PM explains absence at Summit of the Americas

Heads of state at the Summit of the Americas in Panama. Dominica's flag is in the background
Heads of state at the Summit of the Americas in Panama. Dominica’s flag is in the background

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has given reasons why he did not attend the Seventh Summit of the Americas in Panama last week.

Skerrit was heavily criticized for his absence at that meeting and he sought to give an explanation on state-owned DBS Radio’s Talking Point on Wednesday.

He stated that there were things to be done in Dominica, that he likes to attend practical meetings and one has to look at the wear and tear on his body.

“I was criticized for not going to the meeting in Panama…when I go to meetings I am criticized, if I don’t go, I am criticized, what should I do?” he stated.

According to Skerrit, he was out Dominica for some time “and there are some things I need to do in the country and I had to be there physically to do it.”

He added, “I like to go to meetings where men and women can sit down and deal with practical issues and come up with practical solutions to the issues.”

He also pointed out that one has to look at the wear and tear on his body.

“I came back from Asia, then I had to rush back to Jamaica and I figured I just could not make it to Panama, I decided to come back to Dominica. So if I have to go to every meeting that I am invited to I will be out of the country for the entire year.”

According Skerrit, Dominica was represented well by Foreign Minister, Francine Baron at the meeting.

“She gave a speech like any other head of government,” he stated.

He noted that he tries as much as possible to send ministers to various meetings.

“I try to send ministers to represent me at various conferences and meetings, but this year it has been very difficult with a lot of meetings,” he said. “So I have to decide which are the priorities, which meetings I can attend, which meetings I cannot attend, and at all of those meetings we we always want to ensure that Dominica is represented someway or the other.”

The Seventh Summit of the Americas was held under the central theme, “Prosperity with Equity: The Challenge of Cooperation in the Americas.”

Sub-themes, discussed at the summit include education, health, energy, environment, migration, security, citizen participation and democratic governance.

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  1. Francisco Telemaque
    April 16, 2015

    It is ironic that he has gained so much criticism on this one; I will not hammer him on this because most of the time when he travels, some of us critique him for traveling too much and not accomplishing anything. And indeed traveling frequently do take a toll on the human body when they travel at long distances.

    Traveling long distances, wether by flying, or driving can affect such organs as the heart which curtails the circulation of the blood in the lower extremities, which could surely cause a stroke or cardiac arrest. Briefly: cardiac arrest is the sudden and unexpected stoppage of effective heart action.

    Either the periodic impulse which trigger: And sorry I cannot detail it, nevertheless, driving a five thousand plus miles across the United States, both my feet fell asleep, that happens on aircrafts also. Better to be safe than sorry!

  2. fantastic4
    April 16, 2015

    He added, that’s the PM Skerrit “I like to go to meetings where men and women can sit down and deal with practical issues and come up with practical solutions to the issues.” in other words the meeting in Panama with Caribbean and Central and South American Heads with the USA President is a meeting where men and women will seat and discuss not practical issues and arrive at no solutions – and as a result it is a waste of Skerrits time – how much more insultive can he get? papamet we finish.

  3. Say It Like It Is
    April 16, 2015

    It would be nice if people would do a little bit of investigation before they write their comments because it´s appalling the things I read on DNO. Having said this, let me just add that the level of ignorance that exists both on island and abroad, is not helping Dominica in any way. We constantly make fools of ourselves thinking that we know what we are talking about. Corruption is a global phenomenon. I hate it when I hear Dominicans describe their country as being corrupt. I wonder what they would say if they were citizens of some of the Arab or African states. Dominicans, be careful what you are prophesying for Dominica. When you get corruption, I hope you can deal with it. Because I am certain that the alternative that you think is so much better than this present administration will blow your mind away. And that is my opinion based on what I know about politics in Dominica.

    • Ma Moses
      April 16, 2015

      It is Dominica we should be concerned about, not Africa or Arab states (to quote you). And no, it is not acceptable to have corruption in Dominica simply be cause outside it may be worse. That kind of attitude is a loser’s attitude. I want nothing but the best for my country and mediocrity has no place in that.

      • Say It Like It Is
        April 17, 2015

        Hmmm, poor you! I would love to make you PM of Dominica.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      April 16, 2015

      Madam/Sir are you suggesting that there is no corruption within this government, and this government is the best thing for Dominica?

      The last duly elected government was the UWP, they existed in Government for less than five years, because boys like Athie Martin, and the late Roosevelt Douglas, and handsome boy Skerrit, claimed Edison and others were corrupt. Remember what they said about Timothy. They claimed he was the most corrupt, and claimed he was involved with the Shine Company which caused the company to leave Dominica.

      Remember when it was all over Skerrit employed Timothy in his government, If Timothy and the rest of the UWP were so corrupt why then did Skerrit give him a ministry? Today we are seeing real corruption, where people have more assets than their salary can afford. Is that not corruption?

      • Say It Like It Is
        April 17, 2015

        I rest my case! This is exactly what I mean. We are so biased that we only see what we want to see and remember what we want to remember!

  4. GrandBayrian
    April 15, 2015

    Wow! Dominica cant function without the present of the PM? Pastors please pray more.

  5. Bod
    April 15, 2015

    It’s your job. If you’re not up to it, quit. We expect the leader of our country to be in personal attendance at the most important meeting of the year. You couldn’t make it because you were tired from trying to flog passports and citizenship in Asia, right ? You ought to be thoroughly ashamed of yourself. These are not leadership qualities you demonstrate. They are those of a shady wheeler dealer, too embarrassed to meet his peers.

  6. Dominican
    April 15, 2015

    There were no handouts to be had by going to the meeting so a decision was made to skip it. That is how I interpret / read through the lines of the comments from the PM.

  7. Its My Damn Business
    April 15, 2015

    The Media Asociation if we still have one, must demand to meet with Roosevelt Skerrit and question him on national issues. They should not allow the man to come on radio when he wants, make statements he feels comfortable with, and then move on. The man should be forced to answer tuff questions until he vomits all what he has been hiding from the nation. For example, he says “I came back from Asia, then I had to rush back to Jamaica…” My point is the Media should question him about his trip to Asia. Have him to tell us who he met with and where exactly in Dominica he plans to give those Chinese to reside. Concerning his trip to Jamaica they should have him to answer questions in light of statements made by president Obama in reference to China and their Strings attached projects. It is very unfortunate and shameful to have what we call a media association that allows Skerrit to just come radio and talk his sh.. and no one gets a chance to question him. How shameful and embarrassing!

  8. Amical diaspora
    April 15, 2015

    Its true…1 can never be satisfied :-| :(
    No matter good or bad the PM get criticized…UWP member need to think before making ridicule statements…as you can see the PM does take into consideration what you say and for that HE DID NOT ATTEND…now you are still criticizing…. weh weh weh ……. pls go have several sits!

  9. April 15, 2015

    A great leader surround her or his self with smart people to do some of the work of the nation. After the British left was Dominica better than now with a Black pm . We should find ways to work with the leader to build a better nation.come back home and open busineses to move the nation forward. We need to raise2.000.000 chickens to feed the nation and export what is to much. Help build a power plant for cheaper power for the nation. How many people wants to help build the nation pm cannot do it alone he needs your help. Talk to him he is a good listener.

    • All Fools Day Lies
      April 15, 2015

      @Jack, you comment really reminds me of a nursery Rhyme I learnt many years ago as a child. For your assistance I have posted it below:

      Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown, and Jill came tumbling after
      Up Jack got and home did trot, as fast as he could caper; And went to bed and bound his head With vinegar and brown paper
      Then Jill came in, and she did grin to see Jack’s paper plaster; Her mother whipt her, across her knee for laughing at Jack’s disaster.
      @jack, in the above Rhyme Jack’s disaster came about because he was a fool. I hope you are not one too

      April 15, 2015

      the government of Dominica needs to invest $ overseas, and use the financial system to earn revenue for the country. the younger citizens should be educating themselves in international business, economics, politics and medicine (natural). concerning this article…. the more meetings one attends the less work they actually have time to do.

    • timtim
      April 15, 2015

      Jack got jokes!

    • Titiwi
      April 16, 2015

      Jack, I do not want that leader, I’ve said it before that he is bad for Dominica. That is my opinion, of course and according to “brains” I am entitled to that and must be respected.
      It has to do with the man, not the party because , again in my opinion, he has corrupted the party. I could vote for that party if Roosevelt Skerrit was not in charge. I can not put it more plain than that.

  10. Doc. Love
    April 15, 2015

    Whenever, Skeritt opens his mouth and speaks on national matters, I think of what Matt once said to me, ” it is better to be thought of as a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubts.” A labourite said to me that, his Prime Minister must be concerned about the wear and tear of his body, because Skeritt once told Dominicans that he intends to govern Dominica for the next fifty years, therefore, what is the criticisms all about. My friend, according to my granny, if the kitchen is to hot, please get out. Further, is it a coincidence, just as Hon Lennox Linton is about to make his presence felt as chairman of the accounts committee, the alleged most travelled Prime Minister of Dominica, realizes he has been traveling to much.

  11. Kid On The Block
    April 15, 2015

    Yes Sai! UWPites are something else. When the PM goes to meetings they say he travels too much. When he doesn’t go and send someone else to represent, they say why the PM didn’t go to the meeting?
    Anything the PM does is never in their favor. But they never come with an alternate solution.
    They only thing those low minded disgrunted people are good at is NEGATIVE CRITICISM.

  12. carltonDAfanatik
    April 15, 2015

    A Dominica PM at home, not overseas begging for funds is what some have called for. A PM attending to Dominica affairs is what some have called for. Make up your minds what you want.

  13. carltonDAfanatik
    April 15, 2015

    Exactly what has Dominica has directly achieved from attendance at these summits

  14. carltonDAfanatik
    April 15, 2015

    There is a saying. When you have walk a mile in my shoes, you can comment.

  15. timtim
    April 15, 2015

    There is a problem with this prioritization for sure! A glimpse of the DNO photo shows B/does and Bahamas PMs. Does that mean that heads attend were of time meetings? The main issue is not even his absence either but is the fact that he had to be asked to share the reasons! The strongest point being made is the lack of communication and transparency in regards to travel that we pay for and the reasons of abscence from meetings everybody ElSE in the world think is crucial!

    • Malgraysa
      April 16, 2015

      Timtim, the records make it quite clear. ALL the leaders of the OECS and CARICOM were there except for Roosevelt Skerrit. They proceeded from their meeting In Jamaica directly to Panama, whereas our P.M. returned home. Some might say that he knows more, that he is smarter then the other leaders but that can only ever be a matter opinion.

  16. natural dominican
    April 15, 2015

    Mr PM I have no doubt that the affairs of the country takes a toll on you; but with such important themes i doubt Dominica could afford not to prioritize this summit. Probably some day you will enlighten the people on what was so important; that you had to be there physically to handle. OH, sorry i forgot transparency is not one of this government’s virtues.

    • Ma Moses
      April 15, 2015

      The least Mr. Skerrit can be accused of is bad planning. What was so urgent that necessitated his presence at home? Yet he could find time to deliver a two-bit address in Jamaica? By the way, where is Hon. Francine Baron’s speech Mr. Skerrit said she madee at the summit?

    • April 15, 2015

      But Dominica was represented by her Foreign Minister, wasn’t she?

      How many times we see Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of States John Kerry represent America overseas?

      Why do we make ourselves look so small and uninformed all the time? I am certain if the PM was there; the posting here would be of a similar nature. Is so we be.

  17. nonsense
    April 15, 2015

    Shut up all you haters …you Dominicans are so full of it is Skerrit the first leader who never attended a meeting?the p.m is the the only person in Government.I don’t know in which part of the world some of you are in.but so many countries leaders that can’t attend meeting world wide and they sent someone else to represent the country. is Skerrit any different ?some of you who never been leader to a country could just stay there and run your mouth like it’s a easy job…give the man a break and get of his back…anyway if they crucified Jesus muchless for Skerrit.. ..everbose can’t be for him and neither everybody can’t be against him ….p.m don’t let them send you to a early grave. hold strong just do what you have to do and forget the rest…God Bless you always

  18. stakedaddy
    April 15, 2015

    Good one MR Skerrit..wear and tear on your body..when you were begging for 5 more years you never thought about the wear and tear on your body????? when you left after elections and go for three weeks without DOMINICANS KNOWING YOUR wheareabouts there was no wear and tear…when you was dressed like original draggers showing solidarity in CARACAS there was no wear and tear…whatever a man planteth so shall he reap…

  19. April 15, 2015

    So interesting to read the posts on here sometimes. Almost laughable the short term memories we seem to have. Wasn’t it just a few weeks ago people were desperately wanting us to believe the PM was in a hospital somewhere. So that was okay then.

    Now himself is telling us he has been travelling for some time and need to stay home to take care of matters at home – we complain too. I believe a few desperate ones would be happy if he went to the meeting tired as he may be and something happened. They would be first on a platform saying he should have stayed home if he wasn’t feeling up to it.

    A Prophet is never honoured in his own home.

    PM you can never please all the people all the time and do not even think of trying. Do what is best in your opinion and your government’s for us; that is the mandate the majority of us gave to you. The Good Lord will continue to guide you along the way. God is Good.

    • God's word
      April 16, 2015

      You are right, everyone cannot be pleased all the Time. Some decisions must be accepted at face value.
      For those who must know everything, and question or criticize everything, the word of God encourages us to 1) pray for our leaders and our country. 2) It also reminds us, if we lack wisdom ask of God, and while doing that ask for understanding too. Many of these nay-sayers need to pray for DA & it’s leadership. God bless!

  20. too late
    April 15, 2015

    Its unbelievable that Obama leaves America , comes to Jamaica and takes tough questions from young people. In the mean while, Mr skerrit just there talking foolishness and bad English on dbs and kairi fm, unable to debate and have no open discussion with the media or the youth.

  21. Malgraysa
    April 15, 2015

    The interviewer’s performance on State radio DBS was akin to a puppy licking its masters feet. Roosevelt Skerrit’s absence from this summit is a faux pas (embarrassing blunder) of epic proportions.
    The 16 March press release by Panama’s foreign Ministry left no doubt that our P.M. would attend. However, on 6 April we learn from Newsroom Panama that he will not be present after all, no explanation given.
    The P.M. makes a bad situation worse by stating this morning that his foreign Minister gave a speech like any other Head of govt. The Hon. Baron is NOT Dominica’s, or anyone else’s Head of Govt.!
    He also said that he prefers dealing with practical issues. I hope he. is not insinuating that all the Heads of State/Govt. present at this summit came to a useless meeting with no practical issues to attend to!?
    The increasingly cavalier behaviour our P.M. is exhibiting, especially in international affairs severely damages his credibility and that of Dominica, especially amongst his…

    • Malgraysa
      April 16, 2015

      PS. Despite careful planning I ran out of available characters. I meant to complete the final sentence as follows: The increasingly cavalier behaviour of our P.M., especially in international affairs severely damages his credibility and that of Dominica, especially amongst his peers.

  22. Impartial
    April 15, 2015

    This is exactly why Skerritt should not have been reelect ex.

    The P M is mentally and physically exhausted. He is incapable of dealing with the insurmountable problems which Dominica has. Do not blame the P M. Blame the greedy and selfish Dominicans who reelected him.

    Dominica needed a dynamic, innovative and visionary to lead it out of the mess. Alas, Mr Skerritt is not that person.

  23. radics
    April 15, 2015

    Dominica is to small to have so many haters….not because you not supporting somebody that you have to disagree with everything the person does.its starts to get boring.uwp wise up.

  24. i am Dominican too
    April 15, 2015

    the first stone that person dont have to revel himslef

  25. Erasmus B. Black
    April 15, 2015

    Who in their right minds expected the Dear Leader to go to that silly summit in Panama anyway? Having stated before that projects and there implementation were his priorities in 2015, there was nothing in it for him in Panama; there were no investors there. He’d already travelled 1700 kilometers from Dominica to meet with them in Malaysia and then allegedly another 3500 kilometeres to Shanghai and Beijiing. Then he went to Jamaica where he had his photo op with the U.S. leader. It’s obvious that he got his priorities right.

    • Malatete
      April 16, 2015

      Erasmus, I don’t know if you are trying to be funny or what, but you are miles off. The distance from Dominica to Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur, which is where mr. Skerrit flew to) is 10,875 miles, from Kuala Lumpur to Shanga is 2,330 miles and from Shanhai to Bejing 677 miles. Of course, this is one-way and a return trip would minimally double the total distance.

  26. Same OLD
    April 15, 2015

    Haters, there is absolutely nothing the PM can do that is right for you people. Many of you will try to imitate him, but he is truly genuine. In every possible way you are waiting and laying trap for this man! Who does that remind you off?

  27. Peter Potter
    April 15, 2015

    I listened to Skerrit on the Radio this morning and I must admit it was more of the usual, in other words absolutely nothing! The most interesting part was when he was yet again asked by a listener when he will make public the contents of the MOU with China. The answer offered by him was absolutely laughable, after a lot of initial jabber he started pointing out all the ‘good’ things China has done for Dominica. Ok, you do not need to point that out to us after all we have got eyes to see. What we want to know from you man is, and I spell it out: WHAT IS WRITTEN IN THE MOU WITH CHINA? Show it to us! Read it out to us! We are entitled to know! Stop treating us like fools!
    Finally, I call on you now to resign, if for one reason or another you can not or will not make this MOU public. We had enough of you, your lies, your deceit, your incompetence and your jabber!!!

  28. April 15, 2015

    A representative was sent so what is the big deal? We have more issues to deal with, let’s start being constructive as a collective body to reverse our unemployment numbers.

  29. too late
    April 15, 2015

    “and there are some things I need to do in the country and I had to be there physically to do it.”

    ” there are some things I need to do” is that present tense? so should that read

    “and there are some things I NEED to do in the country and I HAVE to be there physically to do them.”

    Just asking if any one wishes to correct me

    • Titiwi
      April 16, 2015

      I think the P.M.’s message is quite clear to most without nitpicking.

  30. Shaka zulu
    April 15, 2015

    LMAO. Skeritt have his priorities all screwed up. The same way you could send ministers to meetings is the same way you could have them work on things at home. This guy really takes Dominicans for fools. There are PS and a whole boat load of people in the ministry to run the day to day work of the Gov. Unless there was a serious national emergency or some important vote to cast in parliarment your excuse is lousy. Wear and Tear my A….. Sound like a man complaining about his work and deciding he aint showing up for work cause he has a leak to patch in his roof . There is no place for that when you the PM. This is the kind of crap we get. The PM sounds like he making up this story. What a waste of time.

  31. Tex
    April 15, 2015

    During the DBS session , Skerrit said that there is no need for an investigation into the visa scandal and what was just unbelievable is that Shermain Green just totally neglected to seek further clarification. The PM gave credibility to the leaked report and so he admitted that he knew of racketeering yet the PM is stating that there is no need for an investigation. but then again the PM should not be the one to decide – it is the duty of the police and the DPP office.
    What a country we live in – what a corrupt government. How does the church ,priests, bishops and pastors sit by and watch this level of corruption and abuse and remain silent

    • So we come
      April 15, 2015

      Church, priests, and bishops? They are busy studying “Alkaline” while the devil is dancing in their living room!

  32. too late
    April 15, 2015

    According to Skerrit, he was out Dominica for some time “and there are some things I need to do in the country and I had to be there physically to do it.”

    Anyone wants to help me with this statement since I am not particularly great at English. But shouldnt that be “and there are SOME THINGS I need to do in the country and I had to be there physically to do THEM.”

    “some things” an ” it” sounds strange to me

  33. DC
    April 15, 2015

    PM do not allow these wicked souls to distract you. Damn if you do, damn if you don’t. You are only human, those of us who genuinely care about you, understand. That is why the Government comprise of a team. You are the one and only PM of Dominica who has made great Decisions for the advancement of all citizens. Your representative is very much capable. I say shame on the critics, who stooped to the lowest of low to object your choice by saying she would have no impact. What a bunch of hypocrites! PM, hold strong! We stand firm behind you!

    • Sue
      April 15, 2015

      Shut up DC. That is the best advice I can give you and your ( not ours) PM.

    • Dominic
      April 15, 2015

      it look like u get your tablet man

    • PetProjects
      April 15, 2015

      I see a blind sheep!! 8-O 8-O

  34. Lang Mama
    April 15, 2015

    There is a myth in Viellecase that a priest destroyed a river and today we all can say that the PM thoughts and ability to think on his feet are as deep and voluminous as the said river in viellecase.

  35. So we come
    April 15, 2015

    Its pointless to expect Skerritt to act like a true leader at this point. Clearly he knows the majority of Dominicans are to poor trying to scrape together a living to worry about his statesmanship, and the others are too ignorant to know the difference between a real change agent and a space holder.

    And this isn’t about the person of Skerritt; any corrupt “leader” could step into his shoes and cause as much, if not more damage to the country, simply because Dominicans have become docile and dumb (literally). If we could accomplish an infusion of a 10% population gain of experienced, educated, civic-minded Dominicans to return to the country, Skerritt would not make it to the next election! His silly excuses and inarticulate jabber is nothing compared to comments he has made in the past, and if those were excused away, why should he feel compelled to step up his game?!
    No accountability = No progress!

    • Peter Potter
      April 15, 2015

      We do not need 10% to return, we just need a few. We have enough talent in Dominica right now. They just need to be organised.

  36. April 15, 2015

    Are you kidding me! ”there were things to be done in Dominica, that he likes to attend practical meetings and one has to look at the wear and tear of his body”. My 4 year old kindergarten daughter would have done better. I hope for your sake PM the next Practical meeting that you attend will be one where Integrity; Trust; Transparency and Truthfulness are being discussed; that should take care of the wear and tear of your Body; Conscience and Soul.

  37. Lang Mama
    April 15, 2015

    I will cast the first stone cause I don’t give a spoon about wear and tare when I am paying you. Do you understand about the wear and tare on families of Copra producers, farmers with no feeder roads.
    In January you disappeared for three weeks on vacation now you talking about wear and tear while at te same tie insinuating that the Panama meeting was a waste of tie for you- are ou kidding me

  38. JoJo
    April 15, 2015

    Sorry Roosevelt but if you are not fit to attend such an important meeting, that comes around only once every three years, you are not fit to run a little country like ours. I have to say that because I can not come to another conclusion. Nothing against Hon. Baron, it is not her fault but sending her instead is like sending your housekeeper to your best friend’s wedding.

  39. April 15, 2015

    Pm is a leader with vision, you only go to meetings that you think will move and bring your people and country forward. It is impossible to go to all meetings. Meetings that does not help solve problems is useless, Dominicans should care more about what he should do back home to have full employment, help him do that, where are all the smart Dominicans, help your pm with ideas how to fix Dominica.

    • Hmmm
      April 15, 2015

      Your PM does not listen to the smart Dominicans – even the ones overseas willing to invest in their own country. Wake the hell up and dont be a fool

    • Lang Mama
      April 15, 2015

      Where is Hartley Henry, Lennox Lawrence, Ambassador , Parry Productivity Consultant Bellot,, Berrese Harmond, Mc Kurklin, Destra and where are the Diasporans who came down to install a …. on our backs.,

      • D/can to de Bone(F)
        April 15, 2015

        Your comment is rubbish .You sound ignorant. You must be a Political boom boom fly.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      April 17, 2015

      Very foolish comments; nonsensical, and in (patios), or as they say in Dominica very “dotish.”

  40. Jam Rock
    April 15, 2015

    Come on people…the government is not made up of one man and there was representation for the Country. What’s the big deal..I recall when it was announced that he’ll be going, some people commented that he shouldn’t be going. Seriously now, when are we going to stop bickering and get focused on the betterment of this Country?

    • Hmmm
      April 15, 2015

      Dumb comment – betterment of the country ?? Dont get me started . So, go away with your nonsense and open your eyes

    • fantastic4
      April 15, 2015

      ok well Jam Rock help us understand the pressing issues that he had to deal back home? was there a national emergency? is there a crises in government? Jesus Christ was paying a visit to CABINET? what is it? for the last 4 years the PM has been living in and out of an airplane; always going somewhere with out even informing you muchless me and now he is complaining about tired and can not attend every meeting. Such an important meeting the man can’t find the stamina nor the fortitude to attend; coming around with this nonsensical excuse. According to my friend former Police Commissioner Carrette I will describe Skerrit statement in one word ” utter rubbish”.

  41. george Fontaine
    April 15, 2015

    Oh boy, we no longer have a young and dynamic PM. I so little time, he admits that his body has gone through some wear and tear.

  42. Titiwi
    April 15, 2015

    Can’t believe this, seriously! Is the P.M. ill?

  43. source
    April 15, 2015

    Lol Skerrit was afraid. Where for him to be he doesn’t. If he could sell couple passport in Panama he would have surely go. Skerrit is in the boy room, playing big man bashing US. Now he had the chance to go be around his friends when the US is around he backing down and coming and talk about tired and priorities.

  44. Alameda
    April 15, 2015

    That was the worst interviewer i have listened to. The kids in jamaica who have to journalistic training asked Obama tougher questions than Shermain Green. She asked the pm what is the national debt and he said he could not give her a number. Shermain he is the pm and minister of finance for crying out loud, and u did not push the issue. Thats shameful.

    • Peter Potter
      April 15, 2015

      I agree, I have never seen or heard in my entire life so much political and journalistic incompetence. How can people like that stay in such a job???

  45. Sue
    April 15, 2015

    Well you Skerrit like Cuba so much whaty at least didn’t you go to witness the historic face to face meeting with a sitting U.S president and the Cuban leader. The two leaders spoke to each other as equal pairs with respect and dignity in spite of their differences. Do you know what that means Skerrit?
    The last time an American President spoke to a Cuban leader was in 1958 when Eisenhower spoke to his stooge Batista. It was not respect it was nonsense. You choose not to go and now you have that bogus confused teenager excuse. You sent Baron? Who is she and what weight does she carry at such an important regional meeting?
    Diaspora where are you for electing this guy not to run but to continue to ruin our country?

    • Amarossa
      April 15, 2015

      Francine Baron is the Minister for Foreign Affairs and CARICOM affairs….

      I don’t see why she couldn’t attend

      I think the other world leaders just wanted a chance to shake hands with Obama the celebrity to have a story to tell their children and grand-children some day. There! I said it. Now start clicking the dislike button, you all know it’s true.

      Foreign Affairs is not a light Ministry. You have to know your onions. So therefore, I had no problems with Francine Baron representing Dominica.

      • Tjebe fort
        April 15, 2015

        Amarosa, you are pathetic! You think these world leaders are only interested in shaking Obama’s hand like little children? Who was the man, who showed himself on election posters with Obama, larger than life claiming “leadership is everything?. You seem to have a short and selective memory. For a big man our leader has made himself look small.

  46. Hmmm
    April 15, 2015

    The man cannot even articulate himself. Dominica is suffering economically and this man goes to asia begging for ppl to become Dominica citizens for $200,000. if that is not a sign DA done then we need eye surgery to see clearer. This meeting was as important as Asia even more so and he comes up with a nonsensical excuse. These Dominicans who elected this man are in for a tough few years coming – mark my words – DOMINICA IS IN AN ECONOMIC CRISIS

  47. I am Dominican
    April 15, 2015

    Let’s see who will cast the first stone.

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