme with an additional $250,000 approved for the June to December supplementary appropriation.

“In this fiscal year $1-million is appropriated to the ‘Red Clinic,'” John stated. “This is an increase of 75 percent or $750,000 given to a programme that the Director of Audit is concerned about [in terms of] monitoring and evaluation in his 2009 report.”

He argued that the money could be used otherwise. “Instead of putting this money into the productive sector, the state resources will be placed on the prime minister’s desk to help finance his personal election campaign,” John noted.

The programme was initiated by Skerrit to provide an opportunity once a week, for Dominicans with various financial needs to make a plea directly to his office for assistance.

But the programme has been a subject of severe criticism by some who insist it is a vote buying exercise being under taken weekly.

Discussion on the programme hit a crescendo in 2012 when The Sun newspaper, in its May 21 edition, reported that “the prime minister has vowed to continue the weekly practice of giving cash handouts directly to the Dominican people from his office”.

The article was supported by a Letter to the Editor in which the writer alleged that what is dished out at the ‘Red Clinic’ is “money (dry cash), also upon request monies or cash of up to $2,000.00, sometimes $5,000.00 well packaged in envelopes and escorted to the source by a special courier delivered to party and PM loyalists”.

This prompted Director of Audit, Clarence Christian, to issue a statement saying no cash handouts are made available at the “Red Clinic’, and the process is a transparent one where proper accountability is practiced.

The authorities have also dismissed descriptions of the programme as being a cash handout affair, insisting that it is a social protection initiative aimed at addressing the pressing needs of some of the country’s destitute.

There have been suggestions that the programme should be channeled through the government’s Social Welfare Department.

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  1. July 29, 2013

    I have no problem helping the less fortunate with the taxes I pay…some of alu DCANS TO DAMN selfish

  2. Lil Bo-Pip
    July 29, 2013

    Sorry folks, I’m not able and skillful enough to generate jobs for you all, but I have some friends who are giving me plenty money and I’m also taking from Sukie’s tax money to give you all a couple dollars at the RED CLINIC. Also, It’s my understanding that most or all of you prefer the gifts than having to go and work for Sukie and the like. I have plenty money to give. I am papa Skerritt.

  3. July 29, 2013

    There is nothing wrong with helping the less fortunate people, but the way it’s being done is a political propaganda :-D

  4. pp
    July 29, 2013

    Can someone explain to me how this Red Clinic system works, does one have to be a labour supporter to obtain assistance or is this program open to everyone?

  5. Wow
    July 29, 2013

    So are you guys saying that Social Assistance is wrong?

    Are you guys so blinded by hatred that you’ll say anything to get a vote? How can a man who claims to be for the people say “Instead of putting this money into the productive sector,”?
    Yes, money should be put in the productive sector, but should that money be taken from the mouths of those who need it?
    Isn’t there other monies allotted to these sectors?

    Come on Spaggs… please know what you are fighting form. If you are fighting for a so called more transparent process (which I do feel is hypocritical of you, especially since for years you scored a salary, but failed to work. Remember, not going to the house?) Then, that is an entirely different matter.

    Sometimes, we rather help strangers than our own. I live in Canada, and I pay taxes and part of my taxes is to help those who are less fortunate. Granted, there are many lazy scavengers who feed off the system, but am I to not feel that it is my neighbourly duty to help those who truly need it? Should I be like many of you here and refused to feel some form oh human sympathy and empathy for the poor?

    Well. many commentators here pay into the social assistance programs in those big countries but they are looking down on their fellow Dominicans who need help. Like in all systems, there’ll be those that take advantage. But should we let them be the cause of not helping those who really need it?

    Should the people who really need it not seek it because the majority of you see it as begging? Wouldn’t’ you beg for food for your child? Wouldn’t you readily seek out assistance if it was available and you heartily need it?

    Granted people should work for what they want, but in Dominica’s society many do not have jobs, many struggles, many live pay check to pay check. Then you have those that really need the help. Should we let them suffer?

    • Anonymous
      July 29, 2013

      Hey idiot….do the less fortunate in Canada go to the office of the Prime Minister of Canada to get assistance? I am sure in Canada there are proper institutions such as the welfare department to handle situations such as this.

      In Dominica there is a welfare department but the Prime Minister has by passed it and is giving out money at his office to make it seems like he is the savior of Dominica. Why can’t the funds be given out through the Welfare Department.

      Nowhere in the world do the less fortunate go to the office of the leader to get assistance. So shut the hell up!!

    • T
      July 29, 2013

      You are a block headed fool with no understanding. get lost.Anything involving taxpayers money should not be used by one political party to perpetuate in power. IT’S DEAD WRONG.

  6. Anonymous
    July 29, 2013

    Say what all you want but i giving this government another two or more terms, Dominicans should do like me. Fancy talk on the outside won’t cut it because it is never as easy as it seem and whoever else get there will soon be singing the same song, trust me on that.

    • ()
      July 29, 2013

      What do someone expects from a lazy Red Clinic groveller like you? You are a typical Skerrit yard fowl, so you do notcare a dam about how Skerrit has brought poverty descending on this island.

  7. Roseau
    July 29, 2013

    The DLP knows that if they give the people jobs , they will become independent and will see the light.
    With DLP we have “begger days.”

  8. youth voice
    July 29, 2013

    I have never benefited from this Red Clinic nor do I intend to ever go to beg; however I do support the initiative just not how it is administered.

    People say it’s like american welfare, fair enough, but isn’t this the same reason we have a pauper’s allowance distributed by the village councils? Some of the same people line up at council and FC doorway. Why don’t we introduce a card system to track these payments like America.

    Sometimes its friends of the party getting money when they don’t deserve it.

  9. Just Blaze
    July 29, 2013

    My opinion is that we need a program like that in Dominica because there are people who genuinely need help. Especially the sick and elderly. But it should be run through the welfare division and they should do a proper evaluation of the individuals situation who asks for assistance. And assistance should be given without any political prejudice. To me that culture we promoting about people going and beg parl rep for everything is a backward and uncivilized ting.

  10. black jumbie
    July 29, 2013

    my tax money…while I have to get my up at 4 in the morning them can dress up nice and go get money just like that……boss u mad….red clinic better be careful….all now IRS on my back for $120 I owe them and they want to give my money to them mashoppers in dominica to go and party every weekend ……wait a revolution must happen must must must ……too much foolishness in MY country….

  11. Anonymous
    July 29, 2013

    And the teefing in DA still not stopping

  12. Dominican by birth
    July 29, 2013

    Oh boy still teaching our people how to beg!! why can’t you just create jobs instead

  13. IluvmyPm
    July 29, 2013

    Typical Dominica a lazy pm promoting lazy people

  14. Dominican
    July 29, 2013

    My oh my when will you guys wise up. All over the world people have welfare states and we all know that it is the tax payers of that country that finance the poor. Take America and England for instance their policy states that those who are umemployed are at the end of the “heap” and is therefore under privelaged. I am sure that every person would like to work but in a small country like Da it is impossible. It is impossible in the big ones let alone the small ones. It is so easy to blame others those of you with jobs why don’t you offer your jobs or share them with the under previlge that is a godly thing to do.
    All human beings are they same given the opportunity you would all fill your pockect and leave other pockets empty. Dominicans all you to idle find work to do

    • Anonymous
      July 29, 2013

      What nonsense are you talking about? Where in the world
      Do you see people going to the head of state to beg?
      Please name one country.
      There are government associations to deal with social welfare,
      This is not the job of the pm. His job is to create employment
      To get people off welfare,
      You people defend everything and find ways to justify situations in this country,
      Everything is politics, it’s madness
      If something is wrong then it’s wrong, don’t make excuses!

    • Massacre
      July 29, 2013

      The issue is this. In all the countries that you mentioned , there are checks and balances in place to make sure that the system is not abused.
      You cannot let anyone run amock with cash in their hands.
      This is why Dominica’s ecomony is the lowest in OECS.

    • Just Reading
      July 29, 2013

      Dominicans are not saying that the poor should not be helped..In fact, we welcome welfare; that’s why we support the Welfare department..what we are saying is instead of the monies given out from the prime minister’s desk, it should be moving along the welfare department, which was set up for that very purpose-to help the poor and destitute…

      So, don’t clothed your eye in a red sheet to fault Dominican’s rejection of the way money is handed out from the ‘Red Clinic’…it is wrong, and would give any political party an advantage over another as most people see it as the Labour Party, particularly its leader, and not the state that is giving them the assistance….

  15. Justice and Truth
    July 28, 2013

    In every government of the world, it is customary and even expected that the Opposition will consistently find fault with the current government.
    Whatever the present government does it will never be satisfactory. Nationals should be accustomed to that. They should let it go in one ear and out the other. Sensible people should do just that.
    When one is on the other side of the border it is easy to see matters differently and to critic about it.
    Hector John, I hope you are certain of what you are saying, i.e., it is true. Otherwise you are liable to be sued.
    Please do not stir up any more trouble in Dominica and for the PM. Your previous PM did nothing for Dominica. Name a few instances when he assisted Dominica. Did Dominica and nationals legally benefit from his prime minister-ship?

  16. Anonymous
    July 28, 2013

    its a shame to see how low our people reach .what will our school leavers do?beg that’s not nice.the pm cannot create the job market so he makes a way to make the people beg . I don’t believe we hitting rock bottom

  17. IPO
    July 28, 2013
      July 29, 2013

      Every were have its support program including USA so why can’t D/A have its own

    • Ambrose B
      July 29, 2013

      IPO, Yes it is The US as the article points out, but in the US politicians are not the ones distributing monies to those affect by the social ills of unemployment and poverty, their is a Human Resource Administration whose function it is to take care of the needs of the affected, and ensure that they are taken off, Please be guided

    • Just Reading
      July 29, 2013

      Yes, this is America…Americans leaders unlike our beloved Dominican leaders have in recent time (well since their recession in 2009) never claimed that their economy was doing better than that of their developed counterparts-they have always described their economy as ‘struggling’, ‘recovering’…It is because of our poor economy and no jobs that people have to be flocking t the ‘Red Clinic’ for assistance. If Dominicans were working, I don’t think they would put themselves in this undignified position.

      Paragraph 2 of the article you posted highlighted the reasons why Americans suddenly became heavily dependent on welfare in recent times: (1) increasing globalized U.S economy, (2)widen gap between rich and poor and (3)the loss of manufacturing jobs, two of such reasons Skerrit cannot put forth as reasons for his giving people money through its ‘Red Clinic’…In fact, Skerrit’s ‘Red Clinic’ began long before the economic crisis; however, the article clearly stated that American’s dependance of welfare began as a result of its economic downturn.

      In Dominica, we cannot say people has become poorer and hence needs more assistance because of our losing manufacturing jobs because we have little, most of which still exist; we cannot talk about the Dominica globalized economy, because we don’t give foreign aid except to Liat,we are fighting no wars, etc; but surely we can say that in today more than ever, we have a great gap between the nouveau-rich and the poor, with ministers and their acolytes having two, three houses, building houses to for the girlfriends and concumbines, buying land tout-partout while many Dominicans are living from hand to mouth…so they have to go to the ‘Red Clinic…

      Also note that in American unlike in Dominica welfare assistance is not given from President Obama’s Office but through designated welfare departments…In fact, a ‘Red Clinic’ system as is done in Dominica will never exist in America.

      Then the article ended by stating that the American people esp. the Republicans, who believe in hard work to earn, “don’t trust big government, but it doesn’t mean they want no government,” which is what many in Opposition are saying…there are too many advisers and ministers in a struggling economy like ours.

      It also stated that Republican pollster Ed Goeas’s research found that many republicans [like the Opposition] would support anti-poverty programs if they focused broadly on job training and infrastructure investment.

      Also, the article stated that ‘Obama pledged anew to help manufacturers bring jobs back to America’ something I didn’t hear in Skerrit’s budgetary address this week. There was little info to indicate how the Skerrit’s administration seek to attract manufacturers to bring back some jobs to Dominica; and perhaps, some of the money he hopes to use in the ‘Red Clinic’ could be put towards attracting investors to the island, thus enabling less people to have to beg him at his ‘Red Clinic’.

      Also note blogger that the article also stated that Obama’s highest priority is “rebuilding ladders of opportunities and to reverse income inequality”, while Skerrit’s highest priority appears to be pumping more money into his ‘Red Clinic’s for electioneering and for beggars-producing.

  18. Anonymous
    July 28, 2013

    Why should some work so hard every day so the the government can take from them and give to those who just sit on their behinds and do nothing. Most time the red clinic recipients take the money to bye rum and ‘the white stuff’. No wonder there is so much paros in Dominica.

  19. One Love
    July 28, 2013

    There are much bigger lines than that in NY for food stamp. Don’t talk about when winter hits.

    • Rex
      July 28, 2013

      There is much more of everything in NY so how does your nonsensical point help the depressing situation in Dominica

      July 29, 2013

      One Love, what’s the population of NY again??

      • Just Blaze
        July 29, 2013

        Brain Damage no matter what country you go to there will always be the less fortunate and people in need. Dominica is no exception.

      July 29, 2013

      it’s diSTributed by the welfare department right? NOT THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. cLAUDE wHATHEY DID THE SAME THING IN sT MAARTEN so the people will feel obligated to him cause he directly handed over the money to those individuals. why do u think skerrit handles the red clinic himself? any blind man can see what is going on

  20. MERVYN
    July 28, 2013


  21. July 28, 2013

    Dominica in all its backwardness and ignorance could not have stooped to a lower level. Begging on the Prime Minister’s doorstep for a piece of bread is so degrading amd downright insulting. However, the Labour party die-hards believe that this embarrassment, this slap in the face is actual charity, good governance and the expression of a good person. Mr. Prime Minister, you are insulting your own constituents by playing God, keeping the people poor and in need then exploiting them by having them come to you and beg! Sir You rise today to downgrade the poor, but believe me, you will never enjoy it! . Nebukhadnezza was a great ruler and was brought down to graxe in the field with the cattle for seven years. PM GOD IS WATCHING YOU SIR!!!!

    July 28, 2013

    Hello my people we just pass a budget one of the best in the Caribbean, in that budget there will be 800 new jobs..

    Tourism going to grow, with cheap power from the geothermal..

    We people have to be welling to pay the price for development, for instance they want cheaper energy but the does’t want to close Ti Tou Gorge, Trafalgar Falls, Boiling Lake, Fresh Water Lake..

    How much money does the tourist attract like ti tou gorge, Trafalgar falls ,etc bring in the government bag?

    people wakeup and get on-broad, and tell me what have more money closing ti tou gorge and Trafalgar for geothermal or keep our rivers and dead tourism industry ??

    • PetProjects
      July 28, 2013

      @LPD FOR EVER ur delusional just like ur Leader Skerro!! Stop fool urself with such B.S.

    • Anonymous
      July 29, 2013

      Lol lol lol lol lol
      Are you serious? Best budget in the Caribbean
      Which caribbean?
      Lol lol
      You must be high on something?

  23. me
    July 28, 2013

    its amazing how far my country men will go to leave way above there means yuh
    im surprised how no one has seen that this is state sponsered bribery

  24. Rex
    July 28, 2013

    Not even during the aftermath of Hurrican David that people were lining up for handouts like I see here

    • Justice and Truth
      July 28, 2013

      You should utilize your common sense. At that time, there was no such help for needy Dominicans. Thank God today they receive such help.

      • ras con
        July 28, 2013

        bless u just like them and those Educate fools.and non-Educate fools.NOT one sense.U all.

      • Anonymous
        July 29, 2013

        So encouraging dependency is helping?

  25. hmmm
    July 28, 2013

    Well that Dominicans want. To go and beg for money every wednesday. But why with my tax money? Jeez!! Don’t the tax payers in the country have no say in how our money gets spent?

    • Ohhh Dominica!
      July 28, 2013

      You do, every five years at the polls!

    • Justice and Truth
      July 28, 2013

      How much do you pay in taxes? I reside in a country where the poor and unemployed receive monthly assistance from the government with taxpayers’ money. Some of them were employed but due to attrition, downsizing, restructuring, layoffs, business closures and such they had no alternative but to apply for social assistance. From time to time this amount is increased by a certain percentage to offset the increased cost of living.
      If you keep this criticism up, the worst will occur right under your nose and you will not know it. Be thankful that you do not need this money; hope you never do.

      • marion
        July 29, 2013

        they do not discriminate.obama does not djstribute any money.

      • Anonymous
        July 29, 2013

        They recieve help from the welfare dept not
        From the prime minister or president.
        Welfare dept is trained to deal with this issue
        People just show up with there stories SMH

      • listening
        July 29, 2013

        but not from Obama. The poor needs help, and it comes from Tax payers. We get the impression that its the PM’s money. There are other means and institutions that can give the monies to the needy not in that fashion.

      • Hmmmmm
        July 29, 2013

        Darling for how they all know I don’t support this government I will never get even if I had a genuine need. But I will continue to work hard for what I need in life. But handing out money to get votes. Really? Really? This government is just turning people into beggers. And half of them just outright lazy and want a freeness.

  26. July 28, 2013

    SHAME SHAME SHAME, Dominica has moved from a country with hard working people to a country full with beggers and parasites.
    Its a shame to be a Dominican now :cry:

  27. LCM
    July 28, 2013

    This is messed up. How can other elected Officials allow this. What is the walfare department for. This is a blatant case of Gov. buying votes. If the Pm does not stop there should be somthing in the law to stop this practice

    • Justice and Truth
      July 28, 2013

      Is this all you have to state? How about a feasible suggestion?

  28. IluvmyPm
    July 28, 2013

    I want to thank skerrit for caring for me and my family by taking money from brisbane and sukie with the vat to help me pay my marpin bill. I love my pm

    • Ohhh Dominica!
      July 28, 2013

      Lol, I like that, so while Brisbane and Sukie working hard for their five cents you can sit on your behind and watch TV.

      You people never cease to amaze me.

      • Possi Born/ NYC
        July 29, 2013

        you so stupid,the person who wrote that is just one who is against what the government is doing to help its citizens who are unfortunate..read between the lines you foolish idiot

    • ras con
      July 28, 2013

      Bless! go and look for work and stop waiting for hand out from you all PM, WHERE ARE THE JOBS HE PROMISE YOU ALL.

    • Jay
      July 29, 2013

      You fool, don’t you know that the vat you are paying goes straight to the Govt.? It your own money that is being given back to you, or not, at the whim of one man.

  29. DC
    July 28, 2013

    Stop being bias because you do not support the Government. We must think rationally. Poverty is a worldwide problem. Dominica is no exception. While in Dominica, I met a few single mothers with children, some of these children were hungry. As a God fearing person, you assist right away, even if you were down to your last few dollars, you stay without and help the mom feed those children right away. There are emergency situations which must be addressed asap, and that is what the Government does, just like in the US, you are unemployed, your children are hungry, you seek help, you get it right away. A citizen is need to save his or her life, their must be an expeditious process to release funds to help save life. The Government would like everyone to work hard, however, Government has to cater to their country as is. There must be assistance available for those who are in dire need. We cannot allow the children and elderly to starve. PM, keep on aiding the vulnerable. God bless you!

    • Justice and Truth
      July 28, 2013

      Everyone on God’s earth has a right to eat for their livelihood. Those who are in a better position never view this situation as a means of assisting the poor. For them, people could starve to death and they care not.

      July 29, 2013

      dc you could not have said it any better. the negative comments come from ignorant people who do not know better but listen to the nonesense the UWP talk. some of them well want it but to shame to go or the asking people to go for them. they must be careful very careful their words might come to hunt them.

    • Anonymous
      July 29, 2013

      The difference is people don’t line up at the White House to get assistance. We have a Welfare Department and a Small Business Unit who should be dealing with those things.

    • Possi Born/ NYC
      July 29, 2013

      you right on point..this is the best view i read about the situation so far..these people are so ignorant about world issues..

  30. Lil Bo-Pip
    July 28, 2013

    Shavez Style will not be our style. Dominica not Venezuela.

  31. Lil Bo-Pip
    July 28, 2013

    The only one profiting and benefiting from this scheme is Skerritt. I’m so surprised that it took people that long to catch-up with that scheme. SHUT IT DOWN.

  32. Glo Chaud
    July 28, 2013

    Teach a man to fish….. isn’t that a Chinese proverb? so how come we did not learn that one? In any case when you take things from the red clinic you leave with a devil on your shoulder….it makes you dependent, blind, because like Chavez once said the devil was at the UN meeting when Bush spoke prior to him….It is the same with the PM he is the Devil we don’t see, he is steeped in Necromancy so much so even his close friend Pastors are blinded by it calling it Charisma. Beware Dominicans Beware.

  33. Mangoes
    July 28, 2013

    Don’t see anything changing in Dominica…

    The last time dominicans voted wisely was in 1995
    since then dominicans have voted with their heels..

    Voting with heels endorse those types of governance practises..

  34. July 28, 2013

    Truth. Am not part of the progamme never attended and will not go there. my salary is 1250.00 i pay my rent pay my loan and my bills bus fare no money for food or saving or to anything extra. that’s all i see every month. what about those who have children going too school receiving half of that no man there all they get every month. i there’s help well some can get it , i wont go though i need money for food and to do other stuff. God is my source let him be Dominica’s source And Domincan’s provider. It is difficult for some.

  35. Gwanbay
    July 28, 2013

    So what you want Spags? When Skerro end the programme, who will pay my Marpin, LIME, Domlec, DOWASCO and my Sabaz bill?

    Do you have money to open a Blue Clinic?

    • PetProjects
      July 28, 2013

      @ Gwanbay ur a darn shame……Do what The Krazy man on Kairi said, Go work hard n u will b okay!!.

    • Anonymous
      July 28, 2013

      Find a job and stop leaving above your means

    • Views Expressed
      July 28, 2013

      Gwanbay…Go get a job, let Skerro take you off from this begging bowl, raise your dignity and create jobs that you will walk in freely to Marpin, DOWASCO, DOMLEC etc and pay your own bills and go shop and invest your money. Our Prime Ministers not suppose to buy you cheaply and other poor people of Dominica.

    • July 28, 2013

      Parasit :-D

    • Jay
      July 29, 2013

      So you want other people to work so you can watch T.V. and have your material comforts. I’m fed up having to pay for scroungers like you!

  36. Anonymous
    July 28, 2013

    If this is what makes Dominicans happy then let them continue to line up for what they can get to eat today. Why should they want to learn how to sustain themselves when all they have to do is go to the financial center dress in red to beg? Let the mammies and whoever else, defend this mendicancy. Alas, I pity these people and I hope that they get delivered from this. Who am I judge these people anyway, they have no brain power so they do what they know to do best and that is to dress in red and wait for handout.

    • orchid
      July 28, 2013

      The people who go for help at the red clinic are doing no worse than the parliamentarians who stayed out of the house for TWO LONG YEARS and collected their salaries EVERY MONTH. Those who go to the so called red clinic are people who say they need assistance. These opposition members were bold enough to stay away and shameless enough to COLLECT the salaries. Can they account for collecting without working? They should never use the word ‘accountability’ in their utterances. What does Spags know about accountability? A lot of people we think have ‘brain power’ do not have it. Talk, talk, talk without results shows that the ‘brains’ are not really coming up with any effective method to create change.

      • July 29, 2013

        The people of dominica elected spags and others who went to parliament and all you dlp want to tell them what all you want speaker of house push them around parliament belong to dlp. you talking skerrit stays out of parliament many time and still get pays so what you talking about dlp dont treat spags them well

    • One Love
      July 28, 2013

      Just like some does in the USA and England. That’s what some of our people depends on in the USA and England and we see it as being ok.

  37. Angel
    July 28, 2013

    Better than giving à fish to à Man. Teach Him how to fish or give Jim the tools to learn:that s the rôle of à gouvernement

  38. Fact
    July 28, 2013

    True say Mr John.
    Is that mammy in the line up?

  39. Donna
    July 28, 2013

    These images are damaging to the image of Dominica for Potential Investors.

    Someone needs to advice the Regime in Dominica that’s rather a sick way to Governance in this Modern Era.

    Thought Dominica had smart and brilliant minds!

    • One Love
      July 28, 2013

      I see bigger lines than that in NY for food stamp.

      • Justice and Truth
        July 28, 2013

        Thank God the US government and governments of other countries assist the poor. What would happen to them if they did not receive help?

      • new lots/riverdale
        July 29, 2013

        u see longer lines at the food stamp… but do u see it at the mayor’s office, does bloomberg give off money personally, or cards etc to food stamp users??? is there a line like this to the governor’s office???? so quit being foolish and purposely blinding yourself… if this line was at the grotto, social security or at CCF… handed by competent men n women…. no one would complain….

        read and understand the reasons mr john mentioned his concerns and know they are valid, and that exercise would never go on in new york

    • Possi Born/ NYC
      July 29, 2013

      you just a fool and idiot to jump to conclusion of a picture seen here. get to the real point and issues..mind your own business and that of your country where you sit to write that..guess you home sitting on you lazy doing nothing and depending on your government,but you coming here to criticize.

  40. Whistler
    July 28, 2013

    Dominica has moved back to the stone age of Governance that’s what’s pictured there.

    my heart is hurting seeing how low the bar of Dominica has become..

    Qualified Economist plus Financial wizards sit back and allow this to be rolling in the HQ..

    The above shows how one man can cripple the image of a Blessed island.

  41. Those who have eyes.
    July 28, 2013

    one day.. just one day.. Dominicans will wake up

    • Justice and Truth
      July 28, 2013

      When are you going to wake up to do something concrete for Dominica and other nationals? You owe something to your country and nationals. You are not here solely for yourself. This is a mandate from God.

  42. White Plains Rd
    July 28, 2013

    Dominica….the “Ship of Fools”—Red Clinic!

    • Justice and Truth
      July 28, 2013

      It is easy to say when you are on the other side of the “Ship of Fools”, critic.

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