EASTER REFLECTION: New beginnings, new opportunities

John’s gospel tells us that Mary of Magdala arose “early in the morning” at dawn to go to Jesus’ tomb. This image of a new day speaks to us of new beginnings, new opportunities, and new encounters.

Any person who resides in Dominica, or anywhere for that reason, especially on a mountaintop, would know what early morning truly means: freshness of air, freshness of new life. As a young man growing up in Giraudel at the break of dawn, I remember the freshness of the morning break; the touch of the cold breeze on the skin; the break of a new day.

Easter, for Christians, or for anyone familiar with Christianity would know the meaning: Jesus Christ’s victory over death. His resurrection symbolizes the eternal life that is granted to all who believe in Him. Death is overcome. Death has no victory: God is the Lord of life.

In today’s world, we experience Easter whenever someone looks us in the eyes and say, I am sorry. We experience Easter when someone looks us in the eyes and say, apology accepted. We experience Easter when brothers and sisters are able to put aside differences and work towards the common good.

Whenever we give another person a second chance we are allowing them to experience Easter, we are giving them a new day, a clean slate allowing them to correct the wrongs they have done in your eyes. When we are able to reconcile a relationship and experience the joy that comes from working for the common good, we are experiencing Easter. That’s why Easter celebrates a new beginning, our certitude of new life. That’s how we encounter Easter today by the good works and holiness of people.

Easter is still a mystery today. Just as we go to the supermarkets or flower shops to buy Easter eggs from the Easter bunnies (a folkloric figure) and enjoy their variety of colours and tastes, we better not think too hard about them or think too clearly or think too rationally, for bunnies and eggs just don’t go together. I like to call it a fantastic, ridiculous pairing for any right thinking person.

And maybe this is true about Easter. Easter and its mystery cannot be rationalized and approached logically. Whoever heard of someone rising from the dead? Maybe then we can come to appreciate doubting Thomas a little more or the other apostles who wanted to “see and believe,” who wanted to know their friend was alive. Yet they did not understand this could be. The Easter mystery is something we believe because of our faith: we believe it, we live it, we embrace it.

Let use this Easter to find new ways of living in this difficult society. Let is use this Easter to find new life in both familiar and unexpected places in our society. Our hunt should never end because we are always called to seek and recognize the risen Christ in each and every person.

Fr. Elton J. Letang, C.Ss.R is Parish Priest, Parish of St. Theresa, Malick-Barataria, Trinidad and Tobago

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  1. Resident
    April 18, 2017

    What is the origin of Easter? Was it ordained by scriptures? or was it a substitute to Passover? The Messiah ordained that we remember his death when we celebrate Passover (1 Corinthians 11:23-26). Should we be honoring the “HOLYDAYs”set up by man or should we be honoring the HOLY DAYS (Leviticus 23) instituted by the Creator which includes the passover. Be careful of the deception of the devil. Counterfeiting the scriptures.

  2. Hendricks ismael
    April 18, 2017

    My brothers and sisters it never happened it’s a story . Paul said in some of his gospels all what I have just said to you is a lie. Africans should stop saying the Bible says, we did not write any thing in there. Read song of Solomon , stop promoting other races that hate you , promote your self, if you continue to do that you will never make it in this world. Do any body else promote you, do you see your self in the Bible or in church, and you ask why are we not making it. Would a white man or Chinese pray to a black Jesus ? You remember what Jim Jones did to black people in Guiana , as a people all we do is follow and ask no questions about why. What is our purpose on this planet to serve other people . Together let’s ask more questions about orginized religion is it doing any good for us as a people , what’s the gain.

    • Let The Truth Be Known - Original
      April 18, 2017

      Some of your ancestors have predeceased you. It is too bad they are not able to tell you the truth. Wherever they are in eternity, they know the truth.
      As St. Paul said, “If Christ did not live/die/resurrected, then our religion is in vain.
      That is your funeral if you refuse to believe. The devil is helping you along. He knows more than you do that it is true but he will place doubt and denial in your little, narrow brains that you might not come to the knowledge of the truth.
      Satan knows what he has lost forever. He goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour for his cauldron of everlasting fire. We are told to resist him.
      I accessed some Catholic information on a few Websites. There are stories of a few who are in Hell. Reading them is eerie.
      There are also stories of those who are in Heaven. If only we all on earth would be like them. They are reaping the benefit of faithful Christians who persevered to the end; some experienced persecution.

  3. Hendricks ismael
    April 18, 2017

    We should be promoting good health and sharing information about job creation , instead of talking about how big the church is and how great the preacher preach, all that good preaching does not help us get out of poverty and build a single factory. Improving our emotional health will help us get more out of life that’s what we need . Our productivity would increase, and we will feel more fulfilled in our life. Changing our emotions- is a skill that takes practice . We can improve our emotional stability , but we have to be dedicated to making positive chance in our life . All religion does for us is give us hope and keep us angry and poor. We need help from smart people to help us get out of slavery , Religion keeps us confused and poor

    • Let The Truth Be Known - Original
      April 18, 2017

      You have much to state. People must talk on various matters and discuss them. Otherwise they would not be human. Do you not do likewise be it in a different manner? Allow them their right and freedom of speech. Your critique is a waste of time.
      Look to yourself. What have you done for Dominica; are doing and what do you plan to do?

  4. Hendricks ismael
    April 18, 2017

    In the yr 2017 people still defend origanized religion that was given to us by the Europeans. If there is one African on the planet that ask questions and reject Christianity we should be happy for them.What happened at the council of nicaea- with emperor Constantine and 300 bishops ? That’s where Christianity started with all white men, there was not a single Black African there , there is not a single black statue in the church in roseau. If the Jews are the chosen people by God , then why is the rest of us praying. The bible said be the lender and not the borrower, why is black people at the bottom begging for crumbs. Why do we continue to promote John and the others, when are we going to stop that beavior? When we start implementing habits that support emotional stability our anxiety about religion will decrease.

  5. April 17, 2017

    * His resurrection symbolizes the eternal life life that is granted to all who believe in him.*

    *We believe it, we live it, we embrace it.*

    Powerful words from Fr. Letang. I like the way he has suggested we can embrace the resurrection in our lives in our relationships with people. This is how we can allow Christ to live His resurrected life in us and through us and impact others if we *believe in Him*, and have received Him as our personal Savior. This is another beautiful and helpful reflection.

    Thank you!

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

  6. April 17, 2017

    Beware of doctrine that’s itchy to the ears…The apostle Paul warned the saints about that very thing happening at the end of the age…Beware of wolves in sheep clothing…

    • Let The Truth Be Known - Original
      April 17, 2017

      For your information, Catholics are fully aware of what St. Paul said. The Catholic Church had the Bible first and compiled it in order, into chapters and verses. Later disobedient Martin Luther and Henry VIII and others dissected it according to their ungodly manner of thinking and lifestyle. This gave some others the idea to form their own churches – too many of them which were not established by Our Lord.
      What exactly are you referring to? Is this Easter Reflection by Fr. Letang incorrect to your way of thinking? You have nothing over this Easter Reflection.
      The problem is there are some who have adverse thinking. This is what highly offends Our Lord Jesus Christ. On that day, you and others with their adverse thinking will experience it, some to their eternal glory and others to the other side where there is no glory. Judgment Day is coming for all.

  7. April 16, 2017

    Every time I pray to the Lord my feeling I am not connected to Him, I lost hope that if I die I can not enter to heaven, what shall I do to be connected to the Lord?

    • April 17, 2017

      jun taghoy jr.

      I have good news for you. You CAN know you will enter heaven when you die because you CAN be connected to the Lord now.

      The Apostle John wrote in his first epistle (letter):

      *These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may KNOW that
      ye HAVE eternal life … * 1 John 5:13. You can know because of what is written in the Bible which is the word of God.

      The Bible tells us we are all sinners. Romans 3:23. We cannot save ourselves. Ephesians 2:8,9. When Christ hung upon the cross God the Father laid all our sins upon Him and He bore the punishment we should have borne. Isaiah 53:5,6, Romans 5:6-8. On the cross Christ cried with a loud voice IT IS FINISHED :!: John 19:30. This means THE DEBT is PAID :!:

      You only need to believe this. Make it YOURS by accepting it.

      Take your Bible or New Testament and read: John 3:16, John 3:36, Acts 10:43, Acts:16:30,31.

      Believe what it says…

      • April 17, 2017


        Believe what it says!

        It I by BELIEVING that we RECEIVE the gift of salvation. Then tell people! This will help you receive the assurance or certainty that God has saved you. The Bible says *For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness: and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.* Romans 10:10.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

      • April 17, 2017


        It is by believing that we receive salvation. It is like reaching out your hands and taking a gift.
        You thank the giver and believe it is yours.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

    • Let The Truth Be Known - Original
      April 17, 2017

      There are many answers for you and it would be difficult to teach you at this time, over the Internet.
      Were you a baptized Catholic? Where do you presently reside?
      Take a Catholic Holy Bible. Commence reading especially from Mark. Then the Book of Revelation.
      You must pray to God with faith, hope and trust. Important, you must do your utmost to live a godly life.
      God can help you if you ask of him. Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened.” Behold I stand at the door – to your heart and knock. Respond to God and He will help you.
      Listen to Global Catholic, Eternal Word Television Network – TV and Radio.
      Beware of those who will confuse you with their adverse teaching. They will do more harm than good.
      Whatever you do, always do it by praying to God and asking his help and enlightenment. God will not confuse you. He will give you the correct answer. Be patient.

  8. concern citizen
    April 16, 2017

    Christ arose!

  9. concern citizen
    April 16, 2017

    No grave shall keep my body down, because of his resurrection
    Death could not hold it’s prey, Jesus my Saviour, he arose he arose Hallelujah Christ arose!
    What a friend we have in Jesus all our sins and grief to bear, what a privilege to carry every thing to him in prey!

  10. Hendricks ismael
    April 16, 2017

    Who was John is he a member of the African family ? Why do we promote people who died 2000 yrs ago that we know nothing about . We as a people have to ask questions , during slavery if we were caught reading a bible we would be hung on a tree. Together let’s promote all great Dominicans . All we do is promote every other race except our own. Together let’s promote some great African kings and queens .most of the things we promote are great stories. None of these stories will get us out of poverty .

    • April 17, 2017

      The way to get out of poverty is to get an education and get a job like many Black people have already done.

      A Black bishop in Jamaica told me years ago when his people say they are being stepped upon he tells them to get up. Stop moaning and groaning. Get up and make something of your life.

      There are Black Johns and White Johns. It is what you do with what God has given you that matters.

      This bishop was the pastor of a huge church in Jamaica and it was literally packed to the doors every Sunday. When I preached in that church I (a White man) served under that Black bishop. He was my superior during that time. To this day I honor him. I have never been the pastor of such a large church nor had such a position of authority in church life as Bishop _________. When we see something to honor we honor it. The same applies to Black musicians, athletes, and politicians who excel in their fields. So stop your moaning and groaning.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

    • April 17, 2017

      *Who was John?*

      John was a Jew and an Apostle of the Lord.

      He was the Bishop of Ephesus.

      He wrote the Gospel of John, 1 John, 2, John, 3 John, and The Book of Revelation.

      We honor him because of his position and work in the early Christian church and his contribution to Christianity.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

    • Let The Truth Be Known - Original
      April 17, 2017

      Were you born in Africa? Are you a full-fledged African? Some of you try to identify yourselves as Africans and dwell too much on slavery.
      If you feel that way. Ask yourself how long ago there were slaves you refer to and how long was slavery abolished? Yet, you continue to talk about them, observe them and to celebrate them.
      Should this not tell you something why we observe the Life of Our Lord, His Passion, Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection which occurred 2,000 years ago? This includes those who taught the faith in those days and down through the years, some who died for spreading It.
      We have good reasons to promote that Our Lord Jesus Christ lived and died for us. In the end we will be meeting Him for our judgment. It will not be any other great human being who predeceased us, their status on earth then and what we perceive them to be on earth.
      You will do well to pay heed and other godly advice you will be given.

  11. So Help Us God
    April 16, 2017

    These preachers are preaching as if we are in heaven, where everything is perfect and no regards to the ills that are affecting us by corrupt politicians that are in partnership with the church. Yes, Father Letang and others, Easter is not just about preaching nice sermons that make us feel good, but one where we understand that the reason why Christ came and was resurrected, was so “that he might destroy the works of the devil” 1Jn. 3:8. The works of the devil is more than just what religion considers as sin but it also include the oppression that politicians oppress us with. It includes corruption and when caught, try to hide their evil by dishing out money to just about anyone to win an election. It’s time that the Church of God start to preach the whole gospel, as Jesus, Paul, Peter, John and others preached it! Not just a feel good message but one that calls wrong by name no matter who is involved. I am just fedup with so much religion and not enough GODLINESS in the land

    • April 17, 2017

      The way you criticize preachers and what you perceive they are preaching shows you are not getting much out of whatever religion you follow.

      First you should turn to your Bible and read the New Testament beginning with The Gospel of St. John.
      Then find an evangelical church that preaches the gospel as it is defined in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 and Romans 1:16, and tells people *… … Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.* (John 3:3) You will find people who know what they believe, and are happy in their faith.

      Lack of assurance is the greatest cause of dissatisfaction with religion. Nothing gives people more joy in their faith than to KNOW that Christ is risen, and HE is their Savior,

      I invite you to visit our website. http://www.livinghopeminitries.ca.

      Click onto SERMONS.

      Then click onto the sermon INFALLIBLE PROOFS and listen :!:

      I will give you some (not all) of the evidence of the resurrection.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

      • April 17, 2017

        Continuation …

        Lawyers have said the evidence for the resurrection of Christ would stand up today in a modern court of law. I will give you the names of these lawyers. One was an unbeliever. He intended to write a book about Jesus from an historical point of view and leave Him in the tomb. But as he researched the resurrection story he was overwhelmed by the evidence and became a Christian. When he finished the book he named it WHO ROLLED THE STONE AWAY :?: and subtitled it THE BOOK THAT REFUSED TO BE WRITTEN.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

      • April 17, 2017

        Sorry :oops:

        I spelt the website wrong. It should be


        Sincerely, Rev. Don

    • Let The Truth Be Known - Original
      April 17, 2017

      Life is what we make of it. God gave each of us a life. How we live it is left up to us.
      You had to creep before you walked. You were taught to talk, also by hearing. You attended school. You had the choice to choose your path.
      Some fell away from practicing the faith. They also chose their lifestyle. Do not blame anyone for your present lifestyle and whatever your status.
      Look around you. There are many ambitious people who have done well. There are some who tried and who may not have done well. However, consider the words of Our Lord: “What you have be satisfied with it.”
      After all is said and done, we are to depend on God and God alone.
      The long and short story of this is, some people have swayed from God. They followed their own ways and then they blame everyone for their shortcomings. Be less critical and you will be satisfied.
      Aside from practicing my Catholic faith, I love listening to Catholic TV and Radio. They do not water-down the truth.

    • Let The Truth Be Known - Original
      April 17, 2017

      The problem today is, there are too many religions, approximately 100,000 of them, enough to confuse those who especially left the Catholic Church. Those who were baptized in this Faith and practiced it allowed themselves to be adversely influenced and joined another church. This will not make them any happier. They attend an empty church. If all they listen to is to hear the Gospel preached and thunderously so, they will feel unfulfilled.
      Whatever you are searching for you have not found it. This projects your criticism and dissatisfaction.
      Churches are to preach the Word of God and not water it down. Yet, there are some who do not want to hear the Word of God preached as it should be. Can’t please everyone.
      Catholics who attend this Church be it only on Sundays or every day hear the Gospel read and the Word of God p;reached. Furthermore they attend Holy Mass which is Our Lord’s Life, Passion, Death and Resurrection. He said: “Do this in memory of Me.”

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