The Church is not ‘moo moo’ – Reverend William Watty

Rev William Watty

One clergyman is rejecting allegations made on talk shows, in the print media and elsewhere,  that the Church is like a ‘moo moo’ – has remained silent on alleged acts of corruption and other unhealthy practices by the governing Dominica Labour Party of Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit and individuals linked to the PM.

Reverend William Watty has responded by dismissing the suggestion.

“Every Sabbath, in town and country, on main road and side road, High Street and alley, the voice of the Church may be heard.  It may be what you do not wish to hear or it might not be what you would love to hear but the voice of prayer is never silent …,” the cleric said in a commentary in the Sun Newspaper’s May 28 edition.

Criticism of church leaders often suggest that they have been “bought” by the current regime, hence their “reluctance” to address issues of concern some suggest they are deliberately ignoring.

Reverend Watty is not buying those arguments.

He is defending the church “as one who has never benefitted from, sought, coveted, expected or had any gnawing appetite for these GRAPES”.

According to the Methodist minister, the problem is not the Churches’ silence.

“The problem, perhaps, is our politically charged atmosphere by which the Churches have no intention of being manipulated,” Reverend Watty said.

“Therefore they (the Churches) are not about to say what the critics would like them to say as they would like them to say it; for this I have found to be a strange rationality in local political discussion,” he said.

Reverend Watty is concerned that “very intelligent, perceptive and knowledgeable persons will conclude that you are not saying anything unless you are echoing ad nauseam what they have already said”.

“I should be bashing the other side, black-is-white, and let their side off the hook” is how he sums up the critics’ take on that matter.

The good reverend says whenever he has tried to give a fair, balanced, objective reflection on an issue that raises questions for both sides of the political divide, “There is either a stony silence or some brilliant dismissive comment that it was too academic and above the head of the ‘man in the street’”.

Reverend Watty’s Sun newspaper commentary on page 2 details many more of his objections to what he considers unfair criticism.

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  1. Disgusted
    May 30, 2012

    I remember the 2005 General Elections when the UWP ignored the directives of the Police and caused the confusion at Pagua. Thank God the Leader of the DLP Hon Skerrit, against the urging of some of his supporters took his motorcade through Concord and bypassed the Carib Territory thereby avoiding a violent clash. Dominicans still remember that a Priest dressed in a blue robe was on active duty at Pagua. Is that the shameful role that certain people want the Church to play?

  2. Francisco Telemaque
    May 30, 2012

    ” The problem, perhaps, is our politically charged atmosphere by which the Churches have no intention of being manipulated,” Reverend Watty said.”

    I shall not be too harsh in responding to the quote in the above, nonetheless, no matter how we distort the truth we are never capable of hiding the truth totally!

    If it a fallacy the ugly head of that fallacy can never be hidden.

    Watty knows perfectly there is no truth in what he has stated; the man has played his hand in Dominica’s politics for quite sometime now, and he is not the only one who has used his pulpit, and his congregation to dabble dangerously into politics; when their main business should be to teach the word of God.

    Watty is trying to beat a different drum in 2012, however, what about the days when he unleashed his personal vendetta on Edison James, as an individual and in general the UWP?

    He is not the only so called reverend who dabbles in politics.

    There are there others I know; one is a Roman Catholic priest, and two are Methodist, they have used their pulpit, to influence, and dictate to their congregation which candidate of which party the congregation should vote for. I shall not name anyone at this point, however, they are at the same level, and beyond that of Watty’s conduct.

    The dangerous thing about people like Watty is that the people in their congregation look up to them because of this stupid title ” reverend;” some people believe: well, since he is a reverend, a man of (god,) we will believe him.

    Dominicans need to understand that God plays no part into politics, and no matter what the Watty’s of this world preach from their pulpit politically; God has no hand into their political philosophy, If God played politics Jesus would not have said this:

    ” Render to Cae’sar the things that are Cae’sar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” (Mark 12:17).

    No need to remind anyone that Caesar was a politician who ran the Roman Empire!

    Secondly this thing about “Reverend;” here’s what is written in God’s word:

    ” He sent redemption unto his people: he hath commanded his covenant for ever; holy and reverend is his name.” (Psalm 111:9).

    Psalm 111:9 has rendered the Methodist and Protestants preachers earthly title of reverend obsolete!

    One need to be informed here that Psalm 111 spoke about Jesus, no man on earth deserves a title of reverend, and I will compound that with another scripture, because there are no fallacy’s in the word of God, the truth prevails everytime.

    This will demolish the roman catholic who like to be called father, and the Jew who are called Rab’bi.

    Here is what God word said about that:

    ” And call no man your Father upon the earth; for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ. But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.” (Matthew 23:9-11).

    And if we read to the to the twelve verse, we will learn ” And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall exalted.”

    A preacher, or teacher of the word of God is a servant of the believers in the word of God, all of this father, and reverend thing, Elder and all that in nothing more than baloney, self imposed titles to exalt themselves over their followers.

    I might summaries this by saying every preacher does have a right to their political opinion; they have a right to support which ever political party they wish to support, that is their democratic, and constitutional right, however, Watty, an his counterparts have too often crossed the line, by imposing their political wish on the people they face down every Sunday.

    Perhaps it would be more appropriate if these so called preacher politicians would take some time to preach the message of prosperity as it is written in God’s word to their congregation which will benefit the people and eradicate poverty in the country, than indulge in their political payers on Sunday mornings, praying for their favorite party to win the next election.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    May 30, 2012

    Why oh why is anyone surprised that the church is moo moo. Look the system is governed through ploitics, religion, education,sex,entertainment,law,health. without the other all are bound to fail, and it is the cracks from all these that have finally come together. the earthquake has shook and we are all suffering form it. The church needs everyone to remain as ignorant, because if most people knew the truth we would see that these people are one. it is not the system that is broken it is we for we are the ones who made up the system

  4. Massacre
    May 30, 2012

    Admin I now know that you post some comments. Espicially the ones that support this corrupt Gov’t.
    Where is the comment I sent this morning??

  5. 1979
    May 30, 2012

    MY GOOD SIR, REVEREND MARTIN LUTHER KING SAID, AND I QUOTE. “TO REMAIN SILENT IN THE FACE OF OPPRESSION, IS TO SIDE WITH THE OPPRESSOR”. how can one remain neutral in the face of injustice and yet proclaim to be JUST and AGAINST INJUSTICE???????????? this is tantamount to being PONCHUS PILATE! well is allu Romans aself so what we expect???

  6. The flock sold
    May 30, 2012

    The problem in Dominica is the talk show hosts on q95 who are informing the nation of corrupt practices, especially by those in public office. They should desist from exercising their democratic rights to view their feelings about how the country is governed to the benefit of all. The reverend is repeating the slogan of those in power, with power.

    So how comes, the churches and their hierarchy, in spite of praying persistently, and as he claims, against ills, we continue to see increases in crimes, and corruption, with no hope in sight? Has watty said anything about electoral reforms and the need for free and fair elections?

    Does it matter, whether the churches’ congregations become poorer and poorer, while the rich get richer?

    Dominicans, just research the ‘Churches role during slavery and the abominable slave trade.

    Kalinago were the first people to receive bibles and teachings from the missionaries, but today they are among the poorest in Dominica, after having discovered this beautiful country and defended it against the colonialists, with their lives.’

    History is replete with examples of the church and its Leaders siding with colonial masters, plantation owners, the elite class, the rich and powerful, against the marginalised, poor people of many different nationalities.

    The Church, their Leaders are Moo-Moo for certain. Their silence on pertinent national issues are loud. The flock is thirsty for spiritual, moral, ethical guidance. They would love to be influenced by their leaders to do the right things, among them, to condemn corruption and the corrupt practices, which is rotting our beautiful Nature Isle. The ‘Shepards’ are leading the flock astray.

  7. Sam Harris
    May 30, 2012

    Silent? Never. The churches surely must echo with sound when the priests abuse the little boys.

  8. Sam Harris
    May 30, 2012

    “The voice of prayer is never silent” — lol, unless your leg was amputated and you’re praying for a new one. Then, prayer suddenly seems to fall silent. Why is that, I wonder. Can’t even one amputee, anywhere, be healed by prayer?

  9. too hard too long
    May 30, 2012

    I go to church all the time and I can say that the church speaks out against corruption all the time. We hear it all the time in the sermons.

    I do not agree with the church on radio blasting government. If they did that, we would have you same people crying for separation of church and state. The church is not there to suit your whims and fancies.

    The church instead asks us, the followers, to speak out when we see wrong doing. We are the ones more likely to see it than the church – not hear allegations on the radio – so we are the ones to speak up. I call on all Christians to heed the call of the church. When we see wrong doing we must call on those who are accountable for that wrong doing. We cannot keep hiding and then blame the church for not saying anything.

    And church aside – I want to say one thing. While we on radio blasting Skerrit and the government, why are we not bashing the people who are allowing it to happen? Why aren’t we calling out the people who actually benefit from the corruption? Si e pas ni soutiweh e pas ni voleh. Call out the aiders and abetters. Make people accountable. Embarrass a couple of them and I guarantee you, the corruption would become exposed for all of us to see.

    • wachen
      May 30, 2012

      The Doctor reverend Watty should have given a reason for speaking out against government corruption in the past. The clergymen can assemble in prayer for the hike in crime rate but they refuse to speak out against the reasons for the crime surge- what hypocricy. They refuse to point to poverty, lawlessness among the authorities, corruption in high places etc. The clergymen should be fully aware that unless we curb the rising poverty level , stop corruption in government, police and even in the churches crime will continue to rise. So keep on doing what you doing Mr Watty and you keep on getting the same results.

  10. May 30, 2012

    No one can hide from God; no business, no organization, regardless of what they are doing, God sees it all. He does not need the strength of man to execute His wrath when His time has come–neither will He strike out.

    As for the Church, God did not appoint its leaders to get involved in the corruption or evil conducts of men and their businesses organization etc, etc, etc, of this world. “For what has Light to do with darkness and what has incorruption to do with corruption”.

    The evils that men do, they do by the influence of their worldly god, the God of heaven has turned His face on those evil works, but He will protect His people. Not even the saintliest leader of a church can do the work that God is planing to do against those people and their evil ways–not even if he is among those people talking until his tongue drops off.

    Jesus has advised us who have chosen to follow Him, that we live in this world, but we do not belong to it. That is the reason He told Pilate “My Kingdom is not of this world”.

    Those who are calling for the church leaders to interfere in the corruption of men and women of this world, do not understand the Word of God–how can they know Him and His ways.

    The church represents the Spiritual Body of Jesus Christ, He is the head. Our goal as Leaders of the Church is to do the work Holy Spirit is commanding us to do, and that work is to pass on the message of Love–Life in us–to the congregation. God is Spirit and He takes no pleasure in the functions of man in the flesh.

    The church ought to have nothing to do with what men and women, who choose to belong to the world, do as they exist here–and that goes for business, government, and all other organizations which is not of Father, but of the world. “The world and everything in it is passing away”. This could start happening as earlier as this hour–no none knows! But everyone must be prepared or else they will encounter a tragic surprise.

    In the first place, people would not have to encounter all of these kinds of toil and strife of this world, if we had learned to abide in the ways of God, for God’s ways are the ways of Love–the Life by which we become reconciled to Him because of our faith.

    And so, now those who in the world, let them render to Caesar, what is Caesars; and those who belong to the Church–not of this world–let them render to God what is God’s

  11. Mac Vibes
    May 30, 2012

    I really don’t know why people believe these men to be holy.

  12. Country
    May 30, 2012

    Not only the Churches are Moo Moo. When people do wrong in a village everyone is Moo Moo! I never understood this? I thought the Bible said expose them? I guess I read it wrong? I say they all need to pull up their socks!

  13. Francisco Telemaque
    May 30, 2012

    I will not say much about this, nonetheless, I’d like to ask this question, and at the same time wonder where do we Dominicans get these terms from?

    We use words that are not found in any dictionary, or in the English language, or any modern vocabulary.

    The most disappointing and certainly disgusting thing about is that people who are so called educated use these words which only Dominicans understands in the media, and on their pulpits too!

    ” Moo Moo! ”

    What is that, what does it mean?

    Are we implying the silence of someone, as one who is mute, unable to speak?

    If that is the case, shouldn’t an intelligent one who profess to be a clergy simply say the Church is not silent, or shall not remain silent on certain matters.

    In Wesley my father was called ” Canadian Moo-moo: ”


    The man’s name was Hector Isaac Telemaque, if one went into the village and ask for him by his name, Hector, people may say they have never heard such an name, however, if one mention ” Canadian Moo-moo ” they could account for my late dad from the day he was born to the day he died!

    Now he is gone, they decide to brand me his son with the same old nonsense ” Canadian Moo-moo.” My late dad has never set foot in Canada, though he came in and went out of the United States whenever he wished. Now he is dead, I don’t know what earn me the name and title:

    ” Canadian Moo-moo.”

    Our people need to behave and act intelligently if we are to be regarded as an intelligent people.

    Moo Moo what?

    One can be mute, and deaf, and because someone prefers to remain mute or silent, and not speak about something that does not render them a so called Dominica Moo-moo!

    There is no such word in the English language, so too we cannot find the word ” stupes; ” surprisingly some people even blog on DNO writing under some name such as ” stupes.”

    Oh what a thing, how silly.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Tri-State Beauty
      May 31, 2012

      You need to act intelligently and some being such a public embarassment! This is a NATIONAL/LOCAL issue you big dummy! MOO MOO is part of our patiois and so just as Jamaicans, the INUIT of the very Canada where you live have their own dialect Dominicans have their own lingo and so he is speaking to US. Have a sit you are in irritation on every blog

  14. Giggla
    May 29, 2012

    That man rise to fame when UWP was in office he never let a matter lie for too long without giving his imput he use to be on radio and print media blasting Edison for all the world to hear, u swear that REV was on a mission to single handily get the UWP out of office, today he says nothing in the face of all what is going on, who he thinks he fooling with his article.

    • LMAO
      May 31, 2012

      he is our boy too

  15. Jayson
    May 29, 2012

    The churches remain silent on transgressions made within the upper levels of government so that people and members will be MORE TOLERANT of transgressions being made in the upper levels of the church.

    If you want to know how irrelevant many of our churches have become over the past years, (especially the evangelical assemblies) just close down their church for a few months, and sad to say, the communities most probably would not even notice the difference.

  16. watt la
    May 29, 2012

    Rev. Watty, we continue to pray to God almighty in order to help our government but when government receives the help from God, it only helps nepotists,cronies and other groups such as those in the red clinic.Well rev. Watty lets pray to elect a government that will help all, particularly the vulnerable ones.

  17. Peeping Tom
    May 29, 2012

    I want the Church to speak. Someone has to speak out.

    Today, there is a deliberate campaign of vilification and destruction all in the aim of returning a bankrupt party to power. Therefore, there is a noisy and at times militant minority that uses all sorts of strategies and tactics to prey on the ignorance and emotions of many Dominicans. No lie, no fabrication, no rumour, no salacious statement seems beyond them. It used to be, for example, that you cannot accuse someone without corroborating your claim with evidence. It used to be frowned upon to publicly call someone a liar, especially if you have not explained how that person has earned that title.

    I listened to parts of a particular talk show on Saturday afternoon past and it seemed that when there was no other issue of public significance to «discuss» the host simply resorted to playing a cleverly crafted patchwork of clips from DLP members with the objective, it would seem, to implant certain frames in the minds of the gullible. I listened in dismay and disgust. Then, shook my head. This deliberate attempt at stirring up emotions and convincing persons that every negative of their lives is due to one man is reckless and must stop.

    Yet, i do not hear of one non-political countervailing force against that voice or others like it. I do not hear any of our civic leaders calling for decency and civility in public discussions. I do not hear one sane voice appealing for restraint and leadership (on all sides) in the rhetoric and tactics used. No one seems to care that the noisemakers are a statistical minority who have repeatedly been proven wrong in their wicked allegations.

    History teaches us that any force that is left unchecked will result in catastrophe. The current forces of vitriol, hatred, and mischief plaguing Dominica must be reigned in or stopped.

    So, i want the Church to speak HONESTLY and lead if we are to have a nation to inhabit Waitikubuli in the next 50 years.

    • hmmm
      May 30, 2012

      y dont you speak out sir? Do you think that doing so behind a pen name on an anonymous forum suffices?

      Man get off that high horse you are on!

  18. What?!
    May 29, 2012

    Talk nah, you cyanna talk!

  19. shame, Shame,SHAME!!
    May 29, 2012

    Trust in what we are seeing as a result i can say with no dought that the cuhrches in Dominica are ALLMOO MOO!

  20. Jacky Chan
    May 29, 2012

    As a man of God, Reverend Watty, I understand your skepticism to facilitate the agenda of the opposition or to echo the voices of those whose primary concern is to be in the driver’s seat. However your duty is to do the work of the God you represent – as the saying goes WWJD – what would Jesus do in the midst of the turmoil that we are now faced with in Dominica. There are those of us who would genuinely like the church and clergy men to take the lead and be the voice of fairness, justice and honesty in government or in opposition. What constitutes turmoil ? – dishonesty in public; blatant lies and blatant corruption ; the obvious mishandling of sovereign documents like our passports for financial gain; the Layou River blatant misconduct; the admittedly fraudulent garbage bin transaction; the fertilizer fraud; miscarriage of justice in the French passport saga and the deliberate derailment of the investigation of the vicious firebombing at Mr GON Emmanuel’s home; the deliberate tax evation by those who are charged with the responsibility of custodian of the public purse. Mr Watty I as a non partisan and responsible citizen with no religious or denominational affiliation have seen the above mentioned acts as immoral, unfair and very importantly anti- Christian. It would be prudent to remind the believers and non believers as well of the work of Jesus Christ. Jesus spoke out against the very same injustice injustices; the victimization, tax evaders( Give to Ceasar that which is ceasar’s); the suppression of dissenting voices. I doubt Jesus took bribes cause if he did then I am almost certain that he would not have been publically executed as his desire to expose hypocricy, lies, thievery and deception would have been severely compromised.

    The 64 million dollar question to Mr Watty is – Did Jesus speak out about corruption, injustice and deception because he was doing the work of his father or did he do so to appease those who opposed the ruling class. Jesus knew that the powerful men would come after him for public chastising and that he was prepared to do. Why it is that the so called shepherds who are supposedly representing the work of Jesus in Dominica are afraid to speak out against obvious injustice, lies, deception and corruption simply because of the fear of being politically aligned or maligned. How can shepherds ask their flock to pick up that cross when the shepherds choose to abandon the cross and seek the easy way out – I often wonder why they choose the easy road? Is it money the god of all men, fear of political reprisal or association? Jesus got to be disappointed.

    • May 29, 2012


    • Asterix
      May 29, 2012

      @Jacky Chan your post is a very brilliant response to reverend Watty’s comments. I think he should have just maintained his deafening silence instead of these lame excuses. You have made it very clear for reverend Watty where the failure of the church to condemn injustices is evident. The numerous issues that you pointed out Jackie, are matters which has affected Dominica and Dominicans and should be seen as such and not as political juxtering like reverend Watty would want us to believe hence his lame excuses

    • forreal
      May 30, 2012

      mr jacky karate chang, i think you got a misinterpretation of the culture that was and still is jesus christ,first of all i would like to point out,the objective of jesus christ was to restablish the throne of david in jerusalem,his forfathers which was a covenant between god and man,the government of god on earth as in heaven so shall it be on earth,the culture that is modern day babylon and the culture that is jesus christ,are two different cultures,the church that you are chastiseing and government of modern day dominica got nothing to do with the earth rightfull ruler,he was rejected by man years ago,as a matter of fact the church and and modern day babylon are one, so you are on your own right now,depending on which culture you are following,you got a god giving choice,do you want redeemtion from man or god,i think you are looking in the wrong direction,if you are looking to skerrit or the churches of babylon to save you.

      • Jacky Chan
        May 31, 2012

        Jesus Christ is a culture ? Wow You got to be kidding

    • May 30, 2012

      @Jackie Chan

      Jesus came to bring the Good News of Life to mankind and so He had to do all that it would take to complete His mission. For that reason He had to reach to everyone, every business, every organization, and every place of sin and abomination.

      For that reason, just before He bowed His head and died He said: “It is finished” This means that He did what He had to do–something that no natural man could do.

      The only thing Jesus commanded His disciples to do was to go and preach the Gospel to the world, as they would baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

      Even so, Jesus disciples could not have done that by their human wisdom and philosophy–50 days after His ascension He sent Holy Spirit, by whose power they would do the work He commanded them to do. Leaders of the church need that same power and guidance of Holy Spirit–so what they do, they should do by God’s command not by their own ideas and strength.

      Today, whatever the work that men do, they choose to do it–whether to give the glory to God or to satisfy their self ego. Holy Spirit or the spirit of this world is in charge of what man chooses to do–except that each will have their rewards; whether it be the gnashing of teeth or the ecstasy of Joy and Peace, which is of Love.

      What government,or any organization that is outside the church do is not the responsibility of Church leaders–they were not commissioned for that purpose. God is watching the ways of man–the will execute His rod of correction at His time.

      • Jacky Chan
        May 31, 2012

        Read your bible and you will notice that Jesus condemned hypocrites to include the political/religious ruling class. The scribes and Pharisees. “The only thing Jesus commanded His disciples to do was to go and preach the Gospel to the world, as they would baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” What exactly is the gospel – Isn’t it the gospel about the highest ideals of the teachings of Jesus on mercy; spirituality and compassion. The last time I checked spirituality meant being honest , truthful, forthright; Compassion means human love, and social interconnection to all not some. Mercy- forgiveness. If Christ ask that his leaders continue this effort why it is that the clergymen are being selective. The very same Rev Watty wrote several columns condemning corruption in government back in the days of the previous administration yet today it is now inconvenient to do the same- the only explanation is – he die nuh or he moo moo now.

  21. Dominican atheist
    May 29, 2012

    I have never heard the church condemn war (where hundreds of thousands of people suffer), however, they condemn to people of the same sex to love each other, a natural phenomenon, mind you, that causes no harm to others. clear that institution must be evil, if evil exist.

    • Sam Harris
      May 30, 2012

      Indeed, indeed. Good to see a fellow skeptic here.

  22. Deauditor
    May 29, 2012

    While I respect this holy man I see his explanation as sheer theatre or gymnastics at its very best !!!!According to the mighty Sparrow “if I was smart I would be a danm fool”

    • Mamizoo
      May 29, 2012

      Bob Marley also said if he was educated he would be a darn fool. The only scripture I know is the one that says “ Money is the root of all evil” and since I did not go to school and the only “tea o logy” I know is how to make Bush tea, Cao Tea, Lime Bush Tea and simais cotwa tea I interpret that scripture to mean – money is every man’s god and that even the men and women of god worship that dollar bill. If I’m wrong then I will go to Sunday School on Friday nights

      • Lougaoo Mem
        May 29, 2012

        @ Mamizoo,
        You really meant “The love of money”. Don’t you?

  23. Solomon
    May 29, 2012

    The church has always sermoned in an anti government fashion in the past especially if its a government that the church is not in favor of.

  24. watching
    May 29, 2012

    i do agree that many of the churches are silent, not just about government issues but all negativities affecting our beautiful island.Gods children are the salt of the earth and we are loosing our savor when we fail to stand for what is right in the sight of the almighty

  25. ...with your spirit!
    May 29, 2012

    “as one who has never benefitted from, sought, coveted, expected or had any gnawing appetite for these GRAPES”…. I am a clergyman, and I cannot agree with that statement. Churches have benefited on numerous occasions from past and present governments…Maybe you Rev. have not benefited personally, but there are others who have…

  26. Correction
    May 29, 2012

    And DNO that is news worthy i suppose, a commentator writing a comment on a print media?

    I suggest you ask him to put his full comment here on DNO so we will all read and comment on it rather than this summary, and understanding that persons in the diaspora do not have the luxury of purchasing ‘The Sun’news paper.

    • May 29, 2012

      I agree with the comment he should post his concern on DNO I also live in the diaspora I would be surprised if he does.

  27. CIA on the watch
    May 29, 2012

    Rev. Watty, Much respect to your opinion, but it was from your pen that i read an article in the chronicle in JANUARY 2000 where you accused the then administration of the UWP of corruption, what is so different now is that we are seeing the worst forms of corrupt practices by this current administration and yes we are not hearing your voice or the other men dressed in religious garments, Rev, Fr. Jolly is lending his voice and he is condeming the practices of the past like he is doing now, i am yet to hear your voice, your excuses of the voices of the clergy in the alley and high ways seem to be silent voices, what we need is loud voices of condemnation by you and others like you all did in from 1995 to 2000. MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL REV.

    May 29, 2012

    The church may not be a completely moo moo as some have suggested but it has certainly reduced the volume on its call for honesty, integrity in public life and on issues of good governance in Dominica in recent times. There are too many times when the loud, clear, inspiring and uplifting voice of the church is missing. Rev. Watty, Father Jolly, Evangelist Augustine, Pastor Rodney and others must speak freely, openly and without any fear or favour.
    We welcome the fair, balanced and objective reflections of our church leaders on issues of national importance-irrespective of who get vex and on what side of the political divide the comments may rub. As shepherds of a disillusioned flock, the men of the cloth should not be deterred in offering their advice and guidance to the nation at a time when it is very much needed. However, that has to be done wisely, in good faith, honestly, objectively and free from bias (Take note Evangelist Augustine)
    It may be better that people maintain a stony silence or make brilliantly dismissive remarks when the church speaks rather than remaining silent or worse yet do nothing when the people are hurting. We cannot underestimate the level of sophistication of the common man on the street –like me by concluding that our contributions are too academic and above the head of the ‘man in the street’. There is a reason why the literacy rate in Dominica is as high as 90+ %. Keep talking Rev Watty. Let the voice of the church ring from Morne Diablotin to Morne Trios Piton and all over Waitukubuli

  29. Evolved
    May 29, 2012

    Rev Watty – I have to respectfully disagree with you. Right is right and wrong is wrong. To say that the churches remain silent to prevent them from being pulled into the mix to me is wrong. That means that the church should be silent on many other issues like abortion, bith control etc. Why is it that the church chooses to exericie is moral authority on such matters but on matters of corruption it chooses to be silent?

    If the church wants to remain neutral then do so for all issues – do not be selective, do not shy away from those that have side effects or consequences such as victimization.

    In my view the churches are all SILENT

    • Malatete
      May 31, 2012

      Quite right. Why can’t the churches give a clear pronouncemnet on the rights or wrongs of gambling for instance when they are very vocal about issues like birth control and abortion? There is no need to sit on the side lines for fear of being seen to support one political faction or the other. Right or wrong have no colour.

  30. May 29, 2012

    I like how Rev. Watty ever so cleverly GIVES LIGITIMACY AND VERACITY TO THE ALLEGATIONS!!!!

    He is in fact saying that they have basis in truth, but the onus shuld not only be on the church.

  31. Gee
    May 29, 2012


    • May 29, 2012


    • patriot
      May 29, 2012

      he got involved and was crucified….remember

  32. May 29, 2012

    what day he talking about when he say “sabbath”.

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