CARICOM unable to settle on Commonwealth Secretary General candidate

Scotland (left) is Dominica's candidate and Sanders is Antigua's
Scotland (left) is Dominica’s candidate and Sanders is Antigua’s

CARICOM has not been able to settle on a Caribbean candidate for the post of Commonwealth Secretary General.

CARICOM Heads met in Barbados last week for their annual summit but no consensus was reached.

Speaking to reporters after the summit, CARICOM chairman, Barbados Prime Minister Freundel Stuart, said they “didn’t even get to the issue” because discussions were dominated by the Venezuela-Guyana border dispute.

He noted that the matter will now go before the Bureau of Caribbean Heads, which he chairs.

“Now if the last time the Caribbean’s turn came around was in the 1970’s, really what we are being called upon to do now is to make a decision that will have implications for the next 40 years and therefore that decision cannot be made lightly,” Stuart said. “But at the same time we have to recognize that even as we speak, time is passing by. Therefore we have to accord some urgency to it.”

A new person to lead the 53-member Commonwealth will be chosen at the Heads of Government conference in Malta in November.

Two nominees were up for consideration at the CARICOM summit: former UK Attorney General, Dominican-born Baroness Patricia Scotland, who is Dominica’s candidate, and Antigua and Barbuda’s candidate, Sir Ronald Sanders, a former diplomat.

The matter has caused some level of division among regional countries but Dominica’s Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit, is insisting that the island’s candidate is the best.

“We maintained that Dominica has the best candidate, we maintain that we have the most qualified candidate and we maintain that we have the candidate that we believe that can address the issues confronting the Commonwealth because of her vast knowledge, she having worked with governments, internationally and so forth, understand what it takes to deal with the concerns affecting the CARICOM,” he said at a recent press conference.

He said he hopes that reality will soon sink in for the other CARICOM states.

“My hope is that reality will sink in and there will be one candidate, that is Baroness Scotland to put forward…” he remarked. “But at the end of the day this is a democracy and nothing in law says or in the article of the revised treaty of Chagaramas which says that shouldn’t be.”

Meanwhile Stuart is giving the reassurance that the matter is not a dead one and moves are being made to settle it speedily.

“Now in an ideal world we should not have been in that situation, but we are in it and if you are in a hole, the sensible thing to do is to stop digging,” he said. “And that is what we’re doing, we’re going to try to get this matter resolved as quickly as possible, because it has implications for what other regions of the world might want to do if we continue to appear as though we’re hesitating and fumbling over this issue.”

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  1. Francisco Telemaque
    July 9, 2015

    Francisco Doctor Benji is from wesely I am sure he would happy to see you.
    “Lang Mama She is a woman” – WTF !!!!!!!. Let me repeat my statement and hope that Francisco get it.

    Here is what you wrote Lang Mama!

    “Skerrit thinks that Baroness Scotland is the best Man for the job!!!!!”

    If you say Skerrit thinks she is the best man for the job, when she is a woman I think you need to go visit with Griffin; tell him I sent you he might treat you for free. Indeed he will be happy to see me, because its been a long time since the last time we saw each other. He was on vacation from med school the last time we speak.

    He will not be glad to see me as a psychiatric patient, he will be happy to see me because we are closely related, since his late father’s mother is the biological aunt of crazy Francisco, if you think I am crazy oui!


  2. Shaka zulu
    July 7, 2015

    You see the problem is not whether one is better than the other. These are two accomplished individuals who I think will both do a great job. They are both highly intelligent and have already displayed their learning capability. What I do not like is the philosophy Skeritt has that says because she has worked in England she knows better how to deal with these larger countries. This is a disrespect to Caribbean diplomats and intellectuals and playing on the thought that we cannot compete with the rest unless we come from the powerful countries or linked with them. Secondly he convinced himself that he knows best and his choice must be final. Typical of how he has dealt with his fellow parliamentarians. Let the decisions of many prevail that of one.

    • Joe
      July 8, 2015

      I concur.

      This lady drafted a law for the UK and she spectacularly broke it and was fined for this transgression

      • Titiwi
        July 8, 2015

        Joe, not often I agree with you but what you are saying is fact. She could have been fined £10,000 but they took pity on her and she only paid £5,000. She also took £7.500 per day payment from the leader of the Maldives, who took power by overthrowing a democratically elected government and she was heavily criticised for that by many people in the Commonwealth of all political parties. To me she is just a ruthless and ambitious opportunist, playing on the sentiments of our people to get her way and I detest that.

      • Shaka zulu
        July 8, 2015

        Yes she did. I remember…

  3. Shameless
    July 7, 2015

    If Skerro doh kill us within the next five years he sure will daycarlay Ma Dominique with his nonsense. But Dominicans must start looking beyond those dimples, free tablet (not coconut tablet), pie in the sky promises, brown envelopes handed in dark corners and the red clinic. If not, chew-nou route paytay! :twisted:

    Assertive, NOT Aggressive! :twisted:

  4. whoops
    July 7, 2015

    We are so obviously obsessed and delusional with political biases that we fail to see anything beyond blue or red. We are like animals who eat their own. In your own twisted and obnoxious mindset she is the clone of Skerro, so you spit hatred and vile words. You are eating your own. You sleep with hatred and preach hatred. Is that what our nation is about? What is in there for you haters?

    • fantastic4
      July 7, 2015

      WHOOPS I want to agree with you but we need to go back to the starting point to see who is really eating who. It was agreed that CARICOM would go as A united front WITH one candidate. So Saunders was the one being looked at right! It was Skerrit in the name of Dominica who selfishly went up to England to pronounce that Dominica is standing on its own with its nomination. If we should view your logic from anunbiased point of view we would agree that was the wrong approach. If we were going as a block, as CARICOM, why should Dominica clandestinely go at the back of CARICOM to nominate its own candidate. Hear what the Bajan PM had to say “ Now, in an ideal world we should not have been in that situation, but we are in it and if you are in a hole, the sensible thing to do is to stop digging,” Question who is responsible for putting us in that hole? is it because of the two candidates? Are we like animals who eat their own? Is that what our nation is about? to circumvent CARICOM?

    • malaywe crying
      July 8, 2015

      I still don’t understand what was said is so offensive to you. Every one has their opinion and conviction and it seems OK for Skerrit to have his say even though he seems to be draconionizing his views. Let every one feel free and express themselves just as Skerrit is passionate about his own. You must be colour-centered yourself to be so condemning. Lets look at things outside the box, 40 years down the road. I feel boxed in by individuals belonging to strange brotherhood societies, their style, behaviours, utterances so dictates and stays far from the concensus.

  5. Tom
    July 7, 2015

    Really!!! I read this comments with dismay and has come to the reality that as Dominicans we are going nowhere. How can any sensible Dominican support anyone else when this lady who is eminently qualified for the job. She certainly has British support and possibly Australia, Canada etc.
    Where this Dominican mentality coming from where the belief is everyone is better than the Dominican and every regional organization should be in some other place other than Dominica. Don’t let your political bias or hatred of Skerrit cloud your judgement. Now is Dominica’s time.

    • fantastic4
      July 7, 2015

      Bro nonsense Dominica time is always there but we support principle – Dr Ettienne is a Dominican she heads PAHO; Stephenson is the Head of IICA he is a Dominican, Isaac is head of SXM Met Services he is a Dominican. Casimir is head of a regional organization he is a Dominican, Larocque is Dominican he is the head of the CARICOM secretariat; and there are lots more Dominicans who head regional and international organization and we are all proud of them so what’s the point is Dominica’s turn. You all hate to operate on principle that is all you problem.

    • malaywe crying
      July 8, 2015

      You see you are clouded yourself. We are looking at the bigger picture that is why we belong to the bigger organization CARICOM. It is not a Dominica thing and who says because we are Dominican we should support anything Dominica presents whether good or bad. I am not saying Baroness Scotland is not a suitable candidate, the point you are making is not about she being the best candidate, you are only concerned with supporting the individual because she is Dominican. In fact, she should be stricken off because her nomination did not go through the proper channel; dictatorship again. We all belong to the Common Market and any individual from the Common Market should be acceptable, for that reason we sit and let the decision be taken and be happy with it. Why do we have to be so passionate that this individual MUST be SELECTED. Am having now to raise eyebrows, is there something more behind this? This man’s nomination went through the RIGHT CHANNEL, he should be the candidate

  6. Views Expressed
    July 7, 2015

    We need Sanders, a well researched and written public diplomat who is well read and comments admirably and objectively on Caribbean politics.- disturbing as it is
    What has Baroness Scotland written lately about the Caribbean or in that matter Dominica? Has she questioned on good governance, gave guidance on election fraud in Dominica????
    Where has she been?
    Sanders has all the credentials to Commonwealth Head…..Dominica MUST vote for Sanders
    Baroness Scotland please advise Skerrit that he should exit government, he and his government politics are questionable

    • Francisco Telemaque
      July 7, 2015

      Yes, he has the credential, but he is the same one who screwed Dominica in the past, because Dominicans’ as they the Antiguan’s say are foolie (Stupid!).

      And that’s all I will say about that, but if he is given the position, history will repeat itself. Sometimes retirement is the best option, especially when we have long served our purpose!

    July 7, 2015

    To Quote Skerrit “If you are in a hole the Sensible thing to do , is stop Digging!” So DEAR PRIME MINISTER shouldn’t you be taking this same advise? Funny how we can point out other people’s fault and just completely Ignore our own shortcomings! It’s time you put the Interest of Dominicans before your own selfish needs. Patricia Scotland’s appointment is simply self-Gratification on your part. So stop flexing your muscles to influence the outcome. let the Democratic Process decide which Candidate is best suited for the Post. you seem to use the words ‘Law’ and ‘Democracy’ loosely but have no regard for the real meaning!

    • ???
      July 7, 2015

      Idiot! Are you sure these were the words of Roosvelt Skerrit? You are so full of hate for the man that you will use other people’s quote and say it’s Skerrit’s own. Weh, weh, weh!

      • malaywe crying
        July 8, 2015

        You seem to be using the word “hate” frivolously. Its your opinion, nobody hates Skerrit, its in his interest we would all like to see him see things as they are, not how it wants it.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      July 7, 2015

      You are right!

      I express practically the same sentiments in a post; DNO for whatever reason I don’t know did not print it. However, Skerrit is pushing to get this woman into the position for no other reason than believing if she is selected, that will help him to get a feather in his cap!

      What I mean by that is; as you said he has nominated her for no other reason except self-gratification! This woman is a British citizen, she has been out of Dominica longer than I have. How can you represent a Caribbean people in anything when you know little of the Caribbean in general.

      How are you going to cope with any position held in England, and another in the Caribbean? I will say nether she nor Sanders deserve the position!

      Who want to call me stupid I could care less: My name is Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque; she/he who are not stupid has no name, if you are so smart identify yourself by name; you can’t because you are a nobody!

  8. DUH
    July 7, 2015

    That’s because that “Disgraced member of Parliament” is supported by the leader of the most corrupt and Criminal Enterprise in the Caribbean! This is all part his “Master Plan” so he can push forward his Agenda! Guess what, the God we serve is not going to let this happen! His people have cried out and he heard our Prayers. Skerrit and his Cabal must go!!!!!!!

  9. Lang Mama
    July 7, 2015

    Skerrit thinks that Baroness Scotland is the best Man gor the job!!!!!

    • Francisco Telemaque
      July 7, 2015

      Lang Mama, she is a woman, not a man: one of the reasons I dislike her is because of her foolish ambition: pretending she is so much British that her Dominica accent which she was born with is less attractive than the fake British accent she try so hard to develop.

      My children are all born in Antigua, my youngest came here when she was three years old, could hardly speak, but the minuet she opens her mouth, you will know, and recognized her Antigua accident! An accent is something people are born with, and it cannot be disguise easily.

      I am born in Dominica, lived in Antigua, England, and Germany, and living in America for 35 years, as of may of this year: my Wesley accent has not left me nor faded. I (doh) how to talk America, because people born indifferent States across America, accent is totally different, so which one should I adapt if I chose to be like that Dominica woman?

      • July 7, 2015

        Mister stupid eh!!1

      • July 8, 2015

        Accents work differently with different people. Consider Dominicans who have moved to the U.S.: some retain a strong Dominican accent their whole lives, while others naturally grow to sound more like their American neighbours.

      • Francisco Telemaque
        July 8, 2015

        My friend you have to be joking!

        In the first place Steve, the American born accent are all different, one born in Texas accent is completely different to a New York accent, to a California, to a Utah, Ohio; if you want to prove that take a trip and visit Tennessee.

        Any Dominican born who comes to America, and believe when they make a fool of themselves playing American is a fool; there is always going to be the time when the Dominica accent pop out! The Dominican scenario is that American talk through their nose, and that’s what gives them their accent; no such thing; Dominicans try that crap.

        When I was in the Job market I went to an Oil Refinery to apply for a job there was a country boy from Dominica there looking for a job also. I heard him in conversation playing Yankee; I simply ask him where in Dominica are you from, he told me; I eventually told him I am from Wesley.

        If I say his name and village people will know him, one of his relatives was Prime Minister of…

      • Lang Mama
        July 8, 2015

        Francisco Doctor Benji is from wesely I am sure he would happy to see you.
        “Lang Mama She is a woman” – WTF !!!!!!!. Let me repeat my statement and hope that Francisco get it.

        Skerrit thinks that Baroness Scotland is the best Man for the job!!!!!

      • July 8, 2015

        Francisco Telemacqe why are you such an igrnamous. I left Dominica at the age of 8 and settled in the UK and I speak with a genuine british accent. You seem to have a problem with the ladies accent. I would be happy to offer you elocution lessons free of charge where you can learn to speak english correctly similar to baroness scotland.

      • Francisco Telemaque
        July 9, 2015

        “Francisco Telemacqe why are you such an igrnamous. I left Dominica at the age of 8 and settled in the UK and I speak with a genuine british accent”(know it all).

        If that is the case you are a phony, and a fraud! You call me ignorant, If that’s what you meant; you say you speak with a genuine British accent, that’s where you made a fool out of yourself, because someone else should determine that not you!

        Have you ever heard of a doctor operating removing his brain, that’s you.

        If you live in England from age eight (8) and you spell surname the way you wrote it, and British in all lower case letters in addition to this: “igrnamous” what is that; is that your British accent? That alone is an indication that you are an uneducated idiot!

        Man I lived at 103 Carters Mead Harlow, in Essex, just off Potter Street, okay so I know a genuine British accent when I hear it! As I said I have a daughter came here at age 3; she is in her thirties with her Antigua accent!

  10. Ray Charles
    July 7, 2015

    We should all be excited that we have a Dominican vying for the position, we a here talking a Skerrit this Skerrit that. Come on my people politics has it time and place. Let’s all rally and support Dominica. The Dominica we all claim to love

    • Views Expressed
      July 7, 2015

      Skerrits reputation does not encourage us to take him seriously. We do not trust him.
      Dominica should vote Sanders

      • magway sa
        July 7, 2015

        So you saying because Skerrit is not your cup of tea we shouldn’t stand behind our own??? Half of the people commenting don’t even know who Ronald Sanders is, or what influence he’s had on the commonwealth, but just because Skerrit is the one who nominated Baroness Scotland she’s no good. If he hadn’t and some other country had we’d be quick to say why didn’t the PM nominate one of ours..he was too busy filling his pockets. There is no pleasing Dumbinicans. We just don’t support our own, whether it be music, education, whatever. We quick to adopt a foreign culture and cry down our own. This crabs in a barrel mentality needs to end. Not everything is about politics. Right now the commonwealth needs someone with experience, the education and vast knowledge in the affairs of the Commonwealth and Baroness Scotland is the one for the job whether it was Skerrit who nominated her or not. Let’s rally behind our own. It’s time Dominica started making a name for itself.

      • Titiwi
        July 8, 2015

        Baroness Scotland is our own? Carcon, she left Dominica when she was three years old and made her life in England. Her civil name is mrs, Patricia Mawhinny, after her English barrister husband, who is the brother of Brian Mawhinny, one time chairman of the British Conservative party. She is more British than most people born in England. She is a member of the House of Lords! but now she want to play up her roots and Caribbean heritage when it suits her. Are we so desperate for recognition that we swallow that crap. No Baroness, I’m not taking that. I’m not going to be used like that.You need us more to feed your ambition than we need you.

    • July 7, 2015

      She need to practice what she preach, while she was pretending ro be against undocumented people in the UK, advocating against them, here it was that her mad was not legally entitled to work in the UK, therefore she is not to be trusted, your leader have no power whatsoever to throw her in our faces, the way he treats you Dominican people, CARICOM needs someone with integrity, someone who is truthful, someone qho is accountable, we in the caribbena knows more about MR Sanders and little about your Prime Miniter candidate, yes her country of birth is Dominica, this Dominican guy need to know that we will not tolorate his behavior he likes putting strangers up and his own coutry people do and we are not in his bull, he need to know that CARICOM is not only Dominica

      • malaywe crying
        July 8, 2015

        All of a sudden Baroness Scotland is so Dominican and more Dominican than those of us who have toiled and languished this DA soil? Where was Baroness Scotland all the time? All my Life under all the various governments in Office, Eugenia Freedom Party, Patrick Labour Party, Edison Workers Party and all other individual Political Parties in the past, never ever heard of the name Baroness Scotland. In fact it came as a big surprise recently when we heard of her in the UK House so she was not known to us at all as one of us; What is the big thing, she is well placed where she is in the UK and she is going to have to integrate and feel her way through before settling down in the position. Baroness can stay where she is and let us run our business in the Caribbean Region.

  11. lol
    July 7, 2015

    Baroness Scotland I think you are an excellent candidate, and I wish you the best of luck in trying to gain this post, may God be with you!

  12. AA
    July 7, 2015

    What a weak ass organisation this caricom is, how the hell can the organisation not choose Sanders when the majority of the members of the organisation is supporting that candidate? how the heal can a candidate that has two supporters compare with one that have all the rest supporting them. this is why this caricom organisation is just a waste of time and why they will not be taken seriously in the international community. these members are a waste of time just pure waste.

  13. Ryan
    July 7, 2015

    Skerrit what is in it for u ?? Y u want that lady so bad in such position … ?? It’s just a simple question from an ordinary citizen…to me I don’t think this lady can represent Dominica and the rest of the Caribbean, she has lived all her life in the UK I don’t think she knows enough about us and our best interest…I’m very proud of her achievements as a black woman and of Dominican parentage but it’s way more than that ….

  14. July 7, 2015

    Grell you are a d….sh, What do you expect Skeritt to do? Abandon his candidate so you and the other Skeritt haters will feel good.

  15. ??
    July 7, 2015

    What a stupid comment…..

    • Views Expressed
      July 7, 2015

      ??, are you implicating yourself with this statement…?????….really “what a stupid comment” you are making

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