Taiwan or China – make the call

What looked like a straight forward decision that was formulated and sold as a blueprint for growth, has turned out to be a mind boggling collision.

Is this what the majority of Saint Lucians read and purchased? Maybe not.

Bear with me, as I quote David Rockwell, a renowned architect and designer, “I don’t want to get trapped into repeating myself. You’re got to be willing to constantly take creative risks.

Yes, but this is an everyday occurrence for entrepreneurs. However, this time around, will local companies allow politicians to flex their muscle and bravado on foreign policy without having a say on the matter?


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  1. winston warrington
    February 9, 2012

    Your commentary is very insightful. Every Empire reached its zenith and crashed; why can’t we accept that another culture is seeking dominance and has the manpower and capital to effect it?

    February 8, 2012

    At a sprawling manufacturing complex here, hundreds of Chinese laborers are now completing work on the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.

    Next month, the last four of more than two dozen giant steel modules — each with a roadbed segment about half the size of a football field — will be loaded onto a huge ship and transported 6,500 miles to Oakland. There, they will be assembled to fit into the eastern span of the new Bay Bridge.

    The project is part of China’s continual move up the global economic value chain — from cheap toys to Apple iPads to commercial jetliners — as it aims to become the world’s civil engineer.


    In New York City alone, Chinese companies have won contracts to help renovate the subway system, refurbish the Alexander Hamilton Bridge over the Harlem River and build a new Metro-North train platform near Yankee Stadium. As with the Bay Bridge, American union labor would carry out most of the work done on United States soil.

  3. Gary
    February 8, 2012

    Great commentary. The question we should be asking is not about China or Taiwan,but what is beneficial to us in the region with respect for our sovereignty,and should have an understanding of what we are faced with. It must also be remembered that it is people who change things not Governments. Look at the world we live in, a great emphasis is now being placed on consumerism. We as people on the planet have gave fuel to this thing called consumerism and so that is why we have a China to produce all these things we want and so a shift in our priorities do effect change. We must be mindful of the political differences between China and Taiwan.Look what is happening to Grenada they are being punished by Taiwan because of the change of allegiance,simply because of a Government change

    The world we live in now regarding how business and politics operate is changing, it is not the same compared to 30yrs ago, that era was about Communism and capitalism now it is not so much about ideology but money, consumerism,profits and forming alliances between Countries and Nations.

    It is very difficult to change when living a certain way for some time, doing things a certain way, and being used to having certain friends,then forced to change.When the change is unknown, that is not being able to predict the out come and you need assistance financially, of course there is going to be hostility and fear to that change, for some the change might be seen as negative or positive.We have to understand change is must,it is the only permanent thing in the universe.

    Some people want to hold on to the old ways
    not wanting to let go.Some of us have opinions and beliefs as to what the change might bring.The only way to judge change is time.

  4. thanks
    February 8, 2012

    priness you are so right .the chines owns all the seatshop in california no blacks work for then but latino and onder paid

    • February 8, 2012

      Not only in the USA also in Canada they do not like blacks and do not employ blacks

      In Toronto when a black walk into a Chinese store/shop whatever we call them back home, as soon as a black step in, you will see all those working at the back coming out walking around and looking at the blacks, they do not even as if they can assist blacks sought the merchandise, thinks that they can’t do even so anticipate doing to white
      i do not go to China town, not for nothing, i heard from many blacks that when they purchase something they hand the Chinese the monies in their hands and when returning change they throw it on the counter
      All i know, no good free be goes unpunished

      The lay way that they have in the Caribbean treating nationals like dirt, my friends no way in hell will they treats White Americans, British and Canadians they say

  5. ??????
    February 8, 2012

    the us has diplomatic relation with Taiwan too! no one china for the us. why?

    • kevin
      February 9, 2012

      It is totally wrong. US just has an office in Taiwan. The relationship between them is not offically diplomatic. While establishing diplomatic relationship between China and any other countries, it is prerequisite to accept one china policy.

  6. Giovanni Scapellie
    February 8, 2012

    To add to what was said about china a bunch of people do not understand that China is Americas bank

  7. Princess
    February 8, 2012

    LA in California looks like China. Every street has Chines. The same day I flew out of China and stop in LA for two days, There was not so much diffrence. So what is the problem.

    • En Ba La
      February 8, 2012

      are you serious.

    • boomboom
      February 8, 2012

      the problem is what is china,s interest here, a stagering economy, unpopulated,, what what, maybe a takeover

  8. Anonymous
    February 8, 2012

    China is a world super power in all aspects of the word.

    We the people of the caribbean must deal with China direct.

    The USA has diplomatic relations with China.

    What is the big problem.

    • Mum
      February 8, 2012

      You said it all THANKS

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