PM not backing down on State House construction


Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit is defending his government’s decision to construct a modern State House in Dominica.

While government has been heavily criticized in some circles for its decision Skerrit told parliament that a modern State Houses cannot be seen in the year 2011/2012 as a luxury.

“A famous Caribbean leader once said ‘a man is a man, even if he has only one pant.’  Simply put, even if one is poor, one does not have to think or behave poor. The proposed State House initiative, as just outlined, will create and provide a new image for Dominica, by Dominicans, as well as for the convenience of visitors who increasingly find Dominica as an ideal conference and retreat destination, but which, unfortunately has lagged behind over the years in regard to basic amenities,” he said.

He said the State House is an absolute necessity and his administration has absolutely no apology for moving with speed to bring Dominica into the 21st century in this regard.

“Those with limited or blurred vision will eventually come around to appreciate the importance and necessity of this project. In the meantime, however, work must continue. We cannot wait on them to finally see the light,” Skerrit said.

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  1. Bern
    August 7, 2011

    So many of you are missing the point because of political bias. It obvious that Dominica’s statehouse needs to be renovated but definitely not a 10 million US renovation. Roseau needs some serious renovation, the roads and buildings are horrible. A 10 million dollar statehouse surrounded by old roads with potholes and old dilapidated homes and buildings is not a pretty site.

  2. Avoca Penguine
    July 1, 2011

    OK I am officially taking over this name Truth ,Love , Peace. This person who has been carrying this name is nothing but a yen yen ( Boom Boom fly). A hypocrite pretending to be holy and pious but is really being bias and a brown nose. So I’ve decided to do justice to the name Truth, Love , Peace.
    Sometimes it is better to shut up than to expose the ignorance therein. It seems to me that the old Truth Love, Peace character is idle most likely illegal in Canada and can’t find something productive to do with life.

    • Truth, Love, Peace
      July 4, 2011

      @ Avoca Penguine

      What do you think I did as I read your silly comments? :twisted: :mrgreen: I laughed. I have a good sense of humor. Reason being is that your comment does not represent me, one bit. As we say, “not one aorta.”
      I have a right to comment just as you do.
      My message for you is that you need the blessing and grace of God.
      You see, Avoca Penguine, you do not know me; do not know who I am and may never know me and who I am. Therefore, I laughed. You are in no position to attack me. God knows better than you.
      It is said that those who are on the side of God and who write and speak the truth will be persecuted. Your comments which make no sense to me whatsoever, do not move me in the least.
      I just think that you are green with envy. :mrgreen: St. Paul said: “Do not curse people. Bless them.”
      Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “The insults of those who insult you fall on Me.”
      Avoca Penguine, be careful of insulting people for Our Lord Jesus Christ said, love one another as you love yourself. It is a grievous/mortal sin to offend the Lord. This merits punishment while on earth and eternal damnation.
      God’s blessing, graces and peace be to you.

  3. Sackway Toneh
    June 30, 2011

    Multi-million dollar state house??? Are you kidding me? There are still families in Dominica living in “plywood boxes”! I’m not a rocket scientist but with all due respect Mister Skerrit, a multi-million dollar housing project would have been a much better idea. I could be wrong.

    • Oh please!!
      July 1, 2011

      There are homeless people in NY and civil servants who can hardly pay their rent. What is your point exactly.

      • Truth, Love, Peace
        July 4, 2011

        No exception in Canada and the rest of the world. I have a vision for the world. It is to help themselves, to live a good godly, clean life, to educate themselves and then to hopefully obtain a stable, good paying job. People need to do what they can. With the help of God, they will survive somehow.
        I always keep in mind that Our Lord was born in a manger. Was he ever starving although as He said, “Foxes have den but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.” We should know that this is a message for us all that God will take care of us.
        Then, again, this could be debated, pro and con. We reside in a technological age and ever increasingly so which has taken a lot of jobs, decreased millions of jobs worldwide. We should not always blame the government of any country. We need to blame those business enterprises who have seen loopholes to decrease staff, save the almighty dollar and to get rich.

    • Truth, Love, Peace
      July 4, 2011

      Sackway Toneh

      Some of you need to learn that God helps those who help themselves. Who are those people who are living in “plywood boxes”? What have they done for you and for Dominica in general? Importantly, what have they done for themselves? Whose fault is it? Do people ever blame themselves for their predicament? They as yourself keep blaming the government. Give this a good thought.

  4. Naquan Kilgame
    June 30, 2011

    Is there not a cause? Can’t Dominicans debate respectfully,rationally and competently?
    All you people want to do is lay in wait until someone post a comment you don’t like and woosh the river will overflow.

    Look at your country,are you happy with the development that has happened,are happenning and is proposed to happen? Are you satisfied of being the last on the OECS block?Are you contented with your nationals running away to all other countries and when they get there telling tales about your pay system,your under the table moves etc.Are you Dominicans satisfied with the pace of development in your country? are you satisfied with where you are and where you are heading?Don’t you remember your history in the caribbean? It is said you take shit from no one,don’t you remember the people before refused to let anyone come to Dominica and tell them what,how and when.They laid down their cutlasses and walked off,where did the British go for workers? Your people ran to the mountain instead of being enslaved again.

    Look at you now,the laughing stock of a lesser Antilles that told their folks to be like you.All you do is abuse the english language,fight one another for politics and refuse to research the truth for yourselves.

    Ask the right questions and demand answers,why is Carnival Cruise not coming back?Where is the vendors arcade promised to be erected where the Ruins bar now occupy?
    Why the rehabilitation of Roseau,Your Main Town,Your Commercial and Administrative CENTER not front and center.Why yoy as a people cannot get up and say “We will clean up,We will organize and we will put DA at the top again.

    What do you want for you,your children and grand children?Is it to run to Tola,SM,Waddali,Guarda,VI’S etc?What have to and can be done to make Dominica a better place to live and enjoy?What is it people of Dominica?What?

    Stop acting like the world wide web is Dominica web,you ridicule,blaspheme,scandalize and destroy,do you not know people all over a reading what you are posting? Yes everyone has problems and vents sometimes but you!Politics,Politics,politics,night and day,day in day out,week after week.It is about your country it’s not about persons and parties.

    Who ever thought Libya would come to that,if your former PM was alive he would say “what a thing but life must go on no problem man”.

    Your country should be Paramount, not persons who will not last forever ask the other strong men before them.The world is enlightened,look around and see,don’t you see?

    I have no favorites in any fight about Dominica,but I knew a man who fought injustice,who had great plans for Dominica,who would give his life for Dominica and he did,who was prepared to turn the other cheek if it meant well for Dominica.A man who was Alienated by his own people,but in the end they saw the true man.A msn inspite of what happened LOVED Dominica,I know about Dominica because he told me about her,to me she was majestic to him.For a man who could hold no grudges,would talk with you and to you whether you were against or for his belief.When come on here and see the degrading comments and bias political talk I wonder is it the same creed of people?

    There are people who wants to come to you r country and use the web as an introduction and are apalled at the level of discourse.

    I will stop here,but let a Clarion call go out,It is about Dominica,nobody else.

  5. monster
    June 30, 2011

    I think we dominicans should become like libya,syria and eygpt who couldn’t tolerate these bullshit anymore and kick these bastards out.skerro all the mansions and apartments you have dominica and abroad is not enough!you’re taking the big step,presidential are seizing the opportunity now so you can sit on your throne after you put the country in that disaster.I don’t blame you,go right ahead.that’s what those idiot vote you for.

    • Truth, Love, Peace
      July 1, 2011

      “Those with limited or blurred vision.” This sounds like you. :twisted:
      Please do not compare Dominica to those oil-rich countries. Their oppressive governments lived lavish lifestyles in freedom while the people did not benefit from it.
      God heard the cry of the poor and oppressed. Those oppressors had it coming. Those countries are not to be compared to Dominica. Use your common sense if you have one.

  6. Avoca Penguine
    June 30, 2011

    DNO bring back the Pastor BJ article nuh we were having more fun. Although BJ and skerrit is mem bet mem pwel Reading this article about Skerrit is so much more depressing. At least we can poke fun at BJ but Skerrit is lord and king and protected by men with guns ready to kill Dominicans for a corrupt and dishonest bunch of bandits.

    ADMIN: Run a search on the homepage and the article will appear. It is still on our system.

  7. laparole
    June 30, 2011

    uncle skerrit u didnt interpret the mans quote as he intended it to be… tsk tsk.. not good not good..think man.. think

  8. Wenner
    June 30, 2011

    “Those with limited or blurred vision will eventually come around to appreciate the importance and necessity of this project. In the meantime, however, work must continue. We cannot wait on them to finally see the light,” BARACK OBAMA

  9. Avoca Penguine
    June 30, 2011

    OK guys this is it. It is time for this guyl to get out of office.How can someone be so pompous and stupid. The guy is totally misinterpreting and misrepresenting the quote ” A man is a man even if he has one pants”. Who are his advisors — ooops I forgot BJ is his advisor and the one who order and compel god to curse all those who oppose the PM policies. A common entrance kid would provide a correct interpretation of the quote. I hope that the gullible laborites can correctly interpret this quote – Let’s see.

    One thing for sure is that Skerrit’s interpretation is no where close to being correct and what is sad is that he studied psychology. The man’s logic and intelligence is no better than that of a kinder garden kid.

    • Truth, Love, Peace
      July 1, 2011

      @ Avoca Penguine

      Does a penguin have common sense? Worst yet to be a lawyer. :twisted:
      Some of you think you are experts and think that you are the ones who are correct and more intelligent than the PM Skerrit. When are you going to learn respect for authority? Your adverse words cannot change a thing. Cease stirring up trouble. Let everything take its course.

  10. jakey
    June 30, 2011

    instead of the talking all the time, cant a bunch of dominicans cause some chaos at the state palace….thats they issue to show your disgust citizens of dominica

    dont you all see and watch current and world events how folks create impact which makes their regime hault…why do you all just keep talking and talking dont you see you all are fruitless with that type of action.

    when will dominicans ever learn…wow!

  11. June 30, 2011

    The leval of Ignorance and Arrogance that Skerritt is displaying is shocking to say the least.
    If this is the kind of leadership we want to continue to lead Da , WELL frogs will smkoe our pipes.

    • Truth, Love, Peace
      July 1, 2011

      @ Morne Bruce

      Can you do better? You are talking nonsense. :twisted: You and the rest of the critics are blinded and living in darkness and also envious. :mrgreen: You are referring to PM Skerrit as not having a vision? Some of you are something else. Look around Dominica in general who is responsible for all the new projects. I need not elaborate further.

  12. Picard Portsmouth
    June 30, 2011

    No wonder when Rosie first won the election he did not want to give people like Skerrit and Reggie ministerial positions. In fact when Rosie was selecting his cabinet at fort Young hotel he made sure that these blokes were seating outside in the lobby simply because of their low intellectual capacity.
    While they were plotting to over throw Rosie not one of them ever made an effort to broaden their knowledge. Do these guys read any books ,journals or articles on world politics? Rosie died and people like skerrit were bashing Pierro claiming that Pierro doesn’t have a degree; well Mr PM you have degree in psychology but I am now wondering whether your diploma reads

      June 30, 2011

      I do think that Skerrit is moving on much faster than Rosie and Perro did in their time. The country is much more forward and advanced with Skerrit and still advancing at a fast pace. Rosie was a bad manager and Perro was averse to taking risks. The beautiful State House is fundamental and important. It has to be built and will be built. It will also lend some beauty, and elegance, and importance to my alma mater, the St. Mary’s Academy, which is located nearby. We will also need to seek grant-funding to build a modern state-of-the-art Public Library at the same location across from the State House.

      • Avoca Penguine
        June 30, 2011

        Your opinion is based on biasness. Rosie was in power for less than a year and Pierro just about a year whereas Skerrit has been in power for 9 years. How can you make such an assesment. A blatantly bias statement could only come from a PIP sychophant.

      • Truth, Love, Peace
        July 1, 2011

        I do endorse that he is moving faster. Young blood. :) He surely has a vision and a good one for Dominica. May God bless him and guide him further to enhance Dominica. All of us will benefit from it including the tourist industry.

      • Papa Dom
        July 1, 2011

        I can honestly say that in the spirit of the alma mater your comment does not make me “proud to bear thy name”
        How do you define “forward and advanced”? Is a stagnant economy, high unemployment, a woeful education system and an inadequate or non- existent medical system, the hallmarks of a country which is “forward and advanced”?
        What risk has skerritt taken which has resulted in a tangible benefit to the ordinary man on the street in Dominica? Where was the management skills and ability during the procurement of the garbage bins? When you can answer these questions honestly then you will be living up to motto of the alma mater “ora et labora” instead of waiting on the handouts from a politician.

    • Lavie Dominique!
      June 30, 2011

      Have you people ever seen Serrit’s degree? Where is it hanging? In America and other places for one to be recognized as having studied psychology you have to have a PHD not even a masters degree in psychology counts far less for an Associates’ degree. All you giving Skerrit credentials he did not acquire! Skerrit learned the art of deception he learned from the school of despots. Chavez & Co.

      • Truth, Love, Peace
        July 1, 2011

        @ Lavie Dominique

        Mind your own business. You are a bad egg. Do you have a degree? Show us your degree. :twisted: :mrgreen:

    • Wenner
      June 30, 2011

      Go look for your ID Card…this kinda visionary talk too much for you..Go hang out by the bus stop with Hector John

  13. Pepper
    June 30, 2011

    Well said my PM.

    • compre tig
      June 30, 2011

      put state house in ur pocket and ur table broke ass

  14. Cassandra
    June 30, 2011

    Make no mistake, its real designation is Presidential Palace, intended as the official residence of the present incumbent of the P.M.’s office.

    Haiti had its ironically names Sans Soucis Palace, now but a pile of rubble, its eerily deserted Citadelle bastion, constructed by Henri Christophe, who went on to built another nine places and 15 chateaux all in ruins, only to dispatch himself with a silver bullet in a state of despair. The Presidential Palace, where Papa Doc Duvalier held sway, destroyed by the earthquake of 2010. What good did all this grandeur do the people of Haiti? What respect did it buy them? Did these grand edifices put food on the table? Where are the people of Haiti now?

  15. la beauty
    June 30, 2011

    i would really like to see the state house when it is would be a national gem..AND THE SAME PEOPLE WHO ARE CRITIZING IT NOW WILL BE THE SAME ONES WHO WILL BE ENJOYING IT MORE THAN ME!!!

    • Truth, Love, Peace
      July 1, 2011

      @ la beauty

      I endorse your comments. I love beauty and love to view beauty. In time Dominica will be the envy of the Caribbean. Just wait and see. Let us pray for PM Skerrit. He has some enemies who appear not to appreciate the beauty of Dominica, their own country. Let us also pray for them.

  16. June 30, 2011

    ‘ Even if one iz poor , one doesn’t have to think or behave poor’ So y u are against the International airport? Claiming that we cant miantain one, thats small thinkin ain it. Check this over one hundred million was spent on Melville Hall airport( waste of money) and now 27 million to b spent on Luxury state house, put them together we r well on the way to pay 4 an international airport with jus a lil more financial assistance added to the sum. Skerit & his fools have held back Dominica.

  17. Dundy
    June 30, 2011

    Wow wow wow this arrogance and “peacockery” at it’s best. Typical ja Viellecase. Pretend to be grand when all you have is your lapo boda.
    Sound like the Jamaican complex- buy a BMW when you can’t afford to put meals on the table. Working to Drive instead of driving to work.
    So let us see then have a state house whereas the people are broke and poor; health care is dismal ( minister of homeland security is in maternity ward and not having a baby); the main port facility is falling apart ; the cruise ship pull out of Dominica due to unacceptable standards; no public washroom facilities for tourist; Bad roads; the list goes on. I can’t believe people who claim to be educated have infant reasoning.
    My heart hurt for Dominica. Even more I am so distraught by my change in plans to return to Dominica. The socioeconomic and political climate is very discouraging. Pride goes before a fall Mr Prime minister and note that when you play with the bull you will get the horn.

    • hmmm
      June 30, 2011

      wish they had a hand clap….because you deserve one right now……well said…..

    • Wenner
      June 30, 2011

      Crocrodile Dundy, and you blame you not bein able to return on Skerrit. Get a grip of yourself old man. The State of Art Hospital will be starting in 2012, the lengthened harbour will be commencing soon…did you say bad roads old man?

  18. Listening
    June 30, 2011

    “a man is a man, even if he has only one pant”
    Skerrit this means even if a man is “POOR” he can still be a man which translate to dignity.
    Your interpretation ” Simply put, even if one is poor, one does not have to think or behave poor”.
    This is an irresponsible interpretation of a dignified quote from famous the Caribbean leader to push your palace agenda.
    You can build your State Palace because we are clear this is not for the countries benefit but your’s. But don’t take us for fools…..

    • Reason
      June 30, 2011

      I disagree because Skerritt will not be in power forever. What I have been suspecting for a while is that the opposition wants the government to jump everytime they say “JUMP”. Our PM is a strong leader and will not allow you all to control him that’s why we voted for him, to make tough decisions. Whether you agree with him or not this is the responsibility we have given him and so far he is doing a good job. I am not saying he is perfect but, overall; good job Mr. PM.

  19. arogance in DA
    June 30, 2011

    you hear those ignorant labourites? for them the issue of the amount of money spending and who is benifiting is not a problem it start already so thats it.

  20. Domerican
    June 30, 2011

    “Simply put, even if one is poor, one does not have to think or behave poor.” The poor man shouldn’t hang his hat where his hand cannot reach either. Ever thought about this basic concept?

  21. Shai
    June 30, 2011

    Why are dominicans behaving the way they do. They aree alll so freaking political. You all dont want to see the conuntry moving forward. Everything does not have to be about politics. U know i keep on saying DA will soon come like haiti. Noone seem to want to accept change. Hmmmmm so sad

  22. copeh lapeh
    June 30, 2011

    labourites dont read no dno no news paper nothing is just dress in red and say we love our pm line for red clinic and handouts.
    oh sorry they does listen to the copeh labeh copeh tig show

  23. Anonymous
    June 30, 2011

    Every dictator needs a palace. If Dominicans didn’t want the new state house they could have come together and let their voice be heard as a collective. So I guess we want it so.

  24. ?????
    June 30, 2011

    So all you want him to stop the State House and give you all the money. Havenot you all seen the State House has already begun. Stop complaining and say something constructive as to how we can do something else instead of criticising all the Government does. Expect commentary on counter ways and proposal on the way forward not just saying this and that not good but hey do it this way and that way! LOL

    • hmmm
      June 30, 2011

      what payment you getting under the table….hmmmm……if it were to stop would you be that supportive still.hmmm…..just curious…….

  25. I
    June 30, 2011

    Admin- I think you guys need to post live videos of events. I know it is more costly than just words but I am sure some people would subscribe to it. Personally I am so fed up with Marpin. ALl the drama that happened yesterday and we hardly saw anything. The Sabaroache issue- I didn’t see what I heard on Matt this morning. We need some real news!

  26. hmmmm
    June 30, 2011

    well if dominicans dont get it now i wonder when they will.all the needs in dominica and we spending millions on this project and the pm telling dominicans about conference and amenities.

    June 30, 2011


  28. whistler
    June 30, 2011

    where did dominica get this kinda guy so be a so called illegal PM, this man doesnt have a heart does he real think…im of the view this PM endorses and practicies the dark side all the time…if this man feared God he would be a smarter human being…just look the guy in the face you can see the mistrust, lies corrupt look…i think dominica has a megar taks on their hands..

    think this PM is striving to think he controls his destiny..what a big joke..sadly once a black man has power he becomes a intelligent FOOL!

    • ?????
      June 30, 2011

      Are you Black? Such insults to your fellowman. Love love is the answer. When you love, you won’t say those ugly things about your people. When you love you cannot hurt. Let the love flow thru your heart and also ask the Father to give you a heart of Flesh since a man’s heart is desperately wicked.

      There will come a time when truth will be lies and lies will be accepted as truth.

      • hmmm
        June 30, 2011

        i hope you eat those words…when time comes….hmmmm……..

    • Anonymous
      June 30, 2011

      Whistler, I think it takes one to know one. YOu dont you comment on the positives and stop dwelling on the negatives.

    • Wenner
      June 30, 2011

      A uwp is the scum of Dominica dirt

  29. Seriously???????
    June 30, 2011

    “Simply put, even if one is poor, one does not have to think or behave poor.”
    Are you …….ing kidding me….Did the Prime Minister actually said these words???? So if i am poor i should think and behave rich??? Mr.PM that is the mentality of the inmates at stockfarm who weren’t content to live according to their standards…Mr.PM if i am poor how should i act????? LOL

    • June 30, 2011




      • hmmm
        June 30, 2011

        so true……

    • imana
      June 30, 2011

      i support the Pm, even if u poor u cannot think of being poor that why we dont elivate our self people.

      poor people can be rich if they work hard at school and get a job and help themselves. Most poeple who are rich now was very poor and they knew what they want was not to remain poor

  30. Anonymous
    June 30, 2011

    very weak and lethargic argument for state house. Dominica new image depends on job creation, rule of law, poverty reduction, a free and fair democratic process and a transformation of its economy from grant-dependent to sustainable and viable economic activity
    voice from the wilderness

  31. June 30, 2011



  32. hmmm
    June 30, 2011

    Is the dominican prime minister on drugs or something…..Shouldn’t his concern be about his dual citizenship. Its not like he is going to loose the elections or is this a backup plan just incase he has to go in asylum in France… for thought……..Anyways what is a rush for a new State House……Aren’t there more serious concerns at present………

    • ?????
      June 30, 2011

      So you think that he should be stuck thinking about the dual citizenship thing and not continue what he has to do. Then you would have another complain. So whilst he is “thinking about the dual citizen thing” please volunteer to do the things that the country needs . Mark you not just talk but action oriented development mark you again not demonstrations!

    • ?????
      June 30, 2011

      I forgot come drug free as well. I will enure that you will go to assylum in France with him as well so you will be his maid of honour!

      Think before you speak idle words!

      • hmmm
        June 30, 2011

        Look at Godafin look at Bin laden n look at sadam hussein…….thats all I will say…..won’t bicker with you not worth it…..I gave my opnion and I am entitled to mine and so are…..:) or am I not? hmmm….

  33. JustGivingMyTwoCents
    June 30, 2011

    Next Level!!!!!!!! :lol:

  34. spy
    June 30, 2011

    As it finish the earthquake will take it down. jehova and buda who rules?

    • la beauty
      June 30, 2011

      sacway sot

    June 30, 2011


  36. Lavie Dominique!
    June 30, 2011

    Is it Won’t back down or CANNOT BACK DOWN?? I think the latter is the right answer. Skerrit is not in control! The puppet masters decides what he can and cannot do! How can he back down when they tell him this is what YOU MUST DO? Just check the accounting on this project!!! Keep your eyes on the MONEY!! This is what it is all about people! The 90% for them and the 10% for the people!

    • ?????
      June 30, 2011

      Before making inferences or statements, do you have the project paper and would you please enjoy doing the auditing to ensure that the amounts stated are well spent. Please send your application.

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