Antigua opposition demands more transparency on PM’s wealth

Browne's alleged wealth is being questioned by the Antigua opposition
Browne’s alleged wealth is being questioned by the Antigua opposition

Despite Prime Minister Gaston Browne’s public response to claims of his growing wealth, the opposition United Progressive Party (UPP) is still demanding more answers.

Public Relations Officer Damani Tabor said the party, on the behalf of the public, wants to know the names of the companies which facilitated the purchase of Browne’s alleged charter yacht and a piece of land, among other things.

“In regards to all these assets, notwithstanding that claim that he would have filed under the relevant legislation, it is passing strange that on a prime minister’s salary he would have acquired a $450,000 Lincoln Navigator without a loan even though he would have had a business in Jennings which could not even be stocked,” Tabor said on Monday.


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    July 11, 2015

    I recalled seeing the now pm as youth and sports minister in 2000 in his home village on a sunday afternoon dressed in a white vest, orange short pant and a flip flop, with a rented OLD BEAT UP WHITE PAJERO,,,,,,,,,,, gone are those days

  2. July 9, 2015

    I find that story missing parts and when I say parts missing really A 2015 Lincoln Navigator starting cost is $61920.00US. Even if you double the figures add shipment to it you still short of the EC$450,000.00, Someone need to come up with a little bit more fax to add to the story.

  3. %
    July 9, 2015

    If Antiguans want to know about corruption, they must take a trip to Dominica. It is alleged that one of our leaders is the wealthiest in the Caribbean. Having a yacht is a joke for that leader.Thats why this country is a failed state.
    Too much BOBOL!!!!!

  4. Titiwi
    July 9, 2015

    Gaston Browne shared the platform with Roosevelt Skerrit at the Citizenship by Investment 7 International Residence Summit in London this week. Also present was Mohammed Asaria of Range developments of the controversial Cabrits hotel development. Be very careful comrade Browne lest you get contaminated and seduced by false glitter and sense of importance. You have to be be, and appear to be squeaky clean at all times.

  5. Peter Potter
    July 9, 2015

    Why are we as Dominicans talking about corruption in Antigua or even offering advice. We of all people! Dominica is ten times worse than Antigua put we are quite happy to sit on our behind and let things happen to us. Even so I am a sympathiser of the UWP it has become very quiet in their ranks. I thought they would be more of an opposition even though I am clear that their efforts in parliament are fairly limited due to that speaker. But come on, being in opposition is more than just being in parliament. For instance why didn’t the UWP criticise the recent increase in fuel prices, why don’t they demand more transperency from Skerrit, why don’t they launch a public inquiry into the declared/not declared assets of the PM and it’s ministers, why don’t they demand an account of the passport sales and the whereabouts of these assets. why don’t they demand that the hospital in Marigot is being sorted… Why? Why are you silent all of a sudden?

  6. Zandoli
    July 9, 2015

    If these guys in opposition had any moral fibre, I would have taken them seriously. We all know these opposition members are only concerned about transparency when they do not have access to the national purse.

    Yo toot say lay voleur.

  7. Analy Thomas
    July 9, 2015

    All we do in Dominica is gossip and run our mouth. When we have to speak up we never do! Crimes, drugs, child abuse/molestation, ………. giving up our friends cheaply for $ 100 friendship, we so broke and desperate, yet we like it! We have a legacy of pride, an industry to protect, and a life of a mixed system to enjoy which is called ambition.
    I am fed up with begging and poverty!

  8. baccanal
    July 9, 2015

    Oh boy!!!! kamala would want to hear that!!! SMH

  9. Man kind
    July 9, 2015

    Does this situation ring alarm bells in Dominica or it’s just me ?

  10. Not a herd follower
    July 9, 2015

    Why Peter Wickham does not keep his mouth shut? He wants to tell the citizens of other countries what and when they should adopt standards. Gosh, man!

  11. Lang Mama
    July 9, 2015

    Lang Mama will only get into politics for one reason and that is to implement legislation that would put politicians , their senior counsels, their lawyers, ambassadors, passport agents and Soutiwens, all of them when found guilty put them in front of a firing squad. What it is that Gaston brown wanted when he came to the Antiguan people. Is it that he love people so much that he was prepared to “dedicate” his time for the people of Antigua. He is telling the people well he was wealthy before he became PM. Off course he was – the well documented and famous tape recording which is alleged to have his voice, Bird and others all in a big money scheme. But what is sad is how people fall for these con men. The same people who adore these con men and are ready to kill others for the very same con men are after election in the same situation of poverty.
    Until the Caribbean people vote for the execution of politicians who are corrupt then we will continue to attract people like con men…

  12. too late
    July 9, 2015

    Gaston garcon hopefully you not involved in corruption. Can some prime minster set an example be satisfied with their earnings and make more legitimately if they have too but can you guys pls put the development of the people and the country first?

  13. grell
    July 9, 2015

    Browne promises Antiguans so many changes and transparency, now he is power the same corruption is going on,he has a young wife so she needs to be maintained highly.

  14. BEB
    July 9, 2015

    Are u saying that as long some one has a lot of money, they should not enter politics or if he was in a company which was doing well, he should never enter politics? The man could have made all his millions before entering politics, why could’nt he purchased his property cash. That’s always the case, the opposition always try to bring claims which are baseless

    • July 9, 2015

      Like the PM of Dominica before entering polictic he could not afford to buy himsel a suit, since he entered politic he is now a multimillionaire, calculate his income for the past 15 years, then you will see what I am talking about, they asked people to vote them so they can become rich on the back of the tax payers in their island and the resources of their island, their day will come, their corruptions is coming to light each and everyday, I am disappointed with my PM and myself because I listened to lies and believed them instead of facts, I have to admit that I am one of the many fools, I put looks, handouts and party before country,

      • Peter Potter
        July 11, 2015

        That’s good to hear! I wonder how long it will take other DLP supporter to finally see the light.

  15. truth
    July 9, 2015

    all i knok is that ,Labour is labour everywhere ,they carries the same principal ,that is corruption

  16. Driver
    July 9, 2015

    Interesting, did any one take a closer look in DA where the growing wealth of PM Skerrit comes from……? LOL them all are CORRUPT TO THE BONE and easily corrupted, NO MATTER WHAT COLOUR THEM FLY!
    … but you cant fool dem ppl all the time….

  17. Dominican
    July 9, 2015

    There should be transparency on all public officials wealth / financials, not just the PM.

  18. Shaka zulu
    July 9, 2015

    Government officials who have shares in any company that does business with the government must be banned from dealing with these companies during their time in government. All shares should be held in a blind trust and they should have no contact with investors of those shares. These folks do not understand they are in a position where they have access to information and can manipulate the system. This is outrageous. These kind of stuff only happens when you have a dumb population that cannot understand anything.
    Caricom and the Caribbean has a long way to go

    July 9, 2015

    *******GET YOUR FACTS FIRST (UPP) ********

    I understand the need to have transparency in public office. But the opposition does not seem to have any real facts.

    Maybe what they are saying could very well be true.


    it’s very irresponsible of them to make these charges without any evidence to support the claims.


    • Dominican
      July 9, 2015

      Usual Opposition modus operandi, check UWP

      • Lang Mama
        July 9, 2015

        Was that the case when UWP was in office in Dominica and so many false accusations including the one Ian douglas is paying Edison James for.
        But you red yes idiots cant seem to get your brain out of your A****. Gaston Brown is admitting that yes he bought the Navigator; he has ownership in the boat and more.

      • July 9, 2015

        We in Antigua do have the right to demand transparency from our leader, the is our rights, regardless of what party is in power, resently the Labour Leaders in the Caribbean are becoming millionaire on the backs of their islands.

        To you Dominican too bad if you people have you all eyes and ears underneath you all feet and keep accepting what you all leader and his boys are doing when it comes to you people island, one of my Dominican co-worker who rallied behind your Prime Minister last year, took vacation to come to your island to vote his party back in power is sing another verse right now. When she visited a sight where your leader and some of his ministers were feasting happily and signing off your island to the people, she told me that she did not believe it when she heard about it, but when she saw all the different tranactions she now believe it, because the picutres proved right. We in Antigua are demanding answers and will surely get it, we are hard working paying taxes

      • Shaka zulu
        July 9, 2015

        At least Gaston can say he worked hard and invested his money before he got into politics. Skeritt on the other hand was a teacher at SIFOCol and I still remember him walking to school. He cannot claim the same and would bet his assets don’t reflect his pay.

    • Tjebe fort
      July 9, 2015

      Crap you are talking man. It is exactly because these things are there plain for everyone to see without explanation that he must come clean. If not it can not be anything but bobol and corruption. Seems like our own P.M. is not the only one in that category, maybe it is contagious. We badly need transparency and a freedom of information act.

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