Praise ministry shares the love, joy and peace of Christmas with senior citizens

Heston Charles of Non-stop Praise Ministry presents a gift to the matron of the Grotto Home for the Homeless

Non-stop Praise Ministry has been sharing the love, peace and joy of Christmas with senior citizens on the island.

The ministry recently hosted a Christmas outreach at the Pointe Michel playing field for the senior citizens of the Soufriere constituency.

“During Christmas, we have what you call Christmas outreach program and this Christmas outreach program is geared towards bringing love, sharing the joy of Christmas, sharing the peace, peace to all mankind, bringing a sense of happiness to people, especially people who don’t get to experience Christmas like we do,” the host of the non-stop praise radio program, Heston Charles told Dominica News Online (DNO).

He said his praise group had decided this year to focus on the senior citizens of the villages of Pointe Michel, Soufriere and Galleon in the Soufriere constituency.

The senior citizens were treated to brunch, free health checks, such as blood pressure test, sugar test and eye test. There was also be live entertainment.

Charles said the public was invited to take advantage of the opportunity to bring the senior citizens in their care and arrangements had been made on the Pt. Michel playing field for the proper accommodation of those persons.

Non-stop Praise Ministry is hoping to hold a similar activity at the hospital on the 22nd of December at 12 o’clock and at the State Prison on the 29th beginning at 9 am.

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1 Comment

  1. Kalinago Justice
    December 19, 2019

    Another hypocrite and bogus trying to play godly! An island with so many people pretending to love a god but allowed an evil devil to steal an election from them!!!

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