Presentations from DBF electoral reform draft legislation review (part 1): Sir Dennis Byron

The Dominica Business Forum Inc. (DBF) recently hosted a public review of the draft legislation for electoral reform in Dominica. The legislation forms part  of the report of regional jurist Sir Dennis Byron who was engaged by the Dominica to review Dominica’s election laws.

Dominica News Online is pleased to publish a series featuring the major presentations at the review activity.

We begin with Sir Dennis Byron, the Lead Advisor of the Dominica Election Reform Commission.

A video recording of DBF-hosted review can be seen on the DNO YouTube Channel at

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  1. Lin clown
    August 10, 2023

    Sticky Fingers fighting for the people.Which people?The man is fighting to survive in South Sudan.He said he is raising in South Sudan,how much money has he raised,and where is that money?The blue bugs call a handful of blue confused aholes the people.They cannot even get 200 people to follow them in a demonstration.De man was in IMF,and he was dismissed for dishonesty,using the fund information for his personal profit.The same way he transfered $25,700US from DASS bank account,to his personal account and tell the blue MON KEYS,he did it to make more profit for DASS.

  2. Jonathan Y St Jean
    August 10, 2023

    Sir Dennis has once again left me and the majority of Dominicans in left field. For someone who is supposed to know the law and what it says and what it stands for, he like a thief in the night accepted the assignment and money from the “me-the-people” leader without asking pertinent questions about the process and the optics with how things were done. He should have insisted on the need for the electoral committee to lead the process but instead was overcome with glee at the amount of money Skerritt offered. Then he took an eternity to deliver the goods, that even Skerritt was disgusted. Dennis should have requested that his report be circulated far and wide, through the churches, supermarkets, newspapers and all public places at least 6weeks to two months in advance so citizens could read, understand, discuss and have a good understanding of what this draft of his has in it. Instead a half baked draft legislation on electoral reform is being rushed.

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  3. Lin clown
    August 10, 2023

    Fontaine said he left a ,$10,000US monthly paying job with IMF to save
    Dominica.Why did he leave Dominica to take up a job that further and paying less,when he is now leader of UWP?

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  4. Ibo France
    August 9, 2023

    I like to be brutally honest. At times, this raises the ire of many people against me. Those who speak truth should expect scathing criticisms. This world is a place where lies are glorified and truth frowned upon.

    Here the people of Dominica are literally putting themselves on the line for electoral reforms and better governance. However, reluctantly I have come to conclude that I don’t think Dr. Fontaine is the right person as leader.

    He is serving two ‘masters’ at the same time (Sudan & Dominica). Absenteeism cannot work as his presence is needed on the ground. He has no charisma which is important in a politics. He lied and betrayed the people when he told Sean Douglas that he will resign his position in Sudan to serve his country. Many UWP supporters are upset with his continued absence from Dominica because he was untruthful.

    Clearly, the doctor is seen as untrustworthy and that’s a monumental problem. He should eat humble pie and profusely apologise.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 7 Thumb down 5
    • OneLove
      August 9, 2023

      IBC you are the biggest problem we have in Da. What the heck you want Dr Fontaine to do in in Da? Shed his blood or be jailed for fools like you?How much do you or the UWP pay Dr Fontaine a month as leader? Man if is you writing this nonsense please note that Lennox led us for ten years and he was here with us 24/7 and nothing changed! Sadly Lennox resigned from the party “forthwith “ on the brink of an election and it’s alleged that some Laborite offered the handsome cricket administrator $3 million dollars to campaign if he was elected as leader. Can you imagine how UWP would be today with Handsome and Jadas? Boy thank God Thomson chose to come save out party from those corrupt group. By the way, where is the damn vice president? Are you hearing his voice? Why is he so quiet? If he was showing interest no doubt we would all ask for him to replace Thompson. We hear Dr Thompson every week fighting and educating us, so what the heck you want after him? You want to lead the party?

    • MEME
      August 9, 2023

      @Ibo France
      If you are speaking the truth, why should you worry about criticism? I personally voted for Dr Fontaine, because i thought he would resign his assignment in South Sudan with dispatch, and be with the people on the ground. He didnt, and i think that he needs to choose between being leader of the UWP, or holding on to his job in Sudan….(Honourable Linton, a politician of high pedigree, brilliant orator and one blessed with a sharp analytical mind), is still seen as party leader by many. One can’t be too immersed in a political party to see things that are wrong and stay dumb. At least you are not of the same ilk as some LABOURITES, who will swallow the pain while dying quietly. They can’t criticise!!😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄
      Kudos to you for that!!
      That’s what good citizens do, and that’s what democracy is…!! It’s not defending what’s wrong at all cost!
      You expose what is wrong fearlessly.!

      • Jonathan Y St Jean
        August 10, 2023

        @MEME, there are many instances of successful leaders who resided outside of their country and yet were able to lead their party and country in absentia. This concept isn’t new. The UWP foolishly didn’t contest the last general election and so it’s now like an exiled entity. What is it that the party governing body needs to do that Dr. Fountain has to reside in the country full time? There is a deputy leader who seems more interested in organizing sports to boost his profile, than showing real leadership and stepping forward in this moment with strategies and organizational skills to strengthen the party whilst the elected leader is absent. He can communicate with the leader and demonstrate leadership. Instead he appears to have abandoned ship. Dr Fountain can still provide strategic advice and guidance from overseas. The rest of the party governing body, who don’t hold employment overseas should resign as they only seem to love the attention of the positions they have.

      • Ibo France
        August 11, 2023

        MEME, you are a rarity. You are one of the few persons who has the ability to rise above fierce partisan politics, regardless of where your political allegiance lies.

        Many party supporters have this fallacious notion that they have to always give unwavering support to their party or leader even when they are wrong. This is what drives and sustains the political tribalism from since adult suffrage in this country.

        I am no sheep. I strongly believe in independent thinking.

  5. Ibo France
    August 9, 2023

    Dennis ‘$650K’ Byron’s electoral reform exercise is a travesty of justice. It will bring no fundamental changes to the electoral system that so many Dominicans yearn for.

    For star boy of extreme stupidity to lose an election, that’s automatic incarceration for him for malfeasance and chicanery in government.

    Therefore, it is imperative that the vast majority of right thinking Dominicans arise, hit the streets, and boot the hardheaded despot to the garbage heap of history.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 3
  6. Lin clown
    August 9, 2023

    Engaged by the Dominica who?Sir Byron was engaged by the government.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 14

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