Two police officers to appear in Barbadian court this morning to answer assault charges of a Jamaican woman

Barbadian Police Commissioner Darwin Dottin is expected to hold a press conference on the matter. Photo

BARBADOS – Two police officers including a female constable will appear in the District “A” Magistrates’ Court  this morning to answer charges of assaulting a Jamaican woman in the holding cells of the Central Police Station sometime between the night of February 28 and the next morning.

Jonathan Birchmore Richard Barrow, 32, of Pasture Road, Haggatt Hall, St. Michael and 25 year-old Melanie Shantelle Lakeisha Denny of No 40 Golden Mile, St. Peter were charged last night in connection with the matter.


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  1. Anonymous
    April 16, 2011

    Jamaicans have a website urging people to ban Barbados yet none of them are picketing barbadian businesses there and urging them to relocate elsewhere; all they are doing is running their mouth online. Know why? Immigration and customs officials at Norman Manley International are also tough and at times over zealous and at times brutual. Imagine the story which appeared in the Gleaner in February of a 12-year old strip searched amid protest from adults who asked to be there during the search and were denied. And in 2004 , a similar complaint was made by a 15 year old. Not one word from jamaicans. They want Barbadians to see a CARICOM pass port and nod through everyone. Every country has a right to protect its border this is not denied by the CARICOM Treaty. When jamaica was economicaly strong it jumped out the federation, even now if fears an influx of Caricom nation called haitians.
    If jamaica are badly treated deal with the case individually but most talk about caricom nationals hating each other is trash spread by persons with inferior complexes.

  2. The truth
    April 8, 2011

    Well well well it is all coming out at the same time. So how many people has the Bdos authorities demoralized in such manner? The fact that they have been charged with the offense clearly shows there is evidence to support the accusation and this will Only boost ms mirie’s case along with the three music producers. It look like they had a dirty habit and had out for jamaicans.

    Shame on u Bdos

    • could it be so
      April 8, 2011

      shame on who? stop bringing drugs into barbados

      • Dreadlocks1
        April 11, 2011

        Look inna yuh own backyard fi drugs! Barbadians must realize that they have done an immense wrong to Jamaicans and other Caribbean nationals.Shame on you!

  3. Happiness Ka Fan Cho Mwen!
    April 8, 2011

    Ok! So….u see the girl was not lying

    • sam cooke and duppy
      April 8, 2011

      this is not the shanique mirie case

  4. Interesting...
    April 8, 2011

    An inquiry also needs to be conducted into the Dominica Customs team who abuse their authority very often – specifically with persons to whom they which to “prove a point”! I have experienced it firsthand from a particular custom officer

    • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
      April 9, 2011

      If this is so, it may be that they will learn a lesson from this case. Wait and see but stand up for your rights.

    • forkit
      April 18, 2011


  5. de caribbean change, BBA, MBA, CPA
    April 8, 2011

    When will all Bajan Fingering Cases rest, Your Honour?

  6. crabs in a barrel
    April 8, 2011

    I’ve been reading this bashing of Barbados with a smile on my face. I by no means condone any violation of a persons rights & feel justice should be served if wrongs are proven.
    HOWEVER what I have to laugh at are the ridiculous comments about the treatment of Caricom nationals by Barbados. Barbados has opened its doors to tens of thousands of Caricom people who now legally reside & enjoy the island even though the Immigration department has to fight with thousands of cases of illegal Caricom nationals who have been allowed to come in & have not left. This is a FACT not something being made up. Do you therefore not expect that those immigration officers on duty at the ports of entry would not be checking carefully to ensure that the person they are dealing with is not yet another potential illegal? Are they to be laughing & joking while they ask the relevant questions?
    Caricom nationals are almost daily before the courts in Bds for importing drugs. Should their customs officers not be suspicious of everyone? If at times the officers appear unfriendly one must understand the responsibilities they carry & the pressure they are put under by the said Caricom nationals that are now complaining.
    Has anyone seen how Haitians are treated at Melville Hall? The Haitian scenerio in Dominica is only a fraction of what Barbados has to deal with & yet Dominicans are criticizing Bds.Haitian people are coming here because they are better of than in Haiti. Caricom nationals are trying to get into Bds because they feel they will be better off there. Same story only on a much bigger scale.
    I am not surprised that a Bajan friend of mine is describing the comments been posted here as coming from “crabs in a barrel”. It’s sad to hear but unfortunetly I suspect she is dead right.
    The person who begged for a US embassy to be placed in another island so persons would not have to go to Bds or T&T, would be backed up by those countries I’m sure as it would relieve them of one less avenue for potential illegals to gain access.
    Some of the comments being made on these news stories & being read by others would help explain why unfortunetly we are looked down on by others. Sadly we are our own worst enemy as it shows a poor level of understanding of the bigger picture. Sometimes I wish that DNO would edit some out to protect us from making a fool of ourselves.

    • Observer
      April 8, 2011

      Very well said. If I was in your presence I would shake your hand. We all need to look at the big picture and understand why things are done the way they are!!!

    • Anthony Ismael
      April 9, 2011

      I am not bashing Barbados, however, based on your assumption,it appears that all female Caribbean nationals should be assaulted sexually, because other nationals have been charged with drug possession and drug trafficking? This is a bunch of crap!! Furthermore, you mentioned the maltreatment of Haitians at Melville Hall Airport.

      My guess is, one bad treatment of Caribbean nationals deserves another. If Haitians are being mistreated at Melville Hall Airport, that too is a problem.

      • crabs in a barrel
        April 9, 2011

        Mr Ismael,
        Please read my first paragraph again. Maybe this time use both eyes. Also, I never suggested that because there is mistreatment of Haitians at MHall that it is OK elsewhere. I was merely suggesting that before we jump up & down & throw dirt at others we should be looking in the mirror.
        I see that charges have been brought against police officers in Bds for violation of a prisoner who has since been convicted & jailed for drug importation. I wonder if our judicial system would be capable of that. Hmmmm

    • Know nut
      April 9, 2011

      To Crabs in a Barrel, I ask this question If we are Caricom Nationals,and there are all these protocol , traeaties, single market and economy etc etc. How does a Caricom National become an illegal emigranr, isnt this free travel protocol protect Caricom Nationals We cannot be serious about this thing until we abide by those treaties we like and refuse to enforce those we dont subscribe to. Can you imagine a New Yorker being denied admittance to LA.Apply the same principle because that is what they are striving for

  7. Baje in Barbados
    April 8, 2011

    Please be advised that in Barbados the Immigration Department and the Police Department are too separate entitlies. Therefore if Miss Myrie is coming to identify the ‘cop’ as the headline suggests she cannot be coming to identify an Immigration Officer.

  8. lookin on
    April 8, 2011

    ppl read carefully that case dosn’t pertain to shanique myrie its someone else

  9. Congrats
    April 8, 2011

    We may need to eat more ackee and saltfish to grow a firm spin like the Jamaicans. Right is right and wrong is wrong!!! Jamiacans may be called a lot of things but they certainly know how to stand together (government & ppl stood with this young lady). Great job Jam-down.

  10. warma
    April 8, 2011

    The Bajan minister who dismissed and ridiculed this woman needs to resign and the government of Barbados needs to apologize to the people of the ENTIRE Caribbean. These Bajans look down on ALL of us, like we’re second class. I have been to Barbados on quite a few occasions, and I can say that, although I do not recall ever getting overtly treated as a second class Caribbean national, you could tell that the moment they hear your accent they look at you suspiciously. They need to realize that the primary reason we go to their country is to visit the US embassy. Some way somehow the governments of the Eastern Caribbean should find a way to convince the Americans to either assign another consulate to us, or give us our own. I would much rather go to St Lucia and spend some dollars there than do that in Barbados, or Trinidad for that matter, because they not much better than Barbados either.

    • Visitor
      April 8, 2011


      • warma
        April 8, 2011

        ok got you – thanks for the clarification

    • could it be so
      April 8, 2011

      the people only look on you with suspicion because they associate you with drugs

  11. truth
    April 8, 2011

    they think they cantreat people how they want an get away with it they too wicked, do onto others as you would like them to do to you, if is me that is Shanique i washaying her co**n for her

  12. Ras B
    April 8, 2011

    Wonder how the politicians who claimed that there was no evidence to support Shanique’s story feels! Oh what a despicable web we weave when our purpose is to deceive!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 8-O :-P

    • could it be so
      April 8, 2011

      this is not the myrie case

  13. Disgusted
    April 8, 2011

    I noticed the same thimg happened to Judy in the BVI. Thank God she was not raoed. This is a serious indictment on the policy makers of the region who go to their Heads meetings and make decision without informing the people whe are charged with the implementation of these policies.

    Alot more needs to be done to educate our people in the region that we are all the same. The fact that Bitish is attached to your country’s name does not make you any better or more superior than another. The U.s. dollar currency makes your no wiser than another.

    This issue of mis-treatment of “CARICOM” nationals by other “CARICOM” nationals has gone too far. This rubbish must stop.

    I would like to urge the Prime Minister and his minister for CARICOM affairs to seriously consider taking up this issue with their regional colleagues at the next available opportunity. The future of the CSME is dependent on the resolution this issue.

    I like many other Dominicans don’t have much confidence in these regional leaders to much as many if not all want to protect their own little “kingdom”. But, it is worth a shot.

    And to Judy I hope you persue this matter till you get justice.

  14. sadist
    April 8, 2011

    :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: LOOKS LIKE SHANIQUE MYRIE IS NOW A HERO

  15. Dominican for sure
    April 8, 2011

    Good, i Pray that Justice will be served and the truth may come to light.

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