President calls for more investment, small business development, to achieve growth for Dominica

President Williams inspecting the parade ahead of the presentation of his speech to parliament
President Williams inspecting the parade ahead of the presentation of his speech to parliament

President of Dominica, Eliud Williams, in his first address since taking up office, has made some specific recommendations regarding “the propositions, policies and strategies that should guide our future actions towards sustainable development.”

Williams was speaking on Wednesday morning ahead of Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit’s presentation of the 2013-2014 national budget to parliament.

Williams’ advice came against the background of the global economic and financial crisis that has affected Dominica and its OECS sister islands.

He said the greatest development challenge relates to the transformation of the Dominica economy for the creation of sustainable jobs through inclusive growth.

“It is generally well recognized that innovative approaches must be developed using existing and new technology to greatly increase the rate of growth from the existing levels of between 2 and 3% annually to levels  closer to 5% on a consistent basis in order to achieve the desired turn around,” the President stated

One policy option, he said, could be to invite overseas-based Dominicans to invest in businesses and major development projects with which they could “beneficially identify.”

“These investmwents could take the form of low yield, long term, bonds or other financial investments with a generous moratorium on interest and repayment of capital,” he said.

The president also identified expansion in hotel facilities, utilization of water resources and air access as three potentially beneficial development areas. “These potential investments  have the capacity to create short term and long term jobs that are sustainable and could be seen as a perfect fit in ongoing public and private sector initiatives,” he noted.

Williams said that this further diversification of the economy with the direct involvement and participation by overseas based nationals and expatriates as well as other key stakeholders, could also help bridge Doiminica’s foreign and direct investment gap and unleash the potential of many youth and women.

He said to achieve the best results the country must continue along the path of sound investments in secondary and tertiary education and the development of the requisite skills that is vital to meeting the development challenge.

“These education and skills training programmes will also contribute vastly to the number, quality, variety and success of micro, small and medium sized business enterprises (SME’s) as these businesses offer the best potential for the successful transformation of our economy for an enhanced quality of life for all.” the president pointed out.

“Here too, the decision to enact enabling SME legislation must be given priority as such legislation will define the scope responsibilities, technical assistance and incentive package required to facilitate greater contribution by SME’s. Government therefore needs to continue to find innovative ways to start and grow a business,” he advised.

Mr. Williams is also recommendating the establishment of a public/private partnership that will help promote “a deeper dialogue and a deeper understanding of the policy measures and strategic direction geared towrads a higher living standard for all.”

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  1. prisca
    July 27, 2013

    Honestly Dominicans..Would you really vote the UWP?? shame, shame on you. You all are talking about the situation we are in right now. Just wait and see hell on earth if you vote UWP.
    In case you haven’t noticed times are bad everywhere. The world’s economy is at it’s worst. Just see what is happening in America and Europe.
    Even China has it’s own economic problem even though they are pretending to help everyone else when their own people are starving. They are just trying to conquer the whole world and make themselves the lone super power.

  2. July 25, 2013

    Hello President Williams. Sir if you won’t the economy to make tremendous progress then you should end the sole import contracts of goods into Dominica. Those contract are held by five families with name recognition and they are controlling and stifling the economy. Sir do you know how difficult it is to open a business in Dominica with those families controlling such contracts. I know because I tried.

  3. Just Reading
    July 25, 2013

    Why is my comment taking such a long time to be moderated, while comments written after mine are….are my points touching too many nerves or what…stupes…I am addressing people use of not having a degree to denigrate others…what is wrong with that dno?

  4. Anonymous
    July 25, 2013

    we as dominicans we like to sit back and blaze the chinese for or problem in da why can you guy learn from the chinese and take the skill to better our country and island for the future of our child the president does have some good points but guess what he can’t do it own his own we do need help from our dominicans living over seas to help with their education and investing their money on the island with a return in investment for them . let all work together to better our island like the people before us did education role the world ask what you can do for your island not what your island can do for you amen

  5. Mahaut
    July 25, 2013

    Mr. President! Tell me how we can eradicate povety by giving citizens money in their hands every weekend.Those people don’t work!!
    look-up “Teach a man to fish story.”
    Have you gone around the island to see how the common people are living, before you make these statments? or you just receiting what they tell you will sound nice?

  6. GAZA
    July 24, 2013


  7. Ohhh Dominica!
    July 24, 2013

    You need to talk to Invest Dominica Authority, that’s your baby, remember? :lol: :lol: :lol:

  8. OK
    July 24, 2013

    OK. Why do we even have a President. What powers does he have?

  9. anonymous2
    July 24, 2013

    Get rid of the high taxes first.

  10. July 24, 2013

    Oh Dominica, the land of beauty, the land of thieves, liars, scammers and con-men! The land where politicians talk big and show little, the land where the leaders take the masses for fools. Sweet Dominica now a land of rampant crime and violence, drug trafficking, backdoor deals, corrupted police and Government employees! A land where there is talk about economic growth yet all the Leader does is beg and borrow while neglecting the citizens who are poor and unemployed. The Nature Isle where tourism is at a standstill and visitors give bad reviews about the services received. Oh Dominica what a sad sad land! This land where voters vote for party and NOT for the the man who has their best interest at heart. A land where handouts and promises can buy you an election! A land where there is a devide between rich and poor; the rich get bail while the poor take a jail! Yes, it’s the same Dominica that used to be so peaceful, quiet and agriculturally productive with their bananas, copra, bay leaf, cocoa, etc. The same Dominica where crime was almost unheard of and when something did happen it would be known throughout the entire island! The land where you could leave your doors open and come back late in the evening with no worries! This Dominica who greedy politicians have ruined for personal gain and power! Yes Domninica, is now a SAD SAD land :cry:

    July 24, 2013

    dominicans have no spending power, chinese exporting our money from sales of their garbage and chinese are given all the work dominican men can do… so elliud STOP THINKING YOUR DREAM OUT LOUD, WE ARE NOT IN A FANTASY MOVIE

  12. "O" STRESS"
    July 24, 2013

    I sometimes sit and wonder are they for real? or are they suffering from brain damaged. Cause all of them saying the same thing using different words. That does not make it believable. The train has left the station and we have to brace ourselves not to fall for all those fancy dressing. This is 2013 will somebody tell them that!

  13. Just Reading
    July 24, 2013

    @ A DOUGLAS:The Chief Justice undegreed Linton L shall attempt at stealing the stage from the platform ….

    I am getting sick and tired of people attempts to denigrate another in their attempt to push their point of view… I don’t agreed with your view that an individual without a degree is incapable of leading and cannot hold the office of PM, as you allude to in your piece.

    I would like to ask you a question: Did O.J Seraphine, E.O Leblanc and Mike Douglas, acclaimed members of the RED party, have a degree. Yes, you would agree that they led well. Without all the book and paper smarts, they have led well using sound judgement and common sense. These men were before my time, and that;s the memory I have of them due to the way folks talked about them.

    In Fact, it was not until recently that the awareness of having a degree to run for government offices was made pubic and even still, the constitution have not addressed the issue..So, why do you want to hold this degree thing over the head of Lennox to nullify his chances of holding the PM post. If cabinet members of the past could run for office without a degree and still did well, why can’t the same yardstick be applied to Lennox?

    Have you ever heard Lennox speak? His eloquence and cogency outshine many of us who hold a degree and put many of us to shame. Have you ever pick up The Chronicle newspaper and read the nonsense and illogicality a doc who have learned the finer details of education write on a weekly basis? Have you ever listen to a particular talk show to hear the rubbish so-called schooled political prostitutes present as sound reasoning to continue to foll their avid listeners?

    A test to you: call any foreigner on the street who have never heard Lennox speak and ask the person if this man sound like someone who doesn’t own a degree…and I can bet my last bottom dollar, the person would say straight out …NO!

    Lennox’s oration, writing and ideas are comparable and EVEN ABOVE that of all those who big up their chest with their degrees. So, before you start to use that nonsense to downgrade Lennox’s capabilities as a good leader, just try to compare him with our stuttering present leader, and if you are not bias, you would agree the Lennox’s verbiage and line of reasoning are way above his.

    I would prefer vote for someone who can reason well, is well-read, intelligent, cogent and drenched with common sense and good judgment, than someone who is dimwit even with his/her degrees on his/her walls.

  14. July 24, 2013

    With the high cost of rent for properties and all the high bills and everyday expenses it is hard to grow small businesses.

  15. July 24, 2013

    Why should we come and Invest, with such a widescale of corruption :-D

  16. Truth be told
    July 24, 2013

    DNO states, “One policy option, he said, could be to invite overseas-based Dominicans to invest in businesses and major development projects with which they could “beneficially identify.”” Is the President serious? Come to Dominica and invest my money in the country for the government to take my taxes and give to its supporters along with free land, free house and freemoney? The government could save a lot by cutting its arbitrary and non-productive spending! Stop playing politics with national development, Dominica is crying too much politics!

  17. gosh
    July 24, 2013

    Honestly this speech sound like a nice dream, how is small businesses going to prosper when the people in Dominica has no spending power look at the large business not even them are doing good they cant even pay their taxes. The government need to focus on agriculture and production but with these incompetent leaders I highly dought that will happen … small business growth lol everywhere is closing down look at the past businesses to close down under this government
    Arail tramp, KFC portsmouth, Rituals, Grand bazzar,and the list goes on and on so if these large business with the capita to fund it cant be sustain how is the economy is going to grow with small business growth come again.

    • Stealth Critique
      July 24, 2013

      The how would be to base your business in Dominica but have your target be outside Dominica.

  18. look bowdel
    July 24, 2013

    How can you Mr. President call for more investment, small business development when all our local shops and stores are closing down and chinese taking over the whole country. Just now they will use us to make chow mein.

  19. Grand Bay Girl
    July 24, 2013

    Sometimes I wonder if we Dominicans will one day realize we we are our worst enemies.We create a feeling of”doom”for this country.Some of the people who live overseas know darn well where they
    are have it’s own problem but they continue to act
    as if Dominica is the worse island/country on earth.Give me a break!God bless my lil country I Say Aye Dominicque.

  20. D/A young man
    July 24, 2013

    same old talk from this guys and when you go to the places to get some business started that’s when you will find out how had it is to start are small business in Dominica am not asking you am telling you I started my business by getting out of Dominica after years of running all over the place in Dominica and not getting no banks to help me get are business started in Dominica now I started my business I still have to stay out of Dominica to keep it running I just pray that more young people that cant go away from Dominica like my self can get the help thay need to start are business we all know this talk is just for the radio and to play with the minds of some Dominicans people but to my young Dominicans don’t give up do your best and find something good to do god will make a way for you and please please take it one day at a time as the old people use to tell me son take your time and walk fast am saying the same to you .one love to d/a and its people

  21. Sati Sot
    July 24, 2013

    The “President” Lol..just have to voice his opinion. That’s it. Look a job eh!! how much is his Salary?

  22. Francisco Telemaque
    July 24, 2013

    “A Douglas”, sweet sounding rubbish is only garbage; a good speech does not create jobs, and bring progress to a country! People like Elude, can only talk, however, after the talk show is over, that’s it; he is powerless to do anything for the country besides talking.

    What he is doing in that photograph is prissily what he is getting paid to do, his political rhetoric caries no weight in Dominica, his pleasure is to live off the tax payers of the country, he has it made in the shade!

    His position is a simple ceremonious one, he can talk, however he cannot dictate to the powers that be what to do. Identifying the avenues that should be developed is different from issuing an order to commence construction on any project in the country.

    It is stated here:

    “The president also identified expansion in hotel facilities, utilization of water resources and air access”

    What you read in the quote above is nothing new to our ears, that is repetitive rhetoric; we hear the same old thing each time an election is due in the country by many who came before him; we hear the same thing over, and over again; but as I said ‘sweet sounding rubbish is only garbage.’

    If he wish to talk about “air access” he would have served a better purpose to be specific, and identify the building of an International Airport!

    If his idea is to spend more on Melville Airport, and waste money into LIAT, and have more crop dusters, like the most recent 35 seater flying to Dominica, all he anticipates for Dominica, at this moment will take more than a thousand years to materialize.

    He has already lost both the battle of talk, and the war of deception, and cheap political rhetoric. The people who holds power in Dominica does not want Dominica to move beyond where we are for obvious reasons; if this was not the case they would have already done the right thing. If everybody in the country can make it without a handout, the people who gives the handouts may fall off their pedestals, and massa-day would cease to exists.

    And I doh talking bout white massa-day eh, we have Black slave masters too, only that they are involve into politics!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Teemaque

  23. John
    July 24, 2013

    The speech was selling nothing but dreams and nothing based on facts. When will Dominicans wake up and realize that this government only seeks to benefits itself and supports only.

    • John
      July 24, 2013

      The speech was selling nothing but dreams and nothing based on facts. When will Dominicans wake up and realize that this government only seeks to benefits itself and supporters only.
      Typo fixed..

  24. LCM
    July 24, 2013

    I was not fortunate to hear the whole speach but from what i am reading i can tell the president is at least getting the idea. Some of what is proposed are practical solutions for growth. Give nationals incentives to develop through innovative ideas. Government role should be to make sure regulations are followed to prevent abuse and not compete with business . I like what i am reading lets see implementation

  25. CIA on the Watch
    July 24, 2013

    If we want to transform the economy for the creation of sustainable jobs, I have not seen anywhere in this speech where he talks about wastage and the non productive sector in the publis service and quasi-government bodies, I did not hear anything about the large non productive cabinet of Ministers, i did not hear about the corruption among the politicians, looks like this president seem to be blind and death as to what is going on, non of what he has spoken to will be achieved under these circumstances, it has to take a meaningful change to realize these goals and change will come not too long from now

    • Justice and Truth
      July 24, 2013

      You are an impossible person. Always criticizing the government. Are you stupid or what or full of wickedness in your head and heart? Your comment had absolutely nothing to do with the contents of the president’s speech.
      Why should he talk about that? This is not his job responsibility. He has a job to fulfill and he stuck to the issue of his position.
      If you think there is wastage and corruption, show us and prove it. Do not only speak about it. If you want it addressed, you, do something about it.
      If such should exist, as president, this is not his job responsibility. Go to the authority. Refer it to the Chief of Police. Know that you could be sued for defamation of character.

      • Anonymous
        July 25, 2013

        Anyone who states an opinion should be prepared for approval or criticism. You seem to like the approval but not the criticism, in that context you are enslaved because you are not prepared to think for yourself and act independently.

        I an a non-affiliate party member. My mind is clear and hence won’t be allowed to be lead like sheep without questioning the actions of those in authority.

  26. elluid
    July 24, 2013

    a great address Williams hola

    • Justice and Truth
      July 24, 2013

      Indeed! As president, he addressed the issues which pertain to his responsibility.

    July 24, 2013

    IT IS RATHER MORALLY DETESTABLE THAT THERE WERE SOME MEMBERS OF THE UWP & DFP OPPOSITION who saw it fit to oppose the election of this distinguished Dominican intellect and statesman to the Head of State Office which we call the Presidency. He is right in saying that we are on the verge of eradicating severe poverty in Dominica, and on target in meeting our Millennium Goals.

    I amongst others listen with deep interests to what this gentleman had to say to the nation. The recipes which he offered while they in themselves cannot be considered to be a panacea but they do give us a sense as to what direction we as a nation should continue to take.

    I am of the view that the current UWP Opposition must make a most thorough review of His Excellency’s Address and use it as a template in their formulation of their Manifesto for the next general Elections. However I doubt whether this approach is to be adopted by the current & emerging leadership of the UWP.

    The time is come for the voices of objectivity to be heard and persons must look at the prospects for Dominica’s Advancement and not continue to abuse the Media via Talk Shows to drag our dear country into ridicule. The Dominican people may not always be supportive of every policy action of this DLP Government but at the same token some significant developments have taken place under this regime. We do have some very serious concerns about the near neglect of Grand Bay and the emerging unsettling situation in Glandvillia amidst a sense of arrogance by our leaders. I will continue to ask for a sense of calm and compromise and the advent of commonsense.

    I hope to listen with great interests the Budget Address and Opposition response. However I don’t expect any degree of commonality of approach from the UWP. The Chief Justice undegreed Linton L shall attempt at stealing the stage from the platform of a rapidly declining Hector Facebook John ; whose political future is now more than ever before on very shaky grounds. Clearly no one listens To Spaggs and am in total agreement with his non inclusion as someone who could be considered as a leader of the Comatose UWP. However I don’t think that LL is the best available choice. He doesn’t have the intellectual capital to take Dominica to the next level and is genuinely not liked due to an alleged attitudinal defect and a probable dislike for degreed- folks.

    I cannot and will not speak for any other DOUGLAS on island or those who are in the Diaspora. We are quite capable of expressing our views and will not bend to the dictats of a weakening and confused opposition which lacks Manly leadership and direction. The DOUGLAS POLITICAL DYNASTY still remains committed to the ideals of two of our fallen Leaders MIKE $ ROSIE and will not do any thing to deviate from their well celebrated principles. I can care less what lennox L or others have to say.

    I do hope that more Labourites who have the skills that are necessary position themselves in the different constituencies and DLP Constituency Groups and other Party organs to involve themselves in the parties activities. We have to embrace al others but we have to begin to play a greater role in our DLP’s development and national development.

    It is unfortunate that a concerted effort was made to hijack the processes of democracy within the UWP by the handpicking of a successor. The likes of comrade Fontaine and Sanford and Isidore , plus other potential candidstes were seriously dashed as a result of the continued Marigotianization of the UWP.


    • Ambrose B
      July 24, 2013

      You are in no positin to direct the operations of the UWP, if you are comforted with the cesspit of Labour that you are now wallow in thats your choice, we all differ when comes to areas of policies and like the PM once said “GO TO HELL” with your gabage of advise

      • Grand Bay Girl
        July 24, 2013

        We should respect each others opinion.It is democracy..Just saying

    • Ambrose B
      July 24, 2013

      And further more the president does not deserve the respect of the opposition for the manner in which he was appointed, not sure if you are aware that a court ruling has just said that questions needs to be answered concerning his appointment, please inform yourself

    • gosh
      July 24, 2013

      Why are you supporting the Dominica labour party????????????????????? Yes I do support the president but not DLP I mean come on have they done anything to development the country other than infrastructure in their 13 years of being in power. No jobs no economic growth poverty is on the rise, cost of living is sky high …The P.M has even informed that all the sectors has decrease and there was no economic growth this year and you mean to tell me you need me you still support labour … honestly I think UWP will be better to vote in there are two economist in the party and one of them even worked for the IMF so if he can leave such a big job to come in Dominica for politics it must mean better he want for the country …So please wise up and do it for the future youth of Dominica to be able to get a job and vote for a change

    • Candominican
      July 24, 2013

      You are obviously miss informed. No one opposed Eluid as president, not the opposition nor civil society. Whats was rather questionable is the procedure and circumstances under which he came to occupy the position. For your information- did u remember the doctrine of necessity?,I will leave at that because when idiots have spoken, the wise just have to listen

    • Anonymous
      July 24, 2013

      I read with interest your piece and though you made some very vital points about the caliber of our new president, your subjective view and flagrant bias counter your argument.

      Moreover, I don’t think Dominicans or the opposition didn’t want Mr. Willimas as president as your piece misleadingly alluded. I recall the opposition team saying that the man is duly qualified to hold the post..what they had a problem with, was the manner in which he was appointed, which they found was unconstitutional.But too me that’s a non issue at this point in time….Permit me to address another aspect of your piece that I have been hearing flying around among the RED Party, which is somewhat disturbing.

      Let me advice here that in our attempt to push a point, please, let’s refrain from denigrating others.

      I am sick and tired of our trying to degrade an individual based on his educational background. We have seen leaders with no degree lead well, because in most cases in leadership, it is not paper or book smarts that works, but rather common sense.

      I have listened to Lennox and for a a man with no degree, as you claim, he is putting most of us with degrees to shame.

      The man is eloquent and cogent and his oration and writing are far beyond most individuals who holds degrees in our society.

      Have you read The Chronicle lately and see the rubbish and illogicality that political prostitution has led some people who are schooled in the finer concepts of education to write? Have you listen to a particular talk show and hear the nonsense that a schooled Doc presents as sound reasoning?

      Were O.J Saraphine, E. O Lebalance and Mike Douglas, once acclaimed members of the Red Party, have degrees? Yet, even you would resound their keen leadership. So, why so many people on the RED BOAT are trying their uttermost best to pass Lennox as a fool due to his lack of a degree, when we are constantly bombarded with the nonsensical verbiage of so many educated fools in high positions in Dominica.

      In fact having a degree has just become an awareness in Dominica’s politics and even the constitution has not addressed that matter…so, why do you try to fault the man just because he has no degree. If many before him were eligible to run for the office of PM without a degree, why can’t he!

      Lennox may not hold a degree, but he is intelligent, cogent and well-read, and he is drenched in common sense, and for these reasons alone, I would vote for him as opposed to all those who want to denigrate him due to his lack of obtaining a degree…..

      Let do this small test, call any body who has never heard Lennox before, and ask them, if this man speaks and present himself as a man without a degree,and I am certainly sure that he/she would tell you straight..NO!! and you can take that to the bank.

      A man who have no degree, but can past as one who has one through his speech, writing and ideas has done good for himself and is indeed MUST be admired…so, stop you all rubbish about Lennox being un-degreeed and hence cannot hold the office of PM.

      • A DOUGLAS
        July 25, 2013

        HAVE YOU succeeded in comdemning yourself to the LAbass of Guttered ignorance bu making the blasphemous statement of comparing two DLP and National Heroes hon. MICAHAEL ANTHONY DOUGLASS ( DEGREED) and E O LELANCE with Lennox Linton ( UN-DEGREED).
        These two individuals have worked for Dominica’s Development for several decades and didn’t have any tint of biological arrogance and were very well loved.
        It does appear that segments of the MARIGOT BU WAY BRIGADE have come to the realization that they stand alone and have concluded that the heir apparent is nt loved in other parts of the country and is nt a team player.
        UWP shall not win the next elections and that a factual statement, whether you like it or not. Elections will be soner than later and the RED MEN AND RED WOMEN are ready to win 19-21 seats.

    • octo
      July 24, 2013

      Well said!
      I too look forward to the Leader of the Opposition’s response and frankly do not expect much though, it would be nice if he can surprise me.

    • ________________
      July 24, 2013

      @ A DOUGLAS You are trying to be a Skerrit lapdog, but Alas, you are too stupid to be one. It is shameful to see that you are supposedly living in this Dominica that has grown so poor, where the citizens are seeing no way out in terms in acquiring a better standard of living and quality of life, a country where greedy men and women are having a field day of the country’s purse, to be coming there like the fawning parasite (which I am sure you are), and spewing garbage in support of skullduggery. SHAME ON YOOU!
      LINTON the statesman, an honest man, and the man of integrity and vision who will not tell you to go to Hell, but I can, since you seem to belong there anyway.

    • July 24, 2013

      Why should anyone surport a corrupt governmen???
      Mike and Rossie were patriots, they are rolling in their graves over what the Labour Party has become :-D

    • him
      July 24, 2013

      @ A DOUGLAS Linton the honest man with integrity in profusion, seem to be a thin thorn in your corrupt flesh. Wonder if you can sleep at nights .Lapdogs don’t normally do anyway.

      • A DOUGLAS
        July 25, 2013

        try some tablets by doc B

    • Looking in
      July 24, 2013

      Are you for real, whoever you are? But again, you are a stubborn pillar of the DLP and in the corner of your eyes, they can do no wrong. But be a man as Rosie or Mike would want you to be, and look at the ills and faults ( there are plenty) of the DLP and make a sensible comment, just one. The DLP like all other Political Parties in power has made infrastructural developments, but what about the future of the land, the youth? Nothing has been done, except talk and talk until the day to vote, you all will be driving all over the island distributing ‘goodies’, fooling the people all over again. It is a sad case when a ‘man’ with such intelligence as you have, sit and put pen to paper to come up with that crap you posted. As the musicians say, “will and come again”.

    • hmm
      July 25, 2013

      Only ignorant people can support 13 years of poverty.When will Dominicans wise up

  28. July 24, 2013

    “The president also identified expansion in hotel facilities”, — Mister President, your government needs to focus on reducing the insanely high level of crimes going on within Dominica and then investors will FLOCK to DOMINICA, trust me. Sane minded investors have an entire world to invest within, area’s that have high levels of crime deters investors. This is just the reality. I am amazed that this is not the nations #1 focus/goal (a massive crime reduction) and then everything else will fall perfectly into line for everyone in the country. The cart goes behind the horse.

    • Insider
      July 24, 2013

      If this is the case to reduce crie for Investors, no one would invest in America….lol

    • Justice and Truth
      July 24, 2013

      What are the responsibilities of the DPP and Chief of Police? Why should it be the president’s position to address these criminal issues? He has his responsibility. The Police Department has theirs. They should address this issue and their plans for eradicating crimes/ murders.
      Be broadminded and utilize your common sense if you have any. Each one of them has a job responsibility. It is like every department. I would think the issue of crimes would fall under the responsibility of the Police Department. Prior to all of you making such statements, enquire whose primary responsibility it is to address the issue of crimes. In other words, know who is responsible for what.

  29. Anonymous
    July 24, 2013

    Also missing on the shopping list are, affordable loans to investors. streamlining bureaucratic procedural red tape, customer services training and proper professional marketing for both product and services.

    There seem to be so many queen and musical artiste contest, why aren’t any for the best ideas.
    The framework and environment for innovation should start in schools and colleges.
    Business management training would be a great help to those with a entrepreneurial flair.
    Tax incentives should also be considered.


    • B.E. B.
      July 24, 2013

      Where in the world would an investor come into a country with an empty briefcase pretending to invest, only in DA. Those lending institutions should secure their investments.
      I can remember some years ago some foreigners came into Dominica,{with empty brief cases} secured a loan at a financial institution claiming they were going to assembly refrigerators and other electrical appliances, these people were assembling their stuffs and have them shipped to their country, when that bank realized what was going on and decided to intervene , it was too late. If those investors had any form of collateral , the bank wouldn’t have lost its money.

    • Justice and Truth
      July 24, 2013

      Some of you are jokers or what? You always find something to criticize. In fact, you search for it. Your attitude is demeaning and uncalled for.
      The president has his responsibility. The PM has his and vice versa. They cannot address the identical issues. As long as both are in office, on the island and performing their duties, if they deviated from their responsibility, it would be like taking over the responsibility of the other.

  30. John
    July 24, 2013

    This President and the Prime ministers #1 priority should be to do something about crimes against visitors to the island. A special police task force should be set up to protect tourists while they are going around the island and undercover armed guards should be stationed at the secluded beaches. Dominica does not nee all that bad publicity on the internet as far as visitors is concerned.

    • Justice and Truth
      July 24, 2013

      Address this to the DPP and Chief of Police. This mandate was given to them by the PM.
      Recall in 2011, the former DPP made a decision not to pursue the case of Sarah Lynn Augustine who murdered her two children. He also allowed her to leave Dominica without a hearing to avoid facing Dominica’s Court of Justice.
      Do you remember that or have you forgotten as some people who have a short memory? Ask yourself, does the DPP and the Chief of Police not have the responsibility to address the issue of crimes and to do something about it?
      Why are some of you people always harassing the PM? Leave him alone to perform his elected duties. This also includes the president.
      You have no respect and not one bit of love in your hearts. You are projecting to the world what type of people you are and by no means perfect.
      You are a national. You have a responsibility to your country. How are you assisting Dominica?
      Cease being critical and complaining. Your attitude is a mark of unChristian-like attitude. It is ungodly. I say, shame on all of you who harass the PM in such a manner. He does not deserve it. OK!
      When some of us read your critics, it disgusts us. It turns us off. Your criticism is an “Ill-wind that blows nobody any good.” Constructive criticisms can be accepted but consistent criticisms without proof is totally wrong. In any case, leave the criticism to the Opposition. You should stay away from this type of unnecessary dialogue. There have been too many such complaints on this Website. If you want to complain and consistently so, do so in the privacy of your home and among family and friends. Keep it under rap on this Website. More constructive amicable dialogue of appreciation rather than criticism, ingratitude and bitterness. This negativity spew discord and hatred. Be cheerful! Try to be happy and peaceful and generate same!
      Pray to God for the grace of love and peace and other necessary graces which some of you are in dire need of to live happily and peacefully and to project to others. Strive for peace. If you possess those graces/virtues, you will be a happy person. In the end, Heaven will be your prize and joy.

      • Anonymous
        July 25, 2013

        It seems you are stuck to the PM like a parasite and if the PM cease to be PM, life for you will be terminated.

        I pity you

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