UWP accuses DLP of running “absurdly extravagant election campaign”

Section of a DLP crowd during the party's campaign launch
Section of a DLP crowd during the party’s campaign launch

Leader of the opposition United Workers Party (UWP), Lennox Linton has accused the ruling Dominica Labour Party (DLP) of spending millions of dollars to run an “absurdly extravagant election campaign” while ignoring the matters of state.

He was speaking on privately-owned Q95 on Wednesday morning.

“They are spending on this election campaign millions and millions of dollars indicating that their political party, the Dominica Labour Party, has more access to resources to do its private work than the Labour Party government can find to do the work of the state of Dominica.”

He questioned whether this should occur when there are many things lacking in the country.

“How do you explain that in an environment where there are no stitches at the hospital to do operations, in an environment where the hospital sometimes find itself out of basic medicines, in an environment where the economic cost for students studying at UWI cannot be paid so they cannot graduate,” Linton said.

The UWP leader said the government is inviting overseas artistes to perform at DLP rallies, while local artistes are struggling to survive.

“They are spending millions of dollars on billboards, millions of dollars on foreign consultants, millions of dollars on foreign artistes that are coming in every weekend, while local artistes are scrunting and struggling to survive,” he stated. “They are bringing in assets, like stage and sound systems that local people own and operate and are available. They are bringing it from outside, while the local players are starved for opportunities to make a dollar.”

Linton stated that the DLP wants five more years to run the affairs of Dominica while clearly indicating in its campaign that Dominica has been second class for the past 15 years.

“What kind of party is this?” he stated. “They are asking for five more years to run Dominica but in asking for five more years to run Dominica they are indicating to you that they are not about Dominica, they are about themselves and they are about facilitating overseas interest to get themselves entrenched and installed in government in Dominica.”

He also accused the DLP of importing printed material from overseas for its billboards while there are companies in Dominica capable of doing the same thing.

“All of the billboards and printed materials for the billboards were imported from the United States when you have a number of companies in Dominica capable of doing that,” he stated. “The government is operating with no respect for companies in this environment that pay taxes into the coffers of the government and those very same taxes end up in some corrupt ways in the private coffers of the same politicians who are seeking another five years.”

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  1. Mee3
    November 14, 2014

    It seems the UWP did not get the message the first time so i will say it for them to hear “IT”S NOT YOUR DAMN BUSINESS WHERE LABOUR?SHERITT GET THEIR MONEY FROM”, voila.. got it? Now after the election the UWP can go one up on that statement and tell the DLP,…… IT”S NOT YOUR DAMN BUSINESS WHERE WE GET OUR VOTES FROM, ALL THAT MATTER IS WE WOOPED YOUR A**. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • Anonymous
      November 15, 2014


  2. call it nuh
    November 13, 2014

    Boo Hoo!

    November 13, 2014

    Me my self doe care what nobody say.
    Campaign started five yrs ago, so Lennox cannot tell me nothing new neither Skeritte.
    So I want a nice sewo campaign, if u cannot afford it well.
    Lennox you damn well know is so we campaigning Dominica, cause I remember when uwp brought Richie Spice and Etana Dominica while local artists were struggling.
    when u were touring the world with team Dominica eating at big restaurants and sleeping in big hotel I wonder if you thought of the poor ppl back home.

    • July Gem
      November 14, 2014

      Another ignorant brain washed Dominica talkin about Sewo when lives are at risk and whe what Lennox is saying is the truth. Locals need that support !!!

  4. Anonymous
    November 13, 2014

    mr Linton ,any government in power would do exactly what the labour party is doing. that is POLITICS,stop complaining ,you would have done the same thing. Remember contributions comes from far and near to keep the government there. Mr James large billboard stayed up in your face in Marigot for years,,,oh i forgot you didn’t use to go to marigot before.

  5. real possie
    November 13, 2014

    STUPES, and this made news.

    • hmm
      November 13, 2014

      Any and everything is news for DNO…ofcourse they will put that up.

  6. hmm
    November 13, 2014

    All im hearing in the news is Linton complaining, complaining complaining…omg… you have less than one month away. Stop crying and work on your party!!! Grow up Linton GROW UP! Geeeez. Its so annoying to hear you in the news complaining about everything the DLP is doing!

  7. Mr. C
    November 13, 2014

    I really don’t know…but IF labour party loose this election the same hospital they never fix will packed…………..I’m jus saying………………

  8. um
    November 13, 2014

    But they seem to forget when Edison James had that huge billboard image of himself in Marigot…that was c=election time…extravagant campaigning.

  9. Fan club
    November 13, 2014

    I urge Mr. Linton to go to the signing just make sure he carries with him the cloak and armour of GOD all over him and there will be absolutely nothing to fear. I trust the LORD on that one for sure.So fear not my brother the angels of the Lord and the throne of David will protect him. By the way I must agree that Mr. Linton has forever shown maturity and consistency in his willingness to engage in frank, honest and open discussion. Mr. Linton and his team has open up themaelves to national debate the other side has arrongantly refused saying to us Dominicans their billboards will do the talking on behalf of the DLP. hOW MUCH MORE INSULTING THAT CAN BE; Mr Linton has not shy away from straight and hard questions from the media opening up himself to criticism and sometimes unfair comments and redicule on almost a daily basis while the other side have selected their media conferences and allowed pre-arranged questions and even screen calls to their programs. They also screen and santion what is said and sang on the nedium they control. Imagine they took it to the World stage when they forced King Dice a seven time calypso king to sing songs selected by themselves depriving his fans and the World to hear the great reportoire of songs that lead him to be the record holder of the monarch. While they allowed Destra and the others to sing unsantioned nasty and promiscuous songs at the festival without sanction only because they were afraid of him singing the popular song ‘Is time for Change’ to the large audience.. That has never been done in the history of the festival and in calypso in Dominica. They sanctioned the poor guy. Recently Dr. Valda Henry spoke on Matt about the men symposium carded for Sarturday and invited the leaders of the parties. she reported by saying Mr. Linton readily accepted, confirming that he will be at the symposium on the other hand all efforts made to contact Skerrit has failed- she has tried all his numbers , left messages, to date there is no confirmation of his acceptance she reported; the invitation by the Christian Council to meet political parties on a code of conduct for the election has been readily accepted by the President of the UWP Mr. Basil Leader Mr. Linton and one other member of the UWP; however according to the media attempts to get confirmation from the DLP President Petta St. Jean failed and he Petta St.Jean refered marpin to Vice Party leader Ambrose George – attempts to reach Ambrose and Skerrit for confirmation failed. What arrogance and blatant disregard to the demand for transparency and engagement. I guess those guys are right their bills boards and bling will talk for them and according to them thats enough and will suffice. What utter arrogance and disrepect. Dominicans we deserve better.

  10. kawat Roseau
    November 13, 2014

    Evertytime this guy speaks it only confirms that he is not playing with a full deck of cards. Their grey t-shirts were imported. Labour engaged Triple Kay. The stages they have been using since Saturday’s event are from local sources. The many bus drivers are getting engaged. If a so called team cannot manage a four week campaign project how can they be expected to handle the task of running sweet Dominica? The labour government has attracted billions in aid for development over the year’s – Lenny must be blind or mischievous. Tell Lennox it’s not his d…..business where Labour is getting its campaign’s funds from!

  11. Zors Sot
    November 13, 2014

    Do you think the Republican Party cries and accuses the democratic party in the U.S of having a campaign too lavish? Please. Linton does not know the meaning behind ‘Political Campaigning’. The party with more money and resources has an immense advantage! History has proven this over and over.

    November 13, 2014

    Me my self doe care what nobody say.
    Campaign started five yrs ago, so Lennox cannot tell me nothing new neither Skeritte.
    So I want a nice sewo campaign, if u cannot afford it well.
    Lennox you damn well know is so we campaigning Dominica, cause I remember when uwp brought Richie Spice and Etana Dominica while local artists were struggling.
    when u were touring the world with team Dominica eating at big restaurants and sleeping in big hotel I wonder if you thought of the poor ppl back home.

  13. Truth and Justice
    November 13, 2014

    The Workers party should be ready for this election, they have been begging for it, so now it is here they should be prepared. If they are not , then they are not fit to be in power. However in the interest of Democracy I hope they get about 10 seats so democracy can return to Dominica. Joshua Francis would be a good addition to the house of p parliament, so would Thomas Fountain, Sandford, we need these guys in Parliament so they can ask intelligent questions in the house of the PM and keep the government accountable to the people. Dominicans please , in the interest f democracy, vote not for a party bt individuals who can give us the type of Dominica we need.

  14. Eyeballs
    November 13, 2014

    Crying over a billboard or campaign money being spent is not going to solve Dominica’s problems. Kind of childish it seems. Maybe they should be in the 2nd grade fighting for crayons and colouring books.

  15. A Doubting Thomas
    November 12, 2014

    Where are all the massive blue billboards with huge questions marks and hands and feet of black people in chains? How much they cost?

    The so called team Dominica really think we have memoir poule. Suddenly Billboards are costly. Did they only find that out now. Does that mean only UWP should have Billboards?

    Just like they should be the only ones to say whatever they want about everyone, no matter whom but if someone dare speak the truth about them, not lies as they do, but the truth and they get hot under the collar and ready to burst a blood vessel.


  16. Sense
    November 12, 2014

    Linton knows that he cannot run the town.

  17. Barb-Sepant
    November 12, 2014

    But, but, but Linton all what you are saying the Labour party not doing in the campaign so far gives you the opportunity to do those same things. If you want to win, you right the wrongs that your opponent is doing, hence you gain the upper hand. So your complaint is your opportunity; just put your money where your mouth is!!

    November 12, 2014

    UWP accuses DLP of running “absurdly extravagant election campaign” That’s a compliment not a accusation sot! Keep it coming Labor power!!!

  19. Trolol
    November 12, 2014

    Your point is…? Thought you said you were ready. You know DLP have money, so this is to be expected, don’t cry about it. 8)

  20. The Facts
    November 12, 2014

    This is to be expected from this opposition. They scrutinize everything the PM does and then profusely criticize. This has been ongoing ever since Linton became leader of UWP.
    I view their actions as unfair, a form of harassment, persecution, hatred and not allowing the PM to fulfill his elected obligations in peace. They are the ones who have caused divisions and disunity in the land.
    You know the saying, “Darned if I do and darned if I don’t.” Envy is their game and unfairly trying to discredit the PM. I would not take them on. Beware Dominicans.

  21. Oh Really
    November 12, 2014

    ok, I recall labourites including the henchmen on radios saying that Linton should use his campaign money to do things in the country like build homes etc…

    Now those same labourites are turning around and saying campaign money is for campaigning not for doing things in the country because the shoe is on the other foot?

    Dominicans, to develop as a country we must first develop as individuals and that starts will a balanced, clear and unbiased judgement!

    • Anonymous
      November 13, 2014

      It was not his campaign money it was the money he was using for his lavish lifestyle such as trips to Las Vegas and all over the world. It would have been nice if he had saved that money for his election campaign and to help his candidates.

  22. Concern
    November 12, 2014

    Come on Lennox, You knew the general election date would be disclosed, and you were an advocate for that date. What is wrong with you man. You had all this time to prepare get your T’s crossed and I’s dotted. Now you are clearly sound like a wimp complaining. Stop it, that make you look weak. I mean you already very well know you will not be prime minister because UWP will not get 12 seats. So go ahead because you have no other solution. keep complaining. Shot the hell up and tell the people what your plans are.

    • Mamizes
      November 12, 2014

      @ concern.
      Preparation is not the is not the issue here. Mr. Linton is stating facts! And to be honest it makes sense to me.
      If you are really interested in your people from your country… well share the bread, dont give it to overseas artiste, or companies while your own people, whom you want 5 more years to Govern go hungry.
      Lennox… I support you 100%, this lavish spending will come back to haunt the DLP.

    • MY 2cents
      November 13, 2014

      He don’t even know if he will get HIS seat much less for becoming prime minister. Tell hat joker with anger management problems to wheel and come again

    • Real Dominican
      November 13, 2014

      You are not sticking to the point. Be encouraged that Dominica will have a change on December 8.

    • change is a must!
      November 13, 2014

      shut up

  23. November 12, 2014

    So true! I was expressing these same exact sentiments to someone just last night. The Labor Party is clearly stating that anything Dominican is not good enough! If your performance in the last 15 years was impressive and beneficial to ALL Dominicans there would be no need to spend this extravagant amount of money in an effort to sway public opinion.
    It appears to me that the DLP is all about bright lights, bling and big parties, while the UWP is running a grass roots campaign that is focused on the issues affecting Dominicans everyday. For the thousands impressed by the monies being spent by the DLP during this campaign must bear in mind that after the 8th of December, 2014 it’s back to reality for ALL of us!
    I would not dare tell anyone whom He/She should vote for, however, I will tell each of you that something is seriously wrong with the way things are in Dominica right now. If any of you say you don’t see it, you are either blind or lost in your own little world! THINK!

  24. Duvant
    November 12, 2014

    I sincerely would like Workers to run a campaign that is simple and effdctive…i dont need posters and billboard to convince me about any parties political prowess; I just need to know how each party can enhance my life and all Dominicans as a whole when it wins the election.

    Sadly all of Labour lavish and wasteful spending doesnt convince me to vote for it…it only signals the wickedness of the administration to fail to give civil servants a % raise; its failure to pay pwdworkers and the many nep grass cutters and other workers who are working for months without a salary…

    • The Facts
      November 12, 2014

      Enhance your life in what manner? People are responsible for enhancing their life.

      • Mamizes
        November 12, 2014

        @ The Facts.
        How can you enhance your own life in an economy that that is dead?
        There are somethings that we require our government to do that allows us to enhance our lives, unfortunately, for the pass 14 years, this government cannot seem to get it right. So why give them another 5?

      • looking
        November 13, 2014

        I agree that people must enhance their lives. But its government’s responsibility to to implement policies and an environment for hard work with rewards. When monies are being spent black is white in the poor communities its not encouraging people to work hard. The poor people feel happy because they have nothing and will vote their labor. They do not understand the implications of their actions. In the end they are being taken advantage of while you are riding high with your huge $14,000 salary

      • Anonymous
        November 13, 2014

        So what exactly do you think we have leaders if it’s not for the enhancement of the country? And who might I ask, is the country? My dear it’s you, me and our surroundings…use your brains…

  25. Anonymous
    November 12, 2014

    I wonder who said these words on a radio talk show:
    “If you cannot take the heat, stay out of the kitchen”

    • Eyeballs
      November 13, 2014

      ME :-P :-P :-P :-P :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

    • bob
      November 13, 2014

      Well the person who said these words, did not know how hot the kitcen could get. So as they say the HEAT IS ON

  26. .
    November 12, 2014

    I think it is very disrespectful the way Linton and the UWP think that they can take Dominicans for fools just saying anything the think that sounds good with a single shred of evidence or proof. They prefer to use words like, ” anecdodal evidence” all the while ignoring hard evidence and proof. Shame on you Linton. We shall not be fooled. Uwp statistics are a good thing check them.

    • .
      November 12, 2014


    • Mamizes
      November 12, 2014

      What is disrespectful about what Lennox said. It is a fact that the DLP are spending lavishly… and not supporting local businesses or artist. And honestly, if you yourself cannot see this, then you are in effect foolish.

    • looking
      November 13, 2014

      When Barak Obama was accused of not being a born citizen of the US. (US presidents must be born citizens). He simply came on TV and showed his birth certificate. Why is the PM and his pastor hiding behind technicalities. Be honest. Some lawyer is being paid huge sums of taxpayers money. Just be honest just be humble and i will have all the respect for you.

      • .
        November 13, 2014

        Are you insinuating that Roosevelt Skerrit was not born in Dominica?

  27. kord kapi
    November 12, 2014

    Skerrit and his administration just don’t like to support local…they only consider local for votes..not only is he importing stage, artists, billbroads and posters from overseas, siphoning needed funds which could be circulating into the local economy and enhance the way of life of many locals, he has two apartments building currently; one at Bath Estate and one at Elmshall…and not one local working on them…go figure…how can the economy grow when money is spent outside the country…and all still there screaming lobour, labour

    • .
      November 12, 2014

      Mr. Linton is it true that you tried to acquire the services of Destra for your election campaign and did you receive thousands of blue shirts from Switzerland? The grapes are sour only when we cannot get them.

    • balanced view
      November 12, 2014

      Is it not the Chinese who have sponsored the building of these apartments? I did not know it was being done through the PM’s personal funds. When you ask people for assistance you can’t always get things on your terms. Let’s be honest with ourselves, the Chinese do a great job at construction and within a reasonable time; on the contrary our fellow Dominicans in the construction sector simple play on the job, from my observation, and seem to think that they must stretch the job in order to get always get a salary/wage.

    • MY 2cents
      November 13, 2014

      Kord Kapi you are obviously the usual workers illiterate. The only reason workers not doing what the labor party is doing is because they are broke failures and not able to do it. Why didn’t you say that when the clowns who claim that they going to create 5000 jobs in Dominica in their first 3 year in power ordered thousands of workers T shirts from overseas instead of buying local and show us they supporting local. Allu to hypocrite.

    • happy
      November 13, 2014

      seriously kord kapi ???? you forget is only those big shut alone workers were supporting when they were in power?? that is why all of them hovering around UWP so that there will full their pocket again, so one man can get $25.000 just for clearing a little piece of land to worship the sun.. curse that come down on them that’s why they cant win again. GOD dont like idolatry

  28. Curious George
    November 12, 2014

    Where is the printed paraphernalia for the UWP coming from? Is it locally or overseas?

  29. watchful eye
    November 12, 2014

    but Linton’s manifesto, where is it being printed? Not in Dominica, but in the USA. Aren’t there companies in Dominica who can print the manifesto. After all, it was UWP that introduced Dominicans to that lavish campaign. Now take it. Are you beaten at your own game?

    • The Facts
      November 12, 2014

      Do so, never like so.

    • looking
      November 13, 2014

      Two wrongs don’t make a right

      • .
        November 13, 2014

        Ahh! famous words of the uwp. Let me do it but don’t do it.

  30. uwp voter
    November 12, 2014

    This is sooooo true change is a MUSTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. P.D
    November 12, 2014

    who beat you, you crying. concentrate on what you have. no wonder i heard 2 of your lawyer candidate staying if you couldnt buy a piece of clothe to put on the table.

  32. love I
    November 12, 2014

    Lennox you right on target…that is why the PM has to threaten his supporters, because so much is being spent, that losing is grave…..Blue Blue, simplicity..

    • Anonymous
      November 13, 2014

      That is pure hypocrisy, because if Linton had money he would campaign lavishly. Stop being childish and start working. That is what campaigning is all about, you have to, NO, you need to convince your people that you are capable of taking care of them. Go do some needed work Linton.

  33. error
    November 12, 2014

    If u were in the field what would you do? When are out looking in we can see clearly but when we are in we are too blind to see.I have one question for you Lenox .Where workers got their campaign material a few years back and how much it cost?

  34. truth.
    November 12, 2014

    My dear these people faces show sadness, something is definitely wrong. They need to be serious about this election vote and who they vote for, please try not to reget for the next generation will not forgive us. CHANGE IS A MUST

    • MY 2cents
      November 13, 2014

      Truth you to stupid. You sound like a confuse boo boo

    • happy
      November 13, 2014

      exactly what change are you all looking for?? workers???all i hearing all u saying is, change is a must.. but what u all want to change?? from a smart to a foolish,?? from a well rounded person to a novice?? from a hard worker to a lazy complaining bastard?? tell me what all you want to change to??huh??and the list could go on..

  35. colombo
    November 12, 2014

    Its interesting that the esteem novice leader is focusing on the Labour Party arrangements for its re-election. Please Mr. Leader focus on your failure to plan properly- knowing that you have been calling for elections for more than a year.

  36. X labourite
    November 12, 2014

    yea that governmet too damn wicked! he doe have money to give increase but he have money to send for stage all kind of artist huh ? the man sspending how much millions and the same skerite that say it doe have money to give an increase! uh man move there man comout there u wicked cabalist! i doe care who come nut i not voting for u skerite u too damn wicked. all you have to pay after december the 8th

  37. sstupes
    November 12, 2014

    that’s the nonsense ill never understand from UWP…i mean i expected much better..for 15 years yall have spent time complaining about the current government rather than putting that effort into promoting urselves as the better party…y sit an complain about skerrits campaign…i mean if the chinese, US, Afrrican, Haitian, whoever sees it fit for the labour party to stay in office ofcourse they will provide the resources an its about time you all unerstand that….what the party does and what the governement does is two different matters..stop mixing the two!

    • Dr.
      November 12, 2014

      This is what i call ignorance to the highest level. You sit there and say that all the UWP is doing is complain. Have you ever taken the time to listen to what Mr. Linton and the rest of his team had to say about the vision for the Dominican people? Don’t just hear my friend. You must also listen.

  38. Anonymous
    November 12, 2014

    Linton you should save the money you wasted traveling all over the place and going to Las Vagas having fun. Politics is not a joke.

    November 12, 2014

    wait a minute……. jahloooozeeee….. GET YOUR OWN!!!! MIND YOUR OWN DAM BUSINESS!!!!!

    • Dr.
      November 12, 2014

      I hope at the end of it you do have a job and food on your table, money in you pocket and an education in your head. not only that, i do hope that you can get a salary slip at the end of the month in the event that you have to take out a small loan at the bank for what ever purpose. why can’t NEP personnel get a salary slip? Just think about it.

      • Campaign Manager
        November 14, 2014

        why wont the person be able to do any of these things when Labour WINS again?? under a rock you living man or you just as dumb as your political leader? amazes me eh

  40. madfox ki la wapwap
    November 12, 2014

    Reminds me of the story of the fox who could not reach the grapes and he called it sour
    if he had the funds he would do the same thing smh.

  41. Not a herd follower
    November 12, 2014

    Speak on, Brother Lennox, speak. I know that you sincerely have Dominica at heart. People of sincere conscience know that you are the better man to lead DOminica at this time.

    • The Facts
      November 12, 2014

      Oh yea?

    • November 12, 2014

      Good Lord! Please stay with us! Better man to do what?

    • balanced view
      November 12, 2014

      Surely, not a herd follower, but a bird follower…….get it?

  42. Change is a must
    November 12, 2014

    As a citizen of Dominica, I am really concerned about this lavish spending by the Labour Party for the elections. It is like these people money cannot finish.
    Meanwhile people like me who are supposed to be in middle management have to watch my 2 cents daily to make ends meet and keep within a budget…Everywhere you go the talk among the business sector and citizens is that the economy is bad…
    Where on earth is all that money coming from?
    Take the billboards for instance…the prices of these range from about $5,000 to about $20,000 by a conservative estimate…At middle management my salary is barely $5,000 a month…The majority of Dominica receive less than half that amount..
    These billboards are everywhere..How can the labour Party flaunt this money while civil servants are given 0%., 0%, 0%…Public Works workers cannot get pay…..Medical services are on the decline, Tourism , Agriculture and Manufacturing are down?
    My assessment is that this party has lost touch with the reality of the poor people of Dominica.

    • balanced view
      November 12, 2014

      Have all of youall UWP supporters ever asked yourselves how and where is TEAM DOMINICA going to get the funding they need to take Dominica to the next level? Have you all ‘memoire poule”? After all the nasty things they said about the chinese and Venezuela, surely, they cannot be thinking of asking them for help if they come in office…… if you were in these Governments’ shoes would you want to do business with these same people?

    • Zors Sot
      November 13, 2014

      What nonsensical talk is this? You are responsible for your financial welfare. What does Skerrit have to do with you saving your pennies and cents. If Linton had the financial resources at his reach,, he would do the same. Sadly- he is caught with his pants down and it will cost him the election. Answer this- where did all the materials for the UWP come from? Pot calling kettle black. sot zors ye. Sorti La!!

    • happy
      November 13, 2014

      is like their money cannot finish eh?? (change is a must) let me tell you why , because they planed well, and they save well, they didn’t go from country to country spreading and wasting what they didn’t work for,, your party didn’t remember to save, now that wet days are here,, they hating on the people that had their head on..that is the same thing they will do if they get into power… and then, DOMINICANS WILL BECOME THE LAUGHING STOCK OF THE WHOLE WORLD.. JUST THINK OF IT,ITS JUST LIKE A FAMILY THAT TOOK THEIR SAVINGS FOR GRANTED, AND WHEN PROBLEMS HITS OR EMERGENCY POP UP IT’S HEAD THEY ALL OVER BEGGING FOR FOR ASSISTANCE… STOP JEALOUSING THOSE PEOPLE CAMPAIGN MONEY.. TONEIR!!!

  43. new voter
    November 12, 2014

    really …………. please tell me workers not that desperate………if Linton haven’t noticed billions has been spent on matters of development in this country in the last 5 years and most of these funds were obtained from foriegn allies. the nep ,state house, roads,state college, irradication of pit latrines are just a fewof the projects that were possible with foriegn consultants …………..the money spent on the campain does not come close to the what was spent on the country…………………………………………….but u know what it proves? if the guy is able to secure so much funds for his campain then imagine what he is able to sucure for the country when he has the tag of prime minister………..linton you have travelled multiple places and you are yet to get money for ur campain………… so if no one trust you believes in you to give you money to campain to win an elections…then who would trust you to give you money to run a country? linton you are just looking for a job so you could full ur pocket. stop trying to full dominicans with these desperate talks……were smarter than that

    • balanced view
      November 12, 2014

      well said new voter!

    • looking
      November 13, 2014

      Relations are made between countries they are called bilateral agreements. Did the African leaders who got billions invested by the chinese smile and have dimples? All super powers look for their interest. Why did they spend billions in Africa and the Caribbean. Labor is giving the impression is because of the Great PM that we got. What is the arrangement and at what cost? China’s economy is growing between 7% to 9% annually. while Dominica’s is contracting and growing by 1%. Think about that

  44. November 12, 2014

    Green with envy

  45. Anonymous
    November 12, 2014

    I realy don’t know why you are surprised. They’ll do everything to stay in power. They only care for themselves not for the ordinary citizens of Dominica. I just hope the ordinary people have finally woken up and realised that it is 5 minutes to 12. Change is a must and not an option. Dominicans do the right thing for once get rid of this wicked an useless DLP government now.

  46. Dovakhin
    November 12, 2014

    “The UWP leader said the government is inviting overseas artistes to perform at DLP rallies, while local artistes are struggling to survive.”
    This right here is the truth.
    If so much capital is given for the DLP campaign from private sources, it only shows that many individuals have a lot to lose if the DLP doesn’t win the next general elections. At the same time it also suggests that these same individuals do not care about the Dominican public or the funds would be spent on things that actually matter. Either way, It says alot about what we think of ourselves and each other.

    • Anonymous
      November 13, 2014

      Or maybe they just have confidence in the government of the DLP?

  47. grell
    November 12, 2014

    Very sad state yet the poor people just dont get it,Brought BERES down for one night 60 grand and next day the have no food to feed ther kids,very sad state.Skerrit you do not have to answer to Linton but you will one day to the holy father,which brothers and sisters are giving him funds its all a lie thats the state money and all the cronies he does favor for.

    • The Facts
      November 12, 2014

      Be wise and broadminded. Some of you keep harping about the poor as if the PM is responsible for their poverty. Be fair and just and cease blaming the PM for the poverty of those people. You must ask them, the so-called poor people, who caused them to be poor that they have no money to feed their kids. Why did they become poor? Who is responsible for their poverty? How many children they have out of wedlock? How many fathers for the children of one mother?
      Is the government responsible for supporting them? Where are the parents? In effect, they have a responsibility to the children they brought into the world, to ensure they are well-fed and taken care of in other respects. They should not lay it on the shoulder of the PM.
      Know that, when those parents die, God will not ask them about the PM. He will ask them about themselves and their lifestyle, how they lived, how well they nurtured their children and ensured their livelihood. Therefore, do not bring God into this. Leave him out of this for He does not belong in this.
      You will, one day, pay for your words, your false accusations and judgment which stem on hatred.

      • bigred
        November 12, 2014

        but FACTS the other night he said publicly Blame him ifor the state of Dominica; so if your parl reps did not deliver don’t blame them blame me Skerrit- so now how you can say he not responsible nuh;; so you doh see you not making no sense!

      • looking
        November 13, 2014

        Give this speech to your PM to read to the very people he sharing money to in the red clinic and on his trips to the country side.

  48. Barbara Saunders
    November 12, 2014

    I agree totally with the suggestion to cut out the extravagance, be it on billboards, tokens and trinkets or expensive group trips to far off shores for the sole purpose of denigrating Dominica and Dominicans and to describe Dominica as the worst and poorest country in the hemisphere.

    I also seem to remember billboards and posters not being new at all, as there was a reasonably large billboard posted up in a northern village which never came down even after another government and Prime Minister were elected. Mind you, nobody tore it down. It stayed in place for many years until it deteriorated from natural wear and tear of the elements. I’m not so sure whether anyone enquired whether these paraphernalia were produced locally and who paid for them.

    I’m sure we all learnt a lesson in tolerance and democratic principles from this because Dominicans went about their daily lives with that billboard overseeing their movements back and forth without any sense of outrage, as that was what the people from that Northern village wanted.

    If there is a turn around in thinking by all sides then that’s great and we all know that one can’t right a wrong action by another wrong action, but it is sometimes difficult to press the erase button of one’s memory and accept statements from some quarters at face value without some sort of analysis. Sorry!

  49. Anonymous
    November 12, 2014

    If you were PM Mr. Linton you would have done the same. As MR James about that.

    • The Facts
      November 12, 2014


    • bigred
      November 12, 2014

      B.S – but renenber the DLP said it would not do as the UWP – now you all are saying UWP did it in the pass so you all can do it to. what you are saying is that you all lied to the people back then by saying that you all would be doing differently.

  50. Gulfstream
    November 12, 2014

    Lennox why are you such a hypocrite? 10,000 UWP t-shirts were printed and shipped from Miami. The person who handled the shipment is a friend of mine. Why were they not printed in D/ca by local entrepreneurs..why didn’t you give them the contract?
    Man you’re so transparent like a glass mirror, I can see right through you….wicked, hypocrite and malicious.

    • November 12, 2014

      @Gulfstream November 12, 2014

      Must be that hypocrisy runs in the family. Telemaque of Los Angeles claims that Linton is his cousin; that one is also the greatest “twilight zone” hypocrite, existing in human form even if he has no qualities of a human being.

  51. Anonymous
    November 12, 2014

    To me last election the UWP brought down Richie Spice. My brother not because you haven’t got money to bring artist for you to complain, because i seeing you doing the same thing if the tables were turned.

    • November 12, 2014

      Anonymous I said once before, that it seems to me that you have a split personality

  52. just come
    November 12, 2014

    Fair statement…….

  53. Cyrique
    November 12, 2014

    Lennox please grow up!! This is an election campaign!! These are expensive and this is what is done!! There is an election campaign on 8th December!! There’s only a few weeks to go!! Get on the road and spread your message!! I can’t help thinking that you’re not politically matured enough for the job!

    • The Facts
      November 12, 2014

      It looks like it.

  54. MY 2cents
    November 12, 2014

    Linton stop the hypocrisy and stop pretending like you care about Dominicans and Dominican artist. The only reason you not doing the same thing like Labor is because you are a failure and you broke

  55. Doc. Love
    November 12, 2014

    Mr. Linton must understand, Skeritt has to do everything possible to remain as Prime Minister. When Mr. Linton was a journalist, with limited resources, he exposed all the alleged corruption of the DLP especially Skeritt. Can you imagine with the financial resources of Government, Mr. Linton, as Prime Minister, is going to play dead and forget the owners of the Villas, Mr. Chien’s $54, 000,000 or the bin and fertilizer boreball, par la. Remember after the UWP lost the election, Tony, on behalf of the DLP was the main architect for wanting to put them fellers in jail, does one really believes Edison is going to forget that.

  56. Just Blaze
    November 12, 2014

    Is not nobody business where labor party getting money for there campaign. Go to hell.

    • The Facts
      November 12, 2014

      It really isn’t. Some people like to delve into what should not concern them. It is an election campaign. It is to be expected that political parties spend money for their campaign. What is wrong with that? Broadminded people and those of goodwill will comprehend it. They will not make a storm in a teapot over it.

    • The Facts
      November 12, 2014

      I wish to add, be it that you are sarcastic.

    • Anonymous
      November 13, 2014

      You sound confused. Don’t worry you will get it together one day.

  57. CryCry
    November 12, 2014

    My boy, are your still drinking the forgetful juice from Marigot? What happen to sunrise party workers held some time ago to call election, it is still on our minds! What happened to all your trips to Europe, North America, and all the islands in the West Indies? Before you became party hardliner tell me your travel history! Why are you winning big baby! Ask your rich friends in Europe with the fancy cars and houses for funds so you could live it up. Remember the Vegas trip!

    • The Facts
      November 12, 2014

      No one audited him or asked to see his travel expenses and have them posted on DNO’s Website for all to see and read. That man is so unfair.

  58. Anonymous
    November 12, 2014

    Oh stop the crying you cry baby!! For months you and your supporters were there crying, ‘bring it on! call it nuh? and the like. You and your entourage made several trips to America, Europe and God knows where else. You were caught red-handed on video at the Mayweather fight having breakfast at one of the most expensive hotels in Las Vegas. Now you dare talk about spending of monies by the DLP? Do you even know if it’s not the friends of DLP overseas sponsoring the overseas artists, stage etc.? So many locals from carpenters making the billboards, busdrivers AND YES many LOCAL ARTISTS are benefitting and will benefit from this professional and clinical next level campaign being run by the DLP. Instead you sit back and cry? You should probably try to learn a few things on campaigning for the next election in 2020 (that is if your party doesn’t come to its senses quickly and give you the boot after the humiliating loss which is headed your way on December 8th).

  59. Layba
    November 12, 2014


  60. Truth
    November 12, 2014

    I like to remain impartial in the midst of all the campaigning but Mr. Linton poses a good argument. I really don’t understand how those things affect people’s overall decisions. It’s nice to rally around your supporters but I think some it really too much. My simple mind cannot wrap around all of what’s happening. I, however, cannot wait for all the election hoopla to be over with.

    • The Facts
      November 12, 2014

      It is all in the game of election campaigns. The political parties choose their preference of campaigning and how they want to conduct it. Money must be spent. I would not question it.

  61. Anonymous
    November 12, 2014

    Sour grapes!

  62. Anonymous
    November 12, 2014

    Very true Mr. Linton. I agree. Its the same thing many people are saying. When I first saw the title of this article I thought he was being rude but its just stated like he’s being rude. I wish some labourites would see the light in this situation. Soo many Dominicans are struggling, trying to sell their two dasheen and yet still they are very stupid because they keep shouting”Labour Ka Twavay!” get a brain! If you love your pm and he, himself loves his people he would not be wasting soo much money and the economy wouldn’t be so hard.

    • Cyrique
      November 14, 2014

      Anonymous you seem to have two tongues man!! Are you confused too or is this your twin???

  63. dominica to the bone
    November 12, 2014

    linton i find you come out, it was your party who first put bill board all over dominica so dont come now and try to play as though you just come. you boast how ready you are, and you are not. stop the craying and a next five years for our p.m take it or leave it

  64. El Desperado
    November 12, 2014

    Poor Dominica. Skerrit wants to win the elections at any cost, even though it means selling his soul to the Devil.
    How can billions be thrown down the drain when there are so many priorities. That’s not honest thinking, that is desperation.

    • Anonymous
      November 13, 2014

      Are you hearing yourself?

    • MY 2cents
      November 13, 2014

      El Desperado you sound like a real idiot. Come out there with your stupidity

  65. Anonymous
    November 12, 2014

    Man that is the power of labour. Run your campaign and spend the money you have. When workers placed buildboards in past elections what was it. Edison’s build board stayed up in marigot for years.

    • The Facts
      November 12, 2014

      I remember that when I had once visited Dominica and traveling from and to the then Melville Hall Airport. I saw Edison’s picture poster. It was a huge one. I found it strange. It was as if he was lord of all he surveyed and king of the road who owned Dominica.

    • comic
      November 13, 2014

      T-Shirts come fully printed from overseas.. Billboards of Edison James stayed up in marigot for years after the 2000 general elections. So UWP stop crying. I myself believe that these billboards are a waste of time, however the UWP is guilty of doing the same thing in the past..so stop crying!!!!

  66. vcase
    November 12, 2014

    So mr linton why u dont do this so.the.people will see u serious in helping local investors? Are u broke ? U cantn run a campaign to let us see sthat u are ready
    Shame in u mr linton

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