Let’s accept gays – Barbados Education Minister

Barbados Education Minister Ronald Jones
Barbados Education Minister Ronald Jones. Photo: Barbados Today

Minister of Education Ronald Jones believes the time has come for Barbadians to stop turning a blind eye and accept the fact that gay relationships were now part of our culture.

Speaking today during debate on the Domestic Violence Amendment Bill 2016, Jones said the country must also accept that domestic did not only relate to heterosexual relationships.

The minister insisted that just as people continually turned a blind eye to domestic violence among hetrosexuals, they were doing the same as it related to relationships between people of the same sex.

“I want persons in this country to understand that it is no longer a situation of domestic abuse of male on female, or female on male or where children are caught up . . . but today, with contemporary lifestyles it might very well be female on female and male on male,” the minister stated.

“This country lives with a certain level of hypocrisy. So now that we are pulling out of the shadows the violence within heterosexual relationships, we need to pull out of the shadows as well, the violence, domestic as it is, [in gay relationships].


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  1. February 6, 2016

    Its most famous eruption took place in the year 79 A.D., when the volcano buried the ancient Roman city of Pompeii under a thick carpet of volcanic ash.Erotic art in Pompeii and Herculaneum has been both exhibited as art, and concealed as pornography. The Roman cities around the bay of Naples were destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD; are we summoning plagues such as, Yesinia pestis; Yersinia pestis is the causative agent of the systemic invasive infectious disease often referred to as the plague. The Y. pestis is an extremely virulent pathogen that is likely to cause severe illness and death upon infection. Currently there are mosquito transmitting viruses.
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    Herpesvirus Infection Overview
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    Lassa Fever and South American Hemorrhagic…

  2. Antonio Telemacque
    February 5, 2016

    We all sin….who is without cast the first stone…some people seem to think that homosexuality is the biggest sin, but all sin is sin.We cast a blind eye to all the others but focus on this one.Many of the most contributing individuals in our society are homosexual or have indulge in homosexual activity…teachers, pastors, priest, doctors, police, ministers,and the list goes on.And yes that is your Dad, Uncle, cousin, child, sister,brother, nephew,niece, friend..it is not going away.the same issues that exist in a heterosexual relationship exists in a homosexual relationship…i.e domestic violence, unfaithfulness ,etc. our society would be a much better place if there was a bit more love, appreciation, compassion, and tolerance for each other gay or straight.

  3. Viewsexpressed
    February 5, 2016

    It s not the person we condone, it is the act we condone. It goes against the laws of nature, it is not natural. So therefore we have a right to express this opinion and fact.
    I will and have stand up against anyone who attempts to be violent or preach violence on anyone who is or may be gay, it is wrong. We have to object and decent with humility and concern and courage in the best way possible. Please also respect those concerns, we have a right to decent.
    And this phrase of homophobia is false, its a made up phrase, saying of convenience. A phobia is a fear of something, like cluster phobia etc. We have no fear, but the right to object and dedcent

    • Livingston
      February 7, 2016

      No one likes it :lol: but isn’t he saying what Oboma said. every Caribbean island has a gay population Trinidad an Jamaica has more gays than Barbados population yet they hide and pretend not them. there aids rates are higher. All developed nation are tackling this issue its only the backwards as’ countries denying it exist among them. Kudos to them bajans for dealing with it. I guess that’s why they have cut the spread of Aids in Barbados one of the lowest rates 0.7. Something to think about. We have a few gays here hiding come out 8)

  4. February 5, 2016

    We have lost our way ..Oh merciful LORD help us..
    I refuse to comment anymore on that topic other than to pray for those that are out in the cold to come in..
    Thank GOD ..JEHOVAH arms are still wide open and stretched out for any who is willing to fall therein.
    The horse can be lead to the water but it can’t be forced to drink…and life goes on….

  5. DA4REAL
    February 4, 2016

    To all you ignorant people who think that homosexuality is the worst of sins get a reality check. Fisrt and foremost the minister was not promoting homosexuality. He was talking about domestic violence so for those of you who just read without understanding you need to shut up. He was stating the fact that domestic violence is a real issue that needs to be addressed. Its really true what the bible says that my people perish for lack of knowledge. I see that slowly happening to the vast number of ignorant people in Dominica. They are so quick to comment and be negative about everything. Its good to express our thoughts but to be negative concerning everything is ridiculous. The world is shaking its head at the lack of intelligence of our people. God is shaking his head at our nation. There are so many issues affecting us that needs to be addressed.

    • viewsexpressed
      February 4, 2016

      I read the article and I disagree with, also I read the headline to the story. He links gays as union equal to that of Gods given, natures given natural life and procreation

  6. Ma Mosesi
    February 4, 2016

    Look mr. Jones, we have always had our share of homosexuals in the Caribbean, just like everywhere else. People in our communities have a good idea who they are but I have never seen or heard anyone troubling them for for what they are, they are tolerated. What I don’t like is that gay lobby rubbing things in our faces so agressively and try and make us feel that we are not normal if we do not celebrate that kind of behavior. I don’t like to see any one being sexually provocative and challenging. Things like gay parade. Imagine we heterosexuals having a straight parade and behaving outrageous like our homosexual brothers and sisters. Just behave normal like everybody else. I am not asking what you do in your bedroom, that is your business but you are no more special than everybody else.

    • DeJoker
      February 4, 2016

      You are deluding yourself if you think that, in a culture where songs like “Boom bye bye” and that TOC song are so popular, gay people are treated equally. Just the mere insinuation that someone is gay is already a invitation to ridicule and contempt. Just look at 90% of these comments! The fact is the quality of life of a gay person in the caribbean right now is not very good and valuable lives are being wasted away just because some people are uncomfortable with someone else’s nature.

      These people could be making valuable contributions to society but most of them live troubled and tormented lives because of how they have to go through so much to hide their nature or be subject to ridicule and contempt if they are open about it. This is why you only see the scandalous type of gay people – because those are the ones that absolutely don’t care what anyone thinks. And btw there already is a hetero parade it’s called carnival (festival of the flesh) nuff said

  7. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    February 4, 2016

    You know of all the people who condone homosexuality, their first argument in supporting that filth is always about “love.” However, not one of them are able to use any part of scripture to support, or substantiate their argument that God is in support of this filth and wrong!

    The Bible teaches “God is Love” that God of love does not define the craving of a mans anus by another man to be love: for indeed the God love for humans is his tolerance and long suffering, as stated in the Bible. A man or woman becoming infatuated with the flesh of another is not love!

    You see one of the reasons why so many mirages fail is because there was no love in the marriage. We look at the young face, the flesh, and the un-wrinkled skin and claim “I love you” trouble starts most of the time past age forty, when the beauty no longer exists. If I love someone I stay with them under any circumstance, anything other that means inactivated, or mere infatuations! Bull-pooping (buggering) is not…

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      February 4, 2016

      If I love someone I stay with them under any circumstance, anything other that means inactivated, or mere infatuations! Bull-pooping (buggering) is not love!

    • Gabby
      February 5, 2016

      Why would it matter what the god of a manmade religion believe in a secular society in which church and state do not mix? And you do know that many people are not religious, right? I’m proudly one of them. There is no evidence for the existence of youre deity.

  8. forreal
    February 4, 2016

    why are we surprised,we grew up with the knowledge that babados has always been the little england of the Caribbean and a sadistic anti man country,a lot of them bugga man in Roseau,graduate in babados,yep them gushite mon or go take a shit mon

  9. February 4, 2016

    In the world of the first century A.D. homosexuality was rampant. St. Paul made this comment about the acceptance of same sex relationships in the culture of his day.

    “…their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise they became fools. … For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one towards another, men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.” (Romans 1:21-27)

    God created the human race male and female and ordained that marriage would be between a man and a woman. “…Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they two shall be one flesh?” (Matthew 19:4-5)

    • February 4, 2016


      The fact that human beings have corrupted God’s plan for the expression of sexuality and perverted marriage into something it was never intended to be does not make homosexuality and same sex marriages right and proper. These things are part of many “cultures” but that does not make them acceptable to God. In fact the Word of God says “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.” (1 Corinthians 6:9,10)

      But I have good news! God loves those who have committed all these sins. By His death on the cross Christ paid the penalty for each one. Those who believe in Christ – those who receive Him as their Savior – will be saved :!: Please read John 1:12, and John 3:16, and 17 :!:

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald…

  10. HA!
    February 4, 2016

    Does Baroness Scotland come to mind? I wonder why BARBADOS was in such unwavering support of her?

  11. Face the Facts
    February 4, 2016

    This B/dos Minister of Education is mortally (morally) and spiritual sick and this is also ungodly.
    Accept them for what? Who are they, the ones who are gay? What do they have to offer the country to enhance it, build it up and make it a better place? This is what nationals should look for in other nationals.
    Minister of Education think twice of your words, evil influence and encouragement. You think this is the best thing for B/dos?
    When you stand before God for your judgment you will find out how wrong you are. May it not be to your eternal detriment where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

    • DeJoker
      February 4, 2016

      What if I told you that the code that goes into the browsers that you use to post your bigoted crap was written by at least 2 – 5% gay people? Wait you probably have no idea what a browser or code is loool

      • Face the Facts
        February 9, 2016

        You are not more intelligent than I. You missed the point entirely.
        It does not matter who wrote and composed this or that. They could also be D/can calypsonians. This is not the issue.
        There are people who may be gays and lesbians who are also customer service staff wherever I shop. Our duty is to be courteous towards each other and to greet each other with due respect. This could be anywhere.
        As human beings they are normal as others. It does not mean those who shop there are interested in their lifestyle and condone it. Yes! They appear to be nice people but this is as far as the relationship between those who write, compose, direct, sell, etc. and purchase goes.
        They brought out their intrinsic lifestyle in the public arena with the help of their interest groups. They want all rights and even to tread on the rights of those who oppose them as also their religious rights. This is what we oppose. Learn the difference and sense of my comment.

  12. 4cars
    February 3, 2016

    He must have tasted it so he wants it to be accepted. Only ungodly men are elected to high office. No wonder the earth has stop spinning, and we are going down, down below.

    • Face the Facts
      February 9, 2016

      Some ungodly men. They soon project their true colors as this education minister. I am not impressed by him whatsoever.

  13. Tjebe Fort
    February 3, 2016

    O.K. mr. Jones, you be gay. I’d rather be straight and happy. Good luck you screwed up people but don’t come and push your stuff into my face. Straight people have rights too.

    • Deleoncourt
      February 4, 2016

      how is he pushing it in you face? when straight people talk about domestic violence is there a barrage of insults like on this blog? you sound like one of those white people who say that black and hispanics are taking over and whites have rights too. its stupid straight people are the majority and trying to solve domestic violence problems is in by no way taiking rights away from straight people

    • Face the Facts
      February 9, 2016

      There is a difference between the heterosexual lifestyle and the homosexual lifestyle. The words alone indicate the difference.
      This is what they are doing, pushing their evil stuff down our throats and expect us to grin and bear it, accept it and welcome them.
      What we owe them and as much as they owe us, is to acknowledge and respect our human rights and preference. We owe them nothing as to accept their lifestyle.
      They have no respect for our rights. Yet they want us to accept their lifestyle. Do you note the unfairness of these people? They are so engrossed in their lifestyle and what they want they care not about our feelings.
      Some people can deceive themselves. One day, the governments that legislate this abomination will find out their error that those so-called marriages are not approved by God and never will.
      Let us stick to what God planned from the beginning for the human race, marriage between a man and a woman, Adam and Eve. It is unchangeable.

  14. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    February 3, 2016

    “Minister of Education Ronald Jones believes the time has come for Barbadians to stop turning a blind eye and accept the fact that gay relationships were now part of our culture.”

    Ronald, that is an understatement! Homosexuality has long been part; and accepted as part of the your Barbadian culture. As far as I remember St. James in Barbados has long been a cesspool for homosexual.

    St. James has long been a heaven for many British aunty-man; and you cannot deny that! Its one thing for individuals to do as they wish with their life, but for you who they claim to be an educator to encourage your filth in society is a reason to expel you from that position; because it is your kind who helps to screw up the world.

    There is a higher power who condemns homosexuality: he is Jehovah God, the same God who destroyed the two ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah! You may like sodomy, that is your prerogative, keep your disgusting habits to you, do not introduce that filth to some of…

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      February 3, 2016

      You may like sodomy, that is your prerogative, keep your disgusting habits to you; do not introduce that filth to some of us God fearing people of the Caribbean! Your kind has absolutely no concept of the living God.

      And so the god of this world Satan; according to the written word of God in the Bible, uses your kind as a tool to deceive those who listens to you! Unless you refrain from your love of homosexuality; your paved path into the kingdom of satan is wide open to you!

      • February 4, 2016

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque:

        The Caribbean needs more educated people like you who will speak out. (I know you are in the States.)

        It makes me tremble to think that a Minister of Education would advocate for homosexuality. Mr. Jones is responsible for the education of his nation’s young people and the future of his people. Studies have shown that homosexuals are three times as likely to molest children than heterosexuals. The Lord Jesus said “If any man offends one of these little ones it would be better that a mill stone be placed around his neck and he be cast into the midst of the sea.”

        A government that would allow a man with these beliefs to serve in such a position, and the nation that accepts him, are equally to blame and will face the judgement of God. This applies equally to my own nation (Canada) and all others.

        Visit my website http://www.livinghopeministries.ca and read my article THINGS THAT CANNOT BE SHAKEN :!:

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

      • Deleoncourt
        February 4, 2016

        Tell me Francisco Etienne Dods Telemaque, Who are you to pass judgement on anyone? Who are you to refer to people as filth? A god fearing man such as yourself dears to pass judgement? People like yourself who would use religion as a weapon and push it into the public space. How dare you! do you know another group of people who push religion into the public space ISIS!!

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      February 6, 2016

      Very fascinating, Dr. Hill, I read about the little girl and the loosing her voice. You know prayer do work, I was one of those people a doctor told when I was a little boy, that there was no medicine for me in the hospitals in Dominica. I followed my grandmother home, reminiscing on what I heard the doctor told her.

      “He will either grow out of the sickness, or I will die!”

      In my innocence I decided to pray to God, I cannot remember all that I asked him; but this comes to mind. I ask God to allow me to become a man; simply that I can experience what its like to be a man! No need to tell you that I have already lived a full life.

      I’ve had issues, even while I was in elementary school in Dominica, there are times I could not finish a semester. There was a time I did not go to School for almost a hole year, and could not even venture outside, and during those spells of illness I had no taste for food, so only God knows how I survived, what I do know he answers prayers, as…

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      February 6, 2016


      Here is the problem, some of us are quick to talk about judgment of other people, how can you ask me such stupid question, for basing my argument on a request from that man we should accept homosexuality? It is filth, the anus of a man which God gave to him is for the discharge of feces, get rid of the waste and nothing else, so when men have sexual intercourse in their rectum, they are dabbling in filth, feces is filth!

      If you are hoping for me to sympathies with homosexuals you will be waiting indefinitely! I will take some time to educate you; what you do with it, its matter for you! The rectum is the distal portion of the large intestine, beginning anterior to the third sacral vertebra as a continuation of the sigmoid, and ending at the anal canal.

      The feces, the solid waste products of digestion, are formed in the large intestine, and are gradually pushed down into the rectum by muscular actions of the intestine. Distention of the rectum by the…

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      February 6, 2016

      Distention of the rectum by the accumulating feces sets up nerve impulses that indicate to the brain the need to empty the bowels, in the rectum, in the anus there is always feces, that is filth! The rectum is between 6 and 8 inches long, with the canal making up the last inch.

      The anus is kept closed except during the evacuation process, by muscular rings, the anal sphincters. when those muscular rings are damaged, becomes weak, no longer can they control the flow of feces, the anuty-man defecates on himself not even knowing it!

  15. Rabbit
    February 3, 2016

    Homosexuality is not just a form of sex but of love & for that deserves our respect.

    • February 4, 2016

      There is no relationship between homosexuality and love. It is not a matter of romance.

      Homosexual men cruise the parks, bars, and baths to find a partner for an encounter.

      A homosexual man walks through a park. When he meets another they duck into the bushes for an encounter.

      A homosexual man sits in a gay bar hoping to make eye contact with another. If it happens there is a nod of the head or a flick of a wrist and they head for the washroom for a few minutes of private time.

      Often they never get each others name. If they met three weeks later they wouldn’t recognize each other.

      Some will argue gay “marriages” prove two homosexuals care about each other in a loving way. Not necessarily. For many “marriage” is the answer to the loneliness they feel and a way of assuring that they always have a partner. Many of these “marriages” are not monogamous. There is also a high level of “domestic violence” in same sex “marriage”.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill…

    • DeJoker
      February 4, 2016

      Hitchens 8) – cheers mate

    • Face the Facts
      February 9, 2016

      Oh yes? What do I expect from a rabbit?
      You are one unenlightened person who lacks godliness.
      Stand before the Holy Face of God and tell Him that. Note what He will say to you and what your eternal judgment will be.

    February 3, 2016

    In these trial times of life and its sustenance, these are the topics should not even be considered in the Caribbean( third world). How the hell would there be a tomorrow when these people start take over, they can’t reproduce!!!. Here is zikra on us limiting us from reproduction plus all other plagues on us and thats the best topic you could surface… why not looking at some strategies on how we could benifit from the marijauna industry…. these people uses all excuses to cover they sinful ways to corupt our youths… ,but Jah knows.

    • Face the Facts
      February 4, 2016

      I will continue to state, when God is angry enough and He cannot stamina any more of this so-called gay rights and same sex marriage, He will purge the world of it and other evil.

    • Deleoncourt
      February 4, 2016

      maybe not reproducing so quickly would not be such a bad idea.. it would have saved us from your uneducated self

    • DeJoker
      February 4, 2016

      Are you kidding me? Millions are spent every year on contraception and you think one or two people being accepted for who they already are is going to lead to an extinction of our species. Really some of the arguments you people dream up are so absurd it’s unbelievable how they can make it from your head to a comment section without being marked as ‘nonsense’ somewhere along the way. Gay people would never have children either way and even if they did somehow it would be by being forced into a situation that they are not happy with which usually ends up in broken families and more problems for society. The fact is that this is an issue that needs to be tackled as the current situation is making life impossible for many people who would most likely be making positive contributions to society but they are not allowed to since they have to be constantly battling their very nature.

      • Face the Facts
        February 9, 2016

        You know nothing and what is also occurring in the outside world. Some schools are closed because there are not enough children to attend them. Strange, even though there are more immigrants today.
        One day you will be faced with this and the truth will be revealed to you.
        I will simply state, two men cannot have a baby; likewise two women. Some of them were once married to a man/woman and experienced the sweet taste of such a relationship. They gave it up for what they now practice. Oh my! Something is wrong with them.

  17. roy
    February 3, 2016

    no way mr minister dont come round here (the carribbean) with your bad ways and try to mislead the youths if you have favour to gay keep that to your self. ii dont get it why has no one started throwing stones and boosie (molotov cocktails) at him…………….but it seems true what they say dominica is the nature ile……….grenada is ile of spice…………..and………………..barbados is ile of gay

    • Face the Facts
      February 4, 2016

      Too many tourists as well who are. He is also pleasing them and will welcome them.
      Maybe he knows some people who are gay and also right in his very own family.

    • Deleoncourt
      February 4, 2016

      can you read? it not about the promotion of homosexuality its about domestic violence

    • DeJoker
      February 4, 2016

      Here is a perfect example of why the minister’s words are so important. You want someone to have stones and bombs thrown at them for speaking about something that makes you uncomfortable? And who are they going to mislead really. I have never in my life seen someone who was straight turn gay. If you are straight then the gay lifestyle will not appeal to you period. If it does you were never straight to begin with. But I think that’s the entire root of all this bigotry. A lot of you are afraid that accepting homosexuality will expose the fact that it exists among caribbean males, a fact that will do great harm to the largely chauvinistic ideal that many are so proud of

      • Face the Facts
        February 9, 2016

        It does not make them uncomfortable. It is abhorrent; an abomination primarily to the Lord. You refuse to accept that. One day when you find out it will shock you.

  18. derp
    February 3, 2016

    gay (homosexuality is unnatural) you know what is natural, cannabis… legalize that….

    • DeJoker
      February 4, 2016

      The herb is natural, smoking it is not. Either way the naturalistic fallacy is a pretty stupid argument considering that our entire modern world is founded upon things that are not ‘natural’ – the device you’re using and the internet that facilitates the posting of your comment for example

      • February 4, 2016

        Some people seem to think every plant or weed is meant to be ate, drank, smoked, or injected because it is natural. Some of these things are harmful to the body regardless of how they are ingested. In some cases we have not yet discovered a proper and practical use for them but in time we may.

        Until then we should have enough sense to realize that some things out there are just not meant for human consumption.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

  19. LifeandDeath
    February 3, 2016

    I find it a bit unfair to discriminate against people only for one aspect of their life..However I think Men and Women should make choices pro-society. For what purpose would a man choose to have an emotional/sexual relationship with another man? Can that be helping Society in any way? Why is it they get the easy way out and others must make all the sacrifices for the continuation of a productive society?. Men must Man up and have their children and build families that will contribute to society. This Gay thing may need some tolerance to mitigate violence against other human beings but it certainly should not be advocated for. Why are we all compelled to pay taxes with no exception; because everybody benefits.. Where is the Societal benefit from Gay Relationships? I always wonder why Gay people want to get married…

    • Gabby
      February 3, 2016

      For what purpose? I don’t know, for love? What a dense comment. It helps society because LGBTQ individuals have always existed, and there is nothing wrong with loving another consenting adult. The societal benefit is that we have a more tolerant, empathetic, and human society wheen we embrace benign diversity.

      • viewsexpressed
        February 3, 2016

        Give me a break. My friend all kind of unnatural thing has existed, but we doh fall for it. Soon, man will cry for 2, 3 4 wives, but woman must not….i oppose both.
        It is not natural, the act of this thing is NOT natural…….there is no continuation other than sperm bank or say you wanna adopt. Please doh impose this thing on us

      • February 4, 2016

        “There is nothing wrong with loving another consenting adult.”

        There is a difference between love and sex.

        A brother and sister should love each other.
        A brother and sister should not have sex.

        Love without sex will not produce a child.
        Sex without love may produce a child.

        Love will not spread a disease.
        Sex can spread a disease.

        There is no law against loving another person.
        There must be laws against some kinds of sex with or without consent. Incest, polygamy, sex when one party has tested positive for HIV, etc.

        The Bible forbids homosexuality. Please read Genesis 19:1-25 with Jude vs. 7, and 1 Corinthians 6:9,10. For over 1,900 years the church has opposed homosexuality because of its clear understanding of these scriptures.

        For hundreds of years those nations with a Christian heritage have had laws forbidding homosexuality.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • roy
      February 3, 2016

      i always wonder why the thought of gay exist in their minds

      • February 5, 2016

        Why is the gay thought in their minds?

        A high percentage of homosexuals were introduced to the perversion by an older homosexual during their childhood or in their youth. Sexual abuse is responsible for much of the homosexuality we are seeing today.

        Some homosexuals had a bad relationship with one of their parents. Often it is a matter of what is sometimes referred to as “an absent father” in the home. In this case the male child began looking to an older male to take the place of the father. An older homosexual male slid into this place and a gay relationship developed.

        Some people began thinking of homosexual activities when they began feeding their minds on gay porn. The desire followed, and eventually they were trapped in the lifestyle.

        In some cases alcohol or drugs were involved. These substances open the mind to demons especially if they are consumed in a permissive atmosphere like a gay party or gay bar.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • Face the Facts
      February 4, 2016

      They want society to accept them. They are already accepted as human beings, nationals.
      Then they lobby for all sorts of laws to suit them. while disregarding the feeling, even the religious rights of those who oppose them coming out in the public arena with this abomination. They are selfish people who only want their way.
      No one will bother them if they keep it to themselves, behind their closed doors. Why do they think they have to bring it out in public?
      We do know many people will never accept their intrinsic lifestyle.

      Woe to that B/dos Minister of Education.

      • February 6, 2016

        We cannot accept what God rejects.

        We cannot bless what God curses.

        We cannot condone what God condemns.

        We cannot approve what God calls an abomination.

        We cannot endorse what God forbids.

        We cannot recommend what God warns against.

        Only a fool would encourage anybody to do something that is an outright violation of the laws of God who is the Supreme Law Giver and Judge of the Universe.

        No man or woman who does not stand for the Word of God and His laws is qualified to serve in the government of a nation.

        “To the law and to he testimony: If they speak not according to this Word it is because there is no light in them.” (Isaiah 8:20)

        People who do not fear God and honor His Word are not to be trusted to keep their nation under God’s protection.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • Deleoncourt
      February 4, 2016

      gays dont pay taxes? is the only point of life and society to reproduce? does the world need more people? I think the world needs a break from the population increase its a huge strain on resources

    • DeJoker
      February 4, 2016

      Look up Alan Turing. The man you most likely have to thank today for not living under Nazi rule and who also played a great part in developing the ideas that would lead to the machine that you are currently using to post your ideas. I can’t say for sure, but if you read his story I’m sure you would agree with me that if not for anti homosexual bigotry his life would probably have not been so short and who knows what such a brilliant mind would have contributed to our society in the time of which he was robbed.

      The fact is that homosexuals are part of our society and have just as much to contribute (good or bad) to it. For the sake of the good that any individual who wants to express love for another individual and share a relationship with them, we should try to break down walls of bigotry and hate. That I believe is enough of a contribution to the well being of society to warrant the effort with which the issue is pursued.

  20. peaceful
    February 3, 2016

    I agree with the man. Judgment is for the LORD not man. Gay, gossip, lying, stealing, fornication, adultery, deceit…etc etc etc they are all sin. HE WHO HAS NO SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE!

    • Face the Facts
      February 4, 2016

      Little do you know. Are you ever narrow-minded and lack godly enlightenment.
      You know the Law of the Lord. Those who violate it will pay a dear price.
      When they bring out their type of lifestyle and want everyone to accept them, those who oppose this abomination have a right to speak up against it.
      It is an offense to God who created man and woman. If they accept these people’s lifestyle, God will hold them accountable. Never encourage it.
      They cause this problem. Tell them to keep their abnormal lifestyle to themselves and we will say nothing. Those who oppose it do not want to hear of it. Period!

  21. Cyrique
    February 3, 2016

    Minister Ronald Jones I agree with you. People should not be judged or shunned because of their sexuality. Let’s be clear. I’m not gay. I do however believe that we need to accept that people who are gay are part of our community. They may well be suffering in silence in our own family. If there are any gay men or women in my family I embrace you and dare anyone to vilify them. Well done Minister.

    • Channel 1
      February 3, 2016

      @Cyrique – Since you are in the mood for accepting, don’t forget to accept and embrace the thieves and drug dealers. Accept the thieves and drug dealers into your home nuh. “They may well be suffering in silence…..” Leave your door wide open in a show of acceptance for them.

      Some of all you like to come out of the word work with all kind of dotish mind-warped reasoning when all you ready…

      • Face the Facts
        February 9, 2016

        You are no exception. Note what you stated.

    • viewsexpressed
      February 3, 2016

      Well sir, leave your nonsense in Barbados. As a matter of fact do not impose your Nonesense on Barbados people.

    • viewsexpressed
      February 3, 2016

      So they were not part of the community all along……..pleeeeaaase give us a break

      • Holiday Island Boy
        February 3, 2016

        Sometimes I wonder what the fuss is all about. They have lived among us. They have worked with us. Some are also related to us, and there was never a problem. Why all of a sudden they are being pushed to the front?

    • Face the Facts
      February 4, 2016

      He does not have to shove it down the throats of others and expect them to endorse it. This is the problem with these people.
      If they are suffering in silence, they have recourse to Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Healer of all our woes. They want their way and want everyone in the world to accept them. It is not going to happen.
      You are encouraging abomination. That will be your funeral.

    • February 6, 2016

      People who possess porn, and practice incest, pedophilia, prostitution, and bestiality also live in your communities. Are they part of your culture :?:

      Should they also not be judged or shunned because of heir sexuality? Do you want your children to think these things are acceptable because you did not have the intelligence or stamina to take a stand and speak out against them?

      You talk about accepting everybody. This is absolute foolishness. Your own insecurity is what causes you to talk this way. If you have a family there some people you would not ask to babysit your children. If you own a store are there are some people you would not hire to work at the cash register. This is not because you hate these people. It is because they have made choices or done things in life that make it impossible for people to relate to them in a normal way.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

  22. i
    February 3, 2016

    bdos u from i doe ‘fraid’.

  23. Channel 1
    February 3, 2016

    It would be interesting to find out who exactly are the COVERT forces & entities behind the utter rubbish this confused man is speaking.

    Homosexuality is part of whose culture exactly? So that’s the latest nonsensical reasoning to be put forward for the legalization of dat perversion eh – “it is part of our culture.” Well while we are here, just legalize stealing, prostitution and every other ill that is part of our culture nuh.

    Legalize pedophilia, polygamy, adult incest and bestiality also. Why deny the practitioners of these perversion their rights? After all, they can all claim – just as the perverts engaged in homosexuality claim – that they were born with their particular sexual inclinations and hence should not to be discriminated against.

    Could somebody educate dis education minister in biology and let him know that the anus is for defecation not penetration.

    • M G W
      February 4, 2016

      Who are you to judge anyone?
      We people of the Caribbean are just about like wild jungle animals. “Oh, he be different from we…kill HIM”!
      We will always be poor, and uneducated because we don’t understand what FREEDOM means.
      Leave people alone. If you don’t like gay, then don’t be gay! If your neighbor gay, that’s HIS business, not mine or your’s!!!

      Freedom means we all our own master. Just like America and England, each man can do what he wants!
      We need to raise our children up to respect each other, their father, mother, elders, and ALL their neighbors.

      Freedom means happiness for all…Slavery mean hate for some

      • February 6, 2016

        No man lives unto himself.

        No man is an island.

        What an individual does influences another person and in some cases it influences many people.

        When we know a person’s behavior is going to harm himself and others we have a moral responsibility to warn him.

        Those who think homosexuality harms nobody simply have not studied the subject. I personally had a friend who left a wife and two children to join the “gay” life. Obviously, he was not born gay. He tested positive for HIV and died of a self inflicted gunshot wound. I could tell you of many others.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.


    • DeJoker
      February 4, 2016

      Stealing causes harm to others through loss of their property.

      Prostitution is actually legal in many countries and should be, if someone can sell their labour (their body) they should be able to sell sex too.

      Paedophilia harms children

      Polygamy was allowed by the bible which is ironic since it’s the basis for anti homosexual bigotry. But I personally think it should be allowed as long as all parties are content with being in such a relationship. Besides this is already commonly practised in the caribbean, albeit informally

      Bestiality harms animals (who also have rights and should be protected). Just because we use them for food and other forms of human activities does not mean that they should be perverted through sex. Besides it comes to down to the question of consent, which is impossible for any animal to give (at least not in human or legal terms)

      Oral sex is also a form of perversion where a body part is used for something other than its ‘natural’ use and is…

      • DeJoker
        February 4, 2016

        …widely accepted. Homosexuality is just the biggest taboo because it’s the perversion that is most in contrast with the male chauvinistic nature of most societies. It’s no wonder that in countries where gender equality and other such ideals are more ingrained and part of the culture there is less of a bigoted attitude towards homosexuality

    • February 6, 2016

      Channel 1

      Thank you for sharing your insight!

      So few who know the truth are willing to speak out and when they do they speak with an uncertain

      Those who advocate for homosexuality have lost any ability they ever had to think objectively and there is no logic in what they say.

      This “part of our culture” thing is the stupidest thing I have every heard. If it is part of our culture then our culture is fallen, broken, and depraved. Sodom also had its culture. It went down in flames.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

  24. February 3, 2016

    The title of this article is very misleading! Mr. Ronald Jones did NOT advocate for Bajans to accept gays. He said basically that the Bajan Public should not pretend that gay relationships do not exist within their society and in context of domestic violence these gay relationships should be ACKNOWLEDGED and afforded the same protections under the law. This is quite simple and understandable from a perspective of fairness and respect for people’s PERSONAL lifestyle choices!

    • Face the Facts
      February 4, 2016

      Every adult knows that it exists. No one is pretending that it does not exist. So what?
      Do you ever hear married couples hollering that they want to be accepted? Something is wrong with these people if they want to be accepted. If their lifestyle is normal, they would not have to fight to be recognized. It is obvious something is wrong with them.
      Some of you have it all wrong. Two people of the same sex should never be recognized as a heterosexual couple. They are not at par.
      What protection under the law should there be for two people of the same sex? The only protection is to accord them their human rights as others. Theirs is not a marriage which is definitely not recognized by God. Pray to God for enlightenment.

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