UWP to hit the road in “Coast to Coast in 25”

UWP leader Lennox Linton
UWP leader Lennox Linton

The United Workers Party (UWP) on Wednesday announced that it will be hitting the road to all 21 constituencies across the island in an effort to interact with people and get its message across.

Dubbed “Coast to Coast in 25” the exercise is expected to cover all the constituencies in 25 days and will be launched on Thursday, November 7.

According to the UWP the objective is to “to have direct, face to face with interactions with the people who are feeling most severely the pressures of a worsening economy.”

It will also focus on “the importance of ensuring that government honors the Constitution and abides by the rule of law and the necessity of ID cards for voting and a clean list of voters to prevent electoral fraud.”

Those targeted will be farmers, fishermen, shop keepers, public officers, construction workers, port workers, artistes and musicians, sports men and women, housewives, students, unemployed youth and ‘men on the block,’ the party said.

Activities will include visits to homes, farms, business places, and community organization as well and round table, town hall and public meeting.

THe party said “Coast to Coast in 25” follows what it described as its “highly rated Jobs and Economic Growth Forum on October 31st, 2013.”

The UWP said the event “presented a clear vision of Dominicans working together to secure economic and social advancement opportunities under the leadership of the UWP.”

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    November 7, 2013

    Edi Amin!No name no warrant.

  2. Anonymous
    November 7, 2013

    Workerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsss never forward labourrrrrrrrrr. to vote workers is a backward step

  3. diva
    November 7, 2013

    Lenox Linton u are the man for Dominica next level change is a must

  4. john bess
    November 7, 2013

    Good move,at least i can get to hear these intelligent and visionary men speak about their plans for my country,ready to cast my vote for you guys !

  5. Nmc
    November 7, 2013

    Fantastic move by the UWP . We need a government of the people for the people and by the people. A UWP government that will listen to the people and respect the people, their laws and constitution. A UWP Government that will create jobs for the People instead of taking Jobs from our people and giving them to Chinese and people from other countries. A government that will put Dominicans first.We need a leader that will not insult, disrespect and steals from the people and force them to beg because of poverty so that he can control their votes.WE need a UWP Government for jobs, progress and prosperity in Dominica.

  6. Obama 4 Dominica
    November 6, 2013

    There are many poor people who intend to remain poor at all costs, and they will hate anyone who comes to help them out of their poverty, especially if they like the person who keeps them poor

    There are many foolish people who insist on staying foolish at any cost, and they will hate anyone who tries to educate them. I guess they are afraid to get to know better.

    So now we understand the impossible task our teachers face especially in Dominica, trying to educate people who don’t want to be educated, who don’t want to do better, who do not want to progress.

    Team Dominica, strength and courage, God is watching, and so are we.

  7. Pale Face
    November 6, 2013

    Yes Linton, you have to surround and compass skerritt about to root him out. Wait outside restrooms if possible for those who are going in and coming out. They must be told of the a better day that awaits them when the labor “party” party is over.

  8. yyyyyyyy
    November 6, 2013

    Take that. Color Red. UWP impressive move,thats what politics is all about taking it to the people. Good luck!

  9. Listening!!!
    November 6, 2013

    All the way…..we need progress and sustainable development for Dominica and its citizen at large.

    Too much hopeless in the country, our current administration is just not capable.

  10. norman thomas
    November 6, 2013

    Well,well,well”, the opposition party under the leadership of Mr. Linton has an ambitious plan and that is to sell its economic, social and political merchandise to the 21 constituencies within Dominica in 25 days. This is a very tough undertaking.Let’s be real here. How can the party members meet all the different groups as identified by you in such a short period?.How can Linton and company address the economic short comings that they say exist in Dominica in this short time? What special strategy does the party have for the farmers? Wish I could attend one of those meetings. A s I see it, talk has always been talk. Action is the real deal. In the interim, I have no choice but to encourage the current prime minister to continue working hard for the betterment of good old Dominica.

  11. Joe
    November 6, 2013

    Yes sir- now you are talking and mean business. Boots on the ground…..boots on the ground..

  12. Asterix
    November 6, 2013

    I applaud this enterprising initiative to meet with the people who feel the brunt of administrative miss-management, by this incompetent and corrupt government; who seem hell bent on making people poorer and mendicant, dependent on hand outs. It is high time we let the people of Dominica feel some level of self worth by providing the opportunities for wealth creation for them and ultimately the country. The only way is with initiatives that create jobs and more jobs. This lazy government has successfully created an environment where jobs are not created but lost. The closure of Clear Habour and Brizee Mart are but a few examples of such. They have also demonstrated that they don’t care about employment for Dominican either, when they procured a $27,000,000 ($27 million) loan that our tax dollars are to repay and had the unmitigated gull to employ Chinese laborers to build that costly state palace. That money could have easily been put into the productive sector (Agriculture, Manufacturing, Tourism etc) to create employment for the citizens of this country to empower them. and get them off the begging bowl of the Red Clinic. I wish the UWP all the best going forward with this and hopefully other and similar initiatives to meet the people who can/will bring about the desired change and to highlight the ways that a UWP government can/will help empower them

  13. joy
    November 6, 2013

    hope the goal is accomplish!!!!!

  14. Yeah Man
    November 6, 2013

    That is what I like about this new breed of UWP leaders…Great thinkers ….intelligent, educated …. always one step ahead……We lead and the others follow.
    Let us see what counter plan the PM will come up with this time.

    • Original Observer
      November 7, 2013

      The most brilliant con men are very influential speakers. That is how they are able to get people to do the wrong and regrettable things. E.g. they play on the emotions of old, vulnerable and mostly retired women convincing them to invest in what is really a fraudulent schemes. They promise the sky, high returns on investments sometimes as much as 7% per month. These poor people often fall prey to these smooth talkers, invest all of their life savings in pyramid schemes and then the investor with the bright idea simply disappears into the horizon, leaving these people more poor, very regretful than how they were. Seldom have any of those smooth talk promises bore fruit. The smooth talker is also seldom found and made to pay for his “crime” against humanity. he just switches jurisdiction under a new identity and a rechristened program. What he is assured of is not only quick money but a forever waiting list of unsuspecting vulnerable people he can smooth talk again.

  15. tothebone
    November 6, 2013

    let me know when they coming so that i can fly my BIG RED FLAG

    • Mamize
      November 6, 2013


    • Nac Vibes
      November 6, 2013

      You are free to fly what ever colour flag you wish every day, that will not stop what has to be done.

    • haha
      November 7, 2013

      hahaha i in dat!!!!

    • diva
      November 7, 2013

      Me I ready to fly my giant blue flag all about I ready for they change.Workerssssssssssss we moving to a next-generation of Dominica

  16. Grandbay
    November 6, 2013

    This is a call for Dominicans to open their eyes and put their childrens’s future first.
    This UWP is clerly the best Team to make Dominica a better place for our youths.
    Let us do all come on board and vote progress.

  17. love
    November 6, 2013

    i like dat…more headache for skerrit :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  18. yout man
    November 6, 2013

    yes iii soundin good..doe worry wit dem negative talks foward we goin..a change is a must not an option!!!!! :-x :-x

  19. hMM
    November 6, 2013

    all I have to say is just drive straight pass my village in the south… cause I know no body will even pay attention to you. If they don’t have work to do on that day, as soon as all you arrive, they will go find something to do and the streets will be deserted lmfao.. So ani passe’ nous dwette!! Nous pa ni tan pour blag!

    • Oh Boy
      November 6, 2013

      That is the sad thing. You refuse to listen to people with alternative views. A voter will listen to both sides and make his decisions. How can you criticize someone when you refuse to listen to what he has to say.

    • Nac Vibes
      November 6, 2013

      Then why are you afraid?

    November 6, 2013


  21. Domnichen
    November 6, 2013

    The man with the Midas touch. Let’s hope he can turn some of our rocks into gold.

  22. Espwa Mal Papi
    November 6, 2013

    What happen elections round the corner man? DNO the way you responding only Workers people alone man that reading.. so everybody supporting workers. You lie……………………….
    Allyou will take blows anytime Skerritt call elections. Some can be fooled not all.
    Sunday’s response to the infamous boycott should be a clear warning….

  23. Peeping Tom
    November 6, 2013

    The idea sounds good to me. It should help the party prepare its manifesto for the next general election.

    Unfortunately, these tours and symposia rob supporters of the opportunity to claim that the ideas in the manifesto are thsoe of an “innovative” UWPwee team. Let’s face it, if you summarize and publish someone’s ideas, can you claim them as your own?

    In addition, how different is this spectacle from what Linton and his team started a few months ago when he declared that he wanted to visit every household in Dominica? Why does the UWPwee cling onto such catchy slogans that amount to nothing?

    So, for all its flash, this tour is more of the same. What will work for Dominica is not more talk and showmanship, because we keep hearing the same thing ad nauseum. What we need Mr. Linton and his team to do are : EXPLAIN to us how their econonmic plan as articulated in their just concluded economic forum will translate into development and, please, come up with truly innovative plans and programmes; not just interesting ideas and surely not the same old usual solutions that we already know.

    • Another Jean Jacque
      November 6, 2013

      Boss you know that you are on a government scholarship in Canada so stop playing objective when in fact you are just another DLP operative who rub shoulders with ambassador for favors. Give them fellas a brake shate man!!

    • Nac Vibes
      November 6, 2013

      What utter garbage, you are really struggling with this one.

      You said,
      “The idea sounds good to me”
      I agree, people will now have informed choice, they will be able to better decide when the election is called.

      You said,
      “It should help the party prepare its manifesto for the next general election”

      Silly don’t you think?, of course it will, that is what political parties do, that is how details of manifestos are worked out and prepared.

      “Unfortunately, these tours and symposia rob supporters of the opportunity to claim that the ideas in the manifesto are thsoe of an “innovative” UWPwee team. Let’s face it, if you summarize and publish someone’s ideas, can you claim them as your own”

      You got me on that one, who’s ideas are they stealing, I don’t know so please educate me.

      “In addition, how different is this spectacle from what Linton and his team started a few months ago when he declared that he wanted to visit every household in Dominica? Why does the UWPwee cling onto such catchy slogans that amount to nothing”

      If these catchy slogans mean so little, why do they bother you.

    • HMM
      November 6, 2013

      One thing you can talk a nonsense eh. The funny thing is you sound like an educated man.

      Poor you PT!

    • Papa Dom
      November 7, 2013

      So if you already know the solutions what is preventing allu from putting them into practice? In order words you are agreed that skerritt and his bunch are incompetent. How can they know the solutions and fail to demonstrate that they do?

  24. stephen
    November 6, 2013

    Is that a repeat of the people parliament?

  25. I'mWondering
    November 6, 2013

    Good initiative…

    my only advice: Change is a must when there is a VIABLE option

    show the people what that option can be. remember that words and talking can not always be backed up with actions.

    Im implore on Dominicans to be wise in whatever choice they decide. Be logical, strategic but most of all aware of the realiities of politics and not be blinded by either party.

    Do not vote for who has nice dimples, gives better speeches.

    Vote for who can when push comes to shove, take Dominican forward.

  26. Negbawi
    November 6, 2013

    I suspect that is gonna be a boycott

  27. JR
    November 6, 2013

    Going to boycott the “Coast to Coast in 25” and as Linton would say it is not going to stand, period

  28. Original Observer
    November 6, 2013

    A few questions for the “coast to coast in 25”.

    1.How do you respond to the manner in which the Dominican public responded to your party’s call for a boycott of two independence anniversary activities (Military Parade and Youth Rally).

    2.It has been alleged that you receive a certain sum of money totaling more than $100,000.00 from former Prime Minister Edison James which was credited to a bank account in your name at a bank in St. Kitts. In the interest of truth and justice and transparency, can you now confirm or deny that story?

    3.If the forgoing is true, are you then concerned that the allegation can have serious implication for your reputation as someone who has championed the cause of righteousness, truth and transparency?

    4.You would have heard about the Switzerland based “Stanley and Partners” and also another affiliated organization CLR. What do you know of these two business interests?

    5.Do you now have any relationship with any of these entities?
    6.Have you ever been in the employ of CLR and in what capacity or have you performed any consultancy services for the group CLR?
    7.Do you know whether former Prime Minister Edison James received any money from the group Stanley and partners for election campaigning in 2005 and again in 2009?
    8.The alleged relationship between you, your party, former Prime Minister Edison James and Stanley and Associates has been ventilated in the local media, at least by one interest for some time now. You have not commented in any meaningful way. Aren’t you concerned that your silence on this matter could be interpreted to mean guilt?
    9.Does your silence on the matter mean that what is still an allegation is true?
    Questions for Thompson Fontaine
    1.There are allegations circulating in the media suggesting that you removed a certain sum of money from the account of the (DASS) to your personal account without the expressed permission of the executive of DAAS. Can you confirm or deny such an allegation. If the allegation is true can you then explain the reason for such a behavior on your part and finally tell the Dominican public how has that matter been resolved to the satisfaction of all parties.
    2.When you were in the employ of the IMF you held certain positions concerning Dominica’s economic stabilization measures. In fact you are on record praising the IMF program here. It appears that today, now that you are no longer with the IMF, you have a different position on the economic stabilization program, by giving active support to your party’s plan for certain capital projects requiring massive injection of scarce tax payers funds such as an international airport. Will you go on the public record and suggest that Dominica should end its tight IMF supported program?
    Question For Joseph Isaac
    1.Can you explain a recent statement you made on radio concerning the value of an education, professional education training? In that statement you said that academic qualifications are not necessary for small islands like ours, but rather it is necessary for bigger countries like Europe and America. What exactly do you mean? Were you suggesting that someone could go to Antigua and apply for a job say an Industrial Engineer without the necessary professional training?
    Can you explain why Dominica’s official Leader of the Opposition (a PM in waiting) could not at the recent delegates conference land a position of respect in your party (UWP) he was instead given the very obscure position of Vice President. What is the role of a Vice President in an opposition political party in the Dominica. New comers, self acclaimed novices came and were given substantial positions.
    Has Lennox Linton, when he practiced as a journalist revealed any of his “sources” who provided him with certain classified information? So why the difficulty with Carlisle and Matt withholding their sources which implicated Lennox in a move to send Ronnie Isidore packing?

    • Anonymous
      November 6, 2013

      tony you again? long epistle…too long

    • ____________________
      November 6, 2013

      @ Original Observer Your filth and garbage has no place on my computer screen. Go get some integrity. Stop being a Skerrit political lap dog. Lazy. Go find work to do. Your hypocrite.
      YOU SEEM to be crying already?
      Well it’s in your large face.

    • t
      November 6, 2013

      Your crap is largely DISCARDED. GO CRY NOW!

    • HMM
      November 6, 2013

      Hilarious! I guess it has begun. The crap that will be slung at UWP during an election campaign. Stop with the nonsense!

    • Papa Dom
      November 7, 2013

      Those questions should also be answered by skerritt so first let’s have the answers from him. In addition we want to know when did he apply for and receive his first French passport and how many times did he, as a minister of government travel on that passport?

    • Anonymous
      November 7, 2013

      Its Henley and partners :mrgreen:

  29. Jbfox
    November 6, 2013

    Twenty days of futility.

  30. Compre Tig
    November 6, 2013

    Great job guys

  31. Anonymous
    November 6, 2013

    this party with a leader in Lennox Linton means business….

    they say God puts leaders… NO!!!

    the people get the leader they deserve… because there’s a choice, Skerrit or Linton….

    who you choose will determine what dominica will become, it has nothing to do with God…

    of course God will help ‘HIS’ children, that know him… but many times God’s children have suffered due to the injustice of the masses…

    Linton and team U.W.P is where my vote will go to…

    • Carrie
      November 6, 2013

      You really had to choose God to get ur point across? smh

    • Anonymous
      November 6, 2013

      Are you questioning the Fact that God puts leaders?

      • Anonymous
        November 6, 2013

        yes he does, but so does the people… and even when God presents his men, the ppl deny it… they denied Jesus Christ and had him nailed… don’t forget that one…

        God won’t force us, he gave us freewill…

    • haha
      November 7, 2013

      Best u close ure mouth!!! trust u a UWP (sun worshiping party) supporter.. go and pray!!!

  32. Me
    November 6, 2013

    Hope you are honest with the people.

  33. aok
    November 6, 2013

    Workers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Bon Dieh all you will kill the PM Wee, expect him to follow suit, everything he see Linton do -he want to do it too.Forward we go—Lets go.Change is a must, not an Option.Lets go Dominicans

    • haha
      November 7, 2013

      But thats ot new.. that is something that was done by the government already… A.A

  34. November 6, 2013

    I am but a humble farmer not a political scientist. Therefore, I applaud the UWP’s coast to coast information tour designed to educate us on which policies and programs they would impliment/enhance/eliminate in order to foster a more prosperous and peaceful society here on our blessed nature isle. Could a learned brother or sister give DNO readers 3 specific policies or practices that they believe Mr. Skerrit’s government has wrong and what the UWP would do differently? Jah see and know.

  35. Take Warning!!!
    November 6, 2013

    Sounds like a very good plan and I am for it! I believe part of the message should be to show Dominicans where DOMINICA was when this lazy, visionless and rude party took over and where we are now as a country. Dominicans should be reminded of the amount of Dominicans that were left without a job because of the death of agriculture by this government. They should be reminded of how were affected as a result of Skerrit’s failed policies of Skerrit that caused The CARNIVAL Ship to run out of Dominica. They must be reminded of American Eagle they met swinging and under this government we had to settle for something much smaller. No, we are not saying is Skerrit that caused them to leave but quite clearly it is their “No Vision policy” that caused us to be in this mess, since they failed to address an international airport, knowing very well that land was already purchased by the UWP for an airport. Dominicans should be reminded of the PM of St. Vincent who was invited by this same government to come to Dominica just to convince Dominica that we COULD NOT AFFORD AN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT and then ran to build one that will be opened come this month end. And yes, they need to remind them of how rich cabinet members and their friends got while the majority of us have been forced to beg. WE need to make the message clear, simple, and convincing.

  36. pool la' cour
    November 6, 2013

    Good move!I endorse that..lets take the message to the masses on a more personal level

  37. Truth be told
    November 6, 2013

    I think that we have heard enough of the constitutional issue. Let the court decide. Just tell us how your plans or ideas are going to work.

  38. Dominican
    November 6, 2013

    Yes let us see. where are the jobs going to come from this is not manna from Heaven. the world is in crisis DA creating jobs.
    well let us hope that Linton have a magic pot of money.
    People do not make money they make progress and that generate the money

  39. Just Blaze
    November 6, 2013

    Men on the Block? Lennox never talk to man like that in his life before. Use to walk around like he more than people. Now he want to play part friend cuz he running for office.

    • Thought
      November 6, 2013

      Let’s hope he comes with something different than ‘Boycott’
      Let’s hope he is getting some lessons on how to become a Statesman or how to lead positively!

    • love
      November 6, 2013

      bt ur pm doesnt come to the block unless if its elections…so wats ur point..? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

      • diva
        November 7, 2013

        Gutter village bath estate Paris pit etc your pm never came to these people

    • Joe
      November 6, 2013

      Who are you ‘Just Blaze’ and where are you from? Maybe you should keep quiet.

    • Alethea Annica
      November 6, 2013

      Did you ever hear of Roosevelt Skerrit before 2000?

      • CONCERN
        November 7, 2013


    • Papa Dom
      November 7, 2013

      Are you saying that Lennoxs’ attitude in the past as you perceived it was a bad or negative thing? If you are then what do you think of the person who skerritt has installed as president? Would you therefore agree he was/is not best suited to hold the position of oresident?

  40. Marcus Hill
    November 6, 2013

    Great initiative!!

    Why doesn’t Skerrit simply call the elections and hand over power?

    Each day that he spends in office from now is a day wasted in the lives of Dominicans and a day late in implementing the UWP plan for sustainable development of our beautiful island.

    • Anonymous
      November 6, 2013

      If u guys want to get into power u gonna have to earn it because Skerrit is not going to just give u anything. It’s the people who decides and based on the response to the UWP boycott I suspect that the majority are not prepared to let go of Skerrit and the DLP as yet. Lennox and Co have surely miscalculated their strength and Skerrit support among the people which is obviously still very strong. This new strategy is what they should have been doing from day one instead of talking nonsense on the radio day in and day out. Unfortunately for them I think it is too little too late!!!

      • Papa Dom
        November 7, 2013

        What is the nonsense they were talking on radio?

    • lee
      November 6, 2013

      Do you live in Da? You all in the USA and think you all are all that.

  41. PetProjects
    November 6, 2013

    Well well well It looks like Workers, under the Leadership of Mr Lennox Linton is in this to win it……. I predict tht the DLP Government WILL fall & Jail time for the carbalist them…

    Forward with Lennox 2014-15

  42. Doc. Love.
    November 6, 2013

    Mr. Linton is going to cause Skeritt another headache. Mr. Linton dubbed his meet the people tour, “coast to coast in 25.” Expect Skeritt to follow Mr. Linton’s lead by organizing his Red Train sometime next year. As per usual Mr. Linton is always one step ahead of Skeritt. Follow the leader, follow, follow, follow the leader .

    • Anonymous
      November 6, 2013

      Lol. He was ahead with the boycott too. Skerrit don’t need to follow because he already has the support of the masses. No worries there!!!

  43. bluered
    November 6, 2013

    Way to go workers!!!!! Teach tem how to campaign without mapuis and paying for votes.

  44. HMMM..
    November 6, 2013

    ok.. well thats good hope to see and interact with you all

  45. Morine
    November 6, 2013

    That’s a government that will work for Dominicans. I really like the approach of the UWP. They are taking a total and all-around approach of fixing Dominica. Skerrit has caused so much harm to our economy and our country that the UWP government has to work overtime to bring the country back. I don’t envy them but I believe they have dedicated themselves to do it.

    November 6, 2013

    But what the rush about? 21Constituencies in 21 days. desperate man!

    • Anonymous
      November 6, 2013

      Read properly! They should visit the blind as well.

    • love
      November 6, 2013

      the rush is the country is in a state of emergency :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    • Available for change
      November 6, 2013

      Here’s the appropriate response to your “desperation talk”. I define desperation as a Prime Minister who promised elections near six months ago and since the UWP’s very successful meetings especially the 25th anniversary celebration we see the PM do 18 constituencies in 1 week. Desperation is the doles of LPOs, crazy ground breaking ceremonies, moving equipment in the dead of night because Joshua Francis promised a playing field, taking Thibaud Primary and handing it to New Town, money in Dublanc, money for DGS, housing for fly City, promise of 1200 jobs in 30 days, money for St. Joe, renaming of a school in St. Joe and the list goes on and on and on all in a space of two weeks. Roosevelt Skerrit is truly a desperate man and a reactive leader. UWP leads and he tries to follow at break neck speed. Well if he really not desperate tell him call the early elections that he promised several moons ago.

  47. alas
    November 6, 2013

    I am supportive of this move!!!!see u guys in Wesley!!

  48. November 6, 2013

    I know one man, I do not know the other. This is not a personal matter, it is one to bring CHANGE to the citizens, and the ISLAND.



  49. De Original Met Yo
    November 6, 2013

    Talk nuh? Allu cya talk.

  50. November 6, 2013


    WE should NOT VOTE for a PARTY nor a PERSON, WE should VOTE for PROGRESS. PROGRESS WILL take us to the NEXT LEVEL.

  51. Xavier
    November 6, 2013

    Very good foresight move by UWP..

    according to my granny she, says Dominicans can’t be trusted, not until the ballots are counted can you respect the dominican society…

    they are so low in self esteem it’s mind baffling.

    good luck UWP, hard work pays off in due time..

  52. Critical thinking
    November 6, 2013

    Good Lennox.
    You prove to us that Edison was not doing justice to the leadership of UWP.

    From my perspective what Skerrit is doing is just an exaggeration of what Edison started. Now we are seeing wind of change.

  53. Original Observer
    November 6, 2013

    Interesting timing. Coming as it were on the heels of the massive “boycott”, the UWP is licking its wounds and now wishes to stay relevant.

  54. Balanced
    November 6, 2013

    Good move. Much better than boycotting

  55. Channel 1
    November 6, 2013

    Very good plans UWP. Change is a MUST not an option.


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