Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit to assume CARICOM Chairmanship at 45th Conference of CARICOM Heads of Government

Roseau, June 30, 2023:

Prime Minister of Dominica, Hon. Roosevelt Skerrit will assume the Chairmanship of CARICOM when the Forty-Fifth Regular Conference of CARICOM Heads of Government is held in Trinidad and Tobago from July 3-5, 2023.

The occasion coincides with the 50th anniversary of CARICOM, established on July 4, 1973 by the Treaty of Chaguaramas to promote economic integration and cooperation among member states.

The leaders will discuss Agriculture and Food Security, the Caribbean Single Market and Economy, Energy Security, and Climate Change and Climate Finance. The Situation in Haiti and Regional Air and Sea Transport are also on the agenda for more discussion.

Hon. Dr. Vince Henderson, Minister for Foreign Affairs, International Business, Trade and Energy; Minister for National Security and Legal Affairs; and Hon. Denise Charles, Minister for Tourism are accompanying the Prime Minister to the meeting.

Prime Minister Skerrit will address the opening ceremony scheduled for 5pm on Monday, July 3 , 2023. The ceremony will be broadcast live via the Government Information Service (GIS), DBS Radio and Government of Dominica social media platforms.

In the Prime Minister’s absence from the state, Hon. Dr. Irving McIntyre will act as Prime Minister.

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  1. Martha
    July 8, 2023

    OMG, they promoted the goat to the head gardener. This is a monkey show for true.

  2. Danziger
    July 5, 2023

    PM, congrats. You are a gentleman so we will vote LABOUR ALL THE WAY AGIAN ET ENCORE.

  3. Man bite dogs
    July 4, 2023

    If Pm Skerrit, is bad as so-called UWP clowns keep going on about how on earth useless workers incompetent vagabonds cannot find a way to win elections after elections over him, Ha ha ha UWP has too many smart ass playing clever but not smart enough, take for example ugly Lenny, and his scavengers is smart enough to wipe a donkey backside and nothing else, these guys and their followers are a disgrace hypocrites and aholes wipes down a toilet far as I consern.

  4. Roland Mitchell
    July 3, 2023

    Well we must be scrapping the bottom of the barrel, if the best man they can find to chair Caricom in 2023, is Mr Roosevelt Skerrit. I wonder what he has done to deserve such an accolade?
    Roosevelt what can you show you have done as a 4th or 5th term elected Head of state in Dominica, which has brought lasting prosperity to Dominica? Do we have better roads, schools, agriculture, tourism, healthcare etc?
    Are the people better off since you came to power or worse off?

    The fact of the matter is that you personally may be much richer than when you started. You have acquired assets which are much more than you should have had based on your declared income for tax purposes. I understand that you have houses in Vielle Case and Roseau, and farms which you could not have bought from your income as PM.

    There can be only one explanation. You are a thief, and a big one at that. One day you will be out of power and the extent of your theft will be unearthed. Good luck while it lasts.

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    • Man bite dogs
      July 4, 2023

      Roland Mitchell , Just as long they Caricom is not scrapping your smelly guts Prime minister Roosevelt Skerrit, is the man to be take that b*****d.

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  5. Truth Be Told
    July 3, 2023

    And? What difference can a moron make? How many times now has he been Chairman of CARICOM as the longest serving Head of State in the Caribbean region? But Dominicans think it is some kind of accomplishment. Meanwhile, every country within CARICOM with the exception of Haiti has left Dominica behind in that 23 years of Labour. Stupes!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 2
  6. Lin clown
    July 3, 2023

    That is what stupidity is.Out of 4 comments posted Ibo France has 3.The CCJ was responding to a report given to them by UWP.We all know the past 3 election, were monitored and observed by 3 independent election observers,unless UWP say they were paid by Skerrit.All the observers said the elections were free and fair and,reflected the WILL of the people,according to the electoral laws of Dominica.IBO and his handful of aholes need to explain,what the CCJ meant by OUGHT TO.I am glad the report from Sir Dennis Byron is recommendation,unlike that Jacka Andre who think he can force the government to change the constitution of Dominica.Sir Byron was task with presenting a report not Andre.For Andre information the majority of Dominicans are NOT INTERESTED in electoral reform.How can CCJ say election was tainted when the were not present at the election,when the election observers say otherwise?

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  7. Toto
    July 3, 2023

    How can Caricom be taken serious with Roosevelt Skerrit as chairman. It puts an indelible stain on this organisation for sure. Go ask the CCJ.

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  8. jaded
    July 1, 2023

    DNO, this is an opportunity to educate your readership by letting them know for how long PM Skerrit will be the chairman of Caricom. Explain the rotation. Thanks.

  9. Ibo France
    July 1, 2023

    The electoral system that was used to get this man elected again and again, the CCJ described it as TAINTED. Despite this, the very TAINTED individual will become the chairperson of CARICOM.

    Why should anyone even have a modicum of respect for these heads and acceptance for, or confidence in this CARICOM?

    It is little wonder all the local and regional institutions in the Caribbean are at death’s door and need cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 3
    • July 3, 2023

      So do you, needing CPR and a heart transplant. You talk all that garbage and you are nothing from a Caribbean Perspective. Nobody knows you, nobody cares about you, but your idiotic blue monkeys who are insignificant. You write on every issue possible but, yet, hold no relevance from a caribbean perspective. All your hogwash writings will only see them explode and implode on Election Day. Why don’t you emancipate yourself from all that garbage you keep writing doing you no good. That is why you need a heart transplant and a blood transfusion.

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  10. Ibo France
    July 1, 2023

    Life for the average citizen throughout the CARICOM territories is as tough as cast iron. Placing the least qualified in the history of this organisation as head
    is like an albatross on the psyche of the people.

    How ironic is this? A charlatan who summarily refuses to honour the Golden Anniversary (50 long years) of an organization becomes the chairperson of the said organization. This is oxymoronic to say the least. SMDH!

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  11. JAH KAL
    June 30, 2023

    That would be the biggest mistake if the caribbean leaders would elect that scumbag as leaders of carigo not even caricom.
    Skerrit is a fraud he do not repect OECS OAS, CCJ , UN ,and he is thinking of going up for chairman , well look it now Dominica will be in the shit house ,it was in the door now it will be in the bedroom, nobody hear ,nobody see. Skerrit trying his best to slip throught the cracks but where ever he is ,his turn will come to answer for the crimes he did to dominica.
    Skerrit you must pay ,karma coming.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 3
    • July 3, 2023

      What crimes did he do to Dominica? You mean building the Marigot Hospital, rebuilding the PMH, building the Dominica Grammar School, building the International Airport and much more. What crimes? Stop writing garbage that makes no sense. He do not respect OECS OAS – write better English than that. It should be, He does not respect and not, He do not respect. Can you imagine how many times Queen Elizabeth has rolled in her grave each time you disrespect the Queen’s language?

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  12. Ibo France
    June 30, 2023

    It is unfortunate that CARICOM rotates its chairmanship annually. This cheapens the leadership of the organisation with jokers like the Dominican intellectual deadweight getting an undeserved opportunity to sit at the summit.

    If this position of chairmanship were to be earned on merit, the Butcher of Roseau would never have gotten a chance to sit in the chairman’s seat of this august organisation.

    Take a serious and comprehensive look at Dominica. Stark poverty, woefully inadequate healthcare, crumbling infrastructure, widespread corruption, steadfast hopelessness would be the legacy Roosevelt will leave for Dominicans for generations to come. Having consider these anomalies, what right does this misfit have in pole position of CARICOM?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 2
    • Ibo France
      July 3, 2023

      The chairmanship of CARICOM is rotated not annually but every six months.My bad.

      • July 6, 2023

        The only way you Ibo can get rotated is on a sugar mill.

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