U.S. warns that if Venezuela ends oil subsidy for Caribbean, it can’t step in

petrocaribe-imagen(orig)If the newly elected Venezuelan National Assembly votes to cancel that country’s program of subsidized oil sales to Caribbean and Central American nations, the United States will not be able to substitute U.S. oil for Venezuelan oil, a senior U.S. official said Wednesday.

Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said that the U.S. might be able to provide some “resources” to the 17 countries that would be affected by the disappearance of the program, known as Petrocaribe, which began under the late President Hugo Chávez. But providing oil would be unlikely, forcing the countries that receive the subsidized petroleum from Venezuela now to find their supplies at world prices.

“They have benefited substantially from Petrocaribe,” Rhodes said. “We’re not going to be able to simply substitute American oil for Venezuelan oil. But what we have looked at is what is their energy security?”


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  1. anonymous2
    December 13, 2015

    Why worry, Skerrit is over talking to the Saudi\’s and I am sure that they could provide oil. At what cost, who knows.

  2. country man
    December 13, 2015

    The US argument is spot on. We need energy security and we can’t get this from oil which is depleting and is not an indigenous resource. We have water, wind, solar, and geothermal. wake up people.

  3. December 12, 2015

    No more daddy Chavez to save Dominican as..

  4. Tony
    December 12, 2015

    Hello and good evening my people. Well what you expect from this corrupted American Government when they put all kind of sanctions on the Venezuelan Government just to cause instability in the country. They know the new party that was elected will stop the oil subsidies to the Caribbean Countries so they trying to get ahead of the curve with their statement that they won’t replace the oil because now they will be able to control the puppets in the Venezuelan assembly. America is a washed in oil but they won’t even help the seventeen countries but they happy to know that their puppets will stop the discounted oil. This kind of corrupted policies are so blatant its mind boggling yet they talk about Democracy and working with other countries to make life better for their people.

  5. mark
    December 12, 2015

    You cant US, spend it on WWAARRSS.

  6. look-jokes
    December 12, 2015

    Does dno have something against educated opinions? Or perhaps my comments dint serve your agenda? My post but all guidelines yet was deleted.

  7. Polka dot
    December 12, 2015

    You have to be crazy to make deals with the snake oil salesmen in Caracas you never know what will happen next. Barbados and Trinidad from the get go were suspicious of Chavez and the fly by night Venezuela oil deals . The rest just jumped on what they thought was a free lunch. You know what they say about a free lunch. If you don’t then figure it out.

  8. Yes
    December 12, 2015

    It’s not that The United States of America doesn’t have cheap oil, it’s just that it doesn’t want to sell it to the Caribbean countries cheaply.
    The Americans do not want other countries to develop, they prefer that you have to rely on them and buy from them. Even if you can do it yourself

  9. Yes
    December 12, 2015

    Calm down people, geothermal. That is why you fix the roof when the sun shines(take advantage of low price’s and develop our own energy supply)
    You people are quick to cry like babies

  10. Inxile
    December 12, 2015

    You people have no idea what this means. Your country will first need to pay its debt to Venezuela which is in the order of US$500mm that it has accumulated for all the oil you’ve burned. Then you will run out of oil because you don’t have another supplier that will deliver it on credit, and you don’t have the cash to pay for it. When your tanks run dry your lights will go out – no more electricity. Back to the dark ages. Now the US is saying they won’t bail you out when that happens. Should have invested in renewable energy infrastructure when you had the chance.

    • RWZH
      December 14, 2015

      Unfortunately you summed it up pretty well

  11. 4-cars 4cup
    December 11, 2015

    All you better start drilling. The chines would welcome that. Soon we’ll see children walking to school as some did in the 60s.

  12. December 11, 2015

    In the thinking of many the end of Socialist rule in in Venezuela is a good thing. However the Cuban government may not think so.

    Was it Castro who said many years ago “Give me Venezuelan oil and I will set the world on fire?”

    Obviously, Venezuela has something other nations tend to covet. A nation is never more vulnerable than while it is in an unstable political position.

    We can expect Venezuela now to want top dollar now for their prize product. It may be all they have to barter with! Do I hear the USA saying “Don’t expect any help from us”?

    Let the people of God in both Venezuela and Dominica be prayerful. The demographics of the Caribbean may change. But “Our conversation (citizenship) is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, our lord Jesus Christ.”

    God has everything under control!

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • December 12, 2015

      In the last paragraph the scripture verse is found in Philippians 3:20.

      Sincerely, Rev. Don Hill.

  13. December 11, 2015

    This is unthinkable. Lets hope the supply of oil does not dry up soon. If it does,we will feel the pain. Lesson there? Government comes, and governments go. Please light your Lamps before the oil run out.

  14. A Doubting Thomas In Solidarity
    December 11, 2015

    If that happens the opposition will have other benefactors lining up to help. You think? They were rejoicing so they must know why they were rejoicing.

  15. comeon
    December 11, 2015

    You all don’t get it. It’s not America’s place to provide the Caribbean with cheap oil regardless of thier reserves. And with oil prices already low it would not make any economic sense on thier part to do so. The fact is oil is not an unlimed resource, it will eventually run out hence the reasoning behind reserves. The USA main responsibility is to itself, as it should be. If the USA were to sell its reserves (at a reduced rate at that), where would it leave them in the future when these reserves are needed? Just because there is no long term planning on the part of Dominican officials don’t expect the rest of the world to function the same.e

  16. Zandoli
    December 11, 2015

    The American can do was they please with their oil, but they have a pattern where they do not step in to help stable democracies. The moment there is unrest caused by agitated citizens, they will suddenly find billions of dollars to throw at it.

  17. Baba Vanga
    December 11, 2015

    Miseh pah mor, we finish under skerrit in dat country. Look madness, maduro will be out of power soon and petro caribe over i want to see what austrie son saying now. We finish.

  18. December 11, 2015

    look it……………….. :(

  19. Tjebe Fort
    December 11, 2015

    Good! Because we never benefit from that Venezuela deal really. You will find out when Venezuela ask for their money and Skerrit will say he does not have it. Is only he that deciding where that money in our own National Petoleum Company s going and it certainly did not all go to the people because most of us poorer than before that deal but Skerrit richer. Make Reggie talk and he will explain.

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      December 11, 2015

      \”Good! Because we never benefit from that Venezuela deal really. You will find out when Venezuela ask for their money and Skerrit will say he does not have it\”

      Well, I cannot disagree with what you said, those words are similar to what I expressed previously. I want to see how Skerrit in particular is going to deal with this. I am sure if the new administration cancel the dead man Shavez arrangement, there is no way Skerrit will succeed even if he crawls on his yellow belly and beg the new administration to see if they will reinstate the handouts he received from his dictator friends.

      Now this is where we separate the men from mouse, let us see how much passports he can sell to buy petroleum products on the international market, his name is not big enough to get it for free.

      The alternative is for him to crawl on his Mountain Chicken Crapo belly, and beg Shell & Texaco to return. WIOC is also dead! And indeed the debt owed to Venezuela has to be paid!

    • forreal
      December 11, 2015

      and you think this is good for dominica and the rest of the Caribbean,you all American guardian will not be able to help, can’t you see through your crap that it stinks,you just keep writing shit like you desperate to denounce the primeminister that you can’t see the effect if this program goes away,how the hell we have not benefitted from the program and the americans are saying that they wont be able to step in to fill the void if the program is halted,damm commonsense you do not have?.

  20. Music Producer
    December 11, 2015

    What the US of A just said “Now that we control ALL the oil reserves in Venezuela, You jackasses will now pay world market prices to us for your oil supply. Thanks for your support in assisting us in removing a gov who cared anything about their people.” I hope allu like the new “free” Venezuela :mrgreen:

    • mecry
      December 12, 2015

      Music producer…….are you jack’s donkey? Or are you just plain stupid. I hate you hear people like you make dumb comments. By the way you sounds I can tell you are a labourite because you sounds greedy and only thing about YOU. Do you know how the people in venezuela suffer while skeritt reaping the little they have from them. I honestly wish Venezuela stop sending fuel to us, let us feel for a little while. The people in Venezuela has been going through hardship for years and you do not see anything wrong with that. That’s how greedy and self centered you are.

    • Da massive
      December 12, 2015

      Nothing new cuz is world market price we paying under the Alba deal. Matter of fact we were paying above world market price..

    • jamesd
      December 12, 2015

      A government who cared about their people? You are either a) mad or b) woefully ignorant of the situation in venezuela. The decision to remove this highly incompetent group was made by the people of venezuela. There was no need for foreign intervention since the lackluster governance of all those under the umbrella of chavismo created a situation so bad that even former supporters turned against them.

    • Shaka Zulu
      December 13, 2015

      What the USA just said is that the Caribbean need to diversify its energy resources and not depend solely on petroleum because of it historically volatile nature. This will ensure the region security so when world prices fall we will not plunge into poverty and despair like uncle Veny and when prices rise too high we are not digging in our piggy bank. Right now world prices are low and may be a good thing instead of the fix price Veny may be selling to us.

  21. james
    December 11, 2015

    Wonder what will skerrit do the noose tightening around his neck

    • Broke to the Bone
      December 11, 2015

      Is you and me that will feel it. Don’t rejoice.

    • Donk
      December 11, 2015

      The rain will pour on both the just and the unjust…just remember that.

    • Face the Facts
      December 12, 2015

      Be wise. It is not him. Dominicans and the projects will suffer. You are included.

  22. lightbulb
    December 11, 2015

    But that is such a lie.
    The US oil reserves are bursting at the seams.
    The truth is that the US refuses to oil, its companies to export oil on the open the market.
    However, with advent of cracking, developing of unconventional oil reserves like the tar sands; the US has more oil and natural gas that it knows to do with it. Pretty soon Trinidad will be in problem because that export market might be closed.

    • Ma Moses
      December 11, 2015

      I stopped to think and ask why should the USA give us fuel at subsidized prices if it only helps to make our leader and his friends richer than they already are? In any case, in all his dealing with Alba and Venezuela mr. Skerrit has not shown himself to be a friend of the USA. He even signed a declaration to expel USAID and we continue to suffer as a consequence after Erika. Honestly, that is how I see it. Would our electricity bill go down? No!

    • look-jokes
      December 12, 2015

      For one, are familiar with the actual process of fracking and the economics that oo along with it? With oil prices this low fracking isn’t very lucrative so remove that from the equation. Second, the US stockpiled are for the inevitable fact that we will eventually deplete the oil supply. Why would they sell thier safety net (especially at a reduced cost)?

  23. Leah Remy
    December 11, 2015

    Well, we get de warning early….Let’s home the ‘powers dat be’ read de writing on de wall.

    *tying my waist tighter*

  24. The Calabash
    December 11, 2015

    No quid pro quo but what about the larger issue of inadequate investment and of technical and financial support to the region. China is doing far more in the region than the US is….(alas under Barack Obama mind you).
    I hope the US will keep its distance in respect of our political matters as it has in terms of support.

  25. AA
    December 11, 2015

    There will be no impact on the consuming public if that was to happen. What you will have is that the governments will not get that revenue that they have been misusing. These jokers did not put these funds into the productive engines of their country and as such they are catching their a….

  26. Big Bannan
    December 11, 2015

    Well it seems our PM has more pressing matters to deal with besides “hi profile” meetings in Dubai. Looks like we are working from the A$$ up, trying to make friends with Mideastern men while the rest of the world is trying to avoid them.

  27. cameron
    December 11, 2015

    Aye Domininic,2016 if god spear,it will not be easy,lets see what you all supreme leader will do,hopefully he can get oil from Dubai. :twisted:

    • December 11, 2015

      Dubai oil supplies runs out in about 10 years time

  28. Anansi
    December 11, 2015

    No sweat if oil continues to stay in the $30 to 40 bbl range. However, should it break out and hit the 50’s and above, that will be unsustainable pain to the pocket of Dominicans.

  29. Shaka Zulu
    December 11, 2015

    This Caribbean leaders and a few ministers only enriched themselves. Commonsense would tell you someone had to pay for all the freeness. The Venezuelan people were the ones suffering. Let this island learn thier lesson. My grandparents were able to take care of 10 children. He was an agriculturist and worked hard. His children grew up to be just fine. Today two people working in a house in a government job and cannot take care of two children and own a home. Tell me if that is progress. A country hell bent on laziness and dependency will perish. The bishop of Roseau should know God despise laziness.

    • Nac Vibes
      December 11, 2015

      I blame Caribbean people not the leaders.

      Every 5 years they have the opportunity to turf these conmen out but are so educated for freeness that again and again they keep them in power.

      • Shaka Zulu
        December 11, 2015


    • Donk
      December 11, 2015

      Your grandparents were probably not paying a $3000 a month mortgage like many of us have just accepted as life.

    • Wise Words
      December 11, 2015

      This is the best and most truthful comment i’ve ever read on DNO.

      The problem is that when your grandpa was a farmer he wanted his children to be doctors and lawyers becuz society made him believe he was poor. But he was always rich- look at RBD in Portsmouth, he bought the 300+ acre Hampstead estate, can anybody do that today? Sent his kids to USA, UK and Canadian schools in an era when only few people could and look at his grandchildren. Begging Skerrit for a job so that they can live day to day. And they call that progress- where are we headed when we forget where we come from.

    • HA!
      December 13, 2015

      What Bishop!!!!?? A Bishop is suppose to lead. I don’t see anybody leading

  30. Wa Papa
    December 11, 2015

    No surprise here.

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