Venezuela readies military exercises amid constitutional crisis

venezuela protest

Venezuela’s economic and political crisis continued on Thursday, as the military called on everybody in the country to participate in exercises meant to counter a supposed United States invasion.

Embattled President Nicolas Maduro called the military exercises earlier this week after expanding a state of emergency in response to opposition calls for a referendum for him to step down.

“Venezuela is threatened,” Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino Lopez said on state television on Thursday. “This is the first time we are carrying out an exercise of this nature in the country. In terms of national reach, it’s going to be in every strategic region.”

Earlier in the week, Maduro said he had called the military exercises scheduled for Friday and Saturday to ready the oil-rich country against an impending US invasion. The emergency powers give the military and Socialist party militia sweeping powers to impose public order and distribute food.


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  1. Dolce Vita
    May 21, 2016

    Actually in a documentary bout Chavez, with the attempted coup d’etat he said “George bush was involved” he said “there were 3 soldiers guarding me, and they got a phone call. the received the order to kill me, but one soldier said lets wait” in another Documentary with Allan Russo. he said that he became friends with a very powerful family in the US, and part of the goal of theirs (Illuminati) was to Strategically infiltrate and destabilize Venezuela using the CIA. sometimes we think we know whats going on when these leaders say they are being attacked, we think its a lie, but sometimes especially in times of great despair. I think he is telling the truth this time. let us seek knowledge let us stop making wild speculations about things we know nothing about.

    • Gary
      May 22, 2016

      Great comment, When you said quote “let us seek knowledge let us stop making wild speculations about things we know nothing about” that is absolutely true. Knowledge is the salvation of mankind on this planet.

  2. Vieille Case Jumbie
    May 20, 2016

    Mad Euro…. inflation rampant, no toilet paper, no basic medicines, no basic food stuff, water unsafe to drink… over spending, killing/ assassinating political opponents… blaming Americans for his failing economy but i hear the Ambassador he not going back there until it has toilet paper… you know how he like toilet paper :lol: :lol: :lol:

  3. A nation that would embrace socialism would be mentally unstable enough to suspect the U.S.A. of planning to invade them but it is unlikely they would accept this coming from a president they are trying to oust.

    However, this seems more like a ploy on the part of President Maduro to come across as the nation’s savior, and give second thoughts to those who are calling on him step down.

    It is highly unlikely that Obama would at this late stage of his presidency take on a war with Venezuela. At this time he has Isis to contend with. I don’t expect the U.N. would approve of him making a move on a
    South American country.

    A problem like this is not one the U.S. would want right now.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist,.

    • Gary
      May 22, 2016

      Wow, what a naive view, for someone who claims to know God and have a following, very sad.

  4. Duncekyat
    May 20, 2016

    I may come across as cold-hearted, but I only feel half sorry for Venezuelans. They did not have their situation forced on them; they actually voted for it over and over. They were getting freebies from the socialists so they chose to ignore the fact that their democracy was being stolen from them and their resources and economy were being mismanaged. But we all know there is no such thing as a free lunch – you will eventually pay for it one way or the other. And the Venezuelans are now paying up in the hard currency of pain and suffering. There is a lesson to be learnt here: Don’t vote for the person who offers you fish, but vote for those who would teach you to fish.

  5. AAGabriel
    May 20, 2016

    The ugly face of socialism! Why would the US invade Venezuela??? All they have to do is wait and watch how the country is going to implode, absolutely no reason no invade.

    • Gary
      May 21, 2016

      Does capitalism has a good face. Your question, Why would the US invade Venezuela, shows how little you understand international politics, pity you in your ignorance.

  6. Shaka Zulu
    May 20, 2016

    That retarded!!!! Invasion by US would be a blessing cause they would have to spend billions to rebuild. Only when a population id ignorant they believe those crap. Chavez, Skerrit, Maduro, Sadam Hussain, Hitler, Musolini, Ghadafi, Patrick john, and the likes same kind af animals. Full of twisted view of the world and very irratic unstable minds.. Whats worst is they use the same tactics of ignorance, deception, lies, propaganda to fuel thier screwed up schemes. Thier gifts of charisma used to serve the evils of society. All these folks never had happy ending. Stains on country’s history.

    • Face the Facts
      May 20, 2016

      If only human beings, the general public would treat their own with dignity and respect. While they lambaste certain governments (even though some were not worthy) nationals in every country should learn from their actions and treat their own with due dignity and respect. Sadly, this is not the case. These will be called hypocrites.

    • Gary
      May 21, 2016

      Wow,your statement quote“ invasion by US would be a blessing cause they would have to spend billions to rebuild“ I wonder if you really think at all, was the invasion of Iraq a blessing to the US saving them billions to rebuild. If anyone has twisted view of the world it is you.

      • Shaka Zulu
        May 21, 2016

        You apparently don’t understand sacarsm. Why dont you go help the idiot defend itself. I guess the entire opposition and people demonstrating are americans working for the CIA. Gary you would still go out with the devil even if he come with horns an a pitch fork.

      • Gary
        May 22, 2016

        To Shaka Zulu

        I know very well what Sarcasm is, it the last refuge of an ill informed bankrupt mind. When say you quote “I guess the entire opposition and people demonstrating are Americans working for the CIA” that just shows how naive and ill informed you’re about the workings of covert operations

        Your comments and descriptions regarding the devil shows again how ignorant you’re regarding such entity as having horns and a pitch fork, Do you think a clever entity wanting to lead people would make it’s appearance with a pitch fork and horns, Lol pity you.

  7. shay
    May 20, 2016

    My personal opinion is at this point he should maybe allow the US to invade. This dictatorship style of governing is clearly not working. The people are suffering…it’s heart breaking.

  8. Pondera
    May 20, 2016

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely!! May Jehovah be with Venezuella.

    • Gary
      May 21, 2016

      Wow, why do you want Jehovah to be with Venezuela. Have you not read of the atrocities Jehovah has committed in the bible, is this the cruel and manipulative God you want to intervene in Venezuela.

      • Face the Facts
        May 21, 2016

        Those who state Jehovah are not Christians. There is not one genuine Christian who says Jehovah. The Seventh Day Adventists and the likes say Jehovah.
        Christians say God. This is how Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us according to our Holy Bible in the New Testament.
        Our Lord also said: “Only those who do the Will of My Heavenly Father will enter His Kingdom.
        He taught us: “Our Father who art in Heaven . . .”; not Jehovah who art in Heaven. One day those who say Jehovah, the truth will be revealed to them.
        God is our Almighty Father.
        Whatever occurred as you read in the Holy Bible, on condition you did not misinterpret it, is two-way. You look at it one-way. You do not realize that they were fighting for Christendom. They were also defending their faith and themselves.
        Some people look at it negatively because they lack godly enlightenment. These turn good into bad. So, Gary, I am informing you what you stated about atrocities, you are misled.

  9. Zandoli
    May 20, 2016

    Yeah, keep blaming the US for your incompetence. That always works. To maintain their legitimacy, they always have to create an enemy.

  10. Dominican
    May 20, 2016

    The man has gone totally mental! The U.S. needs a invasion of Venezuela like a whole in the head. That country is collapsing of its own accord without the help of an other state. You really think the U.S., especially under Obama, want another fiasco like the invasion of Iraq? Poor people of Venezuela. Maduro is deluded and he’d better hide under his bus!

  11. mi
    May 20, 2016

    President Nicolas Maduro, Chevez must be rolling in his grave. keep the faith people your victory is near.

    • Dante Jones
      May 20, 2016

      I bet he is because this situation is his fault! All this idiot maduro is doing is trying to carry on the legacy that the comandante intergalactico left behind.

  12. Anna Prince
    May 20, 2016

    They have no milk, rice, baby supplies and toilet paper, but they holding military exercises to waste money that they do not have. This is how pseudo dictators behave, the same pattern with the little one in Dominica.
    Maduro blames the United States and Skerrit blames Linton.
    They always find a convenient scapegoat. Venezuela’s problem of shortages is due to Chavez policy of giving away the wealth of the nation, now he blames the U.S.

    • Gary
      May 21, 2016

      Why such gross ignorance by you to say that the Venezuela’s problem of shortages is due to Chavez policy of giving away the wealth of the nation, while he blames the U.S. When The US spends billions on war to overthrow countries, while people in the US are out of work, cities are are going bankrupt, people are loosing their homes, isn’t such wars a waste of money. Yes, you my have your opinion as to what you believe is the cause of Venezuela’s internal unrest but your opinion is not based on sound knowledge and understanding of the real causes of that country internal unrest.

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