Dominican to be deported from Antigua

A national of the Commonwealth of Dominica was ordered deported back to his country of birth after the Immigration Department made an application for his removal.

Mc Kelson Nisbitt appeared before Chief Magistrate Joanne Walsh and pleaded guilty to remaining in Antigua & Barbuda after the expiration of a permit.

The court heard that Nisbitt was taken into custody by the Immigration department on January 20.

In April 2011, he was arrested by the police on another matter, which was dismissed for want of prosecution on January 10 this year.


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  1. Anonymous
    January 26, 2012

    when u wrong u wrong 14yrs in them people place and u never went for extension is you home that man

  2. shy
    January 25, 2012

    In st martin 3000 native st martiners can vote and 6000 haitians can.Do you know what this means?They have taken over,soon this will be the situation in dominica.

    • is me
      January 26, 2012

      haitians hv the businesses goin! thats what will happen when lazy ppl do not want to wrk! who run the buses in st martin? haitians! who own the restaurants? haitians! sit on ur butts and ill speak these ppl! they make a meaningful contribution! stupes!

    • truth be told
      January 29, 2012

      I quite agree with you. Dominicans will soon second class citizens in their own country. Wait and you will tell me I was right.

  3. shy
    January 25, 2012

    I thought some fools say that they don’t deport dominicans from other countries.What is this ,i would like to know.They doing it to your people and everyone just coming and establish themself in dominica.

    • shy
      January 25, 2012

      And geting our passport as they arrive.

  4. Observer
    January 25, 2012

    Calculate 14 years x $150. tell me how much you get?? the story says the man never had an extension since he enter the country….. why do we always try to find justification for wrong doing..the man was illegal in the country.. If he was legal and they deport him then I could understand the fuss!!! but he BROKE THE LAW! and the fact that he remained illegal means he either never worked or he was working illegally.. So how did he maintain himself .. It leaves one to speculate..

  5. Jay
    January 25, 2012

    Dominica should deport no body we need that buying power.

  6. Hear me Out (Xtra)M
    January 25, 2012

    So many people doin that …stupes..for me we should stay where we want how long we want eh … where ever we feel comfortable, think god pleased with that law therr..all country is country , God place the earth there 4 all humans..he never say peter stay d/a and paul stay lucia ! stupes

  7. concern
    January 25, 2012

    well am sorry but some dominican want to spoil their own name. look last year december the girl(paula perterson) that was bringing $63.000 in antigua what was the reason? we dnt know but they said it was for drug, ect… we need to stop those shit and leave like a clean dominican. we wont blame people in their country.

  8. Playboy
    January 25, 2012

    It’s very likely that there are as many Dominicans in Antigua as native Antiguans, so what are some of you making such a big, unjustified fuss aabout?
    In 1989, Dr. Lennox Honeychurch said there were 20,000 of them there. That was 23 years ago, so we can imagine what the figure is now.
    Let’s be real. Antigua is going through a bit of a rough patch now. Do we not expect them to be a little more protective of their turf, and reserve the fewer jobs for their natives, and be just a bit more hostile to non-Antiguans?
    It’s the same every where else. So what the heck?

  9. Deon
    January 25, 2012

    Well we all know the CSME is nothing but a perfect laughable joke…….(talking from experience) Now it appears to me that thie socalled OECS unity/integration was cut from the same cloth…….nothing nmore than politicians who fly to some caribbean ciountry at taxpayers expense dreaming up pie in the sky ideas of integration then go home and do nothing to impliment thier plans at the level of the public service and policy…..What a joke…..

  10. Caribbean mix up
    January 25, 2012

    there are a lot of Antiguan who hate Dominican, they speak bad of them, they are the first to judge them,Dominican are foreign people now, they don’t have any rank in Antigua anymore, check it out, and the only people in Antigua that love Dominican are the ones with Dominican parents or the few that travel, the rest don’t really care to much for them.they see them a men who love rum and women who take they men. yet when they go to Da, they pretend to love the place, yet a different story when they get back home.

    • Watching
      January 25, 2012

      Hate is a strong word….. I implore the Antiguans for enforcing their immigration laws maybe if the other islands followed suit things would be alot different in our little island!

      • Watching
        January 25, 2012


      • shy
        January 25, 2012


  11. rascal
    January 25, 2012

    so that mean this dude have never seen Dominica in almost 15 years? I always wondered why Dominican folks in Antigua don’t visit,Dominicans living every other country visit their homeland XCEPT the ones living right there in Antigua……..

  12. tommy
    January 25, 2012

    WeW!! I just glad is NOT Justin Simon they send back

    • IZ
      January 25, 2012

      What does my uncle Justin Simon name you have in your story.

    • Caribbean mix up
      January 25, 2012

      and Mr. Simon get his blow all the time too

  13. Thinkaboutit
    January 25, 2012

    One day we will realise we all came on the same boat just got off at different islands….

  14. Watching
    January 25, 2012

    After-all the man in Antigua for 14 years and not ONCE he go seek an extension??? NOT ONCE??? come on man… Is his place? u in the people place just follow the rule of law…

    • January 25, 2012

      shut the hell, right here in DA Haitians, Mexicans etc overstaying their stay in the island many of them came to the island backdoor and some of you people asking for them to stay, Dominicans are not the only ones doing it

    • Abu Sulayman
      January 25, 2012

      We are one Caribbean people, the laws need to be reviewed. I disagree with your statement. Why is it in Europe, the US and the gulf countries do not have that problem? Why is this problem still in the Caribbean and Africa? No unity! Complete disagree with this policy.

      • Watching
        January 25, 2012

        Oh Please…. This has nothing to do with Unity..So because we are united we must all live in other people’s countries and not obey their immigration laws?? the law is the law… no way an Antiguan could come to DA and live for so long without even attempting to regualarise their status not even once… that means he more than likely benefited from the school system among other things without making any contribution to the country whatsoever…its not FAIR! its not fair to antiguans who have to work and pay taxes and no way is it fair to other fellow dominicans who have to work, break their backs and stay hungry in order to ensure they remain legal…

  15. Observer
    January 25, 2012

    As long as a person has no legal status in a country they can be deported whether they have committed a crime or not..If a person is visiting and has nothing to show their intent to exit or how they are going to support themselves they can be denied entry…IT HAPPENS EVERYWHERE….. So in order to avoid deportation Keep your business in order…. Plain and simple!

    • me daybaa
      January 25, 2012

      well they should throw them out of NY and New Jersey too, they have no papers and still making children with other people husband.and when you see them they always bad talking Dominica.I want the Republican to kick them out when they come in power.those useless.they living in America and still bad talking it. please rules are paper go home.

  16. Boi
    January 25, 2012

    That is how the authorities in Dominica should deal with the influx of Haitians. They do not have a right to be here – if you say you come for visiting purposeS, then leave after your time is up instead of staying and sending for more and more. The ministry of labour needs to look at the application forms for permit as well. When they fill out the permits they put their family members name on it so when they come they can stay too…

    • shy
      January 25, 2012

      If i was closer i would shake your big toe.

  17. outside looking in
    January 25, 2012

    It always amases and saddens me, whenever someone from Dominica without a criminal record, is deported from Antigua. I remember when I was a child, going to the market with my mom, to buy agricultural produce.There were so many beautiful fruits and vegetables on display. So much of it came from Dominica and so many hard working Dominicans there selling their goods. In other words Dominica have been feeding Antigua,for as long as I can remember.
    Dominicans were a productive part of Antigua, long before Antigua was popular. How can we turn our backs on them now while so many other foreigners are given the green light to roam? I have yet to read or hear of any Middle-easterner or Chinese for that matter, been deported. Am I to believe that everyone of them have perfect immigration status.
    It worries me, how easily we can cast out the old, who have been there and helped us built. Then with open arms take in the new, that we know nothing about. We need to look ourselves in the mirror and remember “what goes around, always come around.”

    • Proud Dominican
      January 25, 2012

      Maybe it’s because Dominicans now have a reputation out there. Did you not notice that he was arrested last year? That would mean that the slightest opportunity they get, they would deport him.

      The message here is that we need to be more respectful of ourselves and the countries of other people. The crimes that we sometimes tolerate in our own country because it is done by our own may not be tolerated by another country.

    • looking in also
      January 25, 2012

      i agree with your comments totally.. just yesterday me and an antigua lady had it out for those same reasons and i reminded her who’s feeding her and sometimes washing her skin too..products and produce from dominica. antiguans are ungrateful people some of them. the boy has been there for many years yes and maybe the conditions that things are right now he might not be working so he cannot go and update his time , but what about the others who are leaving there and out of time and when they go in they pay all the backups.. why couldnt there do that for him? they just want him out.. i hope dominicans stop welcoming them with open arms now cause they never like use , we are just being used for what we have.

      • me
        January 26, 2012


  18. joe
    January 25, 2012

    back to the country of his birth .it sounds like even if he was there legally and had done something wrong they would still send him down .i dont no why we here in the us (naturalize)think if we do something wrong they will not send us down to our country of birth .he is just one of the unlucky ones who over stayed and get caught .millions are more fortunate…

    • Playboy
      January 25, 2012

      Why you making assumptions? Post facts in a matter like this or shut the hell up.

    • January 25, 2012

      d/ca have millions nuh???? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: whhhhyyyyyyyyyy doh pull my pinky toe

  19. star
    January 25, 2012


    • Interesting
      January 25, 2012

      …interesting comment but I do believe that the word is “EXTINCT”….do a paste and search on google if you’re not sure of a spelling. That would help the rest of the world believe that we Dominicans can do research or at least spell no matter how quickly we type. Thanks

      • lol
        January 25, 2012

        implying people who are not dominicans read dno. LOL

      • Yes I
        January 25, 2012

        Instead you big up the “FARMER” for being internet savvy you cutting him/her down

    • Senior Citizen
      January 25, 2012

      Try leasing some of your land to our own people and see what happens. The majority of Haitians are hard workers and that’s why we are now able to get vegetables at the market almost all year round. We certainly can learn a thing or two from them, be productive like them and then we would not have to use their services instead of our own most of whom prefer to hang around the roadsides smoking, using disrespectful language to those who are trying hard to make an honest dollar.

    • January 26, 2012

      Star your Agre culture and instinct are indicative of a fool trying to give advice.Arent you aware of the positive contribution of the Haitians.the majority of Dominicans have family out there in the wide diaspora,but yet we want to reserve D/ca exclusively for D/cans.We dont want Chinese,Haitians,Antiguans etc etc,we are somehow misled into thinking that if we allow these people into our country they will take D/ca away from us.Xenophobia is too rampant in the land

  20. traveller
    January 25, 2012

    what happen to OECS unity? and free movement? LMAO

    • Interesting
      January 25, 2012

      And by that report as well they’re saying that he has been in that country since 1997. Where’s the leniency there?

  21. JB
    January 25, 2012

    See how fast they deporting Dominicans and Dominicans themselves calling for Haitians to remain even if they overstayed.

    • blah
      January 25, 2012

      bcos dumbinicans too lazy!

    • Bajan
      January 25, 2012

      that point is so true what I see is Dominicans are so quick to bring their own people down that you guys treat strangers better than you all people shame on you.soon haitian will take over Dominica,and all you will be answering to them.good luck,your children will be the ones that will suffer like us in married to a Dominican,Dominicans can be such nice people.start loving your people.cause I love you guys.

  22. January 25, 2012

    Dominican Antiguan don’t like all you so becareful what all you do in those people country,in 2008 I went to antigua and I show them a dominica passe-port they give me a lot of problem to entry so then I show them my children europeen passe-port that what make me enter in their country

    • Rastafari
      January 25, 2012

      LOL! :lol: I see we have a grammar problem. :-D thanks for making me laugh, again. There is such a thing called SPELL CHECK now people, try it, it really works.

    • Proud Dominican
      January 25, 2012

      Your claim is ridiculous, as I have entered into Antigua on multiple occassions, and not once was I ever given any difficulty.

      Your passport must have been flagged suspicious or something. Or you may just have been a random selection.

    • der der
      January 25, 2012

      thats a bloody lie if its one Caribbean country Antiguan ppl love are Dominican so hush der ….u mayb lost your mind …….i am antiguan dominican are u ? stupes

      • ANTIGUAN
        January 25, 2012

        Lets not get side tracked here people. If you are in another mans’ country, its simple, u abide by the rules. Am I to understand that if I overstay in Dominica for many years without trying to regularise my status, and Im caught, that the Dominican authorities have no right to send me back to Antigua?…Persons take chances all the time in other countries especially the great USA, and are fortunate not to get caught. Do u think if u get caught they are gonna say “oh well, he has been here for years, without getting into any trouble, so lets be lenient”…of course not. And just for the record, ANTIGUANS DO NOT HATE DOMINICANS!!

      • babs
        January 25, 2012

        This is totally unture. Antiguans hate Dominicans and Foreigners on a whole. They always repeat the words, “You bang wata to come here”, like they en bang water to go anywhere, they maybe walking on dry land to go around the world, those stupid and ignorant set of people. I can speak like that because Antigua have been my second home for many years.

      • Domtiguan
        January 25, 2012

        I am a dominican living in Antigua and I have never seen Hatred towards us… I have never had a problem with immirgration and after being there for close to 20 years i still go to renew my residency eveyr year without a hassle..The point is.. Obey the people laws!!!

    • me
      January 26, 2012


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