PM declares National State of Mourning

Chavez died after a two-year battle with cancer

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has declared a National State of Mourning in Dominica following the death of Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez.

Chavez dies on Tuesday afternoon after a two-year battle with cancer.

The prime minister said he has asked the ‘relevant’ authorities to convene a special memorial Mass for Chavez at the St. Alphonsus Catholic Church on Thursday, March 7.

In a statement to the nation on Tuesday evening, Skerrit described Chavez as a true friend of Dominica and “Dominican in many respects.”

“I wish from the outset to declare a National State of Mourning in the Commonwealth of Dominica,” he said. “It is without reservation therefore that I request that all flags in the Commonwealth of Dominica be flown at half staff effective tomorrow March 6 and continuing to the morning following the internment of our fallen friend, brother and comrade.”

The memorial Mass will be held at 5:00 pm.

He said the family of Chavez and the people of Venezuela are in the prayers of Dominicans. “We share the pain and the great loss,” he remarked.

The prime minister said Chavez’s love for Dominica transcended the monetary, material and physical. “It was a love that manifested itself in every encounter, whether in Caracas, Roseau or another regional capital,” he noted.

Sometimes, overcome by emotions, Skerrit said he has lost a great ‘colleague, father, brother and a friend.’ “Hugo Chavez held my hands in the brightest and darkest hours of my tenure to date as your prime minister,” he said. “Dominica and I could have looked to him for guidance and we received such in the spirit of mutual friendship and respect.”

He also assured the government of Venezuela of Dominica’s continued support and said the government will indicate further initiatives “to appropriately record its sadness on the passing of president Chavez and its commitment to the commemoration of his work.”

Chavez’s body will lie in state for three days from Wednesday until a memorial service and a public funeral on Friday, Foreign Minister Elias Jaua has said.


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  1. March 7, 2013

    Morning Mr. Ignus Thomas…..

    Sometimes, the truth offends brother. Unfortunately, your mind is clouded by gifts which you might have received from President Chavez. But at what cost brother? There are alot of people who will do good. Let’s take a drug dealer for example. For the man who is down and out and the dealer makes a proposition. At the time of the proposition, it might seem like a good way out of poverty. Now,ask yourself, at what cost?

    There will be people who mourn President Chavez, and i feel for his family. It’s the same way there were those who mourned for Osama Bin Ladin and Moammar Gadhafi. Would there be people who said that they did good for their people and country? I’m sure they did!!! But what about the majority?

    Have you ever lived in a communist country? I would encourage you to move to one and then get back to me on that. I am a PROUD DOMINICAN/AMERICAN brother. All that glitters is not gold my friend. Don’t sell your soul for new roads or seaports. Stand for what is true, just, and right. NO MATTER WHAT THE COST!!! HUMAN RIGHTS…..freedom of speech, religion, etc.

    One thing i can truly say, is that many die trying to this land where the “big fish” resides. Have you ever learned of the land of oppurtunity? I wonder why they call it that? I’m not mad at you brother, I only want you to think outside of the box.

  2. Morihei Ueshiba
    March 7, 2013

    Analysts from Criminal Justice International Associates recently estimated that the Chávez Frías family in Venezuela has ‘amassed a fortune” similar to that of the Castro brothers in Cuba – value of $2 billion. 8)

  3. stehen
    March 6, 2013

    what about BIRD ISLAND is it on anyones mind?

  4. pssst
    March 6, 2013

    fresh from venezuela: those people who sit outside dominica and run their mouth knowing nothing. no government can solve all problems, but maybe our leaders can take a tip in how he loved his people. Chavez..u had to smile for everyone and be strong for everyone, but i am sure in the silence u cried when u thought of your sufferings,,,u will be missed, ur critics will keep criticizing. sigue la lucha!

    • Justice and Truth
      March 7, 2013

      There is not one person in this world who does not have problems and who does not smile but cry inside or in the confines of their homes. Chavez is no exception and as a politician. They keep smiling but are hurting inside. You should visualize what politicians have to put up with especially with the opposition and non-supporters. I visualize that it is a living hell.
      Chavez is gone and I hope his soul is resting at peace from the turmoil, obstacles and struggles of this earth – human ones.

  5. March 6, 2013

    DOMINICANTOTHEBONE you would have done Dominica much good if you had held your peace and say nothing, instead of writing that crap. Now is not the time to point out what wrong you think Mr. Chavez had done.

    Dominica (DOMINICANS) benefited a lot from Mr. Chavez, and the Govt. and people of the great country of Venezuela. If a new administration were to lead this country,they’d be glad to find people who love Dominica; and contribute to its advancement like Chavez did. So join all who truly are “Dominicans at heart” and mourn the passing away of a true friend.

    You think that Chavez was a dictator? If so I’ll say: “I love this kind of dictatorship.” Point to any other Venezuelan President who loved and cared about the poor even half as much as our beloved Chavez did. For that matter, any leader in all the world, for the last hundred years? Your answer?..NO ANSWER?__You want my answer?___ Our beloved Skerrit comes pretty close.

    Don’t let American polititians full you. Not even Obama. Most of us are ‘small fishes’; and every big fish out there is out to have us for dinner. Chavez, though in a position was a big fish; identified with the small fish, the ordinary man/woman.

    So wise up my brothers. Free your minds of all the junk with which America, England, and others are bombarding us. They won’t tell you that had it not been for Chavez, many Americans would have frozen to death during the last ten or so winters seasons.

    • March 7, 2013


      vamos a brindamos por eso chamo,lets drink to that!

    • lang dough
      March 7, 2013

      U were going on pretty good until u dared compare cSkeritt with Chavez. Chavez was nationalizing his countries natural resources to feed the poor. Skeritt believed intakin all dominica’s natural resource and give to foreigners namely sand, agregregate,geothermal as well as all the jobs , pasport and land.

  6. Pondera
    March 6, 2013

    Venezuella has been a true friend of Dominica for a long time. The era of President Chavez has deepened that relationship. As a Dominica, blue, red or green, I concur that President Chavez payed special attention to the needs of Dominica. We must admit that PM Skerrit had alot to do with this peculiar synergy between Dominica and Venezuella. Against this backdrop, the passing of Chavez is a great loss for Dominica. We empathize with his family and every citizen of Venezuella. We can only pray for God’s leading upon the country that has stood firmly with him during his moment of need. We shall always remember Chavez and the people of Venezuella.

  7. We are not fools
    March 6, 2013

    DNO, the same things you blocking my comments for are being echoed by other persons and you accepting theirs. Is it that you discriminate based on name. If u don’t want me on your site just tell me and I will not waste precious time to read, comment or go on your site. RIP

    • Justice and Truth
      March 7, 2013

      It is not what you state but how you state it.

  8. dayandnightvision
    March 6, 2013

    Is not a national day of mourning, is a state of mourning. Please understand the English language

  9. March 6, 2013


    what chaves did for his ppl,niether US,or any other did for there own,yes chaves root out the greedy,tirant venezuelians who wanted to oppress the poor,thats whatyou are hearing now,i would have dont it too,the others had sympathise,to the greedy wealthy rich venezuelians,and they too he give them a piece of there own medicine,

    I wont doubt that outside spies had poising mr chaves,if they the isrealis can do it to arafat,who is chaves?

    all they, interested are on the venezuelians oil,thats all and keep the locals ,like beggers,and make then second class citezen in there own country,

    • pssst
      March 6, 2013

      boy u say it perfect

  10. Pancho 049
    March 6, 2013

    Chavez : These are my 10 reasons why I will not miss you:

    1. your inability to engage in a dialogue with anyone that opposed you. Even from your death bed, you had a Supreme Court justice fired because she didn’t agree with your politics.

    2. Your disrespect for the rule of law. In 1999, you re-wrote the Constitution to fit your needs, and yet you violated it almost on a daily basis. crime exploded in Venezuela.

    3. The way you manipulated Venezuelans to think you were really working for them. .

    4. The astounding level of corruption of your government. millions of dollars and your only reaction was to attack the media that revealed the corruption.

    5. the price of oil was $9.30, and in 2008 it reached $126.33. There was so much good you could have done with that money! And yet you decided to throw it away on corruption, buying elections and weapons.

    6. Your attacks on private property . You nationalized hundreds of private companies because you wanted no one left with any power to oppose you. you could force public employees to attend your political rallies

    7. You shut down more than 30 radio and television stations for being critical of your government, you denied access to foreign currency for newspapers to buy printing paper (regular citizens can’t access foreign currency unless you authorize it), you imprisoned people without trial for years, you imprisoned people for crimes of opinion, you fired tens of thousands of public employees for signing a petition

    8. You kicked out the Americans but then you pulled down your pants for the Cubans, Russians, Chinese and Iranians. And you made it clear that your alliances would be with governments that massacre their own people.

    9. you allowed illegal armed groups to operate. You gave them weapons. You had the Russians set up a Kalashnikov plant in Venezuela. You gave weapons to the Colombian guerrilla, whose only agenda is murder and drug-dealing.

    10. you organized a coup in 1992. There was no democracy in your political party: you chose each of the candidates for the National Assembly and for city and state governments. When the opposition won the referendum that would have allowed you to change the Constitution in 2007, you disavowed the results and allow yourself to be reelected as many times as you wanted. You manipulated the elections in 2010 to make sure the opposition didn’t get more than a third of seats in Parliament even though they got 51% .

    Rest in peace now, while we try to rebuild the mess of a country that you left .

    • Anonymous
      March 6, 2013

      WOW well there’s another persepective!

      Sounds vaguely familiar 8-O

    • pssst
      March 6, 2013

      and thats all u have on him? smh…

    • pongpong
      March 6, 2013

      great piece to research work. the people with the thumbs down are the non reading begging for handout lazy fools.

    • RIP
      March 6, 2013

      i agreee…he thought he was immortal but god is in control..gone but will be forgotten..

    • Anonymous
      March 6, 2013

      brainwashed fool!!!!!!

    • IPO
      March 6, 2013

      Such gabbage

      8. You kicked out the Americans but then you pulled down your pants for the Cubans, Russians, Chinese and Iranians. And you made it clear that your alliances would be with governments that massacre their own people.

      Pull down pants…these things are not for Veneuela but for the Americans who are legalizing gay man.

      Secondly Chevez does not have blood on his hands….so stop your nonsense…Iraq, Afganistan, Lybia, Grenada, Panama, Palestine…do you want me to continue PUNK

    • March 7, 2013


      the last piece i just read,while we try to rebuild?your not a native of dominica!and your a spy!,i think the dominica secuirity agents should find you and put you out!

      all chaves did was to get ridd off all the greedy nasty,right wealthy american style venezuelians,put them in place,

      did you ever realise since he was there,the poor had the chance to better them self?and some of them could attend to school?how much peasents you heard that got drown by the glaziers water,when it melt from the mountains? the assault rifles was to protect the people of venezuela,from any one who want to invade there country,and yes while the chines is there and the russians,and the iranians,the greedy americans cant do a thing!
      so go get a cool drink of water,and chill out,
      yet you dont sound like a dominican,but we have to rebuild!

  11. john
    March 6, 2013

    moi paka mourn

  12. Anonymous
    March 6, 2013

    RIP Chavez, there is good and bad in each and everyone of us.

  13. hallie berrie
    March 6, 2013

    Thanks Chavez for all the help you have given to Dominica. May your soul rest in peace.

    But Mr. Prime MInister, You should declare the day of mourning, a national holiday because i cannot work and mourn. :lol:

    • Justice and Truth
      March 7, 2013

      Ever heard of multi-task? :lol: :lol: :lol:

  14. dhestini
    March 6, 2013

    last week was the burial of a late born and bred Dominican. a role model to most media persons and beyond in Dominica. once general manager of the state-owned radio station. yet that same state-owned radio station refused to carry an hr n half funeral service live. nt considering the Dominicans who were actually affected by his death n cldnt make it to the funeral. n that state-owned radio station answers to our very same prime minister. yet a foreigner dies, n we have to accept a national day of mourning? the man was my father nah? what had d man done for me? my condolences to the man’s family, but hell, he’s nt my family for me to accept a national day of mourning. i’ll do that personally when my own family member dies.. or somebody who actually contributed something to my life. mr PM, he was ur ‘father,frnd,brother,sister. mourne the man. dont ask the nation to do it with u. we probably clda joined u for mr Frampton…matter of fact, did u even acknowledge his death? hmmm…peace.

    • Anonymous
      March 6, 2013

      Why do you anti-government (anti-Dominica)partisan fools need to lie about everything in this country??? For the record DBS DID carry the funeral service of Mr. Frampton LIVE.

      • dhestini
        March 6, 2013

        Yes. Infact they did. AFTER THEY WERE PUT UNDER FIRE BY THE DOMINICAN PUBLIC!!! For a man like Mr Ferdinand Frampton that shld have been their frst instict. They did not have to endure public scutiny in order to air the service. That’s my point. Putting dominicans aside in their own country n embracing outsiders. Tell me what is nt true about that statement. Show some respect for our fellow dominicans before asking me to mourn for somebody I don’t know

  15. Samantha
    March 6, 2013

    Express condolences, yes.But a national day of mourning? Come on!

    • Marcus Hill
      March 6, 2013

      “…..effective tomorrow March 6 and continuing to the morning following the internment of our fallen friend, brother and comrade.”

    • DRAGON
      March 6, 2013

      What’s wrong with thinking of someone who has done so much for the Dominican people? Is Dominica on a total shutdown? If you do not see the need to mourn keep that to yourself.

      • Justice and Truth
        March 7, 2013

        Where is your mind on this? It is not a ‘national holiday’ but a ‘state of mourning’ and flags will be flown at half staff in his memory of one who was generous to Dominica. I am certain that other countries that Chavez aided will also do likewise.

    • Anonymous
      March 6, 2013

      Some of us must learn to understand English. he asked the country to be in a state of mourning, not a national day of mourning

    • Anonymous
      March 6, 2013

      The PM asked for the country to be in a state of mourning, not a national day of mourning. Papamet. Try to understand English

      • March 7, 2013


        your good!wake them up!

  16. March 6, 2013

    My condolences to the Chavez family. I am deeply sorry for your loss.

    President Chavez has done good things for many, however his legacy will remain that he was a dictator and persecuted his own people. We can find good in everyone if we look deep enough. I am still perplexed at the “company that PM Skeritt chooses to keep and those he chooses to be his mentors. I have always known our little country to always be struggling and i know we can do a lot better. Wouldn’t it be in our countries best interest if we leaned more towards countries that support a democratic society whether those that are communists? Like that saying goes; charity begins at home but at the same time, we always tend to hurt the ones that are closest to us. In the case of Mr. Chavez, he failed the Vanezualian people, always tried to show the world a sweet face, yet he hurt his people that are closest to him.

    I pray that our PM is not leaning towards communism. The reason for this comment is totally based on his record of the company which he keeps.

    PM….I’m sorry for your loss as well. I pray that his passing will allow you to search within your soul and ask yourself, am i doing the best for my countrymen(women). What will my legacy be?

    • Tri-State Beauty
      March 6, 2013

      Before you raise your blood pressure about Communism vs Democracy I urge you to inform yourself. People are known to fear that which they do not understand, in some instances it’s more comforting to align yourself with the majority and make excuses for their out right injustices than share a cup of coffee with the percieved rebel who is unafraid to stand up, and speak for the masses. Leaders like Chavez have balls and guts that many so called patriots of Dominica have only on the net and call in programs on all political sides. Their demise begins not because of the company they keep, but when the power they hold finally manifest itself and their egos lose touch with the cause that propelled them to such power.

      However in all of that, Chavez, Fidel, Maurice, MalcomX, Moise Tshombe, Jomo Kenyata, Roosie Douglas et al are men worth keeping company. Know yourself my people, and carve your own history, we no longer need to live by ..”what we know is what they teach us”. Your view on Communism is clouded by what you have been schooled to believe, when was Chavez ever a communist?

      • S.Stoute
        March 6, 2013

        You forgot CHE Tri-State Beauty!!! I am impressed and intrigued all at once. Wow there’s hope yet for Dominica. School them!!! In Dominica all toothpaste is Colgate, all deodorant is Lander-stick etc. I’m often shocked at the comments people can LOG on to the net and make with full confidence. If anything Chavez displayed more Socialist tendencies, which overlaps with certain aspects of Communism, however he was a REVOLUTIONIST who carved his own brand of leadership,pegged from several ideologies and systems. Many of his political enemies still admired him. At best Chavez was a showman and gentler than most outsiders even realize.

      • Tut-Tut
        March 6, 2013

        Alas Triee you have time with Dominicans. Just wait to see the number of thumbs down you are going to get. Chavez with all his antics was supplying almost 3 million americans with heating oil at no cost. Some of Chavez closest friends are high ranking American citizens and celebrities.

      • Anonymous
        March 6, 2013

        Tri-State Beauty, please continue to educate ignorant folks such as ‘Dominicantothebone’ because there is just too much of uninformed ignorance running loose in the country!!!!

      • March 7, 2013


        To tri-state beauty,have you notcie,all who stand up to the USA,are falling dead? 2 Dominicans Pm,and now a venezuelians president?Hmmm,sticky bussines,

    • Anonymous
      March 6, 2013

      Do you even know the meanning of the word ‘Dictator’ or you are just regurgitating the crap that right wing media houses such as FOX NEWS through down your throat??? Try being an independent thinker dude. If you really search for the truth maybe you just might find it.

    • Pas Las
      March 6, 2013

      Libya, Cuba, China, Venezuela….I see a pattern.

  17. Jespen
    March 6, 2013

    Say what you want, but El Presidente Chavez was a true friend of the region

  18. Marcus Hill
    March 6, 2013

    My Sympathies go out to the family of the deceased Hugo Chavez. May his soul rest in peace.

  19. leroy Richards
    March 6, 2013

    God bless his soul, so much will be said, but to me this man was a true hero on many fronts. He will be remembered by many, so what ever the priminister think he should do in the honor and rememberance of this fallen hero we as Dominicans should support him. Rest in peace Hugo Chavez..

    • possie
      March 6, 2013

      My friend de money bag bust you kno, so stop sing for your super, you are not on the bobol list.

  20. spirit 202
    March 6, 2013

    truly a friend of Dominica REST in PEACE brother uncle cha :lol:

  21. Patience
    March 6, 2013

    Whether or not you are a supporter I think this death comes as a tragedy and is heartfelt..Anybody who lends a hand in time of need to Dominica is a fren of mine

    RIP President Hugo Chavez

  22. Birdy1964
    March 6, 2013

    Mr.Skeritt. Sir I don’t know you, but one day i will meet you. We Dominican over sea are praying for you, for god to give you strenght to rule this country. It a shame your are not aprecaited by some of our own dominican people. watching from outside you are a good person, who love your country. You are not ungreatful. Your are a ruler.

    • Creativity
      March 6, 2013


  23. Anonymous
    March 6, 2013

    Who has Dominica helped? Always the beggar never the giver.

    Anyway, RIP Hugo and thanks for everything you tried to do for us.

  24. Rule
    March 6, 2013

    Most Dominicans are unaware of the injustices that Chavez bestowed upon the people of Venequela.
    When Ma Charles died, I did not see a national day of mourning

    • Anonymous
      March 6, 2013

      Who was in government then?

    • Creativity
      March 6, 2013


    • Creativity
      March 6, 2013


  25. hope
    March 6, 2013

    You were more than the leader of a country! You were somebody’s husband, father, and friend. On a day like today, I ask God to strengthen those whom you have left behind.

    Your kindness to my homeland is ingrained in my memory. Farewell.

  26. wotton waven /Possie
    March 6, 2013

    Me gustaria transmitir mi sentimentos al gobierno y pueblo de Venezuela por el fallecimento de su querido Presidente Hugo Chavez.Descanse en paz.

    • March 7, 2013

      To wotten waven-possie,

      pls add a english translation too,la proxima ves,escrito or tradusir lo in engles,

  27. ginger beer
    March 6, 2013

    To those who are enemies of the fallen, Proverbs 24:17 says – “Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles.”

    May your soul rest in peace, Chavez.

  28. Anonymous
    March 6, 2013

    I do not live in da. But that will always be my home chavez is a great man and true friend to the ppl of dominica. The man that is right on with the creation of ALBA and brave enough to stand and speak against external forces nationalism is our only hope for our future. This great man should be written in our history books. God bless you SIR GO IN PEACE. Now for the person who thinks. DA is so poor. I live in the US 13 yrs and I never knew what I had till I moved out of DA. We measure our value. based on how happy we are in DA in the us. It’s. Based on how much $$ you have. OMG we are so blessed in DOMINICA the american deram is only advertized on tv. Its not real you are a slave to the system here I work full time make more than 1000 us a week and still can’t live as happy as I did in DA. Making $2800. That’s why its called the American dream and truely that all it is A DREAM. I would not advice anyone to leave this beautiful Paradise. Notice how so many foreigners are buying up land. That’s because they want what you have. PS DOMICANS wake upto reality. Take it from someone whose been there as a us soldier and civilian THAT’S. WHY I’VE FINALLY DECIDED TO MOVE BACK IN DEC. 2013. ONE LOVE!!!!

  29. Nikkei
    March 6, 2013

    R.I.P HUGO

  30. grell
    March 6, 2013

    cold hearted people what did hugo do to any of you haters,may his soul rest in peace.

  31. Mr. C
    March 6, 2013

    Boy Dom in a cans not easy rejocing over someone friend that dies. Shame shame shame…like the bible say we know nt the time nor the day…we have friends too……Thats all am saying…..

    • Waitukubul-original
      March 6, 2013

      My fellow Dominicans,those of you who rejoice or are being sarcastic about the man’s passing, be mindful that death is not prejudice. Everyone has an appointment with death and yours and neither you nor your family is excluded. In times such as this you put aside your political agendas, get off your high horses and be human for once. He has family and friends who are hurting in whose shoes you would not want to walk right now. So keep rejoicing, your time of mourning will come too. When comes to death, NO ONE LEFT BEHIND.

    • Wiseup
      March 6, 2013

      same thing i checking

  32. Poul Bwa
    March 6, 2013

    “Most of the motley collection of parties that backed the Bolivarian revolution were merged into the Venezuelan United Socialist Party (PSUV). Mr Chávez also created two other instruments of control: a militia of around 125,000, answerable directly to him rather than the army command; and a network of community councils which took over many of the functions (and revenues) of local government. Foreign leftist academics claimed that all this added up to an empowering “direct democracy”, superior to the incipient welfare state set up by Latin America’s social democratic governments. But to others, it looked like a top-down charade of participation, in which all power lay with the president.

    ” Sound familiar?

  33. Che'
    March 6, 2013

    Why in the “Catholic Church”? Why not somewhere mutual? Again the Catholic Church have such a bad name….. and we all know what have been said about Skerrit and Our Bishop….

    • hmmm
      March 6, 2013

      Because Chavez was also Catholic. What is the big deal about which church its held in???? Is that relevant which church a memorial service is held in….God will not be asking you what church you attended!!

    • Malgraysa
      March 6, 2013

      I have no preferences but remember, Hugo Chavez was and remains a Roman Catholic, which is also still the majority faith in Dominica. I’m sure that other faiths are more than welcome to join the service and if they are charitable I’m sure they will. We all serve one, and the same God, malgraysa!

    • laps
      March 6, 2013

      i want to answer you, the catholic church has a bad name and so too the so called righteous churches , there is one god and only one god. the catholic church dayfoe out in the open but the others hide theirs. catholic will jump carnival in the open without covering their faces, but the other religions will join the sensay to put their face under a mask, get to reality!!!! let he who have no sin cast the first stone breda.

    • jaz
      March 6, 2013

      Sorry mate, but he is a better Catholic “Christian” than you.

    • Public officer
      March 6, 2013

      stupes, if you doh have nofing to say go sit in an ants nest, cha!!! he was a catholic and the catholic church have to celebrate his life, and dats dat, eh eh, what happen to those so called save soul there nuh

    • Lang Bef
      March 6, 2013

      What has been said about Skerrit and the Bishop? I want to know. Tell me :mrgreen:

    • Justice and Truth
      March 7, 2013

      Che, do not be spurred on by the whims and wiles of Satan. I would not be surprised that you are a fallen away Catholic. You deserve many more thumbs down. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :mrgreen:
      I suppose you are holy of holies and do not have a bad name, that you never committed a sin, never offended God and those whom you personally know. You are one big-time hypocrite.
      Chavez is a Catholic Christian. Where did you expect the Memorial Holy Mass to take place?
      You better learn something about the Catholic Church because you are ignorant of it and its Doctrines.

  34. really?
    March 6, 2013

    Condolences to Mr. Chavez, his family, friends and supporters including the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit. When someone who is dear to you passes on, you do mourn yourloss. However, I don’t see the need to decalre a National State of Mourning.While the Venezuela-Dominica relationship was strengthened under Chavez’s administration, Chavez was not Dominican so why should we declare a National State of Mourning? Furthermore, not all Dominicans support that relationship so that declaration. So by declaring a National State of Mourning is the same as forcing it down their throats.I do respect people and their contributions. I try to be as human as I can but honestly, I think that the National State of Mourning is uncalled for.

  35. Anonymous
    March 6, 2013

    time for all you to start paying back all his country money he gave to DOminica and we think it for free nothing free in this life wake up

    • Anonymous
      March 6, 2013

      Not sure who you think you are talking to but Dominicans, in fact, not only think that everything is for free but it is the job of the world to give us everything free so we dont have to work for it.

      God forbid those tea party people ever come to DA on holiday because we are the poster child for their argument against socialism and we provide them with all the justification they need for their arguments.

      • March 7, 2013

        and if they do get in to your heads,they will cut every tree down for lumber,and drain your rivers dry,just to sell your water,yep resources,thats all they want,

        those blasted greedy white ppl,

  36. Free
    March 6, 2013

    Some dominicans a so small minded eh!! Yes we have to show our respect,we have to mourn!!no he was nt d president of dominica but he helped us! He’s even d reson some of us hve a job today so if u ent no plz dnt comment!! R.I.P chavez

  37. Valley Rat
    March 6, 2013

    Skeritt should have a day in his honour, like a national holiday, just saying.

    • Che'
      March 6, 2013

      I will only agree with you if it was “Dame Eugenia Charles Day”

    • Malgraysa
      March 6, 2013

      A national holiday because you are mourning a man’s death? I think it would be far more contributing and meaningful if we put our hands to the wheel and build a nation rather than celebrate and lime on the beach.

    • Anonymous
      March 6, 2013

      LOL you are too funny! Thanks for that!

    • Justice and Truth
      March 7, 2013

      You should do something constructive for Dominica so that when you die you will be remembered in likewise manner and more so.

  38. March 6, 2013

    My deepest condolences to Mr Chavez family,
    friends and his supporters.
    As a believer,I’m called upon to weep with those who weep and mourn with those who mourn.
    And I will also take the opportunity to extend a few words of wisdom.
    Once again another of our great icons has gone down..And like all the others that have gone in the past,we once again see that Mr Chavez was helpless in keeping himself in Venezuela,or more so on planet earth,longer than what JEHOVAH the creator of heaven and earth had alotted him.
    When men are fighting for power,they must never forget that,HE(JEHOVAH)is the one that raises up a man,and pulls him(man)down,at his(JEHOVAH)own pleasure..
    Unfortunatly,Chavez could not have unleashed the Venezuela military on the cancer to destroy it..The oil did not do it neither..And I’m sure he must have used a great deal of his cash,but to no avail..
    That’s because JEHOVAH,everyone of us creator,
    clearly told us that,(a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth)Luke 12:15..
    And so when it’s time for us to take the exit door,don’t matter who you are,the king..the queen..the president..the governor..the mayor..the poor man on the street..the ugly willie.,nothing can keep us there one second more than what is given to us.
    That’s because GOD is a respector of no person..
    Again reminded that we are not above GOD,but rather GOD is above us,and way..above us.
    I say that because,there are those who behave and think that way..GOD said thou shalt not..And by their actions they are saying thou shalt…GOD said thou shalt..And they are responding by their actions,thou shalt not..
    Well much power to you..
    I’m sure when Chavez started his reign of power three decades ago,that was the last thing on his mind that would have taken him down.And so it is for each and everyone of us..since we do not know.
    And so when I hear the vain and puffed up people,especially some in the U.S,make such statements as..We bought our guns to protect ourselves,we can be what we want to be..
    Well let me tell you he’ll stop you right in your tracks..
    Making solid plans for the afternoon,whilst it’s yet morning is stupid,let alone for days or weeks or months or years at a time.
    And so that’s why I said earlier in my commentary.
    He,Chavez,not even if he had unleashed his military on the cancer,that would have saved him.
    And for sure that’s not possible..
    My point is,since we do not know what is going to take us down,it is foolish to focus our attention on a particular thing or plan long term,since we do not know what is before us.
    Heart attack,plain crash,car crash,cancers and those are just a few of the many issues on the long list..
    Oh..and by the way..another one, sink holes..One can be on his bed sleeping and the earth opens up and sucks him in…
    Oh what a magnificent GOD that I serve..

    • Justice and Truth
      March 7, 2013

      With your charade of knowing it all ensure that you consistently are kind and do good to everyone with no exception for Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “Be perfect and merciful as your Heavenly Father is.”
      St. Paul said, “Nothing defiled will enter Heaven.” Do not put yourself above anyone for God loves the humble.
      Also, Humble yourself and He will exalt you in due time. God will judge everyone according to their works. Faith and works go hand in hand.

  39. Dr. Sam
    March 6, 2013

    National mourning is a most fitting tribute for one of the greatest friends of Dominica

    We will no doubt hear from the evil ones, those with that lingering smell of sulphur, rejoicing at such a time as this. Yet I am proud of my country for mourning with those who mourn. We stand with the poor of the Americas, indeed of all the world, in honoring the passing of Hugo Chavez. Joe Kennedy expresses it best:

    Chavez was a champion of the downtrodden. May the angels welcome him into the everlasting arms.

    La luta continua!

    Don’t give up the fight!
    The struggle continues.

    Dr. Sam

    • dayandnightvision
      March 6, 2013

      Dr sam. I soooooo agree with you

  40. wells
    March 6, 2013

    r.i.p cammander our prayers are with the ppl of venezuela god nnever gives us more than we can bare.your humour and your morals will surely be missed by solitary with venezuela

  41. Anonymous
    March 6, 2013

    your humour and your morals will surely be miss by all r.i.p commander gone but not forgotten in solidarity with our venezuelan counterpart we share your pain

  42. Annon
    March 6, 2013

    Verry appropriate. His compassion for Dominica was very tangible. However, Skeritt and Mr. Chavez didn’t quite recognize the concept of ‘Give a Man a fish and u feed him for a day, but Teach a Man to Fish U feed him FOR A LIFETIME>.
    RIP Hugo, your assistance to Dominica has been timely and much appreciated.

  43. sadden
    March 6, 2013

    this is a great loss. extend my sympathy to the PM and the Venezuelan people. you have loss a true friend you stood for the poor and the people

  44. at last
    March 5, 2013

    We have a statue of Simon Bolivia, so that can be arranged

  45. vi massive
    March 5, 2013

    A true friend of Dominica.
    R I P brother Hugo.

  46. March 5, 2013

    The premature loss of any human life is sad. What’s sadder for the PM is the uncertainty as to whom will help him buy the next election. What’s sad for Dominicans is how much more of our autonomy we’ll have to give away to the next regime in order to allow him to do so.

  47. shortboy
    March 5, 2013

    readig some of the comments,thats why dominica will always force to reach where it surpose to our people are wicked hard hearted 1 STUPID i should say (small cvountry small mind)!!!

  48. cohenval
    March 5, 2013

    This is what PM Skerrit and Chavez have in common

    Jorge Castenada, the former Mexico foreign minister and NBC’s Latin American policy analyst stated

    “I think he’ll be remembered for having tried to make a life of poor people in Venezuela better but in the end of the day, having made it WORSE. When the consequences of his economic policies become apparent, it will end up that he spent an enormous amount of money to make people a little better off for a short period of time.”

    • Anonymous
      March 6, 2013

      It is ignorance of people like you who just like quoting right-wing bigots without researching and informing yourself, whom I really have a problem with. How can anyone with a brain convince himself that investments in education for children, health care, housing etc. is throwing monies down the drain and making a country worst off, YET these same individuals have no problem with their governments spending billions on bombs and killing innocent people in other countries??? My oh my!!! @ Cohenval: you really need to have your brains washed over!!!!

  49. Anonymous
    March 5, 2013

    After reading some of the comments I can only say alas for our people. Can you imagine, politics has blinded us so much that we do not even respect death and an individual’s right to mourn? Death is something that touches all of us and most times we are not ready. Allow who wants to mourn to mourn and save those sarcastic, harsh and political remarks because you may rejoice now but mourn tomorrow. Remember death does not choose.

  50. Lapline / Newjersey
    March 5, 2013

    RIP my brother. PM be strong you are in my prays ..

  51. Rule
    March 5, 2013

    Are you kidding me! National day of mourning for what?

  52. PTC Councillor
    March 5, 2013

    whereas i did not hear the prime minister’s address. this is a sad time for the many persons whose lives were impacted, and, the prime minister was one of those persons. i see no problem with him personalising his address under the circumstances. this is not a time to play politics.

    i join the honorable prime minister, government and people of dominica in expressing heartfelt sympathy to the family of the late president chavez, government and people of venezuela on the passing of a great leader and friend of the people of venezuela and the region.

    i support the declaration by the government of dominica of three days of mourning in observance of the death of a true friend, comrade, brother and father.

    to prime minister skerrit, i know this is a tough time for you… be strong and god bless at this time of bereavement…

  53. belly
    March 5, 2013

    :cry: thank you sooo much Mr Chavez for your contribtion to Dominica may your soul rest in peace. :cry: :cry: :(