‘Baby Doc’ Duvalier pledges £5m aid

Jean-Claude Duvalier, known as “Baby Doc”, who lives in exile in Paris, emailed a reporter to say he wanted to donate money.

He said that he would officially ask the Foundation set up in the name of his late mother, Simone Ovide Duvalier, to transfer the $8 million (£5 million) to the American Red Cross for relief work.


Jean-Claude Duvalier: The former ruler left Haiti in 1986 after a 15-year rule plagued by corruption and a crumbling economy. Photo: AP

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  1. ripley's believe it or not
    January 19, 2010

    well! this just confirms those of you who dont believe there is a GOD, HE is REAL and created all man with a conscience.

    these BIG men their time have to come. and trust me dey have to come out on dere own and confess.

    THEY maybe satans advocates but trust me the grace of GOD is merciful. Can u beleive if this man right now ask God for forgivness He will be forgiven?

    that may seem unjust to us but he will have his time when God is ready for him so let’s just continue to focus on our brothers and sisters in HAITI>

    have u ever sat down for the last few days and realise that the whole world now knows there’s a place called HAITI with all dese less fortunate persons.

    imagine a world we all cry that the economy is low. Hmmmm! the LORD allows things for a reason trust me.


    • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
      January 21, 2011

      If Baby Doc Duvalier asks God for forgiveness he will be forgiven? While we have the promise of Our Lord Jesus Christ, do you, I and others really know if he is forgiven and if we, too, are forgiven?
      God knows his heart. It is like asking people to recite the sinners’ prayer and then inform them that they have accepted Our Lord Jesus Christ and their sins are forgiven. It is not so easy my fellow Dominican. There are conditions for forgiveness and not in mere words.
      In order to receive God’s forgiveness, it is imperative that people have a loving, humble and contrite heart. The faith must be practiced and restitution must be made – all of it – not only a portion – in the form of penance and sacrifice that they might appease God and be forgiven.
      Is Baby Doc willing to do that not only by donating the money which was stolen from the Haitians? Keep in mind this money belongs to them in the first place. This in itself would make me wary that he is forgiven.
      Christians should know what it entails to receive God’s forgiveness. It is worship, prayer, penance, sacrifice, restitution and good works in Jesus’ Name.
      Take good note of Our Lord Jesus Christ’s teaching: Matthew 5:48 – So be perfect just as your heavenly Father is perfect.
      The following I learnt from childhood. It was also a requirement in order to make my First Holy Communion as the other children then.

      An Act of Contrition

      O My God I am very sorry for all my sins because I have deserved Hell and still more because I have offended Thy infinite goodness. Therefore I firmly resolve never more to offend Thee again and carefully to avoid all the occasions of sins. With this resolution I wish to live and to die. Amen.

      The above is one of the conditions for receiving God’s forgiveness. There are a few different versions of the Act of Contrition. This is one example which I prefer. I call it the best one.
      God bless you with enlightenment.

  2. ripley's believe it or not
    January 19, 2010

    well! well! well! at least he is giving back. i hpe he is really giving back these people their hard earn money.

    WHEW! it was long over due man! God has judgement for all dese people who brought haiti to the present state its in. SHAME ON THESE GUYS!

    and u know who are the ones suffering? ones like me and u. OH DEAR GOD HELP THEM AND HELP US TO GIVE TO DEM AND I PRAY THE ONES IN NEED ARE THE TRUE ONES WHO WILL RECEIVE IT>


  3. Ziki
    January 18, 2010

    Baby Doc give back the money he tief from Haitians….hisconscience burning him now…

  4. Fair&Square
    January 18, 2010

    NegBawie…and all the others who are trying to make this thing political…if this disaster had happened in Dominica would you not have welcomed the assistance of the USA. Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil. What if the US had decided that they had no responsibilty for our brothers and sisters in Haiti?… I bet that you still would have had something to say (obviously). Brotherman…Let’s rise above the mess.

  5. positivedominican
    January 18, 2010


  6. mouth of the south
    January 18, 2010

    NEG believe me thier purpose here is definitely not to make haiti poorer,,,,,, besides wat has any first world country done to help haiti,,, nothing,,, so let the americans be,,,,,, haiti was never invited to join caricom,,,, they literally begged us to join,,,, when we did agree to let em in,,, we had them as temporary for a while,,, (i dunno the correct term),,,,,,,, haiti has been an outsider to us in caricom so much so,,,,, we put visa restrictions on them,,,, n we saying is our bros n sisters cmon we must stop the hypocrisy,,,, honestly caricom did not give a s**t about haiti up till last tuesday,,,,,,,,, the americans r here,,,, no one gonna move em,,,, I BELIEVE IN CHANGE,,, N GOD THROUGH USING MR. BARACK OBAMA IS GONNA BRING CHANGE TO HAITI,,,,, TRUST ME THAT EARTHQUAKE WAS A BLESSING IN DISGUISE TRUST ME ON DAT ONE!!!!!!

  7. Neg Bawie
    January 18, 2010

    I sure don’t think that you are crazy. I am happy that America is helping our neighbor but at the same time I have reservations about their ultimate purpose here.

  8. mouth of the south
    January 18, 2010

    @ SOON i believe e’re piece of sentence u jus typed,,,, i saw a name below indicating its not originally ur idea,,,,, well its good to give acknowledgement,,,,, BUT GUESS WAT,,,, i have no problem with that n i’m not pro-american,,, is jus that the world is dangerous,,,, when terrorists strike we cry for the americans,,, in time of sadam our cries were “up to now dey cannot catch mr,,,, sadam so wicked” now sadam gone n we actin like the u.s r the murderers,,,,,, the u.s jus like all 1st world countries have all kinda schemes to get wat dey want it’ll never change,,,,, but so does ur local business man,,,,,,,,,,,, bottomline I PREFER THE U.S HAVING MILITARY PRESENCE IN OUR REGION THAN MR CHAVEZ,,,,,, who would u give a loaded gun to hold for 5 seconds,,,,, an 18 yr old or a 10 yr old,,,,, dat is why north korea in my eyes can’t have weapons of mass destruction at there disposal,,,,,, allu cryin OH AMERICA HAVE TO,,,, but who has america attacked after hiroshima,,, no one not even bin laden,,,, where as NORTH KOREA OUT TO USE THEIR OWN ONCE THEY ARE THREATENED,,,, thus provin my point the u.s.a is a matured state whereas north korea is the 10 yr old,,,,,,, so many countries wishin the u.s had military power in thier zone to ensure freedom, equality n justice survives,,,, n the u.s being in haiti is best thing to happen to them in a long long time,,,,,,,,,,, cause i believe they’ll ensure that dem man doh do corrupt practices NOT UNDER MR. OBAMA WATCH,,,,,, now we’ll see the influx of those same hotels d/can republic have,,,,,,,,

  9. Celus
    January 17, 2010

    I agree with “precious stones” that baby doc duvalier is simply returning the money he stole from haiti’s already impoverished treasury.While the money will be accepted, it is an insult to hear this vermin act like he has a conscience after the fact.Haiti has been deteriorating for so many decades,but papa doc only can find the false courage only now to do something he should have done years ago.I hope there’s some kind of poetic justice for him before he departs this world.

  10. Soon
    January 17, 2010

    I know what America is after and I’m willing to tell the world even if it means death.America made a covert bid for the Isle de la Tortue through CIA agents posing as businessmen.The main aim of this acquisition was to build themselves a military ,and airforce base on the island which would have strategically placed them in arm’s length of CUBA (whom at the time was a thorn in the side of AMERICA).However, some hatian parlimentarians declined the offer (maybe their cut wasn’t too impressive) and the deal failed , Since then the US govt has realised a great loss of military prescence from this shortfall.They have been trying to get in and acquire this Island for some time now with no avail..this brings into light “current events”.I Type this Tonight 17/01/2010 America has seized air control in and out of haiti,they decide who land and who leave.they have invaded haiti through the Humanitarian door,and that door will be closed behind them.They will not leave until this land is acquired and their Military might is felt like a hot breathe breathing down the caribbean neighbors.I say this but once , some people reading this may think , well the writer is crazy,lost it, sick…but the coniving ways of lady America has been so and will remain so.When all the dust is settled from this disaster , just look back at my comment and say truly that person knew what they were saying.For America has already signed deals with the Haitian governance giving then ultimate control over Haitian airspace and loads of others.

    jean-claude cave’

  11. Johnny
    January 17, 2010

    Even dictators find ways to use either media or technology to resurface on the public scene. Base on the comments so far none seem positive and I did not expect them either but, I hope this can be a reminder to all of us of how any situation if not monitored can go out of control.

  12. mouth of the south
    January 17, 2010

    ok people at least the man giving something,,,,,, now i understand wyclef jeans foundation yele haiti is under some scrutiny,,,,,, it is believe to have questionable practices,,,,, i hope is not true for wyclef seem to be so positive,,,,,,

  13. Special
    January 17, 2010

    that is just talk,I understood that he is brokes like a dog.where is he getting the money.After he finish paying so much lawyer fees and so on to keep his a.. off from jail,I don’t think he has anything left.

  14. Debull
    January 17, 2010

    Piece of …Why is this man still alive and rich? Even wants to donate the same money they stole and killed people to get.Where is the rest of the money you swine? It seems like you are growing a small conscience, well I hope it hangs you and leaves you just like how y’all left Haiti.You and your father definitely helped big time with Haiti’s demise.You deserve to be given some of the treatment that you passed on… This is how I feel about Baby Doc but at the end of it all if the universe doesn’t close in on him and his kind then they will be judged by a higher power.

  15. January 17, 2010

    My boi u have a gutts,they should hold u and pull out all your finger nails and toenails…then ur lyin tongue.

  16. Refreshing
    January 17, 2010

    Somehow I don’t think the Haitian people want money from this thief and murderer regardless of their suffering…he is one of the causes Haiti is in the state it is at present

  17. precious stones
    January 17, 2010

    You are not donating….. you are giving them back what is rightfully there’s. It’s because of people like you why these people are suffering. Now is the time to give them back all that you have stole from them . may God deal with your conscience.

  18. Observer
    January 17, 2010

    You have a nerve to pledge money. Like the money was yours in the first place. You are one of the main reasons why Haiti is in the deliama it is right now.

  19. Thoughtful
    January 17, 2010

    Just that Baby Doc?

    When you went into exile it is estimated you left with some 900 million dollars (one more million and it would be one billion dollars) of Haiti’s money.

    You were one of the many reasons why Haiti is in it present state.

    Five million pounds is nothing from your plundering of Haiti.

    Give more to the people you raped.

  20. Prophet2
    January 17, 2010

    Donate or return the people’s money, this guy has such a nerve, it’s like adding insult to injury. It seems all the snakes are crawling out of their holes, it was Aristide day before and now this lowlife, the devil sure works in mysterious ways…SMH

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