Bahamas PM says no to same sex marriage

Bahamas PM Perry Christie
Bahamas PM Perry Christie

Prime Minister Perry Christie says the proposed referendum to amend the constitution will not allow for same-sex marriages to become legal in the Bahamas.

Christie launched the YES Bahamas Campaign “Equal Rights for our Sons and Daughters” on Sunday, telling his audience that the Bahamas will only recognise marriage as being between a man and a woman.

The referendum will be held on June 7.

“I repeat: this referendum will not cause same-sex marriage to become legal in the Bahamas. Marriage in the Bahamas will be legal only if it is between a man and a woman, and male and female are determined at birth,” he said.
“I am so emphatic because it is so important for Bahamians to vote on what is really at stake – equal rights for our sons and daughters – and not let false rumours or incorrect information hold sway.


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  1. Aloes
    April 12, 2016

    Being gay is not a Human Right… It is a choice. It is not the same as being born black or white… I mean we all tolerate people’s choices but in all honesty we should not allow choices to pervade society recklessly… I totally agree with marriage being between a man and a woman from which a child can be produced… But two men or two women cannot produce children…

    I have no problem with people making their choices but they must know that their choice to go gay it is not a Human Right… it’s a lifestyle.

    Hmmm I heard a certain pastor say he does bull his wife… :lol: :lol: :lol: Nasty

  2. lightbulb
    April 12, 2016

    “and male and female are determined at birth”

    that nonsense talk, would you say that the ability to see or hear is determined at birth.
    the truth is biology and technology has proven otherwise.

    • April 12, 2016

      The ability to see and hear is determined BEFORE birth.

      The gender of male or female is settled BEFORE birth.

      There are only two genders, male and female. God created the human race that way.

      The only true and valid marriage is one man and one woman.

      Read Matthew 19:4-6.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • The ability to see and hear is indeed determined before birth so that a normal baby is born with hearing and sight.

      A baby born unable to hear or see is born physically defected and may or may not benefit from medical treatment.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

  3. No gays
    April 12, 2016

    That’s great.. No to same sex marriage… Great great marvellous

  4. Massacre
    April 12, 2016

    This is the right way to go. I am proud of the Bahamian P.M. We should not let the power countries impose their immoral and devious social behaviors on us even if they dangle some small $$ in our faces. We have to think of our future and that of our children. These economically powerful countries will give money to stupid and greedy politicians of smaller countries just to have spoil that island, and after a few years abandon that land leaving it with the mess that they implanted.
    That kind of same on same behavior is NOT part of our culture and we should resist it with every nerve in our body.
    The president of Kenya told Obama to his face, \”No we do not live that kind of life in Kenya.\”

    • April 12, 2016


      Thank you for your comment.

      I agree with you 100% plus because I stand upon the inspired Word of God. It says ”To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” (Isaiah 8:20)

      Evil demon possessed rulers who have decriminalized homosexuality and legalized same sex marriage have taken their countries out from under God’s protection. They are offering smaller nations financial assistance to win them over and get them to drop their anti-gay laws. It is as you have said Massacre. They are trying literally to buy their way in. They think if they give enough financial help to these nations they will eventually be able to tell them how to govern their affairs.

      The P.M. of one powerful nation that has legalized same sex marriage said he was going to hold back financial assistance from countries that did not move ahead with ”gay rights”.

      • April 12, 2016

        Later this same P.M. actually said he liked to help some of these nations because it enabled him to have a say (influence) in the way they did things. (These were not necessarily his exact words but this is exactly what he meant.) He is now facing serious allegations questioning his financial integrity and people are calling for his resignation.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

      • Face the facts
        April 12, 2016

        The UN tried it on the African governments, offering them financial assistance if they will agree to it. They rejected it in no uncertain manner. Go to
        That PM was the PM of Great Britain as we all heard. God will take care of him in time. He will live to regret it.
        Holy Scripture: Some people’s sins precede them to eternity. Others are followed by their sins.

  5. Yoland J J
    April 11, 2016

    That is a man of God born again Christian. very good decision Bro God will bless the Bahamas, Never follow the United States in their abominable ungodly nastiness right now two filthy men or two filthy women can publicly hug and stroll the streets of the US God must judge the Democratic Party led by Obama and Hilary Clinton no real thinking person in their right mind can vote for that abominable woman. She is devilish and demon possess if I was an American I would rather vote Donald Trump than any democrat. And these wicked demon possess people calling that kind of crap human rights. According to the Bible the only right any Homosexual or lesbian has is the right to DIE. Leviticus 18:22-23 Thou shall not lie with mankind, as with womankind: It is an Abomination, Ch. 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman both of them has committed an abomination, THEY SHALL SURELY BE PUT TO DEATH; THEIR BLOOD SHALL BE UPON THEM. So why Meridom has not been put to death.

    • April 12, 2016

      Thank you Yoland JJ :!:

      I totally endorse this comment!

      Thank God for people who are not afraid to take a stand using ”…the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.” (Ephesians 6:17) What God says is what counts and it is ALL that matters!

      I invite DNO readers to visit my website

      Click onto SERMONS. Listen to my sermon FACING THE REALITY OF SIN. It was preach in a ”National Day of Prayer Service” in a Canadian church.

      There are other sermons to listen to.

      There are also documented ARTICLES to read on such subjects as UFOs, and ANGELS.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

  6. Mahaut
    April 11, 2016

    It’s about time a great leader stand and so noooo to that nasty nasty life style. Dominica PM needs to learn from that…

  7. Face the Facts
    April 11, 2016

    Excellent! Say it loud and clear! Never! :lol: :lol: :lol:
    It is the most ridiculous and satanic thing that has taken place in some parts of the world. How could any sensible person, politicians for that matter ever approve of that which will incur the wrath of God on a country and its people? The last thing, in fact not at all, that a country needs is the approval of two men and two women getting married.
    God created man and woman. Therefore, marriage has always been, still is and always will be until the end of time between one man and one woman.
    Some of us would like to move to The Bahamas. :)
    It is upsetting and revolting that this abomination is allowed by some governments. Those who do will pay dearly, the price before God.
    God bless you abundantly PM Christie, your country and nationals. This is a step in the right direction of godliness and morality.

  8. Shameless
    April 11, 2016

    Perfect, no bulling will be permitted under the law. Now man in the Bahamas can walk around freely and don’t have to worry about watching their bottom :mrgreen: :mrgreen: . We need to copy that law and pass it before Meridom start their nonsense again. Officer Sye thanks for the calypso :-D

    Always Assertive! :twisted:

    • Face the facts
      April 12, 2016

      You know, they and their likes throughout the world will never give up but they will be opposed by all who are genuine Christians and others who also possess morality.

      • True Christians will oppose what God opposes and approve what God approves.

        I am a “Protestant” evangelist. Let it be known that I thank God for Catholic radio station that stands against the abomination and pathology known as homosexuality.

        Sometimes when I am walking by a R.C. Church I go in and pray God will bless all the Catholic religious who stand against the gross immorality of this generation including homosexuality, transsexualism, and the murder of he unborn.

        I thank each one of you who speaks out against these things. Thank you for writing your fearless comments to DNO. When you stand before God Jesus Christ will say to the Father “He (or she) was one of those who spoke for us in the evil day and was not ashamed of the truth.”

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

  9. April 11, 2016

    “Once to every man and nation
    Comes the moment to decide, …”

    We congratulate P.M. Christie of the Bahamas for standing tall on the matter of same sex marriage.

    God will honor him for standing for Biblical principles. We are living in perilous times. Presidents and Prime Ministers who give their people laws that are contrary to God’s laws are taking their nations out from under God’s protection.

    The Bible shows us

    (a) Homosexuality is contrary to nature. (Romans 1:26,27)

    (b) God forbids homosexuality. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10) (1 Timothy 1:9,10)

    (c) God’s wrath will fall upon those who practice this sin unless they repent. (Please carefully read Genesis 19:25 with 2 Peter 2:6, and Jude vs. 7.)

    (d) Marriage was and is designed by God to be only between a man and a woman. (Matthew 19:4-6)

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • April 11, 2016


      That should be Genesis 19:1-25 NOT Genesis 19:25.


      Sincerely, Rev. Don Hill.

    • April 12, 2016

      “God will honor him for standing for Biblical principles. We are living in perilous times. Presidents and Prime Ministers who give their people laws that are contrary to God’s laws are taking their nations out from under God’s protection.”

      You’re Canadian, a country that recognises gay marriage. Doesn’t this mean that you believe that you are not under God’s protection?

      • Face the facts
        April 12, 2016

        I, too reside in Canada. We know that every country has good and bad people. We also know the devil’s influence is great. He makes sin look and feel sweet.
        We must practice “The Serenity Prayer.” Have you heard of it?
        The answer to your question is, No! God does not neglect his people. He knows who they are and where they reside. He will protect them. They will not suffer as much. He will either shield them or take them out of the world.
        The only thing, while they continue to reside in such a country, what befalls a country could affect everyone. I reiterate God will protect them.
        Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “Fear not!” He expects us to stand up for the truth; not for evil. He expects that we will not hate but pray for them that He, in His boundless and infinite mercy will give them the grace of repentance that he might forgive them so they may not perish. All this is left to God and their heart, if they approach God in a humble and contrite heart.

      • Face the facts
        April 12, 2016

        We are in a dilemma and up against the greatest enemy but we are obligated to do our part to stand up, be counted for what is right. We do not have a choice. The Holy Spirit also inspires. He knows our hearts and how we feel about this situation. He prompts and spurs on his people who do their utmost to stand up for the truth.
        The truth will prevail and will win in the end.
        One day it will all be revealed to you.
        As I write this I am listening to the US Catholic Radio. Coincidentally, this is the topic on the Radio, EWTN – Global Catholic Radio. We have many warriors in the world commencing with this TV and Radio Station, its followers/listeners, most of whom are Christian Catholics throughout the world. Thanks be to God.

  10. Channel 1
    April 11, 2016

    Well done Mr Christie. Keep up the stance against this perversion called homosexuality and transgenderism.

    These brazen, shameless reprobate homosexuals & their equally perverted propagandists and supporters have the nerve to call homosexuality “a right”. Since when is sexual fantasy & perversion a right???

    Black people should be offended whenever the delusional homosexual agenda tries to equate its campaign to that of when blacks were fighting for equal rights in society.

    The anus is for defecation not penetration!!!

    • Face the facts
      April 12, 2016

      Your last sentence: This is where HIV AIDS commenced. It is a scourge for an abomination and why it is physically deadly. Those who practice it to death, it is spiritually deadly – forever and ever. This means eternally.
      As St. Paul said, inspired by the Holy Spirit: “Teach and remind people of these things.”

  11. anti bs
    April 11, 2016

    mr need a raise :-D

  12. Coco all the way
    April 11, 2016

    I stand in full solidarity with the Bahamas prime minister . No same sex marriage!!!! Jah made Adam an eve not Adam and Steve. Obama only disgraced black people by legalizing gays. Jah says somewhere in Leviticus that any man lye with a next man should be surely put to death.

    • Face the facts
      April 12, 2016

      I feel the same way about Obama. He is a great disappointment. I will never forget the first time he was elected. My family and I stayed up all night to watch he and his wife attend the Inauguration Balls they attended. I was extremely happy for him. It was a joy to see them. I taped as many of the programs as I could.
      His second term in office, I used up the tapes to tape something else such is my disappointment in Obama.
      Obama does not realize how many people he has let down. Most of all God. He calls himself a Christian. He is no Christian.
      The previous Canadian PM is a Christian. I know he did not support this abomination. The ministers voted. Disappointingly there was a majority, I think by a slim margin. He had no choice but to legalize it.
      One day God will put a stop to all this and all else that so highly offends Him. He is patient. What is more, those who practice it, approve, exalt, condone, encourage and legalize it, will pay the price.

  13. Titiwi
    April 11, 2016

    I agree with Perry Christie. By all means, let same sex couples live as couples and have legally binding civil partnerships but to me it is an axiomatic physical impossibility for them to be married when marriage is supposed to be the legal, social and (where appropriate religious) confirmation of a union that will provide legal status to any offspring from that union. It is physically impossible for two men or two women to produce a child from a combination of their own seeds or ova. Yes, they can adopt a child, or have child produced using their sperm or eggs but never as a true combination of the two partners, no matter how much they love one another. A man is a man and a woman is not a man and a man is not a woman. Neither behaviour nor fancy surgery can alter that.

  14. GREGS
    April 11, 2016

    I like this guy

    • Angel Giraudel
      April 11, 2016

      I love this guy. Great Job.

    • indira Ghandi
      April 11, 2016

      Very good Bahamas.
      Let God be your guide.

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