Catholic church ‘200 years out of date’ – late archbishop of Milan

Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini

The former archbishop of Milan and papal candidate Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini said the Catholic Church was “200 years out of date” in his final interview before his death, published on Saturday.

Martini, once favored by Vatican progressives to succeed Pope John Paul II and a prominent voice in the church until his death at the age of 85 on Friday, gave a scathing portrayal of a pompous and bureaucratic church failing to move with the times.


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  1. January 21, 2014

    The cardinal said the Roman Catholic Church is 200 years behind the times. :oops:

    This is not good enough. It should be 2,000 years behind, all the way back to the New Testament and the Acts of the Apostles; away from the false doctrines, dogmas, and practices it has manufactured through the centuries; all the way back to the purity and power of the New Testament church. 8-O

    The church of the first century A.D. knew that the sacrifice Jesus Christ offered on the cross was once for all, that salvation was by grace though faith, not of works, that Jesus was the one and only mediator between God and man, and that the scriptures themselves were to be our only authority. They knew there was a heaven and a hell, no purgatory or limbo! :idea:

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

  2. September 4, 2012

    @Justice & Truth

    When Jesus asked His disciples, who do you say I am? Peter was the one who boldly stood up and declare:

    You are the Christ! The Son of the Living God!Jesus said to Peter that he could not have said that by his own human wisdom and understanding–meaning that Peter declared that Truth by his faith, as Eternal Spirit, God Almighty had revealed it to him.

    For that reason Jesus said to Peter, upon this rock I will build My Church, in other words, Jesus would use Peter’s nature of faith, and the Power of Holy Spirit to build His Church on Earth, because Peter’s faith taught him how to speak the Truth that is if God Almighty, Eternal Spirit, who is Love and Holiness.

    In the Book of Acts, we read that Jesus was doing just that, as He sent Holy Spirit to indwell His disciples–that they might do the work of building the Church–the people who are God’s chosen people on earth.

    Peter and Paul were the primary leaders of that work; for Peter was called to preach Salvation and Reconciliation to God Almighty to the Jews–the people of God, who rejected Jesus, their Messiah, and Paul was called to do the same to the Gentiles–those who were not Jews.

    However there is nothing in the Bible declaring that Jesus founded the Roman Catholic Church, as you continue to speak about so loud and so boldly. How can you actually believe that God is choosing from one group of people, when we are human beings of imperfection in all walks of Life. This sounds so naive!

    Yes! It is said that the disciples were called
    “Christians” at Antioch. Acts 11: 26

    Please note that the Scripture did not say Church; but those disciples were both Jews and Gentiles–the way we, who have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, still remains in the Mind of God Almighty, who chooses His people in this world, because of our faith–not because of the denominational name of the church we follow.

    The Roman Catholic Church is the name of a group of Gentiles in the days that the Roman Empire ruled.

    This group grew to dominate the churches, because people believed that the Church was based on rules and regualtions–most of those principles were formed from human wisdom and philosophy and are still very popular in the Roman Catholic Church.

    But Holy Spirit would begin to take hold of people’s mind; they came to know the “Truth” and to walk away from false doctrines or the principles of human wisdom

    That is why Jesus quoted the Scripture of Isaiah to the Pharisees and the Scribes, when He said: These people honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines, the commandments of men. Mark 7: 6-7

    • Anonymous
      August 8, 2013

      Jesus said to Peter “Thou are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church…” The word Peter in this verse in the Greek New Testament is “Petros” which means a stone or a little rock

      Then Jesus said to Peter “upon this rock I will build my church…” The word “rock” is the Greek word “petra” meaning a massive rock!

      Jesus was telling Peter he was a stone. However, He would build His church upon this massive rock!

      That massive rock was the rock of Peter`s confession THOU ART THE CHRIST THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD!

      Please read the story in Matthew 16:13-18.

      Christians – that is people who have trusted Christ and received Him as their Savior according to St. John 1:12, Revelation 3:20, Ephesians 2:8,9 – are STONES just as Peter was. In fact Peter himself told the Christians of his day in 1 Peter 2:5 that they were living STONES! In Acts 2 Christ used Peter`s profession in his preaching to begin building His church by laying over 3,000 of these living stones (Christians – people made alive by the Holy Spirit) on the foundation which was Christ Himself THAT MASSIVE ROCK!

      The apostle Paul said OTHER FOUNDATION CAN NO MAN LAY THAN THAT IS LAID, WHICH IS JESUS CHRIST. (1 Corinthians 3:11)

      The keys of the kingdom in Matthew 16:19 were shared by all the apostles and in fact by all the believers in the early church. Today when a Christian witnesses to somebody and tells that individual how to be saved he or she is using the keys of the kingdom to open the door of faith to that person.

      There is nothing in Matthew 16:13-19 to even suggest that Peter was to be the Vicar of Christ or that Peter would have a successor. There is nothing in this passage of scripture about a successor to Peter or a papacy.

      Christ does have a Vicar! It is the Holy Spirit! He has been sent to indwell and guide the lives of all those who have received Christ as their Savior and Lord! Please read John 14:16,17, and 26, also John 16:5-14.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

  3. budman
    September 4, 2012

    there are a few things that i have observed in life that may be uncomfortable to some of you.

    (1) every atheist that i have met, has been law abiding and staunchly non-violent.

    (2) The Vatican ( a sovereign state) sits on billions of dollars yet they are not using it in large quantities to help starving nations.

    (3) they, however, have paid millions to settle molestation court cases in Ireland, Massachussets, British Columbia et al

    (4) most of this witchcraft talk seem to occur in the following areas DA, SLU, Guadeloupe, Haiti, New Orleans and Niger and cote d’ivoire. what do these places all have in common? French influence.

    (5) this one is really gonna hurt some of you but did you know that MANY popes had lovers. concubines. check out the Borgias as one example.

    (6)will someone on the DNO community be willing to explain why the church is so deeply tied to the Italian Mafia and why a dead mob boss is actually buried on the Vatican grounds.

    I am NOT an atheist. I am actually Catholic but I will NOT blindly accept any and everything. one good thing that our GOD gave me was a brain.

    • September 4, 2012


      It is better to say that God give a mind that is not carnal.

      We all have a brain and we all have a mind. But the mind is the battle of our existence in this world–not the brain.

      The seeds of Life and death are both sowed on that ground for process and production. The choice is ours to accept the production of Life–but not without faith in God, who sows the seeds of Life on the grounds of our mind from conscience.

      Our enemy, God’s enemy as well, sows the seeds of death, from our human senses–as we do the things of the world, which is not of God Almighty. That is why the apostle Paul teaches us: Do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind; that you may what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

      The good and acceptable and perfect Will of God are the attitude and conducts of Love, as demonstrated through the Man, Jesus Christ, who is the Son, the Person of Love, which is of God Almighty, Eternal Spirit.

    • January 21, 2014

      Every atheist you have met has been law abiding and non-violent?

      What about the people of Russia, China, and other Communist lands who embraced atheism and murdered millions of faithful Christians, casting others into prisons, or sending them to camps? Those Communistic/atheists who closed churches turning them into warehouses, took over Bible colleges and seminaries to use as communist schools and training centers?

      In Russia Pastor Wormbrand spent 17 years in an atheistic communist camp doing hard labor. The day he was liberated he was met by a group of Christians. The very first thing the pastor requested was to be taken directly to the secret location where the “underground church” was holding a prayer meeting. Why not home? He knew his wife would be at the prayer meeting!

      Consider the Christians who have built hospitals, orphanages, and schools around the world; those who maintain feeding stations for the hungry, operate clinics to treat the sick and dying, and dig wells to provide clean water; those who are involved in specialized services like caring for lepers, providing eye care, reaching out to AIDS patients or their orphaned children, etc., etc. My church (the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) is only one of the many Christians organizations doing some (not all) these good works, so don’t tell me this work is not being done. I am very close to it.

      I personally knew a pastor in Canada considered one of our most successful ministers who resigned as the pastor of a large city church that paid him (this was decades ago) $60,000 Can. a year plus benefits and expense accounts. He moved to a poverty stricken third world country to oversee a church and supervise several of these programs. His pay? A small missionary “allowance”, a little home to live in, his food, and a car allowance. His missionary “allowance” would have been less than one third what he received from the Canadian church. I can’t tell you the exact amount because it differs from country to country depending on the local cost of living, and the number of dependents, etc. But it would be a small fraction of what a minster makes in the homeland. Our missionaries make tremendous sacrifices. You’ll never hear it from them. You sometimes hear it from others. In my case I have been with them in third world countries and have seen their labor of love first hand. And I know what they left behind!

      It’s not atheistic organizations sponsoring this kind of work nor atheists we see in third world countries operating feeding stations, digging wells, or running clinics. They’re not staffing the leper colonies, nor caring for AIDS patients or the children. This work is being done mainly by those who follow the teaching of Christ. But it is more than intellectual. There is a spirit force energizing and driving Christian missions and all true Christian works of charity. It is the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Godhead! When Jesus returned to the Father in heaven HE SENT THE HOLY SPIRIT UNTIL THE WORK ON EARTH IS DONE :!:

      From India comes this little story. A millionaire cigar smoking atheist from the USA visited a leper colony. He met a nun/nurse who was washing the sores of a dying leper. The atheist said, “I wouldn’t do that for a million dollars.” The nun replied “Neither would I.”

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

  4. Rastafari
    September 4, 2012

    Prayer with-out faith is DEAD! Prayer does not do one any good if they don’t know HOW to pray!

  5. steve
    September 3, 2012

    there are catholic like me who live by the word od Christ.. Who believe and understands science as well as religious .. The thing is many more catholics need to make up their own minds and live life with Jesus in heart

  6. September 3, 2012

    Catholics do like me and give your life to Jesus, not another church but to Jesus and you will enjoy the peace of God and a renewed life. God bless you.

    • me
      September 3, 2012

      it is more like 2012 years behind times.the catholic church is a hiding place for gays and phedeophiles,it is not me that say that it is history,you can not enter the kingdom of heaven unless you belive in jesus,how crazy is that ,my god loves ,forgives and understands all not thoes who only belive in a certain teaching,shame on all churches who segregate the masses by making them belive that there idology is the the only truth and the only path to heaven,shame on all of you

    • Young Catholic
      September 3, 2012

      The Church doesn’t hinder me from giving my life to Jesus, dearie. It facilitates the life-long process

    • Justice and Truth
      September 3, 2012

      @ looking down

      You lack godly enlightenment. Catholics have always given their life to Our Lord Jesus Christ. They are steps ahead of you. So you are stating that a church or churches which were formed in recent years are better and superior to the Catholic Church? You are a big joker and presumptuous with no substance. You must be a fallen away Catholic. Wait when you die and you will find out the truth. May it not be too late for you.
      On the night before He was betrayed, He took bread and wine, looked up and prayed to His Heavenly Father, blest it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take, eat and drink all of you. This is My Body and Blood given up for you. Do this in memory of Me…You will have life in you…” Are you denying Our Lord’s words and teaching and making Him out to be a liar?
      What are you and your so-called church doing in memory of Our Lord Jesus Christ?
      Some of you allow false indoctrinators to teach you errors; not too smart. God will take care of them in time including you.
      Read and study the Gospel of John and the writing of St. Paul. You are lacking in knowledge of Holy Scripture.
      Any adult could read Holy Scriptures including a child. You are so misinformed and misled.

      • Prophesy Fullfilling
        September 4, 2012

        @ Justice and Truth

        When Jesus gave the bread and wine, he also said, do this in remembrance of me. What the Catholic teaches is that you are actually eating the body of Christ and drinking his blood. Jesus died on the cross once and the sacrifice was made once and for all. Why make it look like as if it is a sacrifice every time. And i cannot recall where the bible says that,”you will have life in you’. Because he warned about drinking or eating unworthily and as such one should examine himself before partaking. But with the catholics, it’s like eat this and drink this and you will be cleansed from your sins. Such false teachings. To ‘Justice and Truth’, you seem to be very religious. The day you stand before God, religion is useless. It’s only By grace are you saved through Faith, and not yourself or religion. And, talking sense, how can we try to lower Christ, by comparing his body with our earthly bread and wine? And if you know the scripture so well, tell me where it presented Mary as a sinless woman, a woman born of no sin, and as mediator between God and Man. Holy Mary pray for me? Such rubbish. Mary to had to secure her salvation and give her life to God too. A poto catholic once argued that, ‘if i can ask you who is on earth to pray for me, why can’t i ask Mary who is in heaven to pray for me? LOL…Mary can hear you. Some Catholics even pray to angels wee. Jesus said to come to Him, and not no angel.

  7. really?
    September 3, 2012

    it’s obvious they want an end to the human race. If they want all little boys to grow up to be priest ect and all little girls to grow up to be nuns ect and still they don’t want the priest and nuns to have sex… then they still want to legalize homosexuality, where will babies come from? really, where will babies come from?… oh yes, “Test Tubes”, the same science they don’t want to believe in…. too much hypocrisy, too much secrets, too much lies. Live life with a clean heart and conscience,. they say where three are gathered is enough, well me myself and i is enough, i can pray and be a good person with out a congregation, is the same congregation that full of witches ect ect…. i really don’t wanna get started.

    • budman
      September 3, 2012

      where is it written that they want all boys and girls to grow up to be priests and nuns? you fall out of the fooly tree again?

      • SUGgestion
        September 3, 2012

        “really?” i kinda understand where you coming from because if they could convert all children attending church into acolites then to nuns and priest then what you are saying has some point in it. “budman”, he/she did not say it was written anywhere but the way they go about it is like that. and still, they want to legalize homosexuality. so you have some point there. all children will not grow up to be nuns or priest but if the church could do so, they would. “really”, again, you have some point, look at all the poison they put in our food and the tings they play on the television. i am not saying it is the catholic church who is doing it but they are trying to end the human race. it is not possible but they are trying to kill us off, slowly but surly. the rich stay rich, buy expensive food, have money for health care whilst they get the poor more poor with little for health care. It is simple math, get a clue and open your minds.

      • Justice and Truth
        September 3, 2012

        @ budman

        That person, ‘really?’ is devoid of common sense and knowledge of the truth and should not be even writing anything on this Website but for freedom of speech. I stopped short of stating that this person is a fool.

    • Freethinker
      September 3, 2012

      “really,” that is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. And I have read many insanely idiotic things on this site, believe you me. I should congratulate you, perhaps.

    • Young Catholic
      September 3, 2012

      Hey, hey, let’s not be hasty…one cardinal’s OPINION is not Church law…especially when his opinion contradicts the law of the Church

      • Justice and Truth
        September 3, 2012

        @ Young Catholic

        You are correct. For your young age, you are more intelligent than those critics and enemies of the Catholic Church. Let them know it. :lol: They are not intelligent.

    • Justice and Truth
      September 3, 2012

      @ really?

      Boy, oh boy, the things people state which make no sense and project that they are uneducated in most matters, if not all, specifically in religious ones which primarily concern God and His Church.
      You are another one who is not smart and who speaks without thinking and who is beyond comprehension. You lack relevant education and also godly enlightenment. Priests have been around numerous centuries ago and the human race has not ended. In fact, the population grew since.
      Ever gave it a thought, that what which will end the human race is using contraception that people as you use, committing abortions and not having children and enough of them, denying babies and the unborn a right to life. This is occurring today. Humanity will eliminate the human race as people age and there will not be others to replace them. This will be a punishment from God as He looks on and takes note.

  8. Prophesy Fullfilling
    September 3, 2012

    Prophesy is fullfilling. The bible predicted the rising of this empire and the falling of it. The Roman empire must fall one day and there is nothing that can be done about it, but the thruth about it being revealed in time. Why should it be a surprise about 200 years back? The Anti-Christ will use the Roman Catholic as his main media towards creating a “one World Religion’ and the stage is being set already. The ‘Inquisition which once took place was, if you never knew, sanctioned not by mere members but by the Pope themselves. They are the ones who established and up till now, has not done away with the ‘code of canon law’; so it can be used in the future. Do you know the amount of Christians that were killed during the Roman Inquistion? No wonder the priest/bishops never will never tell you about that. The Roman Catholic is losing their memb ership by thousands now,from Bishop to go down. Ever wonder why? Prophesy being fullfilled!

    • Freethinker
      September 3, 2012

      You people and your silly prophecies. When will you stop trying to make current events fit the predictions within Bronze-Age texts written by people who could not predict that the Earth went around the sun, much less anything else? The bible quite explicitly says that Jesus was supposed to return while Paul was still alive. That clearly never happened–and none of the other “prophecies” did, either. If the bible had predicted that we would find DNA or that the universe is expanding or that space and time are relative, you might have a case. Otherwise, you’re just rambling off mystical nonsense.

    • Justice and Truth
      September 3, 2012

      What empire? The empires are the kings and queens of the world and their likes.
      The Catholic Church is a Church. It is not an empire. The Vatican is not an empire and never insinuated that it is one.
      You are no prophet. The prophesy that is fulfilling is directed at people like you. Our Lord said, referring to people as you, “When He returns to earth, will He find faith on earth?” This is for you who may have been a practicing Catholic, all those who left the Catholic Church, who joined other so-called churches, those who do not practice their (the) faith and those who rejected him. You people are not intelligent.

  9. Justice and Truth
    September 3, 2012

    I heard and read about this Cardinal who died and what he stated against the Catholic Church. Is this correct or was the information exaggerated as could often be the case.
    I expect the Media worldwide will broadcast and print this news. It is exactly what the enemies of the Church want to hear from within the Catholic Church. I also expect derogatory and unfair comments about it from its critics and enemies. Nevertheless, the Dogmas of the Catholic Church will remain unchanged. The Church is not changing to suit so-called present modern-days era.
    God gave us a mind and mouth. Sometimes people have too much of them and utilize them wrongly. Members of the Catholic Church are The Church. We make up the Church. As Members of this Church, whatever we say and do affects it.
    Catholics reserve the right to defend their Church. If they are knowledgeable in the Faith and spiritually enlightened, they will read between the lines of what the Cardinal stated and will defend it and Its Dogmas.
    I will never encourage anyone to speak ill against the Catholic Church. Firstly, one reason, no one is perfect and all have fallen short of God’s glory, some more so than others. Secondly, they are no more perfect than the Catholic Church. Thirdly, we do not speak to enemies of the Catholic Church, our enemies against our Church. Some members including its enemies may not give this a thought.
    If the opportunity presents itself outside of talking to members, I will discuss what occurs in the Church, what affects it, what could be done to rectify the situation and pray for it? This is what faithful Catholics are to do.
    Catholics in general should not go about informing the world, including the enemies of this Church about Its faults and frailties. They, too, have their faults and frailties even within their Church.
    If he did in fact make such statements, this Cardinal greatly erred. For one of his stature, he should have known better. He has demeaned his own Church. He should have been ashamed of himself. He appeared to be a proud person who knew it all. Wrong Cardinal! God knows better than you.
    Did he ask himself, what will Jesus say and do? Oh no! He went about lambasting the Church and writing against it. I wonder how often he prayed for the Church in general. In a case like this, prior to going about talking to people, sinners against the Church in general, we should first pray to God and ask for spiritual discernment and what He would like us to do and say.
    This Cardinal is an embarrassment to the Church. Every Catholic does not share his opinion. I do not! Even though he was one of the Hierarchies and spoke with personal authority, this does not mean that he was correct. In this case, he was not smart.
    The Catholic Church has enemies from within and they are the most dangerous ones who do not build it up and defend it. This is a typical example. Our Lord said, “…One’s enemies will be that of his household.” It is proven in this Cardinal.
    He should have been defrocked a long time ago but the late Blessed Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI no doubt had empathy for him. I assume that since he was old and sick, they had pity on him and left it all to our patient God. He has gone to his eternal judgment. This is not a good way to leave the world by lambasting your Church and wanting it to conform to the immoralities of this era.
    Instead of this Cardinal spending his time to pray for the Church, for the Pope, the Bishops, Priests and laity, He went about speaking and writing against the Church of which he was a member, the Church which financially supported him throughout his life since he became a Priest. He was too outspoken. One way or the other his words did not help. He should have saved his breathe and time. He does not appear to have loved the Church or his position. Talk about a traitor within the walls of the Church. Our Lord said, “By their fruits you will know them.” It is amazing how he remained a Clergy for so long and obviously due to his mannerisms did not help build and defend the Church whatsoever. He failed the Church.
    He did not do justice to the Catholic Church. He retired in 2002 and had Parkinson’s disease. I wondered if this was his earthly punishment from God for lambasting the Pope(s) and the other Hierarchy of the Catholic Church. 85 years of age, he has gone to his eternal destiny. I wonder where in eternity his soul is and if God had mercy on his soul. God loves His Church and will never condone members who against His, Our Church and Its Dogmas.

    • huh
      September 4, 2012

      u must have alot of time on ur hands…..because under almost every damn article…u have these lengthy sermons as if! get work for u to damn do! ppl cannot have an opinion den? stuuups//allu catholic too damn contradictory! allu practicing wat allu preaching, where it pertains! praying for carnival?…i never heard a priest read the part of the bible that says about reveling ..and guess wat i was born into the church…go to church every sunday….

  10. Conscience
    September 3, 2012

    It is about 3 years now since I was forced to leave the Catholic church. I came under attack from witches that were in the church. Several visits to various priest did not address my problem. The church needs to place more emphasis on warfare prayers. Why should I call myself a practicing Catholic but have to go to Guadeloupe to go & garde zafet? Priests wake up & educate your flock.

    • budman
      September 3, 2012

      this is the most rubbish i have seen on DNO in ages. witches? really? were they from the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry?

      • twisted
        September 3, 2012

        comment with your full name please and youll know where they from :twisted:

      • u close
        September 3, 2012

        Budman, you are really closed minded. these things are real. you may not believe in them and i hope you don’t, just like me, but they are real. They are very real, if you believe in them, they can hold you, but honestly, they are real.

      • Justice and Truth
        September 3, 2012

        @ budman

        Probably mentally sick. Some people imagine those things. If DA had a psychiatrist, this person should have seen one.
        If this person experienced witches, he/she did not know how well to pray. Prayers drive them away from places of worship and the home including Holy Water. God protects.

    • Young Catholic
      September 3, 2012

      ummm, your fault for living a double life. If your faith was in God, you wouldn’t need the Garde in Guada…the problem was not the Church but your lack of faith.

      • Justice and Truth
        September 3, 2012

        @ Young Catholic

        You are correct. They go to church, they pray, receive Holy Communion and then they go to fortune tellers. They live a double life and make a mockery of their Catholic Faith. Satan laughs at them. They are weak of faith. This is why they left the Catholic Church. No one forced this person to live the Church but for their type of mentality. They do not know how to wait on the Lord and be patient. They want to see what is happening. If God wanted us to see the future, He would have given every one of us this gift.
        I know someone who told me that, some years ago went to a fortune teller. The person got a mental breakdown and was in and out of hospitals. All the medication and shock treatments the person received did not help. As the years progressed the person got worst. This person has never recovered. It is so sad. What a waste of a God-given precious life.

    • Justice and Truth
      September 3, 2012

      @ Conscience

      Our weapons against evil are worship and prayer. It is not worship only reading Holy Scriptures. Holy Scriptures is the Word of God which anyone can read/study in the privacy of their home. People make statements but do not always tell the truth. You should be more explicit. I have been a Catholic all my life and so many others. I heard of some people who practiced the faith who were not godly. However, I did not come across any witches or other evil people. You must have been associating with the wrong company. Satan is everywhere; no exception in the churches. Do not think that he did not lodge himself in your heart and home and right at this moment. He is busy with his corteges who go to churches to harass and persecute members to cause them to sin and to live the Catholic Church. You were not practicing the faith as you should have or probably not living a godly life.
      If you go to another church do you think that they are better than those people whom you accuse of being witches. People as you give the Catholic Church a bad name because of one person or a few. You depict your narrow-mindedness. You will have to answer to God for your faithlessness and not for others. Keep this in mind.

      • July 19, 2013

        Genuine Christians (Born again because they have received Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour) rarely go to fortune tellers or witches. Those who do are bringing themelves under God’s condemnation. They should know better because the Word of God clearly says, “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleaness, lasciviousness, idolatry, (and) WITCHCRAFT, … they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” (Galatians 5:19-21)

        People who are religious but have not been “born again” will sometimes go to a fortune teller. Some think they can practice their religion on a regular basis and use a little witchcraft or voodoo on the side. I say the same about modern witchcraft as I say about the other “works of the flesh”. It is the responsibility of pastors to teach the Word of God and warn their people against these things. The Bible says, “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for THEY WATCH FOR YOUR SOULS, as they which must give an account, …” (Hebrews 13:17) Paul wrote to a young pastor called Timothy, “Preach the word; be instant in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound teaching; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” (2 Timothy 4:2-4)

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

  11. Reader
    September 3, 2012

    The Church is not of the world and the Church should not be expected to change to conform to the pressures of the world. What was wrong 200 years ago is still wrong today and will be 200 years from now. Popular opinion does not automatically change the truth.

    • Freethinker
      September 3, 2012

      No, but you have to first prove the church has anything to do with “the truth” before making a statement like that. I see no evidence that the church is possessed of any special claims to knowledge or that those outside the church are in any way deprived of knowledge.

      • Young Catholic
        September 3, 2012

        uMMM…Jesus Christ said to Peter “You are Peter, and upon this Rock I will build my Church, and the gates of Hell shall never prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18…Now, if there was only one Christian Church before 1517, which other Church has EVERYTHING to do with the truth. Freethinker,your words sound familiar…”Pilate replied, ‘Truth? What is that?'”

      • Justice and Truth
        September 3, 2012

        And you freethinker, you are wrong. You have no proof and no claim to your manner of thinking and what you state. St. Paul said, to call you are a heretic, ignore people as you and tell you that you stand condemned.

      • September 4, 2012

        @Young Catholic

        I am wondering if you, yourself understood the question of Pilate to Jesus, who told him, that is why I was born and for that reason I came to this world, that I might bear witness of “The Truth”. Everyone who is of the Truth listens to Me. John 18: 37

        That was the time Pilate asked Jesus what is “Truth”? But according to the rest of the Scripture, Pilate did not wait for the answer from Jesus–I imagine it was meant to be so.

        Well, as human beings how do we know what is the Truth of God today? I am sure that is why Pilate did not wait for the answer to the question, he asked Jesus, because that answer only comes to us by faith.

        We hear God telling us, through His prophet Jeremiah, how we, who are His chosen people, would know His Truth; when through Jeremiah God said I will write My Laws on their heart and I will put in their mind, and they will know Me; whether they are the greatest of all and whether they are the least of all.

        Those laws of God Almighty, the teachings of Truth Life in Jesus Christ–who demonstrated the attitude and conducts of Love, when He walked this earth–become implanted in our mind and on our heart, by our faith and the Power of Holy Spiritm from our conscience.

        This confirmation is written at a few places of the New Testament–Jeremiah is a prophet of the Old Testament–but I love the writings of the apostle John, who tells us at 1st. John 2: verse 27: “But the anointing–the indwelling of Holy Spirit–which you have received from Him–Jesus Christ–abides in you. You do not need that anyone teach you; but what Holy Sprit is teaching you concerning all things, His teachings are the Truth and not lies. And just as He has taught you, you should abide by those teachings, through your faith.

        The question we need to ask ourselves is: Do I have the wisdom and revelation of Holy Spirit, according to the influence of my faith and my relationship with God through my church family?

        Those of us who are unable to answer this question about ourselves, with full assurance, beyond a reasonable doubt, perhaps we need to get into our closets and to do some consistent personal praying–that is if we want to dwell in the “Truth of God” for that Truth is freedom in our minds, to know the glorious ecstasy of Joy and Peace–the Joy and Peace which is our energy in Love–the basic anointing of Holy Spirit to us.

        Jesus has said to us: If you abide in My Word, you are my disciples indeed! And you will know the Truth and the Truth will make you “free” John 8: 31

  12. nogit
    September 3, 2012

    our rituals and our cassocks are pompous…


  13. Freethinker
    September 3, 2012

    The Catholic church will never fit into modern society until it learns to accept that scripture is wrong about same-sex relations; that it cannot continue to cover up child abuse scandals; that women must be accepted as equals within its ranks; and that it cannot reject modern science when it seems convenient to do so.

    • Justice and Truth
      September 3, 2012

      @ Freethinker

      I am assuming that you are a God-hater and a Church-hater. You are not one who promotes love and peace. Your comments also project that you are a lover of Satan, the enemy of God and of our souls.
      Please tell us, what have you done for the world and to change the world? What have you done for your community to make it a better and safer place to live?
      What type of lifestyle you were living and continue to live that you could be called a perfect, model person especially for the youth to emulate? If you are doing that, then you are living a life of futility which will lead to a dead end.
      Freethinker, SAVE YOUR SOUL!

    • Young Catholic
      September 3, 2012

      The Church doesn’t want to conform to modern society. Jesus Himself said that we are not of the world. What is WRONG IS WORONG

      • ......
        September 3, 2012

        yes what is wrong is wrong, and no Christians should not be a part of this world but the Catholic Church is filled with too much tradition, and over half of the Catholics here either do not fully understand all the teachings and traditions of the church, or do not believe in them. They just attend church because that was the religion they were brought up in rather than searching for the real truth and making necessary adjustments to their lives.

  14. budman
    September 3, 2012

    i made mention of these very issues on DNO sometime ago. In fact i spoke specifically about the paedophilia scandal within the Catholic Church. what did DNO do? they disallowed my comment. i never slandered anyone’s name. yet DNO felt that censorship was the right course of action. I didn’t complain then because its “their site” and can do as they please but it is a bit disturbing. Being critical of DNO may get this comment censored as well but I am taking the chance because I think its more important that we discuss these issues.

    • Justice and Truth
      September 3, 2012

      @ budman

      Lay it to rest. Some of you bring up matters that you cannot do a thing about and you cannot change what occurred. It has already occurred. Let sleeping dogs lie. Sometimes you can call those stories “DEAD – FINISHED.” Some of you will not leave well alone. Let all authorities handle it as they have been doing. Bringing it up will never help and change a thing. You might as well not waste your God-given precious time. You better spend it in prayer for the world in general. Some people continue to speak ill of those priests and write about it when they do not live a godly life. Our Lord said, “Let he who is without sin caste the first stone. Judge not that you may not be judged accordingly and two-fold.”
      If you are a Catholic and a practicing one at that, pray for The Church in general.
      The entire Church is not to be blamed for what those priests who were weak of heart, mind and body did. God is the Judge. God gives everyone a second chance, while they are still living if they turn to him with a humble and contrite heart, asking his forgiveness for their sins. How well are you doing in this case? This is what you should be concerned about, your life, the type of life you live and your soul.
      What a friend we have in Jesus. Take it to the Lord in prayer. This is what He wants us to do. Holy Scripture – Do not depend on your own understanding but on God.

      • budman
        September 4, 2012

        that easy for you to say. leave it in the past? are you insane???? the church hasn’t properly addressed these issues at all. in fact the problem we have had with the church isn’t that paedophilia occurred. It is the massive cover up once discovered. priests were simply transferred to different parishes. but you see it is all good and well to say let’s move on until it happens to your kid.

    • Budderz
      September 3, 2012

      But Budman, not you that jus try 2 say witches not real and dat not all lil boys and girls want to grow up to be nuns and priest? hahaha.if you want to talk about one you have to talk about all! all important because just because you stop one, does’nt mean all going to stop and trust me, it have plenty nonsense going on. That is petty thing. pedophiles exist every where. in the communities, at the home, at the schools.

      • budman
        September 4, 2012

        i am not following what you are saying.

  15. Anonymous
    September 3, 2012

    I wonder what the catholic apologists are gonna say to this one now??????

    It’s high time that the church rid itself of those silly rituals, allow its priests to marry and get rid of those pedophiles.

    Time for a new awakening!!!!!!

    • Justice and Truth
      September 3, 2012

      @ Anonymous

      NOTHING! Because they already know it for years. You are without understanding, mortally (morally) and spiritually. Silly rituals, eh? What do you know with your limited mind and what it cannot fathom especially where it concerns higher, spiritual matters? You need to be spiritually enlightened to comprehend it. Because of your attitude, it is not granted to you. You deprive yourself of God’s blessing and graces to even give this a godly thought.
      You cannot discern higher things which God Himself created and which He approves of. When you die you will see the truth which will be revealed to you. May it not be too late for you to obtain eternal salvation. Worry about that, that you do not miss the boat of salvation.

      • Young Catholic
        September 3, 2012

        Considering most paedophiles are married, you are suggesting that the problem be worsened? If God gives desire, he gives grace to control it, regardless of vocation. Marriage is not a sanctioned avenue to release sexual tension. If you hold the sacrament of marriage as nothing but that, you have no knowledge of the power and beauty of the true sexual union

      • September 4, 2012


        You wrote “When you die you will see the truth which will be revealed to you” Did you say when you die! Well no siree! Most of the time I simply shake my head at your line of reasoning–saying to myself–like holy cow!

        Unfortuantely, it is in such statements like that one above that you reveal your own lack of understanding of “God and His chosen people, who is the Church, the Bride whom Jesus is preparing to present to the Father in pureness, perfectness and truth of the Spirit”.

        Do you actually believe, that Church is being chosen from the group of Roman Catholics alone!

        Well I cannot imagine that, because at the Book of Revelation–I would imagine you know what is the nature of the Book in the Bible–its message speaks to 7 Churches, known as the 7 Spirits–read the message at Revelation, chapter 2 and 3.

        Neither are those Churches referred to as Christians, much less for Roman Catholics–they are referred to as apostles whom we also know as disciples of Jesus Christ, most of them were Jews–the chosen people of God in ancient times. We read in the Gospel of John, that Jesus came to His own, but His own did not receive Him. John 1: 11

        At Revelation 21 you will hear John speaking about the New Jerusalem, which is infact Spiritual Jerusalem, meaning not a piece of Land, but all people who has been transformed to be the Bride of Jesus Christ in Spirit and Truth.

        As Christians–again, not just Roman Catholics– we are the Gentiles who accepted Jesus Christ and so we are adopted as the family of God, for we are the ones who were born of God–not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man–so what does religion or man-made rules and laws have to do with our relationship with God–I say nothing! Nothing at all!

        But back to you thing about when you die! Don’t you know that if a human being passes away in the physical, without the Truth of God–which is Salvation and Reconciliation to Him–, there is no more privilege for that person on the other side of the grave?

        What do you mean by “when you die”? Don’t you understand Jesus’ saying to the Sadducee’s of His days on earth, that God of Spirit and Holiness is not is not the God of the dead, He is the God of “Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?”

        In other words Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, received the Truth of God, before they passed away in the flesh, so God will not forget them, in that their spirit is made whole, by His nature of Love–Life in them which will come at the Day of the Resurrection–the Promise of Jesus Christ.

        That is to say that God knows Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as much as they know Him–and so it is for all of us, who has accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior–not the acceptance of a denomination of the Churches.

        Through that acceptance, and by faith, we have to be living through the New Creature we become through our birth of the Spirit, and walking this world in Love, growing through the attitude and conducts of Love–the ways of the Spirit, which is Life in us.

        Sometimes our people relationship–what we call Church has nothing to do with Salvation in us, as it is through faith we are able to declare that Jesus is Lord–the Alpha and the Omega; the beginning and the end! Amen!

        We must be able to make that declaration before we die, or we have died without knowledge of God–He will not know who we are on the other side of the grave, because we simply continued in our state of perish through the process and products of our human mind–this mind of ours does not know God.

        ADMIN: Please note that we are cutting back on long posts. Our moderators are complaining, hence we will not publish excessively long post.

      • rolling eyes
        September 4, 2012

        shut the hell up! the endles blah blah from u under this article ! u sicken me! with ur know it all attitude and answer for every tick…for christs sake shut up!

  16. Poetoe Catholic
    September 3, 2012

    A pity i cannot shake de man big toe. Although am a practicing catholic, it is true the Church has become old-fashioned. and that Pope that come in just trying to drag it back to the Middle Ages. But i still not going to leave my church and join those “cults”. They have more dirty linen in their closet than the Catholic Church again.

    • Justice and Truth
      September 3, 2012

      @ poetoe Catholic

      You are not a genuine practicing Catholic. People like you should leave the Church. It is obvious that you do not love the Church. The Church does not need a cradle Catholic as you. You are not even willing to grow in faith, knowledge and enlightenment. What good are you to the Church and yourself?
      You are not helping it in any way, to build it up and to defend it and against its enemies. You are a useless Catholic, a traitor who also never pray for The Church. What type of life do you live? Some of you merely go to Church to fill the pews and as a spectator, ‘not a participant’. You are devoid of God’s blessings and graces otherwise you could not have made such statements. Your views are redundant.
      This is the problem with people as you who call yourselves Catholic, yet criticize it and are its enemies. God is not pleased with you. One day He will shut up your mind, mouth and deaden your fingers forever.
      While God is allowing time and life, make the most of it and do something good for the Church and also your environment that may appease God and grant you blessing, graces and spiritual enlightenment. Heaven is only obtained with love, peace and good works in Jesus Name.

      • britbob
        September 3, 2012

        Matt. 7:1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.”
        John 8:7 “…“Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone ..”
        Continue this self delusion about the churches ‘enemies’ and don’t open your eyes to its fault and it will be YOUR fault when it falls into further disrepute and loses more congregation through disillusionment. In this country , at least ,people recognise the value of the church in the countries development especially in education. But your blind defence of its foibles harms rather than helps it.

  17. Always a catholic
    September 3, 2012

    Even if the church changes or not I have no where going

    • Justice and Truth
      September 3, 2012

      Always a catholic

      You are a smart one. You know the spiritual value of being a Catholic, practicing the faith and remaining in it. This is given to you by God also in the form of blessing and graces who are a faithful Catholic.
      There is more to Catholicism than meets the eye. Those who lack godly spiritual enlightenment cannot even see through it. They will go about being negative and criticizing it. They greatly err.
      I recall what I read in a Catholic Reader’s Digest. A little boy said to his father after returning from Mass, “Anyone could be a saint by now”. The father replied: “Son, take your Holy Communion and consider what you would be without it.” :)
      Keep on practicing your faith, growing in faith, learning more about it, defending it and encouraging others to remain in it and/or to join it.
      If you know the history of all churches, this is The Only Church that God established and will remain until the end of time. All others, those thousands of little pockets of churches will be eradicated because God did not establish them. God will judge their leaders and followers, some of whom were once practicing Catholics. Through the years, some of them have already gone to their eternal judgment. Where are their souls?
      Know your faith and what is contained in it. As you read and learn more about it, God grants you enlightenment.

      • Anonymous
        September 4, 2012

        “Justice and Truth”??? You are just another brainwashed fool trying to convince yourself that what is wrong is right. Hope you see the light before God forces you to. Go in peace!!!!

  18. 123
    September 3, 2012

    Hmm, reminds me of Revelation 16:12 “And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up…”

    • Justice and Truth
      September 3, 2012

      @ 123

      Ensure that it will not fall on your head, burn you up and dry you up. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    • Prophesy Fullfilling
      September 3, 2012

      may be right. Water always represents a multitude of people.

  19. Anonymous
    September 3, 2012

    Not much to wonder why he didn’t make it as pope. that is why we have to pray that even in the last hour of death, the devil does not take hold. While he may have held different opinions the way to do it is not to talk ill of the church or try to damage the church. we should be working towards unity not divisions.

    i agree that paedoephiles have to be dealt with and will pray about it. but why an advocateo of adultery?

    • budman
      September 3, 2012

      so if you have a different opinion you should keep it to yourself for fear that it may offend? the man was critical of the church not “speaking ill of it”.

      • Justice and Truth
        September 3, 2012

        @ budman

        Anonymous is correct. He was critical and spoke ill of his, our Church. How far did he get with it? The other Hierarchy as the Pope had a reason to ignore him. The Pope is not in a position to change the Doctrines of the Church which have been instituted in the ancient days and approved by God through his Holy Spirit. The enemies of the Church as you are not aware of that. This is why you flap your tongues and put your fingers to the keyboard and make ungodly statements about the Catholic Church. You do not know the truth which is not revealed to you. Those who are not Catholics should stay away from the business and operation of the Catholic Church for you know absolutely nothing about it and as you live ungodly lives. If you do not know that, pray to God who may grace you with enlightenment. The truth is revealed to only those who are godly open-minded.

    • budman
      September 3, 2012

      if you read the article it clearly states that his illness, Parkinson’s disease killed his chances of the papacy.

      • Budderz
        September 3, 2012

        to Justice and truth

        they hidding sooo much from allu, allu doe even know. i respect all religions and their followers but dont bash anyone’s opinion. your opinion is yours. if he was critical then that was his choice. it was a groups’ choice to create the catholic church soo where is your point?

      • Justice and Truth
        September 3, 2012

        That was his earthly punishment for criticizing the higher up Hierarchy of the Catholic Church. God is not blind, deaf or sleeping. If only we knew where his soul is at this moment.

    • Prophesy Fullfilling
      September 3, 2012

      That was the voice of God’s angel passing a message to the Catholics.

  20. 1979
    September 3, 2012

    OH GADDD the silence, it PRICKIN me earrsss 8) :mrgreen:

    1979: “what do you have to say for yourself”

    DCC: “no comment”

    ahhhhhhh mennnnnnn

  21. speaking logic
    September 2, 2012

    yes, alot has to be looked into…

  22. evenhanded
    September 2, 2012

    Being made in the year of the 50th Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council this statement is particularly revealing.Cardinal Martini,the former ARCHBISHOP of Milan, says that the Church is “pompous and bureaucratic.. and our rituals and cassocks are pompous”.He held progressive positions on modern problems confronting the Church and was seen as a potential Pope. May he find eternal rest.

    • Justice and Truth
      September 3, 2012

      @ evenhanded

      You must know this things. Learn from other genuine practicing Catholics who make it their business to know about their faith, how the Church operates and the Dogmas of the Catholic Church.
      He did not go about it the correct way. First of all if you know what is contained in Holy Scriptures, we are to obey authority. The Cardinal was not the Pope and had no authority over him. I wished I knew the type of life he lived in secret. This should have been scrutinized. A man of his stature in the Catholic Church should never have made such statements. He acted in an unbecoming manner. If we have a concern and how the Church should operate or change, we are to approach the One who is in charge, lovingly, humbly and respectfully. Christians should know that especially in this case, Catholic Christians. When we reside in a parish, we should approach the Parish Priest in likewise manner.
      There are some people who are not obedient and who believe that because they are in a certain position of authority, they can command and influence higher authority. Where the Church is concerned, this is not feasible.
      The Cardinal was once a Parish Priest and should have known this. He knew the Dogmas of the Catholic Church as instituted by the Holy Spirit. The Pope cannot opt out and change it, what God has ordained. As a Cardinal I do think that he exceeded his bounds.
      Disobedient and haughty people, if they did not have their way according to their whims and wiles, they go public with it. God will judge them all.
      I do not have empathy for the Cardinal. He used the wrong approach which was surely not pleasing to God and to the Pope. He was one who was capable of leading members astray especially the so-called Catholic reformists and radicals. It would be better for them to leave the Church. They are not operating in the best interests of the Church but their own. Our patient God will deal with all of them in His own good time. This Cardinal is already judged.

  23. tiny
    September 2, 2012

    I’m glad he did not agree to homosexual behaivour

    • Justice and Truth
      September 3, 2012

      @ tiny

      What nonsense! How wise are you? No one in the Catholic Church, not the Pope, Bishops, Priests and laity agree to such immoralities which offend God.
      At the same time we cannot speak or answer to anyone why they chose sin/abomination and not obey God, the teaching of the Church and what is contained in Holy Scripture. Every directive we need to know and practice is contained therein. I always say whether we do or do not do, it is a sin and we should know that.
      Immorality is immorality. It is ungodly. Although the article was not explicit on this, if you read the article properly, between the lines, it appears that he might have been leaning towards it and expects the Church to approve of it and all other immoralities which are against Church teachings.
      The Catholic Church is in the business of leading souls to God, salvation, saving souls and not taking them away from God and leading them into the throngs of Satan and into the jaws and depth of Hell.
      The Catholic Church is not in the business of pleasing people who wish to live immoral lives. Those who approve of immorality and to be practiced by the Church will be punished by God. Need I say anymore on this matter to you?

  24. tiny
    September 2, 2012

    wake up from your sleep Catholics…..martin Luther saw the great lie……………the devil is a liar

    • Justice and Truth
      September 3, 2012

      @ tiny

      You wake up from your slumber of ignorance and death if you can. Martin Luther was a radical. I wonder where his soul is.
      If you know Holy Scriptures, “Some people’s sins precede them to eternity. Others are followed by their sins.”
      Martin Luther contributed to lack of love and peace and cause divisions/disunity in the Church. You must consider this. Martin Luther made a grave error. He may also have caused his followers to fall into Hell; no exception those of today. You should know that we cannot enter in that state of ungodliness. If you do not know, I feel sorry for you. :twisted: :mrgreen:

      • July 19, 2013

        The Roman Catholic Church of today is not the church Christ founded on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2 in the first century A.D. You only have to read your New Testament to know this. What you have now is like a quilt made up of many patches with new doctrines, dogmas, and practices added.
        There were always separated congregations that tried to follow the simpliity of the New Testament. At times they were few in number, small, and struggling. But these were the true church, the body of Christ on earth. God never left Himself without a witness. The light never went out even though it burned low!

        At times a number of these churces holding the same basic beliefs would agree to work in unity and do things together instead of independently. These became known as denominations.

        At the time of the the Protestant Reformation in 1517 A.D. and shortly after several large denominations came into existance. In some cases these became the “national” church in their particular countries. Often they still clung to at least some of the unscriptural beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholc Church and were not true expessions of pure New Testament Christianity.

        Since then other denomiminations have come into existance in various parts of yhe world that are seeking to follow the teaching of he New Testament and preach the gospel of justification by faith apart from human works as we have it in John 3:16 John 19:30, Romans 5:1, and Ephesians 2:8,9. These demominations have become known as “evangelical” because they preach the gospel. Since they hold the same basic Biblical doctrines they recognize each other as “brothers and sisters in Christ” and find it possible to fellowship one with the other and work together.

        These, along with all others who trust Christ as their Saviour and believe they are saved through faith in Him apart from their own good works, are the true church of Jesus Christ on earth.

        The church is not a religious institution that follows man made rules, and regulations, and practices humanly devised rituals, ceremonies, and customs, regardless of how big it is, or how old it claims to be! The church is the people of God striving to please Him by walking in the simplicity of the New Testament!

        Here are just a few of the dates when what is now known as the Roman Catholic Church invented or added something new for the faithful to believe and follow.

        Prayers for the dead. 300 A.D.

        Supremacy of the Bishop of Rome. Boniface 3 takes the title “Universal Bihop” making him officially the first pope. 607 A.D.

        Adoration of the crucifix, images, and relics. 788 A.D.

        Marriage of priests forbidden. 1079 A.D.

        Rosary beads invented. 1090 A.D.

        Confession to the priest. 1215 A.D.

        Transubstantiation of the wafer. 1215 A.D.

        Purgatory. 1439 A.D.

        Apocryphal books added to the Bible. 1546 A.D.

        Roman tradition made equal to the Bible. 1546 A.D.

        Immaculate conception of Mary. 1854 A.D.

        Infallibily of the pope. 1870 A.D.

        I invite you to visit my website at and click on to the EASGLE COURSE. This is a 12 Lesson Wookbook Manual for New Christians. It can be studied from the screen OR copies absolutely free. The first lesson will tell you how to receive Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour so you can KNOW you are saved and be SURE you are going to heaven

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist. :lol:

    • Young Catholic
      September 3, 2012

      What are you suggesting…that for 1500 years Jesus Christ Himself lied to His apostles when he said, “I am with you always, even to the end of time”? (Matthew 28:20) So, after a millennium and a half, he sent Martin Luther to correct the Church He had abandoned? Check yourself, friend

      • July 19, 2013

        The organization/insitution called the Roman Catholic Church was in a terrible state when Martin Luther became a priest.

        It should be understood that that Dr. Martin Luther was not only an ordained priest. He was a university professor, and one of the best educated priests of his day.

        His father wanted him to be a lawyer. Luther believed with all his heart that the Roman institution was the church founded by Christ and that he had a vocation to be a priest.

        When he arrived in Rome (from Germany) he expected to find a holy city. Instead he found a secular city and a troubled church. The unscriptural practices of the “church” troubled him. One of these was the sale of indulgences.

        Luther’s study of the Bible, especially the Epistle of Paul to the Romans, led him to Romans 1:17 where it says, “…The just shall live by faith.” He then discovered that because Christ had paid the price for his salvation by dying on the cross, and had declared “…It is finished…” (John 19:30) he (Luther) could be saved through faith – that is, by believing – apart from his own good works or human merit! The Holy Spirit led him to Paul’s word. “But to him that worketh not, but beleveth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.” (Romans 4:5) Luther then discovered what Paul had written to the believers in the City of Ephesus. “For by grace are ye saved, through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8,9)

        Martin Luther trusted Christ. His eyes, so long accustomed to gazing upon a crucifix, suddenly saw there for the first time, the dying Savior, paying the penalty for his sins, carrying his guilt into oblivion.

        He returned to Germany, and from that time proclaimed the blessed soul emancipating truth of “Justification by Faith” to the joy and blessing of thousands. Boldly he declared publicly, in defiance of the Pope, Bishops, Empires, and Kings:

        “I, Doctor Martin Luther, unworthy evangelist of our Lord Jesus Christ, confess this article of faith: THAT FAITH ALONE JUSTIFIES BEFORE GOD, WITHOUT WORKS.”

        Some have imagined a contradiction between what Paul said in Romans and what James wrote in James 2:24 “Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.” This is not a contradiction. Paul is saying FAITH justifies us before GOD. James is saying that WORKS justify us before MEN. People don’t see our faith. They see our works. We don’t do works to BECOME saved. We do works because we ARE saved! If we say we are Christians people have a right to look at our lives to see if we are producing the fruits of righteousnss.

        Initially, Martin Luther thought he could reform the Catholic institution. When he realized this could not be done he left – and they excommunicated him! But through his preaching and his writings his work continued. Thousands of men and women were saved through faith in Christ. Congregations of Christians were established in Germany and throughout Europe who sought to follow the simpilicity of the New Testament teachings.

        Every saved man and woman is part of the true church – the church which is the Body of Christ. Every congregation of saved people – true believers in Christ – who are sincerely seeking to follow the teachings and instuctions of the New Testament – are a local and visible expression of that church.

        I invite you to visit my website and click onto the EAGLE COURSE. This 12 Lesson Workbook Manual for New Christians can be studied from the screen OR copied absolutely free! We have nothing to sell. We have nothing for you to join. We just want to introduce you to the risen Christ. The very first lesson will tell you how to receive HIM as your personal Savior so you can KNOW – yes KNOW – you are saved and going to heaven!

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

      • January 6, 2015

        The Lord Jesus is with His people. He has always been in the midst of true believers who come together in His name to worship Him, seeking to follow the simplicity of the New Testament. His promise “Low I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20) is absolutely true .

        But these simple Bible believing Christians were never part of the Roman Catholic Church: a religious institution that has added doctrine after doctrine, practice after practice, until it is now something the Christians of the first century A.D. would not recognize nor would they associate with it.

        Most Catholics do not know that through the centuries there were cases where a pope would contradict a previous pope. Did you know that one pope said Joan of Arc was a witch and had her burned at the stake? Later another pope made her a saint.

        One pope announced that a previous pope was a heretic.

        Once there were two popes at the same time. They excommunicated each other!

  25. tiny
    September 2, 2012

    the devil will keep the Catholics blind

    • Justice and Truth
      September 3, 2012

      @ tiny

      Can you not say something good and inspiring? What religion do you practice? But the devil already has you blind. Speak for yourself. :twisted: :mrgreen:

  26. tiny
    September 2, 2012

    Satan is the head of the Catholic church…why is that a surprise….the devil is leading his followers to hell

    • Justice and Truth
      September 3, 2012

      @ tiny

      You blaspheme and speak ill of a Church that was established by God? This is the devil’s work. Satan knows which Church is the Church that Our Lord Jesus Christ established. It shows in the words of others as you.
      Woe to you, tiny. When problems befall you that you will not be able to rectify and have nowhere and no one to turn to, do not complain, wail, wring your fingers and cry.
      Why do you, the critics and enemies of the Catholic Church not go after all the other so-called churches that were established after the Catholic Church to today? Why persecute the Catholic Church? God has heard you. You will pay for it sooner or later. Mark my words.

      • smh
        September 3, 2012

        The way some of you people talk is like god is some vengeful dictator waiting for anybody to say anything against him or his church to just strike them down instantly. Besides how are you all so sure of where your authority stands? As far as I know god has never showed up to clear the air on that issue, or am I wrong?

    • Young Catholic
      September 3, 2012

      Lord Jesus Christ, free tiny from the power of sin, especially the sin of blasphemy

      • Justice and Truth
        September 3, 2012

        @ young Catholic

        This includes people as ‘free thinker’ and ‘smh’.
        We should know that Our Lord Jesus Christ did not leave all those thousands of churches, with all those pastors and their followers which cause disunity. Some people refuse to believe and comprehend that. Satan is helping them along.
        We Catholics are convinced that the day will come when they will see the truth and regret their words.
        Yes! When Our Lord said, “Thou art Peter and upon this Rock I will build ‘My Church…'” He was not referring to those thousands of so-called churches which sprouted up after the Catholic Church was formed. Catholic means universal. This was Our Lord’s intention when He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane that “All might be one.”
        Sadly, some have lived immoral lives and this is why they have become critics, enemies and non-worshipers of the Catholic Church. Some have become heretics.
        A man who was a communist in the ancient days and converted to Catholicism wrote a book entitled, “The Catholic Church Has The Answers.”
        We know that we are worshipping in the right Church because it was founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ. Satan does not like that. This is why it is so persecuted. Persecution of the Church is persecution of us because we are The Church. God will take care of them in time.
        You know the passage, “My Lord said to my lord, sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool.” Say this one to the critics and enemies of the Church.
        This is why I wonder where is the soul of that Cardinal for lambasting His own Church. He really was a traitor.
        There are some who do not want to hear about God in this life. If they do not want to hear about Him on earth, they will never be with Him in the afterlife, Heaven in His Everlasting Glorious Kingdom. We are to pray for them. Only God knows if He will forgive them.

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