Former Scientology leader exposes church and moves to Caribbean

Debbie Cook

Scientology has been called many names, most of them unprintable, with the frontrunner generally regarded as “The cult of greed”. Following the recent case of Debbie Cook, a former church executive, it could well be referred to as “The cult of intimidation”.

Cook, who rocked the church early this year with damaging testimony before agreeing to stay silent forever, has chosen to leave the United States and relocate to Guadeloupe, friends say.


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  1. August 1, 2013

    The Church of Scientology is one of many organizations that calls itself a “church” but is in reality a cult with a false belief system that will land its adherents in hell.

    Of all such organizations Scientology is most unlike a church. I am a strong believer in “freedom of religion” but when it comes to Scientology I would make an exception. This organization should be illegal.

    It was founded by L. Ron Hubbard. This man was a well known science fiction writer. It was not a difficult task for him to create a religion like Scientology. Less is known about his personal life. But Mr. Hubbard was not the type of man you would expect God to trust with the mysteries of a new religion for mankind.

    Scientology does not accept the Bible as the inspired Word of God. Instead they follow the writings of L. Ron Hubbard. They have no Biblical concept of sin. They do not believe in the Trinity or Jesus Christ who died for us and rose again. There is no heaven or hell in Scientology. They believe in reincarnation.

    Their total rejection of everything Christian along with the fact that they have no moral code that honors the historical Hebrew – Christian standards of right and wrong makes Scientology attractively “cool” to some people. It tends to draw those who have money and want a belief system that thumbs its nose at mainline Christianity; a “religion” that lets them live as they please. This is seen in their members who approve of and commit sins of gross immorality, and in their high divorce rates.

    Scientology is basically a money making machine that depends on volunteer and poorly paid workers along with the sale of its courses and other “educational” materials to fill its coffers and make those at the top wealthy. Members, especially those who work within the “church”, are mandated to take one expensive course after another to move up in the ranks.

    Scientology members who try to leave the cult often have a difficult time breaking away. They are often lied about. They are sometimes threatened. Many of them feel their lives are in danger. It is not unusual for a former member to move far away and leave no forwarding address.

    Those who have left Scientology or any other cult should be recognized for what they are; people who are often hurting and afraid. They are (hopefully) recovering. Please show them kindness. If you are a Christian who has a relationship with Jesus Christ share your faith with them. They need to be introduced to a Bible believing church and the evangelical faith. You can be part of the solution!

    I invite you to visit my website and click onto the EAGLE COURSE. This is a 12 Lesson Workbook. It can be studied from the screen OR copied absolutely free. The first lesson will tell you how to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior and begin an exciting faith journey. You don’t have to buy anything. We have nothing for you to join. Honest! We only want to introduce you to the Savior! I want to meet you in heaven.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

  2. cowboy
    July 2, 2012

    I full expected the hell and damnation comments re my earlier comments guy! I have learned over time that this is not a rational discussion to be had. I despair ever breaking through the “terror” of blasphemy that strike people if they ever dare think that that their faith might be an outdated fable and nothing else. That is the beauty of religion though. It wraps you up in such fear and intimidation of eternal damnation that people dare not use their intelligence to question the stories they are told from childhood. This fear of questioning dogma and established ideas is especially pernicious in DA and affects many areas of our lives restricting the innovation and creativity we so desperately need to make social and economic progress on the island. Sigh.

  3. June 30, 2012

    Tom Cruise and John Travolta are both getting divorced now and are both scienctologists!! They are both said to have a slant towards being gay. All religions are there to dominate and in many ways control by making people feel guilty. I think the 10 commandments are very good rules to live by. However now there are far too many religions! How can one be right and others wrong! It is a sad fact that a lot of people need something to follow and then try to put those opinions on others! God did not make wars it is religions that have created war and are still creating war, basically self opinionated power hungry cruel people. I do not believe in religions but I do believe in our maker!

    • Justice and Truth
      June 30, 2012

      @ nature Girl

      Freedom of speech is one and possessing basic common sense and reasoning is another. There are times some of you who have it all wrong. It may be that you do not listen attentively and remember what is said, especially if you are a member of the Catholic laity who attends Holy Mass and other relevant services. You form your personal opinion which is not that of God and God-approved and not pleasing to Him. The day will come when some of you will eat your words to your eternal detriment where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
      Religions do not make wars. People make wars and those who resist God and His Ten Commandments and do not respect the rights of others and their religion. All of us have opinions but it is not our right to personally attack others and to their faces.
      I am further informing you that there is one religion which does not dominate people and force them to join and by criticizing other faiths. It is The One Holy Catholic Church and Apostolate Faith.
      I reside in Toronto and I do my best to participate in the Celebration/Sacrifice of the Holy Mass as Our Lord Jesus Christ said in the Gospel of John – Holy Scripture, “…Do this in memory of Me…” and to listen intently to the Priest’s Homily.
      At a Holy Mass that I attended, a Canadian Priest said during his Homily, the Catholic Church is not practice aggressiveness. It does not force anyone (who is not a Catholic) to become a Catholic. I will also inform you that it does not demand that its members give them a certain amount of their salary. They will do this with a free mind and will. God gave us a free mind and He will not touch that free mind. We will conform to Him or not with that free mind. Whichever path we take, it will be for our benefit, our salvation or for our eternal destruction. Therefore, when you criticize “religion” keep this in mind. Do not generalize all of them and place them in the same bracket. The Catholic Church does not belong among those.
      Scientology is an aggressive so-called religion. In fact, it is not a religion and not recognized by God. You should know that. I have read about them. I believe that they are disbanded in Toronto and/or Canada because of their tactics, aggressiveness and wickedness. They target people who have money, as those so-called celebrities as Tom Cruise and Travolta. Those people give nearly all their money to this type of organization. Sooner or later, they will be exposed. I do believe when this happens it is the work of God to expose all what is evil to show people like you what God has ordained. Yet, some of you are still in darkness and make such ignorant/derogatory remarks.
      If you practice the faith as you should, God will inspire/enlighten you.
      Read/study Holy Scriptures. As Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “What is done in the darkness, those that are hidden, will come to light.” They are coming to light, if only people worship God, pray fervently, live His Commandments and become enlightened through His Holy Spirit that grants those gifts.
      Nature Girl, God inspires. If you lack this, pray to Him for enlightenment.

      • Justice and Truth
        July 1, 2012

        :oops: ‘does not…’

      • Foreigner
        July 2, 2012

        @Justice & Truth

        According to the Wikipedia online dictionary ‘Religion’ is a collection of cultural systems, belief systems, and world views that relate humanity to spirituality and, sometimes, to moral values. Many religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Shinto, Sikhism, Bahá’í Faith, Jainismhave narratives, have symbols, traditions and sacred histories that are intended to give meaning to life or to explain the origin of life or the universe.

        As you can see ‘Religion’ does not ONLY refer to christianity. Which mean ‘Nature Girl’ was right. very right! Religion does create war. take a look at the muslim community in the Middle East. My faith is not in Religion, my faith is in the One True God, Jesus Chrust. Do your research madam. and for a person who claims to be a christian i find you to be very judgemental on other persons opinions and comments. As a christian your speech should be different in such a way that persons can see Jesus reflected through you. You are answering to just about every comment. “He who is without sin cast the first stone”. Do you remember this?

        Allow others to comment pls.

    • August 1, 2013

      There is a difference between religion and Christianity. Religion is :cry: Christianity is :lol:

      Religion is man reaching up to God. Christianity is God coming down to man.

      Religion is about doing. Christianity is about something already done.

      Religious people think they can earn salvation by their good deeds. Christians know salvation is a gift that is already paid for and we only need to accept it.

      Religion is about giving in order to receive. Christianity is about receiving and then giving because we appreciate what what we have received.

      Religion is based up human reasoning and what men say. Christianity is based upon Divine revelation and what God has said in His Word.

      There are many groups of religious people who have organized and call themselves “churches”. A “church” can be an independent group that holds services or it can belong to a denomination which is a chain of congregations that believe the same things and are governed by a head office or headquarters in a central location.

      There are groups of Christians who try to follow the simplicity of the New Testament. They may be independent community churches or they may be part of a denomination – a chain of churches – that believe the same way and have agreed to do things together rather than independently.

      A church that is truly CHRISTIAN will believe the gospel which is the good news “…how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures;” (Read all of 1 Corinthians 15:1-4) They will preach that the Savior’s death purchased salvation for us. When He cried “It is finished” (John 19:30) the work was complete! We cannot earn salvation by our good works. We must receive it as a gift. The Bible says “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 28,9)

      In a gathering of Christians you will hear about being “born again” because Jesus said “…Very, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3) The words “born again” are translated from the Greek language of the New Testament. They mean “born from above”. We must receive a new life – eternal life – “from above” meaning from God in Heaven. The Bible says “…God hath given to us eternal life; and this life is in his Son. He that hath the son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” (1 John 5:11,12) You will hear Christians talk a lot about “receiving Christ” because eternal life is IN Him. We receive eternal life by receiving Him. He said “Behold I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” (Revelation 3:20) But we must receive Him! He is a living person. To “receive Christ” is not a figure of speech. He actual does come into our hearts and lives (by the Holy Spirit) to deliver us from the guilt of the past and the fear of the future: to be our lifelong friend and companion! But He is much more. He is Lord! This means He wants to take charge! He wants to rule our lives.

      Have you had this experience? It’s not religion! It’s Christianity!

      I invite you to visit my website and click onto the EAGLE COURSE. This 12 lesson Workbook Manual can be studied from the screen or COPIED absolutely free. The first lesson will tell you how to receive Christ as your Savior and begin an exciting faith journey.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

  4. June 29, 2012

    “After the testimony, the church said Cook was “clearly bitter” and falsely vilifying the “religion” she was once a part of”====News article

    The “religion”: That is the reason the second coming of Jesus Christ, will bring along the Days of the Great Tribulation.

    Religion was the reason Jesus came to this world the first time, in that God’s chosen people, who ancient Israelite could not apply faith, which the spiritual channel by which our God of Spirit connects to us, mankind, and to give the Life we ought to live in Spirit and in Truth.

    The people of ancient Israel and up to the days of Jesus Christ in this world continued to rely on the Law, but they could not follow the Law with perfect obedience which it demanded, and so by the law, disobedient Israel faced death.

    In the day of Jesus Christ in this world the Law meant religion to God’s people, Jesus would have no part of it. That is why Jesus said to the man Pilate: I came to bear witness of the Truth–only those who understood that Truth would hear My voice. Pilate asked Jesus “What is Truth?” But he did not wait for an answer.

    Because the lack of knowledge of the Truth in His people, and through the mercy and compassion of His Love, God allowed His only begotten Son to pay the ransom–through persecution, humiliation, suffering, death, and burial–for the ignorance of mankind–who could not obey and live.

    But man has not changed–even today– he still embrace the web of lies in his carnal mind, and for that he practice of religion–saying God! God! God!–God is not listening to him.

    Religion is the reason for the second coming of Jesus Christ, as man continues to nurture a heart of stones, he is now known as the world, which must done away with, that God establish His Kingdom on this Earth.

    Jesus told us that the Days of the Great Tribulation will take the world by surprise–just like in the Days of Noah. And the sufferings, of those days, will be so forceful that unless God had shortened those days, no flesh would survive. But for the sake of His elects, God has shortened those days. Mark 13:20

    So those who continue to embrace the concept of “religion” the man made ideas, which has nothing to do with God Almighty of Love–but not only that, others continue with blasphemous ridicules against God, because of the religious spectacle they hear and witness, all will have their rewards during the Days of the Great Tribulation, which is spoken in the Bible. There will be no reason for excuse: “Like I did not know” You have read it from me to begin with. Ayelass! Ayelass! Ayelass!

    • Justice and Truth
      June 30, 2012

      @ Liza

      We are presently living the days of Tribulation but not yet so bad. The worst is yet to come. You heard what is occurring in the U.S.? Many homes are destroyed by fire. There were also some in previous years.
      Canada in general has its share in different ways but some people are not enlightened to recognize it.
      God bless you Liza. Have a Happy Canada Day weekend.

      • July 2, 2012

        @Justice and Truth

        I understand what you are saying! But that is just the signs which Jesus spoke about; except that the “world” is taking them for granted, since a few of them are still coming out from it in one piece.

        That is why Jesus said that the big one will take them by surprise–just like in the Days of Noah. For everyone, in those days, was going on with their businesses just as usual, with no attention to God. And they never expected that this thing would happen, until after Noah went into the Ark, according to God’s command–and the flood came and took them all away.

        Just remember that people like you and me are called to witness to those who do not know better wherever and however, as God commands us to do so–all we need to do is trust and obey His commands. Otherwise we will be accountable for not doing our work as the “Watchman who holds the Trumpet of warning”

        As always I am a person with the peace of God, regardless of the circumstance of my day. And so was Canada Day for me, this year.

        My son is at the hospital in a very bad shape with Kidney damage, because he neglected his diabetic medication for a very long time.

        He lived with me for a few years, until he moved out on his own in July last year, when I continued to warn him about neglecting his medicine. I still have trouble understand that huge outcome in him within the past year; because no such problem was showing in him when he left, last year in July.

        He is completely blind in the left eye because of careless surgery, I will say, and the right eye can barely see anything–he needs assistance from every thing. But the most mysterious situation is the kind of swelling that happened from his thighs right down to his toes. That is my greatest conscience.

        So the weekend was definitely not the best of weekends in my Life; since I just found out about it him through the help of a complete stranger–a young man who found him, in a struggle to get on by himself.

        That young man took him to the hospital, where they kept him, and he did his utmost best to notify his father and me. That was definitely the workd of God through His guardian Angel in this world; it is a good thing that his father and I live close by to each other.

        Anyway God has taught me how He works in our lives, I know that this is a trial and a test for my son especially; but I have a positive mind on his behalf: “By the stripes of Jesus Christ we are healed”. I know that this healing is for both physical and Spiritual–my hope is in our God of Love–full of mercy and compassion, He will not disappoint me

        I live in North York, in the Jane/Finch area. Where do you live? We should try to meet each other; if you are willing, so am I. Let me know, and next time I will leave my email address–so that we can connect privately. Or if you are on face book, send me a friend’s request.

        I am Elizabeth Xavier with my own picture profile that is the right one–because there is one with a Jesus picture that is me as well, but it is not good to use don’t use it. In my real profile there, you will get all information of me on my wall–I have nothing to hide.

        Please prayer for the healing of my son. His name is Keita, he is 31 years old. Thanking you in advance! “Liz Xavier” that is what I mean by “lizavier4jesus” Blessings!

  5. dom
    June 29, 2012

    Religion is dangerous. Can be used to manipulate others.

    • Justice and Truth
      June 30, 2012

      @ dom

      I would think you are dangerous. I would fear you, a human being, more than ‘religion.” :twisted:

  6. Justice and Truth
    June 29, 2012

    In the interest of fellow Dominicans. Please be patient and read on:

    Former Scientology leader? Has she renounced her beliefs? She is a godless person. Reject her. These people move to the Caribbean because it is easy to gain entry. They think that people of these countries are gullible. Why did she not go to the U.S.A?
    The last thing that the Caribbean as Guadeloupe, so close to Dominica needs are those godless people who bring the evil spirit of Satan on the island. All the trash from those countries go to the Caribbean/West Indies.
    Guadeloupe is a relatively Christian country. If I were the Guadeloupe government, I would not welcome her. She must have showed the government an exorbitant sum of money which she stole from the proceeds of Scientology. We, in Canada are wondering how they support themselves in the Caribbean.
    Recently as broadcasted, a Canadian journalist, Paula Todd tracked down a 42 year-old Canadian woman in Guadeloupe. The journalist has written a short On-Line book detailing her successful attempt to find Karla Homolka, one of Canada’s notorious killers, who served 12 years for manslaughter in the deaths/murders of three teens, one of whom was her sister. Her former husband, Paul Bernardo is serving a life sentence for the murders. She was allowed to plea-bargain so as to further incriminate her ex-husband Paul Bernardo as bad as she is which is why she only received twelve years imprisonment.
    This serial cold-blooded killer (you should read her story and see the video; it is upsetting) was able to change her name and get a new passport from Passport Canada, no doubt with the influence of her lawyer. Her new name is Leanne Bordelais. She married her lawyer’s brother, now has three children and is residing in Guadeloupe. I suppose to appear as a decent woman of status to deceive the Guadeloupe Government and nationals.
    Karla Homolka, while in prison got free education at taxpayers’ expense. She got a Psychology Degree. Oh my! Her victims, including her sister did not stand a chance. She stood by while the ex-husband raped them and murdered them. She was very much involved in their murders. It also appeared it was a satanic ritual.
    While in prison, as shown on TV, she had a great old time in club Federal prison and had a woman lover.
    When she was released from prison, she resided in Montreal. She had a child. Montrealers did not want her. In fact, no Canadian wants her to reside near them and in their vicinity. She is one of the most hated people in Canada.
    It was stated that she had moved to a Caribbean island. I am wondering how she ended up in Guadeloupe.
    I am unable to comprehend why she was welcomed in Guadeloupe and if that government knows about her or if it was bribed to allow her to stay on the island. This is a real melee.
    Be it that some years have gone by but now that she is found in Guadeloupe, I am planning to write my MPP – Parliament representative as to why she was sent to live in the Caribbean and who made the decision. She has the freedom to travel to other islands, no exception to Dominica. I am wondering if she has not already visited DA.
    Government, Police Force, Immigration Officers and fellow resident Dominicans, beware of overseas strangers, especially white people (remember the likes of Stanford) who come to this shore and who pose as well-to-do people of integrity who are rich and/or well-off and deceive you. Scrutinize them. Some of them may be murderers, other criminals and thieves in their land-of-birth. There are some who are still missing and who are being sought. Do not be too quick to befriend and welcome them. If found out, I am not endorsing that they should be harmed. Merely arrest them, put them on a plane and return them to their land-of-birth where they belong.
    In this case, this serial murderer, Karla Homolka who is now Leanne Bordelais should be returned back to Canada where she was born. Let Canada (and the U.S.) keep their trash and not lay them on the Caribbean islands.
    The islands, whether French and English speaking do not want them and can do without them. They should not be welcomed.
    As for me I am extremely angry that this serial murderer which is what she is, is residing in Guadeloupe and also close to home. Her three victims are dead.
    Canada will not welcome criminals/murderers from other countries who were not pardoned. Therefore, Canada should not encourage its murderers who are not pardoned to the islands. This woman was never pardoned and yet she was allowed to leave Canada to move to the Caribbean. She ended up in Guadeloupe. This is what I have to write my MPP about. He better reply and have a good reason for that. I have since ceased voting for him and his Party.
    Do not worry about me. I am a naturalized Canadian, a taxpayer and a law-abiding one. I vote and I have a voice – freedom of speech, always within reason and respectfully.

    • June 30, 2012

      Agree with you o9n this one 10000%, these are the things residence of the Caribbean need to know regarding these people, on the other hand we cannot blame them because the news that we are getting up here and what they are getting in the Caribbean are two different type of news

      We as Caribbean nationals need to do all we can to expose these individuals

      This is the thing about our people, Caribbean residence do welcome foreigners with open arms, but there are a lot that they do not know, some of these people are big time criminals, after completing their prison sentences they change their names, get new identities, their families give them a huge sum of money to go to another country to start, quote and quote a new life, whereas whenever Caribbean nationals get themselves in trouble in Canada, the USA etc, the nationals from these countries make sure that they are deported back to their countries

      We in Canada knew that Karla left Canada for a Caribbean country but the name of that country was never release and knowing that this monster is residing in Guadeloupe make me sick to stomach even having three kids this is outrageous, this woman assisted in the rape and murder of her own flesh and blood, tell me what this monster cannot do, Canadian did not want her in Canada and they dump her in the Caribbean

      My fellow Caribbean folks beware of these monsters posing in wool clothing, after what Jim Jones did in Guyana, Caribbean nationals should stand on guard and do not allow these people to confuse them

  7. Nat
    June 29, 2012


  8. Orisha
    June 29, 2012

    study obeah instead. You don’t need much money for that

    • Justice and Truth
      June 30, 2012

      @ Orisha

      Study obeah and your soul will enter Hell. You should know that God’s way is not the way of obeah but of the devil.
      You cannot serve two masters. You will either love one and hate the other. This the Word of The Lord. Thanks be to God.

    • August 1, 2013

      Obeah may be cheap to study and not cost much to get into but it is a branch or off shoot of witchcraft. It may cost you your soul.

      The Bible says “… … they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” Read all of Galatians 5:19-21.

      Ask anybody who practices obeah two questions.

      (1) Where does the information about obeah come from?

      (2) How do you know it is true?

      People who practice obeah or voodoo have no terms of reference. They are like a traveler with no map. Most of what they do has been passed on orally from generation to generation.

      The greatest harm these occult arts do is keep those who those who depend upon them from encountering Christ and coming to know HIM in a personal way as their Lord and Savior.

      It is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who can save us from our sins and give us peace. He can give us the assurance that we have eternal life NOW and a home in heaven when we leave this world!

      He can heal our bodies, supply our needs, and direct our steps!

      He is a real person who is alive today. He is somebody you can know and have a relationship with. Have you met HIM?

      I invite you to visit my website and click onto the EAGLE COURSE.

      This 12 Lesson Workbook Manual can be studied from the screen OR copied absolutely free! The first lesson will tell you how to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior so you can KNOW – Yes, KNOW – you are saved and going to heaven.

      There is nothing to buy or join.

      We have no gimmicks or tricks!

      We just want to introduce you to the Son of God who loved you enough to die for you because HE can change your life and need your every need!

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

  9. Channel 1
    June 29, 2012

    Scientology is another one of these diabolically inspired movements which the confused in society fall prey to.

    • Samantha Harris
      July 1, 2012

      Sounds like any religion to me.

    • Justice and Truth
      July 1, 2012

      @ Channel 1

      They are looking for short-cuts. All this has to do with their lifestyle. In their ignorance they are not aware that it will not lead to eternal salvation.
      Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “The thief jumps over the fence/wall and makes a short-cut. There are no short-cuts to the Heart of God and to obtain eternal salvation. The path to Hell is wide. Enter through the narrow gate. Those who have found it are few.”

    • July 1, 2012

      what i do know. scientology possesses the mind and they teach you that you are stuck in a position or situation and you must come to them and pay to have some one to work with you to get you unstuck, and it doesn’t stop there.stay away from it, stay far away , it messed up people’s mind until they quit Scientology is scary, and a huge scam

    • August 2, 2013

      The closer we get to the end of the age and the return of the Lord the harder Satan works to lead people astray. :twisted:

      Christ said “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” (Matthew 24:24)

      The Apostle Paul wrote: “now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of demons;” (1 Timothy 4:1)

      Behind every cult is a demon – an evil spirit – from Satan himself that “inspired” some man or woman to put together a false belief system and introduce it to the world. This is the origin of the cults; religious organizations that profess to be the way to God.

      Don’t confuse the cults with the sects or denominations within the mainstream of historic Christians. Unfortunately there have always been differences of opinions among true Christian people when it comes to non essentials. Often these differences have resulted in divisions and new groups have sprung up. In some cases the differences are not great and only pride keeps the groups apart and stops true Christians from coming together. Jesus prayed “That they all may be one …” (John 17:21)

      The cults I am speaking about are not included among these sects or denominations of genuine believers in Christ. The cults are outside the mainstream of historic Christianity. These are organizations that reject the fundamental and foundational truths of the Christian faith.

      A cult will usually reject the Bible as the all sufficient rule for faith and practice. Often they claim to be led by a “prophet” whose “inspired” writings are accepted on par with or even instead of the Bible.

      Beware of any religious group that (a) takes away from the Bible or (b) adds to the Bible; that does not believe in the Holy Trinity, and the Deity of Christ; that preaches a way of salvation by works instead of faith in Christ and His shed blood; and does not believe in a literal hell of fire for those who reject Christ and die in their sins.

      The older cults usually called themselves “Christians” but we are now seeing new age type cults and groups that include teachings from eastern religions such as reincarnation.

      The best advice I can give anybody who is seeking the truth is read your Bible! 8-O The Gospel According to St. John is a good place to begin.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist. :lol:

  10. warma
    June 29, 2012

    hmmm interesting…what does Michele have to say about that? isn’t she a scientologist?

    • Original Eagle-Eye
      June 29, 2012

      She is? really? I thought she was paid to perform at an event like any other artist would? I stand corrected

      • Anonymous
        July 1, 2012

        She is. She admitted it on an interview with Craig Bellot.

  11. Tiger
    June 29, 2012

    She was part of an organization she knew was eveil but said nothing until she left. She took the money to stay silent and now she complaining? Stupes…..

  12. مسلم
    June 29, 2012

    How can a people be so silly to believe in something that started just the other day?

    • cowboy
      June 29, 2012

      Same way someone can believe something started 2000 yrs ago. It simply show show how all religions start by peope believing a “silly” story (like gardens with talking snakes) and over time this becomes “sacred” dogma. 2000 yrs from now all these silly scientology ideas, etc could well be the unassailable spiritual truths of the future. Funny how we can see the silliness of these man made stories so clearly now, but those stories & ideas from “biblical times” are seen as “no no boy – that the real thing”. Lol.

      • Original Eagle-Eye
        June 29, 2012

        @ COWBOY I would shake your big toe!! damn I thought I was alone with this reasoning

      • Anonymous
        June 29, 2012

        That’s because the Bible can be authenticated historically, scientifically and practically.

      • xxx
        June 29, 2012

        Heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall not pass away saith the Lord God

      • June 29, 2012


        You don’t know what you are saying so it would have been better for you to hold your peace, to the idea, of the person, to whom you responded.

        Im the first place you did not create yourself; and if you are claiming that the reason for your existence here today, only happened 2000 years, that is the first reason you should shut up!

        God Almighty, Eternal Spirit of Love, Truth and Holiness is your creator. Through the Man of flesh and bones, whom God Almighty sent into the world, as His Son, to demonstrate His power of Love to His chosen people, God said I am the alpha and the omega–the First and the Last. Revelation 1:8

        That means you will find the God of Love, in Spirit, Truth, and Holiness, at the utmost height, the utmost depth; God is all the way north and all the way south–just the way that the apostle has decribed Love, which is God’s Primary nature. Yet still God can be connected to you by your faith, through the Power od Holy through conscience. Ephesians 3: 14-21

        Of course, someone like you could never reach neither of those four levels, much more to know that connection in you. So stop talking as you own yourself in this world–because you most definitely don’t :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

        Also for those of you who continue to speak as if you know how you were formed, from blood fluid, tissues, veins, muscles and bones, etc. etc. so you think that you do not have a creator, I will tell you why you think the way you do.

        At John Chapter 6 Jesus said to those who would not believe Him: “No one can come to Me, unless the Father who sent Me draws him near”. John 6 44

        Later down through the apostle John again, Jesus said to Pilate: “I am a King. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into this world, that I should bear witness of the “Truth”. Everyone who is of the “Truth” hears my voice. John 18:37

        I suggest that you people ask those two questions of yourselves:
        (1) Am I a chosen person of God Almighty?
        (2) Am I a person of the “Truth” of God Almighty?

        When you are through with your own answer, then start with your writing and talking. Until then you are a loud sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal, in the ears of those who are alive in Jesus Christ. And yes! There are many of us out there!

      • June 29, 2012


        (1)Just as the apostle Paul described Love–which is God’s Primary nature.

        (2)Yet still you can be connected to God through your faith and by the Power of Holy Spirit through your conscience

      • Jayson
        June 29, 2012

        “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God….” —Psalm 14:1.

      • Samantha Harris
        June 30, 2012

        Great comment, Cowboy. Unfortunately, most Dominicans know nothing about either history or the very religion they so love. They were merely told by their slave masters to follow the white man god and like good little slaves have continued to go along with that command well over a century after emancipation from slavery. Religion is manmade, and the sooner we admit this, the sooner we can grow as an intelligent, valuable society.

      • Justice and Truth
        July 1, 2012

        @ cowboy

        It is history and your mere words cannot erase it. You are one unbelieving person. With such thinking you are a heretic who is destined for eternal destruction
        Where have you been all those years? Were you not brought up in the faith? What happened to you along the way? Did you lose it all? How sad!
        Millions of people through the ages have predeceased us. They believed, embraced the faith and testified to it as the truth. The lives of the holy ones, saints, have been documented, specifically the Catholic Christian ones.
        I do think you are not living a godly life which is why you made such a statement. As I always state, humbly recognize God, worship Him, pray to Him and He reveal a lot, the truth of the matter to Him.

      • patriot
        July 2, 2012


      • Samantha Harris
        July 2, 2012

        @ Anonymous

        BS. No one has ever authenticated any of the supernatural claims in the bible. No one. Ever. That is simply a fact.

    • hmm
      June 29, 2012

      Then I suppose you argument for the validity of some other theological belief or religious system would basically be an appeal to history. Now I wonder if the same was said of all those other religious cults that started hundreds of years ago and are now so widespread that it seems normal. You actually bring up a pretty good point.

      • Justice and Truth
        June 30, 2012

        @ hmm

        God knows about those types of religions but He does not recognize them since He did not establish them and they brought about lack of love, division and disunity and disobeyed His Ten Commandments beginning with Luther and Henry VIII.
        I am a Catholic Christian and those people as pentecostals have lambasted the Catholic Church. Right in Toronto, some who are Dominicans have made enemies of me. I could not care less about them. I stand steadfast in my Catholic faith and practices.
        I am informing you, they may hate me because I have remained in the Catholic faith and propagate it, in that also distributing relevant matters. Those people are hateful ones. Those who left the Catholic Church are the worst ones.
        The Pentecostal and People’s Church so-called religions as such religions have done great harm to our general society wherever we may reside. God cannot bless such religions since they lack love, respect and unity for other people, namely Catholics. It may appear that they are successful in gaining followers and money but this is as far as they go. In time, our patient God will deal with their leaders.
        Do you think that God is blind, deaf and sleeping to their whims and wiles? Little do they know that they are performing Satan’s works of hatred and lack of love.
        The day will come when they will find, as also when they close their eyes for the last time that they have erred.
        This is a warning to Catholics. Remain in your faith and practice it to the fullest. Build it up, support it, defend it and encourage one another and cooperate with them in the faith. This is the Only Church that Our Lord Jesus Christ established. If Catholics do not know this, then, I feel sorry for them, that they are ignorant in the faith. They should have known this from childhood when they made their First Holy Communion and Confirmed to adulthood.
        Our Lord Jesus Christ – He prayed in the Garden that all might be one. I always ask, “What happened to this day and probably the worst to come?”
        I am so proud of my parents who nutured me accordingly. This includes the Elementary and Convent High Schools I attended. No exception the Priests, CSSR’s and Catechism teachers. God bless them all, also teachers and principals. Today I am knowledgeable in the faith, happy and peaceful for it.
        Know that this Church which is established by Our Lord Jesus Christ is Holy even though some of its members are not holy. They are human beings, no different than their critics and are liable to succumb to Satan’s whims and wiles. We need to pray for everyone in general. God will not make excuses for it and exonerate us from this.

    • Justice and Truth
      July 1, 2012

      Amen to that! You warm my heart. You hit the nail right on the head. It goes to show how many do not utilize their basic common sense and are not smart, taking short-cuts as if this can make them live in happiness and peace and obtain eternal salvation.
      Scientology has been around for a while. If I recall the leader (or a few of them) in Toronto were prosecuted for kidnapping, oppressing some followers and bilking them of their funds. This occurred some years ago. In recent years I have heard nothing about them in this city/country which leaves me to believe that they either operate underground or became extinct.
      There have been some thousands of them who form their own so-called religion, deceivers, through the ages with more to come until our patient God puts a hand, a stop to them and strike them down for good. We may have to wait a long time until the Day of Judgment. Some of us may not be alive to see and experience this but it will come. Faith, hope, trust and patience in God who will eradicate them. Read the Book of Revelation: “…As for the deceivers of every sort, they will be out there with the dogs…”
      As Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “…There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth…”
      Some human beings can be too stupid and for those who appear to be intelligent people.

      • July 2, 2012

        @Truth and Justice

        You said: “Some human beings can be too stupid”

        The truth is that when God comes with His wrath, they will have no excuse for being stupid, because from the day they were able to know themselves and to exercise their gift of “free will” from God, they also had the choice to accept His blessings of wisdom, which is the greatest wisdom a person can ever have.

        Yeah! They will know the “gnashing of teeth”, because of their “stupid” choice through their gift of “free will”.

        God is not holding a gun at our foreheads to compel us to “love Him that we might live”–He gave us the ability of “free will” because He wants us to make that choice on our own.

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