Jamaican doomsday preacher fired from job

Lewis. Photo credit: Jamaica Gleaner

A Jamaican man who has generated much talk in Jamaica has been fired from his job after appearing on a TV program to state his view that the world was going to end.

The Jamaica Gleaner reported that Michael Lewis got his walking papers after appearing on a popular program on TVJ called ‘Religious Hardtalk.’

Lewis was one of millions around the globe who bought Harold Camping’s prediction that the world was going to end on May 21.

He appeared on the show armed with what he claimed was biblical proof that the world was really going to end on that date.

The issue has raised the question of free speech and the right to religious belief in that country but some bloggers have not been kind to Lewis. Some stated that his action was akin to shouting fire in a crowded cinema, while one went as far as saying he should be burnt at the stake.

Lewis has since apologized after May 21 came and went without any dramatic Second Coming.

Meanwhile Camping, the controversial preacher who first came up with the end of the world date, has stated that his prediction was slightly off and the world will “really and truly end” on October 21.

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  1. Anonymous
    July 8, 2013

    The story said millions of people around the world believed Harold Camping’s predication that judgment day would be May 21, 2011. It seems this figure is a gross distortion meant to bring reproach upon Bible believing evangelical Christians who believe Christ is coming again.

    The number of people who believed this nonsense is actually very small. I am an evangelist who works in the field of Bible prophecy. My website is http://www.livinghopeministries.ca One of the things I do is present Bile Prophecy Conferences in churches and Bible colleges in Canada and the USA. If you visit my website and click onto PROPHECY CONFERENCE you will see the large colored chart I use to illustrate my lectures. Click onto the chart and you can enlarge it. I had not heard of Harold Camping until I saw one of his billboards. I personally don’t know of one person who believed his prediction.

    What was his educational background? Did he have formal training in the Bible or theology that would qualify him to each Bible prophecy? There are countless thousands of people who don’t know he Bible well enough to teach a Sunday School class. But they are interested in any kind of prophecy that claims to hold information about the future and end-of-the-age events. These people follow men like Harold Camping. It is easy to convince people who know nothing if you know a little and can talk like you know a lot.

    I would be interested to know where Camping received his ordination. Was he ordained by an established and recognized denomination? If so I expect his denomination would have suspended his ordination on May 22. They would probably revoke it after an official meeting with him. On the other hand a man can legally start a church with a few of his friends as members and they can ordain him. Unless they revoke his ordination he is ordained for life as far as the government is concerned!

    Christ said no man knows the hour of his return to earth but there would be certain signs that would indicate the day is drawing near. The apostles also in their New Testament writings (the epistles) give us more detail about the signs. But the Old Testament prophecy books written before the birth of Christ give us a full worldview and show us what the position of the nations will be on the world stage when Christ comes again to establish His kingdom on earth and rule for 1,000 years.

    The legitimate study of Bible prophecy never sets a date for Christ’s coming. Cult leaders do this and people who are trying to establish a new religious group(a cult). Evangelical Christians (born again people) study the Bible and what is happening in the world around them to identify the signs that are being fulfilled. Certain world events mean a great deal to us because we know their prophetical significance. Are we excited? You bet we are! Prophecy teachers colaborate with other prophcy teachers. We have coferences – some international – and compare notes. We discuss our differences.

    As we see the coming of our Lord drawing nigh it has a very practical effect upon us. We want to double and triple our evangelistic efforts to give the gospel message to the whole world and win lost men and women to Christ so they will be ready when He comes. And we are challenged to live holy lives so we won’t be ashamed to meet him.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangeist.

  2. overcomer
    May 31, 2011

    Has Harold Camping been jailed yet?????

  3. wisdom
    May 30, 2011

    I thought Jesus said that no man knows the day nor the hour but the father only?

  4. lisad
    May 30, 2011

    Anyway, whether or not the man is fired from his job or not will not stop the coming of Jesus.I believe the whole scenario about predicting that the world would end on may 21, was a plan of the devil. It is a way of getting people to become so distracted and unbelieving . the fact is jesus will come someday and it could be today or tommorrow.

  5. wells
    May 30, 2011

    another idiot another false prophet the bible talks about them in the last days beware people this is just thye starting of the false ones expect thousand more and dont forget the catholic church is on the rise read revelation chapter seventeen verse nine here is the mind which has wisdom the seven heads are seven mountain on which the woman sits the woman meaning the catholic church rome is the only city to be built on seven hills the pope wears a dragon fish heat mitre this one symbol should be enought to convinced the right minded sober person that the entire roman catholic church is accursed the head of dragon is the fish god of babylon please people do not worship any graven image or any likeness exodus 20 verse 5 thou shall not bow down thyself to them exodus 20 verse 5 the catholic church is the harlot and abominations of the earth revelation 17 notice the catholic religion calls herself a woman the bible calls catholicism a whore and a great whore she is comitting spiritual fornication with the kings and rulers of the earth why is it inside the catholic church the cross is upside down well people it symbolized mockery and rejection of jesus another sign that mocks the cross is the cross of nero or peace signthe bent cross is also a symbol of evil the bent cross is the cross which the pope holds in his hand this bent crucifix is a sinister symbol used by satanist in the six century this was a bent or broken cross on which was displayed a repulsive and distorted figure of christ it is use to represent the biblical terms it was carried by two john pauls and held up to revered crowds who had not the slightest idea what it stood for the antichrist

    • Born Again
      May 30, 2011

      Amen! Thanks God I am saved already! Positive vibes.

      • Concern
        May 31, 2011

        That was how he interpret the scriptures for himself, a lot the same persons are out there but the only difference is, this man came out loud. Why kill someone for his outspoken belief. What if you should hear the others, what would you do? all we have to do is repent of our sins be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus, received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and continue to live a Godly sober life that is the ultimate.

    • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
      May 31, 2011

      What does the Catholic Church have to do with that man Camping predicting the end of the world and the Jamaican man, Lewis, who echoed his stupidity and was fired from his job? Why do you not stick to the issue of this article?
      What have you got against the Catholic Church and the Popes? What have they done to you? Why do you hate them?
      Satan rules your heart. Satan knows which Church is The One and Only True Church and it is not the one you regard and worship in. Satan also knows about the thousands of churches which have been formed down through the ages with more to come until Judgment Day. Woe to them. Their leaders and followers will be keeping company with Satan in the everlasting cauldron of fire.
      Satan said to Our Almighty Father, I will not serve. You are saying the same thing and making that same mistake, the sin of disobedience and pride as you criticize the Catholic Church for what It has not done to you.
      Where did you get this nonsensical information from? No doubt, from the enemies of the Catholic Church.
      It is this same teaching as contained in your comment which also caused Camping, Lewis, their believers and supporters to predict the end of the world.
      You know absolutely nothing about the Catholic Church and Its faith. You are not an expert on Catholicism and you should therefore steer clear out of speaking about It. You are totally wrong.
      Many of you are so gullible to believe what your so-called leaders inform you.
      God sent His Only Son to earth that whoever believes in Him might be saved, if they obey His (Our) Heavenly Father’s Will.
      You are not obeying Our Heavenly Father by criticizing and lambasting the Catholic Church. Woe to you! You lack love and harbor hatred in your heart. Cleanse your heart.
      The Catholic Church was formed 2000 years ago. To be precise, 2011 years ago. How old is your church?
      It was Our Heavenly Father’s intention prior to Our Lord Jesus Christ’s coming that there would be but one church, namely The Catholic Church which means a Universal Church.
      It was never Our Lord’s intention that there would be thousands of churches which were formed after the Catholic Church was established by Our Lord Jesus Christ.
      Those churches as yours have created lack of love, disunity and lack of peace. So much for people as you going to church, praying to God and speaking of Holy Scriptures.
      It appears to me that you have not yet accepted Our Lord Jesus Christ as Lord, King and Savior of the world. Based on this you will never enter God’s Kingdom of Love, Peace and Unity.
      I have noted how many as you lack God’s love, blessing, graces, peace and enlightenment. If you did you would not make such comments against the Catholic Church.
      Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “By your words you will be acquitted and by your words you will be condemned.”
      People condemn themselves by their very own words as imbedded in their heart, mind and thoughts. It is a dirty mark on the soul which they carry around with them. They go to bed with it, sleep with it, wake up with it, go about their business with it and project it in their vile words, speech and comments.
      Read what is contained in the New Testament as taught to us by Our Lord Jesus Christ and the writings of the Apostles, as inspired by The (His) Holy Spirit.
      The day will come when you will pay for what you have said against the Catholic Church.
      The Catholic Church is not man-made. It was established by Our Heavenly Father Himself as it was meant from the beginning of time to the end of time. This is why It still stands, no matter what befalls it and how much criticism it receives from people as you. Since the Catholic Church was established by God Himself, it will never fall. All others as your religion will fail and fall in time but never The Catholic Church. This is why It is so hated by people as you.
      This hatred which you spew against the Catholic Church comes directly from the Jaws of Hell. Satan is rampant in the world, going about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour for his eternal cauldron. We are told to reject him. You are helping him in his evil works, following him to this cauldron which was prepared for him and his followers.
      I know which Church God Himself has established which is why as a baptized Catholic who made First Holy Communion and Confirmed in It continue to remain in It and worship in It. I am no fool. I do not follow any fly-by-night religion.
      Religions that teach hatred for the Catholic Church and speak ill of It are not authentic ones who have loving leaders and members. I can assure you that God is not pleased with people as you.
      I suggest that you and others who have only evil words to say about the Catholic Church pray to God to enlighten you about the Catholic Church.
      Keep in mind that you cannot enter Heaven with hatred in your heart for anyone and for their Church. Many of you appear to not know better. What are you being taught in those churches?
      A condition for entering Heaven is to “Love one another as you love yourself.” This also includes love and respect for their Church and religious teachings, belief and devotions.

      • yet we forgive
        May 31, 2011

        Inspite of their hatred for us – We forgive
        Inspite of their teachings directed towards refuting all what we stand for – We forgive
        Inspite of all our shortcomings – We forgive

        Together with the founder of our church, Jesus Christ – We forgive
        Together with all our leaders including our Pope – We forgive
        Together with all the holy angels and saints – We forgive

        With our Holy Bibles – We forgive
        With our Rosaries – We forgive
        With all our sacramentals – We forgive

        • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
          May 31, 2011

          @ Yet we forgive

          You are so correct. Your response is worth passing on.
          We do not go about speaking ill of and hating anyone for their religion and religious beliefs. It goes to show which religion is The One and Only True Church as established by Our Lord Jesus Christ.
          We project genuine love for them as Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us. We only speak the truth. Continue spreading the word.
          God bless you always!

  6. longtongue
    May 30, 2011

    after all man put christ throught why would he come on earth again.read ur bible and understand christ is ot come until man destroy their own self’s

  7. eh sa!
    May 30, 2011


  8. AmazingFace
    May 30, 2011

    He should go to Harold Camping for a job now.

  9. shatta
    May 30, 2011

    dem man dere are workers of the devils ,you can only fool the dum and the dotish

  10. ha ha
    May 30, 2011

    Of course my comment would not show up…. AGAIN I SAY BEEF UP ALYOU REPORTING IT SUCKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Admin: the Gleaner newspaper that broke the story did not mention where Michael Lewis worked, neither do any news media in Jamaica. They wanted to give some level of privacy to this man because of the level of hostility this matter has generated. If you have a problem write to the Jamaica Gleaner and tell them to furnish you with the information you desire.

    • wi bourday
      May 30, 2011

      @ Admin . LMAO let do their own research the man right Jamaica what you want to know all that for . They to like Tory

  11. Is so it is
    May 30, 2011

    At least Roman Catholics say “.Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, WORLD WITHOUT END, Amen”.

  12. DR
    May 30, 2011

    Where there`s no vision the people perish, sound familier?? The lessons to be derived from those who think they can come on the various forms of media and blantantely lie to the {M} a*ses and get away with it let them be put on notice we the masses and Bright loving Dominicans will not tolerate such behaviour the longest rope has an end. According to their best friend. “They too Will be FIRED!!Who the cap fit let them wear it.

  13. Dr.Finger
    May 30, 2011

    What an IDIOT. :lol:

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