Antigua police investigating ‘lewd’ carnival video

Assistant Commissioner of Police, Clayton Davis (Photo by Tameika Malone)

Police officials have confirmed that they have launched an investigation into a viral social media video that captured two j’overt morning revelers engaging in a lewd act.

A senior police officer told OBSERVER media that, “I was very disgusted. Even if this has been happening for years, technology has increased and the police have improved its efficiency in the gathering of evidence. Now we have social media and people are recording the evidence.”

Assistant Commissioner of Police, Clayton Davis, later confirmed that “the police are looking into the matter; we have seen the evidence, and based on that, we are investigating.”

In the video posted online, a man is seen simulating oral sex on a female reveler whom we understand is his girlfriend. The sexual hijinks only end after a concerned reveler intervenes and separates the duo.


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  1. Let The Truth Be Known - Original
    August 19, 2017

    What they did is scandalous. There is a law against their filthy actions/exhibit. As I sometimes say about certain immoral attitude/words, these things have their people. Only certain types of people will do such a thing in public.
    Whether it is at carnival time, not in public! Whatever people do in the confines of their home is their personal business. What they do in the public domain, it is everyone’s business. It is not a matter of those who object are hypocrites.
    Some people have a few drinks and they are unable to control themselves. They overdo it. No excuse! They do not care who sees them. You know where they are coming from. Shame on them. They also have no conscience to know and care that there are other people around and they will be seen doing this sort of thing in the street.
    Antiguan Police Force, if you find them and arrest them, one month is not enough. They deserve to get approximately six months or more in prison.

  2. Anthony P. Ismael Minister of Free Pampers
    August 17, 2017

    All you have so much to say about a stupid video, but when those rapist rape innocent children in Dominica all you quiet like mouse. What a bunch of hypocrites! Where is the outrage for our children who are raped by these men who are never prosecuted, because the Director of Public Prosecution’s Office in Dominica is a “Dunce Cat Operation?” Magwa sa.

  3. Anthony P. Ismael Minister of Free Pampers
    August 17, 2017

    That woman must be from another Caribbean island, because those Antiguan women not too pretty at all. :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P

    • Let The Truth Be Known - Original
      August 19, 2017

      Have you ever been to Antigua? Have you ever spent time in Antigua? How many Antiguan women have you met and know?
      You do not know all Antiguan women. Those whom I know are very good looking. Most of them are fair-skinned, well brought up and well-mannered. They would never do such a thing in public, if they ever did/would. They are respectful, lady-like, reserved and modest women.
      Furthermore, in any case what you stated is not important. You insulted Antiguan women and the men too. Shame on you! Your comment should not have been posted.
      Next time do your research prior to making such a derogatory statement.

  4. August 16, 2017

    But… even if you guys don’t want to show the lewd photos, how about DESCRIBING the lewd act (s)? were they up against a truck or van and doing it? were they under a tree doing it? WHAT happened? 8-O

  5. Kermit
    August 15, 2017

    They give our own so much douleh and they had their own under wraps. Her own was behind their own was infront.

  6. Shameless
    August 15, 2017

    Ok so what? If the man tried or actually “ate” his woman and she enjoyed it in public on carnival day thats their darn business. If she is not embarrassed with her behavuior then who am I? There are worst things happening in Dca and we stay momoo but we complaining about some nonsense taking place in a carnival band in Antigua. I would prefer that happen in Dca everyday than to know that a politician of high prestige is ALLEGEDLY infecting young vulnerable women with the herpes virus. Our problem in Dca is we seeing what is wrong everywhere else except in our own backyard. God help us all…..

    Assertive like the rod of Moses! :twisted: :twisted:

    • public truth meter
      August 17, 2017

      You have one finger pointing at others but four more pointing at you. You are a part of the problem. You need to educate yourself about laws for act of lewdness and there is no scale that can be used to measure the severity of it in relations to other crimes.
      What evidence do you have that people in high political positions have given others herpes? I am sure none because we think we have a right in Dominica to say whatever we want without any repercussion. If what you are saying is true then identify your real name, and show your proof instead of hiding behind your computer.

  7. Ideal
    August 15, 2017

    “Sodom and Gomorrah” in Antigua and Dominica is no better!

  8. Saucepan
    August 15, 2017

    Hmm they probably want to find a way to block D/ca artists from performing Anu especially Asa, cause they know our artists d better than theirs

  9. Illuminator
    August 15, 2017

    The Antigua police will have to be very careful, given that carnival is = to lewdness or at the least very closely associated with lewdness. People, get ready for more ‘legal lewdness when we give in to the pressure from donors to legalize buggery. Kondi GRAMACKS mi debar…

  10. Jonathan St jean
    August 15, 2017

    The double sided hypocracy of society leaves my confidence shaken.There you have two consenting adults doing something in the public space, which we are not accustomed to witnissing,and some people are livid about it.It is a bit shocking I understand,but they weren’t harming anyone.On the other hand where is our disgust at corruption, especially by public officials, when they betray the public trust.We seem content on giving slight comments and moving on. Not too long ago we as a society were dead against homosexuality,now in most places we tolerate it, and accept it.My point is that where two consenting adults engage in something, where there are no victims,then our disgust must be stronger when we are the victims of greed.Hypocrites turn their computers on and watch pornography all the time with no problem,

    • public truth meter
      August 17, 2017

      I would encourage you to research on Act of lewdness in public, and the law, because you seem to think that if someone is not hurting anyone then that is OK. How would you feel if your children witness such an act on their way to school, or your elderly parents. Where is your pride and morality.
      Two consenting adults have a right to engage in sexual behavior, no one disputes that, but when it infringes on the right of others then that is irresponsible, and to think that you and others think that as long as they are not bothering anyone is disturbing and conflicting.
      You also mentioned about pornography and how people view it on their computer that is not illegal, unless if it include children or animals and besides they are not sitting in the middle of the town on a large screen television where the images can be viewed in public view. That is a different issue. Stop talking on both sides on your mouth.

  11. puss
    August 15, 2017

    Really that’s news for us. What about the Dominican student who graduated from All Saints University?

  12. Concerned Dominican
    August 15, 2017

    Tell me Mr. Ben what is your definition of news? The article has all rights being there because a Dominican was part of that MESS! She wasn’t mentioned in the article but it goes for her too…the young lady was practically NAKED shaking her behind on a truck smiling for the camera with no shame. This video has since gone viral and to those who are supporting nakedness during Carnival shame on you!!!! DNO continue to bring us the news as it happens. LOCAL, REGIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL!

  13. Dominican
    August 15, 2017

    Tell me Mr. Ben what is your definition of news? The article has all rights being there because a Dominican was part of that MESS! She wasn’t mentioned in the article but it goes for her too…the young lady was practically NAKED shaking her behind on a truck smiling for the camera with no shame. This video has since gone viral and to those who are supporting nakedness during Carnival shame on you!!!! DNO continue to bring us the news as it happens. LOCAL, REGIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL.

  14. ????
    August 15, 2017

    Somebody send me the video :mrgreen:

    • Crazy me
      August 16, 2017

      I can , on one condition.
      We recreate another. Lol So U will have urs lol. R u male,female or other?hahahahaha
      Agree or disagree ?

  15. zandoli
    August 15, 2017

    You guys are taking the moral high ground, yet you have no trouble having all kind of outside women and cheating on your wives and girlfriends. Give me a break.

    • Anon
      August 15, 2017

      You realize that this was done in broad daylight, right? People should do their nastiness in private. Right now that video is still circulating and burning the eyes of unsuspecting viewers ?

      • Fran
        August 15, 2017

        I was one who eyes got scorched. I follow a Caribbean page on twitter and the video is downright disgusting and vile. The woman and man should be ashamed of themselves. Hope they are arrested for lewd conduct

      • D/can reveler in Antigua
        August 15, 2017

        Anon you see it man & it burned ur eyes? lol Maco ka mori qwayveh.

      • August 16, 2017

        Where da video at? :mrgreen:

      • Crazy me
        August 16, 2017

        ANONI DRINK LOL What if it was at night last lap? joker noni drink If it were in private it would not be in the news dufus! saqway hypo………………..

      • zandoli
        August 16, 2017

        I guess it is better to hide your sin under the cover of darkness and then preach to people in the light of day. That makes you a hypocrite

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      August 15, 2017

      Zandoli, your comment here makes no sense!

      What occurred in Antigua is horrible: If people wish to indulge in pornography in the darkness in where they live, that is a matter for them, and their God.

      However; when to human lower themselves to a standard beneath animals, dogs as a matter of fact; in a public place, that should not be tolerated!

      Is it ironic that humans indulge in behavior which animals do not sink as low, the culprits are less than a dog!

      Don’t be surprise if the culprits turn out to be Dominicans!

  16. Mr. Ben Dover
    August 15, 2017

    This isnt news. Further more this isnt Dominica’s business. It didnt happen here. the people are not dominicans.

    • South side lovely
      August 15, 2017

      There’s a thing called REGIONAL NEWS put that in your pipe and smoke it

    • Laura
      August 15, 2017

      You do not determine what is news. This story is interesting for many reasons. Move dere!

      • Mr. Ben Dover
        August 16, 2017

        Interesting because you are a beff monger. This isnt news.

    • Sa y sa mwem
      August 15, 2017

      Typical Dummy knee cans..everything has to always be anout all you…

    • Eagle
      August 15, 2017

      This IS Dominican news. One of the young ladies in the is a Dominican. Stop being so quick to comment and making yourself look like a fool

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