Barbados to cut 3,000 public sector jobs

Section of Barbados
Section of Barbados

Barbados’ fiscal consolidation efforts could soon mean the loss of 3,000 public sector jobs, Finance Minister Chris Sinckler announced this week.

The proposed cuts, part of a wider fiscal consolidation programme, would be done over the period from January to March of 2014, with the first 2,000 cuts by Jan. 15, 2014 and the final 1,000 “no later than March 1, 2014.” The job cuts would be to the central government and statutory entities.

The country’s Cabinet has also agreed to a “strict programme of attrition” across the central public service, “filling posts only where it is absolutely unavoidable, over the next five years, ending 2018-2019.”



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  1. Ginger
    July 1, 2014

    One thing I love about bajans,they are fighters . They don’t beg like the Guyanese or run to other islands like cowardly Jamaicans they stay and fight. Still no IMF in Barbados they said No .Wish we could have done the same.

  2. Anonymous
    December 18, 2013

    3000 people will be out of job, :(

  3. Morihei Ueshiba
    December 18, 2013

    Why would a man take advise from a man who cannot advise his own country, sot u sot?

  4. Justice and Truth
    December 18, 2013

    If you listen to international news you will realize that this is a worldwide situation, job cuts and some through attrition. There is no going back. It is a dilemma.
    Look at the bigger picture. Ever since the advent of computer technology and other technologies, jobs have dwindled.
    Some financial institutions and private enterprises have gone paperless. One enterprise in Canada is offering a bonus for customers to go paperless, i.e., conducting their payments On-Line.
    Let me further inform you, Bell which was once Bell Canada which provides telephone, internet and now Fibe TV service and other business enterprises have outsourced to India, Philippines, Costa Rica, San Salvador, some in Japan and elsewhere in the world other than their country of origin.
    I state that those enterprises are not patriotic. They do not care. They are after the almighty dollar.
    Canada and the US have lost many jobs to those countries while the unemployment rate in their countries escalates. You cannot solely blame the government.
    If I have to speak to a Bell internet or phone technician in India, I ask, how can you fix anything in Canada from that distance? Up here we could be sarcastic to them. Their employees get the brunt of our frustration and wrath at this set-up; not the executives.
    Anyway I am not happy with what that enterprise did. I was informed it has set up business in those countries for eight years and Canadian were not aware of it. Imagine how long they have been preparing prior to opening their offices in those countries. The first time I heard of it was when reading a newspaper.
    My blood boils which means I get angry whenever I telephone Bell and I get someone in the aforementioned (not Japan) countries and have to speak to them about my Canadian account.
    Some banks have also outsourced to India and such other places. I once telephoned the 1-800 number. When I received a response, I asked, “Where are you located?” I was told in India. I promptly stated, “I am not talking to anyone in a foreign land about my Canadian bank account that, I will go to the Bank.”
    When I did I spoke to the manager about it. The response was, “They are saving.” I replied, “Saving and Canadian jobs are lost to those countries?” I said more as well and will continue to speak against it, to my MP and MPP.

  5. Justice and Truth
    December 18, 2013

    Bell wrote its customers who have internet service and informed them about having their monthly billing sent by electronic mail. Otherwise they will be charged $2.00 for postage. I was shocked and downright angry.
    I did not hesitate to respond in writing by email with a copy to a government department. I stated, “You are not doing business with me. I am doing business with you and I want my bill mailed and that, I do not conduct business on the Internet” for obvious reasons.
    I received an email response that, “We have made a decision and this is what it will be”, words to that effect. I promptly replied and stated: “Well, you will lose customers.”
    One Saturday I telephoned the customer service and was told, “I do not know what happened and how you did it but the $2.00 postage cost was withdrawn…”
    Can you imagine doing business with an enterprise and you are charged for billing? Well, this is what Canada has come to and more…
    All this caused loss of jobs which is being streamlined to the Caribbean/West Indies in that it is affecting those countries.
    I do not wish to preach doom and gloom but make up your mind, as God looks on and is taking note, the worst is yet to come. Greed and godlessness are the cause of this. Enterprises save money at the expense of loss of jobs.
    If 3,000 employees in little B/dos will be axed what will happen to them?
    Folks, better serve God to a “T” and let him rule your life. Be kind to one another wherever you may be.
    Turn to Our Lord. For, the only help for the world is Our Lord Jesus Christ. This is exactly how I feel.
    God is in control and He will assist those who genuinely call upon him with humility,a contrite heart and patience. I like to say, this is where it is at. No doubt, this is obviously what Our Lord wants of everyone with no exception.
    God bless Dominica and nationals!

  6. Anonymous
    December 17, 2013

    The question that needs to be ask is:how did the government allow the civil service to get so bloated that they had to fire so many people.

    The government of Barbados letting go so many people is the equivalent to the US government letting go about 7,000,000 workers in one fell swoop.

    It seems like they had a lot of people going to work and doing nothing.

    • Justice and Truth
      December 19, 2013

      Keep informed of world news. If some of you are open to changes in the world and with technologies and ever increasing ones, you would become broadminded about what is occurring in it and what will occur in your part of the world in time. It has already commenced. Note B/dos.
      In bygone years, it also affected Trinidad when the government placed teachers on part-time work. Educated teachers could not obtain employment in Trinidad and permanent ones at that.
      It is a good idea to read international news.
      I read that (if I am not mistaken) Kelloggs will be laying off some thousands of employees. Reason being, some people no longer eat it. They prefer to drink shakes and/or smoothies rather than eat a proper breakfast with cornflakes, oats, etc.
      These days, nearly everyone is on a diet. They do not drink and eat this and that. Human beings also cause this dilemma of layoffs as they blame the government. In effect, nearly everyone is to be blamed. Cease blaming the government. Businesses look for a way to cut costs. Consider these new technologies which have caused this unemployment crisis. We must know and read the facts of this.
      I foresee that the situation will not get better. Our Lord Jesus Christ will have to return to make it better. It is said when this occur, everyone will return to the land for food. No joking! There is much more to this.

  7. 3 Bajan
    December 17, 2013

    Not even the former CLICO boss or the other BAjan named HH, nor the pollster, could help those people from joining the ranks of the unemployed?

  8. Doc. Love
    December 17, 2013

    Knowing Skeritt, he is going to use this information to prove that the economy of Dominica is doing so good, while other countries like Barbados are cutting jobs, his Government is putting people to work. He must not forget to mention that their is also going to be a reduction in the Cabinet.

    • Possie Proper
      December 17, 2013

      But all u funny so if he say that he doe lie allu have a personal problem with my PM the man Heart there trying and all u see now he didnt lie things hard Everywhere even Barbados who ranking so high in the C/bean

    December 17, 2013

    Thank God we ain’t reach that stage yet!Skerro please don’t to Barbados because UWP will say is you do that.

    • >
      December 17, 2013

      Don’t be fooled. Dominica under Skerrit is a billion times worse off than Barbados. Have you heard of Barbados head of government doling out money to Bajans and making them beggars? SURE NOT!

      • Anonymous
        December 17, 2013


      • Tell it like is
        December 17, 2013

        And under UWP Dominica was on it’s knees

        The Oxford Policy Management

        The catastrophic effect of “the Trinidad Bonds” on the government’s finances, fiscal condition, and economy, is reflected in a number of reports. Two important reports are the Interim Report of 12th October 2001, and Final Report, prepared by Mr. Allan Roe of the Oxford Policy Management. Under the heading MAIN ISSUES in the Interim Report Mr. Roe states; “Stock of Public Debt has Risen Rapidly (74%-100% of the GDP in FOUR years.” Four years from October 2001 includes the financial years 1997/1998, 1998/1999 and 1999/2000, the last three financial years under “the management” of the UWP Government.

        And under the heading MAIN FAILURES IN DEBT MANAGEMENT Mr. Allan Roe stated; “Ill-advised borrowings for major projects since 1999 large amounts at high interest rate for projects with questionable pay back possibilities.” (Underlined for emphasis). The projects referred to by Mr. Roe are the international airport and stadium proposed by the UWP Government.

      • Possie Proper
        December 17, 2013

        You Have a Problem

      • >
        December 17, 2013

        @ Tell it as is. why did you stay away from thievery, greediness and corruption. Are you a hypocrite, or a yard fowl? Well for your information this government has done almost irreparable damage to Dominica. Thanks God we have the brain in ‘TEAM DOMINICA’ TO UNDO THE DAMAGE.You must be one of those who are aiding and abetting in the rape of Dominica, but thanks God it will soon end. BOBOL,KICKBACKS,CORRUPTION,ETC WILL ALSO REQUIRE ANSWERS.

  10. Anonymous
    December 17, 2013

    Thats the caribbean island with highest economic growth UWP wants to take dominicans for fool

  11. the eyes have it
    December 17, 2013

    Dominica is the third largest of the english speaking car. islands but what is the population? 63,000 the last I heard. Little Barbados has a population of near 300,000. Compare their job cuts against our job cuts. We are the ones who are in extremely deep shhh and sad sad state, not Barbados. Barbados doing what they have to do.

  12. December 17, 2013

    So I guess we are going to blame Skerrit for Barbados problems too. Well I hope we Dominicans see what is going on around the world and not just in Dominica. Reality is every country is suffering.

  13. Love Da In Style
    December 17, 2013

    Barbados have a job for Lennox Linton.

    Mr.Barbados Prime Minister we have a job craz in Dominica that can promise 5000 jobs in Three (3) years,therefore he can save your Island if you do contact him.

    I am willing to pay for his housing,car,food and his salary if you give him the job to save these 3000 CSA officer that will be laid off.

    Please!!!! Mr.Prime Minister employ this brother to prove his worth to the caribbean.

    Thank you Mr.Barbados Prime Minister>>>>>Regards from Dominica… Love my caribbean brothers..

  14. Dominican
    December 17, 2013

    Interesting…we tend to think that this is a Dominican problem…we see Dominica its issues and challenges and thinks its political and forget about the other external forces that affect us!

    Would encourage my fellow Dominicans to read, listen to the news – not the local ones – CNN, BBC and the others and educate yourselves in the new year! elevate your mind and become better citizens!

  15. BD
    December 17, 2013

    I am so disappointed with the Bajans. All the signs of this mass layoff were there, the opposition told them to expect it. But they did not believe the opposition or maybe they did not want Owen Arthur again. Now all my Bajan friends and family who voted DLP (Democratic Labour Party) say they voting them out next time. Me self is not from them people place so I have nothing to say.

    I just hope that we don’t make the same mistake in Dominica. Freundel Stuart said the opposition was spreading propaganda, he said the opposition is spreading fear in the minds of the people. According to Freundel Stuart and the arrogant Chris Sinckler, the economy was doing good and the prospects for Barbados was good. Sinckler spoke of major projects which would stimulate the economy.

    I want to know who more afraid now. Where are these projects Sinckler promise. Ya, I see a few, but things are so bad, they can’t stop the bleeding. I can never trust what a politician tell me without presenting all the facts on the table.

    Sorry, have not really been living in Dominica, so can’t speak to the local situation, but electing a government is a very serious duty. I don’t care how nice you are, if I don’t think you can do the job partner, doh come knocking on my door, cause (anyway I not voting in them people country anyway, so I know Marshall not coming to me next time). When we go to the poll and vote we should be voting for ourselves, not for someone. The party must be able to clearly articulate how their plans will create jobs and or secure my job. Public servants don’t allows think of job security, but when governments make bad decisions, they are the one who stand to suffer through salary freeze and possible job layoff.

    I was speaking to a friend back home who always complaint how things are so bad in DA. No sales, business slow, ray ray ray. I said you always complaining but you supported Skerrit and will support him again. The person kinda thought for a moment then said, “I going to ask Skerrit for some money to help me because things really bad.” All I could say is people like all you that have Dominica so. I think that’s the kind of Dominica Skerrit wants to build, one that “needs” him and can’t do without him. I don’t get the impression he is so much interested in helping people help themselves. When I read the online newspapers and talk to people back home, you will hear a lot about what Skerrit and the government has given, but little about creating jobs. Because if you get a job and can help yourself, you won’t need them anymore.

    I ask all Dominica to put aside the emotions that are associated with elections and make an intelligent decision next time around. Because I can see the warning signs all over a worst situation in Dominica if things continue along the current lines.

    • Intrepid traveller
      December 18, 2013

      You do know Barbados remains by far the highest ranked country in the developing world on the HDI and indexes which rate progress of countries and people. That’s not going to change with the cutting of 3000 temporary jobs. Nobody mention the billions of FDI investment lined up for Barbados in 2014 starting with Sugar Point cruise terminal. That project alone is bigger than any construction effort ever undertaken in Dominica including the Chinese stadium. Add to that Barbados’ experience of austerity measures before which they easily overcame. Expect the resilient Bajans to scale this hurdle too.

  16. joko
    December 17, 2013

    UWP will fix it.

  17. shaka zulu
    December 17, 2013

    It is amazing that our people here making this a skeritt lennox thing. We fail to understand the facts ib the story. The barbados gov realize there current public sector is bloated and unsustainable. The story also says it is going ti put in place opportunities for private sector growth to absorb the job loss. It tells me the bdos gov is doing the inevitable.

    Like many caribbean islands our people and leadership in dominica thinks the only time you are considered employed is when you work for the Gov. (By PM own admission). The borrom line is our public sector is bloated that’s why civil servants cannot get raise for donkey years and when you do get a position it takes months to get an increase. The government brags about paying on time and money is constantly borrowed to meet commitments. Sooner or later it will come crashing down if we do not create an atmosphere for greater private sector growth.

    Barbados is at least being honest with themselves and there economic capacity. Let it be a lesson.

  18. One Love
    December 17, 2013

    My advice to the B/dos government is to blame the opposition for your failure and incompetence then call in the IMF (that strategy worked for Dominica)

    I remember that when this regime came in many years ago they did such a dismal job with the economy that they had to surrender our financial management to the IMF who did a tough but magnificent job of restoring our economy. Thank you IMF

    • Peeping Tom
      December 17, 2013

      :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    • Anonymous
      December 17, 2013

      Get your facts straight. Was it this or the previous regime that damaged the economy to the extent that the IMF had to be called in??? Remember who borrowed the millions at 15-20% interest and couldn’t pay civil servants?????

      • >
        December 17, 2013

        @ Anonymous. It’s this government of course. Corruption and thievery.

    • Tell it like is
      December 17, 2013

      The Oxford Policy Management

      The catastrophic effect of “the Trinidad Bonds” on the government’s finances, fiscal condition, and economy, is reflected in a number of reports. Two important reports are the Interim Report of 12th October 2001, and Final Report, prepared by Mr. Allan Roe of the Oxford Policy Management. Under the heading MAIN ISSUES in the Interim Report Mr. Roe states; “Stock of Public Debt has Risen Rapidly (74%-100% of the GDP in FOUR years.” Four years from October 2001 includes the financial years 1997/1998, 1998/1999 and 1999/2000, the last three financial years under “the management” of the UWP Government.

      And under the heading MAIN FAILURES IN DEBT MANAGEMENT Mr. Allan Roe stated; “Ill-advised borrowings for major projects since 1999 large amounts at high interest rate for projects with questionable pay back possibilities.” (Underlined for emphasis). The projects referred to by Mr. Roe are the international airport and stadium proposed by the UWP Government.

    • >
      December 17, 2013

      @ Tell it as is. why did you stay away from thievery, greediness and corruption. Are you a hypocrite, or a yard fowl? Well for your information this government has done almost irreparable damage to Dominica. Thanks God we have the brain in ‘TEAM DOMINICA’ TO UNDO THE DAMAGE.You must be one of those who are aiding and abetting in the rape of Dominica, but thanks God it will soon end. BOBOL,KICKBACKS,CORRUPTION,ETC WILL ALSO REQUIRE ANSWERS.

  19. Valley Rat
    December 17, 2013

    When your comrade house catch fire, take water and out yours, ours is next, as its an ongoing flow over the horizon. More to come.

    • lulu
      December 17, 2013

      you are such an idiot. Is this what u are wishing for yr country?

    • Anonymous
      December 17, 2013

      Only because, as a child my mom would constantly use that saying in patois to threaten us, I felt compelled to correct you.” This saying when translated in English literally says: when your comrades’ beard catch on fire, take water and sprinkle yours!”

  20. look out
    December 17, 2013

    Well look ignorance with some people in Dominica. Stick to the point, be on your p’s and q’s. No matter how big a country is, they go through financial problems. Pray that it does not happen in Dominica. If 3,000 people loose their job in Dominica, well Crappo smoke our pipe.

    There are so many reasons for lay off in any country. Is like running your own home. Things might be rosy now, but in a twinkle of an eye some thing will go wrong, and you will see how hard that would be. Instead of pointing fingers here and there, lets pray for the Barbados government. The way thing are going now, is not if we going to have layoffs in Dominica, but when.

  21. Undecided Voter2
    December 16, 2013

    Nice move DNO, nice move. It’s not about slapping the PM, it’s about supporting the work he is doing for Dominica. As you clearly point out to us, the grass is not greener on the other side. The PM is doing a good job compared to other regional governments. Right now, Dominica needs all the help it can get now, whether it is from the Chinese or Japanese. We taking all donations even from the Opposition if they willing to help. One Nation,One Mission.

  22. >>>>>>>>>>>>
    December 16, 2013

    WHERE IS HARTLEY HENRY? So he cannot help Barbados, but is Dominica he wants to help? You can really see our politicians in government, are no brainers.

  23. I Like Skerrit.
    December 16, 2013

    Can someone say where are all the Skerrit haters on this article. Guess this story has sunk home and now realise how silly their IMF economist and Job Creator King Pin Lennox Linton really is.

    Why so few comments on this blog? Come on guys tell us how Messrs Linton, Fontaine and the Lawyer from Newtown Joshua Francis would/could help Barbados with this problem.

  24. %_
    December 16, 2013

    Hire Linton and some of the brilliant men/women in the UWP TEAM, and they will show you all how to create about 10 000 jobs in three years.

  25. Ben Dover
    December 16, 2013

    Bajan gov’t please hire Skerrit and his gang. This is what he promised Dominicans within the past couple months.

    Austrie in Penville in August: “He (Prime Minister Skerrit) is out of state and I can give you some good news, that he will be coming back with about 300 brand new jobs whenever he arrives in Dominica.”

    In September the PM and is allies promised 3,000 jobs in through ICT parks and the AID Bank.

    During the Labour Party convention in Pointe Michel Skerrit promised 500 new jobs by the end of September

    At a speech in Layou in October, Skerrit promised a further 400 jobs

    Add that up… many jobs is that?

    Mister creating more jobs than Linton eh. HIRE HIM.

    • Tell it like is
      December 17, 2013

      whom should i believe can and will create JOBS for Dominican ? I believe i will have to be fooled by the PM who has always hold down a JOB, has NEVER been fired, over someone who has NOT put in a days work for the past 5 years or more WHO has admit he can NOT find work, NO one(NOT EVEN HIS FRIEND WITH BUSINESS)want to hire him. Wow i wonder thy that is ? anyone ? someone ? Help please, can someone answer that question ? am still waiting. 5000 JOBS in 5 years ? is this cartoon network lets get real.

  26. Ben Dover
    December 16, 2013

    The Bajans them could hire Skerrit and his disciples and get those jobs back easily. Here is what was promised to Dominicans. LOL

  27. Intrepid traveller
    December 16, 2013

    That’s a beautiful picture of part of downtown Bridgetown? Dominica has any area looking like that?

    • Nature Isle
      December 16, 2013

      No island in the Caribbean can touch the rare NATURAL beauty that the Nature Isle possesses. From the valleys to the waterfalls, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Caribbean Sea, from the rustic village houses to the beautiful people who call it home…Dominica IS the most breathtaking island in the world! It is also an island where haters are welcomed with open arms. So when are you going to be coming for a visit? :-D

      • Dominican
        December 17, 2013

        Love this… :lol:

      • I Like!!
        December 17, 2013

        All these islands are unique and beautiful in their own way…

  28. American
    December 16, 2013

    Dominica next, after skerro win the elections u all will cry blood :lol:

    • T
      December 16, 2013

      WIN MY FOOT. You believe a lap dog like you will give him victory? Well you better go find work to do.

  29. Let's Blame Skerrit.
    December 16, 2013

    Let Lennox Linton teach the Bajans haw to create thousands of job. He has said that Dominica is the poorest Island in the Caribbean, and with that record he can create 5000 jobs in 5 years, guess he will create twice as many in less that one year.

    Lennox blame Skerrit for Barbados financial problems. Skerrit doesn’t have a clue of finances.

    • anonymous2
      December 16, 2013

      You can create all the jobs you want for DA. The bigger problem is that people don’t want to work. They want to do as little as possible and get paid big money.

  30. Joe
    December 16, 2013

    Lennox and the IMF economist (according to q95)should go there to help Sinclair and Stewart manage the economy i know they would help them keep the 3000 jobs and within 12 months create an additional 5000 (Barbados should be easier to manage-corruption free).
    Can someone please pass on this message to them for me?? LMAO

    • ____________________
      December 16, 2013

      WELL SAID.I could not have said it better.

  31. December 16, 2013

    Dominica next elections then job cuttttsssss. Public servants watch the colors u wear

  32. PIERRO
    December 16, 2013

    Barbados PM need to take a leaf from Peirro’s book. Show some testicular fortitude. AND WE SAYING DA BAD

  33. Doc. Love
    December 16, 2013

    The saying that one’s country comes first does not pertain to Hartley Henry, Skeritt’s political advisor. The Barbados Government is about to cut 3000 jobs in three months. Hartley can advise Skeritt how to produce jobs in Dominica, but he cannot advise his own Government how to either save or produce jobs. Skeritt and the Government of Dominica should seriously consider making the services of Mr. Lennox Linton, Mr. Thompson Fontaine and Mr. Joshua Francis available to the Bajans for they have made it absolutely clear that they can produce 5000 jobs in three years.

  34. Lol
    December 16, 2013

    And UWP will give 5000 jobs in 3 years, O no 7000 now. Boy them man taking us for fools

  35. Ben Haynes PsyD
    December 16, 2013

    We have seen Barbados for what it is worth. A country rich enough to place their citizens on the firing line, or a country that is fooling itself just to look good. Is it fair to say that the administration was living a big lie all along. And to think that they will not fix this mess but send out weak apologies. We can only hope that those coming behind would be spared this fate. This is a big lesson for other countries in the Caribbean. Either shape their economies to fit the status quo, or play the election game and go bankrupt later. What a mess, a damage to law abiding citizens that follow these government, then thrown out on their behinds because the failures, the greed of their governments were kept secretly throughout their reigns. Well, China is waiting.

  36. Anonymous
    December 16, 2013

    More pressure for Bajans.

  37. real possie
    December 16, 2013

    Guess u had no choice but to run it now like say people are living in the fifty’s.

  38. Anonymous
    December 16, 2013

    Ant to think the blue fellas want to fool Dominicans in voting them in promising 5000 jobs. that is after those fellas couldn’t even pay civil sevants on time the last time they were in power. Dominicans better take heed and don’t jump from the frying pan into the fire!!! I is so easy to take all the accomplishments of the DLP for granted, but any objective individual MUST admit that this government has done a remarkable job and keeping this country afloat in the face of a global crisis. Like it or not!!!!!!

    • Anonymous
      December 17, 2013

      At least you admit we in di frying pan…let me tell you the difference between there and the fire…in di frying pan the torture and dying is elongated…at least in the fire you get it over and done with quickly.

  39. Just Blaze
    December 16, 2013

    Wow I guess things really hard everywhere not just Dominica.

    • ??????????????
      December 16, 2013

      Don’t fool yourself it is the hardest in Dominica, because we have an administration who cares about self too much. YOU CANNOT GIVE GREEDY MEN TO SHARE FOOD!

    • um
      December 16, 2013

      Don’t be fooled by this… its true that it is difficult everywhere but what upsets me about this current administration is that there are a number of things that can be done to improve Dominica’s economy that have been left untouched… And worse of they getting assistance from china… The money they receive they make a lot of poor investments with it… I mean 27 million dollar state house? How is that going to stimulate revenue for the economy?

      27 million dollars.. Set up infrastructure to develope a juice plant using our natural fruits and vegetable…

      27 million dollars bring together all our innovative IT specialist both home and abroad to developed business class softwares to sell to businesses in neighbouring countries and also provide paid support

      27 million dollar Dominica would not die if we lose one mountain developed infrastructures to harvest lumber to make ply wood and stuff like that to reduce the imports on building material..

      27 million dollars improve agriculture buy researching and learning knew ways to grow our crops to make it better and to educate our farmers also since skerrit have so much interpersonal skills expand our agriculture market

      Provide insentive to local business whose products makes it to the international market giving them the ability to increase quality of their products buy reducing the cost to make the product… Reduce taxes duty free etc you can also provide grants to those business to put forward to the improvements of their products

      I mean i am non expert but their is no way you gonna solve to countries economic problem without a little out of the box thinking… Instead they are stuck on tourism… If things are difficult everywhere dont you think that tourism would greatly be affected? They just seat on their ass and play a political game fooling the eyes of dominicans.

    • um
      December 16, 2013

      Technology is the future… No matter what happens in the economy there is one thing that always must remain up to certain standards and that technology… Without technology it would be like we are on mars and the rest of the world on earth

      Dominica lacks innovation many of our skilled proffessionals leave this country for better opportunities overseas or their skills dies off… While a young man might have the heart of a software engineer his forced to work a 8 to 7 job at astaphans doing help desk support…

      Why do you think China is doing so well? Everything can be found in China.. I always say if Dominica just have one Google plex that just solving our economical crisis right there. But why would Google set up a Google plex in a counry where its population of software engineers is practically 0.

      The government has close relations with china but instead of making china teach us how to fish.. We take the fish… Software Engineering all thats required to start a business so are greatminds and a computer…amd they can bring in millions into the economy… When is the government going to start tackling this?

    • Anonymous
      December 17, 2013

      No kidding

  40. Listening!!!
    December 16, 2013

    Where is Hartley Henry the Bajan…..Your country need advice.

    You cannot help them in B/dos…. How will you be able to help our PM being his main advisor.

    DA tax payers money given to Hartley for FREE.

  41. blind bat
    December 16, 2013

    It would seem so hahahahaha. Hold strong BARBADOS make the sacrifice and you will bounce back.

  42. December 16, 2013

    Soon they will send foreigners to their home land,some may end up in Dominica.The government already promised 500jobs will be created next year.

  43. Toomatoe Tomato
    December 16, 2013

    3,000 jobs? No problem for the UWP Leader here on island. He can show Barbados what they are doing wrong and how to get 3,000 in no time at all, a piece of Christmas cake.

    After all he has jumped from providing 3,000 jobs in three years to 7,000 and maybe even 10,000.

  44. Antilles Cement
    December 16, 2013

    The Barbados Government has sent out a search and rescue for lennox linton and the uwp to create these 3000 jobs they say they would create in DA

  45. Hard Labour
    December 16, 2013

    But I find Barbados Governments lacking fiscal discipline these days. What is happening to the Sun, Sea, and White Sand Beaches? All you have International Airport, University, Embassies, all size of Hotels, bigger population than Dominica to have economies of Scale plus all kind of Regional and International Offices is in B/dos it is.

    Skerrit is human and is a sinner like me and all who have sinned but at least for the almost 10 years Skerrit is Prime Minister I can say God bless the little wisdom, knowledge, and commonsense he have and he still looking handsome.

    For that I going and vote for him five more years Hard Labour Power for d more we criticize is d more he delivering and he always have a charming smile. I voting him till his hair get white!!!!!

  46. Carson C. Cadogan
    December 16, 2013


  47. wild bill
    December 16, 2013

    Skerrit that cause that.

    • .
      December 16, 2013

      :-D :-D :-D
      Great sense of humor

    • Ma Doris/La Plaine
      December 16, 2013

      Lennox Linton must go to Barbados and create 10, 000 jobs in one year. That is possible since it is believed that Barbados is wealthier. If he can create 5000 jobs in 3 years in a poor country. He sure can. Maybe Thompson Fontaine will indicate how many jobs to create.

    • really
      December 16, 2013

      Like really… Jesus Christ I need to leave this ignorant country. What that have to do with the prime minister of dominica. Awa… whoever u are u going too far

      • muchtosay
        December 17, 2013

        OU TOE SORT!!! you cannot take a joke?

      • Dominican
        December 17, 2013

        Please see the humor in this posting… :lol:

    • forreal
      December 16, 2013

      you mocking skerrit haters or what :-D pardner carefull dem people doh put obeah on you :-D

    • NEEDY
      December 16, 2013

      Barbados needs Lennox and his team to create 3000 jobs in 3 years. BOYS NOW IS THE TIME TO PROVE ALL YOU SELF AND COME ELECTIONS WE WILL VOTE ALL YOU.

    • met yo
      December 16, 2013

      Are you an idiot or a monkey? Why would dno not censor that

    • surething
      December 16, 2013

      Lol. It would have to be Skerrit!! Let’s just blame him for everything happening globally, cos I’m sure he would have something to do with it!! It’s good to have a sense of humour, when all around us is collapsing. May those affected find satisfactory employment.

    • Anonymous
      December 16, 2013

      Lol I know!

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