St. Lucia government says no protection for businesses over Chinese ‘influx’

St. Lucia Foriegn Minister Alva Baptiste

Reacting to entrepreneurs’ complaints that the influx of Chinese businesses was posing a threat to their survival, St Lucia’s foreign minister Alva Baptiste said on Monday that his government would help local entrepreneurs become more competitive rather than give them protection.

“Rather than seek to be protective this new Labour administration will seek to make businesses more competitive, as we need to pursue a policy that will ensure that we do not disturb the delicate balance that currently exists,” the minister said.


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  1. Comedy shortcut
    March 23, 2012

    China has made loans to Dominica to Skerrit et Al Maybe they should hold dem persoally responsible You know when the drug dealers want their moneies from their pushers/mules and peddlers they kill them when they cannot pay back?. There are terms of repayment recorded. When these loans cannot be repaid, China will ask for concessions in exchange for renegotiating or forgiving the debts.Not only dat. Look at Alcapone who is alledged to have decapitated his tenant for retro-rent! Look at the Joseph boy from lower river street. Look at the girl who worked in the bank found with a slit throat some where in morne daniel. Lookat the case of the guys found shot on a boat outside DA.look back at Dan the ex-cop (should I continue so DNO will not print?)Lol

  2. Hot Shot
    February 9, 2012

    It seems to me that the concern being expressed by Caribbean people about Chinese businesses does not have to do with competition but rather by the fact that the competition is coming from Chinese. There are several other cultures and ethnic people doing business in the region and many of them receive favours from the regimes. So, here’s my question: what have the Chinese done to our people? Why do we hate them so?

    • Comedy shortcut
      March 23, 2012

      Hot shot I would honestly love to afford you more
      slack re: logic but yours seems rather lacking/wanting.your: “The concern being expressed by Caribbean people about Chinese businesses does not have to do with competition but rather by the fact that the competition is coming from Chinese.” This is exactly the point COLD SHOT!We have been brought here DA as african slaves to work the land after the indians and whites faild the caribbean sun.That was different in JA T&T and Guyana to some degree.
      making of the westIndies does not do justice to the black D/can e: History nor does Dr.Honey church’s timtim bois sec countes.
      I suggest the late guyanese Dr.Walter’s How Europe under developed Africa should give you a better perspective which will re-orientate the process provide you with the insight to economic and sociological consiousness.
      Just thought i would set you thinking a little deeper.Your sense of history seems superficial.
      Chew onthis brother and respond cause depending on your response we may become more concious together or prepare for some re-eduction of Hot shot.Don’t take it too personal rather see it as a tool in the exit from backwardness this hybrid gov’t of party infiltrates, opportunists , cafeteria communists,political-party moonlighters call them what you will. Everyone realises the Commonwealth of Dominica is going the wrong way but noone has the cojones to take an honest and serious stance.We are all mascarades and hypocrites in one way or another ,all of us.

  3. Realist
    February 8, 2012


  4. Chewps Ton
    February 8, 2012

    In St Lucia dem Chinese eh have much say cause da Syrians are in charge and trust me Lucians will faster by they stuff from Hobie or Chreiki which we know the money is kept locally than them Chinese Stores, all they good for is to eat our stray animals in Castries and smell up da place and hire they the handful they have in town and those that involve in da Structures can go to hell..And these leaders better come up with a good plan for dem Chinese and Taiwanese cus they both the same..

  5. Bushmaninda
    February 8, 2012

    Non but ourselves can free our minds. Being elected to a position in government does not necessarily mean that one mind is free from a history of self hate. Spouting platitudes of globalization while the people suffer due endemic disadvantages is the mark of limited education and ignorance. They try tell you that a rising tide raises all boats, the truth is if the boat has a hole that rising tide will sink the boat.

    • forreal
      February 8, 2012

      i am sorry but i just don’t get your point,based on what the minister said,you are way of base,i think you should read again,what i gather is,he was making a solution point,because to be quite frank,this is what we need,solutions,not mouth talk,dominicans are very good at that.

      • forreal
        February 8, 2012

        and just to add,if you disagree which i know you will,we have no choice right now,but to try and coexist,the chinese are people to,same as the haitians.

        • Realist
          February 8, 2012

          “…try to coexist?” that sounds like Dominicans are the visitors on this peace of land which our foreparents worked 400 years for free.

          With that attitude Dominica and dominicaness as we know it will soon be subsumed by the invasive species.

          Put partisan political prefence aside and be nationalistic. The mos advanced english speaking caribbean country is B/dos. The are also coincidentally the most nationalistic of the lot, go figure.

  6. beholder
    February 8, 2012

    China is a fascist state. There is only one party which acts as the central planner and driver of all business. The Chinese are taught in school ( falsely ) that China has a 5000 year old civilization and once had a vast empire that encompassed Japan, Viet Nam, All of the Malay peninsula, Korea. Their intention is to restore China to its former glory. They blame Western colonial powers for the loss of this empire. They see their own ethnic group the Han as superior to all other races and ethnic groups. They look down upon everyone else. One merely needs to look at how they treat the native born of Tibet, a sovereign country until the 1950″s, although the Han would tell you that Tibet has traditionally been a part of greater China (remember the lost empire). I expect that the Chinese have plans for these sovereign states in the Caribbean. China has made loans to Dominica. There are terms of repayment recorded. When these loans cannot be repaid, China will ask for concessions in exchange for renegotiating or forgiving the debts. These concessions will give Chinese business unfair advantage. That is the purpose. I understand the governments taking the stadium, the improved roads, the expanded airport. It would be hard for this small agricultural country to make these improvements without assistance, and right now China is offering. But Dominicans are right to be wary.

  7. Think About It
    February 7, 2012

    St.Lucians played with fire and they are getting burned all over. They put in the SLP so now let them deal eith their problems too bad.

    • Comedy shortcut
      March 23, 2012

      Just like D/cans elected ettel and we catching we rear.

  8. Country Man
    February 7, 2012

    One thing I know is history repeats itself. When the Syrians and other Middle Eastern immigrants came to DA walking the hill to all the villages with their cloth and clothes for sale we were asleep and never took notice. Today they control the money and power in DA. Today the Chinese are showing up in numbers doing their thing, hustling and supporting their own – guess who is going to be in power tomorrow?
    I can’t fault the people for working hard and doing their thing. I fault us for not working hard and doing our thing and supporting our own. We are divided across the board and just can’t seem to get together for our own good and survival. While we out there bringing down each other and fighting for individual gain strangers are taking over our food, land, culture, wives, husbands, children, and all our natural resources.
    If we don’t grow up and wise up alot of us will suffer. That is just how I see it.

    • Realist
      February 8, 2012

      @country man

      bro we should not bring foreigners in our home turf to compete with our puerile workforce thats not right. china has many advantages of scale which we don’t have. so its an unfair competition from the gitgo. Its like tale the australian cricket team to play against a local primary school team, them when the school boys are whipped miserable we turn around and blame the poor victims of an unbalanced fight.

  9. really?
    February 7, 2012

    1. We migrate to everyone’s country, but want no one in our country.
    2. Most of us only seek employment rather than become employees.
    3. The Chinese are all over the world, but most are employees , not seeking employment.
    4. The Chinese Gov,t offer them business loans, so does our Gov.t the last time I checked.
    5. Its doesn’t matter how much loans one gets, the business must turn a profit to survive.
    6. What the business strategies used by the Chinese that locals fail to do?
    a.) They purchase whole sale ( i know of Locals purchasing at retail price to resell. Foolish!
    B.) They focus on volumn. Sell more units at a lower margin. You will result in a larger market share and more $ to your bottom line. (Locals do the opposite . We have ridiculous mark ups.
    c.) Operations, Chinese structure their businesses to operate with efficiency and low human resource. Locals, tons of waste in payrol and dysfunctional operational methods…

    I can go on and on with the differences. Don’t blame chinese or your Gov.t . Our Globe is now a village. Even if we look different, we are all one people.

    Stop the claiming and become competitive. And if you are not a business owner, but an employee, consider becoming a business owner before commenting.

    Yes I am a business owner. I am not scared of the Chinese! Why are you? Wise up.

    • hee hee hee
      February 8, 2012

      then u must have illegal money getting from somewhere if you an employer because i am one and i feeling it – things hard!!!

    • February 15, 2012

      I’m not afraid of the Chinese. They cannot out do me.

    • reader
      March 23, 2012

      we go here about you!

  10. linky
    February 7, 2012

    jesus christ boy money can do things and make educated people say thing; jah, anyway that is what u all voted for deal with it.

  11. World traveller
    February 7, 2012

    Locals will never be able to compete with the Chinese on price and product mix. Canadian and American companies are facing the same challenges and they have better access to markets, expertise and financial resources.

    We have to accept that the business lansape in Dominica has changed for good and will be dominated by the Chinese in every sector.

    They have an unfair competitive advantage..

    • Soldier
      February 7, 2012

      One question: Can we go to China and set up shop just as they do here?!?! I think you know the answer to that and that is NO! We can not go and open shop in China so why do they have an open door policy in the region and especially with Labour Party regimes in the region?!?

  12. Malatete
    February 7, 2012

    Well Str. Lucia people, you got what you voted for!

    February 7, 2012

    Why are we so hard on Chinese? It’s like once some people hear Chinese a thing does take them as if they are not people to. Chinese here in the region but your governments allow it as they do just about all other nations. People always ridiculing chinese as if they are the worst people on the planet and i really can’t see why, especially black people like they any better. Anytime we black people leave our country is to go find work, who are we to complain. When are we going to get it in our heads that we black people were made to be slaves to any and every other race. We have been and continues to be enslaved by whites soon it’s going to be chinese weather we like it or not. Now what is funny is we say why our leaders making those moves to China why not the USA but we forget the US have their interest to. Since China is taking over then that’s where we have to go, until Africa can unite and has it’s turn to lead that is how it is going to be. PLEASE PEOPLE GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • February 7, 2012

      one stone…. u need to 50 stones to land on you for you foolish statement… chaaa

      • ONE STONE
        February 7, 2012

        Why don’t you cast the first stone, happy for you that know everything to be and always right. You must be a god because you have all the answers and am sure your life is the best since you always only see failure with everything else.

    • Anonymous
      February 7, 2012

      they simply doesn’t like us, even being in your home!!!!

  14. Letmetellyou!
    February 7, 2012

    And OHHH, do you know that they pay their workers better than the owners of KFC, outdoor world and dem rich boys who have nuff business and contract OUTSIDE the laws of DOMINICA!!!! I’m not asking you, I’m telling you. Astaphans treat their workers like crap. And yet still allu say nothing. Leave my Chinese alone. What is wrong with all.

    • Justice and Truth
      February 7, 2012

      @ Letmetellyou

      If only we could see the future, know what will happen in the future and to us then.
      If you live long enough to a ripe old age, if you have not yet reached that age, some years down the road you will be like an outsider looking in with the Chinese influx of businesses and their nationals. You may not recognize Dominica as it is even at this moment. I hope you will not be lamenting, shedding tears and asking what happened to Dominica. Keep this in mind.
      I do not think that the Chinese employers are all that nice and pay their employees fair wages. It may depend on the type of job. Have you worked for one or do you know anyone who works for them?
      I reside in Toronto. I would not work for Jews, Koreans, Indians and Chinese as my employers and for obvious reasons. They could be mean to their employees. Most of them employ only their own.
      All in all, few of those employers, whatever their nationality, race, color or creed may not be nice to work for. Those who are nice are few and far in between. Wherever employees reside those who work for nice employers are extremely fortunate and should thank their lucky stars.
      As for other employers who treat their employees like “crap” as you stated, I do not doubt that. This has been ongoing ever since they opened businesses in Dominica. It appears with the progress of DA the government has not yet established an hourly wage or an annual income scale for those employees, if they are able to do so.
      Pray for Dominica, yourself, your family and other nationals.

      • ONE STONE
        February 7, 2012

        Here we go again preaching fair, hey we all have to die one way or the other and it could be through a great flood. Should i live in fair just because of the possibility? Chinese could take over Dominica to and control us, well we been there before. So what? I am not going to let anyone scare me into thinking what they feel will happen while making my life uncomfortable. I am man enough to fight when the time comes but no one is going to trick me into thinking that they see some bad thing coming, something bad is always coming but no one knows what it will be.

  15. Look IT!!!!!!
    February 7, 2012

    “Calderon added: “We know, for instance, that in Dominica passports can be purchased by the Chinese to allow them to come in and invest but once that has been done, they automatically have access to the other OECS markets.”

    • Justice and Truth
      February 7, 2012

      @ Look it!!!!

      This is an extremely sad story and a shocking one. I wished that DA passports would not have been sold to them or other prospective investors. There should be no condition to sell or offer them passports for opening a business in DA.
      Who knows? Are they genuine investors and people of integrity who have not been in trouble with the Law in their country or elsewhere in the world. It appears that they may not be investigated or properly so.
      They should have to go through the process of residing 5 years in DA prior to obtaining a passport.
      The thought has crossed my mind: there should be a “test” period prior to giving them permanent residency with obviously a DA passport.
      I have stated previously that it will not be long when DA and other West Indians countries will become Chinese states.
      China is a non-democratic country. Unless a miracle is performed which obviously will only come from God that country will continue to remain as is.
      It is unfortunate that democratic countries as the West Indies accepted financial assistance from China and now China has allowed its people into the countries and the government appears that they can do absolutely nothing about it. It may be getting out of hand right under their noses.
      Aside from assisting DA, the Chinese government has an agenda. It is becoming more and more obvious. By no means is it for the genuine love for Dominica and its nationals. It is a business and a business venture. They expect something in return. In time, it may be domination of those countries as DA.

      • Poto Para
        February 7, 2012

        skerrit et Al Eddie et Al Rosie Et al are the ones responsible for this state of affairs.That’s why Iwe need a Parra gov’t.

    • Gary
      February 7, 2012

      How more nonsensical can you be believing that to have access to the OECS markets that the Chines need to obtain passports.You do not seem to understand the world around you regarding trade especially internationally.

      When you talk about markets, what markets are you referring to. What we have in the OECS is a consumer base market,import and and sell. Have you not realize that most of the things consumed world wide are made in China that does not mean it is of Chinese ingenuity, it simply means they have in place the capacity and infrastructure to produce and manufacture things cheaper and so manufactures around the world take advantage of that having there goods manufactured there and so you will see a proliferation of Chinese made goods throughout the region and the world, it not about passports they have to obtained to have their goods brought to the region, of course not.

      Have we ever tried to sell anything to China or do we have anything in the region to sell to China.We have to understand just the logistics of getting manufactured things to that market would be a great challenge, secondly do we have the capacity to mass produce for that market. So what it is we have to protect.Yes i can see tougher legislation to prevent inferior goods, or protection of our environment, water, if in the case there is some sort of manufacturing being done

      The Chinese businesses and local business both have to compete for same the local consumer base.I have herd people say that the Chines have an advantage but none of them can name or come up with any.There have been talk about the Chinese get a preferably lower rate on customs duty, is there any truth to that or just hear say,well if that is true, yes they have an advantage but as of now i have yet to hear any credible source to confirm that it is true. The Chinese businesses get their goods from China, as do most retail businesses around the world do, so what is it that is hampering the local business people from doing that, in this day of the internet and ways of sourcing things out I cannot understand why they cry foul and complain.

      The consumers in Dominica need to support more local made goods. I is a shame to walk in a grocery store and see the amount of imported food stuff most of which is processed foods made in US, look at the proliferation of Chronic diseases, Diabetes and Hypertension in the Country.The only true protectionism is when consumers are educated.Most of the China bashing is based on stereotyping, ignorance, political Ideology and fear.

    • Malatete
      February 9, 2012

      They don’t even have to invest. The only requirement is that they have a “supposedly” vetted clean record and pay their U.S.$.75,000. Under the OECS agreement, ratified last month they can then move freely to the other islands.Dominica clever. We take the money and then they move to St. Lucie free!

  16. Original Eagle Eye
    February 7, 2012

    Once Caribbean leaders can get their cut is ALL they care about. I hope you will not sing a different song when you are out of office. These people are so overbearing. Imagine if China had said that to it’s citizens! China is giving loans and grants to it’s people to open businesses the world over, they have the unfair market advantage to important poor quality chinese products, evade custom duties and taxation within their countries of operations especially the Caribbean and Africa while exporting all the foreign earned currency to boost the Chinese economy. But what do these greedy career politicans care. A laptop here, a few call girls here, some money in their briefcase that they use diplomatic immunity to hide and they have been bought.

    10 years from now the Caribbean will look like an outpost of china in every shape and form. Where is Caricom in all of this? Not even the mighty US with thousands of Chinese owned business speaks so idly!

    • Gary
      February 7, 2012

      You are entitled to your opinion. Why are you sounding like a parrot spewing the same old rhetoric brew and nothing substantial. Why all these allegations and nothing to prove them, you also sound a little paranoia. Imagination is a poor matter when it has to part company with understanding.

      • Dubique767
        February 8, 2012

        You know very well that even though China suspended its diplomatic relations with St. Lucia in 2007, the economic viaducts that China put in place are still there, and they continue to use St. Lucia as a trading post. Chinese’s trade relations that were established were never severed, and that is why Mr. Baptiste hands are still tied.

        George Odlum stadium has not been paid off…it is not something for nothing.

        St. Lucia is on the tightrope with both Taiwan and China. We will see what the new administrations does as time goes by.

        Though I respect you views, you don’t seem to be in support of the average business person in the Caribbean (and not talking about the Astaphans,etc). you need to take a closer look at what’s happening to them.

  17. sigh
    February 7, 2012

    just…dont buy from them?

  18. Anonymous
    February 7, 2012

    of course, there is no need for any protection for local businesses…if they want to survive they have to compete for the clients. Majority of local businesses are not client-friendly and poorly managed…competition and new approaches to win clientele can do only good for the clients…

    • ....................
      February 7, 2012

      How are they going to compete, when the playing field is not a level one.
      One day we will come to the realization that the entire commercial sector in Roseau is taken over by these Chinese.

      • Letmetellyou!
        February 7, 2012

        We in Dominica nee to unite. They make it because they buy together. They do EVERYTHING together!!! Dominicans do not know this at all. Once they learn to do this they will succeed.

      • Anonymous
        February 7, 2012

        You asked interesting question..let me bring some suggestions. First of all, don’t treat your clients as don’t try to charge for a gadget which cost 450 USD in Barbados 2500 EC in Roseau. Good idea is to be polite with your clients..I mean smile and talk to them.. It is easy to beat competitors with better service, cleaner shops, friendly customer service..I can go on this list but its better not to blame competitors but try to built up something better and you can start from saying hallo to each client!

      • hee hee hee
        February 8, 2012

        one day! you only have to throw a stone in Roseau to hit a chiny

    • Dubique767
      February 7, 2012


      You clearly don’t see the bigger picture. Sad, indeed.

      You make it seem that it is about customer service. It is not.

      It is very difficult for local merchants to compete when they are already at an economical and logistical disadvantage. Do you think it is easy for the local merchant to get his/her goods as inexpensively and quickly to market as the Chinese? Most of the local merchants are just regular people trying to make it through a maze of political and economic complexities. The Chinese have the protection of the Chinese governments with its trail of agreements strung from China to every where in-between. In essence, the small merchant has to compete against a conglomeration that is redefining and redesigning how business is conducted in the caribbean

      Giving me a bridge and a stadium comes at a cost that is not so easily seen by people like you. More and more, I am beginning to think that people like you will never get it.

      Alva Baptiste can’t say any differently. His hands are tied by his country’s agreement with China – just like Dominica.

      If you guys believe that the Chinese gives something for nothing in return, I have a couple of purple Unicorns in my backyard for sale.

      • Gary
        February 7, 2012

        Criticizing and condemning are very easy,especially when you have not understand something.When you make the comment that Mr Alva Baptiste hands are tied because of his Country’s agreement with China, how silly can you be St Lucia has no agreement with China as Dominica do,St Lucia has an agreement with Taiwan.

        How can you accuse people of not seeing the picture when in fact you are the one who has not.Your augments do not sound like someone who has seen any picture. As to the unicorns, if they were white i would buy them.

    • moi facha
      February 7, 2012

      I agree with you my friend.Please permit me to quote from a song by the late mighty spider.”who you see investing? Who you see expanding? Private sector what are you waiting for? You not eager to invest no more? thats why when we meet,when ever we greet, all i do is smile and hello hypocrites” Those same people who critize the chinese people are the same ones who have been sitting on their money and doing nothing.If you are my age 40 and counting then you’ll remember that many of the small stores have been in the same little cubuz for generations. No improvements, no expansion.If it takes foreigners to do it,let it be done.We should encourage them to invest in other in small industries as well.Ni hao.

  19. Gee
    February 7, 2012


    How are you going to make them competetive when these locals must deal with the Chinese fake invoices etc!! Tell them how!

    That’s just SAD!!

  20. CC
    February 7, 2012

    It looks like we may have to fight for independence a second time.

    • February 7, 2012

      u shouldn’t have said that… u’ve just brought a grim reality to light… hhhmmm

    • ?
      February 7, 2012

      It just breaks my heart. This may sound extreme but these politicians are just like the Africans who conspired with the white man to sell their own people into slavery. When will these politicians realize that these Chinese have only their (Chinese) best interest at heart. Does this minister really believe that they can make local businesses more competitive against the Chinese? Whenever that happens the Chinese will already have strategized a way to stay ahead.

      • ONE STONE
        February 7, 2012

        All you mouth politicians give all you a day in office would even be too much. I guess people just like to run their mouth off when they not in the position but give them a chance you would wonder what happen. It’s just a waste of time trying to deal with humans.

    • Lougaoo Mem
      February 7, 2012

      Agree whole heartedly! You hear?

  21. rat
    February 7, 2012

    The deliberate devaluation of it’s currency is a measure by which the Chinese government protects it’s people and economy. It is only reasonable that governments in the region must protect it’s own. It is already proven and confirmed that the money made by the Chinese does not re-circulate in the base economy. All the local merchants are asking for is that the politicians get out of the pockets of the Chinese special interest people , allow the Chinese to pay the same dues instead of having duty free containers. It is heart breaking to see how the politicians in the Caribbean have sold their people into economic slavery. Until the well known merchants who sold the cheap Chinese products before the rampant passport sales and MOU start feeling the grind then they will start to talk ( like the BOB’s Calypso- start to Talk).

    • Justice and Truth
      February 7, 2012

      @ rat

      One day they will pay for it. They will wake up from their slumber and take note. It may be too late.

    • Realist
      February 8, 2012

      u seem well read mr rat. keep

  22. 4progress
    February 7, 2012

    The FM is right to a certain extent. Protect St Lucia created products that are in their infancy to give them time and space to grow.
    Chinese businesses will force local business to be innovative in prices and product range. customer will benefit.

    • .
      February 7, 2012

      Customers wont benefit (a fat) anything when the local businesses close down.

  23. CC
    February 7, 2012

    It really saddens me how some politicians will literally sell their country for the almighty dollar.

  24. OJ
    February 7, 2012

    I agree with u sir but it will be prudent if the standards of the bereau of standards are strengthened too much fake things from china so that they are not allowed

  25. February 7, 2012

    all those laybar regime doing is protecting their own personal interests…. it’s not about protecting ‘locals’, it’s about making it fair… the market will naturally develop it’s own competitiveness, no politician can make it ‘more competitive’… but to say that chinese business people don’t have an unfair advantage… well you must love the P.M when everything bad…. give me the A.M

    • Homeboy
      February 7, 2012

      Your statement makes sense I don’t understand the thumbs down.

      • February 7, 2012

        it’s more political my friend… some people will never try to recognize the value in your contribution as long as they believe u are against ‘their party’ smh

    • Justice and Truth
      February 7, 2012

      @ mouth of the south

      The first problem is, people shop where the goods are cheaper than elsewhere. The Chinese knows this too well. The same thing occurs in progressive countries.
      The second problem is, hope those goods give value for their money.
      Since this is what DA nationals have to put up with, the government should establish a department of integrity (I cannot think of a better word at this time), to serve customers who purchase cheap goods that may become damaged at the first wear and they are not able to return it for a refund or exchange.
      Remember the lady who bought an $8 dollar pair of shoes for her daughter and what happened to it in a few minutes that she wore the shoes?
      Such a Law should be established in DA including providing receipts. It is high time that the DA government establish one. They must attend to what is important and listen to the people who are the customers.

      • February 7, 2012

        we do have such in D.A but as you know things are not being enforced… people will always buy where it’s cheaper but bear in mind these chinese businesses still get duty free… christmas time no toy guns are supposed to be sold.. yet these chinese sell them and authorities cast a blind eye… what does that say??? it’s more than just people buying cheap thing… it’s obvious that china has a deep hand in our affairs and it’s really unfair to the ordinary dominican…. there’s no way we can compete with chinese businesses no matter how much ‘allow competition’ people talk about…. naturally china don’t play fair… they devalue their currency, they have no laws on copywriting,,, so right now hundreds of fake apple store are operating in chinese cities selling fake iphones, ipads etc… and it’s business as usual… most people will not get it bcuz they only look at the situation on the surface…

      • hee hee hee
        February 8, 2012

        strange @truth and justice and all the people who say – ‘don’t shop at the chinese stores’ what are our options – we don’t have any and that is why the chinese stores are flooding Roseau – but u can well understand that in a stagnant economy like Dominica –

        I have $20 for my month – a shoe in dominican stores cost $100.00. Chinese selling a cheap ‘coshoney’ version for $10.00. Tell me what I can do short of buying the ‘coshoney’ for $10.00 even if it burst tomorrow and i have to throw it or sew it.

        VERY SAD INDEED – keep up the influx of chinese stores unchecked while talking about the locals to be more competive and we’ll see if we have any local store soon at all.

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