Influx of Chinese business causing concern regionally

Antigua – The influx of Chinese businesses in Antigua is not only a growing concern for locals, but also for other OECS territories. And regional governments are being urged to protect indigenous businesses as Chinese investors continue to bombard the Caribbean.

Speaking on Observer Radio’s The Big Issues yesterday, President of St Lucia Manufacturers Paula Caldron said the influx of Chinese businesses is a direct threat to the region. She argued that OECS governments should protect its people the same way China protects its own.

Caldron said the Chinese government makes it difficult for foreign businesses to penetrate and dominate.


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  1. Panonimous
    February 1, 2012

    So our ravenous appetite for Chinese goodies is on the rise. The Chinese ships bring more and more merchandise. The Chinese ship owners get richer and pretty soon they become “magnates” and thats what they do with their bulo lajant . Go figure

    February 1, 2012

    i don’t think there should be a problem with the chineses business men conducting business in any caribbean,
    what the government should do is put a system in place that every forering business person who comes to their country should employ the people other than their race

  3. Free Thinker
    January 31, 2012

    Consumers have a mighty power in their hands: To spend or not spend in those Chinese stores.

    While their prices may be within some peoples reach, their goods are generally cheap and inferior: TRASH FOR CASH!!

  4. Anonymous
    January 31, 2012

    nothing wrong with the chineese doing a little bizz, but they spreading like wild fire…one street has almost 6 stores….all offering the same thing, i mean come on!

    • GFFD
      February 1, 2012

      I agree with anonymous : no pb with little presence, but too much is too much.

      But ! we must admit that Chineese never stop working, day / night, sundays, etc…meanwhile the West Indians are siting by the road, listening to music, dancing, enjoying themselves and begging for help !

      Chineese are hard workers and this is why they are so competitive.
      WI should do like them and become “cost killers” too, to grab the bizz.

      • Rule
        February 2, 2012

        GFFD. You are not addressing the main concern which is the inability of our local businesses to compete with price management and cheap inferior products.

  5. Roseau Man
    January 31, 2012

    I had this local guy renting my downstairs, paying me when he wanted and ready to jump on me when I ask him for the rent and he didn’t have it. The Tenant before him (a local woman) was the same thing.
    Anyway, thank God he finally left and 2 days later 2 Chinese came to me and asked for the Downstairs. I asked a few hundred more and they said “no problem”
    I told them that they would have to pay 6 months up front to secure the place and they said “no problem”.
    But when I considered that they were going to sell CHEAP stuff to allow poor Dominicans to be able to have a more comfortable life I decided to save my downstairs for the next local hopeful
    . . . . . NOT!

    • Bin reading
      January 31, 2012

      There should be a thousand more like you.Drive them out send them packing if they cannot go by plane we can always organize pipwees.They can take the infiltrated DLP of Skerrit ,Maynard ,Saverin et al with them.before they leave euroupe for China they can dump Medard in France and Saverin in Brussels lol!

  6. Anonymous
    January 31, 2012

    Good for dem! We too like freeness in the Caribbean! We will learn one or the other that nothing is life is free!

  7. Papa Bwa
    January 31, 2012

    I agree with this statement .How many caribbean nationals have businesses in china?Secondly they bombard the market with inferior goods some of them.

    January 31, 2012

    When they said that it took them 19 hours to sign the “full of Sheet” document that alone should have revealed the tale of the tape.

    January 31, 2012


    • ....................
      January 31, 2012


  10. January 31, 2012

    You all keep taking and asking for hand-outs, so be thankful. Maybe, they would like something in return. So I suggest you all keep quiet.

    • Anonymous
      January 31, 2012


  11. .
    January 31, 2012

    According to a good friend of mine: ” Time Will Tell”..Remember the famous MOU is still a top Secret.

    • Reason
      February 1, 2012

      Idiot. The MOU was on the front page of the Chronicle Newspaper in March 2005 for all to read.Either you suffering from “memoire poul” or you believe without question what those other idiots spout on the radio.

  12. Reader
    January 31, 2012

    My Dominican People, The leaders will not do anything about it what the Chines are doing. So therefore someone have to take the message to the people and let them know that the should not buy the Chines product and support our local product. I read a number on interesting comments here but a lot of Dominicans are not reading them. Lets take the message to masses on the street. Lets make some noise. That’s the only way we can stop the Chines. Let Dominica be the leader for the rest of the Island. We need to to stop the Chines. Some from now we will have a china town in DA if we do not stop them. The chines people do not even respect you, why do you need to give them your business. Lets do what ever it takes. Lets make some noise. We have to to take it to the street.I have a plan if you will follow me. Peaceful but effective.

    • January 31, 2012

      I suggest for the countries to send back home all Dominicans because they drying up the other caribbean islands to send home to build their big time houses. Dominicans everywhere making themselves and they not contributing, they’re not investing and the chinese come to invest , they have a big problem. What a set of wicked black people who have no ambition but to chat CHAT AND CHAT.

  13. Wongping
    January 31, 2012

    Chinese are everywhere.usa,eu,oecs,latinamerica,pacific.

  14. Marian Jno-Finn
    January 31, 2012

    Chinese don’t bring employment to any country- they emply their own – but they employ their own under slavery conditions. It is tru that lead poison is very high in most Chinese products.

    We should continue buying local and regional products. Consumer must be know that it is far better to buy local – why buy cheaper when it will kill you faster?

    • Gary
      January 31, 2012

      Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity, gosh. that is all i could say to you.

    • February 1, 2012

      Thats a lie, Chinese employ locals to work for them.

  15. Grand Bay Girl
    January 31, 2012

    Be careful what we ask for! Just saying

  16. Roughcake
    January 31, 2012

    Once upon a time the Dominican ‘mulatre gwo boug’ controlled the shops. They imported dry goods and foodstuffs for sale. They also exported local produce. The labourers and small farmers brought their farine and cocoa on their heads along the mountain tracks to sell in Roseau. They were paid a very basic rate. Then the labourers and farmers had to use that same money to buy food and goods from the same merchants who made profits on their head.

    Then the Syrians and Lebanese came and walked around Dominica with suitcases selling goods.They worked hard and saved and got their children to understand sacrifice and hard work. Then they rented and later bought shops. Soon they outstripped the ‘Mulatre gwo boug’. Astaphan built the first supermarket, where people could choose the food and products themselves instead of someone giving them goods across a counter.

    The mass of the people prefered the Lebanese shops to the ‘mulatre’ shops. The ‘mulatre’ shops closed down. Some hardworking former working class Dominicans like Jolly and Annette St. Hilaire and Vena etc bought over the old ‘mulatre’ business places.

    Then the Chinese came and started like the Lebanese. And so it will go around again. What you all want to do? Put a wall around Dominica and stop the free market economics and rise and fall of business from taking its course? Hey! This is the real world.

    • old Roseau
      January 31, 2012

      The first self-service in Roseau was Charles Self-service. There was air conditioning and all.

    • Anonymous
      January 31, 2012

      At least for allthe shop owners who were before the Chinese lots of Dominicans got employed. Is this the case now? Those business paid customs duties and taxes do the Chinese businesses do that now? Are we losing out on all end except to be able to buy cheap and under certified goods?

      Carry on smartly with your natural progression of business as if is business as usual. por ta

  17. Concern Citizen
    January 31, 2012

    Iam asking the governmentof dominica to open their eyes

    • DPM
      January 31, 2012

      Better yet, let us know what the MOU with China entails.

  18. Tenderloin
    January 31, 2012

    well we make our bed we have to lie on it,wet as it is. Those Chinese don’t even want their fingers to touch yours when they giving you change. If they could put it down on the counter for you they would do it. And don’t even get me started their receipt. They giving you receipt now but the name of their store not even printed at the top of it. It doesn’t show the VAT collected either.

  19. Mahaut
    January 31, 2012

    I would like to draw this analysis about the matter. Wal-mart, the biggest chain in the US, goes into small towns and causes local grocery stores to go out of business. People in that town would support Wal-mart and not their own. Reason being things are cheaper by Wal-mart, and more variety. However, they do create employment and town gets a fair share of taxes from Wal-mart.

    So when people-talking about Chinese taking over. Think of employment they create with those business; Competition means that prices remain competitive; is a source of revenue for the government by taxation on those businesses. IF you doh want them and their product, stop buying from them, simply as that, and support locally owned businesses. Oh Yes, the prices are higher at the locally owned business.

    • 100Fuegos
      January 31, 2012

      What you fail to mention it that there is extensive consultation between WalMart and persons from those communities before anything is establish and in most cases no approval is given. Can u say the same about Dominica? Not even the MOU we can see.

    • Fair&Free
      January 31, 2012

      How much employment do Chinese really create for locals? Have you ever seen a vacancy notice for one of their top jobs. “Must be able to speak Chinese”

  20. boi
    January 31, 2012

    lady star said it best year before…i want to know what and why….what will happen when is PAYBACK TIME…all you did not listen. wooossshhhh all dem nice road and the fancy stadium all you thought it was just for a thank you…well good for you…lol

  21. Edoz
    January 31, 2012

    What did you expect all u took Chinese money now its payback time.

  22. mercy
    January 31, 2012

    The purchasing power lies in the hands of the customers. If we stop buying those inferior goods they’ll definitely leave but we complain and still buy. Let us be wise people.

  23. January 31, 2012

    did u think the stadium was free? lol

  24. watttt
    January 31, 2012

    All we OECS citizens need to do is stop buying in the chinese stores and shops, lets start supporting our local investors, then we will see the result. If they are not making any money they will definetly go. But the local businesses need to bear in mind that they should not try to get rich overnight on our locals. In dominica we need to hold some serious protest action so that the government will limit the influx of chinese in our country.

    As a matter of fact, we dominicans need to learn to buy things that are of quality because when we buy at the chinese stores for cheap, these products do not last at all.

  25. DPM
    January 31, 2012

    I’ve been watching this situation for a while and have always expressed concern about the sudden influx of Chinese in the Caribbean islands. Finally somebody is talking. I’ve seen first-hand how these people operate in Africa, so (as the saying goes) “we better take infront for behind.” They seem to be able to obtain with such ease what we locals have been trying to get. As someone said in an earlier posting, we locals have such difficulty when trying to open a small business, but these Chinese business places seem to be popping up all over the place.

  26. CC
    January 31, 2012

    I hope DA and other OECS islands are ready to payback China. Nobody is going to build roads and stadiums in your country without expecting some sort or repayment.

  27. January 31, 2012

    China principle is to spread it’s people all over the world, because there is not enough space for all the chinese in china.When they send them out they support them, by manipulating the ruling party of the countries and giving financial aid to them so that they have to send back their profits to the home land, while the countries see their economies disappear.If this is not brought under control soon chinese will be all over the world like (mopyour)lice,The Red Invasion is on the the move.

  28. Eggleston
    January 31, 2012

    This is a very serious ISSUE and we in Dominica should take examply because we have the problem with the Chinese here. PLease take note mister Prime Minister.

  29. January 31, 2012


    • Anonymous
      January 31, 2012

      So true!

    • A
      January 31, 2012

      This is very true most of china made products was recalled in the United States and even Europe because they contained high levels of lead poisoning.

      In addition to our health, the influx of chinese business in Dominica is hurting the little businesses. While the chinese pay duty free the little people have to pay full duty and still can not make a profit or break even, because the chinese are selling it much much more lower.

      We need to support our local people. We need to stop buying at every chinese store in Roseau. Support local. Supprot Dominica. (when the chinese make all their sale, the money goes back to China to support their extended family it does not circulate in Dominica)

  30. January 31, 2012

    everywhere these guys go to is the same mess… in Suriname the locals have a big problem with those chinese. it seems the chinese gov’t most be giving those ‘leaders’ of gov’t some good kfc finger licking good under the table deals…

  31. President
    January 31, 2012

    I have no problem with chinese opening businesses all over the caribbean. what i have a problem with is the way we treat our so called own. Can i today as a caricom national go over to antigua or any other caribbean island to open a business. thats a difficult venture. as caricaom nationals we are interogated so much when travelling just for vacation , much less to open a business. further less get citizenship.however, we are so welcoming to other investers out of our region.To go to the US or any other country for us is like so difficult , its like extracting trying to mix oil and water. as caribbean nations we need to protect our own businesses. make it easy for locals to operate businesses, and stop complaining about the chinese.we dig our hole and we fall in it. (Customs duty in Dominica is to high).

    • January 31, 2012

      President, your comment makes sense and it’s the most sensible i’ve evr read. Now you’re thinking outside the box. The problem is not the chinese, the problem is black people, the OECS and CARICOM.

    • Anthony Ismael
      January 31, 2012

      The issue of suspicion amongst our own is one that dates back to the idea of the Federation. Ever since its failure, we have been unable to take an open-minded approach to our own nationals traveling freely through-out the region.
      I read many comments on this post blasting Dominicans for not wanting to come home and invest in our country. But when one encouners so much difficulty and resistance, what’s the point of even trying.

      I can recall an individual who came home with the intention to open a chicken processing plant and he was denied a licensed by the government because of the lurcrative contract that M. Stevens and Sons has to import chicken and meat-by-products into Dominica. This is the enviroment that we have fostered for decades now.
      Unless the environment changes, the more things change, is the more they will sadly remain the same. Back then, the total sum spent by Dominicans to purchase importted meat and meat by-products was EC$25,000,000.00 annually.

  32. Our Roots
    January 31, 2012

    Talk about a threat to national security? Look at what happened to the US after the demise of the middle class. When policy makers don’t fully consider the future implications of current business practices, the consequences are serious. I always maintain that farmers much prefer to drive on narrow roads to go to the market, than not go to the market at all. Where are the educated and skilled? Time to get involved in our country’s negotiating team. These guys are selling us for pork fried rice.

  33. Chakademus
    January 31, 2012

    Neo-colonialism! All those who (sometimes correctly) criticized The USA and Britain, what are they saying now?

    • pulp-fiction
      January 31, 2012

      usa and britain took what they needed longtime

  34. shasha
    January 31, 2012

    ya they invede dominica the same way those communist, they take over dominica let them go back to their communist place am sure they cooking all the dogs in antigua and dominica

  35. Satelite
    January 31, 2012

    Paula you are so right. We welcome the assistance and businesses, they offer to us but on the other hand they are choking the locals who wish to open up whatever business possible. The solution rest with the OECS governments for sure. Unless they feel that they do not want to offend the Chinese government by placing some hard restrictions on the chinese people in their specific region.

  36. Lower food prices
    January 31, 2012

    DNO this is a leading article … leading everybody to racism. This is just going to bring out the worst in DA.

    The Chinese are Ethnically visible on 2 accounts. Their looks and their shops. That is why everybody are so aware of them. there are actually very few on the island and they are not taking over the country.

    The landlords of Roseau are the ones letting these shops to people who work very hard trying to make a few bucks … have a go at them

    Do not envy them for their tax free or not tax free. The economic situation is so bad for shops that most will go out of business and then we will have empty shops and then you haters can all feel good about your racist attacks.

    • Wesleyman
      January 31, 2012

      Just what ar you talking about? are you are chinese national disguising yorself as a Dominican? I would even rather believe that than to believe that a Dominican is that misguided and blind. The real truth is that all these little islands are being over run by the chinese, I do believe in an open market because I do believe that the monopoly that these big stores in Roseau has had, have actually amounted to collusion and price fixing (because they are all brothers)but to have chinese come into the market place, with more favorable tax freedom that nationals is rediculous. As someone who tried to start a business in Dominica I can tell you they make it so difficult for you, they fraustrate you and some of these chinese dont even have to clear immigration, an suv picks them up right on the tarmac. If you believe this is racism, give the continued practice another 10 years and lets hear your comment. “REMEMBER TIBET PEOPLE”.

      • Anonymous
        January 31, 2012

        I know, right? I read that comment and was in disbelief.

      • Lower food prices
        February 1, 2012

        Of course I am not Chinese you idiot.

        You did the best to show how ignorant you are and racist … so I need say no more.

        Thank You.

    • January 31, 2012

      VERY TRUE, ARE THESE HATERZZZZ GONNA START SHOPS? NO WAY SO ROSEAU IS GOING TO BE EMPTY AND LIKE A GHOST TOWN AND THEN WE’LL ALL BLAME THE GOVERNMENT FOR NOT HAVING BUSINESSES IN DOMINICA. Dominicans are a confused people. Let the Chinese and Lebanese go and see how we’ll become. They want the white man to come in. hwhat a bunch of racists people.

    • Anonymous
      February 1, 2012

      Why racism? If the article actually read influx of US businesses would you still jump on racism.

      I welcome the Chinese business but I believe they should be held to the same standards and procedures that are expected of local businesses. I also think that local businesses should learn from the Chinese as it relates to pricing of products.

    January 31, 2012

    Well incase u guys doesnt know, Chinese means Business and Business means Chinese.

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