UWP to boycott parliament tomorrow

UWP leader Ron Green

The opposition United Workers Party says it will boycott tomorrow’s sitting of parliament.

Leader of the United Workers Party Ron Green told a meeting in St. Joseph last night that the 2011/2012 budget has made no provisions for electoral reform.

He said members and supporters of the UWP will gather outside parliament on budget day tomorrow to continue its electoral reform campaign.

“There is nothing in that budget for electoral reform. Nothing for voter ID Cards. What does that tell you? Time for action brothers and sisters, we have to speak,” he said. “We are calling on you here tonight to come down to the parliament on Wednesday at 10: am in order to express your concern.”

Green said the proceedings will be peaceful.

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    June 29, 2011

    Since he loves to Boycott, how about changing his name to “GEOFF BOYCOTT”. Another opening batsman from England.

  2. EH Las!!!
    June 29, 2011

    WHO CARES??? This is stale news anyway. the usual nonsense. The country continues to run without these idiots. May they remain out permanently.Good ridance!!!!!

  3. Just tired
    June 29, 2011

    Helas, they could have sat in today and protest tomorrow.

  4. Who Cares??????
    June 29, 2011

    not like u all will be missed anyway, in fact, that’s just u guys knowing and staying in your place….. OUTSIDE……IN THE STREETS.

    LMAO…… there aint no love nor pity for the lame and lazy.

  5. la beauty
    June 28, 2011

    dey cant be serious..BOYXOTT AGAIN???dey stretchin de joke now we..awa wi..dey need 2 take der seats from dem cuz dey doe doe need it!!!

  6. Anonymous
    June 28, 2011

    they can’t be serious..BOYCOTT AGAIN??? awa wi.. i thought dat was over wi…dey are actin like lil pre-schoolers now!!!

  7. see
    June 28, 2011

    dominicans dont care about issues period..dominica is a highly blinging society..and testify serving two masters,,a island where double standards and whom i prefer and like or love is the King of the Jungle….and the Churches are DOOMED as the bring along the evil side to the society..

  8. Electoral Reform NOW
    June 28, 2011

    Many of our people unfortunately, consciously or unconsciously, are supporting Skerritt in disobeying the constitution. What right has Skerritt, Tony Astaphan, or Alick Lawrence or anyone have to stall the work of the ‘Independent Electoral Commission’? Remember the FAMOUS E-MAIL saying is MADNESS the Commission is embarking on to request VOTER ID CARDS and TO CLEAN UP THE VOTERS’ LIST?

    So Skerritt REFUSES to assist the ‘INDEPENDENT’ COMMISSION by not providing the Money to do its work more effectively. Is not Skerritt money.What dictatorship rule. If the Constitution gives the Commission the right to conduct and ensure elections are FREE and Fair, if the Constitution gives the Commission the right to request VOTER ID CARDS and to clean up the bloated Voters’ List and the Commission exercises that right in their recommendation years now, what is the problem? Why should any politician, or Govt. in the 21st. century do all in its power to RIG any elections?

    Is cheating RIGHT? Is fraud OK? Is stealing OK? DICTATORSHIP is ALRIGHT? So what are you all problem? Do nothing to prevent those wrong things? If a child cheats in an exam, it is OK? If someone goes to a store and steals that is OK. But that is what you all are telling the world.

    The authorities are stalling Electoral reform which is needed for FREE and FAIR elections. It’s PLAIN TO SEE. National ID cards is a ploy by Skerritt and his cabal to ensure that elections are not free and Fair and that proper identification of voters cannot be done at election time. By their actions Dominicans know that for sure.

    Some Dominicans hypocritically talk about reducing crime and violence, about democracy, but support actions that could spell disaster for Dominica. PATRIOTIC Dominicans will never allow Skerritt and his CABAL to take Dominica down a road of fraudulent elections anymore. Democratic countries all over the world are on our side. History will absolve all those who are prepared to denounce and prevent FRAUDULENT elections.

    Stealing, CHEATING, FRAUD in any election is WRONG. All over the WORLD citizens are fighting for FREE and FAIR Elections, for Electoral REFORMS., for a clean VOTERS’ LIST and for VOTER ID CARDS. NOTHING LESS. Dominicans know that those who want to rule as DICTATORS, never want Electoral reforms. They always engage in doing things to RIG, cheat elections and cause unnecessary chaos among the citizenry.

    Skerritt must STOP that dictatorship style of governing. Skerritt has no RIGHT to mandate or force the Independent Electoral Commission to produce National ID cards instead of what they request, which is VOTER ID CARDS and CLEANING UP THE VOTERS’ LIST. He would be committing another ILLEGAL act against the Constitution. If that is what some people are condoning, illegalities, then Skerritt and his DLP Govt. should burn all Law books and everybody do what they want, how they want, where they want, because NO LAW, NO CONSTITUTION, NO POLICE could PREVENT anyone from doing WRONG things AGAINST THE LAWS of the land. Let’s all declare that we want to LIVE IN A FAILED, LAWLESS STATE and see how life in Dominica would be.

    • Exiled
      June 29, 2011

      I concur( electoral reform now)But It needs to step up NOW all the hypocrits must renounce their impostering.Make the sacrifice
      and be honest for once in their lives give up the ill-gotten gains,the duty free concessions, the compensations frombeing on more than one board, embassadorships proceeds from passport sales by individual more so coattail lawyers ,cafeteria communisitsthe frogs who jump parties following passport sales,those who preach anti- cabal rhetoric redhering propaganda by day and play Nicodemus by night.All the men of the cloth who claim tobe one thing and do the opposite some even claim or rather ask if we are D/cans because they are even when it is clear they are not.All those who switched sides for economic wellbeing becoming part of the problem.Stop being a former crusader then retreat as a result of Go-puel or conversion to chrisitianity the spectrum is ample.When hypocrits, imbecles like ghost and the other less posters do not have the basic logic/commonsense to honestly see the difference between a national ID vs a voter ID. Ghost and the like even the university educated civil servants( real, imagined or pseudo) who just sit on their butts cashing monthly checks and abating such backwardness should be auto accountable.
      My fear( not the UWP -kind “Fear no more” goes back to 1979, when we the left forces were so vibrant and aggressive yet divided.We had the Parra , Rosie, Ron,DR.Willy Joey Peltier etc group who failed to unite honestly-Alliance.We were not profoundly united see what happened an organized group in the DFP easily took control of the juvenile disorder and confusion.The UWP despite Dr.Willy and others observation of UWP’s current disorganized statethey are the main opposition.They are not ready nor is the rest of DFP(like the rest of exile)remember them?Remember Eco-voleur it equal the Neo-DLP.
      Now back in 1979 to the 1980 election it was clear and easy victory for Mamo et Al -namely Maynard,Savarin etc.With DLP on it’s knees, the left disjointed it was a fete acommli.Today the situation 33 yrs later we are back to square one.A more than corrupt regime( mulitiplied 1000 times over in comparism to anything seen or imagined before mamo’s DFP ,UWP or combined we have the following situation.THe UWP is a waste, the former leftists have been absorbed by the current two parties minus PARRA who is the only intransigent radical on island.What do we have ? Deja -vu all over again with a twist.DFP is dead ,UWP not a viable option.
      Inference??? DA is screwed unless the few of us who have remained steadfast like Parra come forward.There are many a little stimualtioniswhats needed. It’s now or never.
      Hold this idea close.

  9. may
    June 28, 2011


  10. paker
    June 28, 2011

    Green and orthers need stop geting pay. All his children have green card working in St thomas or some place in the USA.He doh care A DAM about the poor people in Dminica.

  11. ?????
    June 28, 2011

    Time to retire . A new party needed. You are not interested in Nation building. Time to resign as Parl Reps. Time to do something better with your lives. Time to give up. Not going anywhere. Stuck record ame dance, tune whatever. Run out of ideas. Give up and return home to rest. You are not representing those who voted for you. Be careful that they do not turn on you. You are losing support of the intelligent UWPites. You only have the following of those who know not better and if you say run they will run. They are in the minority. So step up and take note!

  12. Concerned
    June 28, 2011

    :twisted: Dominicans are under an EVIL spell…. SKERRET and his bunch of wicked men, But i firmly believe GOD will deliver us soon from these men and all thier EVIL ways….. IN GOD I TRUST… Bcuz God alone sets up and takes down GOVERMENTS….

    • ?????
      June 28, 2011

      Enjoying Confusion and inciting? We are a peaceful people and our land is blessed. We will have no confusion and these men should go to parliament and do what they have to do and were elected to do. Stop blaming others for what … you do not even know… no proof just repeating what they hear others say. Time for these men to go to parliament to do what they have to do and that is debate the budget and give alternatives for the budget.

      We are not stupid people .. we are educated.. we know that war is notof our Father but peace is. We cannot stop the Enemy from infiltrating in some persons mind but we can pray and lift our land to the most High. Those of us who better, we will repent and intercede for our nation and we also pray for our leaders in the Oppostion to get wisdom so their actions will be to get DA better and not to instigate upheavals.

      • xy
        June 28, 2011

        sums up the typical dominica foolishness..wow when will it end…these folks live in the dark age of ignorance..wow shameful…

  13. hmm
    June 28, 2011

    why are the majority of dominicans so damn foolish,,…skero and BJ must do the JJ on them like back in the south american country

    what a bunch of foolish citizens it must be broadcast to the world at large the island where the citizens dont have any common sense nor reason not even a damm brain!!

  14. Anonymous
    June 28, 2011

    one day dno u all will c it fit to post my comment, not sure how bias again u all can be, thats y u all will not last very long again

  15. Anonymous
    June 28, 2011

    uwp is such a waste, cha

  16. Novice
    June 28, 2011

    Come on guys. What message are you sending to the people. Are you that incompetent or what? Get up and smell the coffee. If you are really interested in the development of your country put down your hate and stand up for the people. Are you really allowing the ship to sink or are you going to unload it to avoid it sinking? BE REAL MEN AND PUT ON YOUR JACKETS AND TIES AND STAND FIRM IN PARLIAMENT

    • ?????
      June 28, 2011

      Say it to them again. Do what you were elected to do. Represent and speak on national issues.

      A stuck record .. The same old story/Tune over and over. Really boring. What message to our youth . That everything is earned by protesting. We will answer to our maker one of these days!

    • whyyyy
      June 29, 2011

      When the ideals of democracy have become weak,these weaknesses motivate opposition forces to be disordinately agressive.Acountry where there is enormous evidence of corruption,favoritism,unaccountability and no transparency,we need to understand to achieve legitimacy, we need free, open and fair election.The principles of democracy have ben achallenge for people through out the universe and that is why they sacrifice their livelihood and fihgtfor change.That the fundamental reason the world is characterized by war.DFP under Mamo wore the suits in parliament and when that failed don’t forget what they did.Politics is a science and art.Where pupulist,scrondrells and capitalist cronies manipulate democracy,la kay nee day ba.Green has been paliament and will never get result from the red eyes and amplfied speaker.Green is ready to take action to test uuuuuusssssssssaalllll.

  17. June 28, 2011

    Those jokers expect people vote them back in office.this opposition worst than dem crackhead around town.

  18. littleboy
    June 28, 2011

    Here they go again. They are getting opportunities to make a case for the country and they are yet again shying from it. They need to go in fron of Skerrit, Bouyd Night and the rest of Bulligans that are running the country and let them know that enough is enough. These guys are a waiste of time and are definitely not giving us an alternative.

  19. so workerz come-AHHH
    June 28, 2011






  20. Ghost
    June 28, 2011

    Stupse..Them man still in doing that Koshony… Waste money on Voters ID Card when you can have a Natinal ID Card which can used for multiple reasons…Papamet…Them man not easy…Ron take a back seat leave the party..Eddo you too…spagz too…Form a new party we need an opposition desperately to check the issues and development of the country…………jah

    • Real Human
      June 28, 2011

      Thought u were sensible ghost.From ur incomprehension of the different uses of the Id cards anyone with 1/10 of a brain can see the difference and why Medard et Al want a national rather than the latter.
      I really got fooled by Ur earlier posting U are just another cooleve(AH)Porous individual in DA another Dumb -in-a Can .Wake up garson ou sort qui!

  21. Island Pappy SHow
    June 28, 2011


  22. ACN
    June 28, 2011

    Who Cares…. Go, don’t go, all u guys are waste of times…

  23. Truth Seeker
    June 28, 2011

    I mean, DNO, that is news too? DNO editor (in-chief?) just place in your scrolling banner the following: “UNTIL WHAT WE WANT, I.E., SKERRIT RESIGNS HIS OFFICE, THE UWP WILL NOT TAKE UP ITS SEAT IN PARLIAMENT.”

    Take down the banner once Skerrit is voted out or otherwise leaves the office of Prime Minister. Announcing this often-declared sorry excuse for political activism is becoming tired.

  24. Dominican at heart
    June 28, 2011

    It’s interesting to note the kind and direction of the posts.As I have stated many a time before.I probably have more reason to abhore those sh*t heads “UWP”.But the situation DA has been placed in today by this infiltrates of the authentic DLPUWP’s protests ,boycotts of parliment is a mole hill in comparism with where and what we are heading into or are already in. I thought Africans had their rivalries and and backwardness,Haiti as well but it dawned on me that we as a people do not even realize how destructive we have been to each other over the last 40yrs.
    If a people are drowning and do not even recognize /realize it,What can I say?
    good luck.

  25. Lavie Dominique!
    June 28, 2011

    I agree, don’t go to no patat parliament with these gangsters, tell them to bring Tony, Hartley and Parry. When they were discussing the evidence in the DON Emmanuel case, did they call the opposition/ NOPE!! Have they shown the opposition the MOU with China and ALBA NOPE!! Did they budget for electoral reform? Nope. Skerrit & Tony & Hartley have already decide that there will be no Voters’ ID. All you want the opposition to go to parliament for the old loud speaker to get victims to humiliate? DON’t GO to this carnival!! Or dress in sensay if all you going, because it is a carnival!

    • duhhhh
      June 28, 2011

      u to stupid shit u a talk nonsence a**holes

    • ?????
      June 28, 2011

      Well perhaps you need to go up for election and I wonder if you would go in the house. Get some education about the responsibility of a “Parliamentary representative” and other stuff like that, then you will be versed to put a comment on DNO and anywhere else. Until such time that you are knowledgeable in nation and patriotic and those issus, stay out and speak no foolishness.

    • MET VEYE
      June 29, 2011


    • whyyyy
      June 29, 2011

      good comment

  26. Channel 1
    June 28, 2011

    UWP keep up the fight for electoral reform and against the corrupt practices of this backward thinking government.

  27. AGAIN???????????????
    June 28, 2011

    I am sick and tired of Ron Green and the rest of the members of the UWP. We need to start referring to you as “The Boycotters” because that seems to be all you do!

  28. ROTFL
    June 28, 2011

    Hahahahaha hehehehehehe.

    Salisbury people get ready to return to the polls soon! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • :p
      June 28, 2011

      whaaaa………they finally come to their senses? i was wondering how much longer they wld make uncle spragers embarrass them

    • goose
      June 28, 2011

      This is the perfect opportunti for Hector John to show his calibre and present an alternative budget to the nation and give us an insight as to his vision for this country but he is using this action to hide his his inability to do so. HECTOR PLEASE GO INTO PARLIAMENT LISTEN TO THE BUDGET AND THEN PRESENT YOUR ALTERNATIVE THAT AND THAT ALONE WILL SECURE A LITTLE INTERGRITY BACK INTO YOUR LIFE AS YOU HAVE LOST IT ALL BY BOY, YOU HAVE LOST IT ALL. OH HOW WE REGRET ENTRUSTING YOU WITH OUR VOTES.

      • Lavie Dominique!
        June 28, 2011

        I agree Spags has an opportunity to come up with an alternative budget, good thinking, but he can use the same method that he uses to present to his people. We already know that the old loud speaker may not even allow him to present it, and in case the loud speaker does, it does not have a snowball chance in hell to LEAVE the floor and go anywhere. Stop he deception! We know what the REAL DEAL is! Than you very much!

  29. guest
    June 28, 2011

    what is ur prob mr greenz. y don’t u take the ppl concerns to parliament instead of asking them to show up…don’t you think it’s easier to listen to 1 man speaking then a group of persons speaking all at once?

    why don’t you guys behave and follow law and order?..

  30. MET VEYE
    June 28, 2011

    Ron sing a different tune…ENOUGH ALREADY!!!

  31. Wenner
    June 28, 2011

    I just saw Hector John on Facebook

    • whosh
      June 29, 2011


  32. DA
    June 28, 2011

    such a waste of time…no real interest in development of country..same old ish over and over.

  33. my pressure uwpwee
    June 28, 2011

    PAPA GOOOSH ! a deadman wake up


    UWPWEE ron out of ideas

    shame shame shame

    3 more bye-elections soon!

    PM just call more seating

    quickly quickly quickly

    and see who really boycotting elections because of no voter ID

    we will see through allu bluffing

    LOOK a stupid party !



  34. Anonymous
    June 28, 2011

    Hear we go again same old story is time a new party come on the seen so you and your crew would go in exile.wasting people time

  35. GUARD LA
    June 28, 2011

    Hey Ron what’s new? At least you getting closer. Maybe next time you will actually be in parliament doing the people’s business.

  36. sweetness
    June 28, 2011

    ronny boy why you do go and role your rosary

  37. Just Me
    June 28, 2011

    Lazy Men at Work.

    • civil servant
      June 28, 2011

      lazy man pl look into the mirror, you must be under a mango tree smoking weed waiting for your mom pot to cook without your lazy self contribution

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