PM Skerrit promises government for and of the people

The prime minister took the oath of office on Monday
The prime minister took the oath of office on Tuesday

Prime minister, Roosevelt Skerrit, has promised a government of the people and for the people as the Dominica Labour Party (DLP) prepares to form the new government to run the affairs of the country for the next five years.

He made the remarks during a ceremony at the State House on Tuesday during which he was officially sworn-in as prime minister by the president of Dominica, Charles Saverin.

“We shall truly be a government of the people and for the people,” he said.

He thanked voters for what he called “the very strong mandate” given to the DLP by voters.

Skerrit said the ministers of the new government will be sworn-in on Saturday at the Windsor Park Sports Stadium after which they will ‘hit the road running.’

“The new government will be sworn-in on Saturday evening and ministers shall take to their offices on Monday morning to commence work on behalf of the people of this beautiful country, Dominica,” he stated.

He noted that there is a lot of work to be done in Dominica “and time is not on our side.”

“I believe that Dominica has made enormous strides for the past 14 years and I am satisfied that if we can and unite as a people and keep focus on what’s best for Dominica, our contined march towards peace, progress and prosperity in the context of a just society, will be rewarding to every last Dominican,” he remarked.

He said the agenda has been set for moving Dominica forward for the next five years and work begins for him almost immediately.

“Work for me, as prime minister, begins tomorrow in earnest,” Skerrit said. “My travels on behalf of this country resumes on Sunday morning, as I head to Cuba for an ALBA summit.”

The prime minister said he looks forward to the opening of the new parliament.

“It is my hope that first-time parliamentarians can work with us to lift the standard of debate and discourse on the floor of parliament,” he stated. “I believe with the advent of social media, parliament should not only be a place for the enactment of laws but should also be a source of education and information to citizens and residents of our country.”

He noted that he hopes parliamentarians will take their responsibilities seriously.

“I would want to believe that the era of parliament boycotts and walk-outs is over,” Skerrit said. “I would want to believe that in the debate of parliament support will be given where support is deserving and constructive criticism will be leveled when merited.”

The prime minister also said in the new government, systems will be put in place for greater interaction between MPs and their constituents.

The DLP won 15 out of the 21 seats in parliament following Monday’s general election.

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  1. youth
    December 11, 2014

    enjoy the good time while it last… i dont only blame the diaspora ppl but Dominicans living at home to… i cant understand why dont ppl use their common sense… if a party is doing so good in a country why do they have to go buy votes from the ppl outside?? use ur brain!!! they sud sit comfortable and not rely on ur votes… now u came put hard ship on us and went bk to where ever it is tht u live…. Now our locals the main industries in our country is dying the agriculture industry and the ppl involved in agriculture are the ones who voted in this government!!! St Lucia in taking over in the banana industry while we in Dominica struggle to export 4 crates of banana… shame on you ppl shame!!! you all rather to depend on a group of ppl to fed yall family rather than provide for yourself and fed ur family… smh… Enjoy the nxt five yrs!!!

  2. best for country
    December 11, 2014

    are you all serious? that’s the best we can do? well God help us. these comments are not seen only on this island. let’s raise the level of discussion and comment more intelligently please. we can can do better than that.

  3. Commentry
    December 11, 2014

    WOW that was a fast swearing in. I guess the PM knew what was to be so he wasted no time. But trust me you see how all these corrupted fortune 500 companies and Wall street in the USA saw the end so all the shady business that was happening so shall it be for Dominica coming soon.. I feel sorry for the ones actually leaving in this please not those benefiting from all the miss use of money etc but the innocent Dominicans. May God be the Glory.

  4. Dominican Overseas
    December 11, 2014

    Mr. Prime Minister. Why is Dominica on the OFAC List as a high risk country?

  5. December 11, 2014

    This man has the unmitigated gull to continue to speak CRAP that i don’t believe e himself does not understand. You honestly want the opposition to discontinue the walk-out?; then get rid of the “Old Speaker” and you and the Rottweiler stop barking unintelligent garbage in the HONORABLE house. And by the way before you utter one more word give us the real reason why you are so adamant in keeping Dr Fountaine out of the house? Guess you finally have to debate a real economist and we know that’s not your forte eh! That broken record you have been playing over the past 14 years not worth listening to; wheel and come back, an begin by stopping the LYING for a change.

  6. LaPte
    December 10, 2014

    I cant believe that the people of Pointe Michel voted DLP. There is NOTHING going on in La Pte that is productive. The roads look good and the houses on the hills look good but everyone by roadside drinking – alcholism has become the norm. Mr Pinard has gotten financially FAT – big houses, lot of land and these fools in the village screaming ” Labor Working”. I say shame on my people. We had plans for investing in Pointe Michel to put peoiple back to work and your own DLP – killed that dream. They want to keep these people drunk and uneducated. I have washed my hands off Pointe Michel. There is no olive branch here. What is going on in Dominica saddens me . It is a display of decay of education and the increasing drug use and alcoholism and unemployment. The rich soil above La Pte goes to waste while the young sons of the land asking for their SEWO……..SAD!!!!!


    December 10, 2014

    tell the pm to give us grandfond back
    and take out the laborite as president of DA
    then we will start talking about olive branch

  8. Truth and Justice
    December 10, 2014

    So I listen to all the PM had t say about Roosevelt Douglas and Pierre Charles , but he was not being fair, because yes these men carried on the work of social change in Dominica which was commenced by E.O.Leblanc and Patrick John . Patrick John and not Roosie Douglas was the one who fought for independence when people like Charles Saverin And Dame Eugeni were virulently against it .. All the Freedomites kerrit have with him enjoying the fruits of Patrick John hard work and labour . Well give the man his due, name Windsor park in his honour as the first prime Minister of Dominica. give the true history of the country not the make up story. How Charles Saverin almost destroy the economy of the country, how Roosie Douglas incited the young people and when the government responded Charles Saverind used the opportunity to overthrow the government of Patrick John a duly elected government , no imported votes. There is no blessing for the DLP none, it is corrupt to the core. It will reap it rewards, I am so sorry for what will befall, remember Rome and Nero.

    • December 10, 2014

      It would be a great disservice to Dominica to name Windsor Park after PJ. Boy, you need some sleep.

    • The Facts
      December 13, 2014

      What did Dominica gain by being independent?

  9. Ashamed
    December 10, 2014

    I am a Dominican and so ashamed to even let anyone know that. If the people of Dominica can’t see through Skerrit then they are really blinded. He has sold out the country to China and Soon from now there will not be anything left . I feel so bad for those persons still living there. What a shame and disgrace. People open up your eyes Skerrit only fattening his pockets while the rest of you crying out. As much as Dominica is my place of birth I am sorry to say I would not come back there as long as Skerrit is Prime minister he disgust me I can’t stand the sight of this man.

    • December 10, 2014

      Another disgruntled and frustrated voter and loser.

      • Ashamed
        December 11, 2014

        For your information as much of a Dominican as I am I never have and I have not intention of voting not for the likes of people like Skerrit. The only person that’s a looser is you. Skerrit don’t fart in your mouth.

      • 1979aintspam
        December 12, 2014

        voter yes
        loser not as much a loser as you…considering you won and still need to be here talking out of…

        and one thing you forgot to mention ANOTHER DOMINICAN… with their opinion and their right to express it…..just like another loser I know..

    • anonymous2
      December 13, 2014

      There will be an exodus by those that can see the writing on the wall.

    • The Facts
      December 13, 2014

      You are not patriotic. I am a Dominican residing abroad. I am always proud to say I am a Dominican and still love it. Why would I hide it? No one dare criticize Dominica to me and/or in my presence. By this I especially mean non-Dominicans. I have all the answers for them.
      Do you not have relatives and friends you would like to visit in D/ca? Even though Linton would be the PM, this would not deter me from visiting Dominica where I was born and grew up to adulthood. I still have relatives and friends there. My only regret is that some also migrated and some others have passed on but that is life.
      Wherever I am I make myself happy. What better place to be happy than in Dominica, land of beauty, warm weather, sunny, of rivers, grapefruit and orange . . . ?
      We cannot always be dwelling on politics. Life is what we make of it. I will never forget Dominica. I am not a traitor to it. I take a keen interest in the goings-on. This is why I access DNO, always eager to know firsthand what is occurring in Dominica and to provide my comments whether some like them or not. I love to be informed and to tell others, even non-Dominicans about what is occurring D/ca. The News makes a great conversational piece.
      I hope you have a change of heart for your (our) country, Dominica.

  10. Disgusted
    December 10, 2014

    I am so disgusted with the level of hypocrisy that I see in my country. If you cannot see through the deception of Mr. Skerrit then you are truly lost. His supporters are fanatics and are blinded to the ills of the country. They have also chosen money over country since most of them were paid for their votes. We the supports of the UWP have received absolutely nothing for our votes, and we voted to bring change to our country. However the prime Minister, his gang and the diaspora have imposed a Government on us again against our will.

    My heart bleed for my country and I now find comfort in the fact that God is still on the throne and is in full control in what is going on. I am just going to sit back, relax and allow God to have his way in Dominica. I love my country and I will continue to pray that the blessings of God overshadow it. Blessings Dominica.

    • REALLY
      December 10, 2014

      Yes…allow God! He is mighty and great and no one is more powerful than him. If he wanted the United Workers Party to be in Government today, they would have won the election. So if you truly believe in God, you will let his will be done and accept his wil being done in Dominica. God always knows best!!

      • Allie
        December 10, 2014

        Well if you believe in God so much. Why did your Party have to bribe people to come and vote. Please do not be so hypocritical. Do not bring God into this or else he will strike you. Do you pretend that you have no idea about the bribes that were given to the people of Dominica. Please stop hiding behind God. If you really believe in God you would not lie. Lying is a sin! Please stop it.

      • 1979aintspam
        December 12, 2014

        lord now i have seen a sore winner…. go enjoy your victory boss…go and twavay….oh sorry maybe you are twvaying……in that case you have plenty more twvay to twavay

      • anonymous2
        December 13, 2014

        God has nothing to do with it. It is the mentality of the people here.

    • The Facts
      December 13, 2014

      What you have stated is that you are intelligent than DLP supporters and that DLP should have sat aside and allow UWP to get all the votes? You are not intelligent. May the best Party win.
      God who knows, sees and hears all things knew that the majority of Dominicans were not ready for another UWP leadership. Note what is occurring at this moment, another demonstration. God knows what is next. Better luck next time.

  11. SMH
    December 10, 2014

    A promise is a comfort to a fool.

  12. December 10, 2014

    On another note I think the diaspora saved the UWP from those huge debts that are to be paid. Later will be greater . He who laughs last laughs the best.

    • The Facts
      December 13, 2014

      If you feel so they should console themselves with that thought. In this case Fontaine should not be exerting all his energy and expending his time to want a re-count and to demonstrate and probably take legal action because he lost by eight votes.
      Anyway, Linton was not ready for this major undertaking as PM. He first needs practice as an elected member of Parliament. This should serve him well if he does not mess it up and his presence.

  13. Just Observing
    December 10, 2014

    When will this recrimination stop? When will we realize that the people have spoken, the election is over? Why do some people see only evil in everything the PM says or does. Has the Pm said or done anything morally wrong at his swearing in? We seemingly are so opposed to the PM personally that we anticipate evil and wrong even before any such immorality is done. My people stop that tearing away and killing each other. We need to move on. Where we have difficulties with the certain legislation, Let the debate start about changing the legislation rather than going after the Pm in a partisan manner as though he created the Electoral Laws. He met the laws there and used it just as every other PM before him. Give the man a break. let us build our country. If the sentiments expressed here represent our innate view of governance under PM Skerrit, then the acrimony, villification and hate will continue unabated for another five years. Is that what we want for Dominica. Let us stop it.

    • Allie
      December 10, 2014

      Please get real. Are you serious. No Mr. Skerrit did not create the Electoral laws but he has blatantly flaunted them. Why is this man not arrested for bribery. He stands on a platform in direct contradiction to the Electoral laws against bribery and tells the people of St.Joseph that everyone will get a tablet if he gets in. This man should be charged for blatantly contravening the laws of the State. You need to read the laws. Dominica is nothing but a Banana Republic. Mark my words when Skerrit is through with Dominica. The island will be worse than Haiti. Up to this day Haiti cannot recover from Duvalier., because they had people like you supporting. People who receive to think or use their brain.

    • The Facts
      December 13, 2014

      You are correct.

  14. professor
    December 10, 2014

    i see the supporters of the UWP are still mourning the loss of this election. but I just wanna say that why should we blame the diaspora when they have the right to vote like every one else? let us stop this vexation and fighting and strive to build our country together as a nation. let us unite and live together cause that is the only way we can move forward. I have not lived in Dominica for over ten years and I still contribute in what ever way I can. I am part of the diaspora and all I wanna say is don’t blame us for your loss. we are part of this country just like you are .

    • Allie
      December 10, 2014

      No you are not. You have chosen to live overseas just like me. You are associated with Dominica. But you are a part of it at this time. If you want to be a part of Dominica. You must go back to live there. I have contributed too. But I recognize that the people of Dominica are the ones who are directly affected by the decisions of the Government. Even if I keep my links with D/A, You and I also have chosen to live out of Dominica for various reasons. Why are you out of Dominica? Is it for economic reasons? Why are you not in Dominica?
      My problem with the diaspora is that they should use their brains. If a Party is in power for 15 years. Why do they need outside help to win an election? Ask yourself a question. They should be able to win on their record. Please use your brain, if you have one.

  15. December 10, 2014

    “Change is a must; it is not an option” was the operational slogan for UWP Team Dominica. What Mr. Linton did not say is that change would come only if he had become Prime Minister. Well, as a sideline observer, I am here to tell you that change has already come. In Jerimiah 13:23, the bible says, “If they can, then you can do good, who are so accustomed to do evil. If the Ethiopian can change his skin, or the leopard his spots; you also may do well, when you have learned evil”.
    Under one breath Mr. Skerrit says that we wants to work with the opposition and on the other breath he is sounding defiant. He offers an olive branch to the opposition on one hand but refuses to offer an apology for the nasty and derogatory comments he made about almost every member of the opposition, during the campaign.

    As I have followed Mr. Skerri,t over the years, I have come to believe that the man has a rather precarious way of dealing with situations and people that is not in his sphere of comfort-ability. In St. Joseph, during the election campaign, I saw him reach the nadir of his apologetic skill. In years past I have seen him literally exploded because he didn’t appreciate the comments made about him in the press.

    However, as the book of Jeremiah stated, everyone has the ability to learn as long as the willingness is there. Well, in the meantime, we will have to wait and see how well good a learner Mr. Skerrit is.

    Meanwhile, the change which had begun, during the 15 months since Mr. Linton took over as leader of the opposition UWP, will continue in the house of parliament with the likes of Joshua Francis, Joseph Isaac, Danny Lugay, Ezekiel Bazil, Thomson Fountaine and the formidable Honorable Lenox Linton. There is no question in my mind that this opposition party will continue to implement change despite the prime minister’s double talk.

    Did I say Thomson Fountaine? Yes, I did. I believe that this seat should be contested all the way to the courts if possible. The fight is not over and Dr. Fountain nor the UWP should take this one lying down. If Mr. Skerrit wants to offer a olive branch then let him do it with a live branch in good faith. Vote rigging for the Labour Party has become ubiquitous for the past three election contests and this is one change that should be implemented now.

    We cannot wait another five years to bring about this change. In the meantime, as Mr. Skerrit learning, he too must and will adapt to change.

  16. December 10, 2014

    CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR WIN FOR THE THIRD CONSECUTIVE TIME. GET TO WORK, TOO MUCH TIME HAS BEEN WASTED. I think you are capable, let us see how much you and yours can deliver. Five years go by very quickly, but nthere is no stopping us now.

  17. December 10, 2014

    I would also like to see built a 100-room Hospital in Marigot, a 100-room hotel in Marigot, more upgrading of the Douglas-Charles airport to international standards, the building of the Marina in Portsmouth to complement the cabrits hotel, the upgrading of the Portsmouth Hospital, the rebuilding of both the Castaways Hotel in Mero (100-room) and the Layou River Hotel project, the expansion of the All Saints University in Grandbay, the completion of the Roseau Cathedral and the Portsmouth Catholic Church, the building of the St Johns Academy in Portsmouth, the building of the Wesley High School in Stockfarm. All these things i pray and dream of to be done one day. We will need alot of grant funds to see the fruition of all these projects one day. We can do it. Let us create the climate conducive to investing. Bring on the investors.

    • Allie
      December 10, 2014

      Dream On. After all the cronies of your PM get their monies, there will be nothing left. Let us plan to meet on this blog in a couple years and compare notes. You are living in the twilight zone. They will start things and not complete and then say they want another 5 years to complete. These people are gangsters. Open your eyes. Look at Haiti. Duvalier and his son destroy that country. Up to this day they cannot recover. Think!

    • Anonymous
      December 12, 2014

      You think u in St. Lucia?

    • anonymous2
      December 13, 2014

      Are you for real? No one is going to invest per se in a place whee the govt. tells you that it will own your investment in 20 years. The Chinese own it.

  18. Nevevson st jean
    December 10, 2014

    now mr pm u are going to cuba to beg
    sir u cannot run a country on begging . soon someone else will own the country

    • Ashamed
      December 11, 2014

      China done own it as far as I see.

  19. December 9, 2014

    I congratulate the Labour party once again for being reelected into office for yet another five years. Good job. I was surprised that both Roseau Central and Roseau North went to the UWP. Not surprised that we conceded Roseau North to the UWP. The people of Roseau North have categorically rejected Julie Timothy once and for all. Skerrit should therefore part ways with Julie and find a young, intelligent, well educated person in Roseau North who is well rounded and interested in politics nominated to the Senate and groomed to be our next Rep for Roseau North. Also, I would nominate both Ambrose and Alvin Bernard to the Senate and return their respective ministry to them. Likewise, the UWP should part ways with Ron Green and find some young, intelligent person in Laplaine to represent Laplaine for the UWP. Let us work harder to regain the entire Roseau next time. We can do it. The General Hospital, the rebuilding of the Goodwill Secondary School, the completion of the River Street Promenade, the building of the vendor market at the old CG Phillip building, redoing the streets and sidewalks of Roseau, the building of the West Bridge, the state-of-the-art Library on the old site, the building of the chinese hotel on the old PWD site, the completion of the Newtown Primary School, the building of a Health Center in Kingshill, a 100-room hotel in Wotten Waven to replace the old Island House Hotel, the redoing of the roads in the entire Roseau Valley, these are some of the things that need to be done in the next five years to assure us of the entire Roseau next time around. Once again congratulations to Skerrit and the boys. Make sure that there is a huge Christmas Tree at the lobby of the State House well lighted and adorned just like the one at the White House. It will really look beautiful at Christmas time. It really lite up Roseau for the Holidays.

    • December 10, 2014

      also the rebuilding of Yam Piece and Silver Lake to habitable standards, the razing of the Pound Area and clearing and zoning the area for commercial use only, like building Office Buildings and so on.

    • Allie
      December 10, 2014

      We wait with baited breath. I will be checking them off against the manifesto. Let us meet up to compare notes see what has been done. Pie in the sky. But I would like to be wrong for Dominica’s sake.

    • Allie
      December 11, 2014

      I like all those plans you have. Maybe you should come down and run for politics., because they will never get done by the present Government. You are really dreaming. Skerrit does not have any respect for Laborites. He thinks that you all are stupid. All he has to do is promise a few little things and you will vote for him. You will not question him. He is a bully. I am sure he must be laughing at you all behind closed doors. This is how these people behave. They laugh with you in front of your face but they despise you,behind your back. Please do not forget Haiti. Duvalier and his son destroyed Haiti and up till now they cannot recover and even today there are stilll people who are backing him. Do you really believe Skerrit is going to do any of those things? Why does he have to do them? He has people like you to back him with no reason. In the past 15 years what has the Labor party done for Dominica? Ask yourself. Why are so many people living out of Dominica?

  20. Natural
    December 9, 2014

    Skerrit take it on them again! :mrgreen:

  21. Gov;t for D Diaspora
    December 9, 2014

    You enjoy being the devil’s bride but put aside your foolish pride and start the cleansing. You know your ole style. I hope you had a shower prior to taking the oath. and that the 5 weeks peanuts and the yard fowl(cock) got a good soak. You look like the devil incarnate in disguise.
    Merry Christmas.
    The same Diaspora.

  22. The Facts
    December 9, 2014

    Campaigning and election are over. It is back to normal. Those of you who were concerned about Christmas and Christmas shopping can now breathe a sigh of relief and do your Christmas shopping. You know, we only have a few weeks until Christmas. I cannot believe the year flew so fast although not faster than other years. :) It goes to show if we keep fruitfully busy we will not notice the days and months.
    God bless you, fellow Dominicans. We may not agree on the same topic but we do not have to dislike or hate each other. God knows we will disagree on certain matters. After all is said and done and we provide our views and comments, our life must continue.
    To a certain extent, take it easy. Speak your truth but be careful with your words.
    Live life to the fullest without harming others. Love one another. Make peace with one another. God loves us all with no exception. In His eyes, no one is more privileged than the other and everyone has an obligation to fulfill to others and our country.
    God wants what is best for us that we will live in peace, harmony and unity. He expects our cooperation for also the betterment of our country. Be positive about life and other matters which concern us and our country. Love conquers all. God’s love and peace!

    • Allie
      December 10, 2014

      What is your point again?

  23. zammy
    December 9, 2014

    Let the whole world know that this government is the worst ever. It is very sickening to know that Dominicans who voted labour, don’t have the common sense to recognise that this government has not done anything for the country in so so many years………
    Its pathetic to read the comments of the Labour Party supporter on facebook, and the other meduim of communication, come out with unity and peace talk today. They have been very much anti- exclusivity and one love and love of country….. Now they are now calling for unity and country building. This is the highest level of ignorance and a severe lack of commonsensical wisdom…..
    The questions to Dominicans is simple, ” Are You guys better off today?” How much money is in you all account after the victory? Are you guys working right now? Are you guys happier? It can be said that Dominicans deserve what they get! Many times they short change themselves and settle for less, hence the reason for voting in a Government who has a record of bad governance, and an economy based on grants and gifts from friendly governments… with no name…….
    The various constituencies won by the government are the most under developed and run down communities in Dominica.. What keeps them for voting for labour, only God knows….
    Dominicans must engage in critical thinking and analysis of issues. Such way of thinking would most certainly remove all the ignorance and emotional voting in Dominica……..
    Can you imagine, the travelling PM, is off to seek help or maybe go and give reports to his friendly governments immediately after being sworn in….
    Congrates to the folks from the city and environ and those who know that dictatorship is not the way to go……
    Change is coming and change will come………. Dr Thompson Fontaine is King,,,,,,,,, The most distinguished economist will be the one to continue applying the pressure on the government… Dr Thompson is the one with the cards in his pocket because he is a man of facts and not opinions…… Dr Fontaine en vex with anybody, he is no body enemy,, so he join Hurricane LL, and Team Dominica, to unsettle the government and keep them on their toes…………Oh Boy is not Dominica got an opposition…………
    The Labour Party Bought the elections,,,,,,, but they will have to pay for that,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Those from the Diaspora who are a group of political bandits will answer one day for coming Dominica and vote……
    Mr Skerritt, One last thing, be prepared for the master minds of Team Dominica,,,,,,,,, You will be kept on your toes……….All pots and pans will be uncovered…. and please Madam Speaker, You must will and come again……. We waiting for you this rounds because We Ready, We Ready. We will Let the world know what is going on in Dominica… we will make plenty newssssssss…….. Team Dominica is in to News Business… Any Bad behaviour is news you all will make until you all resign… Cameras will be on Labour big time… for international News….

  24. Not Me Again
    December 9, 2014

    Folks, let us compare the election results of 2014 to that of the last time we saw a fair election in Dominica and I need somebody to tell me if they can see any increase in our population or a decrease. Let us look at what we would all consider as battle ground constituencies:
    Castle Bruce in 2000 =1494 votes casted. In 2014=1710 votes=increase of 216 voters
    La Plaine in 2000 =1322votes. In 2014 =1538 =Increase of 216 voters
    Salybia in 2000 =1513. In 2014 =1875. Increase of 362 voters.
    St Joseph in 2000=1829. In 2014 =2128. Increase of 299 voters
    Roseau Valley in 2000 =1146. In 2014 =1786. Increase of =640 voters
    Morne Jaune in 2000 =1,026. In 2014 =1222. Increase of 196 voters

    I really wonder where so many extra persons came from. Are our women making more children now? Boy look volay aka theft

  25. Caring
    December 9, 2014

    Please file your dissatisfaction by emailing the OAS at [email protected] . If you know names of ppl who were bribed list that in your email. This does not end. Lets flood the OAS with our cry of injustice that they helped bring upon our people.

  26. Truth and Justice
    December 9, 2014

    Taking the PM at his word of government of the people for the people, he will address the concerns and recommendations presented to parliament by the opposition. The government will be more open,and the recommendations by the OEC observers will be implemented during this five year term. I love the PM he will also recognise that Patrick John was the first Prime Minister of Dominica and name Windsor park after Patrick John.

    • The Facts
      December 9, 2014

      You are stating that the Windsor Park Stadium should be named after P.J. because he was the first PM after Independence? You are joking. So what?
      Are you not aware on what basis D/ca achieved Independence and at what price? These were not happy and peaceful times for Dominica. It was a forced Statehood and Independence. No doubt that government stood to benefit and profit from this.
      How old are you or if you were a certain age when this occurred, have you lost your memory and forgotten? Who was responsible for setting Roseau Registry on fire? Who burnt it down at that time? Which Party and/or supporter was responsible for this? I suppose that the culprit was never found.
      It was a good thing I had a copy of my birth certificate. Otherwise I would have had to get a copy of my birth registration and baptismal copy from the Church. Consider the inconvenience for some people, those older and younger, having to try to get their birth certificate in that same manner because the Registry records were burnt.
      What P.J. did, he almost sold D/ca to foreigners which eventually cost him a prison sentence for treason. Through the compassion and mercy of the late Prime Minister, Dame Eugenia Charles (RIP), she pardoned him. She was not even appreciated for it. I wonder if he ever thanked her for he was her opponent when he vied for PM and she won. This was also not pleasant for her, campaigning against him and vice versa.
      Did he ask Dominicans for pardon with a humble and contrite heart at what he did? I bet not. This pardon did not eradicate what he did. It still remains on the books and as history. History is never forgotten nor does it erase actions and one such as this.
      Do you think if Ms Charles were alive she would approve your suggestion? In my estimation, he does not deserve any such honor. I hope this re-naming never occurs. Lest we forget.

    • Disappointed
      December 9, 2014

      DEMO CRACY is just a word in Dominica. Elections have become a joke. I am worried about our future generations. Even our intelligent people are not seeing the danger of playing their children’s future democratic way of life into the hnads of a wealthy dictator. And an Olive Branch with a snake in it? I feel we are in Zimbabwe under Robert Mogabe who plays games with elections. It is time for a MONARCHY: KING SKERRIT the 1st!

    • December 9, 2014

      Are you crazy or sick? Which one?

    • anonymous2
      December 10, 2014

      Wishful thinking that has not been demonstrated in the last 15 yrs.

  27. me
    December 9, 2014

    Lennox should not accept any olive branch

    no justice, no peace

    • The Facts
      December 9, 2014

      Do not start this enmity and lack of peace again. Campaigning and Election are over until the next five years. It is time for government’s business in D/ca, to assist the people as yourself.
      Are you continuing with these types of words sand attitude? What olive branch? Cooperation is a better word. It would benefit Linton if he generated peace. What good would it do him otherwise? What we give is exactly what we will get in return.
      As for you, strive for peace. You will be happy for it. A peaceful heart and mind, as projected, is a sign of God’s love and peace, of godliness within you. Take this into account for your benefit, for Dominica and other nationals. Speak and write what is good and worthwhile.

      • December 10, 2014

        no justice no peace, elections are over but the struggle continues , jump high jump low uwp mission continues and we will prevail we may have lost the battle but we have not lost the war.!!!!

    • December 9, 2014

      He does not need an Olive Branch. These guys don’t believe in olive oil and castor oil. Maybe extend a papaya branch – all these guys drink is papaya juice. (LOL)

    • Proud Dominican
      December 10, 2014

      And what happens if he doesn’t? Who looses and who benefits? The country will continue to grow and develop. So continue with your kind of attitude.

  28. Leighton R JAMES
    December 9, 2014

    EMPTY WORDS:- Comfort to the Purveyors, Atrocities thrust on Democracy with a Perfunctory Smile!!!

    Roosevelt Skerrit, Labor Party and those who buttress their desires , exist in an alternate dimension. Clearly, this presentation reflects a belief that it was just an election; that is, after usurping the Law, Degrading / de-humanizing those in opposition to their position and expending cash / resource unavailable to most Dominicans, they are requesting that Dominica return to normal. This is not unlike the 1999 election where the ethos of ‘Corruption and Bribery’ was thrown out, by the Labor Party against the UWP, to win an election. Subsequent investigations (at state expense) have yet to bear fruits.

    Presentation is vacuous :

    1) Lack of Humility – to state one is humbled, one must have a clear perspective of, and respect for their position in the Universe and that position must be earned (not imposed or thrust). Presenting the impression of humility in this setting is arrogant. Simply stated, Roosevelt Skerrit’s behavior prior to this presentation does not reflect that of an individual who accepts his station with grace. I recommend a thorough reading on ‘Ethics of Humility’ before using it so freely.

    2) Lack of Concern for others – Labor Party and its supporters ought to accept or appreciate that the activities over the past several years are inconsistent with human norms. Wealth (and consequently power), whether individual or collective does not simply arise. The under-appreciated story of this election is:- who will benefit the most from this outcome? I submit, it is not Labor party nor its supporters! It is not Dominica! The Funders of this enterprise (likely Foreign concerns) are / will be the greatest winners or have already collected their prizers. Will the ‘True Victors’ ever come forward or will Roosevelt Skerrit and the compromised Labor Party continue to front their activities?

    3) False Words – per Plato ‘False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil’. Given facile transition, between reality and what exist in their ‘? higher centers?’, enables these actors to appear sincere; to the trained listener / observer, there is neither empathy nor sincerity in this staged piece. This individual (and confidants) clearly believes that if something exists in the minds, it must be reality (and vice versa). This presentation and public posturing, despite prior activities (including disregard for country), belies an extremely limited understanding of human complexity.

    4) A persistent, yet pathologic belief, that time obliterates neural networks / memory: – This pair / actors know otherwise, but is also acutely aware that zeal transcends reasoning and that, for some time, they will be protected by forces that are aware of their transgression but chose to ignore these potentially devastating, yet progressively consumptive events .

    Corruption begets dependence and destroys a people’s drive to pursue life in a trajectory typical of structured, organized environments. In consequence, commerce, trade, education, personal development and personal interactions are dismantled. Dominica, envisage your station in the wake of four terms of Labor! Is this the higher level so promised?

    • The Facts
      December 9, 2014

      Well, he is the elected PM. The majority of people have spoken. Therefore, no matter what you feel and state, grin and bear it. He needs the support of all D/cans to continue forward in building-up this nation. You have an obligation to fulfill. Therefore, set aside all your criticisms which do absolutely no good.
      Remember? Campaigning and election are over. Time for some hard, loving work to unite Dominicans. Please do not do the opposite. If you do, you too will live in bitterness and regret what you dish out.
      If Linton were fortunate to win the election, I would never hate him as you do the PM. Disappointed, yes but not hatred,. Therefore, for your own good, caste aside your hatred. All of us could do without it. Once and for all, stop your foolishness. To the one who loves, all is well. Thanks be to God.

    • Free and Fair
      December 9, 2014

      Very erudite and instructive.

    • December 10, 2014

      Be at peace with your self and every little thing will thrive.

      December 10, 2014

      Leighton, these people don’t and will never understand what humility is. Skeritt’s intentions are to keep Dominicans enslaved and improverished. It is very easy for him to say that he is humbled because that is what he wants the public to believe. The OAS claims that the election was free and fair; what constitute FREE & FAIR? The electorial list that more than the country’s population or the number of tickets that were given to people to go home to vote?

      Skerrit will continue to take Dominicans for granted because he claims that they have given him the mandate to lead them. Dominicans need to lift themselves from that stupor they are in and get the will to stand up for what is right because skerit’s higher level in nothing but keeping them dependant on handouts.

    • oberver1
      December 10, 2014

      Mr James, who are you speaking to? Man come back down to earth.

    December 9, 2014

    Believe God has a reason for Skerrit to get back in office, because that debt there we are facing here, Linton will not be able to face it, let Skerrit deal with it himself.

    • Blue Angel
      December 9, 2014

      I don t think god has anything to do in that : heard about maçonnique lodge, remember some people comming to do some cérémonial Stuff not long ago,, then you can understand who are does “friends” splashing money and controling Èvery institution making and un making governments. Swaring there mean Nothing . this has Nothing to do with the people. with time when the orders Côme from the lodge be prepared for controvertial décisions . When it happens remember this post. Dominica has enter the game skerrit better be care full if these décide to take you down…. It Will pass through population

    • Caring
      December 9, 2014

      God? – Ask Skerritt what he does in Pointe Michel -dont put God and Skeritt together

    • The Facts
      December 9, 2014

      He will. He has more work to do for the betterment of Dominica and nationals. God is in control. Pray for your country, the PM, his cabinet ministers, other politicians and other nationals. More fervent praying will immensely help.

    • Hawk Eye
      December 10, 2014

      I quite agree. As a man said, “Its Skerrit who dirty the toilet, let him go and clean it”.

    • anonymous2
      December 10, 2014

      His way of dealing with it is taking on more debt. Not a solution. He is a sell out to the IMF.

  30. December 9, 2014

    Mr. Skerrit unity and harmony should be the theme in all of your statements, first of all you have to apologize for all your mean remarks about some of your opponents and you know what you said. we do not trust this olive branch at all,because it may be thorns in disguise, your embrace we do not trust either because you could have a dagger hidden in your hands, ready to stab in the back unawares. We will be afraid no more . We will take our stand against victimization . We are now embolden. freedom and liberty have a price even a supreme price. Let democracy reign & let us return to law , justice and ethics in every sphere of our culture.

  31. me
    December 9, 2014

    It hurts me to see this man holding the Bible. It’s like burning the Kuran in front of an ISIS fighter. this is how much it burns me.

    • The Facts
      December 9, 2014

      When last you opened your Bible and also read what Our Lord Jesus Christ said about love for one another? You criticize him but you are the one who is a hypocrite. Where is your love, love from the heart? Do you think you are better than he is and more loving?
      As St. Paul said, “Examine your conscience to see whether you are living in faith”, and according to the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ and that of S.t Paul, as contained in Holy Scripture.

      • December 10, 2014

        you that person who calls his/ herself the facts you have verbal diareah.

      • The Facts
        December 13, 2014

        I will speak the truth and not spew hatred. I am happier for it.
        What we state is what is imbedded in our hearts. It can either eat us up or it can make us feel well. The saying: “Your mind can make you sick or well.” Be pleased and happy; not bitter. Our health will be better for it and in the long run.

      December 10, 2014

      This is s very strong remark to make. Wow

    • truth from delices
      December 10, 2014

      you people need to watch what you say idiots ……… god is not to be mocked

  32. AnonymousContributor
    December 9, 2014

    I will say nothing more than leave you with a definition of a simple english word…


    noun: dictator; plural noun: dictators

    1. a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force.
    synonyms: autocrat, monocrat, absolute ruler; tyrant, oppressor, absolutist, authoritarian;

    "the country was ruled by a right-wing dictator"
    – a person who behaves in an autocratic way.
    – (in ancient Rome) a chief magistrate with absolute power, appointed in an emergency.

    • The Facts
      December 9, 2014

      I do think everyone is a dictator in his or her own way. Make an examination of yourself, deep within. The pot always calls the kettle black.
      People never see their faults. They always see the fault of others.

      • December 11, 2014

        the facts you are a mess always bickering with every body who makes a comment on DNO be careful for your health.

  33. Not Me Again
    December 9, 2014

    I hope the book I see Skerrit holding in his right hand is not a copy of the Holy Bible. I hope it is some kind of lodge book or a copy of his manisfesto because there is absolutely no way a man like Skerrit would have the guts to raise the bible to swear after what he displayed this month. If it is indeed the bible, then I will change the name of mine from ‘Bible’ to ‘Good book.’

    • The Facts
      December 9, 2014

      What a grievous sin you committed in the sight of the Lord, judging others. What do you know about the Holy Bible? You should know, judge no one but yourself.

  34. concerned Dominican
    December 9, 2014

    farewell dominica i wish i was not born there.from now on i am a trini.

    • The Facts
      December 9, 2014

      You force me to reply to your nonsensical words. Why do you hate D/ca so much? What has the country done to you?
      I have relatives in Trini. I also have friends from Trini. I have visited there a few times. Although I live comfortably whenever I visit there, I would not give Dominica up to reside there. To me, it is only good for a visit.
      You can take the thousands of murders in Trini with more to come as time progresses. I assume that you will die and bury in Trini. You are a traitor to your country.

    • MY 2cents
      December 10, 2014

      Call yourself bookie instead

    • December 10, 2014

      Take a hike. You won’t be missed. Lovely Dominica.

  35. Free and Fair
    December 9, 2014

    “I would want to believe that the era of parliament boycotts and walk-outs is over,” Skerrit said. “I would want to believe that in the debate of parliament support will be given where support is deserving and constructive criticism will be leveled when merited.”

    Sorry, Skerrit, but this can happen ONLY if Parliament has an independent and unbiased Speaker of the House. You can forget it, if the ‘ole speaker’ is retained.

    • streetettiquette
      December 9, 2014

      that’s a very immature statement I must say , extremely immature . Walking out is never the best thing , not at work not at school. I’m sure walking out on a teacher at school would have gotten you in trouble and would have gotten you a detention or even suspension whether the teacher was wrong or not , and walking out on your boss would definitely get you fired, or you do it with the mind that you are going to quit cause you got a next job waiting for you . It’s the exact same concept, especially in parliament. How many times did you walk out on a teacher or principle at school or on your boss or supervisor in your workplace ? Did it do you any justice ?

      • Caring
        December 9, 2014

        Really? Apples and Oranges my dear fool

      • Free and Fair
        December 9, 2014

        You didn’t get it, did you? My point relates to the infamous, Madam Speaker. If she is retained, she will continue to disrupt proceedings and be responsible for any boycotts and walk-outs.

      • anon
        December 10, 2014

        i find walking out to be a rather nice way to show disgust. i fully endorse the comments re the speaker. she was too openly biased towards the government side.

  36. Taking Notes
    December 9, 2014

    I pray that God give you wisdom and insight to take the country to the next level.

    • The Facts
      December 9, 2014

      He is not in it alone. You too must do your part for your country. Pay attention to tall hose who write words of wisdom, enlightenment and encouragement that you might learn something beneficial to emulate.

  37. Not Me Again!
    December 9, 2014

    The above picture kind of reminds me of the possibility of watching Saddam Hussein administer lusty (holy communion) to Muammar Gaddafi.

    • December 10, 2014

      Take a hike. All’s well that ends well.

  38. Its my damn business
    December 9, 2014

    The picture above reminds me of Bin Saddam serving Muammar Gaddafi lusty in the name of (holy communion).

    • The Facts
      December 9, 2014

      I thought that you looked like those two men. I thought they were your pictures. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:

      • December 11, 2014

        the facts you are a mess always bickering with every body who makes a comment on DNO be careful for your health.

  39. Jahwillquailthem
    December 9, 2014

    God help Dominica. Only God can save us now….

    • The Facts
      December 9, 2014

      And He will do this with your help, if you cooperate. Dominica is your country and He expects you will do your part as a patriotic national.

    • anonymous2
      December 10, 2014

      The resident people could have saved it if they weren’t so lazy and decided not to vote for whatever dumb reason that they had.. The number of Dominicans not voting could have made a difference in the result. Ignorance in DA will continue and it will drive it to the bottom.

  40. chicken gone ye
    December 9, 2014

    we watching all u just as much as u watching us,,,good luck,congraulations and all the best …..always remember that it is dominicans first x

    • The Facts
      December 9, 2014

      God is watching them and He is also watching you. You can run but you cannot hide. Play your part as a good and concerned national. Show an interest in your country.

    • Ashamed
      December 10, 2014

      U must be mean always China first

  41. Big Bannan
    December 9, 2014

    Well boy look a dread Christmas after all this running up and down for Skerro.

    • BEB
      December 9, 2014

      What would it be like if the Opposition had won the election

      • NiKa
        December 9, 2014

        Better, hopeful.

    • The Facts
      December 9, 2014

      What is your problem? How foolish you are? He is not a housekeeper. He does not have to cook, do dishes, laundry, sweep floors and other household chores also grocery shopping, I hope.
      It looks like you are the one who will be running up and down and will have a dread Christmas. Look to yourself.

      If Linton had won you would not have made this comment. This is how unfair you are as always.

    • December 10, 2014

      Light up the Christmas Tree at the State House and you will see a big difference.

  42. Doc. Love
    December 9, 2014

    He must hit the road running and very hard. In five years he must build an International Airport, he must pay public workers which include nurses, police, firefighters, school teachers back pay and salary increases. He must beautify Roseau and Portsmouth. He must continue the building of the hotel in Portsmouth, the geothermal plant. He must open the coffee factory and abattoir. He must complete the riverside promenade, he must expend the NEP program, the red clinic and grow the economy to a 5% to 7%. He must build a brand new state of the art hospital in Goodwill and renovate the Portsmouth and Marigot Hospital. Skeritt will have his work cut out for him during the next five years, it is interesting to see how much traveling he does.

    • me
      December 9, 2014


    • Not Me Again
      December 9, 2014

      @Doc. Love, What about building the 5 Star hotel in the Carib Territory? What about all carib student attending the collage for free, bus fares paid, Tablet and making October I think 17th an official Carib day effective next year?

    • Caring
      December 9, 2014

      He will still travel to service all the women he has- he is an unethical evil man – sadly the people know that – they will feel the heat soon.

    • MY 2cents
      December 10, 2014

      If anybody can do all that is Skerrit. Because the lord know Linton couldn’t. Linton is just a talker with no action to march his talk. He has failed at everything he has done. And it’s about time Dominicans wake up and realize that and stop making fools of themselves with him.

    • December 10, 2014

      At this point, no need for an international Airport just yet. We need to build up our infrastructure first and in the meantime keep upgrading our Douglas-Charles airport to international standards for everyone’s safety. Have a safe flight.

    • anonymous2
      December 10, 2014

      He “MUST.” ? What country are you living in? It will be more of the same.

  43. God Forbid
    December 9, 2014

    Oh my, Help, debate!! constructive criticism yeah mi boiii. there will b no boycott, we have a country to build. I will be listening. :lol:

  44. wow
    December 9, 2014

    This was not a fair election – he stole it …The evidence is glaring. He will reap what he sow. What happened to our people – where are the protesters? Are we that defeated ? SHAME, SHAME, SHAME – RISE UP AND TAKE A STANCE – BELIEVE IN SOMETHING!!

    • December 10, 2014

      When last did you eat some sweet grapes? – stop eating sour grapes and get it on.

    • anonymous2
      December 10, 2014

      Unfortunately DA can be dubbed the “I don’t care country.” United action is not a part of their programing.

    • Be fair
      December 10, 2014

      I came down from the US to vote. Currently, I’m in Puerto Rico on my way back. I received a ticket from the UWP and voted likewise. Last elections, I was a labourite and did not receive a ticket so let’s be fair people.

  45. bias
    December 9, 2014

    Mr Skerrit you better work hard …also speak to y pal reps…inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. …use Roseau North as an example…we need jobs for young people not handouts. ..make the people work

    • BEB
      December 9, 2014

      How can a government employ every body who leaves school or university, they can only employ a certain persentage of the purpulace. Where are the private enterprises {sectors} they too have to do their fair share in order for the country to grow

      • 1979aintspam
        December 9, 2014

        you see the question how? the only thing it needs is to be asked to the right people… Dominicans… WE CAN CREATE, PRODUCE, EXPORT I $**t you not!!! but how can we do anything if the government are not ready to support the ideas and abilities of its own people…. WE HAVE INTELLECTUALS in mostly all disciplines. so how can we be so unable to produce a thriving economy for ourselves.. are we that desperate to sell ourselves to globalization…that before we can secure a future for our own people our own children??. we sell everything even the bedpan under our mothers beds???? we have to do better than that people. because the only thing we are exporting is our beautiful intelligent Dominican people..

      • Dread
        December 10, 2014

        Yea, but the government must create the enabling environment so the private sector can absorb some of the unemployed.

    • anonymous2
      December 10, 2014

      Look at the past……it has been tolerated before.

  46. 1979aintspam
    December 9, 2014

    I am quite encouraged that Mr. Skerrit has seemingly found some humility….still i am not quite sold. his actions will be testament to his words…so I gaze now…wondering whether the soft whisper to be still and know god.. has reached the ear of ,as it stands right now,..OUR PM… has he learnt that one of the most precious virtues of a leader is humility??? does he now understand the need for empowering his citizens so to move in the direction of a self sustaining nation?? where the people don’t need to rely so heavily on social programs which only continues to propagate a dependent nation and burden the public purse.. the FORCE of development is in the PEOPLE… what will we witness?? I can only observe.. a hint to the PM… the country’s economic engine needs an overhaul….start with the cabinet and public service… streamline policies grease the engine so that our core economic structure is performing at the pace of the 21st century… and lets forget about roads and focus on people for this 5 years…

    • me
      December 9, 2014

      This man does not have humility. He is just acting and playing the part as usual. Time for action.

      • hmmmmm
        December 9, 2014

        action was taking and he was re elected don’t you realise that he is what the people want

      • December 10, 2014

        Recite “DESIDERATA”, and you will have found who Skerrit really is. Go in Peace and serve the Lord.

    • The Facts
      December 9, 2014

      Should the people not also help themselves? They could think of something worthwhile to do for employment and other means of livelihood.
      He does not need dictators which some of you accuse him of, being a dictator. Provide feasible suggestions.

    • MY 2cents
      December 10, 2014

      When are we going to stop making stupid excuses and stop blaming the government and everybody else for our problems. I’ve been saying that for over 30 years(long before Skerrit) The biggest problem with Dominica is Dominicans. They have gotten wayyyy to lazy and stupid. Alot of the people that are not working, don’t want to work. Time we start being realistic and deal with the reality of how Dominicans think and how lazy they have gotten. And they have been that way for longggg, so don’t even say Skerrit made them that way. Never before have we seen sooo many government organised scholarship etc. we can’t blame the government for the lazy one who don’t want to take advantage of the different programs etc made available for them

  47. Zuma
    December 9, 2014

    Good, move it move it.. Keeps things rolling… May God bless you and always…

    • The Facts
      December 9, 2014

      I like your positive comment. It made me laugh. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  48. amy
    December 9, 2014

    The diaspora sold their country for a few pieces of silver,JUDAS

    • me
      December 9, 2014

      THESE diasporans are a disgrace to our country. They have sold us yet again for 30 pieces of silver. I don’t consider these people Dominican.
      The Chinese have more right to be Dominican than these people.

      • December 10, 2014

        There is nothing disgraceful about returning Skerrit to Office. Wake Up! Wake up! They did the right thing. UWP are a bunch of jokers.

    • Nzingha
      December 9, 2014

      We need to be mindful that there was a buyer.It was a case of using their misfortune against them.
      We must also concentrate on the buyers.Just like in slavery!!
      Same game using their weakness against them.

    • The Facts
      December 9, 2014

      Oh boy! What an unbecoming statement! What a comparison to Judas Iscariot!
      This is no comparison and respect to Dominicans, the majority of whom voted in good faith for whom they believe in. Do not try to deny them this satisfaction.
      These words are to be expected of you, a non-supporter. Eat your heart out. They proved they were right and are on the right track.

    • December 10, 2014

      No country has been sold, only what we produce that we sell. Live and Let Live.

      December 10, 2014

      Indeed they did, some of them left their under age children, even one with down syndrome in a house alone while they went home to vote. They did not even take the time to prepare a meal for them before they left. They were so intent on voting against Monell but don’t worry, it will come back to hunt them.

    • Seeing all things
      December 10, 2014

      Allu treating the diaspora like they are not Dominicans! A man can come down and vote for which ever party he pleases. What is wrong is bribery, it shall not be tolerated!

  49. Ceande
    December 9, 2014

    Windsor Park Sports Stadium? I thought the fetting was suppose to be over! This guy just cannot help himself.

    • streetettiquette
      December 9, 2014

      * the ministers of government would be sworn in * not celebration concert. Once you saw Windsor park sports stadium you thought of “sewo.” That say’s a lot about you.

    • hmmmmm
      December 9, 2014

      but who holding allu back from celebrating na

    • The Facts
      December 9, 2014

      So that people as you could get a good view of the swearing-in ceremony, an opportunity which you did not previously have. Why not join them and give them your blessings – not curses? :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • December 10, 2014

      We are beside ourselves until morning come, until we see the sun.

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