Unusual church situation in Cuba

HAVANA, Cuba (South Journal) — The Pentecostal Evangelical Church, located in the Havana Municipality of Centro Habana in Cuba, has presented an unusual situation for several days, after a prolonged stay inside the building by 60 people, including 19 minors and 4 pregnant women, who are meeting in a closed-door religious service, according to an official note released by Cuban Television on Sunday.

The people, who have remained voluntarily inside the temple since August 21, were called in by citizen Braulio Herrera, who was dismissed as a pastor in May 2010 by his own religious denomination due to internal reasons.

Given this unusual situation, a group of relatives of those inside the temple called the authorities over their concern, particularly about the children, who are not attending their schools and about the pregnant women, who are not receiving medical attention.

In the circumstances, local authorities have protected the place and have offered medical attention, as well as exchanging views with relatives, religious leaders and some members of the congregation.

Following these exchanges with those in charge of the religious service, a medical team evaluated the health situation of the pregnant women, who decided to stay inside the building. However, they were alerted that staying there without specialized care could affect their health. Other concerns dealt with during the exchange was that time is running and the children are not attending school.

Public order authorities will maintain security measures to avoid any incident and offered the local population their apologies for any inconvenience, the official note explained and added that the necessary actions to find a favourable solution to this situation will continue to be taken.

The situation is foreign to local authorities, who have reiterated their will to cooperate with the relatives, the community and the representatives of the religious institutions involved, concluded the official note.

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  1. anonymous
    September 13, 2011

    They said “several days” not 60 days. It was 60 people so I think that is where you got confused.
    And yes this is most likely some kind of religious fanaticism taking place. The thing is you might think that the people are being forced but you might be surprised how some people will willingly submit themselves when they are fed nonsense by people they trust to lead them.

  2. the_1
    September 13, 2011

    cuba really change eh…. that could never have happened when i was there d police would just beat some man and stop dat ting eh…

  3. islandgyal
    September 13, 2011

    dem ppl form a cult and they going and sacrifice dem babies and children….its the real world…dont be naiive..REAL REAL TALK!!!!!!

  4. ineedfree
    September 13, 2011

    From how we see pentecostal cult enter certain countries at the time and style they use it seems this cultish religion is cia financed to divert and disrupt cultures of people eventually play a distabilising role in targeted communities.

    This cultish religion came to Waitikubuli during the time the people were evolving into independence and those strange pastors were enticing potential members by giving them gifts to be “in”.

    look at the outcome of the pentocostal cults in Wai.

    struggling to destroy a few with their tongues of permissiveness.
    Nothing like the order of the Christ.

    A bunch of people following their own wisdom

    • eagles125
      September 13, 2011

      And what makes the Pentecostal Assemblies a cult?

      • anonymous
        September 13, 2011

        look up the definition of cult. :)

    • September 13, 2011


      You said: “a bunch of people following their own wisdom” That is so very true!

      I just wish that we, people–especially those of us who claim to be Christians would stop and realize that God does not care about our human wisdom and philosophy. The apostle Paul says “the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God”.

      Yes, we need that to prove ourselves to other human beings, because we remain under human laws, until it is God’s times for Him to completely change us. But still if we do not have the wisdom of God, we can still fail through our human wisdom and philosophy.

      Just as Jesus said: I can of myself do nothing” telling us that He depended on the Mind of Eternal Spirit, Christ, who lived in Him for His thoughts, words, and action; it is even more so, that we human beings cannot do anything without God’s influence through Jesus Christ.

      Are those 60 people in that church house functioning by the influence of Jesus Christ? I do not know what the rest of you will answer, but I know that anyone who is indeed a Christian wll say “no way”!

  5. 1979
    September 13, 2011

    cult business all over the caribbean now??? hmm lord shine your light on us.

  6. tiny
    September 13, 2011

    christian should act with more common sense…they should at least call home and let their love ones know that they are ok…and not sending children to school ridiculous…making a fool of Christianity..

    • September 13, 2011


      Those people in that Church are not Christians, they are just defaming the meaning of Christianity, something that people do everyday.

      A Christian is a person who allows God’s Holy Spirit to guide his/her ways.

      And those ways are the attitude and conducts of Love which demonstrates joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, endurance, humility and self-control, so that the world might see God in that person. As Christians we are called to be the Light of the world.

      In the church house, Christians gather to worship God, in Spirit and in Truth, as God in turns blesses them with Love–His influence of Life in the Spirit.

      Those people in that church has no comprehension of Christianity, and they definitely giving God the glory through their actions, there.

      The are just giving a bad name to Pentecostal Church. That is why I refuse to believe in denominational names for the churches.

  7. Jane Doe
    September 13, 2011

    I hope this is not going to be another Jim Jones situation like in Guyana.

  8. Donald Tusk
    September 13, 2011

    Free Cuba Free Cuba.. Free the Cuban people
    Viva Revolucion’

    • 1979
      September 13, 2011

      u asking for revolution to free cuban people yet what are you doing to free your own people??? ive read your comments on other stories, u seem rather confused about your position…clarify please….

  9. River Rain
    September 13, 2011

    The Dessiderata says “..Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself….” That means dont follow crazy religious extremists – unless you are one too.

  10. Humanist
    September 13, 2011

    Let’s hope they accept the medical authorities’ advice and get the pregnant women (as well as everyone else, eventually) out of there. This is faintly similar to what Mother Theresa did–she found sick people, told them she would “heal” them, and then kept them in a building without real medical attention, instead believing she could pray away their problems. What she did was fanatical and ultimately should be condemned, as it endangered those sick persons and gave them false hope. The situation with this Cuban church is not the same, per se, but the idea of the pregnant women being forced to give birth in there without any significant medical attention available, as in a hospital, is disheartening.

    And then the children are not going to school. As if this fanatical 60+-day service is more important than school and getting medical attention!

    This is simply madness by some religious cult that has decided to kidnap its already-born children–surely they had no say in it–and endanger the unborn children, and it should not be allowed to happen in the future with anyone but consenting adults who do not need medical assistance. I would prefer if such absurd weeks-long services did not happen at all, but if they must, let them be with people who know exactly what they are getting themselves into.

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