An island divided by politics

Grace, mercy and peace from God through his son Jesus Christ.

Dominica is an island that has seen it’s share  of ups and downs but now what is going on is  silly. Most  of us keep calling Dominica  a country but it is an island that  is divided by politics.

Why  do some  Dominicans pray for the ruling party and not for the opposition party? The opposition is part of the Government also. Jesus  said in MATTHEWS:5-44, But I say unto you, love your enemies,bless them that curse you, do good to  them that hate you, and pray for them that spitefully use you and persecute you. Verse 46, For if you love them which love you, what reward have ye?

So let us pray for both parties and stand behind any government  that is in power regardless of  party. For God loves both  parties.

If the UWP is not  happy with what the ruling party is doing, take your message to the people in all the villages and let the people decide what they want to do at the next election but staying out of parliament is not the answer. There are  other islands that are worst than us, there are not too many islands in the Caribbean that are better than this beautiful paradise. Let us unite  and get rid of our  differences  to build a better future for Dominica and Dominicans.

If the UWP keeps staying out of parliament, there is not too much they will archive  out there, they will only turn the people against them.

Politics is a game and right now the Prime  Minister is playing it better than the UWP. It is not “I win and you lost, it’s we all win or we all lost” but united we are all winners.

I know we all love this beautiful island and we all want what is best for it, so let us come together and work to make that happen.

Love and best wishes to Dominica and all Dominicans and may God keep blessing this wonderful island.

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  1. Pastor Abortion
    July 11, 2011

    I am very disappointed in the pastor’s article. What the heck did he really say. This is the hypocrisy that we see in Dominica today; How can people seat down and allow a man of such poor reasoning to become their religious leader. How does a plea for unity under the umbrella of godliness turn into who is playing the political game better and who is not. It seem to me that the pastor is prepared to accept lies, deceit and dishonesty among politicians and from my interpretation it would appear that the politicians who are able to use the government system to push lies, cover-ups and misconduct are the better politicians. God must be F****cking ashamed of these Jack A****es parading as his disciples.

    Rawl need to educate himself and develop his intellect and stop quoting scripture verses when he really have no frigging clue of what is being said.

    • johnnie boy
      July 11, 2011

      @pastor abortion,it take an idiot like you to talk this way,God help this island with people like you.

  2. conscious
    July 10, 2011

    Truth? Justice? Of course, those like you who feel Dominicans must respect a leader who has boasted that NO Constitution, No Law could prevent him from doing as he wishes, when he wishes, how he wishes must be senile. You need psychiatric help.

    That leader is illegitimate having disregarded the Electoral Laws because of his dual citizenship status at the time of his nomination in the 2009 elections. That Leader who is enriching himself through all sorts of dubious means while in Public office must be respected and obeyed? Have you heard of the Villas and ownership of those? What about the Rubbish Bin and Fertilizer Bobols where the people’s money was used to engage in secret controversial transactions? What about all those corrupt practices and dictatorial tendencies, too many to mention? What about a leader who refuse to give the Independent Electoral Commission the finance to reform our electoral system which certainly needs changes? So no more FREE and FAIR Elections in Dominica? So you never hear about those things? Is that your God want? Strange?

    Holy Scriptures has taught us: “Obey your leaders.” What a laugh !! Obey your leader like those who obeyed the religious cult leader JIM JONES and drank the poison he told them to drink without any question, even though they knew they would die? That scripture also told us to obey our leader even he is engaged in corrupt deals, cheating, lying etc., etc., etc.,? Who is that God you are talking about? It could not be the righteous, fearless, honest God who took whip after some gamblers. The scriptures you are reading could not be the same one I am reading. Is it the same scriptures that condemn corrupt,despotic, arrogant, selfish, greedy leaders who act like dictators? Do you understand at all what you read? In 2011 you are still Mentally enslaved?

    • cyithique mahammad
      July 11, 2011

      @conscious,to fairness to truth,justice.she is a christian she is not there to condemn,she is there to do what God tells he/her to do,thats to obey him.first he/she do not know what you are saying is the truth,why should she/he comdemn the man.all she is saying is what God said to do.God is a loving God,he condemn sin,not man.

  3. Truth,Justice,Peace
    July 10, 2011

    Pastor Rawles I read your interesting and fair article. You have made an excellent point which I endorse. You have every right to speak up and comment. It is our obligation to do so.
    I pride myself to be a fair and just person; humbly of course. This is hereditary.
    I do concede, even from afar, what I have read and heard that what is occurring in our beautiful island is saddening and does not help to unite Dominicans. Some of them lack peace and appreciation.
    Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “A house divided by itself cannot stand.” It will crumble and fall. It is as simple as that. Unless the opposition and its supporters recognize this they will not change. A change of their heart and mind are necessary to unite Dominicans.
    These are they who go to Church on specifically Sundays and worship God and who also pray to Him asking Him “…And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”. What type of worship do they offer to God when their hearts lack love, peace and unity?
    I do not see what the PM has done to them to deserve this type of treatment.
    They are enjoying new buildings, roads and stadium which enhance Dominica, something which Dominica never had previously and more to come.
    All Dominican residents must recognize that they have a government for the next few years. He must be respected and allowed to perform his elected responsibilities.
    Holy Scriptures has taught us: “Obey your leaders.”
    Those who do not practice this are primarily being disobedient to God and we know what the repercussion will be for disobeying God will be and the end result.
    Some of them are playing God. God is the judge and not human beings.
    It is not a Christian act to pick and choose whom we should pray for. Surely Christians should know that we are obligated to pray for everyone in general, our priests, pastors, politicians, reigning prime minister and the opposition, mothers, fathers, family members, neighbors, everyone else in our country and in the entire world. God expects this of us.

    • roseauian
      July 11, 2011

      @Truth,Justice,there is nothing to add to what you have said,if any one add to it,it will devalue it,you speck like a true christian,not like the fakes who call them self christians.

      • roseauian
        July 11, 2011

        @Truth,Justice,the correct word is speak.

    July 10, 2011

    Pastor thanks for giving out your condolences on the Lakagwen of Dominica.
    It’s compulsary to talk about the killers and blood suckers of Dominica.Those who are in the kitchen that are burning.

    While it is good to pray for those that are in authority, we need to pray for help from God to CLEAN UP our land from these bandits.

  5. .
    July 9, 2011

    pastor why are u subjecting yourself to that?
    go and lead your church and stop posting on these types of blogs!

    It’s not good for your image….

    Trust me you don’t want that kind of fame…. as easy as a man rise… he falls twice as fast!

  6. orange
    July 9, 2011

    We not Divided because politics…we divided because one living comfortable while the masses are oppressed!…jobless, hopeless, healthless, uneducated and thats goin to lead us to wrecklessness…all because of one sets greed!!

  7. Anonymous
    July 9, 2011

    pastors should not comment on politics and focus on fixing the problems caused by the church and the mess it is in first.

  8. Serious Business
    July 9, 2011

    Pastor R Pacquette,
    How many times have you ben told stop posting your illogical pieces on this Blog? I am not the Director of DNO how ever the quality and contents of your posts lack depth and substance. hence i would like to inform you that we the readers need material which is sensical and well thought out.
    You are a weak writer and lack objectivity.
    Good day.

    • nyolique
      July 9, 2011

      @Serious business,you are the greatest IDIOT we the readers in the caribbean have come across,why do you and your foolish brain get a life,looks like you are from the same village the man came from.

    • co-worker.
      July 9, 2011

      @serious business,why donot you talk about the time you spend behind bars(prison) in stead of trying to talk gabbage.

    • co-worker.
      July 9, 2011

      @serious business,you are a jack-a**,if you had any understanding you would see what the man said is the truth,Dr.Megree once said you can not explain to a fool,and you are the biggest in the island or where ever you are.

      • Lavie Dominique
        July 9, 2011

        You co-worker are an even bigger idiot than Serious for bringing in the man’s personal life into this, even people who have been to prison have a right to their opinion! How comes you don’t know who the person is bought you know he has been to prison? IDIOT!

      • yeah
        July 10, 2011

        I have understanding but it was hard to bear through all the spelling mistakes, unfounded statements of opinion and hypocritical beating around the bush nonsensical bullshit. I’m not the person you are responding to but just someone who also found this article to be complete garbage.

    • July 10, 2011

      @ Yeah

      I do too! All the time, regardless of what the topic this man writes. Frailty! It is all frailty!

      • roseauian
        July 10, 2011

        @LIZ,what is wrong with praying for people,why do you call your self a christian,a christian is one that stand with any word from the bible,those who keep calling you a fake are right,what has he write there that is weak.

  9. Just saying
    July 9, 2011

    Well said.

  10. child
    July 9, 2011

    but pastor rawle ,you to sound politial.and you forgot to mention that dominica is also divided by religion

  11. Lavie Dominique
    July 9, 2011

    This is a hypocritical commentary that will not help the country to heal Pastor. You have neglected the Real cause of all the strife in our beautiful Dominica. Wheel and come again with Honest and realistic analysis of what is really going on in Dominica if you want to make the church a part of the state, which I am totally against! So pastor go back, take a good look if you cannot see well, I get some glasses and come back and tel us what you understand to be the REAL cause of all that strife in Dominica, or stay in your church and lead your people RIGHTEOUSLY! as you were called to do.

  12. objective
    July 9, 2011

    The author has contradicted himself in several ways. Really he tried to be diplomatic but his real aim is to chastise the opposition and ridicule its actions. He has refused to mention, not once in the article, about all those corrupt practices those in Power are engaged in.

    He is mad at the opposition for not legitimizing a parliament that is illegally constituted, having two parliamentarians on the Govt. side, Skerritt and St. Jean, who disobeyed the constitution and the laws of Dominica regarding their DUAL CITIZENSHIP and ineligibility for being nominated in the 2009 general Elections. That issue will not go away my friend. Generations to come must be told of the disregard for law in Dominica by those who feel they have all the power to do what they want, when they want, how they want even though they know beforehand that their actions are illegal.

    Pray for whom? Pray to do what? For Skerritt and his ilk to continue doing more corrupt acts and escape or put a spoke in the wheels of justice? Dominicans know about all those illegal, criminal activities that are going on and bringing our lovely Dominica down, down, down.

    Didn’t Skerritt and his incompetent Govt. appoint a spiritual adviser to pray and counsel them to do the right things at all times, like not engaging in criminal, illegal activities? Well, that spiritual adviser is so much in wrong company, surrounded by corrupt politicians enriching themselves, that he had to engage too in irresponsible behaviour.

    Why did the author refuse to mention about the evil deeds, the Trafalgar Land secret deals, the Rubbish Bin and Fertilizer Bobols, the Villas, dual citizenship and the illegitimate Leader of the country,Kick Backs – (inflating costs of projects for the benefit of a few getting $$$$$$$$$).

    Plis en plis say Plis. More Bad governance No MOU, refusal to implement Electoral reform, attempts to influence and control the Independent Electoral Commission (No more Free and Fair election?), more political influence of the judicial system, the police, etc., reluctance to invest significantly in the productive sectors – Agriculture, manufacturing, tourism, attempted murder of two elder citizens on Christmas Day and(a total Screw Up by those in institutions that should be pursuing vigorously the criminals but acting and speaking otherwise?) (Protection for the Big Boys?) alleged fraud by a lawyer of about $8,000,000.00 and up to now no arrest, no date for that case?, borrowing $27,000,000.00 for a State palace and creating jobs for the Chinese while our people remain unemployed, passport scams, and many more too numerous to mention on this blog. Why? Why?

    So just sweep those corrupt practices under the table, but simply pray for those bent on committing the acts? We could see through that article. Really not objective and lacks the will to condemn the wrongs, illegal acts that are taking place in big broad daylight, right in our faces. How could Dominica be better off when some people, including the author, brushes off, side steps corruption.

    Past prayers have not been effective? Didn’t the pastors, priests of different denominations give over the State to God after Skerritt and the DLP came into power? How comes stealing, cheating, lying, crimes, violence, unemployment, corruption increased to the detriment of Dominica and its citizens. Search your conscience.

    • child of God
      July 9, 2011

      To all who are throwing mud,the man is talking about praying for both parties,not about who is corrupt or who is not.only you guys know.

  13. Wenner
    July 9, 2011

    Rawles, you speak like a winner. I don’t think the country is divided, but the UWP. The want the majority of us to join the division, but as you said “I know we all love this beautiful island and we all want what is best for it, so let us come together and work to make that happen”…so uwp division will not work.

  14. RP vs BJ
    July 9, 2011

    Hi RP/Pastor!
    Like Eddie James (ahfouahwee king) once said “We are onstage and in-charge.”Nov 1995,Independence celebrations.As DFP was outsted by action of confused ,searching population. Dominicans greatest error which set the precedence for the cochonnee we have in office today.Back to the theme and intentions of my piece. You ,Pastor Pacquete has been thrown into the sportlight and leadership as BJ screwd up big time. So now you are on stage and incharge..Let’s see the opportunism take hold of your soul and face the same temptations.remember the flesh is weak and there are lots of nice little flesh in your church,Eat Pastor eat the apples those on the tree and under. All for pastor Raul as BJ is out of the way.

    • nyolique
      July 9, 2011

      @ all the IDIOTS that are to foolish to understand what the Man wrote,try to understand before you all make a fool of yourselfs,is it wrong to pray for others?,no wonder the Haitian and Chinese are the one taking over Dominica.

  15. Pastor Please
    July 9, 2011

    How shallow you are mr.Pastor Yo u are so naive and simple. I fel for you man! May Gof bless and nature ur poor brain.If you are so gullible it speaks volumes for ur congregation. Lou Rawles, yu’ll never find another person to be so nice to you. UWP/opposition is part of Parliment get it right not Govenment okay?Unite easely said than done LoU!You call contempt for laws of the land playing the game better? god save ur soul Lou.May the lord be with you.By the way what’s ur take on urpartner in faith( i did not say crime) and rival BJ?Look like Pastor BJ winning the game of bang the church sisters (analogus to ur statement The Gov’t is playing the game better than the opposition) lol! Ur turn to rebuttle.

  16. Nac Vibes
    July 9, 2011

    False prophet, Fire on your pulpit

  17. July 9, 2011

    as a so call preacher you haven’t say anything there, be a man a say it as you see it,tell it like it is.

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