Alleged jihadist on the run in Martinique

Rafaa is said to be linked to a jihadist group
Rafaa is said to be linked to a jihadist group

An alleged jihadist, who is reportedly linked to al -Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb, is on the run in Martinique, media reports from the French island indicate.

Rachid Rafaa, from Morocco, is said to be linked to a senior member of the Islamist militant organization which aims to overthrow the government in Algeria.

According to reports, Rafaa was under house arrest in Morne Rouge, before disappearing on Wednesday, July 27.

A search is now underway for him and the police in Martinique have issued a warning on social media of the matter. They told residents to call the authorities if Rafaa is seen and should not attempt to intervene as he is considered dangerous.

It is reported that Rafaa used his computer skills to disseminate information on the internet on the behalf of al-Queda in Islamic Maghgreb.

He was arrested in France and transferred to Martinique after the European Court of Human Rights decided not to extradite him to Morocco for fear he may be tortured.

He has been under house arrest in Morne Rouge since May 2014.

According to French media reports, Rafaa is 40 years old, very thin, has an oval-shaped face with black eyes, brown wavy hair.

Poster circulated by French authorities on the matter
Poster circulated by French authorities on the matter

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  1. UHURU
    July 29, 2016

    France and other non Islamic governments of the world are way to soft when it comes to dealing with terror suspects and captives.

  2. Uhuru
    July 29, 2016

    The French have to learn the hard way. Dominicans are learning the hard way.
    Terror is the order of the day. To beat them at their game we have to be as cunning and relentless as they are.

  3. Tell the Facts
    July 28, 2016

    House arrest? A dangerous man as that under house arrest? You people are joking. So what else they planned to do with this dangerous man?

    • July 31, 2016

      There are no words in the English language suitable to describe such stupidity. It is exactly this kind of mentality that gives terrorists the upper hand, and places our nations and people at risk.

      Think of the damage and destruction that has been done by these terrorists, and the thousands upon thousands of innocent people who have been slain by them, men, women, children, and babies in arms
      including and since 911. Now the people that are being trusted to keep the public safe can only think of “house arrest” to punish them, and they are concerned for the terrorists lest they should be tortured.

      Apart from the sovereign protection of God Himself we are not safe with such people governing our countries. At federal election time I want to know how our candidates stand on matters of national security.

      • July 31, 2016


        Before I cast a federal ballot I want to know how the candidate will deal with terrorists or would be terrorists.

        Immigration is also a major concern. I want to know who my candidate will be allowing to enter the country. How will “refugees” be screened? What precautions will be in place to examine those coming from questionable nations where we know radicalization takes place – countries that are a hotbed for terrorism?

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

  4. Tell the Facts
    July 28, 2016

    This is shocking and disconcerting. Why would France do something as that? This is inconsiderate and lax.
    Martinique is a small country. It does not have the type of maximum prison security that Martinique has. France underestimated this man. Someone could have helped him escape from prison.
    This is one dangerous man who is up to no good. If he is seen by the police authorities, he should be shot dead.
    Imagine if he tried to go to Dominica or St. Lucia or elsewhere in the West Indies. We have reason for concern.
    What gets me angry about these European Human Rights and the likes, people not wanting them to be extradited for fear of torture, they do not think of the nationals’ well-being. These wicked people do not fear torturing and executing others.
    France should have kept him. France has placed the people of Martinique in jeopardy. It also includes other neighboring countries as Dominica. I hope he is caught.

  5. IamanIdiot
    July 28, 2016

    So france couldnt handle him so they send him down to Martinque?

    July 28, 2016

    Boy boy boy, mister looks like a guy I saw at the bay front, eh!

    • Eidolon
      July 29, 2016

      I reckon he’ll get a Dominican passport pdq.

  7. Wheel again
    July 28, 2016

    Please read the article carefully before posting senseless comments.

    The article clearly states “he was arrested in France and transferred to Martinique after the European court of human rights decided not to extradite him to Morocco for fear he may be tortured.”
    “He has been under house arrest in Morne Rouge, since May 2014, before disappearing on Wednesday, July 27th”

  8. July 28, 2016

    Did anyone see Skerrit wearing a blue suit and a beige brief case on the internet. He commented about holding the financial matters of his country. He had a piercing green. Have you seen any other nation leader display such behavior. Why was he showing the world that he has money. Does anyone know how much money he received from Discovery channel to have them film “American Tarzan on Dominica. A big green wearing a blue suit,showing a beige square briefcase. What is he boasting about.

    • Eidolon
      July 29, 2016

      What is a big green?

      • July 30, 2016

        Eidolon..A big dollar…green to represent money. Let me make it simple. ..a sort of smirk…like a grin as we say in old English. Ok the content deserved a semantic response.
        At least we are attempting to have a respectful conversation.

  9. July 28, 2016

    I want to know you are an absolute idiot. You Dominicans cannot find anything else to say except bring the PM into affairs that have nothing to do with him.
    Go find work g

    • July 28, 2016

      At popam, I want to take ur advise and go look for work, but unfortunately I was one of those Skerrit trained to work at the Moroccan hotel but some how he not opening? You think the alleged terrorist is not a guess at the hotel? Is that far fetch ? No, I am not suggesting that Skerrit gave him a key but being a Moroccan, he maybe has a right to the hotel in portsmouth, since Skerrit, Ian, and Reggie don’t man open it lol

      • king of morocco
        July 28, 2016

        You make me laugh! When we dinned together, you should have been a fly on the wall.
        People of Soufriere, Scottshead, open all you eyes.

  10. Nationalist
    July 28, 2016

    I always thought the those who oppose to the government would go the distance to bring down the government of Pm Skerrit. That is part of the system of governance we live in. Never did I realize how deep the hatred would go. Our country could be facing a major national security breach. But we are blaming the government of PM Skerrit for the “jihadist aspirations of a non- national” who we do not even know if he is already in Dominica or whether Dominica is of any interest to him. ………………..But we must remain vigilante irrespective. We do have certain interest here that would attract the attention of Al Quaeda. We pray that this is not so.

  11. July 28, 2016

    Is for people like him a government would build hotels all over, instead of an airport that would account visitors coming in legally. I just hope Mr doesn’t have a Dominica passport. Doesn’t Dominica have a Moroccan hotel that cannot be opened? FBI better go there to look to see if he is not in there

    • ABOLOR
      July 28, 2016

      :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :twisted:

    • Concern citizen
      July 28, 2016

      My Bad,
      Keep it up U are right on Q

  12. July 28, 2016

    He from Morocco and is believed to be hiding in Martinique? Boy you think is not Mr that has the key for the Moroccan hotel of Skerro? You think Mr not been sleeping in the Morro can hotel that Skerrit and them cannot open there? Boy if Skerrit had built the coast guard base the US gave him money for, I would ask him to send them to look for Mr; but then again Skerrit and Morocco? Who knows what?

    • lol
      July 28, 2016

      :lol: :lol: :lol: whooosh

    • ABOLOR
      July 28, 2016

      :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Is he in Martinique? Well, he is close to home; just to cross the channel.

  13. Martinique is very close to Dominica and, a passport is not necessary to board one of those small fishing boats to Dominica. With him being from Morocco, I hope he is not resting himself in the Moroccan hotel Skerrit has closed for so long. Maybe the US should make use of the coast guard base they sponsored close to the Moroccan hotel, to ensure this guy is not a secret guess at the Moroccan hotel, or is not on his way to DA.

  14. Mein Kampf
    July 28, 2016

    Skerrit Cease all passport sales now before Trump send a drone to bomb us.

  15. Delvin Castro
    July 28, 2016

    I wonder how much Al Qaeda money in that 200 million we have in de budget there. Aye las if a suicide bomber have our DA passport. Dem labarites will suck salt.

  16. July 28, 2016

    He was arrested in France and transferred to Martinique?

    Why would they even accept him in Martinique? Did they not inquire why France did not want him? They
    accepted him yet they are telling their people he is dangerous, so keep away from him?

    How could the Martinique police lose him? Once they had accepted him from France knowing he was alleged to have a terrorist connection one would think the police would have him under constant watch. How could anybody be stupid enough to think “house arrest” was good enough?

    Martinique is known for the kind of people they let into the country. It is not a county I would live in. I would be afraid of my neighbors. Rapists, murderers, and jihadists could be looking over the fence.

    Are there many terrorists or “radicalized” people now in the Caribbean? The problem is usually you do not KNOW who they are.

    Do you think this man – Rachid Rafaa – has a passport, if so whose? Just wondering.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill…

    • Tell the Facts
      July 28, 2016

      France is the mother country of Martinique. This is the reason France did it but it is unfair to Martinique. France placed a severe, terrorist burden on Martinique. I feel sorry for Martinique or any country this man tries to enter. God help them all.

    • Dante Jones
      July 29, 2016

      Martinique was voted as one of the safes countries in the caribbean. The irony

  17. mendy
    July 28, 2016

    Shameless u should know what you talking about beofre you speak.Martinique is not in carciom

  18. Capo X
    July 28, 2016

    Dominican Coast Guard better be on high alert

    • July 28, 2016

      Capo X:

      This is absolutely true.

      The Coast Guard have a crucial role to play in the security of the nation especially during the
      night hours. This is a most vulnerable time, a time like no other.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • MalcomX
      July 28, 2016

      Yh they want to shoot boat man on water, lemme see them use thier skills now to catch such

    • July 29, 2016

      Less than 24 hours I told someone about the danger of selling passports to strangers and connected these type of people in my conversation ,here it comes again…these people goal is to make people want they want at all times,dress ,talk,worship,eat , married ,etc and if you refuse doing as you are told there is one way out…death..

  19. Shameless
    July 28, 2016

    I wonder “IF” he holds one of our passports which allowed him to flee to a Caricom state. After all, he was not convicted in Martinique or France so extradition back to any one of these countries would be very difficult. Let us pray that he does not have a Dominican passport because we all know that Al-Queda has money and can pay for a passport under a different name. Just saying :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    Always Assertive! 8)

    • July 28, 2016


      You are as bad as I am thinking such a thought!

      Anyway, we both hope it is not so.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • LuccLu
      July 28, 2016

      Correct me if I’m wrong don’t you need a visa to go to Martinique? Because if you do, I’m going to make the French did their due diligence and vetted him and he would have been caught

    • Sedonna
      July 28, 2016

      Really… where does Dominican passport fit into all of this. give it a rest BOzo…

      • Shameless
        July 28, 2016

        Doh worry my dear. When our passports start showing up in ISIS camps it will be too late to ask that same question. Tanto-tanto :twisted:

        Always Assertive!

    • Dante Jones
      July 28, 2016

      “He was arrested in France and transferred to Martinique after the European Court of Human Rights decided not to extradite him to Morocco for fear he may be tortured.”

      some of you stupid AF like really tho

  20. derp
    July 28, 2016

    them french police slack man

    • July 28, 2016

      I sorrow with France because of the sufferings inflicted upon them by terrorism. Such things should never happen and they have my condolences.

      But when I see the slip shod carelessness of their police and the stupid decisions of their “authorities” I wonder how much trouble they bring upon themselves. Too bad innocent people get caught in the cross fire, and good people suffer.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

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