UWP hopeful wants to make Mahaut third commercial center

Thomas believes that winning Mahaut is going to be easy
Thomas believes that winning Mahaut is going to be easy

The United Workers Party’s Felix Hayden Thomas, the man who has officially joined the race for the Mahaut constituency against Rayburn Blackmore, has outlined his plans if elected at the next general election.

Thomas told a press conference last week that he want to turn Mahaut into Dominica’s third commercial and industrial center in Dominica after Roseau and Portsmouth.

“My vision for development for the Mahaut constituency is to see Mahaut become the third commercial and industrial center of Dominica,” Thomas said. “Together we can make Mahaut a striving commercial and industrial job center with the first priority going to the people of the Mahaut constituency.”

Thomas said he is “humbled and honored” for being chosen to represent the UWP in the constistuency, saying together with the party an “integrated development plan for the various helmets will be created.”

He said Mahaut is “strategically located for business, agriculture, sports and entertainment.”

“The pillars of the Mahaut plan will be agriculture, tourism, industrial development, shaping and port development, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), entertainment and sports,” he said.

He noted that the plan for Mahaut will include but not limited to sports, recreation, culture and heritage, music, agricultural landscaping and beautification, mining, fishing, agro-processing and manufacturing.

He said his ideas “will bring about rapid entrepreneurial development, job creation, empowerment of locals and productivity and growth in our national economy.”

Thomas pointed out that he becoming the next MP for Mahaut is going to be easy.

“It will be easy with the electorate,” he noted.

Thomas describes himself as a “community person, credit unionist and avid sportsman.”

He has been self-employed for 21 years as a builder, contractor, consultant and project manager.

He resides in Corona and is the father of five children.

He replaces Ronnie Isidore.

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  1. Anonymous
    July 31, 2014

    Felix you saw what happene to Ronnie. I guess you guys like learning the hard way. Boy continue to engage into your self-employed work and take care five children and wife Karen. It is they that will be suffering in the long run. Back out while the iron is still hot. Also you talking nonsense. Mahaut into a commerical industry, let me put it in simple terms to you. Where in Dominica can you find people still on the streets/sidewalk 24hrs. Where will you locate them especially does leaving close to the main streets. Wake up Felix. Also what about Canefield, Jimmit, Massacre? Do you know that Canfield is already a commercalize place/industry. Felix go and find work to do and pay off all your debts you owing.

  2. FuturePolitician
    July 2, 2014

    Reading the comments under this article has enlightened me as to why so many children are failing in English. The Mahaut constituency is made up of Canefield, Massacre, Mahaut, Jimmit, Warner, and Tarreau. By Mr. Thomas saying Mahaut, he was in no way implying that everything ought to be in Mahaut! Common sense should prevail when reading political articles. Canefield is an industrial site and has been for some time now, hence he wanting to make Mahaut the 3rd commercial site on island. Kudos to you Mr. Thomas, I have confidence in you and your plans!

    July 2, 2014

    Best wishes my brother. It is interesting to note some of the trolls already jumping on to preach the DLP agenda that your ideas are too grand. They so hate this job creation proposals.

    You stand out so much against the DLP incumbent. Let them take that!

  4. Soufriere Offspring
    July 2, 2014

    Soufriere constituents

    Take note, this is the type of “can do” attitude we need and want in Soufriere, not the spiel from the two labourites playing musical chairs!

    Good luck Mahaut

    July 1, 2014

    A few months ago I was optimistic and hopeful about skerritt lost in the up-coming election. Now, with all these inexperienced people like Felix on board; I don’t feel so optimistic anymore. I personally think that even Linton is the wrong man/person to run against Skerritt. Skerritt is not afraid! and he should be. We just have to ask God to take control. Ronnie was the ideal man to take Blackmore out. Now the Linton crew is in disarray.

    • Wey papa
      July 3, 2014

      So you think. But majority don’t share that view.

    July 1, 2014

    Felix started out on the wrong foot. A place like Mahaut where people cannot find space to walk on the street; will become a “Commercial Center”? It looks like these guys will say anything to fool the fools to be elected. The best chance Mahaut had was with Ronnie. Tell Felix to find a place in Mahaut to put a harbor. Boy Dominica really finish for true.

    July 1, 2014

    Felix ur boy with u

  8. Dr.W Rodney's Fan
    July 1, 2014

    It covers( thru its content) How Skerro allowes China to underdevelop DA etc

  9. Mahaut
    July 1, 2014

    “Thomas believes that winning Mahaut is going to be easy”

    • Really
      July 1, 2014

      If he envisions it he can do it. WORKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Best for country
    July 1, 2014

    Try your best, that is all we ask. It will not be easy to become MP, so work with all your might and who knows……….

  11. Frank Talker
    July 1, 2014

    My friend, the constituency is not about Rayburn; it is all about the residents, the people who live there. If you can get to the people who vote in the constituency, you can win! So, I recommend you do not focus on Rayburn, he has only one vote. Get to the homes and gardens and “blocks” of the people and speak openly with them about their concerns and challenges. If you can develop some trust between you and the people, you can win! So do not waste your time trying to counter Rayburn; bond with the people and be honest with them about what you can do if elected.

  12. Sout Man
    July 1, 2014

    It’s nice knowing what you want to achieve. Folks with foresight also need to know how. For example, do we sell our right to geothermal energy exploration and production for a one-time small fee like we did with our hydro electrical generation? Do we sell or lease our prime real estate to foreign investors only to end up idle and non-productive? Do we switch “allegiance” from China to Taiwan? Do we increase taxes (VAT)? Do we implement land reform? Do we ask the World Bank, IMF, CDB, National Development Bank and Dominica Social Security for loans to “sustain” a 10% salary increase with back pay to the Public Service Union, the Police Welfare Association, the teachers and nurses? Do we or do we not increase the public debt? As a concerned voter, sir, I need to know.

  13. Just blaze
    July 1, 2014

    Felix Felix Felix…..i had reservations about you and you just made me doubt you even more. You said being MP of Mahaut is going to be easy?????? Really now? Its going to be easy to turn Mahaut into an industrial community?

    First of all that would require relocating people. And that is never an easy task in Dominica worse yet in Mahaut. Not to mention the finances are limmited in Dominica. So you expect educated people to think that you going to come along as a brand new minister and just easily transform mahaut.

    You worse than skerrit garca with your promises. Forgot to mention its not going to be easy to oust blakmore. Thats the first hurdle you have and I dont think you can even get over that one.

    Change is must but you not being realistic. I missing Ronnie already.

    • Mahaut
      July 1, 2014

      In response to your comment, YES, taking Mahaut ought to be an easy task for Felix Thomas whom Mahaut people have known since he was in Mrs. Audrey Thomas womb! These are real “grass-roots” people who we see walking the streets all the time. Felix has always been involved in Mahaut, employing individuals to work on projects with him. Rayburn Blackmoore was not known in Mahaut prior to the 2000 elections. His family is well known and loved, not him, sorry. He was only voted because we were urged to give Dimples a chance. Now that we have someone who has ALWAYS been there, ALWAYS visible, there is no reason why we should not vote him, unless it is ok for the Parl Rep to keep sitting with the drug dealers during social events and not looking for ways to improve a once vibrant and healthy community. Teenage pregnancies, increased drug trafficking, violence, poverty, paroism on a higher scale – that is what my community has come to. Jah know, we need a hand.

        July 1, 2014

        Felix does not have what it takes to be a leader of nothing. I’m for UWP, but with this Felix guy up against the Blackmore guy is a draw.

    • hmmm
      July 1, 2014

      why did he just say that? Easy??? Seriously Felix???

      • Malpardee
        July 1, 2014

        They already start to brain wash him!!!

    • Independent Candy
      July 1, 2014

      He is right. It is important to read between the lines. Once UWP gets in, great changes will unfold. The people of Mahaut need to give him a chance to prove his point. Blackmore has been there since before “the birth of Christ” and nothing happened. Then all of a sudden he and his team are making so many nonsensical promises that should have been made and surfaced a long time ago. People are tired with that… we are not only listeners of this entertainment crap… we also want to see action.

    • Face the Facts
      July 1, 2014

      First of all, not everyone is educated in the true sense of the word. Simply wait and see when that time comes.

      • I Believe
        July 2, 2014

        My husband always tells me that there is no one worse than an Educated Fool I refer you to the incumbent party!

        I rest my case

    • TRUST
      July 1, 2014

      Allow the young man to dream and see it come to reality. I foresee a wind farm on the hills across from Sylvania, that place has a very strong wind especially when you coming up from Miranda shop towards Nature’s Trail supermarket, imagine the amount of electricity one would get to power the whole of Canefield, Cockrane and most of west coast. Also I would turn Canefield into a recreational centre, remove the many gas stations and the airport and replace them with playgrounds for children with bouncing castles ect. develop donkey beach, put a tennis and basket ball court, have an area for volley ball , clean up canefield river put rubber tubes on it. Remove the industrial sites put a mall, use the airstrip for racing bikes, cars, ect. Paint all the houses on Canefield proper and canefield East beautiful colours. Imagine the view from Donkey beach. Turn Cochrane into an agricultural, horticultural and animal husbandry base and continue the road from Sybuli thru Despor to Sylvania. Now that is development

      • Just blaze
        July 2, 2014

        And where you getting the money to do that? We are isle of beauty and splendor not money. You all are so unrealistic in Dominica it kills me.

    • Malpardee
      July 1, 2014

      Yes! U right on that. I
      Missing ronnie too. First of all mr should ask himself if they back stabbing a man
      Like ronnie , what would they do to him. And all your industrial talk , ????????!?

  14. 2Cute
    July 1, 2014

    Thomas pointed out that he becoming the next MP for Mahaut is going to be easy.

    Now thats funny !

    • Ce Sa
      July 1, 2014

      Unless you intend to remain backward with Blackmore. Joker :mrgreen:

    • Malpardee
      July 1, 2014

      Much mote than funny.

      • Malpardee
        July 1, 2014

        Meant much more than funny!

  15. eyeballs
    July 1, 2014

    Hmmmmmm….Look dreams papa. Why people always say they will do this and that and when they get into office nothing happens? Where in Mahaut is he going to do all what he promised? The place is congested

    • Face the Facts
      July 1, 2014

      Generally, it is not always easy. Reason being, when what they promised are presented in Parliament, they must be fully considered for feasibility, funds, the cost of constructing any new project and how well it will serve the people. There may also be other reasons and important projects which require primary consideration.
      If you follow real politics, you will realize why they are not able to fulfill their promises. They must be given credit for at least trying.
      In all fairness, I must admit his vision is not a bad one. We all have visions for whatever life’s concerns we have. Some of you like to discourage people. Be broadminded. Allow him his vision as a political candidate.
      What is life without dreams and hope, for the comfort and happiness of constituents and if it will provide jobs for them and for the economy?

    • Just believe
      July 1, 2014

      Remove the houses on the sea front before a tsunami does and that’s possible seeing that the Caribbean is earthquake prone much more now than before. Save peoples’ lives now instead of later.

  16. listener
    July 1, 2014

    It seems to me that Dream Dominica would’ve been a better name to call the uwp, the leader dream that he can deliver 500 jobs in three yrs , (bear in mind that he could’nt get one for him self) now Thomas dream that of all the good men who have represented mahaut before he and only he can turn Mahaut into New York over night, what a laugh!HEhehehehehe Woiiiiiii I like it, I like it, Really I like it, lol. :lol:

    • Ne Ne
      July 1, 2014

      It seems that Skerro has hypnotized you labourites so much that all hopes and dreams of Dominica becoming a developed country have been completely wiped out from you all brain. All you labourites see is one man coming and going where and when he wants, doing as he pleases, saying anything anyhow. I want to know how long you lazy, “I love freeness” labourites will endure this growing dictatorship.

  17. mahaut youth
    July 1, 2014

    Felix for Mahaut,bring back real change and development to mahaut,change has come and will stay,the youths are with you !

    July 1, 2014

    Too much poverty in Dominica.
    Too much begging in Dominica,
    Costum duty too high in Dominica
    Unemployment too high in Dominica
    Cost of living too high in Dominica,
    Electricity bill too high in Dominica.
    Who cause that?
    Skerrit and his labar party did that.

    Am i speaking the truth?
    If not, you’re a dam HYPOPOTAMUS.
    Vote for a change. Vote felix Thomas for Mahaut constituency.

    • Anonymous
      July 1, 2014

      Know place on Earth is Easy 2 live

      • ibytepad
        July 1, 2014

        came out your mama with that bad grammar!!!!

      • TRUTH
        July 1, 2014

        No place on earth is like Dominica:
        We are rich in:
        Fresh air
        Clean water
        Fertile soil
        Medicinal plants
        Root crops
        Fruit trees
        Seasonal Tree crops
        Beautiful flowers
        Birds, butterflies, exotic moths,
        I love the green carpeting this island
        I love the bright blue sky on a sunny day
        The vastness of the clean blue sea
        The way the mountains run thru the island
        The fact that you can get mostly everything fresh
        I love the way Roseau is sectioned out and a river runs thru it
        I love to see the mini waterfalls along the roadside from Castle Bruce Junction to Corona after heavy rains.
        I love our beaches, rivers, hotsprings and lakes.
        I just LOVE Dominica.

    • Dr.W Rodney's Fan
      July 1, 2014

      There was a newspaper article about 96 entitled:” It Could happen like that.” I think every literate D/can should source it and read it to those who can’t read. Think it was in the Tropical Star.
      It certainly will put all the ignorance to rest. From the Pot DFP-ites to its offshoot the UWP and another mutation the Neo-DLP led by DFP-ites.
      All the talk from Columbus to Hayden Felix Thomas will make sense It covers How Skerro allowes China to underdevelop DA etc

      July 1, 2014

      You forgot one, things hard in Dominica, yet still every year we add another child on what we have. You all will say is SKERRO and LABOUR that tell all you make more children continue.

  19. RastarMarn
    June 30, 2014

    Garçon you want a lash man, where is the space for the commercial center???

    If and when some thing is designed for Mahaut is to remove all them people by the bay dere to widen the road and make a very attractive residential district for them somewhere inland not too far,,,

    So tell us what area you have slated to put down the commercial district for Mahaut nuh,,,

    Dominica need changes from the abuse of the Skerrit Cabal corporation but doh come selling no pipe dream just to garner some votes Pardner come legit or quit!!!

    • Baboolay
      July 1, 2014

      warner on family land

  20. Me Myself I Glad
    June 30, 2014

    Best of luck Mr Thomas I applaud your efforts at taking up the challenge to represent the most diverse community in Dominica, Seem as if is Ray Estate you entering so be careful but keep your head high and present yourself to the people already Ray was bagayaing this morning, But seriously focus on the Mahaut youth they really are the endangered specie under this red umbrella

  21. Governance
    June 30, 2014

    Mr Thomas, I am an indpendent voter – I support no political party. You have further encouraged me to be a stronger independent. I am trying very hard to understand what you said. I honestly believe that you were missquoted. If you were not, then why do you fool the people – you are no different to the Labour Party in terms of propagander.

    You only speak of Mahaut and frankly your plans are not even dreams – they are so unrealistic. What about the other areas of the Mahaut Constituency? Have you forgotten them?

    You should tone down the arrogance, that Mahaut will be simple to win.

    I would advise that you revisit what you said and make the necessary corrections. Be humble – I know it is difficult.

    • Malpardee
      July 1, 2014

      So as the man don’t know nothing about politics. What u want him to say! He trying a ting, but it is so sad. Felix u should not have let these people drag u in their
      Nonsense. All i can say is get out while u can. If uwp think they getting my vote, they lie. I rather give it to skeritt.

  22. June 30, 2014

    All that talk from you people is not going to help Dominica get out from that Mess it is in right now under this corrupt , incompetent and lazy Government .Lets get together people and vote the DLP out of office . This country is going no where . Very little foreign investment , high cost of living , a lawless country , wealthy Ministers and Prime Minister , while the rest of us catching hell . Let common sense prevail for once and lets vote for a better Dominica and not a Beggar Dominica . Those who know better should and will do better . CHANGE IS A MUST !!

    • Face the Facts
      June 30, 2014

      You could try to become a politician and get a taste of what it is like to be one and to see how rich you will become. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:

  23. Yuyu
    June 30, 2014

    Felix you are a good guy I admire you but all your plans cannot work, Mahaut is just a stone throw from Roseau the Capital and it is one of villages one can get transportation to Roseau the fastest. Turning Mahaut into the third Commercial Centre is not a good idea.

      June 30, 2014

      amen @ yuyu.

  24. Anonymous
    June 30, 2014

    felix in your dreams rayburn going to fix you good

  25. Ms Kubuli
    June 30, 2014

    You and Blackmoore can begin plans for a bypass PLEASE. when a truck can pass through a village and throw down a pole on ppl house cus it in the road (and the homes in the road too 8-O ) you know the place too narrow. Road alu like to build…build a bypass please

    • Face the Facts
      June 30, 2014

      Maybe an overhead Rapid Transit or an underground Subway could be constructed? :lol: :lol: :lol:
      Only in Dominica, you say? :lol: If a pole falls on a house, this could demolish it. A new one would have to be built or it would have to be repaired. Fortunate if no one was in the house or in the area where the pole fell. I hope the owner of the house was compensated.
      Do not blame Mahaut or the residents that they reside close to the road. D/ca has other areas where houses are built near the road. Blame those governments of years gone by or blame the British government of those years who allowed those houses to be built near the road and also near the sea. Those are dangerous places in times of accidents, hurricanes and tidal waves. It is amazing that more accidents do not occur in the vicinity of those homes.

  26. Anonymous
    June 30, 2014

    I find we can have plans…….but these guys need to understand that paper and reality are completely different. if Thomas was on the ground he would know the first other of the day for such a strategically located village is to immediately institute youth development programs. Alas our young men and women are “lost” literally. So tell him get down, fast and hit the ground…I guess when he does his plans will be different

    • Face the Facts
      June 30, 2014

      the first ‘order’ :?:

  27. Take heed
    June 30, 2014

    Okay Ahdiboy #2 ! Remember him ,where is he now?
    garcon you boarded the wrong boat. They going North you are West Coast and heading South.
    Just imagine allu win! Although lightening it is said do not strike twice in the same area. Those who have been struck twice have a different mindset after.
    isn’t your quiet life, constructing the edifices etc you do consultation bring you & family true or even enough happiness?
    Hayden boy! D/can polititricks is like Coolpipeit sweet but when you get what it does give often enough moreso these daysis a death sentence in theme’s case it leads to economic death. Allu have land Warner you might have to change the colour of your parachute when & if you guys get defeated. You might become an unknown farmer(and fig dead not selling) who did not win Dominica’s election in 2014.
    Don’t go there don’t join no party moreso this one. You might be like the party daddy. See he planting ginger in his golden years?Then in the afternoons when thing get rough ,sits at Krane and pelt stones in the sea and wait for some fish from a villager to make a water.

    • Nac Vibes
      June 30, 2014

      What a load of simple minded rubbish.

    • the fig tree
      July 1, 2014

      Where did you go to school ner? I just wasted my time reading your comments because I didn’t understand that nonsense. What you talking about ner?

    • Possible God
      July 1, 2014

      Why are you hell bend on discouraging this young man and preventing him from making his mark in Dominica’s history. If he has leadership qualities he will make it. Think positive Dominica.

  28. Precious
    June 30, 2014

    Way to go Felix :Together We Can ;,you have my full support Mahaut passé

  29. jennifer fadelle
    June 30, 2014

    sir, remember mr wilthsire, he wanted castle bruce to have its own currency!

    • Tickleme/laughin cow
      June 30, 2014

      Thankyou jenny ! hahaahahahahahaahhLol I never heard this one. I am in the diaspora. I thought I got all the jokes but am late on this one. SMH & LOL!
      once said hewanted to escavate the Roseau River making it deeper so boats can cruise up stream boats with food music etc. I guess watching the scenery etc I recall my wife peeing her self on the floor with laughter that one tickled her.
      Didn’t Marigotians wanted to breakaway from the rest of DA?
      We have jokes in DA. These politicians should consider stand up comedy after leaving office.
      When DFP-ites can become DLP-ites and others become UWP-ites,. The president becomes a president after such a history, jokers become advisors, Phd’s are for show ( I heard groovy saying who have them and don’t really lol ( it could be out of envey!! who knows! When people can chat phat saying politics is not about the truth then one wonders why get an education.
      No constitution can stop them etc etc when others people can collect veyo to buy a private plane they have to catch nuff veyo!!
      But Instru started the real jokes in 95 when at their first independence celebration while on stage suggested a smoked herring breakfast for foreign and other guests.
      That one took the cake.

      • Tickle me
        June 30, 2014

        Tim Tim once said. should have Preclude my earler post.

      • Nac Vibes
        June 30, 2014

        And your ramblings point to what?

    • hmmm
      July 1, 2014

      I remember that too!

  30. Northerner
    June 30, 2014

    Ok! Seems like another “tight fit” from the UWP.

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