Good Friday reflection


Isaiah 52:13–53:12 // Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9 //John 18:1—18:42

Today is Good Friday, that part of the Paschal Triduum when the Church focuses on the crucifixion and death of the Lord.

Today we listen and meditate on the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ as presented in the gospel of John (John 18:1—18:42).

I invite you to reflect on three questions?

1. You were there… Who were you?
2. What did He endure for you?
3. What does it do to you? What does it demand of you?

I. You were there? Who were you?

Were you there? Meaning Were you able to enter into the Passion story, not so much as a bystander, but as a participant.
Were you perhaps one of the many who shouted “Hosanna” as he passed through the streets of Jerusalem? Or maybe one of the twelve reclining with him at table? Which one?
Maybe you were among the disciples who hastily ran away from the Christ as the police closed in?
Or, worse, maybe the poor cowardly Peter who denied ever having set eyes upon the Accused?
Or, worst of all, maybe Judas who sold Him out for beer money?
Or take Governor Pilate.
Could you have been the Pilate in John’s Gospel? He wanted most of all to make no judgment and to put the whole affair in the back of his file cabinet?
Or would we have been St Matthew’s Pilate? Matthew describes the Roman bureaucrat as attempting to wash his hands of the inevitable murder most foul of the Christ?

II. What he endured for you.

The first Scripture reading given to us is what is referred to as the fourth Suffering Servant son of Isaiah (Isaiah 52:13–53:12). In there is spelled out the extent of the pain that he endured for our sake. A man despised and rejected, one pierced for our transgressions, crushed for our inquities.

“He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him,
nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.
3 He was despised and rejected by mankind,
a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.
Like one from whom people hide their faces
he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.
4 Surely he took up our pain
and bore our suffering,
yet we considered him punished by God,
stricken by him, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed.
6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to our own way;
and the LORD has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed and afflicted,
yet he did not open his mouth;
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
so he did not open his mouth.
8 By oppression[d] and judgment he was taken away.
Yet who of his generation protested?
For he was cut off from the land of the living;
for the transgression of my people he was punished.[e]
9 He was assigned a grave with the wicked,
and with the rich in his death,
though he had done no violence,
nor was any deceit in his mouth.

He did it for you, for me… This should make us ask the question: Who am I that God would show such great love? In the words of the familiar and well-loved hymn:

“ And when I think that God his son not sparing sent him to die, I scarce can take it in; that on the cross my burdens gladly bearing he bled and died to take away my sin……

Then sings my soul: How great Thou art! How great Thou art

III. What does it do to us? What does it demand of us?

Weep? Mourn, and then Rejoice
To weep, not so much for Him, but for ourselves!
To mourn our sin that nailed Him to the Cross
But also to shed tears of joy because he triumphed through this tragedy. He has borne our sufferings and given us a second chance. We too can triumph even in our tragedy. He lives!! And because he lives, I can face tomorrow and all the tomorrows of life.

Msgr. W. John-Lewis is parish priest of Our Lady of Fatima, New Town, Dominica

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  1. Resident
    April 18, 2017

    Every day was good Genesis 1 -31 according to the Creator. However he set aside one day to be kept holy. However the Roman Church declares that every Friday around this time to be good and the first day of the week to be kept holy. They go as far and call it holy week. Who gives the Roman Church the authority and so many people follow on blindly. Beware of biblical illiteracy. STUDY THE SCRIPTURES FOR YOURSELVES.

  2. Let The Truth Be Known- Original
    April 18, 2017

    A correction:

    Prayer Before A Crucifix

    Behold O Kind and most sweet Jesus, I cast myself upon my knees in Thy sight, and with the most fervent desire of my soul, I pray and beseech Thee, that Thou wouldst impress upon my heart, lively sentiments of faith, hope and charity, with true repentance for my sins and a firm desire of amendment. While with deep affection and grief of soul, I ponder within myself and mentally contemplate Thy five most precious Wounds, having before my eyes the words which David spoke in prophesy of Thee: “O Good Jesus, they have pierced my hands and my feet, they have numbered all my bones. ”

    Catholics, especially, do you remember this prayer we memorized from those days?

  3. Let The Truth Be Known - Original
    April 18, 2017

    Prayer Before A Crucifix

    Behold O Kind and most sweet Jesus, I cast myself upon my knees in Thy sight, and with the most fervent desire of my soul, I pray and beseech Thee, that Thou will impress upon my heart, lively sentiments of faith, hope and charity, with true repentance for my sins and a firm desire of amendment. While with deep affection and grief of soul, I ponder within myself and mentally contemplate Thy five most precious Wounds, having before my eyes the words which David (the prophet) spoke in favor of Thee: “O Good Jesus, they have pierced my hands and my feet, they have numbered all my bones. ”

    Catholics, especially, do you remember this prayer we memorized from those days?

    • Let The Truth Be Known- Original
      April 18, 2017

      As with prayers, down through the ages, there are a few slightly different words.

  4. Let The Truth Be Known - Original
    April 18, 2017

    We adore Thee O Christ and we bless Thee
    Because by Thy Holy Cross, Thou hast redeemed the world.

  5. April 17, 2017

    As Jonah stayed 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the whale so the SON OF MAN ( THE MESSIAH ) will be in the heart of the earth…Dead on Friday raise on Sunday does not add up…
    Beware of doctrine that’s itchy to the ears…

    • Let The Truth Be Known - Original
      April 17, 2017

      You must be an atheist or a Jew who did not accept Our Lord Jesus Christ as The Savior Of The World. Those Jews are still waiting for the Messiah.
      So who do you pray to? No use wasting too much time to convince you. You are already adversely convinced by the noon-day Devil, the deceiver, detractor and destroyer of souls.
      How happy was Satan when Our Lord was suffering, crucified, nailed to the cross and was dying.
      How disappointed Satan was when, as Our Lord died and what happened at that time that his prosecutors said: “This man must be God” and when Our Lord resurrected.
      We must pray for people as you. Be aware that all will be revealed to you when you die. It may be that God will reveal it to you prior to your death or as you are dying. However, one way or the other, the truth of this which you deny will surely be revealed to you. May God bless you with the grace of enlightenment.

      • G
        April 18, 2017

        I believe the Messiah came and die for the sins of the world. What I don’t understand is how you are able to get 3 days and 3 nights from a Friday afternoon death to a Sunday morning resurrection.

    • Let The Truth Be Known- Original
      April 18, 2017

      I have thought that you are a Jehovah Witness. They are the Old Testament people, refusing to believe that Our Lord Jesus Christ is The Messiah, sent by His (Our) Heavenly Father.
      Christians are the New Testament people because they believe that Our Lord is The Messiah.
      Jehovah Witness have not accepted Our Lord Jesus Christ. Stubborn people too. One day, when they see him as He is, they will know the truth and that it was told.

  6. April 16, 2017


  7. damas victor
    April 16, 2017

    ….he did not ‘go along to get along with them in their ungodly ways. In that manner, he was not a politician of today’s type; even though he was in fact a one of a kind politician__ the type that fights for justice and equality, the that type that is selfless, the type that get angry for goodness sake, the type that fought against the powers that be for the common good at his own demise.
    christ Jesus was a champion of the ‘Spiritual works of mercy’ and humankind kind need to borrow a page from his book _ but I suspect that this is an uphill battle because we live in a material world and are too heavy-laden by ‘want’ _ that will be our own demise.

  8. Hendricks ismael
    April 16, 2017

    Msgr-w.John Lewis is a genius , well educated man. We need help in dominica , sir can you help us with job creation. Who is Isaiah is he an African ? As a people we spend our entire life promoting people who died 2000 yrs ago we know nothing about. When are we going to promote some of the great Dominicans that did great things ? We have to ask more questions about things that are being taught to us. During slavery if we were found reading a bible we would be hung on a tree for every body to see.

  9. damas victor
    April 16, 2017

    We keep hearing over and over again the same old rhetoric from these loud-mouth preachers about the christ who did all those good and wonderful things for us, why are we still in this abysmal spiritual state and are not able to get? Is it that we are by our very nature an evil race that oppose God, are we not listening or are we not hearing the facts of our very being _ knowledge of self?
    If we should be very objective in our analysis of the scriptures we would find the facts are that christ Jesus was not the only one who historically had proclaim himself to be The Devine; there were many who did. The difference between christ Jesus and the rest was that he was as a spiritual leader, an enlightened Sage and to get to this level he practiced what is called christian yoga. More facts about the scriptures that are not common knowledge among folks is that christ Jesus was not crucified by the jews but by Romans because he did not ‘go along _to get along’ with them in their ungodly…

    • Let The Truth Be Known - Original
      April 17, 2017

      Smarten up! In this age some distort Holy Scripture to suit their mentality and lifestyle.
      In those days, some did not accept Our Lord Jesus Christ.
      You should know there are the godly and the ungodly. It will be so until the end of time. Some accept God and others reject him. May they not reject him, even as they are dying. Otherwise, woe to them for all eternity.
      I believe in God. I believe that Our Lord Jesus Christ was born. He lived, taught, suffered and died for us. On the third day He resurrected and is sitting at the right hand side of Our Heavenly Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. His Kingdom will have no end.
      He said, destroy this temple and I will build it up in three days. There were some who did not comprehend it and others who scoffed.
      He is risen just as He said!
      Jesus Christ is Lord above the earth. Above Him there is no other.
      Meditate on that and ask God to reveal the truth to you.

  10. So Help Us God
    April 15, 2017

    Good Friday reminds us of the hypocrisy of religion and politicians, who will do everything evil days and months leading to the crucifixion of Christ, and as soon as it is over they go right back into their evil till same time next year. As we read the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus during what we refer to as The Holy week, in the book of St. John 19, here is what we will see: 1. Who killed Him? It was politicians and most respected religious leaders. It was not people that hated church or wicked sinners but it was religion. 2. Why was he killed by religious people? They killed Him because He came preaching a gospel of love for God and for man, which was contrary to their preaching of works that was bent on making money. Interestingly, after He was killed those that killed him went right to church as the Sabbath was approaching with murder in their hearts. Nothing different from what we see here. It’s the politicians and religion killing the country and run play church

  11. April 15, 2017

    The so call preachers need to examine them self’s, remember what is it worth to gain the whole world , and suffer the lost of your soul, the power to be have all of them in his pocket , a bunch of hypocrites, soon as they leave church they talk about people like a Dog , and drink there ka ka pool rum , and want to be with your wife , or girlfriend I don’t trust them as far as I can throw them. In a democracy separation of church and state is pivotal .

    • Let The Truth Be Known - Original
      April 17, 2017

      What about your soul? See about yourself. God will judge you according to your deeds When you die He will not ask you about them.

  12. April 15, 2017

    Christ crucified. Why is it the greatest event in all history :?:

    Because of who He was and is! The Son of God.

    Because of why He died! To pay the penalty for sin.

    Because of who He died for! All mankind.

    Because God the Father accepted that death as payment for the sins of every man, woman, boy and girl.

    Because the benefits of that death are available for so many. *………. whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.* (John 3:16)

    Because of what that death saves believers from. Eternal punishment in the lake of fire.

    Because of what that death saves believers for. Eternal life and unending bliss in heaven with their Lord.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

    • So Help Us God
      April 15, 2017

      As a born again believer myself I CANNOT understand why these religious leaders, these pastors and Rev remain quite and say nothing about the blatant EVILS of Skerrit, and anytime they see something about the bible they are so quick to quote scriture

      • Let The Truth Be Known - Original
        April 18, 2017

        Sinners calling another sinner? Evil people calling another evil. You think you are holy and a saint? God knows you and your heart better. You have committed a grave sin, first against God for judging another. Judge yourself!

      • April 19, 2017

        As a evangelist it is my calling and duty to preach the gospel and tell lost men and women how to be saved. It I not my job to bad mouth your P.M. or fight your political battles.

        Of course I quote scriptures. I am a preacher of the gospel. It is what we do. The Bible is my only
        authority for what I say and do. The scriptures are my only terms of reference.

        It is my responsibility to tell people what God says . I have both lived it and preached it for over 50 years. It has been a good life. I have seen lives changed and captives set free by the power of the gospel.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill

  13. April 15, 2017

    Thank you Msgr. W. John Lewis for this awesome reflection. The verses you quote from Isaiah are my favorite passage of scripture. This is the gospel. It is the way of salvation. Your comments are pure gold.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

  14. April 15, 2017


    What Christ did on the cross purchased salvation for all who believe.

    The resurrection is a testimony to the fact that God accepted this sacrifice as payment in full for our sins.

    I invite you to visit our website http://www.livinghopehopeministries,ca

    Click onto SERMONS.

    Now click onto – and listen to – the sermon MANY INFALLIBLE PROOFS.

    It will give you evidence of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I will give you the names of lawyers who have said this evidence would stand up today in a modern court of law. One was an unbeliever. He intended to write a book about Christ simply from an historical point of view leaving Him in the tomb. As he did research for the book he was overwhelmed by the evidence of the resurrection and became a Christian. He called the book WHO ROLLED THE STONE AWAY :?: He subtitled it THE BOOK THAT REFUSED TO BE WRITTEN.

    I pray you will listen to this EASTER message and encounter the risen Christ :!:

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald…

    • So Help Us God
      April 15, 2017

      Matt. 23:13 “But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in. 14Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation”. I wonder who was Jesus referring to here

    • So Help Us God
      April 15, 2017

      No doubt Jesus died, was buried, and rose again the third day according to the scripture, and He is my Lord and personal Savior. Matt. 23:16-20. 16Woe unto you, ye blind guides, which say, Whosoever shall swear by the temple, it is nothing; but whosoever shall swear by the gold of the temple, he is a debtor! 17Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gold, or the temple that sanctifieth the gold? 18And, Whosoever shall swear by the altar, it is nothing; but whosoever sweareth by the gift that is upon it, he is guilty. 19Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gift, or the altar that sanctifieth the gift? 20Whoso therefore shall swear by the altar, sweareth by it, and by all things thereon. Who was Jesus referring to here?

  15. April 15, 2017

    Thank you Msgr. W. Lewis for this excellent reflection. It ministered grace to my heart. Isaiah 53
    is one of my favorite passages of scripture. It was written approximately 700 years before the birth of Christ by Divine inspiration as Isaiah spoke prophetically.

    • So Help Us God
      April 15, 2017

      Matt. 23: Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. 24Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel

  16. April 15, 2017


    The first line above should read

    Isaiah 53:6 says *…All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquities of us all.*

    This is the good news we call the gospel. It gives us salvation now for the life to come. But we also need hope for this life. I find comfort in the words of Msgr. Lewis *And because he lives I can face tomorrow, and all the tomorrows of life.* Praise the Lord! No matter what I will face tomorrow He is already there waiting to take my hand.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • So Help Us God
      April 15, 2017

      Matt 23: Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness. 28Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. Again, I wonder who was Christ referring to here?

  17. April 15, 2017

    we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.*

    When the Lord Jesus hung on the cross God the Father laid upon Him the guilt of all our sins. As our substitute HE bore the punishment we should have borne. He paid the debt and set us free if we will only believe this, and receive Him as our Savior.

    *… Christ died for the ungodly.* (Romans 5:6)

    *… Christ died for us.* (Romans 5:8)

    *For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works lest any man should boast.* (Ephesians 2:8,9.)

    *For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.* (John 3:16)

    • So Help Us God
      April 15, 2017

      Matt. 23: 29-33 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous, 30And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. 31Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets. 32Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers. 33Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? Seems like The Scribes and Pharisees are todays religious men as well as polititicians that would use the bible to play their religious and political games and would NEVER condemn wrong doings by politicians they love and sometimes even become secret partakers of their same evil. This preachers are clearly not walking the Love life Christ and Paul preached 1 Cor. 13:6 it (love of Christ) does not rejoice over injustice but rejoices in the truth; TLV

  18. EnfantDiable
    April 15, 2017

    Who wrote this?

  19. martlau
    April 14, 2017


  20. Dominican 100%
    April 14, 2017

    Saw this on Facebook and think we must reflect on these questions-
    1To what degree do voters support corrupt politicians?
    2. Why do voters support corrupt politicians?
    3. How, and to what degree, can Dominican voters be persuaded to penalize corrupt parliament Representatives, Heads of Government and Heads of State?
    4. Is there a need to examine Dominican voters behaviours and accountability?
    5. Do Dominican voters trade-off parliament Representatives’ positive characteristics against their negative ones, including corruption based on what’s in it for them?
    6. Do Dominican voters actually penalize corruption when they are made aware of it?
    7. Is penalizing corrupt behaviors, dependent on the benefits of voting for a corrupt leader if it outweigh its costs?
    8. In Dominica, what are the conditions under which information allows voters to hold politicians to account?
    9. Whether and why voters might punish or support corrupt politicians?
    Couldn’t fit all questions…

    • ye yep
      April 16, 2017

      I love it 100%
      This is a reflection with which Jesus would be well pleased.
      We revisit the crimes of the rulers of 2000 years ago, yet we turn a blind eye to the crimes of the rulers of today.

    • April 19, 2017

      It is usually impossible to know what a politician will do until he (or she) has done it.

      People without Christ do not have the spiritual perception to distinguish right from wrong.
      They vote for leaders who are in the darkness like themselves.

      Many voters do not even try to find out where their candidate stands on the moral and social issues of the day before making their choice. So we have candidates getting into office who end up legalizing pot,
      abortion, and sodomy while the nation sinks. How could you expect such leaders to do what is best for the nation :?: Do you really want to trust yourselves to the judgment of such rulers in a time of war :?:

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill, D.D.

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