UWP approves introduction of PM term limit in St. Kitts parliament

Linton said the UWP will introduce PM term limits when it becomes government
Linton said the UWP will introduce PM term limits when it becomes government

Leader of the Opposition United Workers Party (UWP) Lennox Linton has given thumbs up to the government of St. Kitts for introducing in the House, The Tenure of Office of Prime Minister Bill, 2015.

The proposed legislation will stipulate two five-year terms for office of the Prime Minister in St. Kitts and it expected to go before parliament this week.

Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday, Linton said the move is laudable and will also be set in Dominica when the UWP becomes government.

“The opposition’s view on it is that we applaud it,” Linton said. “We applaud this move by Team Unity of St. Kitts and Nevis because indeed both parties Team Unity in St. Kitts and United Workers Party Team Dominica here had the very platform in the campaign for elections.”

He stated that Team Unity won and is in a position to implement the legislation.

“We did not win the election and so we were not in a position to do what they are doing today but we applaud it highly because we think it is very necessary,” Linton said. “This business of one man continuing in office as though wisdom resides in a single head, we don’t support it and we have set clearly that we will set two term limits on the holding of the office Prime Minister when we become the government of Dominica.”

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  1. Glen
    November 19, 2015

    When we talk about Term limits for our leaders, we should also look at Fixed Term elections as well since both go hand in glove. The UK introduced this back in 2011 and Canada is still not there yet. This sounds great in principle, but is likely to have the opposite effect. In our democracy, if the electorate wants to keep the same person in office, then that is their perogatives and it should not be legislated. Conversely, if they do not want the person, then vote him/her out. Isn’t that what elections are for? It is my view that Term limits encourage reckless behavior and most noticeably at the end of the last term, for at that point, the person just doesn’t give a damn. In the same token, a person who wants to get re-elected will be more receptive to the people’s wishes and will do their utmost to achieve that, well within the confines of our own rules and regulations. Certainly we do not want inexperience persons at the head of the government.

  2. Eros-Venus
    November 19, 2015

    I agree on the term of office provided men retire at 50. Dominican’s overseas, I was lucky to have visited the so called Big Countries, family living in one room ,people sharing one apartment. Here in Dominica, one person live in a three storage house ,6 bedroom house with adequate allotments and you refer to them as poor Country. Only lazy people describe Dominica as poor. Get a job or work for yourself to improve your standards

  3. Erika
    November 19, 2015

    We should’ve been the first to pass this legislation :-| :lol: 8) :-? :-P :-x

  4. Erika
    November 19, 2015

    We should’ve have been the first to pass this legislation :lol: :lol: :-|

  5. Erika
    November 19, 2015

    We should’ve been the first to pass this legislation,,

  6. too late
    November 19, 2015

    Dear Mr Linton

    Thank you for taking on this gang running the country. A lot of labourites will not like you cause u dont charm them with dimples ,hand outs , maypwee , lies , propaganda and bobols but as we become more and more enlightened your efforts to ensure transparency , good governance , reduction in waste and economic growth will bare good fruit

  7. Dominican Diaspora
    November 19, 2015

    uwp have the right angle the Demo crate thinking that we Dominica have had since the British and french was on island. say no to this chicness system skerrit is having today

  8. Chief Jacco
    November 18, 2015

    I support de unreal LL starring when he say that he and his unreal fans not in a position to propose legislation that will stipulate two five-year terms for office of the Prime Minister because they really not in de position. They not in de position because they doh have nothing like a policy paper on de matter, de matter not part of their ideals and fundamentals, no unreal Marigot starring never resign as leader of de party when they lost de jere elections, they doh intend to win de next election and be government, they never promise to do so if they win de next election, the unreal LL starring never yet get de taste of de PM chair, de unreal starring hate de real starring Skerro and want power and he just fantasizing that if in his metal faculty Dominica had such a legislation the real starring Skerro would be rid of, PERIOD.

  9. ZUMA
    November 18, 2015

    mon dieu Linto you really want the name of Prime Minister. you will do and say anything, but just let you get this title and see how you will react when the same policy your are NOW encouraging hits you in the behind,,, My goodness I have never seen that In my life, even a WISE man would already give up on a WOMAN he has been PERSUING after for so long AND SHE IS NOT SHOWING any positive response or hope that anything would come out of that,,, DO THE RESPECTABLE THNG AND JUST CHILL A BIT… YOU HAVE NOT DELIVERED WHAT YOU PROMISED TO YOUR DOMINICAN SUPPORTERS AND THEY ARE SO DISAPPOINTED IN YOU….

  10. forreal
    November 18, 2015

    when we become the government of dominica,is he referring to his government or when anybody becomes the government?but anyway whatever he is in reference to,his government is never going to be the government of dominica,maybe some new party,UWP we already been there,and my question is,what has all the past failed goverments have really done for dominica,?and mind what you guys really reply,because if they had done anything of significance for the country,we would not be where we at today,and this crap of skerrit been there since 2001 and has brought the country down,my question will expand to,was dominica anywhere before?now this crap here ,will not work because I am a Dominican to,and if not for Guadeloupe,martiniqe st marten,dominicas ghetto people would not have

  11. mine
    November 18, 2015

    They should be screened on their credit history and should be a holder of not less than bachelor degree.

  12. November 18, 2015

    labor party is a threat to national security . this party is a clear and present danger to democracy.Let us get ourselves from that stupor wherewe think that the labor party and skerrit is the best thing after after God.

  13. Governance
    November 18, 2015

    Having term limits may or may not improve the status quo. I could be Prime Minister for ten years and continue to run the Government. Look at Russia. Who was running Russia when Mr Putin was Prime Minister of Russia. Mr Putin was not the President of Russia.

    It all boils down to having a strong Cabinet – men and women who can go to Parliament and vote against their party. That is what is needed. Men and women who have the capacity to challenge cabinet. Men and women who do not have to depend on a ministerial position to feed their families.

    If a am on a Board, you think the Chairman can do as he likes, no matter how many years he is Chairman – never.

  14. no name no warrant
    November 18, 2015

    I agree with the first comment . there should be an educational component to be prime minister, like having a degree in management . Both Skerrit and Linton are not suitable to run Dominica .

  15. %
    November 18, 2015

    I also endorse the move honourable Linton. Two terms then someone else. The miserable performance of this current DLP under the duncest and most inept Caribbean leader is vivid example of leaders getting worse at delivering the goods after two terms.GOOD LEADERSHIP HONOURABLE LINTON!!!

  16. d-a born
    November 18, 2015

    I understand the positive change that this could bring, but anyone with half a brain can tell that Linton wants this just so he could have a shot at being PM, not because he cares about the well being of the country. Politics is all about power and Linton seems to be going all out for it. It’s time voters start calling out these politicians on their nonsense, I don’t care whether it’s Labor or UWP. Stop following politicians around as if they’re all wise and all powerful, they’re all opportunists that care more about themselves than helping the country.

  17. $$$
    November 18, 2015

    I agree on term limits, but for small island states with the most skilled individuals out of the region, I think a 3, even 4 term limit is required. I mean, having only 10 years to do a job- that’s almost no job security man.
    These small islands aint like the US or European states were you are set for life once you get the top job… in the Caribbean you will only encourage more corruption to set yourself up for life will you in office for those 10 years. Especially since they not jailing them or persecuting them for corruption (which I would do- eliminate the opposition).

  18. November 18, 2015

    You would support such a move wouldn’t you, for the simple reason that you are not in power and not ever likely to be.?

  19. Righteous
    November 18, 2015

    “This business of one man continuing in office as though wisdom resides in a single head, we don’t support it and we have set clearly that we will set two term limits on the holding of the office Prime Minister when we become the government of Dominica.” In total support of this, but the leader needs to let go of his personal grudge man.

    I totally support the idea of term limits for Prime Ministers. There should also be legislation passed involving Educational standards for Prime Ministers or any Ministerial positions for that matter. While we are at it, let us have a discussion on all the amendments needed to be made legislatively.


  20. November 18, 2015

    Anything short of a Constitutional requirement will be a complete waste of time.

  21. Floridian diaspora
    November 18, 2015

    Totally agreed. Too much dictatorship going in that country. It even have people that saying that Skeritt will be there for the next 50 years. Which means that what they are indirectly saying is Skeritt will die as the country’s prime minister. You know if Dominicans are not careful, communism will be the next best thing Skeritt will offer them on a silver platter, and for all I care, it already looks like we are going down that road

  22. November 18, 2015

    You can applaud and approve anything you want in St. Kitts, Mr. Novice, but you won’t EVER “change” anything in Dominica! First of all, you will NEVER be the Prime Minister and your party will NEVER have the majority in Parliament or in Dominica on a whole. Our dear and precious Supreme Leader, ordained Knight of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, His Eminence, the right and honourable Prime Minister, Dr. Roosevelt M. Skerrit, Dominica’s divine Emperor is here for LIFE! He shall not be moved by you or anyone else as long as Labourites are alive. You can never stand in the shoes of this great and wonderful man. You will never be rich as he is. You will never possess his charm and charisma, his good looks and warm personality. Dr. Skerrit is the best Prime Minister Dominica has ever had. Dominica does not need term limits, what we need is an opposition that will do as much as they can talk rubbish. An opposition that will and can accept that they will ALWAYS be the losers.

    • Analy Thomas
      November 18, 2015

      Are you attacking the opposition leader as an individual or his perspective of a two term policy just like the US……. Which is one of the reasons why the US Has done so well. Do you determine the fate of Dominicans as to who will be in Government or not or are you a patriotic citizen working toward development! I also respect the adjectives that you use to describe our leader but how do you know how rich he is? How would you decide who can walk in his shoes without trial evidence?
      Are you thinking what you write or just teasing the people who suffer daily with mortgage, taxes, improper meals and no jobs……….. UWP does not have to be the next government but 10 years is more than enough for one man. How about new blood with new ideas…… Dominicans alike. How about an international airport, a helicopter or two to service search and rescue and air medical ambulance….. police pursuits… How about a decent hospital on the north of the Island…. People come to Roseau…

    • Floridian diaspora
      November 18, 2015

      You the labor of love has done nothing but show us how limited your vocabulary is. You have one pool of words to describe the P.M. which are (supreme leader, beloved, blessed, ordained, right hand, and knight) and that is all you go by day in day out. This just goes to show that while the rest of us normal human beings are thoughtful and use only 1/10th of our brain to display our wisdom on this website, you on the other hand are adequately dumb and was only born with only a small fraction of the brains that we have and it shows in your choice of words that you have limited brain capacity. Even a donkey would out do you in terms of I.Q. do yourself a favor and learn from a donkey. Put a bridle on your mouth and keep it shut. Then fall back in line and wait your turn until you are deemed fit for service once again. Only then will you be summoned to start back braying

    • outsider
      November 18, 2015

      Are you for real, what makes skerrit precious or supreme, you must be brain wash, i mean i visited dominica a few weeks ago and this country is next to haiti in terms of economic drive, this is one of the poorest country in the caribbean, and its not because of the latest storm, it has been for year, dominica has some of the most illiterate, backward and old fashion people i have ever met, this is one of the hardest country to live inn, i think dominica needs a complete over haul. proud british virgin islander.

      • Yes I
        November 19, 2015

        You’ve just been bought.

    • outsider
      November 18, 2015

      Are you for real, what makes skerrit precious or supreme, you must be brain washed, i mean i visited dominica a few weeks ago and this country is next to haiti in terms of economic drive, this is one of the poorest country in the caribbean, and its not because of the latest storm, it has been for years, dominica has some of the most illiterate, backward and old fashion people i have ever met, this is one of the hardest country to live inn, i think dominica needs a complete over haul. proud british virgin islander.

    • Change has come
      November 18, 2015

      you must be a dam fool to be making such statements, are u really calling your prime minister rich? OK how much money you have? do u have Half of the money you so love has, does he share his salary with you? and listen to how you worship a man and not even god you give as much praise, no wonder God Send Ericka to clean up Dominica. all i can say to you, nothing last for ever. and every man jack has to answer when the time is right so praise you king still. but as the good book says, only fools worship man!!!!!!!!! with everything change must come, remember you bible after the great flood. there was change, in Dominica the flood as passed, soon u will see change. foolish lil Labourat….

    • Brian John Baptiste
      November 18, 2015

      Poor opposition. Increase your education and build better programs so your voters will actually vote you in.

    • way papa
      November 18, 2015

      Uforgot :) kingofkings :) LordGod

    • Yes I
      November 19, 2015

      You are surely not a labour supporter. You are playing games and was able to get some idiots here to respond to your BS.

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