Venezuelan president asks Cabinet to resign after Opposition win

Nicholas Maduro. Photo: AFP
Nicholas Maduro. Photo: AFP

President Nicolas Maduro has shifted into damage control mode, asking his Cabinet to resign in oil-rich but troubled Venezuela after the Opposition won a majority in the legislature in a landmark challenge to his grip on power.

“I have asked the council of ministers to present their resignation in order to carry out a process of restructuring, renovation and deep reform in the Government,” Maduro said on TV late Tuesday.

Analysts warn a tough political struggle lies ahead after Maduro’s rivals broke his side’s 16-year control of the National Assembly in elections Sunday.

Supporters of the Opposition coalition MUD set off fireworks and danced in the street as the latest results of the vote came out late Monday.

The national election commission confirmed that MUD won 112 of the 167 seats in the National Assembly. The other 55 went to the socialist party that ruled until now.


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  1. 4-cars 4cup
    December 10, 2015

    The wider you spread your wings, the more feathers you lose. So fold them and move aside. Guess he’d have a hard time finding another job. They all have the same damn fear. But they all got to go.

  2. December 10, 2015

    Better idea: Maduro shows them how to resign by doing it himself.

  3. ma$termind
    December 10, 2015

    Damage control? What does that mean???I don’t understand.

  4. Tj
    December 10, 2015

    While DA should be eternally grateful for help from VENEZUELA I always wander why Venezuelas are in this destitue state.
    The government seem to want to bully Gayana over boundaries. Maduro must now see the light.

  5. Face the Facts
    December 9, 2015

    Some people act as if they are seers, can see the future and foretell it as fortune tellers think they can do, more than God. Their very life, they cannot predict what will happen to them in a twinkling of an eye. They also do not know is what is in store for them, politically or not.
    Politics and political elections are like yoyos, on a swing, going up and down. Some people think that getting a new government is the answer. They also think that a new government is a miracle worker while many do not contribute a thing to their country’s revenue while expecting much, from the government than they could ever put into it.
    Venezuelans felt they needed a new government. Let us hope when the dust is cleared and this new one gets over its excitement of winning, it will do something good and better for the people.
    We hope this new Venezuelan government will exercise its elected duty appropriately. This is the conclusion of intelligent ones who have common sense.

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      December 10, 2015

      With or without the help of God; the Venezuelan people had enough, hence they freed themselves from iron fist of that dictator! No one live forever, so too nothing last forever. What does the Bible teaches about principalities; and powers, and wickedness in high places?

      When the time comes, nothing will stop the people of Dominica from freeing themselves from the evils, of the Dominica dictator, and from the poverty, and economic slavery which binds them at the moment! Poverty hunger, and the oppressive condition under which people exist in Venezuela is the reason they voted against the dictator!

      Gonzalez survived, simply because that International Airport he built created some employment: People will become moor weary of Skerrit, and he will meet his end the same as his dictator friend; don\’t expect anymore handout from poor Venezuela!

  6. Unknown
    December 9, 2015

    I’m with you Shaka, we both love our ciuntry

  7. December 9, 2015

    the wind of change is blowing and some day very soon it will reach our shores.

  8. buju
    December 9, 2015

    Skerrit and his Cabalnet should all resign or call fresh elections (one with no money let’s see wat happens)

  9. December 9, 2015

    To all the ungrateful and negative minded individuals who wish to see the downfall of President Maduro with the belief that an absent Maduro will weaken our Supreme Leader here in Dominica I have sad news for you. Maduro is not going anywhere! President Maduro will continue to be Venezuela’s president for quite some time and will also continue to be a great friend and ally of the Supreme Leader, His Eminence, His Majesty, the blessed, ordained and divine Prime Minister of Dominica, Dr. Roosevelt M. Skerrit. The recent election results in Venezuela is merely a minor setback for Maduro nothing more. You haters will have to wait a bit longer to see the back of Maduro and, for sure, you will NEVER see the back of our precious Supreme Leader. After most of you are dead and gone, Dr. Skerrit will STILL be Prime Minister.

  10. udohreadyet
    December 9, 2015

    Its not 100% socialism/communism if you can vote for a new government. The fact that they Venezuela has and uses a democratic process to elect their government and pass laws means they are not a dictatorship. changing governments is part of democracy. The President asking his cabinet to resign is the most democratic thing one can do in that instance. The Venezuelan government deserve a round of applause because a lot of people like to accuse based on what they think and not what they know not realizing their opinions don’t change facts.

  11. views expreesed
    December 9, 2015

    Good Bye Chavez, good bye Maduro and good bye Skerrit.

    You all have killed and impoverish your countries with your ALBA socialist bobol and deliberate ]practices.

    Skerrit and this so called DLP next. Please go,resign

  12. %
    December 9, 2015

    Chavista is all but gone, next is Skerritsa.

  13. cameron
    December 9, 2015

    Skerrit flying the friendly skies,minister of Laplaine blaminig contractors,rape, murder is @ a peak,Dominica is doomed.Maduro your a roasted chicken.Freedom to the people.

  14. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    December 9, 2015

    Well, Me Almost Nearly Cousin; that old Mountain Chicken Crapo, mentality Skerrit must be defecating in his Dominica plastic boot!

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! Oui, me belly hurts with laughter.

    Here is the reason why Skerrit is defecating all over de place: He doh know if the in coming administration will cater to him, and prop him up with handouts, or they will demand all the money he and his cabal owes to the Venezuelans.

    Tory high; one laying dictator has fallen in Venezuela there is one to go in Dominica, I know him name but I doh calling it eh; cause DNO might kick this one out if I identify that Crapo dictator name eh! So, I know but I doh talking oui!


  15. Shaka Zulu
    December 9, 2015

    As mentioned before.. Socialism is a failure and will always be. Some of the supporters for the Government of Dominica will wait until people standing in line for toilet paper gas and basic needs for them to see and learn. DNO mark this date I say this. If Skeritt and his administration continue the path we on we will get to that day and it will not be pretty. This government is way past expiration date so things gonna start spoiling and smelling and get everyone sick. It should have been thrown out before December but people choose to ignore the warning label.

    I love my country and will continue to speak until old goods are replaced.

    • Jesus_Was_A_Captalist
      December 9, 2015

      Socialism is a gutter philosophy based on the fairy tale dreamworld of megalomaniacs and losers. Socialism is an anti-social , violence based system that has never ever raised standards of living(except for the political and parasite classes) ,destroys economies and degenerates into a police state. Socialism should be wiped off the face of the planet by any means possible including violence if need be. It still amazes me, that people still think that this degenerate philosophy has any credence or legitimacy in the solving of today,s social/economic problems world-wide. Liberty isn’t perfect, but overall it outstrips any other system. The result is always the same thing: make everybody poor and dependent on the government. Just imagine going to work at what the Gov wants you to do not what you aspire to do and regulate where you live, how much food will be alotted to every person according to their rank or standing in the Ruling Party. State controled Radio and Television (if you are…

    • Thorbjørn Jagland
      December 9, 2015

      The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money! :mrgreen:

    • changeyournameasmuchasyoulikebutgotya!!!
      December 9, 2015

      ok sar!

    • forreal
      December 9, 2015

      so why your socalled failed socialist articulation did not affect cuba,you all people think like sauls,see on one side of you all head,can’t you not see that the CIA and Americas covert operations are responsible for this latest development in Venezuela, this is why I stay skeptical of linton and fontain and certain members of the UWP,they seem to be on someones payrole,by the way they oppose aimlessly at issues that does not warrant exagerations.

      • forreal
        December 9, 2015

        and for the record,anything our freedom party here supporting,i am opposing,that is same type of shit that got them in power,when they came with crap about PJ was bringing Klu klax klan to dominica,what utter rubbish that had Dominicans fooled,a white minority in over 75 thousand black community

    • RastarMarn
      December 9, 2015

      How socialism can be a failure when the backbone of all political organization is based on the concept that advocates the means of elections should be determined by the community as a whole (The Populous),,, Socialism is the same concept,,,

      Every successful group of people from the Mayans to the first settlers of these new lands evolved on the concept of socialism,,,

      Look at what just happen to Belfast, and the decision of the capitalists to shut down operations.
      DOMLEC is another one where the people are being forced into paying exorbitant amount of money for mere services they should be granted at cheaper rates.

      Chavez broke the monopoly of the big Oil companies and Nationalized their natural resources for the good of all, so did Gaddafi when he found the Great Man-Made River!!!

      People allyou need to stop believing the hype and start doing allyou independent research,,,

      Socialism arguably is the best way to move this planet forward from the 1 percenters’…

    • jamesd
      December 10, 2015

      trust me Dominica will never get to that stage. The factors that were present in Venezuela that brought about that situation can never occur in Dominica. It is literally physically impossible. We’re too small, we have no oil or other abundant resource that can keep a corrupt regime afloat. The only slight possibility of anything even close to the venezuelan situation happening in Domninica is if our people just allow a government to completely walk over them. But that will never happen in Dominica. I hope…

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