Skerrit: “Why should we terminate relations with Libya?


Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has affirmed that Dominica is maintaining its ties with the North African region of Libya, even after reports of fighting by forces loyal to the Libyan leader.

The opposition United Workers Party has told government to reconsider its position with Libya but Skerrit said the Dominica government has no sound reason to break away from its relations with the territory.

Government has said it is concerned about the loss of life in Libya brought on by continued unrest.

“The position of the government is that we regret the loss of life there and we hope that the situation can come back to normalcy as soon as possible and that peace and prosperity prevail in Libya.

“Why should we terminate relations with Libya over what’s happening there now? The U.S. hasn’t done it, Great Britain hasn’t done it,” Skerrit questioned.

Government is monitoring the turmoil in the Middle East and in other parts of the world and is not now preoccupied with “what Dominica will gain or lose” from the chaos.

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  1. marzhie
    March 27, 2011

    skerrit shuld just stay quiet on this issue like the other issues he stays quiet in dominica……mr emmanuel house was burned he never condem it he wanna talk bout lybia….gadddafii own ppll turning against him……cant u see are u blind

  2. anon
    March 27, 2011

    endgame: Global Domination who will hold the keys to the doors of heaven and hell. people turn ur eye away from the city and lift it unto zion for only there lies our SALVATION.

  3. Natural Mystic
    March 27, 2011

    We are in the days of the “nations against nations”,”rumours of war”,the “start of sorrows” e.t.c.It is always deplorable how dictators and certain leaders oppress their own people.It is simply a means to stay in power.The historical records shows that many dictators have been supported by Western Powers or were placed into power.Batista and Castro in Cuba,Sadam in Iraq,Allande,the Shah of Iran.The Lybian War is a multi-faceted operation under the guise of “humanitarian intervention”.I for one believe Ghaddfi should go,but we have to put things into proper perspective and not be fooled by Western Media and governments.This is a war not just for oil,but the banking system of Lybia which is not controlled by International Bankers.It is also part of an operation to destabilise the Middle East by formenting revolutions by covert actions.There is always a “hidden hand” whenever you have civil wars,revolutions and genocides.Divide and conquer has always been the tool used.And to all my fellow dominicans,whether you are DLP,DFP or UWP,Dominica is not immune.We might not have oil,we might not be well known,we might not have a huge population,but we have water,we have people,we have an economy and our people have souls.The battle is on already and Dominica is under assault.Skerrit is just the figurehead.Don’t be fooled by all these DLP vs. UWP and vice versa.It’s just windowdressing.The haves are simply cementing their hold on Dominica,while the people are divided and dependent on the government and it does not matter which party in power.

  4. naturelover
    March 27, 2011

    The government~s position is practical and rational,the call for breaking links is reactionary and premature,,Why did not USA,ENGLAND,FRANCE,etc break off Diplomatic links, so because we small we stupid then, There is a role for Lybia in world politics and Dominica has to be part of this,,,,,,Wonder why the Big Countries moved so fast in Lybia and react so slowly in Africa—Oil my brethren and Sistren -,,,,,Why no call was made for A CEASE-FIRE or NEGOTIATION between the Rebels and Gaddafi????,,Remember iraq,,,no weapons was found ,millions died and nobody held responsible–just pure Political GLOBAL iNFLUENCE AND ECONOMIC INTEREST….Our P.M right on target

  5. William McLawrence
    March 27, 2011

    The Government of Dominica has Diplomatic Relations with the Government of Lybia, not with an individual or group of individuals residing in Lybia. Therefore while the unrest and loss of life in Lybia is a cause for concern, it is not a reason for the Government of Dominica to sever ties with the Government of Lybia.

    I humbly believe that the Dominican government should maintain its Diplomatic Relations with the Lybian government.

    • kola
      March 27, 2011

      Mr.MC.Lawrence,your comment is 100% correct.I said it earlier,that the P.M knows what he is doing.He has to continue that relations with Libya.He the P.M and we Dominicans hate what is going on in Libya now,but there absolutely nothing we can do,but hope and pray for the ugliness to end.I support you all the way.

  6. country man
    March 26, 2011

    On a side note – in a few months we will be utilizing funds and expertise from the EU and France to do Geothermal Drilling/Exploration in Dominica. If this is done with guidelines from a sound Environmental Impact Studies, transparency and is successful it will far surpass anything that Libya will be offering Dominica at this time. We keep crying down the west when what we really need to do is strategize ways to become more self sustaining. Use all the support we can get to create sustainable industries that will drive productivity instead of moving from one master to the next – At the end of the day we are just pawns on the chess board for these countries (whether it is the US, China, UK, France, Libya, Venezuela, etc).

  7. Obse
    March 26, 2011

    Those against PM statement… tell the rest of us when those who are bombing server ties with Lybia please give us this info

  8. En Ba La
    March 26, 2011

    Sir coming “back to normalcy ” this is what brought the people where they are in the first place – the normalcy that existed the people do not want it.

    Forget the millions their leader possess – hmmm is this the type of normalcy you crave and heading to?

    You are just showing where your loyalty lies – Self serving leaders that you all are

  9. Frankly
    March 26, 2011

    So you all dont want the children of Thibaud to get a new school then?

    Sea blast rust and rot affecting our school and a new one is to be built for us by Libya. The money they say is in the Libyan Embassy account in St. Lucia.

    Maybe the PM is playing diplomacy moves so the Thibaud children are sure to get their school. When you are a small independent island state it makes no sense to do big parade. Stay low down and get things for your people.

    Whether we recognise Lybia or not will not make any difference to the world at large. But it may make a difference to the people of Thibaud and by extension Dominica. When my child is in a leaking classroom I care about what happening on the international stage? I want a new school.

    All you political pundit interlectuals call me stupid, but will you all get a new school for us while sitting in Roseau and in the diaspora at you computers? Dont worry. The PM knows what he is doing. You may think he is a wiley manicou, but he is acting for the good of the grassroot people.

    • Honestly
      March 26, 2011

      Frankly you said more than you had to really. You see yourself as possibly stupid and you call your homeboy a wiley manicou. I could not have said it better. You know best.He who is in the kitchen feels the heat. All i want to add frankly is : you both are opportunists with or without human faces. If you had kept you mouth shut you would not have confirmed it for us frankly.

      • Frankly
        March 26, 2011

        Honestly, you have proved my point exactly.

        There you are viewing the situation as a highbrow internationalist taking what you consider to be a principled point of view. Horray to you.

        But if you were viewing it from the point of view of a wiley politician, and politicians are by nature opportunistic, you would look at it purely from the local point of view. How do I get votes at the next election?

        In three years time or so, whatever the outcome of the Lybian debacle, a “principled stance” would be neither here nor there to the majority of voters in Thibaud. What will cause them to vote in your favour is a brand new school with an airconditioned computer lab and improved facilities.

        Call me cynical or whatever but politics is the art of the possible.

        By playing devil’s advocate in my post and presenting things from that point of view, as I maybe did too subtley, we may better understand, like it or hate it, what is at work here.

        • and meanwhile........
          March 27, 2011

          so why not just let marijuana grow and allow drug trafficking and money laundering to prosper if we are putting principles in the cupboard for the sake of material gain? at least we would be somewhat controlling the funds ourself and not begging to the level of not expressing concerns about the lives of fellow human beings.

        • Reader-Observer
          March 28, 2011

          Read cassarol’s piece.You are fortifying Honestly’s point and sad to say you are psudeo in intelectualism plain old opportunist and a brain the size of your hamlet ,Medard’s sub-village.
          You see no farther than the tip of your nose. Are you mixed half kalinago 1/2 negro? I wonder how far can you see.LMAO with your naievitte,simple mindedness etc.It’s senseless beings like you who allow shit heads to rule.
          I await your rebuttle. you need to go help The Lybian dictator fight his own peoplelike you’ve been helping your village boy do.See the similarity? It’s all tribal.I pray for your conversion and understanding of issues void of polarization.Just basic commonsense application should certainly liberate you.Check Parra for some guidance on Lybia cause yours and neighbour Pal rep’s are lacking.Namely the breast minister and thethe possie minister .Your P.M pal rep is supposed to be a graduate inPsychology who end up teaching of all things English( And he reminds us so much of earlWilliams) talk about sq pegs in octagon holes.

  10. Cassandra
    March 26, 2011

    Maintaining relationships with Libya is no obstacle to condemning the current regime. We should not confuse the two and a Govt. pronouncement on the latter would be welcome. Sitting on the fence will not pay us any dividends in the end.

    • Cassarol
      March 26, 2011

      Pay dividens in the end????? cassan you lack dra girl. You need to learn a thing or two on international relations starting with international relations 101. Question you ought to have asked yourself first: Will Gahdafi survive? If he does not which is the obvious and fundamental answer,don’t you think the destruction etc caused by his demented actions will have the next regime preoccupied with rebuilding and safeguarding it’s money to work with those who supported it when it was being punished by a mad dictator? Aid to DA will be a bygone.
      This is the kind of illogical thought that some people like you come up with to support another budding dictator.People who learn to use computers with no background in any other discipline should educate themselves prior to sitting behind P.C s and laptops iphones etc and write phat .ej you Cassandra.Events, the world relations are a changing quickly these days so keep abreast cassandra Gadhdafi is enroute to being a has been maybe be killed by a missile his own people or may windup before a tribunal soon. As I end my education to you in particular the bigger picture on Lybia is who controls the swet crude next.The US and allies are not there for the Lybian people nor is our dumbass P.M et Al are there for their pockets and in the process a few crumbs to build the school someone talked about.MEDARD IS AN ECONOMIC MERCENARY so Chavez , Kosovo, Chinese,Morrocan,Russian any kind of money will do like cork a doolou do any cock will do.

    • La Jah Bless
      October 4, 2011

      Now that is a sensible comment from the Lady

  11. Mr Sout City
    March 26, 2011

    His is so disgusting how Dominicans believe everything the see on American news. All the talk about dead civilians, and I have yet to see pictures of them..

  12. M
    March 26, 2011

    Oh and to those U.S haters out there. Just remember that the only country that helps people is the U.S had it not been for them hitler would’ve gotten his way

    • Mr Sout City
      March 26, 2011

      US only helps people that could benefit them.

  13. Democratic lover
    March 26, 2011

    The rebels are like the UWP, a minority who thinks they should rule over the majority.

    • Well Versed
      March 26, 2011

      Dumb democratic hater instead.Saudi Arabia,bahrain,Syria and Iran are led by minority groups ask any Arab.Learn that DL, So even pappy party can rule.

      March 26, 2011

      That’s why The USA,and NATO intervened to put a stop to the atrocities; the merciless butchering and slaughtering of the innocent People by a mad Ruler,who will stop at nothing to hang on to power,do not matter to you, right?….In your narrow and feeble mind,they are “the minority who wants to rule”……Are they?…..
      You are an imbecile…Why really, do you call yourself “democratic lover” when you do not even know the true meaning of the word?….A statement like that coming from a Dominican, is very sad, and troubling. But quite frankly, not surprising…shows the mess that Dominica is in,the mentality of some Dominicans, and state of ignorance that exists there… You are such an idiot! A “damn arse”,who should be ashamed of yourself…,then again, can you when you have no shame.

  14. Democratic lover
    March 26, 2011

    Poor ,poor Dominicans, who enslaved your fore-fathers for 200hundred years, ruled Dominica and left it underdeveloped, who stole the banana industry from Dominica. Who is forcing Dominicans to sell off their land to go and work in the cold without respect in other countries, because we cannot make a living at home in Dominica. Is it GAdafi.?
    Dominicans dont forget your history. Who elected those rebels in Libya, who are they? The rebels are kiling their own people also.

      March 26, 2011

      You are a sick and demented fool!…Get the heck out of here with your propagandized garbage… Rubbish!
      The rebels are elected?, Who are they killing?…Are they suppose to lay down like dogs,and get slaughtered by Gadhifi”s forces?…..You are ranting like a rabid dog, who needs to be euthanize.
      You are simply clueless, and have no idea what hell you are ranting about….Go way wit dat bwoi…Propagandist.

    • La Jah Bless
      October 4, 2011

      This is a somewhat sensible comment except the question remains “Do You want to adopt a system like the one Kadaffi imposed on the Libyans? or do You prefer what we have here ?”

  15. magwe sah
    March 26, 2011

    Its laughable, how ppl say we seeing what we can get LIbya and they are on here singing for Visa and other stuff.

    We need to read and listen to different news sources besides the propaganda machines of the west.

  16. Robotron
    March 26, 2011

    Skerrit is right not to fall in line with the likes of US, UK & France regarding Libya. These countries are very consistent with their hypocrisy, double standards and unethical foreign policies especially with regards to the Middle East. While these countries are eager to bomb countries who are not regarded as their puppets they turn a blind eye to atrocities committed by countries friendly to them. They have continuously turned a blind eye to the atrocities committed by the Israelis on the Palestinians. In addition, they use the UN as a tool to repress and bully countries which they do not like.

  17. Wongping
    March 26, 2011

    Once again we stray from facts.break ties with the kadafi gov’t:yes,but how many have announced breaking ties with LYBYA itself.zot ka skerrit an break.during a football match, all spectators are players and refrees,put them on the field,they can’t last 5 minutes.

  18. LMAO
    March 26, 2011

    The questions should not be about Lybia. It should be about breaking tiyes with Quaddafi.

  19. ONE LOVE
    March 25, 2011

    8-O BOMBING THEM BACK TO THE STONE AGE is not a clear indication of haven broken off all kinds of ties???

    not ALL of us can be fooled by BULL—-

    March 25, 2011

    AS I WAS SAYINBG: This statement is the worse that has come out from a Head of Government since the Libyan people took to the streets to demand their freedom fron the brutal, mad and corrupt dictator Gaddafi.. Notice that nowhere in the statement has Skerrit condemned the slaughter,the murdering and slaying of the Libyan people..It is a reckless statement that causes concerned people to cringe…But what else can we expect?….Anyway all Gaddafi’s assets are frozen…We need to teach our people to work hard cause worldly events are unpredictable..ITS ONLY A COUNTRY THAT DEPENDS ON HANDOUTS THAT CAN CONDONE VIOLENCE….

    • Justice is better than peace.
      March 26, 2011

      I quite agree with you. it is quite a sad shame that skerrit made a statement saying, “The unrest brought on by the rebels protesting’ Shame on Skerrit. I was a stallwart labour supporter, but ever since rosie past labour has turned into a trash dump. No more support , no more vote, Skerrit saying that fighting for democracy is creating unrest, Where is his common sense and wisdon. bet if we could see inside his big skull all we would see is money and no brain.
      Shame on Skerrit , shame on the Dominica Labour Garbage Party

    March 25, 2011

    DNO could you explain to me what was wrong with my comment as you see it fit to disallowed

    • TeteMorne I from....
      March 26, 2011

      DNO’s Admin is full of it!!!! They allow what they agree with, and delete others. Waaaaaay too involved and unprofessional, if you ask me. Just too freakin’ childish. Post/Allow people’s comments…what is wrong with you all? I await your cheap come back! :twisted:

  22. John Brown
    March 25, 2011

    UWP supporters, please make up your mind!! Stop the flip-flopping, Just the other day you all were saying, we should stick with America, come hell or high water; now that the Prime Minister is following the example of America and maintaining diplomatic ties with Libya, regardless of what is going on over there, you want us to break ties with them.

    Stop trying to score cheap political points. Don’t you think if any country should have broken ties with Libya it would be the ones dropping bombs on them? Plus no one knows, not even America who these “revolutionary, freedom fighters” are.

    They could be a second coming khadafi, Khadafi in another form, who knows. It would not be the first time America has back the wrong horse. Time alone will tell who these “revolutionaries” are.

    A true revolutionary’s greatest accomplishment is not just overthrowing authority, but plotting and executing his or her own overthrow once they have gotten power.

  23. Look
    March 25, 2011

    He said what he had to say.

  24. son
    March 25, 2011

    Mr. PM, The lybian gov’t is currently being run by Gaddafi. Therefore it is logical to sever ties with them UNTIL this terror passes. If he is in charge of the government, and he is giving orders for these atrocities to be done then it will be seen as an act against the people by THE GOVERNMENT, because they have yet to stand against/ overthrow him. Also, why is it when a question is asked about someone’s stance or choice in a particular matter we always point on someone else (in this case, another country) and make a comparison? Are the ties between the US and Lybia the same as ours? Not at all. these countries have openly condemned the action by the lybian gov’t. I see you sympathize with the Lybian people, but have you openly condemned these atrocities? Hmmm.

    Sir, seeing that you’re monitoring what the nation will “gain or lose” from this chaos only makes me think that you’d prefer if Gaddafi stays in power IF it will keep good ties with Lybia. Down with Gaddafi I say, and if you disagree

  25. dominican in cuba or usa
    March 25, 2011

    i think the pm does not understand what a trade embargo means or when a country is at walk with another countries that means that all diplomatic relationship has bee cut. the usa has ceasd all accounts of kadafi and his children and president obama came out and said that kadafi is no longer fit to lead kadafi is going out whether the pm like it or not and his going before the world court in the hague for crimes against civilians our pm will be a carracter withness for kadafi

  26. The truth
    March 25, 2011

    Think Skerrit should have just kept his mouth shut on this whole thing. Because right now, the world funny. Very funny. Be careful what you say and relations with some leaders can get you in loads Of trouble right now. we already have Chavez so let’s be careful. Already him n gaddaffi are best friends. I think he should really avoid saying some things right now

    • kola
      March 25, 2011

      Alas,he did not or is not supporting what is going on.I think he made a wise move,no matter what government is in power,the friendship will stand.@ i agree to that.

    • loook
      March 25, 2011

      you need to understand how diplomacy works before you open your mouth and remove all doubt.

      March 26, 2011


  27. Hugo Grotius
    March 25, 2011

    America.,. Medard statements are not the views of all Dominicans, we wholeheartedly condemn and denounce the killing of Libyan citizens by that ruthless dictator, please note this when u are granting us Visas.

    Thank You…

    • Concerned
      March 25, 2011

      I love your disclaimer. You made my night.

    • he he
      March 25, 2011

      ignorance is a crime as far s i am concern. and when you speak please dont mention dominicans name in your mouth. because you in no position to speak on dominicans behalf.

      we domiicans gave our prime minister 18 out of 21 seats so he can speak on our behalf at anytime he choose to.

      so get a book and read if u can so you can learn what it is to be a legitimate elected leader in a domocratic country

      dam ignoramus.

    • Time will tell
      March 26, 2011

      Up untiil today we are yet to see the proof of the wonton killing of innocent civillians in Libya. They showed us on TV the bodies of soldiers killed and tanks and military vehicles destroyed along a road leading to Benghazi. They showed us the wreckage of a “downed” coalition aircraft and rebels standing on pieces of the wreckage but we have not seen the pictures of the mass killing of civilians. Why?

      Gaddafy is fighting US backed so-called rebels who are armed to the teeth. The dictators in Bahrain and Yemen are murdering and torturing thousands of unarmed protesters yet we don’t we see it on TV. Clink here for proof:

  28. may day
    March 25, 2011

    Mr PM you are correct, Its the people not Gaddafi.

    • son
      March 25, 2011

      Its Gaddafi, not the people my friend. You see it yourself on the news. I think mr. Pm is being very careful of his words because of Chavez and if Gaddafi gets back in power, he’ll want to solidify his relations. MY MY MY, what a position you have placed yourself in Mr. Prime Minister.

    • Charmer
      March 25, 2011

      My sentiments exactly

  29. Weh
    March 25, 2011

    ********************** Did he just said “NO SOUND REASON”*************?

    Great Britain and the U.S are currupt countries in this respect. You want to join there ranks too!! We can’t even think for our selves we are basing our verdict on what other countries do?

    Ok.. well I rest my case!!

    • he he
      March 25, 2011

      you better do

  30. papa
    March 25, 2011

    I am disgusted by the DLP but I am do support the position taken by the PM. The PM should condem the actions taken by the dictator kaddafhi.

    • A observer
      March 25, 2011

      He did not condemn the action of Gadhafi, read again the PM said, “Government has said it is concerned about the loss of life in Libya brought on by continued unrest”.

      “The position of the government is that we regret the loss of life there and we hope that the situation can come back to normalcy as soon as possible and that peace and prosperity prevail in Libya”. I guess he has his reason for supporting Gadhafi, refuse to condemn his actions,

  31. Lougawoo Mem
    March 25, 2011

    That’s the product of inexperience. Unfortunately, he has managed to have all his followers fooled which is very troubling for those who know better. No pity for those responsible in creating such —.

  32. Lord Help us!
    March 25, 2011

    France was the first country to recognize the opposition as the legitimate Government of Libya.. The whole world except China, Iran, Russia and the ALBA block is condemning Gadahfi.. The Libyan Ambassador to American bailed off before America dismissed him. His deputy is now the official representation and recognized by the US Government. Gadahfi’s people are calling the US officials everyday to see what is in it for them if they defect, others are defecting in leaps and bounds. All the money Gadahfi was hiding all over the world if FROZEN to give to the LIBYAN people after they get rid of Gadahfi…Whether he is dead or alive well all is said and done Gadahfi is no more, his hot seat is awaiting him in the Hague! But Skerro holding on to see how Dominica will benefit… How disgusting? How shameful! How immoral?

  33. Dominican in the BVI
    March 25, 2011

    agree with the PM, is it because of what they are going through right now. what if it was not happening, would we talk the same way. if you are in a relationship and you mate is behaving in a particular way, are you going to quiet because of that.

  34. Voice from the Wilderness
    March 25, 2011

    But what really is he saying?There is no dicisiveness in this statement- therefore , i call it garbage…

  35. madness
    March 25, 2011

    madness madness madness,,,,what on earth is this young prime minister doing to our country, what reputation is he going to give us, is it only the like of china, venezula, and libya, whom are countries controlled by communisum,that we puttin ourself with, i do not want that sort of life for dominica.
    cruise liners already stop coming to dominica, it is europen, american and british tourist that come to the caribbean, is ross not american, all saints canadian, if those countries think we are to involved with the likes of libya, venezula,they may pull out of dominica, cruises stop all together, and we can not afford that, we should be encouraging tourisum and visitors, the chinese closing all our dominica store, look grand bizzare going, i feeling so dred in dominica everyone finding just surving so hard, please lets us do something before skeritt make it so bad for everyone

    • ?
      March 25, 2011

      He’s just following Chavez lead.

      March 25, 2011

      When America started its onslaught on Iraq and killed 100,000 innocent civilians, just because of one man Saddam., did we cut off relatinship with America?

      Boy some people just love to talk

      • John Brown
        March 25, 2011

        Amen my brother, say it again

      • DA
        March 25, 2011

        sorry u did not get a visa

    • DA
      March 25, 2011

      u are so right dominican should wake up and smell the coffee this PM is leading the country to comunist.the country is divided .and the people who is talking about USA i hope if this happen in dominica u all don’t ask for this countries to help.if dominican look at all the countries that the PM deals with they are all comunist. i feel sorry for my people.

      • ?
        March 26, 2011

        I feel sorry for them too. But that same America they bashing will be first in line to rescue our people and country. Just wait.

    • thinker
      March 25, 2011

      I’ll ignore the rest of your comment as it’s all just silly scare mongering with no basis in any kind of fact or figures, just a bunch of assumptions. I will say this though, anybody who has their self dread in Dominica is at their own fault. There is two much to do in that lovely country, maybe we just need to open our eyes more to what we have and take our eyes off what other countries have while they themselves are dieing for what we have.

      • madness
        March 26, 2011

        have you seen the state of veneuzula, they can not afford powdered milk, thats if there is any to buy, what about cuba, have you ever been, castro turn off the electric to communities if he thinks the country using to much, or if you want to go from one place to another you have to apply to a goverment for permission, would you have skeritt turn on his people if you all decided you dont want him no more, chavez is trying the same as gadaffi and castro, to stay in power for ever, so you not think skeritt want the same as his allies?, to rule dominica forever. everyone goes on about the US, but who will protect the innocent lives that these multi billionaires are forfitting because they just can.
        let me ask a question, of people, who is it that supply dominica police force and coast guard with equipment, answer, US and UK, whos ships travel around the caribbean protecting the waters from pirates and assisting the caricom countries before during and after hurricane, British and American, we need to really look at who really helps and cares, before it is to late

  36. nash
    March 25, 2011

    Mr Skerrit, have you been watching the news lately, have seen the terror that Gaddafi has conflict on his own people,by ordering his soilders to gun down unarm protesters, surely you can’t have blood money on your hands. :-x

    • Anonymous
      March 25, 2011


      i understand why you are so angry and emotional about the lybia situation. Because ppl getting killed is painful to see. With all this aside think for a while, the govt and people of dominica has deplomatic relations with govt and people of Lybia not with Gaddafi. When or if Gaddafi is removed a new govt will be fromed and dominica will still have relations with the ppl and govt of lybia.

      It is not rational to break tie with the people of lybia in thier time of need, we should not support what is happening and condemn it but not run at the very first sight of difficulties. The US and all the other countries bombing Lybia now did not break ties with them, so why should we.

      • Ugly
        March 25, 2011

        Anonymous although you are 99% of the time bias this time I support your point of view because however intended your opinion logical and reasonable..

      • madness
        March 27, 2011

        what utter nonsense, you think skeritt calling up de people of libya, hell no, its gadaffi he calling fool

      • La Jah Bless
        October 4, 2011

        Now that some time has passed we are seeing Chavez and Company trying to prevent the former rebels now the NTC from getting the seat at the UN and Skeritt is all Gunn Ho to support that !

    • Truth Seaker in Chief!
      March 25, 2011

      Do you know how many millions the US kill everyday? And has erased from the face of the Earh in its 235-year history?

      Aren’t you be more concerned that while NATO, led by the US, is bombing Lybia to promote democracy, the people of Ivory Coast, who have chosen their democratically elected leader, is being slaughtered as we speak, with no intervention by so-called purveyors of the democratic process? Instead of trying to sound learned by just parroting other people’s views?

      Why don’t you guys/gals read, and read some more and then make up our own minds about things you cannot even begin to fathom?

      BTW Every nation has a right to declare what external relationship is its national interest. And sorry for the truth, only that nation’s sitting government can enter into and break diplomatic relations with other countries, after first evaluating the national interest.

      While we believe the PM’s reaction is lacks moral conviction as to communicating genuine regret for the circumstances in Lybia, it is still within his purview to maintain or sever relations with that country.

      The next time he speaks on the matter, he should say something like, “We regret the immense loss of life taking place in Lybia as we speak. We condemn it in the strongest possible terms. We await a quick resolution to the state of affairs and hope for a positive outcome. We look forward to resuming normal relations with the people of Lybia as soon as is practicable.”

      • Man..Man
        March 25, 2011

        Was Skeritt,the sitting Gov…When ties were broken with Tiwan?

      • La Jah Bless
        October 4, 2011

        Instead He talked about His personal relationship with Kadaffi and that he would do all in his power to Help Him.He also condemned NATO but never mentioned Kadaffi’s atrocities

    • Informant
      March 26, 2011

      While I do not support what Gadaffi has done to some of his people, as one who has worked with US media organizations I can tell you do not believe everything that you see on tv. The bottom line is that these television stations will give reports that suit the US’ agenda.

      • La Jah Bless
        October 4, 2011

        Even Aljazerra!

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