US sends formal request for Jack Warner’s extradition

Jack Warner
Jack Warner

United States officials yesterday formally requested the extradition of FIFA corruption accused Jack Warner.

Attorney General Garvin Nicholas made the announcement at a news conference, and indicated he would be examining the documentation and considering the evidence to decide whether the matter would proceed.

“It is important to decide whether there is a case to be answered, and if there is a case to be answered, then the authority to proceed will be granted; and if, in the attorney general’s discretion, there is not a case or sufficient evidence to proceed, then that is the discretion that will be exercised,” he said.

However, Nicholas declined to give a time frame for making a decision.


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  1. July 25, 2015

    Hello and good morning my people. Look Trinidad don’t send your citizens to America because they already convict him. Just tell them if they have any evidence against Mr Warner come and try him in Trinidad. When last you heard America send any of their citizen to any country to be tried for alleged crime.

  2. new york dominica
    July 24, 2015

    haha u get cut?

  3. Jackobean
    July 24, 2015

    In all this saga with FIFA, and even what is currently happening with the DFA, I haven’t heard a word from Mr. Patrick John…….so so strange. It’s like he is completely mute, I know Mr Warner and Mr John were very close friends. Is this a case that when we are experiencing difficult times our friends are few or is it something else?

  4. The Real Facts - ON
    July 23, 2015

    I have also heard of this FIFA saga through the Toronto/Canadian local news. I would not want to be in any of their shoes.
    If they received and benefited from funds as it is stated, then they will have to pay for it. People must keep in mind, if they involve themselves in shady deals, sooner or later they will be caught. These matters do not remain hidden forever. Honesty is always the best policy. It wins in the end.
    He must be a very worried man. If it could take five years for his extradition, I wonder if he will not be ill or dead by that time? Know that anxiety and stress could cause health problems and kill people. Time will tell.

  5. Shameless
    July 23, 2015

    Ebeh chu Jack paytay! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: . He needs to call Julian Giraud for survival techniques when serving time in uncle Sam’s prison. That extradiction cook! Let that serve as a warning to all our politicians owning property in the US. :twisted: :twisted:

    Assertive, NOT Aggressive!

  6. Abraham Lincoln
    July 23, 2015

    wow this is interesting..

  7. Cyrique
    July 23, 2015

    Oh boy ! Is now politics starts!!! It’s whyayay time!!

  8. too late
    July 23, 2015

    men who think that because they are in position of authority that they are immune to rules of law will one day face justice and so too will you Roosvelt answer one day

  9. %
    July 23, 2015

    I hope the USA will spread its tentacles to include the extradition of inept, CORRUPT, despotic, insultive, and incompetent political leaders.

    • The Real Facts - ON
      July 24, 2015

      Be certain what some of you accuse the PM of that you are correct for you will have to answer to God for defaming his character and judging him. In fact, you should not even mention it and consistently so on this Website.
      Have you heard of and/or are following the US News and political ones?
      Some leaders need to be arrested for infringing on the religious rights of its nationals.
      Follow this News about Obama and he wanting all employers, no exception Christian ones including Jewish and also Muslims to incorporate in their insurance policies, contraceptives and sterilization. There are Court cases and appeals. There is more to this.
      If, as expected, it is muzzled on the US secular news, access and other EWTN Global Catholic Radio Stations throughout the US. I hear everything which is too much to mention here.
      I can tell you when such people die they will have much to answer to God for.

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