Minister for Information, Telecommunication and Constituency Empowerment Ambrose George says he is ready to take on his new job.
“I speak of information where we are referring to the Government Information Service as well as the nation station. I will also be responsible with sharing what comes in and goes out of government. I will also be responsible for the telecommunications sector where I will interface with them. I will meet with them to find out what plans they have for telecommunications in Dominica,” George told reporters following a swearing-in ceremony for ministers and parliamentary secretaries at the Windsor Park Stadium on Monday.
George, who had been forced out of the DLP administration on two previous occasions, said he is also excited that he was given responsibility for constituency empowerment.
“I am sure you have heard the PM make special reference to the people and ensuring whatever needs to be done in the constituency at a people’s level is done. It is important to know that the people always comes first, that you keep in touch with them and you bring them in focus in terms of the government’s plans. I see this ministry as an important one and I am prepared and ready to go,” he said.
George said the aspect of the establishment of constituency offices for the parliamentarians will also come on stream soon.
George lost his cabinet position in a 2008 reshuffle by the Skerrit-led administration. In 2002 he was also made to resign from the Pierre Charles-led government.
ambrose have no shame!
Boy Ambrose really doh have shame? Dat is a dangerous thing not to have.
May God have mercy on Dominica. It is just impossible to believe that honest right thinking people can stand for that nonsense and boldface corruption. The fact that Ambrose was fired …times by his own party is more than enough proof that he is … and his party and the PM know that very well. Just wait and see what is going to happen this time. I am just wondering if God is going to remove this corrupt regime on the backs of Dominicans or if they will be stoned out of office when the majority of Dominicans residing in Dominica who voted against them can’t take it anymore.
Thank you Chavez and Red China. God please help Dominica. Notice all the supporters of this crap are either young and ignorant or living in the Diaspora. The mercenaries came, did their dirty work which they got paid for and are now relaxing in the Diaspora while Dominicans trying to make it in Dominica have to deal with the most corrupt regime in the history of the caribbean.
Please help Dominica God. Please help us.
Not because DLP … the elections that it means that they are not corrupt. The fact s show that they are corrupt to the core. I am wondering what is Tony Astaphans views on the reappointment of Ambrose George. Can the web master please find out Tony’s views on that matter please.
Now I really agree with the oppositon’s boycott of parliament. Didn’t the President have any advice to give the PM on that matter?
This one is for you.
If you know your Caribbean History, then this one will let you take back your comments, otherwise I will forgive you.
The acronym “S.I.R.” stands for three major scandals that implicated a former Caribbean Minister before he became Prime Minister of a Prominent Caribbean Nation and about 18 months before becoming Prime Minister he resigned his ministerial position and became a backbencher but uttered these famous words: “I will be back”
Oh and by the way SIR stood for: Shell; Iran; Rollins. These were three major scandals.
Thus before Ambrose , there were other politicians that were forgiven in the Caribbean so you and Michael Astaphan can take it easy on Ambrose as long as he does not mess up again.
P.J. Patat
This just goes to show the empty headed voters that infest this country, nowhere in the world a man/politician/repressentative would mess up twice or more and be back in government, to even gain the headlines, ” third time’s a charm.”
Now look I don’t represent neither of the parties I am speaking from a sensible point of view….people need to think…instead of just voting out your ass
All u ask for it so u all get it!!! Go ARM-BRUISE GO!!!
I don’t think the uwp learned from the beating they received from the DLP. The uwp are gonna stay online talking caca for the next 5 years and is even more beating for them next time around.
The television cameras focused on your wife when you were taking your oath of office for a third time and the expression of her face said a lot – “Ambrose, please try and not embarrass me and the kids and your constituents again! Leave that man who has caused your downfall twice alone. If is money he giving you for your constituents turn it down! And tell your constituents you cannot afford it. They will understand your blunt honesty.”
Ambrose!!! Do not sign any documents for this man again if ever given a chance to act as Prime Minister.
Yes we know that the delegates voted you as deputy leader of the DLP but embarrassing the DLP and fellow cabinet colleagues cannot continue every new term in office. The joke and the foolishness must stop.
Your immediate priority must be to set up the public servants who always hack into your computer e-mails and do not subject yourself to live radio interviews that appear innocent and make you lie first and then retract your original statements to ruthless journalists and having other ministers attempting to shield you and causing problems for their own integrity.
Constituency Empowerment? This means that money from the treasury is going to be used for the DLP candidates in the constituency to stay close to the people… I am all for the ministers being close to the people ( note I said ministers) but I think it is very much unfair to the people of Dominica that they have to pay someone that they voted for to represent their needs to come to their constituency to see them and listen to them.
My views…..
why everybody wondering what AMBROSE tipapa GEORGE have on skerrit nu? all u doh hear tipapa say ” if he going down he not going down alone” so he simply means their have more ambrose george in the cabinet so if he have to go down he will bring all the rest of the tippapas down with him including skerrit.
so that is wat he have on dem!
The truth shall set you free. All the Ambrose bashers have you ever wonder why Ambrose George has been a target of Lenox and his UWP cronnies yet he is always calls to serve his constituents ? Yes, he has always been a bigge threat to the UWP . The Ambrose George I know is educated, c committed, to community and country , Intelligent, humble, kind family oriented, HONEST, has integrity, believes, trust and honor’s God. ambrose is capable of effectively managing any ministry! let God continue to bless and protect you Ambie.
It’s better to have a forgiving spirit than to have a despising one.
cong rats to you.live mr goerge alone .i am young dominican but live usa i glad labour win 18 sits good it time change dominica.
AS my pal rep have great respect for him ,mr george go for it walk the walk and talk the talk, no time to mess around we will be watching very closely and remember more to be done for the young people of loubiere and the community if not next time i will be the first to back off .
People stop complaining, you guys voted 18-3 that skeritt was th best leader for Dumbinica so take what all you get!!
All of these uneducated people should step aside and stop digging the country deeper into stupidity!
You mean the interviewer never asked Mr. George if him being forced out of the DLP on two previous occasions would have any impact on his new position? Or better yet his credibility.
Its time we ask our politicians the hard questions.
trust me i can take and try to understand all the allegations but for the life of me i cant understand what is it AMBROSE has on the PM he cant get rid of him.
Someting is terrible wrong. if not Father God in heaven forgive my ignorance.
someone help me!
scrambrose is one greatest politician in dominica the man political career is never ending
That Ambrose George is back as a Minister is a huge slap in the face of Dominicans and demonstrate waht Skerrit thinks of the Domincian people. So much for responsible and good government which he Skerrit promised us. I have reached the conclusion that Skerrit’s word can no longer be accepted as his bond.
Alas all you leave him alone- the man just can’t help it. Just give him some rope .Where in the world a politician twice dismissed from parliament by the same party and brought back in parliament three times now. This one big joke – These are the little tell tale signs of a corrupt government. Not withstanding the “in our face misgivings by the Skerrit administration during the last term of office. I can’t believe reasonable thinking people can be so gullible.
I totally support you on that statement Scotland. Everybody deserves a another chance. We have given Mr. George another chance, so he better not disappointment us.
I”ll be watching you !!! very closely !!!! You’re my palrep got my eyes on you .
You better talk the talk and walk the walk .