Barbadian priest outraged by funeral attire

Reverend Curtis Goodridge. Photo from


Rector of the St Lucy’s Parish Church, Reverend Curtis Goodridge, is putting a ban on funerals with “mourning colours optional” requests.

This, after he was outraged by the provocative and utterly inappropriate dress by some young people at a funeral on Tuesday.

“Mourning colours optional is just giving young people leeway to wear what they want, where they want and how they want. If there is a request for mourning colours optional, the funeral will have to go somewhere else.


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  1. Justice and Truth
    June 26, 2012


    You should send the comments to Father Goodridge, if possible. :) I am pleased to note that there are more pros and cons. He would be pleased to read them. This would give him some degree of encouragement. Our Priests do need it. Their work is earthly thankless. However, God who sees will reward them in Heaven.

    • June 26, 2012

      I most certainly agree with that! Either send those comments or notify him to take some time to read them. Our priests really need to follow in his footsteps.

  2. megatron
    June 25, 2012

    I had a comment that said, some people cannot afford with 28 dislikes. some people cannot afford the latest high heel i see all those church goers wearing and the matching suits and tie and cute purse and all that nonsense. Ive been to church in the states and people come with what they can have. Just because West indians want an excuse to dress fancy they go to church. Strip church bare for what it is and you’ll find many people wouldnt go if they cannot show off what they have. How many people can remember what passage they read over what so-and-so was wearing? The meek shall inherit the earth, so take that in your pipe and smoke it. Good wants pure hearts and good intentions above buying ‘dark’ clothes to go to church.

    • Justice and Truth
      June 26, 2012

      @ megatron

      You have greatly erred and missed the point. The topic is women ‘being improperly clad’ when going to church and at church. Do not make excuses for those who care not, firstly for God, for the Priest/Pastor and for the congregation including themselves on how they are to dress to go to church.
      People are free to dress as they please to church on condition they are decently clad for they are going to church, to worship God, in His House.
      I reside abroad and it is a disgrace, the manner in which some women dress to church. They have become negligent; also men.
      Women in those countries are not all that poor that they cannot afford to dress and modestly for church. If they were invited to a cocktail party, a wedding or some other party or function they would as much as purchase new clothes and pay a good sum of money for an outfit. They want to look their best, dashing.
      In those big countries there are different prices for clothes to suit their budget. Those who are that poor could go to some charitable organizations where they could purchase second-hand clothes for a small amount of money. I have given good, used clothing to a few. A lady once showed me what she bought at one of those stores for only a few dollars. Even people who could afford go to those stores because the clothes are practically brand new and in good condition. They are less expensive in comparison to the general stores.
      St. Vincent de Paul in the Catholic Church collects good used clothing and other items twice yearly, one in Spring and the other in the Fall, Autumn. Those are given to people in need, also sent overseas to poor countries. Therefore those who cannot afford much can always purchase what they can afford.
      The problem is some women do not appear to have pride for themselves, in that, to dress decently when going to church. They do offend God by the manner in which they dress to church. This is the topic and not about who is well-dressed and who is not.
      Throughout the years I have been fortunate to get some relevant information about ‘modestly dressing to church’. I have made photocopies and given to some people whom I know. I do not have a problem about immodest dressing for I always dress appropriately to church just as when I was brought up from childhood.
      Some people of today choose to follow the ways of the world and think anything goes when they are going to church such as immodest attire. They, too, err. They need to become spiritually enlightened and are sadly lacking in same.
      Speaking about women who are immodestly attired, a Priest on EWTN – Eternal Word Television Network stated during his Homily, “If you come to church dressed in that manner, how could you grow spiritually?” This is true. He also spoke about those women who dress in this unbecoming manner to church and informed them about “tempting the priests.” OK! There is more to it than merely being dressed up to church. I hope you and those who oppose Father Goodridge comprehend that. The Priest is authority. Obedient to the Priest is obedient to God. Those who lack spiritual enlightenment will never be able to comprehend that.

  3. Miss Dorie
    June 25, 2012

    No human being should stop anyone from going in Gods house. We all were born with no clothes. Adam and Eve did not even realize they had no clothes until they have sined.God is not concerned about the clothes we wear. He is concerned about our heart. Most of all No man on earth blood was shed, only Jesus. So this should be a teaching tool for young people. If the young people cannot go to the church where can they go? Been naked is not a sin.

    • Justice and Truth
      June 26, 2012

      @ Miss Dorie

      Try it! Bad example given. :twisted: What type of mind do you have? :twisted: Surely and sadly, not that of a Christian. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

  4. strength
    June 25, 2012

    we need a priest so in Dominica. It is a shame in the Catholic churches. if someone is not dressed properly the priest should not serve holy communion – breast outside, sleeveless, shame on u women. u all u trying to impress the priest?

    • Justice and Truth
      June 26, 2012

      @ strength

      Dress with straps. Transparent blouses and no camisoles with their bras showing. Short skirts way up the thighs. Is this really not a disgrace? I promised to write a book about that, this scandal which has permeated the Catholic Church, it appears world-wide.
      My next step is to write the Archbishop/Cardinal of Toronto. He is a nice man. When he assumed his duties from Alberta, Canada, he went to every Church in Toronto(most have taken him months) and met with all of us. He concelebrated the Mass and preached. A reception was held after the Mass in the Church hall where we were to meet him personally.
      Last year summer I attended his predecessor’s funeral at St. Michael’s Cathedral, downtown. As I was entering the Church, all the Priests, all dressed impeccably in their beige robe and himself, behind, was waiting to enter the Church. As I was entering the Church, I saw him, he was close by. I said to him: “Good Morning Archbishop and how are you today.” He replied. I felt good about that. I bet he was pleased. I was the only one who greeted him. I do not blame the others for the Church was already crowded and we had to quickly enter the Church with the usher leading, to get a seat. Since I had met him I felt the urge to greet him. Hopefully, it helped him on that sad day. It was a bright summer’s day but due to the occasion it was not a really happy. Anyway, I promised to write him about this issue and hope I do so soon. It is a grave concern. It is for the sake of God and for the Church.

  5. Secretary
    June 25, 2012

    I have no issues with ‘colours’ BUT for Pete’s sake DECENT ATTIRE for church (funerals incl)…. persons dress approtpriately for the work, school, heck, for the beach…….. So why not for church……….. and DO NOT GIVE ME THAT BS ABOUT ‘Render your soul not your garment’ cuz you WILL NOT go to the beach in your work attire….. #my2cents

    • sigh
      June 25, 2012

      Secretay, I completely agree with you. When the Hebrews would rend or tear their garment, it was an outward sign that someone had died or some disaster had taken place. The Word is saying that having a contrite heart was more important than the public display of emotions.

    • Justice and Truth
      June 26, 2012

      @ Secretary

      It gives me sore eyes when I see some of them dressed indecently. I ask myself, do they not know any better? For God’s sake! They are going to Church!

      • June 26, 2012

        I don’t think they know better, that is the reason God’s Love constist of such mercy and compassion, in His Person of flesh and bones, the Man Himself, Jesus Christ, because God’s holiness would simply strike those people “dead”

  6. Lovely
    June 25, 2012

    I would agree with the Priest, some people would dress whether it is a funeral, regular church as they please. I was in St.Lucia a few months ago and I was in Soufriere so on Sunday I went to church , mark you it’s a catholic Church, the Priest put up a dress code for funeral, weddings and regular church.
    For the wedding it said ” Even though you are getting married, this does not mean you are going to a runway show, when you are in the house of God you should dress appropriately. And I scanned through the church and everyone had something descent. I say dats the way to go Father.

    • Justice and Truth
      June 26, 2012

      @ Lovely

      It is a scandal how some of the brides and bridesmaids dress for the wedding. Some Priests are afraid to tell them something.
      The thought is crossing my mind. A few years ago I attended a Saturday retreat in the west-end of Toronto. We went first to the school to pray and for Benediction. Then we had a luncheon break. After that we were going to the Church for Holy Mass. We were outside the Church and waiting. We all wondered what is going on inside the Church. We were told a wedding was taking place. Later someone told us that the bride was indecently dressed, her top of course and the Priest told her about it. He would not perform the ceremony if she was dressed in that manner. We saw her standing outside the Church. Someone was sent to the store to purchase a large scarf to tie over the top of her dress. Just imagine! How embarrassing for her too.
      The Priests are trying but some members are not listening and complying. They cause the Church great embarrassment and sorrow. They will have to answer to God someday. The stories are many.

  7. Wow!
    June 25, 2012

    Well done Father!! I applaud your efforts and the courage it took to speak out rather than allow this distasteful behaviour to continue. We have the same problem in Dominica and I implore more of our Priests and Pastors to speak out against it and guide our people correctly in this regard.

  8. Big-Bannan
    June 25, 2012

    JOel 2:13 Render your heart and not your garment.

    • Secretary
      June 25, 2012

      B.S. Let me see you were your Tux to the beach……….. smfh

      • Secretary
        June 25, 2012


    • Oh My!
      June 25, 2012

      This is a clear misinterpretation of God’s word. Tearing of the clothes was an outward indication of being sorry and repentant. However, some people, hypocrites, would tear their garments while there was no true repentance. What that verse is saying is that our repentance should take place on the inside and not just an outward show of rending of the garment-just to be seen of men.

    • Ms. Francis
      June 25, 2012

      If you quoting the bible, do it right.

      Joel 2:13
      And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil.

  9. Justice and Truth
    June 25, 2012

    DNO, interesting topic! Hot Debate! I love that! It is right down my alley, if you know what I mean. :)
    Good for you Father Goodridge. Would love to shake your hands. God is pleased with you for performing your priestly duty and has blest you for taking this stand. I must inform my Parish Priest about this. Some of them need to be like Father Goodridge.
    Some Barbadians seem to be noted for this type of attitude, walking out of the Church when they are not pleased with what they hear. They do not want to hear and listen to the truth. If they do not want to hear about it on earth, learn and practice it where will they hear about it in eternity? They will go to eternity ignorant of the Word of God. Little do they know they are depending on their strength and understanding. Holy Scripture has taught us and warned us against this.
    This incident reminds me of what I read some years ago in a Toronto Caribbean Newspaper. I clipped out the information. When I read it I thought it was funny. There was a hurricane in Barbados (I recall that time) which damaged some parts of Barbados. During the storm a man climbed on top of his house to avoid the rising sea and high waves. Well, with the man on the roof, the waves engulfed them and both ended up in the ocean and the man drowned. The day of his funeral service, the Pastor read the following passage from the New Testament:

    Luke 7:46:49 – The Two Foundations – …I will show you what someone is like who comes to me, listens to my words, and acts upon them. That one is like a person building a house, who dug deeply and laid the foundation on rock; when the flood came, the river burst against the house, but could not shake it because it had been well built. But the one who listens and does not act is like a person who built a house on the ground without a foundation. When the river burst against it, it collapsed at once and was completely destroyed.”

    Some people got upset and walked out of the church. They were angry with the Pastor and said that he should have read another Passage of the Gospel. Dictating to him, eh? I am speculating that the Pastor probably knew the man as did the others and the type of lifestyle he may have lived. Their attitude shocked the Pastor. He did not think that this Passage from Luke, the Word of God would offend them.
    Writing this makes me laugh. It made news of course which is why it was published in that Newspaper. We do get the Caribbean News, no exception Dominica News, if it is of consequence.
    What recently occurred at that Church reminded me of the article. This was a typical example. If the Priest/Pastor preaches or speaks on matters which concern God, the Church, our souls as also immodest attire there are some who will get angry and walk out. God inspires. What are the Clergy for, if they cannot read the appropriate Gospel, preach the Word of God and tell it like it is to the people of God who are on their earthly pilgrimage and are in dire need of hearing it?
    Some people want a watered down version of the Word of God which will please them as taking short-cuts to Heaven. Our Lord warned us about ‘short-cuts’. They will not get us to Heaven. No doubt they feel guilty which is why they act adversely. This is attributed to their lifestyle. They want chocolate and sugar-coated summons. They do not want to be reminded, warned and admonished for the present and future good of their soul. They want to live their life as they so wish, following their ways and the Priests/Pastors should tell them nothing and not remind them of what it entails to love, obey, serve and please God in this life which will assist us to obtain eternal salvation. Some of them want to hear what they want to hear. This does not work and not when it concerns our souls.

  10. Anonymous
    June 24, 2012

    Good for you Father Goodridge. God is pleased with you for performing your priestly duty and has blest you for taking this stand.
    Some Barbadians seem to be noted for this type of attitude, walking out of the Church when they are not pleased with what they hear. They do not want to hear and listen to the truth. If they do not want to hear about it on earth, learn and practice it where will they hear about it in eternity? They will go to eternity ignorant of the Word of God. Little do they know they are depending on their strength and understanding. Holy Scripture has taught us and warned us against this.
    This incident reminds me of what I read some years ago in a Toronto Caribbean Newspaper. I clipped out the information. When I read it I thought it was funny. There was a hurricane in Barbados (I recall that time) which damaged some parts of Barbados. During the storm a man climbed on top of his house to avoid the rising sea and high waves. Well, with the man on the roof, the waves engulfed them and both ended up in the ocean and the man drowned. The day of his funeral service, the Pastor read the following passage from the New Testament:

    Luke 7:46:49 – The Two Foundations – …I will show you what someone is like who comes to me, listens to my words, and acts upon them. That one is like a person building a house, who dug deeply and laid the foundation on rock; when the flood came, the river burst against the house, but could not shake it because it had been well built. But the one who listens and does not act is like a person who built a house on the ground without a foundation. When the river burst against it, it collapsed at once and was completely destroyed.”

    Some people got upset and walked out of the church. They were angry with the Pastor and said that he should have read another Passage of the Gospel. Dictating to him, eh? I am speculating that the Pastor probably knew the man as did the others and the type of lifestyle he may have lived. Their attitude shocked the Pastor. He did not think that this Passage from Luke, the Word of God would offend them.
    Writing this makes me laugh. It made news of course which is why it was published in that Newspaper. We do get the Caribbean News, no exception Dominica News, if it is of consequence.
    What recently occurred at that Church reminded me of the article. This was a typical example. If the Priest/Pastor preaches or speaks on matters which concern God, the Church, our souls as also immodest attire there are some who will get angry and walk out. God inspires. What are the Clergy for, if they cannot read the appropriate Gospel, preach the Word of God and tell it like it is to the people of God who are on their earthly pilgrimage and are in dire need of hearing it?
    Some people want a watered down version of the Word of God which will please them as taking short-cuts to Heaven. Our Lord warned us about ‘short-cuts’. They will not get us to Heaven. No doubt they feel guilty which is why they act adversely. This is attributed to their lifestyle. They want chocolate and sugar-coated summons. They do not want to be reminded, warned and admonished for the present and future good of their soul. They want to live their life as they so wish, following their ways and the Priests/Pastors should tell them nothing and not remind them of what it entails to love, obey, serve and please God in this life which will assist us to obtain eternal salvation. Some of them want to hear what they want to hear. This does not work and not when it concerns our souls.

    • Justice and Truth
      June 26, 2012


      :oops: This was the first one I sent and forgot to enter my name, etc. I could not see it and thought it was not accepted. It came out as Anonymous. “Sorry!” Wished you could have deleted it.

  11. Nudibranch
    June 24, 2012

    did the people attend to mourn the passing and celebrate a life or to make you look good? if the answer is the latter then wear your frock, take the money you made for the service and keep quiet. If you think the attendees were there to celebrate the life of their friend then let them wear what they want. You still made your money

    • -----------
      June 25, 2012

      u so foolish…its amazing..

    • Justice and Truth
      June 26, 2012

      @ Nudibranch

      You are one rude and disrespectful person. Who do you represent? Satan? It appears so to me. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

  12. carrotop
    June 24, 2012

    Please, give the young credit for attending.

    • frank
      June 25, 2012

      Credit for attending??? The sermon preached is not to the dead man cause his soul has already is for those attending…with working ears and brain…not nonfunctional body parts…Who has ears to hear let him hear….The word of God is like a two edged sword..Its pierces the soul….I agree with the priest…dont bring the world to the church…Society teaches there is a time and place for well as an outfit for different occasions..

    • Justice and Truth
      June 26, 2012

      @ carrotop

      No excuses! Teach them well from childhood how to dress and conduct themselves in church and wherever they go. This discipline and religious upbringing begins at home.
      God will not make excuses for them and He will not exonerate them. If you are a parent, ensure that you teach them well for He will hold you accountable if you do not nurture them appropriately and they go astray.

  13. PUSS
    June 24, 2012

    if he says the outfit was revealing and inappropriate i can understand but not the color some people don’t feel comfortable in black and purple. Rev. you cannot force your choice or opinions down other people throat. Nowhere in the bible said there is a particular set of colors for funeral. that’s some B.S

    • Justice and Truth
      June 25, 2012

      @ Puss

      This name sounds familiar. Are you someone whom I know? Were you a baptized Catholic who made First Holy Communion and Confirmed? Did you renounce your Catholic Faith? If you did, too bad for you. This accounts for your ungodly comments. You, who should know better, I am amazed that you lack comprehension that everyone should dress modestly for Church or have you lost your Christian teaching and lost it altogether and are rebelling today? Your rebelliousness is against God Himself. It appears that you have something against the Catholic Church, its regulations and its members. What has it done to you?
      Father Goodridge is a Parish Priest. He is in charge of the Parish and the Church. What he says goes and must be obeyed. Obedience to authority is obedience to God. No one has the right to oppose him for he is correct. God is surely pleased with him. Furthermore, as a Priest who is answerable to God and not to people as you, he has the right to admonish those who dress immodestly to Church and to advise them to dress appropriately. It is a Consecrated Church. It is not your house, your bedroom, living room and kitchen, etc. and that of others.
      On whose behalf are you making that statement? As the saying, speak for yourself. Your views do not change a thing. They do not feel comfortable wearing black and purple to Church but they will wear black and purple to go to other places. Black is a traditional colour and is very much in, whether it is to a funeral service or even a social gathering of whatever nature.
      If you cannot comprehend that I feel sorry for you. I am questioning whether you are in a good frame of mind with all your faculties. Those who are and who lack godly enlightenment would not have made those comments. I wonder about you and your sanity. You need God’s blessings and graces.

  14. bee
    June 24, 2012

    Father Goodridge thanks for this message. I hope
    the priests in DA will send out the same message.

  15. lee
    June 24, 2012

    I agree with the prist because some of us are really over doing it. People should wear proper
    attire when attending a funeral. Father Goodridge
    thanks for the message. Last year the priest in
    my church send out the same message.

  16. Holiday Island Boy
    June 23, 2012

    We should also realise that one of the most ardent church goers is the Devil himself.He is there at all times enticing us to come in and do as you like. Take another bite from ‘the tree of knowledge’.

  17. Holiday Island Boy
    June 23, 2012

    I admit that it only comes around every five years, but many people appear to show more reverence in the House of Polling (station) than in the house of the Lord. I was at a funeral some time ago, and noticed a guy with a gasolene container. How wrong was I in thinking that his motorcycle had run out of petrol.The container was full of rum, or some mixture of booze,and the guy began to dole it out right in the church yard during the service.

  18. vanilla
    June 23, 2012

    I want to totally agree with the Reverend on the dress code for church some people go overboard when entering the house of God. Its good to hear the priest talk about standards set by God. Well let me say that the Catholic Church needs to start preaching and practicing what the Bible says. Eg:Repentance and Baptism. PLEASE NOTE: Baptism is NOT the dedicating of children at a few months old. To Baptise is to sumberge and Jesus lead by example when he was baptised by Jno the Baptise when he was a grown man. I would also love to hear them start preaching against adultery, fornication, whitchcraft and homosexuallity among other subjects. As a church you cannot accept anything and everything then complain when it gets out of hand. If the church as a body have no standards how do you expect it followers to have standards?

  19. agree
    June 23, 2012

    D N O i see people that post comment after me thier own already acceptedbut mines is still waiting on moderation am watching to see how long again….. because i know this post wrote is nothin but the truth, i hank you

  20. Pleased.
    June 23, 2012

    Very good Reverend! Lay down your dress code. Some people are too free with their attire for church. We must try to give the most high more respect. Do not twist the words of the Bible to commit sins.

  21. concern
    June 23, 2012

    For the person who mentioned about garment will exactly show where your heart is, not so at all

    Rend (tear) your heart and not your garment, that means tear your heart open unto to God, not the clothes

  22. concern
    June 23, 2012

    I do not think a specific colour has anything to do with burying a dead

    1st is the person who is been buried heart wright with God

    2nd too tight , too short or too much skin out is a bit disrespectful to the family greiving

    3rd If we are in christ we are sons and daughters of the King of kings, how do royalty dresses

    4th If Christ is to put in his appearrance while you are bathing or sleeping with no clothes or changing your clothes you will still be caught up as long as you are a child of God

    I think these people really had to dress inappropriate for the preist to lash out

    • Justice and Truth
      June 25, 2012

      @ concern

      We are human beings. We are on earth. We have traditions dating back to ancient days and what is appropriate to go to Church. This is the issue. We Christians should know that the Lord is not pleased with those who are so callous and negligent as to dress immodestly to go to His Church. It is a sin to go to Church in such an unbecoming manner, an offence, primarily against God.

  23. June 23, 2012



  24. +
    June 23, 2012

    this has nothing to do with what the bible says about your heart and garment. stop twisting things! that reverend should begin with his ownself. he has the wrong title. only one is Reverend and He sits on the throne.

    if someone who is neither spiritual or religious chooses to wear a particular dress or colour to a funeral that is their business.

    …and he calls it “my church”….stupes

    • Justice and Truth
      June 23, 2012

      Who are you? What do you know? When last you went to Church? :twisted: :twisted: If you had any common sense and spiritual enlightenment you would not make such a statement. :twisted:
      The Priest has the right to condemn the wearing of immodest attire in Church. He is answerable to God. It is his responsibility to speak against what offends God of all. If he fails to do this, God will hold him accountable.
      It is a grievous sin to wear such to Church where the Holy Spirit/Presence of God is. Those people lack class, dignity and respect. They must be people of the night who are blinded by the light and living in darkness that they did not have the sense to dress modestly to Church.

  25. megatron
    June 23, 2012

    some people cannot afford

    • Sad
      June 23, 2012

      So why can they afford to buy the trashy outfits..come on man! Ah! ah ah magras sah..elas..all that exposure of flesh all over the place does not augur well. It is not only the young people. Women dress with all kinds of outrageous outfits to go to work..with pants so tight that you see the shape of everything beneath..sah par right…I agree 100% with the priest. I hope the parents and other religious leaders take a cue..what is going on is shameful.

    • frank
      June 25, 2012

      well dont go to the service then.. Cause they knew very well their attire was inappropriate..

    • Justice and Truth
      June 26, 2012

      @ Megatron

      Oh yea? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

  26. agree
    June 23, 2012

    Yes it was about time someone speak out on this matter, am 100% behind the preist for the dress code not the color , because i went to funeral at woodford hill on wedenesday afternoon and OMG what i saw some of our yound people wearing it was a disgrace indeed so i think all churches should stand up for that espercailly in the house of God, am not for the colors because you can wear whatever color you wish to wear but is how you wear it, some of these young people coming to a funarel like is disco they going , has no respect for the family members at all, well if thats what am seeing God forbid anyone die befor me i will anounce dress code for their funarel trust me this is rediculous and shameful.

  27. Anonymous
    June 23, 2012

    so true, cuz there is only one dress code for the courts, dont know y church cant be the same

  28. Anonymous
    June 23, 2012

    I agree with the Priest. For all those who talk about rend your heart and not your garment, your garment will show exactly where your heart is – because it is a reflection of who you are, your values and your morals. Coming into the church with disco wear is not the same as a pauper who has nothing to wear and comes into a church to pray with his old torn up clothes. The bible also talks about dressing appropriately according to the occasion. In recent funerals i have experienced the same thing and i think when someone comes to pray, their mind should not be on putting themselves forward as sex symbols, showing off their bodies, or dressing to compete. It is the complete opposite with prayer. These people do not know how to pray, and you can often tell by their behaviour in church, not just their attire. It is a distraction in the church, and an embarrassment to themselves. Too many people are following the ways of the world whether through fashion or otherwise. The Lord calls us to follow his ways but not the ways of the world! Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing. I wonder how many of them would run home and change if Jesus came to judge today!!!!

    • Justice and Truth
      June 26, 2012

      @ Anonymous

      Well said. The Priest would never chastise a poor person and ask him to leave the church. The poor are visible how they dress. They do not dress immodestly. They merely dress as poor people. Occasionally there are a few of them who come to Church and they are welcomed to sit anywhere. You will be surprised to know that if they keep coming to Church, some months later they are dressed as normally as any person and well-groomed. If they ask the Priest for help they will receive it. St. Vincent de Paul’s organization in the Church will help them and give clothes and a cheque to purchase food at the grocery store.
      Have you heard of St. Vincent de Paul? He would help the poor. If it is possible, try to get information about the story of his life. He is a great, holy man to emulate.

  29. Amanda
    June 23, 2012

    Oh no.The bible does not say Render your heart It says REND

  30. no name
    June 23, 2012

    good for you Pastor, if you don’t take a stance no one will! It’s time for people to set the standard, if they don’t like it they have a choice! Going to church in an underwear is not morally acceptable and so the same with an educational institution!

  31. injustice and unfair
    June 22, 2012

    but why some people think black is not good colour? Black is a good conventional beautiful colour. People wear black for work every day, To parties, church, everywhere. even in weddings. I’ve been to weddings where the bridesmaide were in beautiful black and white. Is only in the caribbean I see these worthless young people start up with their foolishness of “”wear festive colors at a funeral. And if you notice, is only people that are involve in drugs and violence. People that never goes to church and don’t respect the God that give them breath. No RESPECT!!! They live like ANIMALS!!!. It’s a DAM SHAME!!!.Hats off to the priest. It is time for someone to stand up for what is right.It is time for this lost young people to get their act together.

    • Justice and Truth
      June 26, 2012

      @ injustice and unfair

      In this era people wear a lot of black. As the years progressed and as styles have changed so have preferences. I recall in bygone days black was only worn to funerals.
      In previous years in Canada, black colors were only worn in winter. Today people wear black in summer.
      In previous years I would not wear black in summer at all except in winter. Today, I still will not wear black in summer except if I am going to a funeral. Sometimes I wear mauve/ light purple, navy or grey to funerals. I reserve black for winter. Normally, I do not wear all-black. If I wear black to Church in the Spring and Fall, I will wear colored shoes and purse to match and not black ones. I never really liked black until I came to Canada and this is due to the wintry weather. People are free to wear what they want to Church on condition they are decently clad. The Priest was rightfully upset to see how those people were dressed. If I saw them I would not like it either. Some people are too scandalous. They walked out of Church? Too bad! It is their loss and a spiritual one at that.

  32. June 22, 2012

    “Our young people need direction and the Church must give it”—news article.

    You are right on Reverend Curtis Goodridge! All we need are leaders like you, with the courage and Spiritual strength which is needed to instill those aspects of Life in our young generation of today, otherwise we do not have a generation of human beings in the future–at least with endowed with the things of God, but then there is no Life without God.

    There are certain things I see in the world, being brought into the church, but the church (ought to) must be brought into the world<<<<news article

    You are right about that also! However it is us, leaders of the Churches, who are to take control of what is brought into the church, and it is us leaders as well, who is responsible for bringing the church into the world–through the work of Holy Spirit in us.

    The Great Commission of Jesus Christ, as He ascended into Heaven, stated: "All authority is given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the ages". Matthew 28: 18-20

    Jesus reigned the Power of Holy Spirit, which was the Promise of the Father to His chosen people as it was spoken through prophets like Jeremiah and Hose of the Old Testament.

    This happened on the Day of Pentecost; it was by the Power of Holy Spirit that Jesus' disciples built the Church, as He commanded them to do so. And so without Holy Spirit in control, there is no Church–the group of people the so-called church house are simply a regualar social group.

    And yet most people of today are not even aware of the Day of Pentecost, how can they become indwelt by Holy Spirit,who is Eternal Spirit of God Almighty, by faith in His Person of Love, who is Jesus Christ. How can those people bring the Church out to the world?

    The biggest problem is that no one can do God's work unless he or she is indwelt by Holy Spirit, but how many leaders of churches today can claim the indwelling of Holy Spirit in them–not very many, I am sure of it!

    Much worst for the congregation, as the majority of people sit in the church houses on any given day of worship–without the baptism, which Jesus commisioned His disciples to teach all nations to uphold. And yet baptism is the first step into our relationship with God, by our sincere faith, Holy Spirit will do the rest in us, but at His time and space–not at our demands.

    If we who are already in the Church do not have the aspects of Spirituallity, which must define our relationship with our God of Love in Spirit, Truth, and Holiness, what are we going to bring out, from the church, into the world?

    Jesus told us we will know them by their fruits–just as we know the tree we are looking at is a mango tree for its fruits are mangoes. Holy Spirit produces fruits and He demonstrate the through our attitude and conducts–those fruits are listed at Galatians 5:22

    The problem with people–both young and old–is that they lack Spiritual sensitivity. But without that awareness, we are still people of the world, and our functions still reflect the lifestyle of the world.

    And so, if we cannot walk out of the lifestyle or the system of this world and to walk the path of Light, the stature of Life by faith, and not by sight, we are just not in connection to a God of Spirit in Love and Holiness–we will continue our walk in this world with no reverence to Him.

    Jesus said: "My Kingdom is not of this world" We cannot claim to have Life in Jesus Christ, and knowledge of our God of Love in Spirit and Truth, if we are not conscious of the functions of Life in His Kingdom.

    There are many of us who claim the Christian Life, but we are in for a very tragic surprise. Between the "goat and sheep" of the nations, Jesus will say to the sheep "Come in you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world".

    And He will say to the goats: Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. Matthew 25: 31-46.

    • Magras Sah
      June 24, 2012

      U still come back with those long comment??? As I said before, I appreciate your biblical standpoint that you take…but my girl in order to get people to read your comment, SHORTEN IT!!! Is like u listening to a preacher preaching for 4 hours straight, by the 2nd hour you snoring… cause u BORED…its the same with long comments. A SHORT and meaningful one is better than a LONG and meaningful one.

      • June 25, 2012

        I write to exemplify God nature of Love, which has to be the ways of Life in every human being–even if that is not so in this world.

        For the things of God (or the message of Life) is foolishness to those who are perishing. There is a mass number of those certain people in this world–they are people like you, who get bored, reading a full page, because of its message.

        I imagine that you have never read a full book–so how can you have any ability of comprehension, through reading? That is the reason you get bored. So blame your own stupidity for your boredom–not my writing.

      • Justice and Truth
        June 26, 2012

        @ Magras Sah :twisted: :mrgreen:

        Are you a Christian? You could not be. How rude you are and out of place? Is this your Website? Do you own it? Keep your uncomplimentary words to yourself. You really have no love for your fellow people and none in your heart. You would not make a good neighbor to begin with.
        Are you a communist, a dictator? Give people the opportunity to comment. You lack such ungodliness that you do not even consider she is prompted by the Holy Spirit. Do you ever think God and how He inspires people? He uses His people to proclaim His Word, to offer godly advice, to admonish and warn others. We are also representatives of Our Lord Jesus Christ, except you. You have projected who and what you are. Please refrain from these types of insulting remarks in the future. It is not your place to make such statements. Hope you keep this in mind in the future. :twisted: :mrgreen:

      • June 26, 2012

        @Justice and Truth

        You made me laugh in that last three lines of yours–I wish I could say it like you! But thanks anyway, for standing with me. I stand with you as well, because I know that you love Jesus as much as I love Him–He is using us both to do His work–we shall not be moved!

    • Oh My!
      June 25, 2012

      I truly love your comments but you tend to be just a little winded. Can you just use less words? Just a little because halfway through reading you kind of lose the reader.

      • June 25, 2012

        Thank you for your kind critics! I understand your point, and I sure do not want to lose readers like you.

        I will do my best next time; but I would like you to know that speaking and writing the word of God demands much explanation, hence explanation provokes the need for vocabulary.

        It is also, that I am writer with passion, especially that my favourite writing deals with God’s Word. I know that I tend to get carried away a bit–I promise to have more control against this excitment of mine. I have a system for my next entry. Blessings!

      • Justice and Truth
        June 26, 2012

        @ Oh My!

        Oh My too! :twisted: Some of you lack patience. You are not nice people. It is a mark that you do not possess the Holy Spirit of God. One of the fruits and gifts of the Holy Scripture is patience which you have depicted you lack. :twisted: :twisted:
        What is wrong with some of you? If you think it is too long, then bypass it and keep quiet. No one asked you to read it.
        If you go to church, do you not listen to the sermons? How long are they? Do you not read books, view TV programs and movies including talking on the telephone and being on the Internet? These take up time. Pray to God for patience and to be patient with others. Give people a break. :twisted: :twisted:

  33. Anonymous
    June 22, 2012

    Years ago our grandparents, NO – our comunities, ensured that we, the young people of that era, behaved and dressed properly and were taught to respect those in authority. Today we, who are now the grandparents and community elders, have totally abdicated our DUTY to teach the young people to respect, exhibit proper behaviour and to observe a code of dress. The young are rebelling every which way and today, anything goes. Well 3 cheers to the Reverend. Now lets see school principals demand teachers dress more respectfully and appropriately, all churches demand the participants to church services dress decently while students wear their uniform as they are SUPPOSED TO. and lets make courtesy and good manners come back in style. It will be to the benefit of the entire country when that happens. Call me oletimer.

    • no name
      June 23, 2012

      well said

    • ummshutup
      June 24, 2012

      and when the attendance falls in all these areas we’ll know exactly why, and we’ll have dictators such as yourself to thank for it….

  34. Citizen
    June 22, 2012

    I am in full agreement with the priest. It is about time that people stand up for what is right.

  35. anonymous
    June 22, 2012

    you mean we even want to introduce our cafeteria type mentality to funeral?? smh

    • woosh
      June 22, 2012

      I agree that the House of the Lord should be respected, and that persons should enter this Holy place decently clothed. However, I don’t see how ‘optional mourning colours’have a major affect on the church itself, since some women can dress very skimpy in traditional funeral colours-black, white or purple. The priest should be more overly concerned about the decency of the attire rather than the colour. So you mean to tell me I can’t get married in a pink wedding dress? seriously?

  36. 4Eva Tru
    June 22, 2012

    vanasse you should have kept your comment to urself cause you got stoned to death. study the word before u start making comments.Let the Holy Spirit speak for you

    • June 23, 2012

      You need to be stoned to death. Examine your horns. What you are guilty of cannot be compared. All you can do is mock the Holy Sprit. You Satan.Stupes.

  37. June 22, 2012

    Good to go Reverend!!!!

    i am sooo proud of you.

    hope our local priest learns from his courage.
    its time we push back the goal post

  38. Truly Blessed
    June 22, 2012

    i dont want nobody wearing black at my funeral. i am going to meet my father in heaven, this calls for celebration. i am going home, alleluia.

    but with all this being said, no sexy dressing either. skirts below the knee, no tight pants, no arms outside.

    i know, people might be saying the dead cannot see. That is why my invitations are made and will be sent out today for my funeral (whenever that may be). Because i will throw some hyprocrites in the grave with me.

    • Justice and Truth
      June 22, 2012

      @ Truly Blessed

      Wait until you die to know if you are really going home to meet your Father. Life is a journey, a pilgrimage. During this time there are many misses and falls. As long as we live we do not know if we are saved or if we will be saved. We are trying and hope, with the help of God (not our strength), the promise of Our Lord Jesus Christ to be saved. It is presumptuous and haughty to say that I am saved while we are still living.
      Holy Scriptures: Warning against Overconfidence -“1 Corinthians 10:12 – Therefore, whoever thinks he is standing secure should take care not to fall.
      What makes you think you will not fall before you die?
      Romans 3:10:11 – Universal Bondage to Sin – As it is written: There is no one just, not one, there is no one who understands, there is no one who seeks God. All have gone astray…
      Are you saying that you are not one of those?
      Romans 4:7:8 – Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord does not record.
      1 Peter 4:18 – And if the righteous one is barely saved, where will the godless and the sinner appear?
      It seems to me we have much to do for the Lord including worship, praying, reading/studying Holy Scriptures and performing acts of love and compassion as we obey The Ten Commandments prior to assuming that we will enter His Kingdom. As Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “Only those who have performed His (our) Heavenly Father’s Will, will enter His Kingdom. As we strive to do so, we will truly know this until we die. The Christian life is an on-going perfection. We constantly have to strive for it. It is not ended until we die. Then God will judge us according to our works. Our souls will then know if God forgave us our sins or not. We know the end result of this for all eternity, Heaven or Hell.

    • Holiday Island Boy
      June 23, 2012

      Be careful what you wish for? It might come sooner that you expect.

    • blessed?..doubtful
      June 24, 2012

      Why no black? Black is bad I suppose, you want a more heavenly colour such as white perhaps….

      • Justice and Truth
        June 24, 2012

        @ blessed..doubtful

        These days everything is optional, leaving it up to the attendees to dress as they so wish. If they are not stopped and informed, soon they will going to those services in their dusters, night robes, night gowns, nighties, shorts, boxer shorts and swimsuits. Oh My!
        It is a mark of respect to the family of the deceased and the departed him/herself to dress appropriately when attending the funeral and also going to funeral parlours. Even attending prayers for them, we wear the traditional colors. Christians, specifically Catholic Christians expect this.
        The traditional colours are, black, white, grey or navy. Same with shoes, purses and hair ornaments. A light blue dress or suit is acceptable. In these so-called modern days the funeral service is called a celebration of life. Nevertheless, other colors as red, yellow, green and outlandish ones are not appropriate to wear to funeral services. These are out of place at funerals. Save some of those colors for Church, for weddings, anniversaries, cocktail and other social parties as also birthday parties. People must utilize their common sense.
        If they still want to wear the different colours, then, although they will still be seen, they should sit at the back of the Church so as not to give scandal and not in the front and middle pews. Respect for those who are attending the service is absolutely necessary. People must give this a good thought.

  39. Smh
    June 22, 2012

    Having an optional color have nothing to do with the way people dress. People just have to use their discretions and know how to dress appropriately for the occasion. Some people want to be dressing like they’re going to a club when they’re going to a funeral. Come on now it’s just ridiculous

    • Justice and Truth
      June 22, 2012

      @ Smh

      When we go to Church for whatever occasion, we are to dress modestly. It is respectful to the Lord, to the Priest and to the congregation. We are going to the House of The Lord, His Palace and we should dress appropriately. Christians of all should not have to be reminded of this.
      Ecclesiastes 4:17 – Guard your step when you go to the House of God. Let your approach be obedience, rather than the fools’ offering of sacrifice, for they know not how to keep from doing evil.
      This applies to dressing modestly when going to Church and conducting ourselves respectfully while in Church. There is no excuse for anyone.

  40. FACTS
    June 22, 2012

    Dominicans do not respect people in authourity is church they will have respect for. It begins at home and you can see that our populus is filled with so much hateand negativity because there is no proper upbringing.

    Dominicans should be taught the persuasive power of reasoning first.

    • Dominican
      June 22, 2012

      Some Dominicans please……

  41. Cookie
    June 22, 2012

    I agree with the priest this is a house of worshipp throw them outside. Show respect this is not a disco.

  42. My2Sense
    June 22, 2012

    As usual, churches focus on the wrong things.

  43. ellen evaline paul
    June 22, 2012

    To Vanesse: The Rev. is not trying to dictate his standard but the standard of the Holy Book which we all claim to love and know so well. Joel 2:3 says Rend (not render) your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity. MEANING: God calls his people to return to him. But he wants their whole hearts. He doesn’t just want external expressions of remorse. He expects the internal realities. Don’t just tear your clothes, he says, a typical expression of repentance in that day. He says, “rend your hearts.” In other words, be torn up inside. Fast, weep, and mourn, but do it for real. Enough of the fake stuff, the Lord says. And yes indeed God DEMANDS respect in his place of worship as seen in (John 2:13-16), Jesus was so filled with anger at the desecration of the holy place that he took some cords and wove them into a small whip. He ran about, knocking over the tables of the money changers, spilling coins on the ground. He drove the exchangers out of the area, along with the men selling pigeons and cattle. He also prevented people from using the court as a shortcut. As he cleansed the Temple of greed and profit, Jesus quoted from Isaiah 56:7: “My house shall be called a house of prayer, but you make it a den of robbers.” (Matthew 21:13,)

  44. kondomize
    June 22, 2012

    Mr Priest needs to realize that these traditional mourning colors are old time & colonial and things change. Bright culturally colored attire doesn’t mean that someone is not mourning.

      June 22, 2012

      Read the article again, the priest was not only talking about colours, but the styles and exposure aspect of those colours.

    • Justice and Truth
      June 22, 2012

      @ kondomize

      If you read the article the Priest did not mention about ‘mourning clothes’. He stated that they were immodestly dressed and in all sorts of strange outlandish outfits which were improper to wear to Church. Those people should have known better. They were not going to a social club, to a bar, to Cropover, to a park, to a ball game or shopping. I am certain that there are some people who dressed better than they did when going to those places. These are people who, primarily, do not care two hoots about God, His Church, the Priest and others in the congregation in general. They also have no respect and also for themselves.

  45. ellen evaline paul
    June 22, 2012

    No Rev. Goodrich you not old fashion, neither are you old timish. I wish we evangelical would be bold as you are. While I applaud your move to speak up, i think it is hypocritical of you to throw a temper tantrum because the dressing was brought into the house of God, yet you seem to be ok with it being worn elsewhere. In your article your statement ““I remarked that Crop Over was in the church . . . . I thought I was at Kadooment. I thought some of those things were costumes. Their dress was outrageous. I don’t think those type of things are suitable for church. The church has standards. The church has rules and regulations set out by God in the Scriptures. Our people need to know that they must uphold standards,” he said. I felt it was disrespectful and irreverent to the Lord, the deceased, the family, the priest and the church. If we believe that God is everywhere, then I believe that what offends him in the church WILL also be offensive to him elsewhere. We need to speak the word in and out of season so that we know where we can go and do what. My thoughts

    • Joe
      June 22, 2012

      Rend. The bible says to rend your heart and not your garment. Alas.

      • OH PLZ
        June 22, 2012

        the scripture means “Dont tear/destroy your clothes but rather let your heart be broken/torn in pieces not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Justice and Truth
        June 22, 2012

        @ Joe

        Yes! I said that to a few people. I recall two of them made that statement. There are those who will always interpret the Bible to suit their mentality.
        My response to them was, Our Lord did not mean that we should go to His Consecrated House where we worship Him and dress inappropriately. The Lord expects that we will utilize our common sense as Christians and dress modestly when we are going to Church. This should not be explained to Christians. Even those who are not Christians should know this. Some people have become negligent in their mode of dressing to Church and even elsewhere. It is a disgrace.

      • Look row-row
        June 23, 2012

        rend your heart was not specifically referring to dressing yow ! God ask the Isrealites to be contrite in spirit . they would tear their sackcloth when they committed a sin . he said to tear your hearts , not the garment .

      • vanilla
        June 23, 2012

        @ Joe and the many others that insist the Bible says rend your heart and not your garment to justify going to church scantily dressed,look up the meaning of the word rend it means to tear apart, to distress so youre using it in the wrong context. the very same Bible gives us guidelines as to how to live a life pleasing to God and we dont follow it. So why are we picking and choosing what the Bible says when it suits us. Put some decent clothes on for christ sakes when you go in the house of the lord have some pride and dignity young people.

      • Justice and Truth
        June 25, 2012

        @ Joe

        This does not mean that they have to the Church in any type of clothes which create a scandal. They must have respect for the Church, for the Priest and the rest of the congregation as the mourners. Father was correct. He did not tell them to leave. They left of their own accord. Disobedience, guilty conscience and the devil’s influence caused it.

    • Justice and Truth
      June 22, 2012

      @ ellen

      You are correct, “What offends Him in the Church will offend Him everywhere”, in what we say and do, how we conduct ourselves, what we wear, the movies and programs that we view on TV and at the theatre, the type of books and magazines that we read, our comments on Websites and the type of Websites that we access on the Internet. DNO is OK! :lol: Little do people give the others a thought.

    • no name
      June 23, 2012

      if someone came to church in their underwear only i’m sure you would speak out.. it’s not appropriate attire for church. Kadooment is kadooment and church is church. Same as there’s a dress code for school. Some young women just believe that they look ‘sexy’ when they wear less..just to attract attention but its all for the wrong reasons

  46. Bull Crap
    June 22, 2012

    Apparently you id not read all he said and u did not read the whole story. Yes the bible say render your heart not your garment. But lets stop this foolishness and be real here. their is a time and place for everything.
    why the hell does no one go to court how they want, go to an interview how the want. We in society like to pike and choose where and how respect has to be shown. and we wonder why society going down the drain.
    Am a guy but sometime the way our young woman and man dress is rebelliousness and stupid.

    in other to be truly respected by other you have to truly respect your self and we sometime misplaced pride for respect.

    They proud of the fact that they sexy and call is respect.

    • Anonymous
      June 22, 2012

      it didnt say render your heart .it said rend(tear) ur heart not ur garment.

      • Justice and Truth
        June 25, 2012

        @ Anonymous

        This is interesting. You know, the statement: “Render not thy garment but thy heart” has been misinterpreted.

        A few of the meanings: Leave, provide, make available, submit, deliver, handover, submit.

        Rend is: Slit, slash, rip, scratch, split.

  47. I a watching..
    June 22, 2012

    Well said. That message should be read in all churches. It is high time people learn to respect God’s house. Some of the young people only go to church when there is a funeral or wedding and they tend to disrespect the churches teachings and practices. As the priest said ” Our people needs to uphold standards.” Father Thomas I hear you…, Hope this message reaches all hook and cranny so that there will not be any embarrassment in the future.

  48. justsaying
    June 22, 2012

    While i totally agree with the Reverend that there should be more respect for the house of God and as a result people should be decently dresses, i dont get what colour code for a funeral has to do with type of outfit worn as skimpy outfits come in “funeral colours” as well.

  49. vanasse
    June 22, 2012

    now they have a problem with the way young people dress the bible say render you hearts and not you garments

    • I am watching..
      June 22, 2012

      It also say that you should respect the house of worship.

      • Sushi
        June 22, 2012

        The Bible never say “render you hearts and not you garments”. It actually says “REND your hearts and not your garments” (Joel 2:13), meaning essentially to REPENT by purging your heart (changing your wicked ways) and not just the outward appearance. To rend is to rip, or to tear up. These young people actually need to REPENT!

    • ......
      June 22, 2012

      So because the bidle say render yours hearts not your garment you have to go in the house of the lord dress like some cheap prostitute. by right you have soem respect for the lord and the dead some people to like to forget where does be going with their kinds of dressing. the priest do right

    • EB
      June 22, 2012

      @vanasse, I would like you to tell me where in the bible you see “render you hearts and not you garments”

      Joel 2:13 reads, “rend your hearts and not your garments.” This has a totally different meaning from “render you hearts and not you garments”

      Look up the meaning of render and rend to educate yourself.

    • patriach
      June 22, 2012

      so you expect to go church young people with all your know-it -all.that’s why you have no respect for parents.these are values.before aman discover your nakedness in your room evryone see it already on the street.

      • Woodford Hill Girl
        June 22, 2012

        Word,love it well said

      • Justice and Truth
        June 22, 2012

        @ patriach

        You are correct. If they do not have respect for God and His Church, they cannot have respect for anyone, not even their parents.

    • Martha
      June 22, 2012

      So because the bible says this you have to go to church like is disco or carnival you going. Tell me why dont you go to the high court dressed in this manner. Tell me. When you join the SDA or Pentecostal or any other religion why then do you cover yourself from head to toe tell me.

    • Anonymous
      June 22, 2012

      the texts says Rend your heart not ur garment

    • Woodford Hill Girl
      June 22, 2012

      Sorry read that scripture again my friend it does not say render it says rend,now go contact mr Webster for the meaning #thatsallimsaying!

      • Woodford Hill Girl
        June 22, 2012


    • Anonymous
      June 22, 2012

      @ Vanessa the bible never said to come to church like is disco u going some of the clothes so short and tight if the bend u seeing the promise land

    • Malgraysa
      June 22, 2012

      In that case why not turn up in church all naked? After all, that’s how you came into this world and you will definitely not be judged by your clothes. Come to think of it, in our climate, why bother to dress at all. You’d safe yourself a lot of money and no time wasted on laundering and ironing!

      • Holiday Island Boy
        June 23, 2012

        Can’t work ! you will have no where to keep the Offering :lol:

    • naiive
      June 22, 2012

      quote the bible verse for me if u sure the bible say that

    • Justice and Truth
      June 22, 2012

      @ vanasse

      You lack common sense and good judgment. :twisted: You are one of the rebellious ones. This is not pleasing to the Lord. He obviously takes note of our actions also while in Church. I hope you do not go to Church immodestly attired. Otherwise, DO NOT GO! Your worship and prayers will be in vain.

    June 22, 2012

    Preach it loud and clear.

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