Rayburn Blackmoore blasts Citizen’s Forum for Good Governance


Minister of Public Works Rayburn Blackmoore has labeled the Citizens Forum for Good Governance as “Citizens for the Destruction of Dominica”.

Blackmoore cited the forum’s adamant disrespect for the office of the prime minister and constant outbursts against the $100-million West Coast Road Project as reasons for the description.

He also noted that the forum’s claim that Chinese are doing the work that Dominicans should get on the project are misplaced and erroneous as over 50 locals are sometimes employed on the project.

“This is a grant-funded project and that notwithstanding, every time we have impressed on them the need to contract local talent. We have 45 Dominicans working on the road at different intervals, sometimes we’ve had over 50. And based on the records $410,000 went into local wages for people working on the project,” he argued.

The minister insisted that while he believes the opposition defines democracy and has no issue with having an opposition and criticism of the government, the self-appointed members of the forum should speak to the issues properly.

“If you profess to be a patriot, you should engage yourself in saying the right things, the things that are meant to advance Dominica’s cause. So, I want to refer to them as Citizens Who Want to Destroy Dominica and I think that’s the way they ought to be defined. Because, if you want to promote Dominica, you have to get the right facts; you cannot speak out of order,” he said.

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  1. why
    June 28, 2011

    why does the Citizens Forum keep doing these island stops…in the end they cant create a dent in the Governance of the country because dominicans will only rise up like what happened in 79 when they opposition forces had many agencies advocating their points..

    unless that doesnt occur nothing will lead to any massive movement. its time they realise that…the opposition forces dont understand the mind set of the citizens of dominica.. and skero is right they will just keep talking…skero will win his dual citizenship on a techincality and break their wings…he will implement the national id cards and the opposition will be history..what a bunch of jokers who dont realise that talk doesnt bring about hard change…once the churches are firmly behind this corruputed regime…its will be hard to change things around..

    its time they sit down and review the battlefield…you cant go into war without knowing your enemy stronghold and what he uses in battle..

    why not shut down the talk shows for atleast 3 weeks without giving notice,,,then you would be surprise to see the chaos it will create in the society…you have to be brilliant and outside the box thinking..but sadly dominicans arent clever in their thoughts and planning…

  2. Anonymous
    June 28, 2011

    Blackmore is a fullof contradiction….. 40 employed at intervals. Employed – doing what, on which project; being paid how much. how many are employed on the State house that we took a loan for. Blackmore, you just want to be liked by Skerrit and the others, who you piss off bad with your BAD ATTITUDE, since they planning to replace you with Dr. Dublin so you will sing for your supper. Doh worry soul Puss tell it to us already. Labour….laaaaboour…..you love your PM….you will vote for him…well thank you!

  3. a mind of my own
    June 28, 2011

    When Barack Obama won the elections in America one of the first things he decided to do was to go on a large scale infrastructure development these included building stuff like bridges roads etc. His main reason for that was to create employment and at the same time develop the country. It is apparent that Blackmore wants infrastructural development and not people development.
    So because it is grant money don’t we have a right to determine what is best for us in our own country.
    If any of you LABOUR FANATICS are hungry and ask someone for something to eat would you let them give you faeces(poopoo) to eat? Wouldn’t you have said that this is not right and unacceptable or wouldn’t you at least say that you want good faeces?
    You people think that because we are receiving grant assistance that we should just accept shoddy work? That we should accept the fact that we are still left unemployed while a major economic activity is going on in our country? Mr. Blackmore not all Dominicans who opposed to your government’s style of leadership are followers of the CITIZEN FORUM FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE. So when you are making your statements remember that there are many honest people out there who DON’T like what is going on in this country

  4. One Love
    June 28, 2011


  5. Mark
    June 27, 2011

    When a person goes from arresting parro in lagoon and Mahaut to Minister responsible for Energy and Works then you have a problem. Blackmore is no professional and his forte is in arresting criminals, not understanding democracy, policy, democracy, politics and how they function in a civil society.

    Ok Corporal Blackmore you may fall out now because you are out of order and don’t know how to speak or what you are taking about. I think he should return to the police as an acting Sergeant because that’s where he belongs- not in the halls of Parliament and the Cabinet.

  6. What a fake
    June 27, 2011

    Mr.Blackmore need to be real. I know he support labor but come on. Some one is airing out their issue with a government project and u saying the disrespecting the office. Thats what a democracy is my friend, and that what freedom is all about. And based on what you your self said i now have a concern with u and this project.this is a 10 million dollar job and only 410 thousand have been spend on local salary and u have the gull to say u hire sometime 50 local. Sometimes? i mean come on man. its time we in this country grow up. nothing bring more to a country that infrastructure development in times of recession and what does this so call government do. Instead on getting the majority of the work go to the people of this country u have the same so called grant money coming on on one hand and leaving on he next.

    Their are some people who will support a party no matter that they do. those people am not writing to u all. but those that have common sense and instead of party puts the development of the country first. they will know what am saying and where am coming from.

  7. Just Me
    June 26, 2011

    If this 100 million dollars road project is a grant then what are the chinese getting out of the deal. It is true that we may want more locals employed on the project-I too share that sentiment but we are getting the road for free so why are we acting like a crime is being committed. Again my people
    it’s a grant. We are getting it for free. I do not blame the chinese for trying to save some money by using their own workers. We are just too demanding. We can negotiate with them to hire more locals but how can we demand if we are getting it for free.

    • Cerberus
      June 26, 2011

      The contract for the road project is between the China Railway 17 Bureau Group Co. Ltd. (the contractor) and their paymaster, the Govt. of China.
      Understandably, the contractor expects to make a profit and has every incentive in keeping their costs within budget.The terms of the agreement for China to finance this project , on behalf of Dominica, is a separate issue altogether and one must assume that its terms would have been negotiated by our representative and finance minister.

      • reason
        June 29, 2011

        Ok mr. chinaman if you don’t hire 500 Dominican workers on the project you can keep your blimming grant.

    • FORKIT
      June 26, 2011

      nothing is for free, until dominicans dont know what we signed with for(mou) then we cannot say it is for free, so please take you head from your a@@ and use you brain

  8. Sout Man
    June 26, 2011

    We want to thank the Chinese government for the $100 million grant. But don’t we have a right to negotiate the terms and conditions of the project?

    I am appalled that only 50 Dominicans are hired at any particular time for a total wage of $410 000 on a project of such magnitude. Not only is it less than 1/2 of one percent, but, on average, each employee has made an average of $8 200 .00 for a project that has gone for over one year.

    The govt must do a better job negotiating. Where is the Charles Savarin who headed the CSA that squeezed PJ for increased salary? The Chinese know full well that no jobs = no DLP govt = no Chinese relation. Do they want a government that supports Taiwan? Come on guys, the DLP motto is (or maybe was), “all shall eat”. Not looking out for our truckers was a huge mistake. Their wages would have been substantially more than the guys holding the STOP / GO signs.

    When the Canadians gave us the Grand Bay, Laplaine, Vielle Case, Castle Bruce and Goodwill primary schools as gifts, hundreds of Dominicans were employed by the DLP of Premier Leblanc even if the Canadians had their engineers and architects running things.

    • galah
      June 26, 2011

      dont you see, dominican and their citizens cant understand basic issues…

      why you keep saying dlp should do this or that…..dominicans love that syle of governance because they are holding degrees in being highly ignornant society!!!

  9. halal
    June 26, 2011

    Labour is way too corrupted!!

    the ministers are wealthy rich while the citizens of dominica continue to be beggers….its almost 94% Haiti…

    • wa papa
      June 27, 2011

      Dont we see, cant we see whats going on ? History is repeating it self, if this continue we are going to be the next haiti. Why? because the ministers of haiti were prostituting the state of haiti, steeling from the state basically running the states affairs like a private business or should I say a private estate.. (PM said is none of their damn business… if this progresses the country is heading for total distruction as we saw what happened to haiti because of the miss use of the state assets. As a citizen of dominica I would like to ask the people of dominica to be Wise read between the lines, diffrenciate right from wrong, good from bad. Dont look at who is saying what but what is good & right!!

    • Dominican born NYC
      June 27, 2011

      YOU sound like a damn IDIOT…and AN empty barrel

  10. grant or loan
    June 25, 2011

    is this a grant or loan?

    • Cerberus
      June 26, 2011

      The article says “grant-funded”. Maybe time to change those reading glasses?

  11. Free Thinker
    June 25, 2011

    The man has just shown himself for what he is – immature! What is this name calling about? Then again what do you expect from the thin-skinned.
    Only 45 sometimes fifty locals are being employed at intervals? How many Chinese are being employed? Mr Blackmore, you and the DLP have messed up, the Chinese noticed that you did not know what you were about so they took over and are doing what they want.
    Don’t cry… go fix it, if it can be fixed!!

  12. hmm
    June 25, 2011

    my people have so much anger in there hearts. “ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country” it seems like we always want something from our government and country but never willing to make any sacrifices. shame on you dominicans. grow up and see how the real world works. we are too backward

    • perry
      June 26, 2011

      shut up; the project is 100mill and only 45-50 Dominican alone come on, and yet we are crying the unemployment level between the men and women are so high, come on Mr.minister do something about that talk to the chines and mandate that they hire more people

      • Dominica me come fro
        June 26, 2011

        So because i am Dominican i am backward?
        I am saddened by this comments. Those of u who migrate overseas some of u are something else. Talking so bad about ur country Well i am proud DOMINICA . I know quite a few Dominicans both here and overseas and they are not Backward. these include my children

  13. June 25, 2011

    DNO , i’m asking that every person who post comments on this site are legitimate. Some of these posts come from other islands causing propoganda and confusion due to jealousy of our Government and the forward movement of the country. I refuse to believe it’s DOMINICANS who are posting such negativity. I it is then we have no respect for Political Authority.
    We Continue run every potential investor and business in Dominica, yet still we ask for growth.


    • creative
      June 26, 2011

      I hope you wake up from your dream very soon

    • FORKIT
      June 26, 2011

      not god, is BJ that continue to bless him….. and all dem young girls in de church…
      what a joke,

    • Oh yea
      June 27, 2011

      ecareful what you asking Go for because he is no mock and he is seeing everything that Skerrit is doing to his people is just a matter of time for your skerrit to cry out why did i do that and now am paying for it, also you will ask him why, why, why and instead you praying to god for skerrit tell him to get of from our p m seat because he is not a ligal p m and he is to dishonest for that seat, but again birds of feather flock together

    • namich2008
      June 27, 2011


      Are you not suppose to be a member to post to this site? If not, why is this mechanism not in place?

      Also constructive criticism should be welcome / encouraged from anyone, however we should also be mindful of non nationals who post solely to stir up trouble. DNO should find ways to verify its membership and de-activate accounts deemed questionable.

      ADMIN: there is no membership to our site. We are open to everyone who wishes to express their opinions as long as they meet our standards (see disclaimer on homepage)

    • Mark
      June 27, 2011

      Are you the devil?

  14. doe
    June 25, 2011

    dominicans keep showing how backward they are in all areas…

    dominicans presently care less about what goes on in dominica wonce they eat and drink to hell with if the country is sold tommorow thats sums up what kinda citizens you deal with….typical fools paradise….

  15. wow
    June 25, 2011

    when did dominicans leave their brains at the river mouth!!

  16. Melda
    June 25, 2011

    The shoes is on the other foot and it is squeezing. Since when Politicians know truth? It is the same Politicians now in, who proclaimed that Miss Charles (Mamo)and the Freedom party had done nothing for DA. It was this same Politicians who used to call her the Infrastructure Government, and the same Politicians who said that all she did was beg. But hear them now praising themselves as they pride themselves on BEGGING for their own gain. and then still doing infrastructural works and beating their chests saying: OH WHAT A GOOD BOY I AM! OH WHAT. (cha0

  17. Conscious
    June 25, 2011

    Raymond sounds like an illiterate. More importantly, he must come to terms that Dominicans will ensure that this country remains a democracy and will not be the private estate of feudal lords.

    What’s the right thing to say? The right thing that a genuine civic-minded citizen should say is to speak out against the ills in society and to insist that what is right is done. Put this in your pipe, Raymond, and try very hard to smoke it. Did you not speak out against the poor quality of the road works on the west coast? Skerrit has shut you up. Don’t try that against genuine patriots!

    You and your fellows in the Cabinet are intimidated by Skerrit, and Skeritt and the rest of all of you are afraid of the Chinese!

    • Malatete
      June 25, 2011

      It is RAYBURN (just like the slow-burning cast iron stove of the English landed gentry)) and not Raymond. Please, at least spell the man’s name correctly

  18. Pedro
    June 25, 2011

    The office of PM is now in the gutte. there is nothing to respect.

  19. why?
    June 25, 2011

    it’s about time we stop attacking characters here in Dominica! everything is a name calling? what good is this doing for the country? we need to rise above this and start discussing ideas..what is out there that we can invest in to bring fruitful returns to the economy of this country? what about the car industry? film industry? music? something? anything?…i now see we have a manufacturing industry (thumbs up to that)and these are what we need to engage in. not the name calling a.k.a business as usual..it’s not working for any of us…Geesssssssssse!!

    • Dominica me come fro
      June 26, 2011


  20. Cerberus
    June 25, 2011

    It would have been better if Mr. Blackmoore had not said anything.

    – $410,000 is less than 1/2% of the claimed $100 million cost of this road.
    – the contractor would have to pay Dominican workers at least the legal min. wage of $5.00/hr., which is more than they pay their own Chinese workers.
    – I hope the local talent consists of more than the guys we see holding the GO and STOP boards ( …no disrespect to you fellows but these are the only Dominicans we see employed on this project on a daily basis).

    It was Mr. Blackmoore himself who took issue recently, in public, with the Chinese
    contractor about the quality of their work only to be told that we have little or no say in the matter. I do not blame either mr. Blackmoore or the contractor but a leader, who keeps even his closest colleagues in the dark and second-guessing over the decisions he makes and arrangements he enters into.
    This leaves everybody unhappy and discontented and mr. Blackmoore has my sympathy.

  21. not shared
    June 25, 2011

    we need to stop this politiking and appreciate certain things..So ofcourse we wish it was a local contractor doing the statehouse or the road projects…and guess what? there willl still be debate as to y this one was chosen over the other…we need to get our backside up and start looking at ways we can makes these investment work for us..what can we do to make money of these projects instead of playing crappy politics and asking yyyyyyyyy is the chineese and not Dominican contractors..it’s a grant project? for christ sake! do you know the cost of labour? how many of the taxpayers are ready to pay for it? i’m certainly not!

  22. simple mind
    June 25, 2011

    Mr,what happened to the recommendations you made,re..the westcoast road?were they taken or were they dumped?therefore when you vomit your hogstuff, dump it amoung yourselves in the hogpen let Tony leak that as usual;not on the “Patriots”we stand high above that level.

  23. Speak Patriots Speak
    June 24, 2011

    The Citizens’ Forum For Good Governance because of its Listen, Learn and Educate meetings, as well as the sessions of The People’s Parliament are having its toll slowly but surely, on those thin-skinned, incompetent, DLP politicians and supporters alike.

    Rayburn must be going SENILE. He says that those who profess to be patriots, should engage themselves in saying the right things, the things that are meant to advance Dominica’s cause.

    Speaking against CORRUPTION and CORRUPT POLITICIANS must be the right thing to do. Speaking about the RUBBISH BIN and FERTILIZER BOBOLS, real ownership of the VILLAS, refusal to let Dominicans know about the MOU with China, Dominicans unemployed but millions of dollars being spent in road projects, local businesses closing down, Roseau being taken over by Chinese businesses, wholesale selling off of the country, selling of passports with no transparency, attempted assassination of Emanuel, dual citizenship,political influence/control of institutions, disrespect for the constitution and the laws of Dominica, refusal to respect the requests of the Electoral Commission, reluctance to implement Electoral Reforms, stagnation of all sectors of the economy, $27,000,000.00 for a president’s Palace at this time, increase in crime and violence, ETC., ETC., ETC., ETC., ETC.,must be the RIGHT thing to do.

    Dominica’s cause would be surely advanced were it not for rampant CORRUPTION, BAD GOVERNANCE, stealing, cheating, lying, protecting those in ‘HIGH PLACES of authority’ Investing significantly in the productive sectors like Agriculture and Manufacturing, putting more focus in Tourism surely would advance Dominica’s cause.

    So do not talk about those wrong things or illegal, corrupt practices or express alternative views about the nation’s development? Who does Rayburn think he is, MASTER or SERVANT of the people? Dominicans FEAR NO MORE Rayburn. The Patriots will Continue to express their views. We all have the right so to do. Dictatorship will never reign in our beautiful country. The PATRIOTS and all right thinking Domincans will ensure that will not be so.

  24. littleboy
    June 24, 2011

    I have always seen Arthie Marten as a selfish person and one who does not put national development before personal conviction. When UWP was in power this same Arthie opposed them on every side and would not even allow them to break part of a wall at the Gardens to facilitate the Bath Estate road. So yes, he is indeed selfish and wants it his way and his way only. However, for Blackmore to refer to them as “Citizens for the destruction of Dominica,” to me is very childish. I have been listening to these guys and I have not seen anything destructive about them. yes, they are applying a lot of pressure but that’s good for the democracy of our country especially at a time when we donn’t seem to have an opposition. Blackmore needs to understand that he is the honourable minister and citizens do have a right to oppose. Also, to hear Blackmoore’s argument certainly give Arthie and them every reason to criticize. Listen to Blackmoore’s response, “Everytime we have impressed on them the need to contract local talents.” I have some problem with this statement. (1) Instead of doing that everytime, they should have made it (employing Dominicans) part of the contract (2) There is a big difference between “contracting Locals” and employing locals. In other words, they could cotract locals just for a day every month to maybe guard their equipment. That’s not the same as employing locals. When locals are employed, they could go to the bank or ask for credit on the basis that he is employed; but he cannot do that when if he has a contract that is not based on a daily or weekly employment. (3) 45 to 50 locals employed at different times does not sound too bad but please MR Blackmore, instead of just throwing numbers at us, please tell us how many locals are employed on a daily bases like those Chinees that go to work everyday. That’s what I am interested in and locals do have a right to question that when we have to pay $100 million. When Centra and Rush and Tompkin were building roads under the Freedom party, we had over 200 locals working on a daily basis, that’s what we mean.

  25. Oh yes
    June 24, 2011

    hahahaha dont worry all of them must talk shit now because the going down one by on where is the one that call us taliba he cannot even hold his own glass now to drink water, did you all heard timliar about chinese give is blender and microwave hahaha, oh by the wy did you all heard about pastor bernard joseph better known as B J , also parry bellot on Rossie alas poor them i sorry for all of them when God start to strike them,

    • Spicelady
      June 26, 2011

      before you write, please think through what you want to say so readers can understand. your article makes no sense!!!

      • FORKIT
        June 26, 2011

        you must be one of BJ spice.. ok enjoy it

  26. stoney
    June 24, 2011

    one thing blackmoore and DLP have noticed that the citizens of dominicans i mean the majority have a master degree in the foolish field have do prey on that…

    one what does blackmoore see…only rubbish comes from their mouths look at julius thats what you clasify as a typicaly educated…F in dominica…only gabbage comes from the mouth

  27. ?
    June 24, 2011

    Never in the history of Dominica have a set of incompetent people been elected to run this country. The Citizens for Good Governance will continue to keep all you in check. Too much stupidness in that country. On a major project like the West Coast Road Project you boasting that 45 and sometimes 50 people are employed at “different intervals;” and you do not want people to voice their concerns? Blackmoore behave yourself, the last I heard we were still free to express our opinions even if they differ from that of yours and your government.

  28. linky
    June 24, 2011

    but what kind of fellers that a running our country i don’t no if them fellers does drink tomuch zaide or redcap ,them goverment ministers when they come to make a statement or to adress dominicans i got the impresion that they are ider drunk or under some form of toxication..

  29. Fig Tree
    June 24, 2011

    All the UWP are angry. Just hear them. Boo ooo. leave Rayburn and the DLP alone. You call this progress and good gifts. There are more for DLP than against them.

  30. DPM
    June 24, 2011

    “So, I want to refer to them as Citizens Who Want to Destroy Dominica…” Blackmoore let me remind you that the people who want to destroy Dominica are from a far, far, far away land. When they suck it dry they will leave and we will be left to pick up the pieces.

  31. Fig Tree
    June 24, 2011

    I agree with Rayburn. Dominicans are non appreciative. Hungry for money. When money is given to Dominicans for projects it is never finish. Materials stolen, give, laziness on the job. Hats of to China and many thanks for job well done. Those road engineers we have think they would do it better. The Chinese doing it same as them. Clean the hole, oil it, put sand, compress and oil again. I watch them all the time blocking pot holes on the road I live.
    Dominicans say thanks, in everything so we can get again. have a grateful heart, no matter how small.

      June 25, 2011

      realist you do lie. the delices-tisavanne road cost twice the amount. while it was being constructed all the boys of the uwp in the area get roads to thier farms free of charge. some get two roads. tax payers that pay for that. what dominicans can do is capitalize on the road network when it is finished. right now the dlp have to concentrate on farm roads.

  32. morback
    June 24, 2011

    yes mister whatevemore, Do you think that the amount of people that are employed on this project is satisfying to you? or should Dominicans look at this as progress??

    • Spicelady
      June 26, 2011

      Maybe if more Dominican become hard working citizens then maybe people would want to employ us. Chinese are hard working people, they have no day off. When we Dominicans working, for every hour we work is another 1/2 hour rest.

      • FORKIT
        June 26, 2011

        those prinsioners have no choice

  33. just observing
    June 24, 2011

    Is Dominica being destroyed Blackmore? If so by whom?We never had denizens imposed on us and have to watch them work while we can’t, shop and we can’t,Increase crime, drugs, listless youth etc. On whoise watch rayban?

  34. Anonymous
    June 24, 2011

    AA so we come like china now SHUT MOUTHS CATCH NO FLIES, stay in our little corner and hush up?OK MASTER YES WE WILL :cry: ONLY DLP LOVE DOMINICA. :cry: :cry:

  35. Gang of clowns
    June 24, 2011

    As much i abhore the opposition’s characters this one another clown on the Gov’t side in the class of Austrie, Skerrit , Cyril Carrette Ian, former opposition leader Instrument/Earl,the current one Spagsall are idiots causing Da pain.

    June 24, 2011

    AS I WAS SAYING:: Did Blackmore mention the destruction of Dominica? Well he obviously does not know the meaning of the term destruction..Blackmore you and your ministers are the destructive crew..You and your gang are too thin skin.Dominicans cannot and will not remain blind for ever..This party of which you are a part is the worse thing that has even happened to politics and leadership in Dominica….WE CALL IT NEXT LEVEL ……! ALAS PAPA GOD !!!!!!

  37. timeless
    June 24, 2011


  38. amazing
    June 24, 2011

    I really thought that the man would have come up with a really strong argument, but to say that 45 Dominican only 25 to build a road from Roseau to Portsmouth. And to make matters worse they are not even employed all the time they are there SOMETIMES. Then he boasts that $410000 was paid to Dominicans that is only 0.41% of the contract not even half a percent. WOW!!!! and Dominicans love the DLP amazaing

  39. ?????
    June 24, 2011

    Yes persons need to get their facts straight and not twist the facts for their own selfish needs. Thats why Dominicans need to read more and stop listenning to the gibberish and gossiping around them. Even the works going around is testimony of what development is happenning. Yes criticise if you have to but give alternatives too. Sy how this can be done better or savings if done this way as opposed to the way it is being done. This is what is called constructive criticism.

    On another note those who incite and get the people angry by saying the untruths and wrong things will answer to someone bigger than us all. We can oppose without being disrespectful of our fellowmen. Just my two pence1

  40. tony mendes
    June 24, 2011

    minister blackmoore should be are shame 2 say out of $100. million, dominicans have earned only $ 410.000.wa wa wa.

    • FORKIT
      June 26, 2011

      who ever told you that blackmore was smart enough to keep his mouth shut

  41. hmm
    June 24, 2011


  42. la beauty
    June 24, 2011

    i agree wit u rayburn :) :) :)

  43. vip
    June 24, 2011

    Man just do your job to the best of your abilty and allow those people to express their cares and concern.WHAT ur think nah?Dominica is not China where you dont have freedom of expression.That peoples democratic right.So hold ur communiist ideology for urself.DOnt be like the good fello that said DOMINICANS ARE TOO FREE.And any money given under the table on these projects will be investigated by the FBI.BRIBery is an international crime.

  44. Wenner
    June 24, 2011

    What a plux. Minister I think just squeezed the oblong heads in the uwp.

    On a serious note, I always felt that Arthie Martin has never represented good for Dominica.

    Take a good look at the man, take a good look

    • June 24, 2011

      Qnly someone like yourself would see Dominica thru the appearance of another how shallow minded you a we are speaking about keep our people from been gobble up like moth to a ball,
      With some education their might be hope for you and that’s the prodlem in D’ica right now the lack of education maybe you should read more and remember one is never to old to learn you might be singing for your super but that dont mean when others speak their mind it’s about party politic, that tell’s me that the future of beautiful D’ica and it’s people will always be in peril.
      Arthie Martin decided to education himself what have you done you choose to remain ignorance to yourself and the plight of our peoples.

      • simple mind
        June 25, 2011

        yes,thats right;choose ignorance 4 themselves and fall prostrate at the feet of their masters,thats alarming though.

      • GOPUEL
        June 25, 2011


  45. me
    June 24, 2011

    Boo hoo Rayburn

    • June 24, 2011

      Wasnt it the same Raybun Blackmor that said when ask about the work done by his Chinese labour that sections of the road was not properly done so what is he trying to say to us he cannot be trusted he should try to take the beam out of his eyes before trying to take the beam out of the eyes of others.

      • Goose
        June 25, 2011

        riverside / diaaspora you making no sense. The isues are different. That shows that Hon Blackmoore is genuiene. He was honest when he said that SOME not ALL, SOME parts of the road needed to be redone. That does not have nothing to dowith this present issue.I think we like to mix up things too much and we cannot separate issues. In any large project there will be some level of dissactisfaction and Hon Blackmore MUST look out for Dominica while not disrespecting the Chineeses Government contribution to Dominica and workers.

  46. ME
    June 24, 2011

    And the Labour party is DESTRUCTION Of DOMINICA!

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