US to assist in fight against crime and violence in Caribbean

Deputy assistant secretary for Central America and the Caribbean Julisa Reynoso

ST. KITTS, (CUOPM) – Dominica is expected to benefit from the announcement of an injection of $US77-million into the Caribbean next year to develop projects to fight crime and violence.

The funds will be disbursed through the security partnership between CARICOM states, the Dominican Republic and the US called the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI) that was launched last year.

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Central America and the Caribbean, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs at the United States Department of State, Julissa Reynoso, said the 2012 budget would be used in part to support greater coordination and control of border and maritime routes, training and capacity building for law enforcement and justice sector.

She told a CBSI Commission meeting here that her country would be delivering high-speed interdiction boats and relevant equipment to the Eastern Caribbean as part of the US Secure Seas Effort to complement those already provided to the Bahamas, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica.

Guyana and Suriname will also receive riverine patrol boats and related equipment in 2012.

“We are proud of the accomplishments of the past year under the CBSI,” she said while noting concerns that the CBSI partnership had not made the impact that it should have.

“We have encountered many challenges but we believe that the CBSI provides a useful and necessary framework for coordination and collaboration with our partners in the region.”

The US representative said automated fingerprint identification system equipment were being purchased for six states, and, in accordance with a CBSI agreement, a regional legal advisor will develop a task force to address critical crime issues including homicides and to advise on legal reforms.

During the opening ceremony for the CBSI, Guyana’s Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee called for “practical well-thought out solutions” to relieve the strain on Caribbean populations by eliminating the causes of crime at the local, regional and hemispheric levels.

He acknowledged that progress has been made through the partnership but added that “much more work needed to be done,” to ensure that the peoples of both regions could feel secure.

He said the Commission needed to roll-out strategies and programs to address the growing problem of youth gangs and gang violence among other issues.

“There is urgent need to get to the stage to implementation so that the fruits of the partnership can trickle down to the benefit of the Caribbean peoples…of importance is the urgent need to begin to rolling out programmes that go to the heart of countering trafficking in narcotics and firearms, which poses a major challenge in the national security of our respective countries,” the Home Affairs Minister said.

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  1. wong ping
    April 15, 2012

    how many times have we heard of job creation inthe caribbean from the US?put it in your damn pipe and smoke it

  2. April 14, 2012

    They will only take the money and build houses for their supporters, how can criminals fight against themselves,

  3. Visitor from the USA
    April 14, 2012

    I am a USA citizen who recently visited Dominica for the first time. I think Dominica is the most beautiful place I have ever visited and I loved the Dominican people. It is clear that Dominican’s need employment opportunities. I think that eco-tourism can be a major source of jobs for Dominicans. However, you are not going to get more eco-tourists if they are afraid of being robbed and assaulted. So, instead of being critical of the millions of dollars the USA is directing to Dominica in the effort to reduce crime, you should be thankful. Less crime means more eco-tourists. More eco-tourists means more jobs and money for Dominicans!

    • Dominica_Lover
      April 14, 2012

      Well Tell your country to invest in ways that will bring jobs.

      Good for eco-tourism, but the country needs more than eco-tourism to survive. We can’t depend on a economy that is based whether tourist come or not. The is just an added benefit.

      Tourism is good, but it makes no ordinary person rich in this country. We all can’t be your taxi drivers and waitress and other servitude positions, which are honorable position mind you, but we need tech jobs, chemist in manufacturing and other high level skills jobs.

      Tourism should be and after thought in all economies, because lets face it we are only as good as the rich countries are doing. If they are doing poorly we are stuck cause they can’t travel.

  4. Homegirl
    April 14, 2012

    I agree the T.V. shows are violent. So why don’t you ban them in Dominica. Nobody is forcing you to watch BET Black embarassment T.V. I haven’t watched T.V. in 15 years my children grew up in the USA with no T.V. And graduated from the American University in Cairo with High Honors. Life is what you make it, don’t blame others for the lives you choose. Shut of the T.V. and go say some prayer or do some work!

  5. Anonymous
    April 13, 2012

    i see alot of thumbs down for talking against america wow. to h#ll with america.and to the dominicans that like america same to you

  6. da king
    April 13, 2012

    Bill clinton distroy the banana industry in the carribean with the trade. Agrement he sign now there is no work for the young people to do so they turn to crime

  7. Dominica_Lover
    April 13, 2012

    With jobs there are no crimes. America are the ones keeping countries poor. All they are concern about is crime and drugs. if they inject that same cash in the economy, so people can get jobs then crime will reduce, but if you give us money to buy your guns and equipment crime goes no where, we just have expensive American # 2’s

    • Justice and Truth
      April 14, 2012

      @ Dominican_Lover

      Do you know a country without crimes? Every country has unemployment. People are responsible for themselves. Some of them are the cause of crimes even when they are employed. The government is not responsible for them. They will have to open businesses. Will the public patronize them so that they do not fail?
      Be positive and wait and see the outcome of this strategy to fight crimes. It is a huge undertaking. I am certain that they learned from their mistakes and will ensure that the next time around they will be successful. Dominicans should be grateful for this financial help to fight crimes.

  8. pulp-fiction
    April 13, 2012

    who makes the poison makes the antidote

    • anonymous2
      April 13, 2012

      The U.N.

  9. April 13, 2012

    tell the us we only need money so we can create employment for oup people go in jamica and mexico thay need help also the U S needs more help

  10. A Voice
    April 13, 2012

    I do agree too. What the US needs to do is look into their own backyard and try to eliminate that culture of violence that they are exporting to other countries there.

    There is a direct correlation between the rising tide of crime in the region and the increasing amount of violent shows being broadcast on American television. If you guys could reign in networks like VH1 and MTV and force them to present more moral and uplifting programs then a lot of these crime problems would be alleviated.

    Also reign in that uncheck firearm industry you guys have there that just producing untold number of firearms and ammunition bringing horror and death on the populace.

    We do welcome the $77 million but first start cleaning up your backyard so that the positive effects can trickle down to the region in turn. Then we can take you serious when you claim that you want to tackle crime.

    I watchin’ still!!!

    • April 21, 2012

      I cant resist and sometimes wonder what happened to the choice between right and wrong, and the life as individuals we all chose to live. As Michael Jackson sang “IF we want to be a better person take a look at our self” My opinion is, we have reached a stage where despite the creation of high speed technology and easy access to the information high way, nothing wrong with that! But when some people see and choose that same facility to create their own battle ground, and develop a mentality of I/ us against the rest. I can feel the anger and the ulterior motives coming from some people who come on social media acting like they making a positive contribution to the very society they belong. I sometimes ask myself did he/ she really did some soul searching before expressing their opinion? more often than not it is a sad story of passing blame unto other for their own misgivings and unfortunate situations. The moral of my posting brothers and sisters is simple. Look in the mirror and lets ask our self are we part of the problem? if the answer is yes! then seek ways to solve it. The world is a global village it does not belong to any of us and one Day we all will depart from it therefor lets all try to do the right thing during our stay on Earth so in the end our legacy will live on for ever. I could go on and on but i am forced to end for fear of not receiving D.N.O`s axe” Finally brothers and sisters always remember “the way we make our bed is the way we will lie on it.Coming from the book of wisdom our foster parents presented to all of us one way or the other change always begin with us.

  11. Off the Grid
    April 13, 2012

    Who makes the poison also has the the antidote.

  12. apache.
    April 13, 2012

    man i agree with you a hundred times. they have more crime per square foot than any other place yet they want to give people advice.just fake.CLEAN YOUR DAMN BACKYARD

  13. Muslim
    April 13, 2012

    The US needs to clean its own backyard before attempting to clean others. Why doesn’t the U.S use that 77 million dollars to alleviate its recession and to aid its millions who are homeless?

    • anonymous2
      April 13, 2012

      You got that right. Just busy-bodying.

    • Justice and Truth
      April 14, 2012

      @ Muslim

      If I were you I would not make such a statement. It is unfair to the U.S. which has helped many people, specifically immigrants. I am certain you are in no position to judge the U.S. which always comes to the rescue of other countries and this cost exorbitant sums of money.
      The U.S. has its nationals who are unemployed yet still accept many immigrants from all countries, some of whom are not employed and are living off the avails of welfare at the expense of taxpayers while they criticize the U.S. I will not mention any specific country. Talk about ungrateful people.
      Were it not for the U.S. many countries, along with their nationals would be annihilated by their enemies who are out to destroy and dominate them. The world situation would also be worst were it not for the U.S. Learn to appreciate the U.S. for all it has done and continues to do.

      • Mat
        April 14, 2012

        The problem with we black people is that when you feed me your always love me but as soon as some one say something bad about me it is like a follow fashion many of you don`t reed so many Dominican`s getting help from the USA in THE us i just don`t understand what is the problem with some Dominican`s we have all we want in the us that`s my home till go on pension. long live USA :mrgreen:

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