UWP calls for peaceful election campaign

Linton says he condemns destruction of election paraphernalia
Linton says he condemns destruction of election paraphernalia

Political Leader of the United Workers Party (UWP,) Lennox Linton, has called on supporters and the rest of the citizenry for a peaceful election campaign and to refrain from destroying any political paraphernalia in the weeks leading up to the country’s general election carded for December 8th 2014.

It has been reported in at least one media house, that some supporters of the UWP have been involved in destroying election paraphernalia belonging to the Dominica Labour Party (DLP).

However, speaking at a UWP press conference on Wednesday Linton said he was unaware of such incidents.

“I honestly do not know,” he said, quickly adding that there is no need for such behavior.

“What I say to our supporters, our friends as I say to all the citizens of Dominica is there is no need for that,” he said. “There is no need for tearing anybody’s poster, interfering in anybody’s billboard. I strongly condemn it. That’s not who we are, we are a much better country than that.”

The UWP leader pointed out that he hopes that the DLP is not behind the alleged incident in order to blame the UWP.

“I only hope that in some strange way the DLP is not setting people to destroy a few of their things so that they could blame it on the UWP,” Linton stated. “Because I have noticed a trend in Dominica these days that they create their own stories, regardless of what the truth is, regardless of what the facts are. And when I listen to some of the things that are being said about me that is not true, I wonder if I know me.”

Meantime, Linton is reporting success for the UWP in the first week of activities leading up to general election.

According to him the Victory for Change Rally concert last weekend in Newtown, went well.

The second week of activities for the UWP is as follows:

-Wednesday 12th-Meeting in Grand Fond and the presentation of candidate Thompson Fontaine
-Thursday 13th- Meeting in Lagoon Portsmouth and launch of Cottage candidate Stewart Burton
-Friday 14th-Presentation of 21 candidates to civil society leaders at the Arawak House of Culture from 7:00 pm
-Saturday 15th –March for free and fair elections, across Roseau from the Newtown savannah to the Pottersville savannah from 3:00 pm and will culminate with a Victory for Change rally at Mahaut at 6:00 pm.

The week will climax on Sunday 16th with a “Women for Change in it too Rally” in Calibishie.

That rally will also feature guest speaker Attorney-at-Law, Joanne Massiah a well-known Caribbean Rights Advocate from Antigua.

She is also a member of the Antiguan Parliament and former government minister.

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  1. joeko
    November 18, 2014

    only now Lenox Linton can call for peace when the elected parliamentarians stayed out for five years getting paid for doing nothing ,and disturbing the house proceedings, what would u call this?eating tax payers money for doing nothing where is your principles of leadership.

  2. November 13, 2014

    Hello and good morning my people. Yes we need a violence free election and the supporters of both parties must respect that. We also need a debate with Mr Linton and Mr Skerrit where they can defend their party platform . We also need a debate between all the candidates from from both parties. If you running for Office then one should be prepared to defend their platform and let our people decide. We are a Demacracy and our citizens must be informed.

    • Tyre Hit de Road
      November 13, 2014

      Its too late for the debate and If this is reallyToney doe the DLP LOL hahhahahahahahaha it is a set up …..>TOO late shall be your Cry
      WAY TOO LATE FOR ANY DEBATE If I was MY LINTON? UWP I would not dabate at this later time after asking for debates all year

  3. Truth
    November 13, 2014

    People on both sides of the fence listen the the Leader Mr. Linton, good advise. Thank you sir.

  4. 2bfree
    November 13, 2014

    Dear Mr. Linton, Thank you for taking the high road on this very littered political highway. It is refreshing to see leaders taking a stand and actually showing leadership. We need a vibrant and peaceful election campaign, free of fighting, and bloodshed. At the end of the day we are all Dominicans who must continue to live peacefully on our beautiful island.
    Let me just share with you something I learned a long time ago; and which was recently reinforced by a book which I read written by former US Navy Seals; Never say “I don’t know” saying I don’t know is never a very good or strong answer and actually can show weakness. When asked a question to which you do not know the answer, one should simply reply with, something like this: Thank you, for asking, however I simply do not have all the information on hand to give you a clear answer. I will look into this and and get back to you as soon as I have all the facts. In any situation; this answer shows strength, commitment, and the willingness to get the facts right.

  5. Its my damn business
    November 12, 2014

    Dear Bishop, we the supporters of the UWP are opposed to our leader and other members, to enter your house or be part of any treaty that involves you and Skerrit. We love our leader and his love for our nation and therefore we will do everything to ensure his safety in anything he does. We feel this planned treaty is very questionable especially because you failed to open your mouth when Skerrit was going wild and furthermore you have lost our respect as a man of God. In fact if anything, we hope that after the election you will be replaced as bishop because the nation needs true men of God that will stand up against evil instead of abhorring it. So please cancel Lennox from your list because we will not release him.

  6. fools verses wise
    November 12, 2014

    The moment Mr. Linton enters the house of this bishop he finish whether he does not eat or drink anything there. Just entering his house ends it all. For the sake of us who have been with you all year, please do not use your feet to the destruction of hope. When evil men like skerrit got knighted you know the evils that surround their house. Stay out! Stay out! Stay out!!

  7. Anonymous
    November 12, 2014

    Only the PM can make those statements as in Wesley. When the UWP I think the name in Lugay made whatever statement at the UWP meeting, it was the same Mr Skerrit who sent his policemen to arrest him, also if Mr Linton would make such an unacceptably statement the police would escort him from his meeting. But Mr Skerrit know there is no law or constitution for him in Dominica -so he can make his threat. Let it be known that while Mr Linton was making his PEACEFUL PLEA to his supporters the Hon.Prime Minister was advocating civil disobedience. I wonder who is the more educated here. Food for thought. Fellow Dominicans let us teach Mr Skerrit a lesson and send him home on December 8th.

  8. whoistoblame
    November 12, 2014

    Linton ,you hear deh warn you.Doh go in that bishop house to sign no peace election treaty wit Skerrit.If you do, you will lose this election. You will regret it if you ever do. The supporters have spoken. STAY AWAY FROM THE BISHOP HOUSE

  9. November 12, 2014

    Dear Mr. Linton ,once again you have shown and demonstrated to the Nation what Leadership is all about, seizing the initiative and being pro active when the situation demands it

  10. November 12, 2014

    wle the uwp does not have time with labour

  11. Hahaha
    November 12, 2014

    DNO you could print what favors your party, but the people cannot be deceived by you and your cronies. How distasteful and bias it is that your choose to avoid the blogs that are critical of the UWP. LL criticized Skeritte for having a massive crowd and being extravagant. Again, I am reiterating my point. Who held the sunrise gala which turned out to be the most disastrous episode in the history of UWP. Don’t cry now because you squander your allotment. You took a world tour and what did you accomplished? the only thing you accomplished is a bigger ego. Your tour was an absolute disaster! The purpose which you outlined fell on deaf ears, why, you told your audience you don’t have a problem with them coming to vote, but they must pay for their tickets. As a snake oil sales man you were laugh at all the way back to DA.

  12. Catholic Priest
    November 12, 2014

    Mr. Linton, let me share a passage from the holy bible with you that is very similar to what is happening in Dominica today. 1 Kings 13. In 13:1 A man of God was to the King to warn him of his evils. In response, the king was angry and decided to lay hold on the man of God. But God showed up and attacked the king to the point that the same man of God had to pray for him. However, here is what happened in 13:7 And the king said unto the man of God, Come home with me, and refresh thyself, and I will give thee a reward. Sounds familiar? come home with me…The man of God resisted but later allowed himself to go home with another so called man of God, and that was the end of him as the man of God was eaten by a lion on his way back 13:15-24. There is something about entering in the house of politicians that try to present themselves as priest. This Bishop is not a man of God and you should stay away from his home please sir! The war is too close to being won to compromise and enter in the house of the enemy

    • November 12, 2014

      Dear Mr. Linton , when you go to that meeting at the bishop’s do not eat their food or drink their drink beware of treachery . In other words do not trust that bishop.

      • November 12, 2014

        You all are very sick people

  13. mango
    November 12, 2014

    I saw some labourite took of some uwp flags in calibishie today.I said to one guy they have a right to put up there flags as well and I am a labourite the both sides has ignorant supporters as well,is not uwp alone labourite to.

      November 12, 2014

      Liar stop it.

  14. Catholic Priest
    November 12, 2014

    Very well said Mr. Linton! We want a fair & peaceful election campaign. It’s because of your maturity and other good qualities of a leader that I see in you, I give you 100% support. Having said this I have a warning and probably a rebuke for you because I heard you and other members of Team Dominica will be going to the home of Bishop Gabriel Malzaire on Friday to meet with Mr. Skerrit and sign for a peaceful election. However please DO NOT enter in the Bishop’s house and DO NOT fall into their trap!

    • Stop the lies
      November 12, 2014

      Catholic priest indeed. Hahahaha stupesssss

  15. Open Eyes
    November 12, 2014

    I salute you Mr Linton our visionary leader. Well said!

  16. famalay
    November 12, 2014

    dominica will b save by u mr linton god is good

  17. love I
    November 12, 2014

    Peace is Power….Mr. Linton well done…you and your Team…..what a change, something different…Blessings and no weapon formed against you all shall prosper…amen

  18. Blue is Back
    November 12, 2014

    we don’t have time to remove labour posters.

  19. MissB
    November 12, 2014

    Lennox…I was thinking the same thing. You took the thoughts right off my head. Hope they themselves are not the perpetrators! :-) Time shall tell.

  20. Anonymous
    November 12, 2014

    i could say the same thing for Roselyn in calibishie she was right there and one of her supporter was disturbing Unica meeting she never said anything

  21. Titiwi
    November 12, 2014

    That is a very mature and sensible approach. I like it. I really really like it.

  22. Anonymous
    November 12, 2014

    I think that it would help if the leaders of the parties were seen debating or being involved and interacting in some civil way. People will always follow the leader and take cues from leaders behaviour towards each other.

  23. dominica to the bone
    November 12, 2014

    linton call young girls………… and the old greedy, and he want to talk now about peaceful campaign, tell linton go wash his foot in the layou river

    • to you
      November 12, 2014

      And you will wash yours in skerrit mouth, because the shoe has given you corns on each toe. However, do not let wifey meet you having your dirty fun.

  24. Layba
    November 12, 2014

    Cruked-head is just looking to score pàints. He knows dam well who the bandits arei

  25. Cocern
    November 12, 2014

    Cant you be objective for once in your life. You are calling for calm and none violence, yet on the other hand you are saying the DLP are creating that scenario. Are you always two sided, let your nay be nay, and your ya, be ya.

  26. Anonymous
    November 12, 2014

    Skerrit called for a peaceful campaign on Sunday at the rally in Castle Bruce

    • Anonymous
      November 12, 2014

      And yesterday in Wesley he told his supporters that blood will flow if they don’t vote for him. The man has a split personality obviously.

  27. Positively Dominican
    November 12, 2014

    Blessed are the peace makers for they will be called children of God (Matthew 5:9 – NIV). AMEN!

  28. Doc. Love
    November 12, 2014

    I wish to applaud Mr. Linton. However, I would not be surprised the destruction of the billboards are coming from supporters of the DLP. Dominicans are accustomed to the dirty tricks of that party. Case in point, remember the incident concerning the personal documents of Skeritt involving Tony, well, the destruction of the billboards by themselves is possible.

  29. Androcles
    November 12, 2014

    Driving through Marigot in the early hours of Thursday the 6th of November 2014, I noticed a gentleman with a ten foot ladder putting up some posters on utility poles. Everyone saw him. Question: would one not require a ten foot ladder to pull down these very posters. So you mean that no one; not even the policemen at the Marigot Police Station saw someone pulling down posters. I think that the combination of wind and rain brought the posters down. I suspect that they were in turn torn by passers by when they reach ground. No one should pull down any party’s posters but a party should not accuse another just to make someone look bad.

    • MY 2cents
      November 13, 2014

      You sound like a real idoit. Are you trying to say it only have one 10 foot ladder in Dominica

    • Barbara Saunders
      November 13, 2014


      Driving by the round about on the new bridge on the link road, stadium to Goodwill this morning, I saw the billboard with Mr. Skeritt’s photo and highlights of some of the developments in Dominica ripped in two from the bottom half. I doubt that the rain and wind did that.

      I also doubt that Mr. Skerrit’s supporters did that to make UWP look bad. Let us pray that no one from the opposing side catches someone doing that and we have a violent reaction. Let’s pray!

  30. Just Observing
    November 12, 2014

    Mr. Linton if you condemn the act of tearing down election paraphernalia, you condemn it. There ought to be no further negative spin to your serious (I suppose) statement on the issue. Like Danny in the “threats matter” you offer a condemnation, yet seek to find some way to put a negative spin on your comments. You either condemn and leave it that way, or you remain quiet and hoping there is no truth in it.


  31. Supporting Change
    November 12, 2014

    I tip my hat to you Mr. Linton, one legend to another, at the end, the truth shall prevail and Dominica and once again we will be an Island with jobs and money are flowing in people’s pockets as it were in the days of freedom and the era of UWP. Freedomites I call on you to help make that change, remember in 2000 – 2005 the labor party killed your freedom party to eliminate the competition, then they bought some UWP ministers so that Dominica can become a one party state. Communism.

    • Just Observing
      November 13, 2014

      “Money was flowing” in UWP days at the helm of government? How therefore you can explain the non-payment of DSS contributions from both the employees deductions and the employers contribution? How do you explain the stack of unpaid checks at the Treasury totaling tens of millions of dollars? How do you explain the faked construction firm from Trinidad that was contracted to build the Wotten Waven Trafalgar Link Road for 6 million dollars and then turned around and sub-contracted the same project to the Public Works here for 2.5 million dollars. How do you explain the fact that the said contractor gave a check to the Public Works which bounced and the construction firm varnished into thin air. I suppose those were good days for “Supporting Change”. Money must have been meeting money in his pockets.

      • looking
        November 13, 2014

        Who were the two perpetrators or the names of individual’s called? Are they still part of the opposition? Where are they now? Think about that

  32. Young voter
    November 12, 2014

    Ref: My 2cent

    I strongly believe that you are the ignorant one. The man is making a plea to Dominicans and here you are with rubbish. This is why Dominica will go nowhere, is because of people like yourself. There is very little motivation for young people like me and I hope you do not have children.

  33. A thinking Dominican
    November 12, 2014

    There are so many people who are afraid of change, but Dominicans there is no need to worry or be negative towards change, somewhere in our hearts we all know that Lennox Linton means well for Dominica. Not every one is evil and not every thing someone says have to be twisted to look like a negative. But I don’t blame Dominicans for thinking that Linton is evil in his heart, because we have been subjected to that kind of rule for the past 15 years, so its very difficult to break out of it over night. empty promises, dying tourism industry, dead agriculture industry, local people renting to students in Picard and Savan-pille being put out of business because of competition met by luxurious villas and luxury lilac building with no owner. Linton called for no violence in the campaign, can’t we just say good speech, thumbs up to that. God Bless Dominica and We Dominicans.

    • MY 2cents
      November 13, 2014

      If he practiced what he preached I would agree with you. But you obviously do not know the lennox linton that you speak off. And as far as the rest for your comment, you and the other lazy dominicans look in the mirror and you will see the reason for those problems. Not the government fault

  34. Observer
    November 12, 2014

    Only Now?? This should have been done on the get go.

  35. real possie
    November 12, 2014

    See the lacking in this man, that’s like scolding your child when people made a complain about your child you telling your child I don’t think you did it but just don’t pass by such and such so they wont say is you that did that. I remember parents who used to do that now those same children been in and out of jail. Was it laborites who wanted to make you all look bad that’s why the had another laborite hit the guy in his back with a bottle? SMDH. and you have people bellow me talking about (that is a leader).

  36. Who 2 vote 4?
    November 12, 2014

    Lennox, I have said and will say it again even if I have been rebuked by UWP supporters for saying it. I do not know you and I have never kept a word with you since you always look so serious. However you sure sound like a damn good leader and the type of person we need to save our country from the calamities and mess of Skerrit. I am a proud laborer, but I am not voting for party this time. I am voting to save my country and every statement you make gives me every reason to vote for you and the DLP this year. You are my kind of leader sir! You have answered my questions and deep cries of my heart.

    • MY 2cents
      November 13, 2014

      Read your post and tell me if you sound like an ok person

  37. truth.
    November 12, 2014

    Thamk you mr. LINTON you are on the right tract for DA. Continue to pray for wisdom to know the difference from right and wrong as Solomon did so he could lead his people. Team Dominica continue to be calm as you all are God will surely do the rest. We are praying, God is stronger and he will deliver Dominica.
    Dominica is heading to communism and five more years is all Skeritte need, Lord deliver us from these men.

  38. Anonymous555
    November 12, 2014

    mr linton has to know of these things ,how is it that you want to be pm n not know of these things don’t you hav foot soldiers that keeps you inform of the day to day runnings don’t you know of the bottle throwin at the dlp bus in roseau from the guys that support workers next to ducreay,you should know of these things …be wise mr linton if you are really running for the high office.

  39. Anonymous
    November 12, 2014

    Congratulations for your comments mr. Linton

  40. truth
    November 12, 2014

    That is a leader ,
    Sir ,,,Where were you ,all these years?, You would have saved DOMINICA, but still ,,better late than never

    • Right on cue
      November 12, 2014

      But you forgot that his brother Brian Linton was videotaped ripping off a poster from the side of a container in Canefield a couple elections ago? The DLP even took that to make an election ad: Desperate men do desperfate things. Beware of desperate men”!!! So he knows about pulling down stuff belonging to the other side.

      However I admire him for that call to his supporters.

    • Anonymous
      November 12, 2014

      Oh please!! Actions speaks louder than words

    • Shawty
      November 12, 2014

      smh … my dear uno wt u say der… wheel an come again …. allu forget wen UWP was in parliament??? he didnt even wait till 5years smh …. Skerrit tht camein an tried his BEST to fix things….mayb u’ll dont like how he does stuff but … HELLO he isnt perfect..

  41. MY 2cents
    November 12, 2014

    Is he to ask for a peaceful election. Because is he that have a set of rude, illiterate, ignorant and violent people that just like him as supporters. And the worst part is uwp candidates supporting that kind of ridiculous behavior. Look at what ron green was part of on Sunday, blocking the road while people were on the way to the Labor event in Castle Bruce.

    • Bee
      November 12, 2014

      You have to give it to Skerrit eh. He seems to have succeeded in brainwashing many Dominicans. Whenever he says something, his followers swallow it and spew it right back at the first opportunity they get. @ 2 cents.. your leader just said Blood will be shed if DLP is voted out does that not sound violent and desperate to you? Have you ever heard Lennox or any UWP candidate threatening violence of any kind? I suppose soon you or one of your Labour brothers or sisters will be threateining us further in a comment.

      • hmm
        November 13, 2014

        Skerrit did NOT say blood will be shed if they do not vote him in… Alu UWP supporters too damn negetive. Open alu ears and listen to the PM speeches when he addressing his supporters. I listened to the speech and even read the quote and there was nothing that said there will be blood shed. Smdh @ you people.

    • Anonymous
      November 12, 2014

      STUPES—— are u STUPID? BOY we really have IGNORANT people in MY COUNTRY. are u blinded by the labour party propaganda? I wonder if u noticed your own pm THREATENED his supporters at the wesely meeting.

    • Positive I live
      November 12, 2014

      2cents. All the leaders should ask their supporters for peace and respect during this season. There are ignorant rude disrespectable support on both sides. We have to respect each other’s views. One particular leader thinks that all of Dominica must support only him!!!

  42. Roseau
    November 12, 2014

    I support the statements of Mr. Linton. We are a small country where everybody knows one another. So it makes no sense to hurt your neighbor.
    After elections we all have to come back together to build Dominica.

    • Anonymous
      November 13, 2014

      Now go out and do what you say youelieve.

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