President of Paraguay irks gov’t of Dominica

 Luis Federico Franco Gomez
Luis Federico Franco Gomez

The government of Dominica is protesting and condemning comments made by President of Paraguay, Luis Federico Franco Gomez, concerning the death of former President, Hugo Chavez, of Venezuela.

It is reported that Gomez recently described Chavez’s death as a “miracle” and said that his passing had done the world a service.

The remarks are not going down well with the Government of Dominica, which shared a close relationship with the late Venezuelan leader.

“The Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica declares through its non-participation in the OAS Protocolary Session planned to honour President Gomez today (Friday) in Washington, that this callous declaration on the death of a fellow Head of State is contrary to the spirit of Hemispheric Solidarity and should not be encouraged by the OAS,” a release from the Office of the Prime Minister said on Friday.

Chavez died in early March after a nearly two-year battle with cancer.

Gomez became president of Paraguay in June 2012 in what many describe as a “parliamentary coup” against former Roman Catholic Bishop and President Fernando Lugo.

After that, Dominica had joined with the majority of OAS members in ignoring calls for the expulsion of Paraguay from the organization, saying that the country should be given an opportunity to resolve the matter through presidential elections due in April, 2013.

The island is now calling for full representation of democracy in Paraguay.

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  1. April 15, 2013

    Whatever. Dominica will survive WITHOUT Chavez. Chavez DID NOT make Dominica what it is today.

  2. ...
    April 8, 2013

    Chavez called President Bush the devil and say all kinds of things at the UN, Dominica did not say a word. Allu not easy in Dominica

  3. langlou
    April 8, 2013

    venezuela was always close to dominica’s cause since skerrit was in primary school… all of a sudden he making look like a skerrit and venezuela thing… is a good thing no politican can fool me

  4. Tri-State Beauty
    April 8, 2013

    Mr Skerrit I know Chavez was your homie and all. I understand that the comment the man made was in poor taste: however is there anything that is said about DOMINICANS in DOMINICA where you have been elected leader, primarily in your defense wrong, right or in between that gives you near a stomach ulcer as what this man from Central America said? Stop putting your mouth in the people’s business. When Chavez declared GWB as the DEVIL and stated he was here at the UN yesterday and carried on with his dispeakable rant, did you chastise him? When he referred to his opposition as infidels, goats and pigs deserving death did you chastise him? You see sadly he is only getting treated the way he treated and disrespected others in life and death, and though it may be in poor taste, our human spirit sometimes can’t escape the desire to keep giving back. It would serve you well not to get into any battle with Paraguay or any other country re Chavez, though I firmly believe in the grand scheme of things, your uproar is only heard and read by Dominicans, because that man is not paying any attention whatsoever to you. Did you remember to congratulate the young athletes who just returned home from giving us great representation?

    • Something happening
      April 8, 2013

      OH my…well said hun…diplomatically on point

    • April 15, 2013

      Applause, Applause.

  5. Dominican
    April 7, 2013

    It should be SKERRIT is now calling for full representation of democracy in Paraguay.but my advice to SKERRIT is, charity begings at HOME, we need full representation of democracy in Dominica and as everyone can see the Government is standing in the way of democracy in Dominica.

  6. Faceup
    April 7, 2013

    WHAT ??, Mr Skerrit forgot freedom of expression? Eh Eh, Oh so soon you will want to shut me and other people up too. Chupes !! Well i say de caribbean is in a better place without Chavez, ok!!

    • Justice and Truth
      April 7, 2013

      If only you could tell the future and what is in store. Talk about ingratitude. You are one of them.
      The Caribbean will be a better place without some Caribbean people as also you who cannot see the good in people and appreciate what they did for your country to keep its head above water and assist nationals who are in need of.
      Is there anyone in the Caribbean who is perfect? Do not forget those who make the Caribbean unsafe, the people unhappy and create lack of peace. You are one of the contributing factors. Be careful what you state. Some day you will bite your words as they will return to haunt you. In time, people pay for their words as imbedded in their heart and mind. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

      • crackers
        April 9, 2013

        It is people like you and Judas Iscariot who will try to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
        You are a first class Hidiot.

  7. Don't Edit
    April 6, 2013

    skerro u the new hugo?

  8. la muneca gorda
    April 6, 2013

    Work for Skerrit to give us young people for us to do.

  9. free oil
    April 6, 2013

    The world is worst off without chavez;alot of poor people in the Boston area not going to get free oil again; ask,Joe Kennedy he runs that programe.

    • Justice and Truth
      April 8, 2013

      You are one person who saw the good in Chavez and appreciated how he tried to help the poor. Hats off and laurels to you.
      I am not one who encourages and condones violence and coups. Chavez viewed the capitalism and materialistic world, the rich helping themselves and not the poor as they grew hungry and without other basic necessities.
      We must be fair and consider what Chavez did for his nationals, Dominica and other countries.
      Consider that the President of Paraguay obtained his position through a coup. He is in no position to speak against Chavez. If he were to win the forthcoming election, given time, see what he could do. I have no doubt, worse than Chavez. He is a fool to make such a statement about Chavez. His day is coming.

      • As Simple as that
        April 9, 2013

        The man knows what he is talking about. Maybe you need to have a one to one talk with him.

      • April 15, 2013

        I agree with you in part. Paraguay is in no better position than Venezuela. I doubt Luis Federico Franco Gomez will do better than the previous representative because of how he obtained office. Chavez stayed in power because of threats to his people. What Government threatens its citizens in order to stay in power. I hope Roosevelt do not resort to threats to retain office. It would be a crying SHAME if that were to happen. We are TOO SMALL of a people for that to happen to us.

  10. chen ling don
    April 6, 2013

    I would advise that Gomez man to shut up and apologise quickly to Mr Skeritt, for insulting his dearest “papa Chavez”.
    Failing to do so may result in Skeritt declaring war, and sending his crack SS Unit over to invade Paraguay.(with the backing of his Alba brothers of course). :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • Justice and Truth
      April 8, 2013

      Someone should shut him up. God will do so in time. I would advise all Dominicans of goodwill –
      people of goodwill – to write this man, strongly objecting to what he stated about Chavez. I suppose the DA Prime Minister responded accordingly.

  11. li
    April 6, 2013

    No one is perfect this is how he felt of Chavez and no one can take it away from him because a spoken word can’t take back. Upset at his remarks will not change anything.

  12. Debra
    April 6, 2013

    You guys must understand that the PM bread box has been rub from him.Chavez was the PM god father and the PM never bits the hand that feeds him Chavez was coaching him how to stay in power for as long as he want ,with or without Dominicans blessing.

    all the mouth some of you guys have,he would shout it see the PM runs everything,his cabinet has to answer to him,he is a one man government .it is not labor is the PM,he is in charge of everything.he talks for everyone.and if you don’t listen to him.To Hell With what does that say about our democracy .the world is looking at us.we need to take care of what is happening to our country and let people run theirs.

    • Justice and Truth
      April 8, 2013

      Would you bite the hand that feeds you and assist Dominicans? If you did, you would be rather ungrateful.
      You are on the outside looking in as a peeping Tom with no good motives. A PM, as Head of State reserves the right in his elected position. Too many of you have no respect for him and his position. Give him an opportunity to lead the country. If you were also humble you would know that and not seek flaws. Are you perfect? Consider, if you were in his position, what type of PM would you make?

      • As Simple as that
        April 9, 2013

        You are illogical. You need to go and study logic and phsycology.

  13. Kadaffi the little
    April 6, 2013

    Who would not wish the death of an under cover cold blooded murderer?

    • Justice and Truth
      April 8, 2013

      This undercover person helped many nationals and other countries. For this many are grateful and live far better, happier and comfortable lives. He did some good for them.
      God is the Judge of souls; not imperfect and sinful people. What some of you do not know because you lack godly enlightenment is, when as the soul is dying God weighs the good with the bad. If the good outnumber the bad, the soul will be saved. Furthermore, you do not know what transpires between God and the soul. This should be some sort of consolation to you who may not be living according to God’s Commandments as you take him for granted.
      Chavez may be in a better place than his enemies and yourself when your time arrives to die and you face God for your eternal judgment. You must think beyond and cease wishing evil and calling people evil. God knows who are the true evil people of the world. The President of Paraguay may be one of them for the pot always calls the kettle black, hiding behind a ton of hypocrisy, lies and deceit as a snake in the grass.

      • C'est pas ca mais ca
        April 9, 2013

        Shut up and don’t rewrite the bible. The bible says by their fruit you shall know them.

  14. Ki sah
    April 6, 2013

    We must all understand that people are placed on this earth for a purpose and when that purpose is fulfilled then we are taken away, and of course some never fulfill their purpose due to distractions that cause them to lose their focus.
    . In any case while Chavez was president he did what he felt was best. Now that he is gone all we need to do is take the good that he did and run with it while using the bad as an example for us not to repeat.
    There is no need for the PM to become worked up about someone’s comments about Chavez. We have our likes and dislikes about persons places and things and that should be respected. Allow people to express themselves. Chavez was not perfect like all of us. He had his flaws and that should be accepted cause it is the truth.

  15. VI
    April 6, 2013

    come on people stop being so bias.the p.m and chavez were friends now put yourselves in the p.m shoes if a good friend of yours passed away and you heard someone bashing your dead friend .how would you feel? I’m sure you all would have done the same the p.m did.

    • Justice and Truth
      April 8, 2013

      Chavez had a lot of good in him better than those who lambaste. As Our Lord Jesus Christ also meant: “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are saying.”

  16. MIB
    April 6, 2013

    Skerrit & Co only did that because they want to kiss the new president of Venezuela a$$ and hope he gives them money like Chavez used to do.

    • Justice and Truth
      April 8, 2013

      If so, who would profit? Not Dominican and its nationals?

  17. Morihei Ueshiba
    April 6, 2013

    Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Dominica want to go to war with Paraguay for a dead man. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • Justice and Truth
      April 8, 2013

      I would like to go to war with the President of Paraguay for putting his dirty foot in his filthy mouth. If I had his email I would write him and challenge him. Such people as he deserve to be put in their places. He is out of place to make such a statement about Chavez when he does not know his end, what will happen to him and how his end will come. He may very well suffer immensely before he dies. This will be God’s punishment for his words. Those who live long enough will know more about him and what end he will have. The man is not just. He is a proud man who thinks that he is above Chavez and everyone else. We do know that pride comes before the fall and sooner than we expect. God could soon shut his mouth once and for all.

  18. Diaspora
    April 6, 2013

    I never like Chavez, communism fail everywhere in the world but in Dominica skerrit want to bring it, then he saying crime is a societal problem when he bringing it with his impoverishing policies.
    Viva Comrade Luis Federico Franco Gomez! :mrgreen:

    • Justice and Truth
      April 8, 2013

      You are imagining things. Cease your imaginings. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

  19. van
    April 6, 2013

    Why the protest?

  20. we
    April 6, 2013

    No one would like to hear this comment about a friend after his death, we all are human being. no matter what a friend is a friend. Every dog has its day. I wonder what people will say after his death.

  21. Jayson
    April 6, 2013

    I think the comments made by President of Paraguay, Luis Federico Franco Gomez, were in bad taste and the PM was correct in condemning the statement.

    It would appear that president Gomez is just trying to gain some good marks from the U.S.

    It would appear that anytime an oil producing country tries to tie any other currency to the trading of their oil other than the U.S. dollar it’s almost like an instant death warrant.

  22. Anonymous
    April 6, 2013

    If this statement came from the opposition, I wonder how many thumbs up/down it would have received.

  23. labor
    April 6, 2013


  24. Just sayin'
    April 6, 2013

    Chavez wanted to be dictator for life…he got his wish. Be carefull what you wish for PM.

  25. kubulol
    April 6, 2013

    How can ” The island call for full representation of democracy” while that same island was supporting one of the worst leftist Dictator on earth ?

  26. Justice and Truth
    April 6, 2013

    Be fair and consider this. If you had a relative, a friend who passed on and what if the person was the worst one on earth would you appreciate it if others said that the world is better off without them?
    The PM had a good relationship with Chavez. They got along well. Chavez helped Dominica. Should the PM hate him and join with you heartless, inconsiderate and ungrateful ones to agree with this Paraguay so-called President?
    I heard of Chavez and heard him speak on TV. He got sick and he died. I heard of the good deeds he did for the Venezuelan people. The man has done me no wrong. Obviously I would never make such a statement about him. Those who make this statement and agree with him are ignorant. People get sick and die. Some of them die suddenly, in their sleep and in accidents. They have to be foolish to make such a statement and agree with that man who calls himself President of Paraguay. He gained the presidency through a coup. He does not know if a group will overthrow him. When an election is called if he does not win the presidency, what will become of him? People think only of the present and never in the future.
    This Paraguay President is also in no position to make such a statement. How long will he live, how will he die and when? He is a fool. The saying, “Fools laugh at themselves.” Shakespeare said: “What fools mortals be.”
    Chavez is gone but who knows what will occur in the world at any time? At least Chavez will not experience it. Therefore, those who say that it is a miracle that he died and the world is better off without him, the worst is yet to come. You are still living. Look out for yourself.
    As Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “Pray that your flight will not be winter.” In the tropics, I will say, “in the hot sun.” Some people’s words will condemn them.

  27. celeste
    April 5, 2013

    Fedrico go to hell

  28. paracme
    April 5, 2013

    Pay no mind to anything said by any member of the Paraguayan elite. In 1870 a coalition of Argentines and a few others invaded and destroyed the nation of Paraguay by killing approximately 90% of the largly native male population and murdered more tha half of the female population. These pirates then moved in,took whatever land and child women they wanted,and their descendants still rule there. Look at the picture of that president and you will have a somewhat clearer perspective about what happened. Chavez had many deficiencies, as you might expect in a man whose family came from the poorest elements of Venezuelan society. He knew what kind of life the poor had to live, and he was devoted to their interests. Dominica honors itself when it honors Chavez.

  29. Holiday Island Boy
    April 5, 2013

    In the words of the late PM Errol Barrow of Barbados…”Friends of all, satellites of none.”

  30. Looking in
    April 5, 2013

    The Gov’t of Dominica eh vex or upset about that comment…..the PM is!!!!

  31. Pro
    April 5, 2013

    DNO Admin: I think that whoever does the moderation of comments is not fair. Certain people get to say whatever they want while other comments are deleted for fun it seems because when compared to certain comments that I see on DNO I am left to wonder… I don’t expect this comment to go through but at least be fair. I made two comments on this subject and one was deleted. If this trend continues DNO will loose alot of readers because it’s the ability to comment on subjects that make your site unique & popular. If comments contain certain libelous statements etc it would be perfectly understandble but stop deleting comments because the person moderating don’t “like” the comment.

  32. April 5, 2013


    April 5, 2013

    Why can’t Skerrits close associates take him to Dr Benjamin.! He (Skerrit) was so right in saying that “A country gets the governance it prermits”.
    He cannot address Dominica’s issues but he is interfering in matters that do not concern him.
    The man has his piooint of view…As simple as that.Deal with the myriad of problems we have in Dominica Skerrit…You have crippled the country with bad leadership.

  34. Realistic opinion
    April 5, 2013

    God knows better than us. He knows the future so bother ur Self everything happen for reason.

  35. April 5, 2013

    i do not see whats the problem the President knows what he is talking about,thats my beleafe really? :?:so why the P.M have to get so offended by what the President say P.M there is so many thing to address in your country address them like why the publick works not gettin pay on time and so on

    • Justice and Truth
      April 5, 2013

      You have criticized the PM and oppose his statement. Yet you are deserving of criticism as follows:
      You could spell ‘belief’ properly or you do not know how to spell it. You are way off course in the spelling. It is not even a typographical error. Note your English and spelling. There are also no punctuation marks. You must learn to utilize them. You are in need of English Grammar courses. Pertaining to thumbs up and down, you should also be rated for your English usage. :twisted:

    • EB.
      April 6, 2013

      But everybody should know the circumstances surrounding the situation with Public Works. What does that have to do with the PM’s views on Mr. Gomez’s statement? What and / or how does / did the PM’s comments affect the so many things to be addressed in Dominica?

  36. power
    April 5, 2013

    Iknow we all have to go some day as it is said every male pig has his saturday ,but i think the world and south america is better without Chavez.Skerrit has to say this because he walks around with a cup…………calls for the U S A to kiss Castro. He promised to work to unite China and Tiwian ‘DISGRACIA”

  37. I wonder why?
    April 5, 2013

    If PM Skerrit were to give his opinion on the death of Chavez I am almost certain he would say the world is worth off without Chavez. So if another person thinks it is better off without Chavez then Skerrit and his government just need to chill out and don’t get Dominica involved in any verbal war. If the people of Venezuella want to take on Mr. Gomez then let them do so; that has nothing to do with Dominica. I just find the government of Dominica is rude and out of place to drag Dominica into something that has nothing to do with Dominica. For the Government of Dominica, above all countries, to call for full representation of democracy in Paraguay, is pure madness on the part of our leaders. That’s what the people of Dominica are irking for and instead what we getting is: ” Go to hell, go to hell’ go to hell” from our leader.

    • I wonder why?
      April 5, 2013

      I meant to say if Skerrit were to give his opinion on the death of Chavez he would say the world is WORSE OFF without him.

  38. My rights
    April 5, 2013

    I do think the world is much better without Chavez in it, we all have to die someday but let the bad ones go first . There are many other people this world can do without . That’s my opinion, I have a right to it .

    • Justice and Truth
      April 6, 2013

      You did not deserve thumbs up. It goes to show the mentality of some people who, on occasion give others thumbs up when they do not deserve it but for their similar mentality and those who thumbs down who do not deserve it even though their comments are sensible ones. They agree with you but they are as wrong as you are and encouraging in your unloving attitude and words as imbedded in all your hearts. That type of comment does not represent that of others who consider themselves caring and sensible people.
      I would never make such a statement and state that the world is better off without Chavez. One human being to another, none of you should ever make that statement. You act as if you are God Almighty. He, the Judge of all would never make such a statement. God does not condemn. You have judged and condemned Chavez. You are not allowed to judge another. Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “Judge not that you may not be judged accordingly and two-fold”.
      Who are you to make such a statement? What have you done for Dominica and are presently doing for it, for the environment that you reside in? What is your contribution to society? What are doing for God that when you die you will have something good spiritually to present to him that you might obtain eternal salvation?
      What if God were to say to you, the world would be better off without people like you who also do nothing but talk, criticize and live for yourselves? It would be woe to you. He has taken note of your words. I can inform you, according to my Christian teaching, you have erred and offended our God. Do you know where your soul will end up when you die? This should be your concern.
      As you criticize Chavez and make this derogatory statement and those of likewise mentality agree with you, he may be in a better position in eternity than you may ever be. There is a lot you do not know. God knows us better than others know us. God does not think like humans. Be careful of your thoughts and words. Use your words wisely and constructively.
      We who access DNO who know better and stand up for the truth and godliness, would prefer not reading your degrading comments. Write something encouraging, enlightening and uplifting that we could learn from and, in all honesty will give you thumbs up if you deserve it. :twisted: :twisted:

  39. me1
    April 5, 2013

    what the president said is nothing new, many people around the world are saying the same thing but his was more in the open. there are some who won’t say it but that is what they are thinking, everybody has an opinion so you cannot say anything if the man has his.

    • Justice and Truth
      April 6, 2013

      Think beyond and do not endorse what others state. Think for yourself. Did Chavez harm you in anyway?
      What is stupid about those who make such statements about Chavez and those who agree with them, many of them, if not all of them live a godless and shady life. Some of them are dictators and terrorists. They, too, the world would be better off without them. If we knew what occurs in their personal life we would be shocked. Who are they to make such statements about another?
      If you were genuinely Christians, you would not consider making such a statement about Chavez. You leave the judging up to God.
      The late U.S. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen said: “God has two pictures of us. What we are (at present) and what we could be.”
      You are in no position to make this statement about Chavez for in God’s eyes, how holy, perfect are you. I bet far from that. Examine your conscience.
      As in the New Testament: “Everyone is a puff of smoke” who could disappear – die – in the wink of an eye. Everyone’s turn is coming sooner or later. It will come.

  40. BRA
    April 5, 2013

    …And why we making that our problem? Sacway Toneh!

    • roseau south dame.
      April 6, 2013

      Its not us making it “our”problem, its el supremo that’s offended by the comment made about his papa, such a big baby fussing over nothing new..ahcheh man…….stupes!!

  41. April 5, 2013

    The people and government of Dominica are always on the wrong side of the equation, so it is not surprising that they are irate over the comments!

    Whereas one should not be happy about the demise of another, sometimes when they expire, it is all for the good of those who are left behind. Perhaps if Chavez was left to inhabit this earth, he may have done so much damage to his people and, even the powers that be in Dominica would have felt it; the earth may have shucked under our nation.

    “It is appointed unto man once to die, and after that is the judgment.”

    No man remains alive for as long as he wish, and sometimes when they are tyrants and dictators as Chavez was, there are those who may know him better than the powers that be in Dominica, therefore they might be privy to the dictators, thought than his defenders in Dominica, that may be the reason such bold comments were made.

    Personally, I am sure the world is much better off without one less dictator.

    I agree with the comments the man made!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Justice and Truth
      April 6, 2013

      Oh please Francisco, you always have some warped opinions, saying that the government and the people are always on the wrong side. Silly! Are you stupid or what?
      I suppose when you resided in Dominica you were on the wrong side.
      You are in no position to speculate how Chavez would have turned out if he were to live longer. Are you living on the right side? What about you? How well, how godly do you live your life?
      For God’s sake, Telemaque, keep quiet and cease condemning yourself – further. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    • Gary
      April 8, 2013

      The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions. A great many people think they are thinking when in fact they are merely rearranging their prejudices and displaying their ignorance.

  42. Sammy
    April 5, 2013

    And the news is?

  43. %
    April 5, 2013

    The PM has cronies,grovellers,zealots, acolytes insulting his own people, to the extent that they are calling on others to go at the opposition like Obama is going after Al Quaeda, and he the same PM is MOO MOO,so now he can speak? Very Funny!
    Everyone is entitled to an opinion,What Luis Federico Franco Gomez said about Chavez does or will not make Chavez a better or worse person. He is dead now. The PM should be more concerned about his grovellers and henchmen who are insulting, intimidating and threatening his own Dominican people.Whatever the man says about Venezuela is none of our darn business…
    WAS DOMINICA SECRETELY SOLD TO CHAVEZ? Are we a province of Venezuela? Or maybe Cahvez has a son on island, so all of us have to join in and insult the man from Paraguay.I WANT TO KNOW.

  44. Anonymous
    April 5, 2013

    What them man don’t realize is not Chavez that was the problem. Matter fact Chavez was the solution and that is coming from somebody who is not a fan. The problem is the people that were supposed to be working with him to put in place the solutions he wanted to bring about are made of greedy individuals who a) Were there before the revolution already making themselves rich or b) Got in because of Chavez and are now looking to make themselves rich. Granted the man was a little rough around the edges but he had good intentions. Sadly his political circle is filled with traitors and most of them are linked with outside governments such as that of this guy. Now Venezuela is on course for some worse times.

    But people don’t take my word for it. This is just the opinion of a concious one who keeps his eyes on various trends and takes the time out to read and educate himself and who also has had some experience in some of these countries.

  45. Pro
    April 5, 2013

    Skerrit cannot represent the people of Dominica with all our issues but he want to take up Venezuela’s cause? This man really need to check his ego.

    • April 5, 2013

      And also Antigua who is he kidding

  46. CIA on the Watch
    April 5, 2013

    And off course i support the president of paraguay, chavez had his opponents runing for cover when they were protesting his nationalization policy now he has gone into permanent hiding, good riddance once more, given a chance how are we not sure how he would treat his opponents

    April 5, 2013

    Well Skerro in your own words’ NON OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS WHAT HE SAY, HE SAY”venezuela is not yourS check on Dominicas state of democracy,GON Emanuel couldn,t talk, Q95 will be shut down Preist in funeral cuss de dead, my cuz Lennox is a terrorist, skero take out the BIG moat in your eyes then attack someone else.

  48. Good-to-go
    April 5, 2013

    Seems like Chavez was the President of Dominica boy!!!

  49. Doc. Love
    April 5, 2013

    I hope the priest will also take offence.We the patriots, will not forget how well armed the priest was with blows at a recent funeral service.”Dominica had joined with the majority of O.A.S members in ignoring calls for the expulsion of Paraguay from the Oganization”,what goes around comes around.

  50. Anonymous
    April 5, 2013

    His cooment is inappropriate- but this fuss is being made because dominica would collapse without the financial assistance from Hugo &Co.

    • Anonymous
      April 5, 2013

      We shouldn’t need assistance in the first place

  51. my oh my
    April 5, 2013

    Whatcwas the pm’s reply to the journalist in trinidad who misused the good name of Shane shillingford? There are more pressing matters in Dominica to think about.

    I would not have even printed that story

    • IPO
      April 5, 2013

      And a journalist comment is pressing matters?

      • John Doe
        April 5, 2013

        it is more related to dominica that this foolishness bout chavez….

    • true
      April 5, 2013

      what? really, you need an understand of pressing matters if you consider a response to a journalist comments one of them

  52. Anonymous
    April 5, 2013

    I suppose the president of Paraguay will not die some day. What an iresponsible statement to be made by a head of state, regardless of how Chavez ruled his country.

    • facts not fiction
      April 5, 2013

      The most striking thing is that Chavez killed a lot people and got away with it.
      We see nuderers going free in Dominica, These are the ones who fear death the most.
      So when the President from Paraguay says what he said he knows whay he is talking about. The man did not kill Chavez.
      No wonder so many critics of America gave support to Osama bin laden on the September 11 attack; and was mad when he was killed.

  53. fil
    April 5, 2013

    This comment is disgusting no one should say that someone death is a miracle. This is heartless

    • Inquisitive
      April 5, 2013

      What “pray tell” would you call the death of Saddam?

    • Observer
      April 6, 2013

      “When the righteous prosper, the people rejoice, and when the wicked perish there are shouts of joy”. Not my words eh – that’s from the Bible. So don’t be hypocrite. To you Chavez was maybe a good man, and to others he was considered a wicked man. I did not know him that well to make either claim, but I do know he was a controversial figure.

    • langlou
      April 8, 2013

      so hitler death wasn,t a miracle

  54. ya
    April 5, 2013

    “The island is now calling for full representation of democracy in Paraguay.”

    the island of dominica should be a little more concerned about it’s own democracy!!

    • IPO
      April 5, 2013

      And you think Dominica has a democracy problem???? You all call people name fully on radio, slander and lible people and you say you have a freedom problem???

      Try saying what you want in the US and see what would happen to you…

      Go figure

      • Justice and Truth
        April 6, 2013

        In these countries, U.S. and Canada they will not hesitate to sue them for defamation of character. Even the Canadian PM, the Federal government sues for certain comments.
        They need to learn about human relations, how to get along with people, interacting, communicating intelligently and use psychology in doing so without slandering others. They are by no means perfect.

      • interesting
        April 6, 2013

        IPO..”Try saying what you want in the US and see what would happen to you…”

        Clearly you don’t know a darn thing about the US! That’s a blantent misrepresentation but some of you still think Dominicans are all living under a rock! Americans say the most vile things on tv, radio, etc about their leaders and whomever they want and they are protected by freedom of speech, ain’t nobody touching them. People may cringe, call them out but contrary to your rant nothing more. I’m not condonning people tarnishing other people because of politics, but when a lawyer calls for hunting out Dominicans because of their democratic right and equates this with terrorism, I dare say the Americans would be up in arms with such insentive, irrespinsible and wreckless intimidation tatics. By the way Americans demand and jail corrupt leaders so your view of them and what they stand for is off!

      • Anonymous
        April 7, 2013

        Go Figure yourself :-P

    • Anonymous
      April 5, 2013

      That’s because ‘the island’ actually means ‘one man in charge of an entire government running a country’. Most of these rash decisions are made without knowledge much less consent of majority of dominicans. So much for democracy. Well I guess in light of these events if people will vote for that kind of governance again then it shows that they are in accordance, albeit indirectly.

    • Ideall
      April 5, 2013

      I agree with you what a bunch of jokers
      “The island is now calling for full representation of democracy in Paraguay” what about democracy in Dominica, is this gy for real? he is more concern about Venezuela than his own island

  55. budman
    April 5, 2013

    whether you like Skerro or not, he is absolutely correct on this one.

    • Papa Dom
      April 6, 2013

      Correct about what? Paraguay and Venezuela have their problems, the president of Paraguay blames Chavez for things which took place in his country so he is happy that Chavez is not around to pock his nose. So tell what does this have to do with skerritt? It’s time the people of Dominica to put a stop to skerritt’s foolishness once and for all.

    • Hee haw
      April 6, 2013

      Yah! Skerro should declare war on dat man for dissing his dead panda. Dose drones he have for the opposition he must use it on Paraguay. HEE-hawwwwwwwwww…… dat !

    • Dominican
      April 7, 2013

      budman, tell Skerro mind his DhM business, his business is to give us JOBS instead of minding others business and giving chines work what can be more irresponsible than that? the head of the house feeding his girlfriend children and his childern at home are hundry

  56. Young Patriot
    April 5, 2013

    thats an extremely heartless, iresponsible and juvenile statement from a leader about the death of another leader who was placed in a position of leadership by his people and who died while in office. I support the position of my Dominican government in this matter.

  57. Jimi Hendrix
    April 5, 2013

    So why are we making that our sorrow?

  58. pingo
    April 5, 2013

    who cares we have more pressing issues that needs to be dealt with. every one is entitled to their own opinion right?

  59. wow
    April 5, 2013

    PM let the Venezuelan people fight that battle, when he speak in a negative way about Dominica and it’s people then you take up that fight.

  60. Massacre SCHOOL
    April 5, 2013

    woooooooooooooooooooooye…ebeh look it

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