Thomson Fontaine rejects poverty report

Fontain said the poverty reports are basically misleading
Fontain said the poverty reports are basically inaccurate

Economist and member of the opposition United Workers Party (UWP), Dr Thomson Fontaine, has rubbished reports that poverty levels in Dominica have decreased by 12 percent.

According to chief statistician, Prayma Carette, Dominica’s poverty levels have decreased by 12 percent based on the results of two surveys conducted on the island.

The surveys which were done in 2002 and 2009 respectively measured the reduction of poverty for the period of 2000 to 2015.

However, Fontaine said these reports are inaccurate and contradicting.

“My concerns with these surveys is that it is not relevant with our situation today,” he told DNO. “Bear in mind that it is not a survey conducted in 2006 and released in 2005. We are now at the end of 2013, so the question is how can we justify by using a survey conducted 7 years ago to comment on the current situation.”

He added that it is evident poverty is much higher than it was in 2009 since the economy continues to decline, there have been severe job losses and an inability for new jobs to be created.

Based on that, he said he refuses to buy into the notion that poverty is on the decline.

“You cannot conduct a survey that is prejudged. When the survey was done people were still working at Clear Harbour, they were still working at the Arial Tram, they were still working at KFC,” he noted. “You cannot do a survey especially on poverty levels which has a direct link between the economic activity. What the survey gives you is a snapshot of what exists in a point in time, when people were surveyed they gave their situation at that time.”

He remarked that it is not right for the numbers obtained back then to be used to describe Dominica’s current situation.

Carette had credited a number national social welfare programs for the poverty reduction levels, but Fontaine said this is contradictory.

“Now that is clearly contrary to what is being reported because if poverty has been reduced, we would have less people on social welfare so the fact that is showing an increase in the number of people accessing social welfare is a further indication that there are more people being poor and therefore needing that kind of assistance,” he said.

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  1. hAHA
    December 22, 2013

    go around Roseau all u seeing is chiness opening stores all over the damn place and under paying Dominicans.all Dominicans small biznis are closing down and chinees taking over dominica.they getting duty free at the ports so they bringing things here for free.and we Dominicans have to pay so much duty to clear basic things.people we have to take out this government in power right now!! stop being ignorant stop depending on handouts people! we cant leave like this all our life.rise up people skerite are making us dependent on him so that we must beg ,

  2. December 20, 2013

    dominica its time we start to focus on the message and not to allow ourselves to be destracted by the messanger DR thomson is not the issue is the data and the time that data was compiled and its relevance again they playing politics with this come with something else we see where you are coming from

  3. December 20, 2013

    i smell a rat this report in two thousand and thirteen but we had a survey conducted in two thousand eleven how comes we can not see the findings now we get a report that was conducted two thousand nine somebody is trying to mislead the population and i think this people are the one we trusted with our votes in the last general election thank god for docter thomson fountain this government believe that all dominicans are eliterates so they can fool the people to win election we need to see the reports from the survey that was conducted in two thousand and eleven from who ever responsible please please please

  4. Rule
    December 20, 2013

    It’s obvious that no statistician, no economist can drill the truth in the heads of these Tunnel vision Labor Party misinformed people. If you tell them the Roseau River is running right now, they will say “NO IT’S STAGNANT” They are stuck in their reprobate minds and refuse to reason intelligently when the application of facts is simply undisputed.

  5. JoJo
    December 20, 2013

    Prayma you let yourself be used so? Well, maybe you were told to do it so I forgive you but going round the country people poorer than ten years ago and I don’t need statistics to tell you that.

  6. lisad
    December 20, 2013

    Way Way Way, these people just don’t want to hear anything positive about a country that they plan to govern.

  7. no fool
    December 19, 2013

    The Chief Statistician must have a reason for coming out now to claim that unemployment has been reduced. By what? 12%?

    The issue of high unemployment is damning, hurting Skerritt and his lazy DLP Govt. The productive sectors have declined. Local Businesses are facing hell and closing down.

    So what was the engine that pushed employment Upwards. Where did the jobs come from? Production decline. Agriculture neglected. Manufacturing low, low, low. Construction projects awarded to Chinese firm instead of Dominicans working. Whose fools are we?

    Don’t try that, my dear. We are no fools.

    • Political Observer
      December 21, 2013

      Dear No Fool,
      The lady said ‘poverty’ not ‘unemployment’. Though there is a causal link between the two, you and Fontaine are mixing two different things.Take a second look at the definitions of both words. I would really welcome a debate with Fontaine and the Chief Statistician- based on facts and not emotions.If she is not allowed to do so I could be her proxy. It is sad time when my people cannot accept a little good news with humilty butinstead seek to cry down ‘our’country at every opportunity.
      Seasons Greeting to all!
      Blessings and Peace!

  8. LEE
    December 19, 2013

    People please stop calling poverty on Dominica the tongue is a weapon what am seeing every time Thompson talks is curse his cursing the Island. He left the USA and coming down to a poor country in politic he should be ashame of himself. If they are so concern about Dominican let them reduce all thier salary God forbid if they win the election.

    • yes I moderator
      December 20, 2013

      If u are really serious make that pleas to this current administration who have in rease ministers salaries by 100% .the extra thousands of dollars cud be used to create employment for a few young Dominicans

    • JIM
      December 20, 2013

      @LEE Well maybe you are one of the GREEDIES in the corrupt Skerrit Labout Party, so you are not going through what most Dominicans are going through. But I can inform you people are catching hell WITH POVERTY,while Skerrit and his gang are doing fantastically well.
      They are so GREEDY that they are taking from the needy to give to their greedy friends and supporters.

    • Anonymous
      December 20, 2013

      Nonsense, saying Dominica is poor doesn’t change it from rich to poor. Not just because of Skerrit but one must admit Dominica is probably if not the poorest island is the region. Even Haiti has a huge international airport. Shame on you for accepting Dominica at its current status. Shame on you

    • Big-Bannan
      December 20, 2013

      You should be ashamed of yourself for accepting Dominica as it is. Open your eyes, don’t you think we can do better?

    • A/C Unit
      December 20, 2013

      Go smell your big toe.

    • ???????????????
      December 20, 2013

      @ LEE Is not Doctor Fontaine saying it now it’s me. Dominica is one of the poorest countries in the Caribbean, mainly due to corrupt leadership in government.Why should the Dr feel ashamed to come and serve his country? YOu are HIGH MAN. Better you stop taking this thing brother. If not stop your foolishness. The nice thing about this doctor is that he is not Skerrits footstool like you. He is an international economists with substance and credentials. ISN’T THAT A REMARKABLE ACHIEVEMENT FOR A DOMINICAN?
      I LOVE HIM.

      • LEE
        December 20, 2013

        A report is out from the world bank I’m wondering what remarks will be cast now.

    • HIM
      December 20, 2013

      @ LEE He sounds, and is in fact very clever, unlike the idiots in this failed Labour party, who do not a dam about economy or economics. I like listening to him. He learnt this discipline called Economics with distinction man.All reasons to be proud Dr.

  9. mohamed
    December 19, 2013

    To all skeritt haters he is an will be d pm of da fot atleast d next 12 yrs…who vex will hav to agree for d rest of there life is pm skeritt,only people over 45 whos un educated or disgruntled dat we labourites majority of dominica will enjoy our country..d others can jus stay barking..wen skerit win nxt yr boy cott again..last time skerit say dho trouble dem but I waiting after next election wen labour win.

    • YES I
      December 20, 2013

      From this statement we can tell that you are very uneducated….am 35 with friends in my age group ,well educated and we do not support the party in power…were do you all get your information from…

  10. AlexB
    December 19, 2013

    I must say since I know this man he has never say anything positive about de land of his birth. not even when UWP was in office nothing. my question sir tell me how are you going to change it and with what, what is your plan for a change say or do something positive please.

    • AlexB
      December 19, 2013

      I am a Dominican and I travel a lot de world is on a slow down, but yet still take a look at we Dominican what we do at home everyone driving top of the range cars, people building big houses and our children are going to university all around the world that getting out of IMF bondage.

      • Ms Twitter
        December 20, 2013

        when you talking about ‘everybody driving top of the range cars’ who exactly are you talking about?? Because from where I’m standing all bus stops in Roseau always packed with workers using the bus system to get home.

        So get yr facts straight before you comment.

      • Diablotin
        December 20, 2013

        It’s far better than the bondage to drug trafficking

    • ?
      December 20, 2013

      @Alex B I have known THOMPSON from my school days, and he has always been speaking the truth. This time I will respect him even more, because poverty in this country is really widespread. If you are not feeling it, good for you. But to the majority, I GUESS THE SOLUTION IS TO VOTE THIS COMMESS CALLED THE LABOUR PARTY OUT.
      You are Spot On Dr Fontaine. LOVE YOU!

  11. Christian Volney
    December 19, 2013

    Are you people for real? Doc has a valid point with reference to the time frame between the reports information gathering, versus its release. How can you release data accumulated years ago and expect its content to be accepted as ‘somehow’ being relative to current day realities?

    Any politician would have jumped on this Labour blunder, especially an opposition economist, and a highly respected one!

    • There you have it.
      December 20, 2013

      In addition, Chris, the statistician is recognizing a TREND from only TWO surveys. How ridiculous!

  12. Anonymous
    December 19, 2013

    This is coming from someone who worked for theIMF, the mosy vicious and most crippling of poor nations. How many of those African nations he helped crippled? Will he become Minister of Finance if his party wins? Yahuah forbid. Yah help us if he is the minister of finance! The IMF has crippled so many nations. It is time the country has its OWN money and I dont mean the EC dollar the Queen of England owns that, oh sorry I meant the Bank of England own the EC. With Fontaine I am sure we will definitely get even poorer…lets pay off the IMF and keep away from them, no matter what.

    • HIM
      December 19, 2013

      Your next name must be ‘Dusty Brain’.

    • JoJo
      December 20, 2013

      Well, go and print your own money and see what you can buy with it. Even the Chinese would not take it. Our E.C. dollar is good money and I don’t care if it has a queen’s head on it. You ever see who’s head is on the U.S. dollar and everybody happy to take that, even the communists as was pappa Chavez, may his soul rest in peace.

      • Anonymous
        December 24, 2013

        you cant even see, the us dollar is on its dying bed

    • pulp
      December 20, 2013

      aka foggy brain. That’s you.

  13. Oh No
    December 19, 2013

    This is very unfortunate for these old analyses to be used today. This skews the results and makes it irrelevant today. It also misleads the public and misrepresents the facts.

  14. hmmmm
    December 19, 2013

    It’s wayyyyy easier for people to find a job as soon as they get out of school these days so I don’t know what Mr Fontaine is talking about. Back in the days was a struggle to find jobs. These days as soon as someone is out of college they could find jobs or end up going away to further their studies.These people need to STOP crying down the country like that. Dominica is doing way better than some countries. Even the in the USA it’s a struggle to find a job. This got to stop. Plus she’s not even talking about this year or last year because the survey haven’t been done yet.

    • YES I
      December 20, 2013

      were is the doc B…we need him hmmmmm

    December 19, 2013

    Fontaine you playing smart but you ain’t clever.Be honest,who doesn’t like the US dollar?You want to tell Dominicans you left your job in the USA as an ecomnomist and come in this poor(according to you)countryto work for the same peanuts you said you didn’t want?Thomson come straight with us,tell Dominicans why you were fired and stop pretending.Only in Dominica you can claim to be who you are but in eyes of the IMF you are a failure.

    • Not a herd follower
      December 19, 2013

      You are fast and furious to give mepuis. You seem to lack any ability to intelligently argue the points put forward by Dr. Fontaine. So, typical of persons who resort to personal attacks when unable to intelligently counter argue.

    • Fact check
      December 20, 2013

      @ Fast n Furious. Dr. Thompson was not fired, get your facts straight. Sak sort!

    • Big-Bannan
      December 20, 2013

      Did you know the maker of Fast and Furious died in a dumb accident a few weeks past? Maybe you should find a smarter name to represent your nonsense.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      December 20, 2013

      Dominica is a rich country. Fontain is wrong.

  16. Jonathan St.Jean
    December 19, 2013

    Thank you Dr Fountain for stopping this lie being told by the government dead in its tracks.If poverty was being alleviated then there would be a corresponding decrease in the number of people seeking government assistance as well as a related increase in jobs created.The Prime Minister would be blowing his trumpet over and over again if there was an increase in job creation in the country but because he can’t brag about that he comes up with fuzzy statistics about a reduction in poverty.
    Again if poverty was being reduced the PM would not be grasping at straws to try and fool educated people about the poor state of Dominica’s economy.

    • PIERRO
      December 19, 2013

      @ Johnathan St. Jean, you are taking Thompson’s word as gospel truth as an economist. If he really knows how to economise why he in a homeless situation today? JUST ASKING.

      • """"""""
        December 20, 2013

        You are sounding very deficient. Not being able to take part in the discussion here. Typical of those greedy Skerrit supporters.
        This outdated report by the chief Statistician does not reflect what is on the ground today. POVERTY IN DOMINICA IS EXTREMELY WIDESPREAD. IT’S FRIGHTENING.

      • Lil
        December 20, 2013

        No PIERRO! Jonathan St. Jean is only stating a thank you to Dr. Fountaine who is in the public realm what anyone with an ability to analyze thought when they listened to the statistician’s reporting.

        If poverty declines then there should be a corresponding increase in jobs created/made available or people working, a reduction in the use of use of social services programs and so on. Don’t believe us, then go read a peer reviewed journal article to help you out.

      • Jonathan St.Jean
        December 20, 2013

        Pierro, you are making your topic about Dr Fountain personally whilst the subject is not about an individual but wrong use of outdated numbers.
        Learn to sift the chaff from the wheat and stay on point with the topic at hand.

  17. Thoughts
    December 19, 2013

    regardless of one’s political affiliation it is obvious that the report is indeed contradictory and makes no sense. So don’t blame Fountaine for pointing it out. I am sure when those of you who are posting comments on here read the original article, you all did not think critically about what it means and jusut looked at it at face value.

    Can we just be realistic?

  18. Grand Bay Girl
    December 19, 2013

    So please tell me why is it incorrect? Is it because it reflects positively on present Administration? What if it was the opposite then
    it would be another Story. Are we saying that the Dominica Now is not better than years ago. If you all do not see improvement in Dominica you all are not being honest.WE do have problems like
    all other countries. The problem here is not UNIQUE.I am waiting to hear that Skerrit did bobol for the man to say what he said.God bless my lil counrty

    • T
      December 19, 2013

      What you blogg there, is pure confusion.
      Thing is Skerrit with his gross incompetence, mismanagement and insults to the people has crippled this country, to the extent that it is one of the weakest OECS Economies.

      • Grand Bay Girl
        December 19, 2013

        Your opinion not mine

    • um
      December 19, 2013

      Grand bay girl… You are either an idiot or you have yet to pay one bill in your life… Many Dominicans are fooled that because they see nice roads… A state house… A stadium… They think that this is improvement…

      You can see a decline in the economy by the sole fact that prices of goods and services are rising while salary remain the same.

      Businesses struggling to remain afloat cause their is not enough money in the country to share. Students graduating from university and staying years before they can find a job and when they do the salary don’t meet their qualifications.

      The bucket of cash that circulates within this country is drastically dropping… Every one can see that… Its all around you… And unless this is solved you can’t say that we are improving… And what have your govenrment done to solve this? NOTHING absolutely NOTHING….

      They waste the money and build a freaking state house.. Can you eat a state house? I don’t know when last I was able to buy canned foods… ITs too expensive…if that money was geard at something that would bring in revenue even if it failed I would say at least they tried… We have so many untapped potentials here… That your government just isn’t doing anything about.

      We talk about agriculture but the amount of gamers that we have here that can’t even read and write niche less to use a computer. Technology improvement in agriculture might never happen if the government doesn’t do something about it and stare our famers into the right direction.

      Instead of the red clinic why not software development competition or a robotics competition. Winner gets a scholarship or cash prizes 50 grand at least. That would motivate our youth to become innovators some software or electronic engineering company just might end up springing out from this…

      Every day I coming up with new ideas most I post here bit all your governent can come up with is… Get a chance to win a job…. Another political gimmick. So disappointing.

      • Grand Bay Girl
        December 19, 2013

        An Idiot? Wow! I have been called worse. To call
        someone an idiot simply because they do not share the same opinion tells me very little about your
        level of intelligence.

      • Grand Bay Girl
        December 19, 2013

        You seem very very intelligent,but you would have a problem “governing” because you do not seem to respect other’s opinion.Just sayin

    • HIM
      December 19, 2013

      @ Grand Bay Girl What you have written there is a soup, that only you can understand. YOUR FOOL.

      • Grand Bay Girl
        December 20, 2013

        My parents would disagree. For me I say to you
        it’s your opinion and I respect it but I disagree

    • um
      December 19, 2013

      @ grand bay girl… Well I do apologies… I am just another disgruntled citizen struggling to get by… Not everyone are born leaders… I am.not one I would admit..

      But I think its time the country put Party aside and have our leaders accountable for their actions… They work for us we are the ones paying them not the other way around.

      • Grand Bay Girl
        December 20, 2013

        We all love Dominica and it is normal to disagree, but when one calls the other fools idiots etc simply because they have different opinions I find it offensive. Honestly I do not take it personally.Apology accepted .Peace/Love

    • YES I
      December 20, 2013

      the evidence is clear gbay girl take a look at your people by the road without a job or a dollar

  19. Doc. Love
    December 19, 2013

    Had Miss Carrette taken a ride with Mr. Linton and supporters of the UWP during the coast to coast meet the people tour, she certainly would be thinking differently.

  20. X-Factor
    December 19, 2013

    Mr. Fontaine your a politician now vying for a job of a political office! Your not an IMF official any more so your motives are of a new ambition and you will disagree to anything of the present government. That’s the X-Factor!

    December 19, 2013

    Sit on your A and say Dominicains poor, I work hard to supply my needs. Some of you paixple children every year and you all think I born in the last quarter moon, no, dont try to brain wash DANZIGER.

    • ?
      December 19, 2013

      @DANZINGER So is greedy you greedy then. Why are you depriving the needy to take all for yourself. WELL STOP THE GREEDINESS.
      That’s what makes the country so dam poor. It’s greedies like you.

      • DANZIGER
        December 20, 2013

        I would like you to state yr name, if you man or woman. Know yr place, DANZIGER is a FEMME CREOLE I wake up at 3 to 4 o’clock every morning. I prepare breakfast,lunch and at times my snack. I work fr 8 to 12 fr Monday to Saturday, in the afternoon I PREPARE my stuff for the next day according to the sale. I am a woman even if is a pair of toeless I put on my feet, I feel good, why, because I am my BOSS, I EMPLOY MY SELF with two strong working hands, so when you see the name DANZIGER ON DNO dont believe that im a stranger, im a born Dominicain and DANZI kw better. We have cacoa seeds, castor seeds, coconuts,lucky lilie,anthrium and more so DANZI was UNEMPLOYED BUT I employ my two lazy hands ok. you all waiste money on cochonne spending here and there now you follow ppl crying porverty on de country. IS BlackBerry by here, is dressing by there, I plant daseen, fig, plantin, seasoning Pepper, cane, eggplants, passion fruit,pawpaw and more. I buy what I need and you call me greedy for what I work hard for, who ever you are get a life that is pure jealousy.

  22. Big Cocot
    December 19, 2013

    woy en meme toute la
    you foowaiy
    ca vewais metaye
    woy en meme toute la

    The same 2009 report by Kairi consultants in collaboration with liars.

    What else will this government administration do to fool people. I know what they will use , pepen glee to trap those dumb laborites in their bird trap.

  23. Jude Nicholas
    December 19, 2013

    PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, Dec 19, CMC – The Trinidad and Tobago economy is now projected to grow by 1.5 per cent this year as against earlier predictions of 2.5 per cent, the Central Bank has said.

    It said that the local economy had grown by 1.3 per cent during the first nine months of the year, compared to 0.3 per cent for the same period last year.

    In January, the Central Bank had projected 2.5 per cent economic growth for 2013 even as the Washington-based International Monetary Fund (IMF) had in March projected a 1.5 per cent growth.

    The bank’s Monetary Policy Report for April 2013 maintained the 2.5 per cent outlook based on projected growth in energy output by 1.8 per cent.

    “That projection was made almost to the end of 2012. At that time we did not have the benefit of the information of what would have taken place September this year, and it’s when we got the September information we factored it into our projections,” Central Bank governor Jwala Rambarran said at the Bank’s inaugural Monetary Policy Forum and release of the Monetary Policy Report for November.

    The figures show that in the third quarter of this year, Trinidad and Tobago recorded its largest co-ordinated energy maintenance effort to date.

    (Details in Business section)


    Thomson say he can out do all the other islands and grow Dominica’s economy by 6-7%

    • Anonymous
      December 20, 2013

      what your information is clearly showing is that you can’t use data from a year ago to give a picture of present. In other words Thomson is right! That poverty report is 4 years old and can not apply today.

  24. be wiser
    December 19, 2013

    ASTERIX I guess DOMINICA IS THE ONLY COUNTRY ON THE PLANET THAT LOST JOBS. so that means that the Barbados public service that is retrenching 3000 workers are employed by the Dominica government

  25. hey
    December 19, 2013

    Fontain you are a handsome man,live politics alone and find a job with less job otherwise you will loss you looks. Politics drags on down. Check Obama.

    • him
      December 20, 2013

      @ hey. Go tell Kelver to leave Politics, not Fontaine.
      We need Fontaine in Dominican politics more than ever before.

  26. Jamborie
    December 19, 2013

    Skerrit needs to release the 2011 Census results, which will show a marked increase in poverty, a reduction in the population and Dominicans catching hell from Laba.

    Stop trying to fool the people with a report issued in 2009 based on 2006 data, what a shame on this corrupt and bankrupt regime.

  27. mac
    December 19, 2013

    everything in favour of the government is inaccurate,but everything against is accurate.dont worry fountain and lennox all u true colours will be tessed one of those days and people will c the wolf inside of all you.

  28. On Point
    December 19, 2013

    How convenient for Mrs Carrette to use a report that is 4 years to justify that poverty has decreased in Dominica?

    Is the a recent report?
    What Methodology was used for the survey?
    When was the survey done?
    Who did the survey?
    Who did the final report?

    this is the link to the 2009 report

  29. %
    December 19, 2013

    Now when a country has fine and extremely brilliant and articulate minds like Dr Fontaine and the government of the day is not seeing it fit to utilize his services, such a country will FOREVER REMAIN POOR.
    Does Skerrit even understand what is meant by the term poverty? SURE NOT! So how then can he be expected to alleviate poverty? That’s why he has taken the RED CLINIC ROUTE. Skerrit is a dunce as far as these things are concerned.He has created a BEGGING SOCIETY,and now that it has spiralled out of proportion, his acolytes are trying to deny that the monster that Skerrit has created (ie poverty)does not exist.
    I have said on this medium this “BEGGING MENTALITY” will be Skerrit’s most damning legacy, and it is clear for everyone to see.
    7000-10000 jobs in 3years WILL ALLEVIATE POVERTY.
    How long?
    Not long!

    • ..................
      December 19, 2013

      Skerrit does not like people of such high intellect. That’s why he should be voted out.

    • Red Hot
      December 19, 2013

      What brilliant mind? These fellas need to use their brains wisely, no sense to have brains and is rubbish that proceeds from your mouth every time you open it. Present a proposal to the PM with your ideas. All these fellas do is criticize everything that is done by the ruling Labor Party. Facts are facts there was a reduction in poverty rate in Dominica, statistics have shown it, so just accept it. I just hope all their brains will be put into good use and their will present them in a hard copy manifesto this time, rather than online. All we want to hear is your plans and ideas, put them forth, but it seems like is only criticisms that are put forward all the time. Come real for wants.

    • Anonymous
      December 19, 2013

      …and i’m selling the Brooklyn bridge to the lowest bidder, anyone interested?

  30. Too Hard Too Long
    December 19, 2013

    I do not label myself as red or blue. I am a numbers person well acquainted with survey work so I feel compelled to share my two cents.

    A poverty survey conducted in 2009 only applies to 2009. So the best that the chief Statistician could say was that poverty reduced (based on their data)between 2002 and 2009. But she cannot say anything about 2013 because she has no data for 2013.

    In addition, to say that a larger number of people are on social protection means that less people are poor, is patently misleading. This means that if I am poor and you give me $100 today then I am no longer poor. Social protection is not the mega lottery. The fact that they keep coming back month after month means they still poor.

    I am very disappointed with the results were portrayed in the article. I sincerely hope it was a misinterpretation of what the Chief Statistician reported.

  31. Francisco Telemaque
    December 19, 2013

    “He added that it is evident poverty is much higher than it was in 2009 since the economy continues to decline, there have been severe job losses and an inability for new jobs to be created.”

    Thomson, one would have to pay a dumb person, one who cannot read or write, an completely illiterate person to agree to the crap that chief statistician wrote.

    The notion seems to be: “wellI is chief statistician dem people out there doh know nufing about statistics, so anything I tell dem they go believe me.”

    Baloney; and not balcony as I wrote when I responded to the rubbish previously. You see sometimes if we allow people to pull on the rope long enough; ultimately they will tie the rope around their own necks, and hang themselves; this is exactly what happened in this case.

    They believe all of us Dominicans except those who talk nonsense is dumb, and we will believe the trash they the real idiots presents, no questions asks.

    I get the impression Thomson that most of the people who babbles, only follows a script. They are programmed to read from a script written by someone; those are not their words. Take a look at Darroux; he is always commenting, his head never changes position, though I see him in a different suit on DNO today.

    However, notice his head is in the same position reading his script that was prepared for him. If I deduced something even if I wrote it on paper, I should at least be able to recall some part of what I wrote, and be able to disseminate my thoughts verbally. I would have it in writing just in case I forget something in the sequence I wrote it; I could then refer to my notes.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • please
      December 19, 2013

      wat u juss said and nothing is the same thing…with all your intellect and high IQ…seems like u smart for all of us…..pffff….ur a statistician, engineer, mathematician, surveyor…ur intellect precedes you….

  32. mohamed
    December 19, 2013

    He reject d report.but he believe lenox will gve 138 jobs every mont.

    • Anonymous
      December 19, 2013

      Lol. soo true!!

      December 19, 2013

      bloody hell, its so frustrating to read every time that people like you doubt that its possible to create new jobs…of course its possible the only problem is that your government exists in some parallel reality and its impossible to persuade them to allow development…there are a lot of things which brings revenue to the island but your politicians aren’t interested and you are too ignorant and you don’t give a s###
      All you want is that your beloved leader comes and tell you: Bossman here is your job!…
      To put it clearly: your politicians agenda- to stay in the office as long as possible preferably without any reporting obligation and use this island as personal bank account. Your agenda – to sit comfortably on your a##, smoke, drink, shake belly during carnival, never be responsible for anything and complain once your bank balance runs low. Simple as that

      • mohamed
        December 19, 2013

        So u not feeling stupid to belive dat.even backing lenox up.well

      • say sar mem
        December 19, 2013

        alyou maybe believe is only dominica alone that dont have jobs,that things hard,that people dont have money.let me tell you people something,my sis lives and works in new jersey and there are times i in little dominica has to send her a little change to get her through. her son who has completed university is still struggling to find a job.its happening everywhere folks.

    • %
      December 19, 2013

      @Mohamed Well I listened to the Job and Economic forum at the Fort Young, and I personally believe that they can provide between 7000-10000 in 3 years.
      I felt the figure of 3000 was very conservative.

    • Red Hot
      December 19, 2013

      Be joke that, ha ha ha ha. Only the uneducated man that will believe that. People of with common sense will know that to create jobs means increasing the national debt. We just heard that Barbados is sending home public servants, how does Lennox plan to sustain those new jobs, maybe by increasing taxes. All other economies around the region are being hard hit, by the down turn but LENNOX LINTON plans to increase jobs. Lol ha ha ha ha, I am having a field day with those jokes. Allu he probably have a moose under his bed that will manufacture monies for him. Dr Thompson is a so called economist, somebody ask him to shed some light on that comment for me please. As sensible Dominicans we must ask them to show us how they plan to increase income by what means and how they plan to reduce debt. I hear them say the other day they will remove duty on building materials. Have you ever thought of getting a copy of Lennox appraisals from DCP, to see how he performed on the job. Well I am interested in seeing a copy boy.

    • De Original Met Yo
      December 19, 2013

      is not your fault. you have stayed without for so long…u can’t even imagine yourself having anything in life. so lennox plans will be foreign to you

  33. Antilles Cement
    December 19, 2013

    Fontaine has reduced himself to a uwp…wow

    • ................
      December 19, 2013

      @Antilles Cement I guess he does not STEAL AND LIE, and he hates corruption. THAT SHOULD BE THE REASONS.

  34. December 19, 2013

    Sir you are doing a very good job, Keep it up

  35. Anonymous
    December 19, 2013

    I have nothing to say because DNO keeps deleting my comments on every topic, no probs and Happy HOLLIDAYS to all Dominicans rich or poor…

    • Views Expressed
      December 19, 2013

      Anonymous……Thompson has a brilliant mind… he is ready to guide Dominica,



      • Malgraysa
        December 20, 2013

        You are so right. Happy Holidays is totally meaningless and for bland people, invented by Americans fed on pap. I will say Merry Christmas and invite the whole world to join in that, whatever political party or religion they support. Malgraysa.

  36. Tor Tub
    December 19, 2013

    I hate to comment in this tone but when provoked by foolishness I can not refuse the temptation.
    So I am duty bound to respond to “DEN.” you seem intelligent so do not make yourself the laughing stock of any politician or political party. Lets take the conversation up a notch, Do you know what these terms mean in statistics. Skewed data, margin of error, Bias, Negative, Positive, Sample size, Relevance, Considered factors? If yes, and I hope you do be more intelligent rather than open your mouth and leave no doubt as to who you are. There is no independence on the part of the entities who conduct and analyze the data they collect so how can you an untrained statistician challenge the caliber of Dr. Fontaine a man who has blazed a trail recognized and praised by people of intelligence and influence the world over. You need to keep quiet and listen in silence so that in time to come you may be able to make a meaningful contribution to the debate but, until then keep quiet and go sit in the corner.

  37. Patriot # 3
    December 19, 2013

    We the people did not need the expertise of Dr. Fountain to debunk that nonsense that Prayma Carette and the labour party have tried to foist on an unsuspecting public. Stevie Wonder with his signature Ray- Bans on could see the dishonesty and farcical attempt to pull wool over the eyes of those who are not able to discern fact from fiction

  38. Diasppointed
    December 19, 2013

    I was very disappointed with the Chief Statistician for giving this statement….More people on welfare CANNOT translate into reduction of poverty because these people are unproductive and dependent on the state resources…

  39. Annica Alethea
    December 19, 2013

    There are statistics and reports prepared by consultants and there is the reality on the ground.
    The reality on the ground is Dominicans are much poorer than 13 years ago.
    The number of vagrants on the streets has increased, the number of people unemployed increased, the number of people begging increased, the number of people who can no longer assist their parents increased, the number of farmers who has abandoned their farms and earning nothing has increased.
    If you add up all this, a child in Grade K would know that poverty in Dominica has not declined.
    So those government technicians should not give solace and comfort to politicians to make them believe that poverty has decreased, in fact we are having a new kind of poor, those who go to work every day and cannot afford to feed their children.

  40. ()
    December 19, 2013

    This Dr Fontaine must be one of our finest brains.HE IS DARN GOOD! Happy to have attended SIFOCOL together with you.
    I agree with you all the way.

  41. ali
    December 19, 2013

    fontain mate get REAL.

  42. Gwanbay
    December 19, 2013

    True say Tommy!!!!

  43. %
    December 19, 2013

    People like Dr Fontaine needs to take on arrogant and insultive Skerrit one- on -one in a debate. You surely did not PURCHASE your PhD. You always seem to be crystal clear on all the issues I have heard you pontificate on. I concur with you 100%, that poverty levels in Dominica must have increased tremendously. In my view it must have increased by 50-75% between 2009 to 2013, because even among those who are working, THEY ARE REALLY catching hell to make ends meet. I feel for those Skerrit and his cabal have impoverished by making them beggars.
    Can one say when he receives $10 or $50 or $100 from a parliamentarian or $1000 from the Red Clinic for example that his poverty level has been cured? What happens when this amount is expended?
    Well Dr Fontaine, I travel throughout the country, and I concur with many who say that Dominica must be one of the poorest country in the Caribbean. This is mainly due to corrupt leadership, by a gang OF GREEDY POLITICIANS, whose main concern is corrupt activities which will increase their bank accounts and that of their close cronies.

  44. La voix
    December 19, 2013

    Both positively or negatively depending on your political, social, religious or cultural preferences.

    • ????????????
      December 19, 2013

      @La voix. Dominicans are plenty poorer now in 2013, than they were in 2009. You could be the exception, but the majority are plenty poorer.Go to town and see for yourself the amount of shoppers on our streets just a week before Christmas.

      • La voix
        December 19, 2013

        The point is that the issue of poverty is relative depending on the source and quality of your data which can be exploited based upon political expediency.
        I do not know the premise or metholodogy because that would be helpful in analysing the results that’s why we must not jump into conclusion without knowing the facts.
        Many people not shoping is not a sign of economic prosperity because they could be shopping on credit and increasing the burden of debt but full employment is a good indicator because that would mean that even if they dont shop they have earnings capacity and are contributing to the economy.
        The issue of happiness is more comprehensive because it embraces more of individual well being and our capacity to agree and disagree without insulting another persons point of view and respecting the the technical staff that are mandated to do the job.
        Poverty is all encompassing across the board and while I feel that the debate is necessary we should broaden the scope to not only look at the visible effects of what we see but also how prepared are we to change our situation.

  45. hmmm
    December 19, 2013

    because you on the other side of the fence you rejecting the report…i wonder what’s next you will reject. Just admit that the present government is doing a formidable job and you people just there to oppose development. you guys are so annoying.

  46. grell
    December 19, 2013

    Skerrit will fool you uneducated poor people,keep on taking the handouts and stay in poverty fools.skerrit laughing @ you all.FOOLS.

  47. La voix
    December 19, 2013

    We need to broaden the scope of future surveys and look at the Human Happiness Index (HHI) so that we measure how happy people are as opposed to a fictitious poverty level. Poverty could be looked at in terms of human consciousness. How conscious and prepared are we to deal with our growing problems. If we look only at the statistics, the indicators can be interpreted both positively or negatively.

  48. concerned
    December 19, 2013

    shut up. if the report was bad you all would be happy to give de gvt blows, its good news you all saying its not accurate.

    • Anonymous
      December 19, 2013

      I agree,they would believe it. Uwp supporters are notoriously bias.

  49. be wiser
    December 19, 2013

    Thomson why is it that you are so selective of IMF and World bank reports. when the are in line with your thinking they are good when they are not you cry them down …………get consistant

    • Anonymous
      December 19, 2013

      the problem with the united workers party is that they are so political and desperate to be in power that they oppose anything and everything, even the truth and what is good…Lord have mercy on us!!

    • ....
      December 19, 2013

      This is not an IMF Report…

      • ?
        December 19, 2013

        @”’ And he is still SPOT ON. That’s why he is so highly respected.

    • ?
      December 19, 2013

      @ be wiser You Lie. Do you want to put him in the same category as the thieves in your party? HE ISN’T

    • Asterix
      December 19, 2013

      @ Be Wiser: You should take for yourself the advise in your name. If you can’t understand let me remind you of this. The statistician said the social welfare programs that are ongoing contributed to a reduction in poverty. Are you telling me, that the people who are still on social welfare programs, are not poor? How can they not be poor if they are still on social welfare? Further how can you use figures up to the year 2009 to make such an assessment in 2013? 2009 is four (4) years ago and we know of all the job losses over the years and most recently, Clear Harbor, Brizee Mart, KFC Portsmouth and more. Our economy from all the major economic indicators show us that we are doing very poorly namely with reduction of income in agriculture, tourism, manufacturing and others. Are you telling me too that the state of the economy has no direct impact on the population and the level of poverty? You all need to get out of the ignorant state of mind that you choose to exist or stop being arrogant if you know the truth.

    • Shameless
      December 19, 2013

      @ Be wiser: Thompson will NEVER be consistent with false, untruths, deceitful or inaccurate reports regardless of who writes them. Tell the government to be truthful in their report in and Thompson will applaud them at least this one time for being honest.

      The problem we have in Dca is that some people remain “consistent” in their belief that whatever the DLP Cabal says is true even if they are seeing different with they two coco zee-yea (two eyes).But Change Must Come sooner rather than later…

      Assertive, NOT Agressive!

  50. Marcus Hill
    December 19, 2013

    This is so not right for the Government to use a report based on old, outdated data collected almost 12 years ago to claim that there is a reduction of poverty under in Dominica today.

  51. Anon
    December 19, 2013

    Has Stats released the data or the methodology they used to carry out the survey?

  52. lisa
    December 19, 2013

    Politicians like people to remain in poverty yeah. It breaks my heart.

  53. Den
    December 19, 2013

    Fontain is just out of his mind. This man is just blue blind. i mean this was the same line which the UWP took to discredit the statistical department and the world bank when it clearly showed a reduction in poverty in Dominica.
    Sir, are you upset that poverty has been reduced?
    Is this good News for Dominica bad news for Fontain?
    Are you playing politics because people’s livelihood and standard of living has improved?

    Thomason, shame on you.

    • ______________
      December 19, 2013

      @Den You are simply . Tell us what has happened to you between 2009-2013? I am certain that you are still a beggar.That being so, you are still dam poor. The Red Clinic cannot cure your poverty brother. That’s where you live. Skerrit needs to employ you, AND THIS HE CANNOT DO. He and his gang are too busy fattening their pockets.

    • ????
      December 19, 2013

      Do You live in Dominica…Or are you benefiting so much from the red clinic that you are so out of touch….and do not see the poverty around you???…

    • Concerned
      December 19, 2013

      Gosh Shame on Thomson for what. How can a survey done in 2005 be relevant in 2013? Tell Miss Carrette and the Statistics division shame on them for use old figures to try to create wrong impressions. St. Joe wasn’t poor in 2005 in 2013 it is the poorest community in Dominica. The growth engines are on the decline (Tourism, Agriculture and Manufacturing) so what is responsible for the decline in poverty? Public Servants stop embarassing you all selves for dishonest politicians. Shame Shame Shame on the Statistics Division. Bring out the Census Report

    • um
      December 19, 2013

      Garcon allu have a serious problem… Just the other day both my aunty and my uncle come and ask me to lend them 20 dollars both on the same day one come in the morning and one come in the afternoon… And guess what? They are labourites.

      To live a healthy life style it is recommended that we eat 5 small meals a day… Some of us can barely eat Two… The price for everything rising while peoples salary staying the same… 800 minimum wage… 600 dollars for rent… 100 dollars for electricity.. A tin of corn beef now 7 dollars… A time of tuna now 4 dollars.. 5 dollars for two dasheen.. Tomatoes 8 dollars..and the government dare to say poverty is reducing.. And you backing that up?

      Shame on you for putting party before country.

    • from no where
      December 19, 2013

      Do you have any understanding at all? You seem to be a duns cat

  54. Morihei Ueshiba
    December 19, 2013

    Fontaine u must go easy on dem fellas, they don’t know how to deal with educated people.
    By the way Dominica’s UWP supports Western Sahara’s right to self determination, Fontaine u making all Dominicans proud. Thank you for restoring human dignity on the nature isle.

  55. Pastor Bowik
    December 19, 2013

    A 2006 survey results is now being applied to 2013 – let the church Laugh Amen.

    Notice we had a survey done in 2011 that cannot be released so let us assume that the results of the 2011 survey will be released in 2018- let the goodwill catholic church say Amen

    If poverty is on the decline why Brizee mart close down; why the aerial Tram vanish; why businesses vanishing in Roseau; let the people cry – Papa Bondier have mercy

    Why it is that after 12 years the catholic church in Portsmouth cannot raise the required funds to rebuild the church. The people have no money- businesses cannot donate; the congregation flat broke and poor but is Labor they like- let father shappy say Lord have mercy

    • Anonymous
      December 19, 2013

      Please reread the article.

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